The Believer's Deliverance Hand - David Chapman

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The document discusses seven levels of demonic involvement (regression, repression, suppression, depression, oppression, obsession, possession) and how to identify them. It also outlines steps for casting out demons.

The seven levels of demonic involvement discussed are: regression, repression, suppression, depression, oppression, obsession, and possession.

Some signs of demonic oppression or possession mentioned include abnormal behavior, darkness in the eyes, and a hardened stomach area where the spirit of man is located.

The Believer’s


7 Levels
of Demonic Involvement
& How to Minister Deliverance

David Chapman
The Believer’s Deliverance Handbook:
7 Levels of Demonic Involvement and How to Minister Deliverance

David Chapman

Printed in the United States of America. All rights reserved under

International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced
in whole or in part in any form without the expressed written consent of the

All Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless otherwise

Copyright © 2014

TRU Publishing
P.O. Box 201
Thatcher, Arizona 85552
Table of Contents

Demonic Involvement 4

1. Regression 11
2. Repression 17
3. Suppression 23
4. Depression 28
5. Oppression 35
6. Obsession 45
7. Possession 49
How Demon Possession Occurs 57
How to Cast Out Demons 67
Demonic Involvement

When one considers the subject of demons or evil spirits, the topic usually
centers on what we term “demon possession.” However, the Bible has
much to say about demons and their varying degrees of involvement with
both unbelievers and believers. The purpose for this Deliverance Handbook
is to educate believers in the devices of the devil and train them in the
armor of God. I Corinthians 2:11 advises us not to be ignorant of Satan’s

I Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are
not ignorant of his devices.

A person does not reach a state of demon possession overnight. With the
exception of willful dedication to Satan, it a progressive takeover. There are
definite stages in which the process can be reversed. The seven levels listed
in this handbook are generally accepted by full gospel scholars such as
Lester Sumrall, Derek Prince and others.

The list is in no way exhaustive of Satan's workings, neither is it dogmatic

in its order. It is simply a representation of how the devil and his kingdom
of darkness operate.

Consider the demonization of Judas Iscariot. He did not go from being a

disciple of Jesus to becoming a demonized betrayer overnight. There were
definite points of advancement in Satan's takeover of his life. The list below
reveals three definite levels of demonic involvement in Judas' life:

1. Regression to earlier behavior patterns – that of stealing. John

12:6: "This [Judas] said, not that he cared for the poor, but
because he was a thief." Sin opens the door for further
demonic activity.
2. Oppression and obsession had set in, for he was listening to
and receiving the devil's lies of betrayal. John 13:2: "And
supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the
heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray Him." At this
point, total possession had not occurred.
3. Possession occurred at the last supper, when Jesus spoke of
one of them betraying Him. The amazing thing is that the
disciples didn't know who it was. The 11 had not detected any
abnormal behavior from Judas at all. Scripture says they were
"perplexed about whom He spoke" (John 13:22). There are
many who are suffering from demonic problems who appear
to carry out normal everyday lives, even in the church world.
Judas was about to bring the whole ministry down and no one
even knew it, except Jesus. John 13:27: "Now after the piece
of bread, Satan entered him.”

The Works of the Flesh

Before we get into the different levels of demonic involvement, I want to

look at the works of the flesh and how they affect a believer. Galatians
5:19-21 lists 17 works of the flesh and these can't be cast out; they have to
be denied and crucified. However, if left undealt with, they will open the
door for demonic oppression.

There are four major classifications of the works of the flesh:

4 sins of lust
2 sins of Superstition and Witchcraft
9 sins of the temper
2 sins of the appetite

1. Works of the flesh that are Lustful and Sexual in nature:

1. Adultery – Greek: moicheia, unlawful sexual relations

between men and women, single or married (Mt. 5:32; Mt.
15:19; Mk. 7:21; Jn. 8:3; Gal. 5:19, Mt. 5:27-28; Mt. 19:18;
Mk. 10:19; Lk. 16:18; Lk. 18:20; Jn. 8:4; Rom. 2:22; 13:9; Jas.
2:11; Rev. 2:22).
2. Fornication – Greek: porneia, same as adultery above in
addition to all manner of other unlawful relations (Mt. 5:32).
This may also include the use of pornography (porneia).
3. Uncleanness – Greek: akatharsia, whatever is opposite of
purity – including sodomy, homosexuality, lesbianism,
pederasty, bestiality, and all other forms of sexual perversion
(Mt. 23:27; Rom. 1:21-32; Rom. 6:19; 2 Cor. 12:21; Eph.
4:19; Eph. 5:3; Col. 3:5; 1 Th. 2:3; 1 Th. 4:7; 2 Pet. 2; Jude)
4. Lasciviousness – Greek: aselgeia, licentiousness, lustfulness,
unchastity, and lewdness (Mk. 7:22; 2 Cor. 12:21; Gal. 5:19;
Eph. 4:19; 1 Pet. 4:3; Jude 4); wantonness (Rom. 13:13; 2 Pet.
2:18); filthy (2 Pet. 2:7). Lasciviousness is the promoting or
partaking of that which tends to produce lewd emotions,
anything tending to foster sex sin and lust.

2. Works of the flesh that are Witchcraft and Superstitious in


5. Idolatry – Greek: eidololatreia, image-worship (1 Cor. 10:14;

Gal. 5:20; Col. 3:5; 1 Pet. 4:3). Idolatry includes anything on
which affections are passionately set; extravagant admiration
of the heart (Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5).
6. Witchcraft – Greek: pharmakeia, (This word gives us our
English word: Pharmacy) sorcery, practice of dealing with
evil spirits; magical incantations and casting spells and
charms upon one, including by means of drugs (this is not only
illegal, but can be over the counter or prescribed drugs) and
potions of various kinds (Rev. 9:21; Rev. 18:23; Rev. 21:8;
Rev. 22:15; Lk. 12:29).

3. Works of the flesh that are related to Temper:

7. Hatred – Greek: echthra, (Lk. 23:12; Rom. 8:7; Eph. 2:15-16;

Jas. 4:4). Bitter dislike, abhorrence, malice, and ill-will against
anyone; tendency to hold grudges against or be angry at
8. Variance – Greek: eris, (Rom. 1:29). Dissensions, discord,
quarreling, debating, and disputes.
9. Emulations – Greek: zeloi, envies, jealousies; striving to excel
at the expense of another; seeking to surpass and outdo others;
uncurbed rivalry spirit in religion, business, society, and other
fields of endeavor. Zeal (Jn. 2:17; Rom. 10:2; 2 Cor. 7:11; 2
Cor. 7:1; 2 Cor. 9:2; Phil. 3:6; Col. 4:13), fervent mind (2 Cor.
7:7), envy 2 (Acts 13:45; Rom. 13:13; 1 Cor. 3:3; 2 Cor.
12:20; Jas. 3:14-15), jealousy (2 Cor. 11:2); indignation (Acts
5:17; Heb. 10:27), and emulation (Gal. 5:20).
10. Wrath – Greek: thumos, turbulent passions; domestic and
civil turmoils; rage; indignation; determined and lasting
anger. (Lk. 4:28; Acts 19:28; 2 Cor. 12:20; Eph. 4:31; Col.
3:8; Heb. 11:27; Rev. 12:12; Rev. 14:8-19; Rev. 15:1-7; Rev.
16:1; Rev. 18:3), (Rom. 2:8), and fierceness (Rev. 16:19; Rev.
11. Strife – Greek: eritheia, strife (2 Cor. 12:20; Phil. 2:3; Jas.
3:14-16), Contention (Phil. 1:16; Rom. 2:8). Disputations;
jangling, strife about words; angry contentions; contest for
superiority or advantage; strenuous endeavor to equal or pay
back in kind the wrongs done to one.
12. Seditions – Greek: dichostasia, divisions (Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor.
3:3) seditions, parties, and factions (Gal. 5:20). Popular
disorder; stirring up strife in religion, government, home, or
any other place.
13. Heresies – Greek: hairesis, (Acts 5:17), a choosing, hence, a
sect. The word itself has no evil meaning. It refers to a
doctrinal view or belief at variance with the recognized and
accepted tenets of a system, church, or party. It only takes on
an evil meaning when sound doctrine is rejected and fallacy is
accepted and taught in preference to truth.
14. Envyings – Greek: phthonoi, Pain, ill-will, and jealousy at the
good fortune or blessing of another; the most base of all
degrading and disgraceful passions. (Mt. 27:18; Mk. 15:10;
Rom. 1:29; Phil. 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:4; Tit. 3:3; Jas. 4:5; 1 Pet.
15. Murders – Greek: phonoi, (Mt. 15:18) to kill; to spoil or mar
the happiness of another; hatred (1 Jn. 3:15).

4. Works of the flesh that are related to Appetite:

16. Drunkenness – Greek: methai, (Lk. 21:34; Rom. 13:13).

Living intoxicated; a slave to drink; drinking bouts.
17. Revellings – Greek – komoi, (1 Pet. 4:3) rioting (Rom. 13:13)
Lascivious and boisterous feastings, with obscene music, and
other sinful activities; pleasures; carousing.

Seven Levels of Demonic Involvement

This is the list of the seven levels of demonic involvement:

1. Regression
2. Repression
3. Suppression
4. Depression
5. Oppression
6. Obsession
7. Possession

The first four levels of demonic involvement (regression, repression,

suppression, and depression) do not require deliverance ministry as we have
come to know it—the actual casting out of demons. These first four levels
are very subtle in form and often undetected.

However, demon powers are at work in these first four levels in a large
scale way. Millions of Christians are defeated in these very areas. The
deliverance ministry of Jesus is indeed needed in these cases, but it is
practically applied upon one's self through the whole armor of God and the
weapons of the Holy Spirit.
Before we begin this study, I want to reiterate that we are in no way
"fighting to get the victory." We are FIGHTING FROM THE PLACE
OF VICTORY! Jesus already defeated the devil; our role is to demonstrate
his defeat.
1. Regression

The first level of demonic involvement against a believer is that of

regression. To regress means: “To go backward, to not press forward; to
revert to an earlier behavior pattern.”

