How-to-Grow-Strawberries Hydroponics

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How to Grow Strawberries

In addition to the traditional strawberry patch, there are as many ways to grow strawberries as there are
to eat them! Grow strawberries in a bed, hydroponically, as a ground cover, as an ornamental patio plant,
or in a hanging basket.

Strawberry Categories

An important part of knowing how to grow strawberries is

The Versatile Alpine
understanding how different types of strawberries grow. Strawberry
cultivars are placed in one of three categories.

The Alpine Strawberry is a

• June bearing strawberries produce a large, voluptuous crop of
cousin of the wild strawberry
berries in late spring. Mother plants send out runners
and is very much at home
(daughters) that root and develop into matted rows. The
lining a path or walk way. In
disadvantage to June bearing strawberries is 1) they only bear
fact, the only strawberry that is
fruit once a year and 2) the first year you need to pluck all
regularly started from seed, the
blossoms from your plants to let them become firmly
Alpine strawberry is a day
neutral cultivar that makes an
excellent ground cover with • Ever bearing strawberries really aren’t “ever” bearing, but do
headily fragrant blossoms and produce a harvest twice a year, once in spring and again in
very tasty red or white autumn. During the first year, pluck all blossoms from ever-
strawberries. bearing cultivars through the end of June. After that, they will
blossom again and set fruit for a fall harvest.
• Day neutral strawberries frequently produce a crop of small, but
The Alpine Strawberry reseeds very sweet berries throughout most of the growing season. After
profusely from its own
plucking off the first set of blossoms allow the fruit to set and
strawberry seeds and bears
you’ll have strawberries throughout the summer!
fruit throughout the growing

Buying Strawberries for Transplanting

The best time to purchase strawberry plants is autumn. Find end of season plants at dirt-cheap prices or
order new plants for spring delivery. In addition, your nursery may offer wholesale strawberry plants
packed in bundles containing as few as 25 plants. Nurseries have limited space and often take orders for
wholesale plants on a first-come, first-served basis. Frequently, their stock is depleted long before spring.

Most strawberry cultivars over-winter if kept cool in a root cellar, unheated garage, or basement. For extra
protection, cover roots with sand, wood shavings or soil. Ordering or purchasing strawberry plants in the
fall ensures that you’ll have them for spring planting!

Thirty plants provide enough strawberries for a family of four. Select your plants carefully and purchase
only virus-tested transplants.
Site Selection

Plant strawberries in the sunniest spot you can find. Although you can get a harvestable crop with as little
as six hours of direct sunlight per day, the largest harvests and best quality berries come from those
plants that get the advantage of full sun.

The shallow rooted strawberry plant is poor competition for weeds, shrubs, trees, or other plants. Till a
garden bed in the fall to eliminate a lot of the weeds that cause problems during the growing season.
Choose a spot away from large trees, which may send roots into your strawberry bed. Also, be sure to
locate your strawberry bed away from any spot where you have grown peppers, tomatoes, eggplant or
potatoes. These plants can harbor verticillium wilt, which is devastating to strawberries.

Although strawberries won’t thrive in saturated ground, they do need a moist environment. Amend soil
with a good supply of nutrient rich organic matter to both improve aeration, drainage, and increase
moisture-holding capacity. In the spring, as soon as the frost is out of the ground and the soil is workable,
till your bed again. Now you are ready to “set” your strawberry plants.

Planting Strawberries

Choose a cool and cloudy day for planting strawberries. Prune damaged roots and trim long roots to 4-5
inches in length. Remove all flowers, runners and old leaves. Place the transplants in a container with a
small amount of water in the bottom and keep them out of direct sunlight.

Make a wide, shallow hole for the mother plant that covers her roots, being sure to leave about half of her
crown (the short stem) exposed. Roots should point down and form a small fan. Firm the soil around each
plant and give it a good drink of water. The system you use for planting individual plants depends on the
type of strawberry you choose. Grow ever bearing and day-neutral varieties in a hill system. You can
grow June-bearing varieties in either matted rows or hills.

Matted Row System

Set plants 18 to 24 inches apart in a row (or raised bed), with 3 to 4 feet between rows. Allow
runners from "mother" plants to develop and roo, forming a matted row about 18 inches wide.
Keep the remaining distance between rows clear. Either sweep runners into the row or nip them
off at the edge of the aisle.

Matted rows that are too dense produce lower yields of smaller berries, have a larger proportion
of misshapen berries, and have a higher incidence of disease. Ideally, as they develop, you
should position runner plants in a density of about five plants per square foot of matted row. Place
a small amount of soil just behind each to keep it in place. Once you achieve this density, remove
all other runners.

Hill System

Planting strawberries in hills makes for easier strawberry care and weeding. The other two types
of strawberry cultivars, ever-bearing and day-neutral, do well planted in hills since neither sends
out many runners. When planting strawberries in hills, nip off all runners. This allows the mother
plant to develop more crowns and flower stalks. Plant rows in groups of two to four plants with a
two-foot path between rows and the plants spaced at about a foot apart.
Strawberry Care

Watering: During the growing season, strawberries need about 1 inch of water per week. Water
transplants immediately after planting and thereafter any time they receive less than an inch of rainfall per
week. Help prevent leaf diseases by watering early in the day, giving foliage a chance to dry before

Cultivation: Hand weeding is best because strawberry roots are shallow. If you use a hoe or other tool,
be especially careful not to disturb the roots of the plants.

