Se Subh Diner - DONE

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My Lord and Master His Divine Grace

Composed on 62nd Vyasa Puja anniversary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur by His
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Translation in Bengali by H.H. Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja

Adore adore ye all the happy day

Blessed than heaven, sweeter than May

When he appeared at Puri, the holy place

My Lord and Master, His Divine Grace

সে শুভদিনের আরাধনা করে জাগরে জগৎবাসী।

চৈত্র মধুর, স্বর্গ-মেদুর শুভ লগনের রাশি।।

যেদিন আমার হৃদয়ের রাজ গুরুদেব মহারাজ।

পূত পুরীধামে প্রকাশি আপনি হরে পৃথিবীর ত্রাস।।

se śubha dinera ārādhanā kare jāgarē jagatvāsī

caitra madhura, svarga-medura śubha laganēra rāśi

yedina āmāra hr̥dayēra rāja gurudēva mahārāja

pūta purīdhāme prakāśi āpani hare pr̥thivīra trāsa

Word Meanings:

se śubha dinera - of that auspicious day, ārādhanā kare – worship, jāgarē jagatvāsī - wake up
o people of the world, caitra madhura - sweeter than May, svarga-medura - blessed than
heaven, śubha laganēra rāśi - that auspicious moment, yedina āmāra - when my, hr̥dayēra
rāja - king of my heart, gurudēva mahārāja - Gurudev Maharaj, pūta purīdhāme - at the holy
land of Puri, prakāśi āpani - appeared himself, hare pr̥thivīra trāsa - takes away the suffering
of the world.

Wake Up! O people of the world! Today is that most auspicious day, which is sweeter than May
and blessed than heaven. Today, the king of my heart, My spiritual master appeared at the holy
land of Puri. His divine appearance takes away the suffering of the whole world.

Oh! My Master, the evangelic angel,

Give us thy light, lite up thy candle
Struggle for existence a human race
The only hope, His Divine Grace

দেবদূত-সম গুরুমহারাজ আলোকে প্লাবিত কর।

জীবন যুদ্ধে পরাজিত মোর ভয় সন্ত্রাস হর।।

দুর্লভতম মানব জীবন, তথাপি ভরসাহীন।

তব কৃপা বিনা আমি অসহায় অপারগ উদাসীন।।

dēvadūta-sama gurumahārāja ālōke plāvita kara

jīvana yuddhe parājita mora bhaya santrāsa hara
durlabhatama mānava jīvana, tathāpi bharasāhīna
tava kr̥pā binā āmi asahāya apāraga udāsīna

Word Meanings:
dēvadūta-sama - like a divine angel, gurumahārāja - my spiritual master, ālōke plāvita
kara - give us thy light, jīvana yuddhe parājita -lost in the struggle for existence, mora
bhaya santrāsa hara - take away all my fears and anxieties, durlabhatama mānava jīvana
- most valuable human life, tathāpi – yet, bharasāhīna - without any hope, tava kr̥pā binā
- without your mercy, āmi asahāya - I am helpless, apāraga udāsīna - lost and useless.

My spiritual master is like a divine angel. I was lost in the struggle for existence. But he
enlightens me with his light and takes away all my fears and anxieties. I have got this
most valuable human life yet it is without any hope. Without your mercy I am helpless,
lost and useless.

Misled we are all going astray

Save us Lord, our fervent pray
Wonder thy ways to turn our face.
Adore thy feet, your Divine Grace
মায়ার প্রভাবে আপন স্বভাবে সদাই অধম মতি।

ত্রাণ কর এই অধম জনেরে, কৃপা বিনা নাহি গতি।।

জীব-কল্যাণে তব অবদান জগতে ঘোষিত আজ।

তব শ্রীচরণ, আমার জীবন গুরুদেব মহারাজ।।

māyāra prabhāve āpana svabhāve sadā'i adhama mati

trāṇa kara e'i adhama janere, kr̥pā vinā nāhi gati
jīva-kalyāṇē tava avadāna jagate ghoṣita āja
tava śrīcaraṇa, āmāra jīvana gurudēva mahārāja

Word meanings:
māyāra prabhāve - due to the influence of maya, āpana svabhāve - due to my own
nature, sadā'i – always, adhama mati - degraded mentality, trāṇa kara - please save, e'i
adhama janere - this fallen soul, kr̥pā vinā - without your mercy, nāhi gati - no hope,
jīva-kalyāṇē - for the benefit of living entities, tava avadāna - your contribution, jagate - all
over the world, ghoṣita - is broadcasted, āja – today, tava śrīcaraṇa - your lotus feet,
āmāra jīvana - my life, gurudēva mahārāja - O my spiritual master.