As Christians, we're in a Battle Zone. This zone does not permit us to

remain stationary. We are either going forward or backward all the time.
Some do not understand this and think that as long as they're not
committing any gross sin, that they are all right. This is known as the
Comfort Zone. Those in the comfort zone are actually prisoners of war, and
they don't even know it. Their comfort is only a figment of their
imagination. As long as we are in this earth suit called flesh, we are called
to fight the good fight!

Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul at the end of his life:

2 Timothy 4:6-7
The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I
have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

A good fight is one that you win! When I lost a fight as a boy, it was not a
good fight. God has called us to win. Prisoners of war are not fighting the
good fight; they are taken captive by the enemy. They are of no use to God
and are no threat to the devil. Notice that Paul said he was ready to depart
to be with the Lord. Some people think that heaven is the promise land,
sweet Canaan; many of the old hymns have taught us that. But how could
heaven be Canaan when the Bible says that there are enemy giants in
Canaan. No, right here and now is our promise land. We have to fight the
good fight until the time of our departure, then our fighting is over, glory to
Another term for regression is lukewarm. When you are lukewarm, you are
neither hot nor cold. God actually says that He would rather a person be
cold than lukewarm! If one persists in being lukewarm, look what God said
He would do to them:

Revelation 3:15-16
I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you
were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold
nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth.

Many have been deceived by Satan into regression and lukewarmness. He

has duped many believers back into earlier behavior patterns, patterns that
do not come from within (the hidden man of the heart), but from a
conformity to the world (see Rom. 12:2). The Word tells us that it is the
little foxes that spoil the vine (Song 2:15). When we allow the "little things"
from our past creep back into our lives, it is an open door for the larger
things. As Christians, we like to categorize sins. We place murder, adultery,
stealing and drunkenness up at the top. But like Saul of Tarsus, the Pharisee,
we can abstain from all of that without much difficulty. Then he read,
"Thou shalt not covet" and Paul said, "Sin deceived me" (Rom. 7:7-11).

Many today are allowing sin to deceive them. They do not even realize that
the power of God is waning from their life. Like Samson, they are flirting
with the world and abusing the anointing of God in their lives. Three times
in Judges 14 and 15 we read that "the Spirit of the Lord came upon
Samson" (14:6, 19; 15:14). He was doing mighty works by the anointing of
God. But Satan’s assignment is to entice:

Judges 16:4-5
Now afterward it happened that he loved a woman in the Valley of
Sorek, whose name was Delilah. And the lords of the Philistines came
up to her and said to her, "Entice him and find out where his great
strength lies, and by what means we may overpower him, that we may
bind him and afflict him.
There is an all-out attack from Satan against those with the anointing of
God upon their lives. He entices God's servants with the “three G's”:

1. The Glory
2. The Gold
3. The Girls

If you examine the recent collapses of major ministries, you will find these
three allurements at the center. Satan's methods have never changed. He
uses the same bait as he did six thousand years ago.

In Judges 16, we read once again of three supernatural feats, only this time
it does not say, "The Spirit of the Lord came upon Him." The anointing was
gone; all that remained was the lingering Spirit for the purpose of
repentance (see Psalm 51:10-12). Samson was mistaking the Holy Spirit's
lingering presence, for the purpose of repentance, for the anointing for the
supernatural. He was squandering God's holy presence on feats that were
more suited for a side show! He was playing with Delilah.

Satan's attacks for the purpose of regression are relentless. "And it came to
pass, when she pestered him daily with her words and pressed him, so that
his soul was vexed to death" (Judges 16:16). Do not try to hold on to the
world with one hand and God with the other. It is hard to live easy for God,
but it is easy to live hard for Him!

Some have regressed to the point that they don't even know the Holy
Spirit's anointing has lifted from their life. They have been too busy
amusing themselves with the attractions of this world. One day Samson
came to a rude awakening:

Judges 16:20-21
And she said, "The Philistines are upon you, Samson!" So he awoke
from his sleep, and said, "I will go out as before, at other times, and
shake myself free!" But he did not know that the LORD had departed
from him. Then the Philistines took him and put out his eyes, and
brought him down to Gaza. They bound him with bronze fetters, and
he became a grinder in the prison.

This is one of the saddest stories in the entire Bible. I am not saying that all
who regress will end up in this destitute condition. My warning is, when
you're playing games with God, flirting with the world, there comes a point
where you don't realize your true spiritual condition. At that point, Satan
may already have his hook in your jaw.

Samson presumed that he would go out and shake himself as before and the
power of God would come. When the anointing is gone, the old formulas
don't work!

The LORD had already departed from him, including the remnants of what
once was. Samson was not a muscular man as some portray. If he had
looked like Mr. Universe, they would have known where his power was
coming from. His strength was not in his hair, but in the covenant it
symbolized. Without the anointing, he was an ordinary man. Don't ever
begin to think that you are incapable of falling.

They put out Samson’s eyes. The losing wrestler in the Greek wrestling
matches that Paul wrote about in Ephesians 6:12 had their eyes gouged out.
There was no discernment left in Samson's life, now he had lost his physical
eyes as well.

He was bound and made a grinder in the prison. He had gone from being a
mighty champion for God to becoming a prisoner to his enemies. It all
began with regressing and taking his affections off of Yahweh.

Regression is not a stronghold, but a foothold. However, a stronghold

begins with a foothold. Ephesians 4:27 says, "Give no place [opportunity]
to the devil" If you give the devil an inch, he will take a mile. Satan is very
subtle; it can all begin with missing a couple of church services, or missing
your time of morning prayer. After the first few times, it gets easier and
easier to miss.
Ask the Holy Spirit right now if there is any area in which you have
regressed and given the devil place. Ask God for forgiveness and do a 180
degree turnabout! Don't let another day go by in this backward condition!
2. Repression

The second level of demonic involvement is repression. To be repressed

means: “To be hindered or restrained from spiritual expression (e.g., joy,
praise, tongues, witnessing, etc.), literally, to squeeze."

Satan desires to hinder freedom of expression in a Christian's life, for he

knows that the believer's freedom of expression is an expression of
freedom! The devil knows the great deposit of power placed in the
believer's spirit; he desires to hold that back from manifestation. He wants
to squeeze upon the Christian and hold him back in defeat. Satan's methods
of repression begin early in life as he tries to repress our God given

With some people, shyness or timidity is a small part of their makeup, but
with others, it controls and dominates them; they have no ability to open up
in a relationship and be themselves. This is a tormenting existence. Some
are stricken with fear around new people or unfamiliar surroundings. Those
who are extroverted in their personality cannot understand what it feels like
to be in this inner prison, wanting to come out, yet feeling bound. Listen to
what 2 Timothy 1:7 says:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear [timidity], but of power and of
love and of a sound mind.

This spirit of fear or timidity does not come from God. It is not a part of
your God-given personality. Therefore, if it is not from God, and it is a
spirit, it must be from the devil. Now let's read this same verse from the
Amplified Bible:

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity – of cowardice, of craven

and cringing and fawning fear--but [He has given us a spirit] of power
and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-

Paul was writing this to Timothy, who because of his young age was
drawing back from his calling and repressing the gifts of God in him. Paul
told him in the previous verse (v 6) to stir up the gift of God in him.
Timothy had allowed Satan to falsely accuse him because of his
inexperience. He had begun to hold back the full expression of what God
had called him to be. With repression comes shame (v 8) because of the
knowledge one has of not doing the will of God.

It will not be long after one has regressed that repression begins to manifest.
Listen to the sad words of the Psalmist concerning Israel's captivity to

Psalm 137:1, 4
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept when we
remembered Zion… How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a foreign

Repression steals your song; it robs you of the freedom you once knew in
Christ. Inwardly you weep because you know where you should be. You
remember Zion and its freedom and joy, but now that seems a million miles
away. Such is the case when one is under the spirit of repression.

Like being by the rivers of Babylon brought only sadness, there is a link
between repression and our environment. Have you ever been in a place
where you felt bound, not free in the spirit? This is an indication and
symptom of demonic activity. I have been in homes, churches, and entire
cities and experienced this. This is a form of repression. Repression is
difficult to put your finger on many times because you may not know where
it's coming from. Other times, the source is quite obvious.

Many people live in an environment of negativity; this itself can cause

repression to attack a person. When a person is around someone that is
constantly negative, cynical or critical, it has an effect upon the spirit. This
type of environment represses the victory of God in a person. This is
produced by the transference of spirits. As a pastor, I have walked into
homes — of Christians – and felt this spirit there so strongly you could cut
it with a knife. Then they wonder why they're not receiving their healing.
God is not free to move in an environment like that.

A person can only be around bitter water so long before it starts to affect
them and contaminate the sweet water. Our life is like a fountain that
springs forth from the inner-most man. James asks the question: Does a
spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? (James

If God has placed sweet water in you, don't jeopardize it by yielding to the
bitter. If you give place to bitterness, envy and self-seeking then the sweet
water of God's presence is going to be repressed. James carries through
with this thought by saying:

This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual,
demonic. For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every
evil thing will be there.

Notice the progression of activities unto a demonic state. No one starts out
this way, but this is where it leads. First, earthly; second, sensual (Lit.
"soulish"); Finally, demonic.

1. Earthly
2. Sensual
3. Demonic

Also note the use of the words "where" and "there." James says that where
this bitter water is, there is confusion and every evil thing in that place.
Confusion is another symptom of repression. Confusion makes the mind
feel that it is being "squeezed upon."
Paul had an experience with repression in Acts chapter 16. Verse 16 says,
“Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed
with a spirit of divination met us.” The Greek word for "divination" is
"Pythos," the same word that we get "python" from. She literally had the
spirit of python and it was controlling the whole city. A python does not
bite its victims; instead it wraps itself around the victim and gradually
squeezes the life out of them. Remember, repress means to squeeze upon.

