By seeds
For collection of seeds, the plants are left
without harvest as the yield of seeds from plants subjected to regular harvest is less. At
the time of seed collection, the whole inflorescence is cut and spread in the sun for
drying for 2-3 days. These are then thrashed and seeds are again dried in the sin. These
are finally stored in gunny bags. The seeds lose their viability if stored for a longer
Raising of Seedlings in Nursery
It is advantageous to raise the plantation through transplanting of seedlings whenever
there is assured source of water. The transplanting of nursery raised seedlings is found
to be superior to direct sowing of seeds.
The seeds are sown by hand on well prepared raised beds of 1m to 1.5m width at the
onset of monsoon and are covered with thin layer of soil. The bed should be watered
immediately after sowing and care should be taken to maintain adequate moisture in
the soil. Seed germinates in 5-6 days and the seedlings are ready for transplanting at
the age of 60 days.
By Rooted Slips
For better quality and yield of oil it is recommended to grow lemon grass by slips
obtained by dividing well-grown clumps. Tops of clumps are cut off within 20-25 cm of
the root. The latter is divided into slips and the lower brown sheath is removed to
expose young roots.