Due to the influence of Maya and my own nature, I am always of the degraded
mentality. Please save this fallen soul as without your mercy I have no other hope. Your
contribution to the whole world is broadcasted today for the benefit of all the living
entities. O my spiritual master, your divine lotus feet are my life.

Forgotten Krishna, we fallen souls

Paying most heavy, the illusion's toll
Darkness around all untraced
The only hope, His Divine Grace

কৃষ্ণকে ভু লে মায়ার কবলে ক্লেশ পাই অবিরত।

মরুভূ মি মাঝে মৃগতৃ ষা-সম প্রলোভন ভরে হত।।

বিভীষিকা ভরা অন্ধ তিমির অমানিশা সম মানি।

মম আশা আজ গুরুমহারাজ তব শ্রীমুখের বাণী।।

kr̥ṣṇake bhūle māyāra kavale klēśa pā'i avirata

marubhūmi mājhe mr̥gatr̥ṣā-sama pralobhana bhare hata
vibhīṣikā bharā andha timira amāniśā sama māni
mama āśā āja gurumahārāja tava śrīmukhēra vāṇī

Word meanings:
kr̥ṣṇake bhule - forgetting Krishna, māyāra kavale - in the clutches of the illusory energy
of the Lord, klēśa pā'i avirata - suffering incessantly, marubhūmi mājhe - in the midst of
the desert, mr̥gatr̥ṣā-sama - like a mirage, pralobhana bhare hata - afflicted with desires,
vibhīṣikā bharā - full of fear, andha timira - blinding darkness, amāniśā sama māni - like
the new moon, mama āśā āja - my only hope, gurumahārāja - O my spiritual master, tava
śrīmukhēra vāṇī - words from your lotus mouth.

Being forgetful of Krishna, I am suffering incessantly in the clutches of the illusory
energy of the Lord as if running for mirage in the desert. Afflicted with my material
desires, I am very fearful in this blinding darkness. In this condition, O my spiritual
master, words from your lotus mouth shine like a new moon which is my only hope.

Message of service thou hast brought

A healthful life as Chaitanya wrought
Unknown to all, it's full of brace
That's your gift, your divine grace

ভকতির বাণী পৃথিবীতে আনি জীবে দয়া হ’ল সারা।

সব অবতার সার শিরোমণি গৌরপ্রভু র ধারা।।

যে বাণী সবার অজ্ঞাত ছিল, তোমার আশীষে আজ।

জগৎ মাঝারে বর্ষিত হল গুরুদেব মহারাজ।।

bhakatira vāṇī pr̥thivīte āni jīvē dayā ha’la sārā

sava avatāra sāra śiromaṇi gaura prabhura dhārā
ye vāṇī sabāra ajñāta chila, tomāra āśīṣe āja
jagat mājhāre varṣita hala gurudēva mahārāja
Word meanings:
bhakatira vāṇī - the message of devotion, pr̥thivīte āni - bringing to the world, jīvē dayā -
mercy to all souls, ha’la sārā – completed, sava avatāra sāra śiromaṇi - the crest jewel of
all incarnations, gaura prabhura dhārā - the teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, ye
vāṇī sabāra ajñāta chila - the message which was unknown to all, tomāra āśīṣe āja - by
your mercy, jagat mājhāre - in the midst of this world, varṣita hala - is showered,
gurudēva mahārāja - O my spiritual master.

The teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the crest jewel of all incarnations, to bring
mercy to all souls by spreading the message of devotion to the whole world is now
completed. O my spiritual master, this message was unknown to all but by your mercy
now it is showered all over the world.