This girl followed Paul's ministry team for several days, undetected. She
was saying all the right words: “These men are the servants of the Most
High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (v 17). Yet Paul was
grieved and repressed in his spirit. Still, he could not put his finger on it in
the natural. This spirit of python was squeezing upon his ministry team
gradually, trying to suck the life out of them before they realized what hit
them. This type of activity goes on in churches all the time. As a matter of
fact, it is often a requirement in Satanic orders to be a member of a church,
to infiltrate and work havoc from within.

Finally, the gift of discerning of spirits manifested through Paul and he

dealt directly with the problem:

Acts 16:18
And this she did for many days. But Paul, greatly annoyed , turned
and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to
come out of her." And he came out that very hour.

Due to this deliverance, after a short time of persecution, the city opened up
to revival! If you are going through a time of repression, a time of
squeezing, a time of hindrance, ask God for the gift of discerning of spirits.
This may be for you individually, for your church, or for your city. Write
down what God shows you and begin to take authority in the spirit realm.
Command the spirit of python to loose your mind, your home, your church,
and your city!

The Lord will also reveal areas in which you have given the devil place.
This requires repentance and cleansing. When washing Peter's feet, Jesus
said, "If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me" (John 13:8). Peter
responded by telling Jesus to wash his hands and face too. But Jesus said,
"He who is bathed [clean] needs only to wash his feet" (v 10). You don't
need to get saved all over again, just get free from the contamination that
has defiled and repressed.
3. Suppression

The third level of demonic involvement is that of suppression. To suppress

means: “To bury or suppress, especially in regards to hurts and wounds
(unforgiveness), allowing it to fester and spread.”

So many Christians fail to guard their heart in the area of forgiveness.

Unforgiveness is one of the biggest tools of Satan in defeating a Christian.
Proverbs 4:23 says, "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs
the issues of life." Satan wants to get us in strife with another brother or
sister in Christ. As Christians, we have to continually check our hearts to
see if we are walking in love. Some want to say that they're walking by
faith, but faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). The Greek word for “love”
is agape, which means “the unconditional love of God.”

Listen to some of the attributes of agape love as found in I Corinthians

chapter 13:

Longsuffering (v 4)
Kind (v 4)
Not envious (v 4)
Does not parade itself (v 4)
Is not puffed up (v 4)
Is not rude (v 5)
Is not self-centered (v 5)
Is not provoked (v 5)
Thinks no evil (v 5)
Does not rejoice at others’ sin (v 6)
Rejoices in the Truth (v 6)
Bears all things (v 7)
Believes all things (v 7)
Endures all things (v 7)
Agape Love never fails (v 8)
Satan is constantly attacking this testimony of Christian love. For Jesus
said, "By this [love] all will know that you are My disciples" (John 13:35).
A believer must protect his spirit from allowing anything in that would
defile and suppress the spirit. Proverbs 18:14 says: The spirit of a man will
sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? (KJV).

In other words, protect your spirit and your spirit will protect you. A
spiritual wound is subject to infection (unclean spirits) if not properly
cleansed, just like a physical wound. This cleansing is accomplished
primarily through forgiveness. If the spirit is protected, it has the ability to
heal any hurt or rejection that comes against the believer. However, when
the hurt is meditated upon and mulled over – when there has been no
forgiveness released to the other party – it opens up the spirit for infection.
Though the born again spirit cannot produce sin (I John 3:9), it can be
defiled by it:

2 Corinthians 7:1
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from
all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of

When bitterness is harbored in the spirit it can leave devastating effects

upon the spirit, soul, and even body of a person. Hebrews 12:15 says that
the root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble and defilement to many.
I personally know of many incidents of bitterness causing physical
sickness and disease. James 5:15-16 speaks of receiving healing and
confessing your faults and receiving forgiveness of sin all in the same
context. Solomon wrote, "A wounded spirit who can bear?" Its effects are
far reaching. Some, knowing the root of their problem, still refuse to let go.
Satan has infected that wound to the point that they would rather die in that
condition than to forgive and be healed.

A person suffering from suppression often manifests a spirit of

rejection. From their perception, they are a victim in every incident. They
do not bear a consciousness of their own responsibility and accountability
before God. As long as these wounds and offenses are suppressed and
buried within an individual, Satan will continually poke at them through

This can be illustrated by the proverbial stone in the shoe. Hurt,

unforgiveness and rejection are all the stone. It is constantly felt and
constantly has a crippling influence. Denial says that there must be
something wrong with the path – it does not want to look inward. They are
always changing jobs, changing churches, even changing spouses, trying to
find the right path. The problem is not the path but the stone in the shoe, or
the unforgiveness and rejection within. When this is dealt with, God's path
for that person's life becomes a joy.

Once the protective system of the spirit has been torn down and the spirit
has become wounded, one loses rule of his spirit. Proverbs 25:28 says,
"Whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down without
walls." The person becomes broken down without walls of protection. Then
it becomes a matter of falling right into Satan's trap. One erects the false
walls of self-rejection to protect an already wounded spirit. This is Satan's
counterfeit of the spirit's protection. A person begins to reject people before
they have a chance to be rejected. However, these same false walls the keep
further hurt from coming in also keep out the healing that God tries to send.

This root of bitterness that Hebrews 12:15 said would spring up and cause
trouble, will be like a magnet drawing trouble and further hurt unto itself.
The walls of self-rejection cannot truly protect a person. Jesus told a parable
about an unforgiving servant (Matt. 18:21-35). This man was forgiven
much by the king, but he responded by holding a grudge against someone
that owed him just a little. He had that man thrown into prison. When the
king heard about it, he had the unforgiving servant delivered to the
tormenters. Unforgiveness is a prison house of torment.

Jesus said that He came "to heal the broken hearted" (Luke 4:18). You may
not be able to set yourself free from this prison of unforgiveness and
rejection, but the anointing of God will break the yoke (Isaiah 10:27)! But
the anointing can't flow and break the yoke until forgiveness is extended.
As long as you are regarding or retaining iniquity in your heart, the Lord
will not hear you (see Psalm 66:18). Listen to the words of Jesus as He was
teaching on receiving from God:

Mark 11:25 Amplified Bible

And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone,
forgive him and let it drop – leave it, let it go – in order that your
Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and
shortcomings and let them drop.

If you have been wounded or hurt deeply in the past, there are no magic
formulas for healing. Healing may come like peeling an onion, undoing
layer after layer. Some have suppressed and buried things so deep and for
so long that they don't even acknowledge their influence anymore. But
know this, if you haven't forgiven and let go, it's still hanging on! Burying
things within doesn't make them go away.

I'm not talking about healing of the memories or any of the other inner
healing techniques either. I'm talking about letting the Holy Spirit lead you
through a time of repentance for walking in unforgiveness and a time of
forgiveness toward all that have wronged you – releasing and letting go.
Letting the anointing come in and break every yoke!

Forgiveness and healing is waiting at the feet of Jesus. Receive deliverance

from all of the infections of your open wounds. Scars will remain, but they
will only serve to remind you of the power of God that delivered you.
4. Depression

The fourth level of demonic involvement is that of depression. To be

depressed means: “To deviate from your God-even personality and spiral
downward in despair and hopelessness.”

Occasional, temporary depression tries to attack most people. Moses got

discouraged and asked God to kill him (Numbers 11:14-15); he said, "The
burden is too heavy for me." Elijah had a pity party under the juniper tree;
he too asked God to kill him: "It is enough! Now, LORD, take my life" (I
Kings 19:4). Jonah too said, "It is better for me to die than to live," as he sat
under a gourd (Jonah 4:8). These were all mighty prophets of God, but still
human just like us. I would say that asking God to kill you was an attack of
depression, wouldn't you?

Have you ever felt that the burden was too heavy, or that you had indeed
had enough and couldn't take anymore, or that it was better for you to die
than to live? These three men of God all made it through their temporary
depression, though we're not quite sure what happened to Jonah. Depression
causes you to see things differently from what they really are. It causes you
to see everything in a negative light, adding with it the emotions of despair.
And while this type of depression tries to attack all of us at times, there are
some that constantly live under the dark cloud of hopelessness and
despair. For them depression is a way of life.

It is easy to understand how an unbeliever can suffer from depression, for

there is no hope in Christ. Yet as the examples of Moses, Elijah and Jonah
showed us, it can happen to children of God as well. While theirs was
temporary, many others do not resist the devil, and allow depression to
become a way of life. They accept depression as if it is a natural and normal
part of their lives. It is neither natural nor normal; the Bible identifies it as a
spirit! Isaiah 61:3 calls it a "spirit of heaviness."
It is evident that one’s status in life has no bearing upon this terrible state.
Many who are rich and famous suffer terribly from depression. Suicide
rates for movie stars and rock stars are proportionately high. All of the
exterior things that we think will make us happy only further the emptiness
within. Proverbs 14:12-13 says, "There is a way which seems right to a
man, but its end is the way of death. Even in laughter the heart may

I can personally identify with these verses. Before I came to Christ, I sought
happiness through drugs and alcohol. I would smile and laugh like everyone
else at the parties, but inside, my heart was sorrowful. I took the drugs to
escape my depression, but they only brought me to a further depressed
state. Thoughts of suicide constantly barraged me. I felt there was no reason
to live. My depression caused me to hate myself. I felt like I was in a black
hole and there was no way of escape. When Christ saved me, I was at the
end of my rope. Praise God! He filled me with His love! For the first time
in my life I felt peace, love and joy! I have much sympathy for those who
are in a depressed state. I know what it feels like, but like me, you can be

I would like to be able to say that I have never had another depressing
moment, but that would be lying. I am still human, and as a preacher, I too,
like Elijah, have went and sat under my “juniper tree” and had a pity party.
However, when you experientially know the truth (see John 8:32), it will
prevail against the darkness trying to beset you!