Mulching: As well as protecting your strawberries from killing frosts, a 3 to 4-inch layer of hay or straw
helps equalize temperatures to protect them from thawing and refreezing after an early spring or mid-
winter warm spell. Don’t mulch with fallen leaves since they tend to compact and smother new growth.
Although many cultivars are hardy to 15F (-10C), your winter mulch layer should be applied before the
temperature dips to 20F (-6C) to protect new growth from killing frosts.

Strawberries are very susceptible to spring frosts. Although winter coverings of straw or mulch should be
removed in early spring, rake them to the aisles to re-cover the blossoms in case frost is in the forecast.
Old blankets or sheets can also be used for protection against frost.

Although strawberries are sun-lovers, their roots need cool, moist soil. Mulch is the best way to achieve
this compromise and it also helps keep runners in check and weeds under control. Nevertheless, do not
use the straw that covered your strawberries over the winter. Instead, when danger of frost is past, either
remove it or work it into the soil. Apply fresh mulch, keeping about one inch from the crowns to prevent
damping off.

Renovation: In order to insure good fruit production, June-bearing strawberries grown in the matted row
system should be renovated every year immediately after harvest.

Mow old foliage with a mower, cutting off the leaves about an inch above the crowns. Remove these
cuttings and narrow your rows to six to twelve inches wide by spading, hoeing or tilling. Remove all
weeds, old plants, and weak plants, keeping only vigorous year-old plants. Work towards a density of
about 5 to 6 plants per square foot of row. Continue monitoring the water supply through the summer and
irrigate as necessary.

Renovation is not recommended for either day-neutral or ever bearing types of strawberries.
Hydroponic Strawberry Growing Commercial growers were
the forerunners in
Day-neutral strawberries adapt well to your heated hobby greenhouse. hydroponic strawberry
Instead of discarding runners from your strawberry patch, keep those growing, but with an
from your healthiest plants for hydroponic growing. Insert the roots into increase in the availability
an inert growing medium such as perlite, coconut fiber or Rockwell. of home hydroponic
Alternatively, you can purchase starter plugs from most hydroponic systems, the advent of
suppliers. Cover your transplants with a clear plastic dome to keep summer doesn’t have to
humidity levels high and keep them out of direct sunlight until roots are mean the end of fresh
established. strawberries.

Next, simulate a winter for your new seedlings. Dip roots (or plugs) in Hydroponics from the
microbial solution, gently wrap them in clear plastic and refrigerate them Greek words hydro (water)
for two to five months. After this rest period, your transplants are ready and ponos (labor) is the
to be added to your hydroponic system. science of growing plants
without soil. Nutrients that
If possible, grow your hydroponic strawberries in a glassed in porch or plants usually get from soil
green house. However, indoor garden lighting also provides them with are added to water.
the six to seven hours of full spectrum sunlight they need each day.
Keep temperatures in a range from 64 to 77F (18 to 25C) for best Hydroponic systems
results. reduce space requirements
and growing time needed
Nourish your strawberry plants with a commercially prepared organic to produce a crop. Since
hydroponic preparation. Although pH should be maintained between 5.8 there is no soil involved,
and 6.2, in lieu of constant testing, changing your solution twice a month both the need to till and the
typically works as well. need to weed are
eliminated. Nutrients used
for plant growth are
Since you won’t be able to depend on honeybees to pollinate your constantly recycled, and
blossoms, you need to hand pollinate. Simply brush the blossoms just the final benefit is that
after they open, transferring some of the pollen from the stamens to the berries can be harvested
pistils. Also, use an oscillating fan to help accomplish pollination. while standing.

Strawberry Harvest

Harvest strawberries as soon as they ripen. Grasp the stem just above the berry between your index
finger and thumbnail and pull with a slight twisting motion. Once fruit has begun ripening, check your
strawberry bed every other day or daily during hot weather. Pick all ripe berries. Once ripe, fruit quickly
decays if left on the plant and invites disease and insect problems.

Don't overfill your containers, jiggle them, or try to pack down the berries. Heaping strawberries results in
bruised berries. Avoid washing fruit until just before you use it, to prevent softening and decay.

Pick berries for immediate use any time, but the early morning of a cool, cloudy day is the best time to
pick fruit that you intend to store for a day or two. Keep picked berries in the shade and cool them as
soon as possible after picking.
Container Strawberries

Strawberries make superb ornamental plants. Plant either ever bearing or day neutral strawberries in
barrels, planters, or hanging baskets. Choose containers with good drainage. A good potting medium is
2-parts soil, 1-part sand and 1-part of peat moss, well-rotted manure, or compost.

Growing strawberries as a hanging plant, is almost easier than planting them in your garden since it puts
you in complete control of irrigation and fertilization and keeps your plant far from weeds and harmful
pests that occupy garden soils.

Make Gardening-Guides your first stop for current information on how to grow Strawberries and
all your favorite flowers, fruits, and vegetables!

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