Absolute is sentient, thou hast proved

Impersonal calamity thou hast moved
This gives us life - anew and fresh
Worship thy feet, your divine grace

পরম ব্রহ্ম পরম পুরুষ, প্রমাণ করিলে তু মি।

নির্বিশেষের নির্বাণ-বাদ ত্যাজিল ভারতভূ মি।।

নবীন জীবন লভি মোরা তাই উল্লাসে হয়ে মগ্ন।

তোমার চরণ বন্দনা করি মোহপাশ করি ভগ্ন।।

parama brahma parama puruṣa, pramāṇa karile tumi

nirviśēṣera nirvāṇa-vāda tyājila bhāratabhūmi
navīna jīvana labhi mōrā tāi ullāse haye magna
tomāra caraṇa vandanā kari mohapāśa kari bhagna

Word meanings:
parama brahma parama puruṣa - absolute is sentient, pramāṇa karile tumi - you have
proved, nirviśēṣera nirvāṇa-vāda - impersonal calamity, tyājila bhāratabhūmi - left india,
navīna jīvana - new life, labhi – achieving, mōrā tāi - therefore we, ullāse haye magna -
being absorbed in bliss, tomāra caraṇa - your lotus feet, vandanā kari - we worship,
mohapāśa kari bhagna - destroying the bondage of our illusion.
You have proved that Absolute Truth is sentient and relieved India from the calamity of
impersonalism. We have received a new life and therefore being absorbed in bliss, we
worship your lotus feet which destroys the bondage of our illusion.

Had you not come, who had told

The message of Krishna - forceful and bold
That's your right, you have the mace
Save me a fallen, your divine grace

তু মি যদি আজ প্রকাশ না হতে অন্ধ-তিমির হানি।

দৃপ্ত কণ্ঠে তবে কে শোনাত শ্রীভগবানের বাণী।।

সেই অধিকার তোমারেই সাজে, দণ্ড তোমার হাতে।

কৃপা করি এই অধম জনেরে নিয়ে চল তব সাথে।।

tumi yadi āja prakāśa nā hate andha-timira hāni

dr̥pta kaṇṭhe tavē ke śonāta śrībhagavānera vāṇī
se'i adhikāra tōmāre'i sāje, daṇḍa tomāra hāte
kr̥pā kari e'i adhama janere niye cala tava sāthe

Word meanings:
tumi yadi āja - if you today, prakāśa nā hate - did not appear, andha-timira hāni -
destroying the blinding darkness, dr̥pta kaṇṭhe - in bold voice, tavē ke śonāta - who
would have told us, śrībhagavānera vāṇī - the message of Krishna, se'i adhikāra - that
right, tōmāre'i sāje - befitting only to you, daṇḍa tomāra hāte - the mace is in your hands,
kr̥pā kari – mercifully, e'i adhama janere - this fallen soul, niye cala tava sāthe - take me
along with you.

If you would not have appeared today, we would have been destroyed in the blinding
darkness. Who would have told us the message of Krishna in the bold voice? You have
that right. It is befitting you as you hold the mace in your hands. Please be merciful on
this fallen soul and kindly take me along with you.

The line of service as drawn by you

Is pleasing and healthy like morning dew
The oldest of all but in new dress
Miracle done, your divine grace.

তু মি যে দেখালে ভক্তির পথ, তু লনা তো তার নাই।

শিশিরের মত উজ্জ্বল আর উচ্ছল তার ঠ াঁই।।

চির পুরাতন শাশ্বত বাণী নবীন সাজেতে রাজে।

তোমার কৃপার প্রকাশ স্বরূপে সারা জগতের মাঝে।।

tumi ye dekhāle bhaktira patha, tulanā to tāra nā'i

śiśirera mata ujjvala āra ucchala tāra ṭhāṅi
cira purātana śāśvata vāṇī navīna sājete rāje
tomāra kr̥pāra prakāśa svarūpe sārā jagatera mājhe

Word Meanings
tumi ye dekhāle - you have shown, bhaktira patha - the process of devotion, tulanā to
tāra nā'i - there is no comparison, śiśirera mata - like dew, ujjvala āra ucchala - bright and
ecstatic, tāra ṭhāṅi - its position, cira purātana - eternally old, śāśvata vāṇī - eternal truth,
navīna sājete rāje - adorned in new outfit, tomāra kr̥pāra - of your mercy, prakāśa
svarūpe - as the manifestation, sārā jagatera mājhe - in the entire world.

There is no comparison of anything with you as you have shown us the process of
devotion. This message of devotion is like the morning dew, bright and ecstatic.
Although the eternal truth is eternally old, you adorned it in a new outfit and as a result,
by your mercy it is now manifested in the entire world.

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