There is such a thing as a demon of self-pity. God has given me an entire

message on this subject. This demon carries a message of self-preservation.
Christ said "lose yourself," but this spirit says "save yourself." It was this
type of demon that had been assigned to stop Jesus from going to Calvary
and dying. This demon of self-pity even used one of Jesus' disciples to try
to stop him:

Matthew 16:22-23
Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, "Far be it
from You, Lord; this shall not happen to you [Greek: "Pity
yourself")!" But He turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan!
You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God,
but the things of men.

Jesus was rebuking Satan himself, not Peter. The devil was trying to get
Jesus to pity himself and not go to the cross. Jesus immediately recognized
this attack and put Satan to flight. Self-pity is never mindful of the things of
God, it caters to the flesh and self. Those who entertain the demon of self-
pity never do anything for God; they are too busy trying to find it in their
hearts to "forgive God" for the bad deal He has given them. Their life
revolves around themselves, therefore there is no time to help others and
serve God. In verse 24 Jesus gave the cure for self-pity:

1. Let him deny himself

2. And take up his cross
3. And follow Me

Unto the end, Satan was trying to get Jesus to reject the Father's will of
dying on the cross. Even while on the cross, Satan was screaming "Save
Yourself!" (see Matt. 27:40). Jesus rejected the demon of self-pity at every
turn. Jesus did not come to save Himself, but to save the world. But for Him
to save you, you first must lose yourself: "For whoever desires to save his
life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it" (Matt.

Depression, self-pity and heaviness are spirits, to deal with them in the
natural is to ignore the root. Isaiah 61:3 tells us what to do with the spirit of
heaviness; it tells us to "put on the garment of praise" in its place! The
garment of praise is something that must be "put on." God is not going to do
it for you. A depressed person might say, "I don't feel like praising the
Lord." That is why he stays depressed – he is ruled entirely by his feelings.
As long as the spirit of depression is tolerated, it will remain. Some are
what is called manic depressive. When they are up, they are all the way up.
But when they are down, they are all the way down. I have witnessed many
Christians in this place of defeat. For these people, praise must become a
lifestyle. Depression and praise cannot co-exist together.
With depression, a person is still at a level where he can free himself
through the power of praise. One thing that depression has been designed
for is to steal the praise that belongs to God. Deep within, our spirit longs
to praise God and fellowship with Him. Depression clouds out the
wonderful things God has done for us and casts despair over our lives.
Without a praise oriented life, a person is prey to the spirit of depression.
Hebrews 13:15 says to offer up the "sacrifice of praise." It must begin as an
act of faith, for with depression, trusting God is really a huge factor. At the
core of a Christian's depression is his inability to trust God. We know what
Romans 8:28 says in our head, but it must get into our heart. God will work
all things together for our good!

People in depression often enter a shutdown mode where they cease to care
about anything. Their family, their career, even their relationship with God
– they are all casualties of depression. This high level of depression is an
open door for further demonic activity in an individual, for our passivity is
all the devil needs to begin to oppress.

Lying spirits operate strongly in the area of depression. Revelation 12:10

calls Satan “the accuser of the brethren." Remember, the devil is the father
of lies (John 8:44). The only way he can defeat a Christian is through lies.
What did he do with Eve? Deceive. What did he do with Job? Accuse. The
devil lies to convince the child of God that God doesn't love him and that
the Word won't work for him. Revelation 12:11 tells us how to overcome
the accuser. It gives us three steps that I believe will also break the spirit of
depression off of a Christian's life:

1. Overcome by the blood of the Lamb. The blood of Jesus is

given as protection and deliverance for you. Plead the blood
whenever attacked with depression, and command it to leave!
2. By the word of their testimony. You've got to begin to change
your confession from negative to positive, from the lies of Satan to
the Word of God. The Word is the sword of the Spirit when spoken
from our spirit out of the mouth!
3. By loving not their lives to the death. This is the part most
people leave out when quoting this verse. You've got to stop
feeling sorry for yourself. Self-pity is destructive; it never
accomplishes any good for the Kingdom of God. Some people say,
"I hate myself… I'm so ugly." That isn't true, if you hated yourself,
you'd be glad you were ugly. I say that in humor because you've
got to begin to laugh at yourself and see things clearly. Right now,
put on the garment of praise and begin to rejoice before God and
watch sorrow and depression flee away!
Deliverance Ministry
The final three stages of demon activity: oppression; obsession; and
possession, need some type of deliverance ministry outside of the
individual. Though there are certain types of oppression that one can free
himself of. Isaiah 10:27 says that it's the anointing that breaks the yoke. If
we are dealing with a person who has walked with Christ in the past, then
much ground has been given up to Satan. Remember what Jesus said in
Matthew 6:22-24:

The lamp of the body is the eye, if therefore your eye is good, your
whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad [margin: evil or
unhealthy], your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the
light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! No one can
serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or
else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve
God and mammon.

Before we look at the three levels individually, let me say this: it is quite
common to find a Christian oppressed in some area – not normal, but
common. It is quite rare to find a Christian who is obsessed, that is, driven
by compulsive behavior. You will never find a true Christian who is demon
possessed. Possession means ownership and God owns the Christian, not
the devil. However, in the realm of oppression and obsession, there will
quite often be demonic manifestations during deliverance.
5. Oppression

Oppression is the fifth level of demonic involvement. To be

oppressed means: “To crush or overwhelm, to overpower in the physical,
mental or emotional realm.”

The Physical Realm

Let us begin our study on oppression by discussing the most visible form of
oppression, that of physical sickness and disease. This is a category of
Satan's work all to itself. Jesus spent about one-third of his time during his
earthly ministry healing the sick (see Matt. 9:35). He considered sickness to
be the work of the devil and militantly and powerfully opposed it!

All disease has its origin with sin and Satan. By "origin" I mean tracing it
back to Adam, not necessarily personal sin, though that may also be an
issue. While all disease finds its origin with sin and Satan, some has direct
involvement with demon power, and in fact needs cast out.

Through the discernment of the Holy Spirit, Jesus always knew how to deal
with each case. He knew whether it was demonically related or not, and
ministered accordingly. He would cast out deaf spirits and dumb spirits
(see Matt. 9:32-33: 12:22), but not with all who were deaf and dumb. This
is not to say that all of the afflictions were not of the devil, for the Bible
says that Jesus came for the express purpose of destroying the devil's

1 John 3:9
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might
destroy the works of the devil.

There are certain diseases that I would more readily classify as demonic.
Cancer is one of them. Cancer is a totally destructive force that steals, kills
and destroys. I am not saying that in each case that the cancer is definitely a
demon, but I believe that to be true with a large number of the cases (again,
I’m not saying that the person with cancer is demon-possessed). Whether a
demon is directly involved or not, spiritual warfare is required in all cases
of cancer. The Holy Spirit is able to grant supernatural knowledge
and discernment in how to pray for all diseases. He must be relied upon for

There is one case in the Gospels that we can glean much insight from
concerning the physically oppressed. It is found in Mark chapter 9:

Mark 9:17-18, 28-29

Then one from the multitude answered and said "Teacher, I brought
You my son, who has a mute spirit. And wherever he seizes him, he
throws him down; and he foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and
becomes rigid. So I spoke to Your disciples, that they should cast him
out, but they could not." ... And when He had come into the house,
His disciples asked Him privately, "Why could we not cast him out?"
So He said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and

This boy was tormented by demons. He had a deaf and mute spirit, and also
a demon of epilepsy (v 25). The demon would actually throw his body
down in seizures and cause great personal injury to him. The disciples, the
nine that weren't on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus, tried but
couldn't cast the demons out. They were so busy releasing the power that
they forgot to stay connected to the Power Source. Jesus cast the deaf, mute
and epileptic demons out and the disciples wanted to know why they could
not. Jesus said, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting."
In other words, spiritual warfare must precede the actual deliverance. When
dealing with demon powers that are manifesting as physical diseases, it
takes more than a little prayer of faith. It takes spiritual warfare through
prayer and fasting.

The anointing of the Holy Spirit is available to minister to all that are
physically oppressed of the devil. Sickness and disease are from the devil,
they are in no way, shape or form from God! If they were then Jesus was
out of the will of God by healing the sick. Twenty-three times in the gospels
it declares in one way or another that JESUS HEALED THEM ALL! There
were times when Jesus would heal an individual in the midst of a crowd,
but it cannot be found where Jesus turned one person away for healing.

Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with
power, Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed
by the devil, for God was with Him.

The same Holy Spirit is anointing believers today to do the same works as
Jesus (John 14:12). If you are not in a church that teaches this then move
out into a place that preaches a healing Jesus. God cannot move where the
Holy Spirit is quenched. Jesus will still heal today, all who are oppressed of
the devil.

There was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for 18 years; she was bent
over and in a hopeless situation (Luke 13:11-16). Often, a spirit of
infirmity moves throughout the body with chronic pain and/or maladies.
Jesus told this woman that she was loosed from her infirmity! After the
religious people had their theological fit, Jesus said to them: “So ought not
this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound for
eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?” (Luke 13:16).

Jesus says the same thing to you today. Isn't it time you were loosed?

The Mental Realm

The mind is the most common area of oppression. The mind is a
battlefield. The mind must be renewed to God's Word (Rom. 12:2). As a
man thinks in his heart, so he is (Prov.23:7). A stronghold in the mind is a
level of demonic oppression. It is a demonically induced pattern of thinking.
Let's examine II Corinthians 10:3-5:

II Corinthians 10:3-5 (KJV)

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. (For the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strongholds;) Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and
bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

As with depression, oppression can be on a temporary basis. It does not

have to be of a permanent nature. I believe all Christians are attacked in
this area at one time or another. The fiery darts of the enemy come against
all of God's children. Though we shouldn't, there are times that we vacate
our spiritual armor. Satan seizes these opportunities to attack the mind. New
born babes in Christ are especially prone to these attacks.

