Slide Earthing
Slide Earthing
Slide Earthing
Chapter 4: Earthing
Earthing System
Why need earthing?
Protection from electrical shock
1. Direct contact
2. Indirect contact
Earthing System
TNS system where there are separate neutral and protective conductors
throughout the system. A TNS system is where the metallic path is
continuous between the installation and the source of energy.
In the TT system, the earth fault loop impedance is usually higher than TNS
The earth fault current not enough to over-current protective devices. Thus
RCCB is preferred to use.
VL−L 3 V 3
I F ,TNS = = L−L
Z S + Z E + R1 + RCPC + R PC + R B + R A Z EFL
Earthing : Loop Impedance
Earthing : Loop Impedance
The low impedance path for fault current, the earth fault loop path,
comprises that part of the external to the installation, i.e. the impedance of
supply transformer, distributor and service cable, Ze, and the impedance of
the phase conductor Z1, and CPC Z2, of the circuit concerned.
Provided that this value ZEFL does not exceed the maximum value given for
the protective device in Table 41B1, 41B2 or 41D of the regulation, the
protection will operate within the prescribed time limits.
In the TT system, the earth fault loop impedance is usually higher than the TN system
and thus, the earth fault current may not be high enough to operate the over-current
protective device in time to disconnect the circuit.
In addition, the touch voltage shall be limited to not more than 50V by satisfying the
following conditions:
RL * IA ≤ 50V
RL = the sum of the resistances of the earth electrode and the CPC connecting to the exposed-
conductive part.
IA = the current causing the automatic operation of the protective device within 5 seconds. If the
protective device is RCCB, IA is the rated residual operating current, I∆N.
Earthing : Circuit Protective Devices
Circuit Protective Conductors (CPC)
The circuit protective conductor (CPC) is part of the earth fault loop
and connects together all exposed conductive parts to the main
terminal. Its purpose is to convey the earth fault current without
damaging the core insulation.
Regulation 413-02 states that the earth loop impedance value should be
such as to initiate disconnection of the fault within 0.4 to 5.0
seconds for socket outlets and fixed equipment respectively.
Earthing : Circuit Protective Devices
I 2t
S = cross sectional area in mm2.
I = fault current in amperes.
t = disconnecting device operating time in seconds.
K = thermal capacity constant of the CPC.