When I was first saved, I was on cloud nine. The first week was like heaven
on earth. I didn't even know the devil was anywhere in the picture. He stood
for all that was in my past. I thought our relations were over, terminated.
One night while lying upon my bed thinking of the blessings of God and all
that He'd done for me, blasphemous words came pouring into my mind,
blaspheming God and cursing His name. I was paralyzed in fear. Why
would I be having such thoughts I reasoned. It totally devastated me. I spent
the rest of the night asking God to forgive me, not realizing that the words
and thoughts weren't my own. I was determined to never let that happen
again. Over the next month it did happen on a continued basis.

I gained a little insight into where it was coming from, but still felt helpless.
No one was teaching me about my authority in Christ. One Baptist preacher
told me that it was all in my head. Well, he was partially right; my head is
where the battle was taking place. But I needed some knowledge on how to
win the battle. One night, after one of these attacks, I called a prayer
line and told the counselor of my situation. This lady prayed for me in the
authority of Jesus' name and the power of the Holy Spirit. Immediately, it
was like liquid fire going through my whole being. I was free! Satan did try
to come back in this area, but each time the thoughts would come, the fire
of the Holy Spirit would come over me and drive it out! Praise God, I did
learn my authority in Christ, but I still have to put the devil in remembrance
of that fact when he throws his fiery darts.
Mental oppression is like a vise grip upon the mind, squeezing the mind
beyond what's bearable. Stress is a major cause of health and mental
problems. In our fast-paced, complicated, highly pressurized society,
stress is becoming a formidable enemy. Financial pressures are a major
problem and drive people to do unethical and immoral things. The Bible
says: "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Be sober, be
vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion,
seeking whom he may devour" (I Peter 5:7-8). Who are the ones that Satan
can devour? The ones who aren't casting their cares and anxieties over to

Satan likes to attack the mind because he knows the principle of sowing and

Sow a thought... Reap an action.

Sow an action... Reap a habit.
Sow a habit... Reap a destiny.

Emotional Realm
Split personalities are a big problem in the mental health arena. People have
the ability to be emotionally complex. Feelings and emotions are the most
changeable force in one’s life. Anything that has the capacity to fluctuate as
much as emotion is a certain target of the devil. Early on in the Christian
walk, we must learn to walk by faith, not by our feelings.

Promiscuity is a major cause of emotional oppression. God made us to have

one mate. To join physically with another person is to join spiritually as
well. The personality becomes like a jig saw puzzle, with pieces broken off
everywhere. This brings us to the matter of soul ties. The soul is the
personality. When we mate or have close associations with emotionally
unstable people, we are making ties in the soul realm. Why is it that a
woman can get out of an abusive relationship and go out and find another
man just like him? She has a soul tie to that type of personality. The blood
of Jesus can break that tie!

Fear is another emotion that is oppressive. I John 4:18 says, "Fear has
torment." Fear is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real. Fear is not rational; if it
was, we would all fear the same thing. Fear can have a paralyzing affect
upon a person. It is like a magnet that draws unto a person the very thing
they are fearful of. Job said, "For the thing I greatly feared has come upon
me" (Job 3:25).

Fear was not given by God into the personality of man. Fear came in with
the fall of Adam. When God came into the garden after the fall, Adam and
Eve were stricken with fear (Gen. 3:10). Fear is a direct result of sin. It was
the first sign that man was separated from God. This is why Satan still likes
to place fear on people today – it robs us of true fellowship with God. It has
been said that there are 365 "Fear not's" in the Bible – one for every day of
the year. I could not verify this, however, even if there was just one, it
would be enough to cover us for every day of the year. When we receive
Christ, fear is to have no longer place in us, for it is a sign of separation
from God. In Christ, we are one with the Father through the Spirit of

Romans 8:15
You did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received
the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."

Fear is bondage, just ask anyone who is bound by it. Medical science has
listed over 40 fears or phobias ("phobos" is one of the Greek words
translated fear in the N.T.) which include:

Algophobia: fear of pain

Androphobia: fear of men
Autophobia: fear of being alone
Demophobia: fear of crowds
Ergasiophobia: fear of responsibility
Gamophobia: fear of marriage
Gynephobia: fear of women
Pantophobia: fear of the future
Peccatiphobia: fear of committing social errors
Scotophobia: fear of the dark

God hasn't given us the spirit of fear (II Tim. 1:7). The Bible says, "Perfect
love casts out fear" (I John 4:18). Let God's perfect love for your life
deliver you from all fear today!

Religious Oppression
Before closing this section on oppression, I must add that it is possible to be
religiously oppressed. Not only is it possible, but millions of professing
Christians are oppressed with religion, not to mention the billions who are
in false religions. Paul wrote that there would be a great falling away in the
last days (II Thes. 2:3). Numerous mainline denominations have denied the
faith. Some are ordaining homosexuals and performing same-sex
marriages. It is an abomination in the eyes of God.

The more subtle form of this oppression however is through the tradition of
men that makes the Word of God of no effect (Mark 7:13). Listen to what
Paul told Timothy about the times in which we are now living:

I Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from
the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.

In these last days, we are going to see more and more of it just as
prophesied. Don't let anyone tell you (for you) what the Word of God says.
God gave you the ability to read the Bible; you make everything you hear
and read line up to the Word.

In closing, Christians can be, and many are, oppressed by demon power in
one or more of the areas listed above. It is not the spirit of man that is
oppressed, but the soul and body. An entry-level type of deliverance is
necessary for oppression. There may be some type of demonic
manifestation (see Mark 9:26-27); but that does not mean they are
possessed, for that is ownership of the spirit. Oppression is not
ownership, but torment. Oppression is not in the spirit, but the soul and
body. Christian, if you are oppressed, get help immediately!

Psalm 72:4 He shall break in pieces the oppressor.

6. Obsession

The sixth level of demonic involvement is that of

obsession. Through oppressive demonic
involvement, the individual now believes that this thing in his life is beyond
his ability to cope with. In his own mind, this thing now controls him. The
person becomes driven by compulsive behavior. An example would be an
addiction, whether to alcohol, drugs, pornography or some type of

At this stage, it can be difficult to tell whether an individual is obsessed or

possessed, for the demonic involvement is so strong. I John 4:1 says to test
the spirits. It is also possible to test what level of involvement a person is
suffering. Verse 3 of I John chapter 4 states: “Every spirit that does not
confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the
spirit of the Antichrist" Though bound and obsessed, a person that is not
possessed will still be able to confess Jesus.

Professing Christians and church attendees are open to this level of attack.
When the sin problems are not dealt with, there is an open door. When you
play on the devil's turf you can expect to get snared. This is how preachers
can become driven by lust and uncleanness. When the door is opened to
pornography, an obsession takes place in the mind that is a compulsive
force of destruction.

There have been Christians commit suicide; this is definitely the work of
demon obsession. Demons so convince a person that there is nothing left to
live for that they are hopelessly driven to despair and suicide. It is rare for a
Christian to take his own life, and I believe that when that happens, each
case is judged individually by God as to their state of mind. However,
millions of unbelievers take their lives; these people are definitely in a
demonically obsessed state.
Demonic obsession is such that a person begins to oppose himself. The
Apostle Paul wrote Timothy about such cases:

2 Timothy 2:25-26
In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God
peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the
truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the
devil, who are taken captive by him at his will [to do his will].

Several points can be taken from this passage concerning the state of
demonic obsession:

1. The individual opposes himself. He has had control over his

lifestyle to the extent that opportunity was given for
repentance before obsession occurred. In Revelation 2:21
concerning Jezebel, Jesus said, "I gave her time to repent of her
sexual immorality, and she did not repent."

2. The individual must acknowledge the truth before true

repentance and deliverance can come. In all cases of obsession,
the truth becomes perverted. Romans 1:28 talks about the
reprobate mind which is void of sound judgment. Deception is a
key factor in demonic obsession. Jesus said that the truth we know
would set us free (John 8:32)!

3. The individual may recover himself from the snare of the devil.
With the help spoken of in verse 25, a person can recover himself
for the will has not been totally surrendered at this point.

4. Those in an obsessed state are considered "taken captive."

Their obsession causes them to carry out the devil's will. They
compulsively obey the demons, thinking in their own mind that
they have no ability to resist. While the ability to resist is almost
destroyed, the person is still not involuntarily controlled, which is
the case with possession.
Deliverance is absolute in cases of obsession. But it must be coupled with
genuine repentance. The individual must submit himself to God, either in
salvation or rededication, and resist the devil along with those who are
ministering deliverance. Oppressive strongholds must be torn down. The
individual must renounce all involvement with pornography, cultic or
occultic material, homosexual thought or deed, drugs or any other bondage,
as the case may be.

In Acts chapter 19, after the seven sons of Sceva were defeated by demon
power, great fear came upon the Christians that were playing games with
God. Acts 19:18 says, “Many who had believed came confessing and telling
their deeds." When a person understands the reality of spiritual warfare and
its consequences, it is a wakeup call. These New Testament believers,
converts of Paul, were practicing magic. They all brought their occultic
books and burned them. The value of those books added up to 50,000
pieces of silver! That's a lot of bondage! What was the direct result? "So the
word of the Lord grew mightily and prevailed" (Acts 19:20).

You don't have to be a slave to anything! God created man to have

dominion over all the earth, including every growing thing. All drugs and
alcohol and tobacco come from plants, plants man was to have dominion
over. Satan brings a person so low in debasement that he becomes a slave to
a plant! If compulsive behavior patterns are controlling your life, seek
for help today.
7. Possession

The seventh and final level of demonic involvement is that of possession.

Possession means: “Outright ownership and total control; to enter in to the
human spirit and take possession; to take over a person's faculties and will;
the position of the human is that of slave; demons now consider that body
their home.”

Genuine Christians cannot be demon possessed. As I have said, God owns

the Christian and the Holy Spirit inhabits the human spirit, thus
removing the remotest possibility of demon possession. However,
backsliders and former Christians who renounce God can become
possessed. II Peter chapter two speaks of such turning back:

2 Peter 2:20-22
For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the
knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again
entangled in them `and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than
the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have
known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from
the holy commandment delivered to them. But it has happened to them
according to the true proverb: "A dog returns to his own vomit," and,
"a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire."

When a Christian turns his back on God and becomes entangled again in the
pollutions of the world, he is overcome and taken captive to his sin. That
slavery to sin re-opens any doors which previously may have been open to
demon power. Actually, their condition becomes worse for them than the
beginning. God's umbrella of protection is removed from their life. They are
subject to the demonic element through their own rebellion. The young man
at the Corinthian church who was sleeping with his father's wife was
delivered over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh (I Cor. 5:5). God's
aim with this man was that his spirit might be saved, as it is with all who
fall into sin. He was eventually restored through this harsh discipline (II
Cor. 2). But we know, as with Judas, that all do not repent, and ultimately
their spirit as well as their flesh is destroyed by demonic power.

Backsliders will go through every level of demonic involvement and be

completely away from God before being open to this level. It is not a matter
of falling into sin. That sin has to be harbored and not repented of. Willful
rejection of God's forgiveness has to be accomplished. This is not a process
that goes without God's merciful intervention, but ultimately the will of the
individual will dictate.

The sinner, however, can be rapidly possessed by demons. Through opening

one's self up to the occult and the worship of Satan, instant possession can
occur. There is a great fascination among today's youth with Satanism. If
they could only understand the destruction that waits for them. Satan has
the ability to appear as an "angel of light" (II Cor. 11:14). Ezekiel 28:14-18
lists some of the attributes of Lucifer before his fall from heaven, including:
anointed, perfect, beautiful and wise. Of course these attributes have been
corrupted within him, but they are still operational in the realm of darkness.
Satan lures people into Satanism by showing them the "beautiful" side of
darkness. To dabble with Satanism is like saying, "I'm just fooling around
with this rattlesnake."

The Bible tells us in Hebrews 13:2 that angels have the ability to appear in
human form. That we even come into contact with them, thinking they are
humans. Demons are fallen angels, the one-third that fell with Lucifer (Rev.
12:4). They are not disembodied spirits from some race of men prior to
Adam; that teaching is absurd. Fallen angels also possessed this ability to
appear in human form at one time, or any other form such as the serpent in
the garden. For full manifestation, demons need a body in which to operate
through. This is why they seek to possess human bodies. But what
happened to their ability to manifest bodily?

Satan knew that the Messiah, the Seed of the woman, was going to come
and crush his head (Gen. 3:15), so he set forth on a mission to corrupt that
seed. Genesis 6:2-4 records the event of angels going in to the daughters of
men. These were fallen angels. The term "sons of God" is used. All five
times that phrase is used in the Old Testament it refers to angels. The
offspring of these unions were ungodly giants (v 4). God destroyed the
earth through the flood and saved Noah's family, the pure line of the Seed
was preserved. At some time after the flood, God judged the offending
fallen angels and cast them into Tartarus, a special section of hell:

2 Peter 2:4
For if God did not spare the angels who sinned, but cast them down to
hell [Gr. tartarus] and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be
reserved for judgment.

This can be clearly seen in Jude verses 6 and 7:

And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their
own habitation, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness
for judgment of the great day ... having given themselves over to sexual
immorality and gone after strange flesh

This trespass of leaving their own habitation and going into the daughters of
men violated God's creative order. The fallen angels that were not directly
involved were stripped of their ability to appear in human form. This is why
fallen angels or demons seek to possess a human body to express
themselves through.

The clearest example of full demon possession in the Word of God is the
demoniac from Gadara, possessed with Legion. Mark chapter five gives us
the story:

Mark 5:2-5
And when [Jesus] had come out of the boat, immediately there met
Him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his
dwelling among the tombs; and no one could bind him, not even with
chains, because he had often been bound with shackles and chains. And
the chains had been pulled apart by him, and the shackles broken in
pieces; neither could anyone tame him. And always, night and day, he
was in the mountains and in the tombs, crying out and cutting himself
with stones.

In these four verses we see what deep possession by demon spirits does to a
person. The first thing we should note is that Jesus didn't go looking for
him. Jesus never sought out demons to cast out. There are plenty to deal
with without advertising! I have great concern over someone that builds
their entire ministry around deliverance and casting out demons. Jesus
seemed to warn against this in Luke 10:20. There are those that believe
every Christian has some sort of demon to be cast out. They perform mass
deliverances in churches all across the land. This is heresy! Stay away from
those who talk more about demons than Jesus!

This man could not be bound and he possessed super-human strength.

Demons empower a person to do things beyond their strength and
intelligence. I once ministered deliverance to a four-year-old girl that could
lift an 11-year-old boy. Not only that, when taken to a psychologist, the
doctor told the mother to never bring her back; she was playing mind games
with the psychologist, telling him things that she had no ability to know.
She had been abused physically and sexually, and she had performed acts of
violence. Without leading her in any way, I asked her if anyone was telling
her to do the terrible things she was doing. Without hesitation, she said,
"The devil." She told me that demon spirits actually told her what to do and
gave her the super-human strength to carry it out.

Even shackles and chains could not contain this man possessed with
Legion. The man was crying out and cutting himself day and night. When
demons possess a person, it is usually accompanied with the promise or
feeling of power and control. That is the furthest thing from the truth. A
life of self-torment awaits the individual. There is no remedy within a
person for this tragedy. Only the power of Jesus Christ can set a tormented
person free! But when he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshipped Him.
And he cried out with a loud voice and said, "What have I to do with You,
Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God that You do not
torment me." For He said to him, "Come out of the man, unclean spirit!"
Then He asked him, "What is your name?" And he answered, saying, "My
name is Legion: for we are many."

This man wanted help. When he saw Jesus afar of he ran to Him. This was
his humanity crying out. You cannot help someone that does not want to be
helped. At that point, the demons began to speak through him (v 7). They
knew who Jesus was. He was their Master in every way. If He said "Go!"
they had no choice. The same is true for all believers who cast out demons
in Jesus' name! That is the power of attorney. By the revelation of the ruling
spirit's name, the Strongman had been identified and could be cast out (see
Matt. 12:29).

After the demons had been cast out (a legion is between three to six
thousand), Mark 5:15 tells us of his condition:

Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon
possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind.

I once heard a preacher say that a woman came into his church cussing and
blaspheming and kicking over chairs. They prayed for her, and she left
cussing, blaspheming and kicking over chairs. But he said, "She was
delivered by faith." That is foolishness! When a person is delivered, there
will be dramatic changes. They may not receive all of their deliverance at
once, but there will be noticeable differences each time.

Possession from a Demon's Point Of View

There is a place in the Bible that gives us a demon's point of view when
entering and leaving a man. This is found in Luke 11:24-26:

When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places,
seeking rest; and finding none, he says, "I will return to my house
from which I came." And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in
order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked
than himself, and the last state of that man is worse than the first.

Several key truths can be gleaned from this passage of Scripture:

Demons (lower level principalities and powers) have no rest without
the habitation of a human body. They actively and strategically pursue
this goal.

Demons always seek to return to the individual that was once their
house. People should never be delivered then left to themselves to
figure out what to do next. Demons will always seek to regain the
control that was broken. The person delivered needs discipled.

The individual in this story did not take the time to fill up his house
(mind and spirit) with the Word of God. Passivity is a revolving door
for demons. The mind must be renewed with the Word (Rom. 12:2),
and the person must be taught his authority in Christ.

The ruling spirit brought with him seven other spirits more wicked than
himself. The Greek word for "other" in this verse means "another of a
different kind." This person not only had his previous problems, but
new ones.

It is better for a person to not be delivered than to suffer re-possession.

His condition becomes seven times worse. For this reason, deliverance
should not be entered into hastily. Many times, the ones wanting the
deliverance are the friends and family and not the individual. The only
biblical grounds for deliverance is a desire to serve Christ. Wanting
relief from torment is not sufficient grounds.

In the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-20), Jesus commanded believers to

cast out demons. This is part of the job description of every Christian. This
book is not for curiosity purposes, but for practical ministry.
How Demon Possession Occurs

Four Main Avenues of Possession

In studying how demon possession occurs, it can be seen that there are four
main avenues in which a person becomes possessed by demons. Certainly
there are other ways, but these are the most prominent:

1. Involvement with the Occult

2. A Passive State of Mind or an Altered State of Consciousness
3. Excessive Sin
4. Traumatic Experiences

The Occult
This is the main avenue of genuine possession. The occult is spreading
rapidly into the mainstream, ignoring socioeconomic barriers. The New
Age movement has given more attractive terminology to the occult, and by
doing so, drawn in millions of followers. One of our recent Presidents was
involved with Astrology. Some get involved, not understanding the power
of Satan's clutches. Because they don't actually use the word "Satan," some
think that their powers are from God. Jean Dixon wrote a book about her
"powers," she termed them as the "gift of prophecy from God." All forms of
the occult are evil and are an abomination to God.

Involvement with the occult removes the divine protection of God off of an
individual. Even if the person has had no background with Christianity,
there is still the protective force of the God-given will. When yielding to the
occult, the will forfeits its protective ability. This opens a person to unclean
spirits, often disguised as spirit guides or angels. They are, in fact, demon
powers sent to deceive and destroy.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 outlines eight abominable practices of the occult:

1. Divination: fortune telling

2. Observer of Times: to foretell by omens and signs (astrology)
3. Enchanter: practice of magical arts
4. Witchcraft: practice of dealing with evil spirits
5. Charmer: to place spells upon
6. Consulter of familiar spirits
7. Wizard: a male witch
8. Necromancer: communication with the dead

Verse 12 says: "For all who do these things are an abomination to the
LORD." God strictly forbid His people, Israel, from involvement with the
occultic practices of the nations around them. Today's occult and new age
practices are nothing new at all, they have been around for thousands of
years. Satan has no new tricks, just old ones with new names.

In association with the above list, we must add to it the following occultic
practices. Involvement with any of these practices may lead to demon

1. False Religions: groups classified as cults; all idolatry is

demon worship (I Cor. 10:19-20).
2. Role Playing Games: games such as Dungeons and Dragons
and others.
3. Psychic readings: including tarot cards, ouija boards,
horoscopes, palm reading, etc.
4. Channeling spirits: "ancient spirit guides."
5. Astral Projection: out of body travels and experiences.
6. Any and all Satan worship: including dabbling with fringe
Satanism, and heavy metal rock music.

A Passive State of Mind or an Altered State of Consciousness

A passive state of mind, or an altered state of consciousness is an open door
for demonization. Man is given by God the complete control of his
faculties. This entails man's will and his self- consciousness. These are two
areas that are overcome through the state of a passive mind. Satan wants to
get in through the subconscious part of the mind. Each of us, every day, is
affected on some level by the influences upon the subconscious I our
environment dictates that. This is why the mind needs renewed on a daily
basis. However, in the manner of which we are speaking, this complete
domination of the subconscious can only take place if we allow it

There are primarily two ways to arrive at a passive state of mind and/or an
altered state of consciousness:

1. Trances or Meditation: the mind becomes neutral, open and

2. Through induced states: such as from hallucinogenic drug use
or hypnosis.

Man's will is his protective wall; when it is willingly opened, demon spirits
will move in. Many people do not understand the danger of things such as
Transcendental Meditation. TM is something that appears harmless. It is
viewed as a form of relaxation. However, in this passive state, demon power
seizes the vacancy and moves in unchecked.

Hypnosis is another trick of the devil. Under the guise of psycho-therapy,

hypnosis is performed on unsuspecting patients. Many come out of this
passive state with so-called "Multiple Personalities." As Bible believing
Christians we know that multiple personalities are demon powers
masquerading as alter personalities. I am not denying that these patients'
pain from trauma is quite real. We will discuss how demonization occurs in
such cases under the heading of "Traumatic Experiences."

In the state of hypnosis, the individual is not in control of his faculties as

God intended. He has left himself open and vulnerable to the direction of
another who may be unscrupulous, and under demon power himself. Never
let anyone put you in a position of being in an altered state of
consciousness. This violates the protective wall that God built into you. For
this purpose, I recommend that people stay away from all subliminal type
recordings, whether advertised as "Christian" or not.
Hallucinogenic drugs also open the door of the subconscious for
demonization. The Greek word used for "witchcraft" in the New Testament
(Gal. 5:20) is "pharmakeia," the word from which we get pharmacy; it
literally means "drugs." Satan is heavily involved in the drug culture,
addicting and enslaving millions. Crack cocaine is one of the most devilish,
hellish drugs to hit the streets. One use and a person is addicted! It removes
from their brain that which gives a person their sense of emotional and
mental balance. It drives its slaves to acts of crime and random violence.

Drugs, with the deadly combination of heavy metal rock music, is

destroying the lives of multiple millions in this nation alone. Many of the
song lyrics contain graphic description of Satanic rituals, including human
sacrifices. Many of the songwriters and musicians are demon possessed.
Anyone who gives themselves over to that type of music is open for

Excessive Sin
When a person gives himself over to sin, demon possession can occur. I am
referring to giving the center of one's life over to that sin. The type of sin I
am referring to is rebellious and excessive in nature. When a person
willingly rebels against God's laws, either God’s written Law or God’s laws
of nature, the protective wall is destroyed. Sins of a sexual nature can open
the door for demonization more often than others. I know some want to say
that all sin is the same and none worse than others. This is true in the sense
of God's forgiveness. But when one is living outside of God's forgiveness,
there are some sins that leave a more devastating effect. Consider the
following Scriptures:

Proverbs 6:32-33: Whoever commits adultery… lacks understanding;

he who does so destroys his own soul. Wounds and dishonor he will get,
and his reproach will not be wiped away.

I Corinthians 6:18: Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is
outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against
his own body.
Romans 1:26-27: For this reason God gave them up to vile passions
[reprobate mind]… Men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned
in their lust for one another, men committing what is shameful, and
receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

I am not suggesting for one moment that these types of sins cannot be
forgiven by God, just as fully as others. The Blood cleanses as white as
snow. What I am saying is, a person living outside of the grace of God, in a
state of open rebellion, is going to suffer greatly and demonically from this
type of sexual sin. All sin is transgression of God's law, but as Paul wrote,
sexual immorality is sinning against one's body. Remember what I said
about the built-in protective will of man? I believe this is what is being
destroyed when one sins against his body.

Homosexuality is possibly the hardest bondage for an individual to

overcome. Deliverance of some kind is always necessary where the
homosexual lifestyle has been fully engaged. I believe that homosexual
orientation is a process, consisting of oppression, obsession, and finally, in
many cases, possession. Normally, through a lack of same-sex bonding as a
child, the person takes on an abnormal desire for affection from the same
sex. There are exceptions of course, but this is the common avenue for
Satan to ensnare. It begins as oppression in the mind, that is mind battles
coming against the person. By the way, there are Christians, though having
never acted on them, who suffer from these oppressive thoughts of
homosexuality. They have never confronted the root cause and commanded
the oppression to be broken.

Through dwelling on the oppressive thoughts, obsession with homosexual

acts takes over. It drives the individual into pornography and fantasy.
Though condemnation follows, eventually this compulsion, this obsession,
drives the individual into homosexual acts. At this point, Romans chapter
one says that the person is given over to a reprobate mind. In such a state,
demon possession can occur.

In addition to deliverance, the homosexual must go through extensive

discipling and renewing of the mind. All ties must be broken from the
homosexual past.

Some have contended that the homosexual orientation comes genetically

and is from God at birth. To associate God with this wickedness is
blasphemous. Recently, there have been several large studies of twins
where at least one is gay. Identical twins have the same genes or DNA.
They are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If homosexuality is caused
by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is gay, the co-twin should
also be gay. However, the results showed that only 7 to 11% (depending on
the study) of the other twins were gay. This disproves the “born gay”
claim, even from a scientific standpoint.

Whether sexual sin or any other, when a person gives the center of his or
her life over to any type of sin, in rebellion to God's laws, that person is
subject to demonization, including possession.

Traumatic Experiences
One thing 'is for certain: the devil doesn't play fair! He capitalizes on the
pain and suffering of humanity, for we are made in God's image. In this sin-
cursed earth, much sin and evil is perpetrated on the innocent. Think of the
millions of innocent babies that are slaughtered in "abortuaries" every year.
Evil in the hearts of men grows exceedingly worse as time runs down. The
devil has great wrath, for he knows that his time is short (Rev. 12:12).

There are certain traumatic experiences that open the door, or pave the way
for demonic takeover. Some of these experiences may be:

Physical Abuse
Emotional or Mental Torture

Other types of traumatic experiences may also open the door. Most of this
type of activity happens during childhood, the formative years. Certain
generational curses can come into play in this area. Parents can open the
door for children to be demonically oppressed, obsessed, or even
possessed. Don't ever try to deliver a child without first consulting the
parents and getting their approval and cooperation. Parents are spiritual
guardians; if not in cooperation, the parents will let the spirits come back to
a worse degree.

As mentioned earlier, Multiple Personalities Disorder is a symptom of

demon possession. When someone cannot cope with the pain they are
suffering, demon spirits masquerade as alter personalities offering an escape
from dealing with the pain. Some people are known to have up to 50 of
these "alter personalities." This is demon possession.Yes there is a
psychological aspect to it, but the root is demon spirits. The personality
splinters under the control of demon power. Secular psychology tries to get
the 50 personalities to get along with one another. Christianity casts out the
50 demons and helps the person find their true identity in Christ.

In cases of demon possession through traumatic experiences, fear plays a

large role. The spirit of fear opens the door for worse spirits to enter. It is
important that parents have an open relationship with their children. If the
child has been abused or molested in some way, it is imperative that it is not
suppressed. Suppression is a level of demonic involvement and can lead to
further demonic control if left unchecked. The parents should pray for
healing over the child's mind and bind the devil from any further activity.

If you were abused in any way as a child and still carry great pain from that
experience, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do I have trouble maintaining healthy relationships?

2. Do I have a poor self-esteem?
3. Do I experience rejection more than most people I know?
4. Do I still carry bitterness and anger toward the person that
abused me?
5. Does my anger sometimes seem out of control?
6. Do I have a split personality?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, God wants to deliver you. I
am not saying that you are demon possessed. You are more than likely at a
stage of oppression, but this is more than God wants. He has total freedom
for your life. Some that have gone into deep sin as a result of their abuse are
indeed possessed by demons, but freedom is just as available to them
through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

There are, of course, other ways for demon possession to occur than the
four ways listed above. What is more important than how they got in is to
know how to get them out!
How to Cast Out Demons

The greatest manual on how to cast out demons is the Bible. For this
reason, the student should thoroughly examine all passages of Scripture
dealing with deliverance ministry. I have provided below, a complete
reference list of Scriptures where actual deliverance took place in the New

The Ministry of Jesus:

1. The man with the unclean spirit in Capernaum (Mark 1:21-28;
Luke 4:31-37).
2. The blind and the dumb demoniac (Mark 3:22; Matt. 12:22-
29; Luke 11:14-22).
3. The demoniac from Gadara (Matt. 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20; Luke
4. The Syrophenician woman's daughter (Matt. 15:21-28; Mark
5. The boy with the demon that feigned epilepsy (Matt. 17:14-2
1; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43).
6. The woman with the spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:10-17).
7. Other references to the deliverance ministry of Jesus: Matt.
4:24; 8:16; Mark 1:34, 39; Luke 4:41; 8:2.

The Disciples:
8. The Twelve: “And they cast out many demons..." (Mark
9. The Seventy: "Then the seventy returned with joy, saying,
"Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name" (Luke
10. Peter brought deliverance to all that were tormented by evil
spirits (Acts 5:16).
11. Philip in Samaria: evil spirits came out of many (Acts 8:4-7).
12. Paul in Macedonia: casting the spirit of divination out of the
girl who followed him (Acts 16:16-18).
13. Many demons were cast out through the anointed
handkerchiefs and aprons of Paul (Acts 19:12).

When ministering deliverance to someone, it is a good practice to have one

or more counseling sessions with the individual. At such time, the four
areas through which demon possession most occurs (previous chapter)
should be probed. It is especially important to know if the person has a
background in the occult. The following other information should also be

1. What, if any, background does the candidate have with

2. Why does the candidate believe his problems are demonic;
what are the symptoms?
3. What involvement has the candidate had with the four
main avenues of demon possession?
4. What changes is the candidate willing to make in his life
to further his freedom?
5. Does the candidate just want relief or does he want to
serve Jesus?
6. Is the candidate possessed, obsessed or just oppressed?

These and other similar questions should be asked of the candidate for
deliverance. If the counselor feels the answers are inappropriate,
deliverance should not be pursued at that time. It is often discovered that
the individual does not want deliverance, but a family member talked them
into coming. This is not a proper basis for deliverance ministry.

During this time, the candidate should also be instructed as to what will be
happening during the actual deliverance. This will alleviate human fear of
the unknown. If the person freezes up out of fear, little will be done. One of
the greatest weapons in deliverance is a candidate that is working with you,
not against. Even in possession, that part of them that wants to be free
should be utilized. Teaching and instruction will help in this area.
During this pre-deliverance counseling session, the candidate should make
a clear and definite decision to serve Christ. The counselor should lead the
candidate in a prayer of repentance and acceptance of God's forgiveness and
salvation. This should not be delayed until after the deliverance. The
Biblical order from James 4:7 is:

1. Submit yourself to God

2. Then resist the devil
3. And he will flee from you

The following are some of the predominant spirits that must be cast out. A
person may need delivered of all of these, or as few as one or two. Spiritual
discernment must be exercised in the identification of these demons, as
I John 4:1 says, "Test the spirits." Included with them are some of the
manifestations of those spirits.

1. Spirit of Divination (Acts 16:16), manifest through:

witchcraft, magic, rebellion, drugs.
2. Familiar Spirits (Lev. 19:31), manifest through: passive state
of mind, voices, ghosts, necromancers.
3. Spirit of Jealousy (Ezek. 8:3), manifest through: strife, envy,
hatred, contention, revenge.
4. Lying Spirits (I Kings 22:22), manifest through: deception,
flattery, gossip, slander, false prophecy, false teaching.
5. Perverse Spirit (Isa. 19:14), manifest through: sexual
perversions, homosexuality, pornography, incest, filthy mind,
twisting the Word of God.
6. Spirit of Pride (Prov. 16:18), manifest through: arrogance,
self-righteousness, rebellion.
7. Spirit of Heaviness (Isa. 61:3), manifest through: depression,
self-pity, rejection, grief, suicidal thoughts.
8. Spirit of Whoredom (Hos. 5:4), manifest through:
prostitution of the body, soul or spirit; idolatry, unfaithfulness,
love of money, worldliness, gluttony.
9. Spirit of Infirmity (Luke 13:11), manifest through: recurring
symptoms that often move throughout the body; diseases that
the immune system won't resist.
10. Spirit of Bondage (Rom. 8:5), manifest through: addictions,
compulsive behavior, excessive sin, fear.
11. Spirit of Fear (II Tim. 1:7), manifest through: anxiety,
torment, phobias.
12. Seducing Spirits (I Tim. 4:1), manifest through: fascination
with evil ways or false prophecy or lying signs and wonders.
13. Spirit of Antichrist (I John 4:3), manifest through:
lawlessness, humanism, anti-Christian; denies the deity and/or
atonement of Christ, denies the Word.
14. Spirit of Error (I John 4:6), manifest through: false
doctrines; unteachable, unsubmissive, argumentative spirit.
15. Spirit of Insanity (Deut. 28:28), manifest through:
instability, madness, loss of memory, schizophrenia.
16. Spirit of Death (Gen.2:17), manifest through: separation from
God; despair, giving up the will to live.

Practical Steps to Deliverance

I will begin this section on how to minister deliverance by sharing first,
how "not to" minister deliverance. There is a story in the Book of Acts
which depicts a failed attempt at deliverance; from this story, we see several
things not to do:

Acts 19:13, 15-16

Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists took it upon themselves to,
call the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying,
"We adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches." ... And the evil
spirit answered and said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are
you?" Then the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them,
overpowered them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of
that house naked and wounded.
One can draw several pertinent facts as to why this attempt at deliverance

1. This man never asked for deliverance. They "took it upon

themselves." You cannot set anyone free that does not want to
be free. God gave every person a will. God will not violate it,
neither can we, even if it is for the person's own good.
2. The exorcists had no personal revelation of Jesus Christ; they
were simply applying a formula that had worked for Paul. A
deliverance minister must know his authority in Christ and
how to use it based on personal revelation.
3. There is no indication that these exorcists were even believers.
Satan cannot cast out Satan. I must also add that if you are a
believer, don’t try to cast out the devil with sin in your life.

Though this attempt at deliverance ministry ended with bodily harm to the
exorcists, nowhere does the Bible give a warning of physical danger to the
true believer. Jesus never warned His disciples before He sent them out.
The true believer has on the whole armor of God and is protected by the
blood of Jesus! Under the proper conditions, deliverance ministry is very
fruitful and rewarding. The following practical points will help the minister
of deliverance – which by the way is every believer (Mark 16:17) – in
successful deliverance ministry:

1. Deliverance is best ministered not alone. It is best to have

two or three believers of like precious faith; however, too
many can be a distraction. Only one person should be in
charge; that person should be issuing the commands to the
demons to come out; the others should be praying in the Spirit,
and less vocally, agreeing with the commands.
2. Remember your authority in Christ! Don't allow fear to
come upon you, if it tries, resist it in Jesus' name. Fear is a tool
of the enemy to hinder the deliverance of his prisoner. In all
actuality, the demons are the ones in fear and trembling (James
2:19). Do not hesitate to use your spiritual weapons: The
Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus and the Word of God.
3. Tell the candidate to look you in the eyes when ministering
to them. The eyes are the windows of the soul (Matt. 6:22-23).
During direct eye contact the demons have no place to hide. If
the candidate refuses to look you in the eyes command the
demons to do it! They will obey. Do not allow the candidate to
hang his head or look in other directions.
4. Remember, you are speaking to the demons, not the
candidate. Do not be timid if you have to get rough or
authoritative in your demeanor. This is one of the areas to be
covered in the pre-deliverance counseling session.
5. Whatever Strongman has been revealed through
counseling and/or discernment should be dealt with and
cast out first. Jesus explicitly taught us that we must first bind
the Strongman before spoiling his house (Matt. 12:29). The
Strongman will likely be tied to one of the four main avenues
of possession: the occult, passive state of mind, excessive sin,
traumatic experience. Be PERSISTENT! The ruling demon
will not want to budge; you must come hard against the
Strongman. When he is out, freedom will begin coming more
6. Each demon does not need to be named in order to be cast
out. Jesus delivered the man possessed with a legion of
demons; a legion is three to six thousand. Jesus did not call
them all out by name. It is important to call the Strongman by
name. Call out specifically what you know and discern, then
command all others to come out. The spirits will be tied to
their sinful conduct. In other words, if they have a
promiscuous, lifestyle, call out the demon of lust; with
homosexuality, the demon of perversion, and so forth. See the
above list of spirits.
7. Don't enter into lengthy dialogue with demons.They are all
LIARS (John 8:44)! Tell them to shut up and come out in
Jesus' name! This type of activity is simply a diversionary
tactic of the demons.
8. Demons will come out through the mouth of the candidate.
This can be manifest through coughing or heavy breathes. I
have felt demons come out of a person's mouth in the force of
a small wind. I have also seen little to no physical
manifestation, but the deliverance is just as valid. I must
caution at this point: do not allow the demons to put on a
show. Some will encourage the candidate to vomit into a paper
bag. This is excessive and nowhere found in Scripture. The
minister should permit no more manifestation than necessary;
for these also are often diversionary tactics to give the false
appearance of deliverance.
9. The candidate's will should be engaged in resisting the
demons. At Spirit-led intervals the candidate should be led in
prayers that renounce involvement with specific bondage. The
candidate should also be led in commands for the demons to
come out of himself. This experience will be invaluable if the
candidate is later attacked while alone.
10. Freedom will begin to manifest through their actions and
demeanor. Peace will begin to pervade the setting. The
countenance of the candidate will also begin to change. A
difference will be seen in the eyes; for darkness has gone and
light has come. That light will be manifest through the eyes.
It is also an often occurrence that the stomach area becomes
softened. The stomach area is where the spirit of man is
located (Prov. 20:27) and therefore, where possession takes
place. The Holy Spirit will let the ministers know when the
work is done; His peace will indicate the level of

After Deliverance
The delivered person should be led once again through the sinner's prayer
and full dedication to Christ. This is also an opportune time to lead the
person into the baptism with the Holy Spirit; for they will need His power
in the days that lie ahead. Deliverance is not the end of the journey, it is just
the beginning! Much aftercare is needed and should be provided. Romans
12:1-2 is the route to lasting freedom after deliverance:

Romans 12:1-2
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you
present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is
your reasonable service, And do not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is
that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

About the Author

David Chapman was saved by Jesus Christ on a street corner at two in the
morning in 1983. He was delivered from alcohol and drug addictions and
severe depression. Shortly thereafter, David received the call to preach the
gospel. David has pastored churches in Kentucky, Indiana, West Virginia
and his current church in Arizona. He has a Master’s Degree in Theology
and spent several years under the ministry of the late Dr. Lester Sumrall,
whom many considered the world’s leading authority on the subject of
demonology and deliverance. David is joined in ministry by his wife
Debbie, a veterinarian, and three children.

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