Is 3D Printed House Sustainable

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Oberti I.; Plantamura F.

Politecnico di Milano, Dept. Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABC),
Via Bonardi 9, 20133, Milan. [email protected], [email protected]

“3D printing technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost
everything”, so President Barack Obama recently said (Remarks by the President in the State
of the Union Address, The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, 2013): the impression
is that three dimensional (3D) printing is taking the world by storm in different areas.
If for objects of small dimensions, the technology is well-established, great developments are
expected in the construction industry. As a matter of fact, since the beginning of 2000, with
the first attempts for a large-scale 3D printing construction system, the innovators are working
around automated additive manufacturing in order to print whole buildings as well as large-
scale subcomponents. To date, different processes trial has started, from the printing of
elements to the layer by layer construction of entire structures in a non-stop work session,
starting from the foundation level and ending on the top of the roof. Even the materials trial
has started: bio based plastic, mix of grinded-down rocks or sand held together with a liquid
binding agent, fiber-reinforced concrete, etc.
The objective stated by different manufacturers and researchers involved is the sustainability
of the built environment, in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits. But, is this
innovation really sustainable? What about the environmental sustainability of these new
construction processes?
The purpose of this study is to try to give an answer to this matter, through three research
phases: 1. gathering and analysis of the current information on the 3D printing technology
applied to construction; 2. identification and analysis of the main systems and case studies,
including those with a longer experience in terms of research and experimentation (e.g.,
Contour Crafting and D-Shape) and the younger ones that are rapidly gaining visibility (e.g.,
Canal House and the Chinese system WinSun); 3. their evaluation in terms of environmental
benefits and critical environmental issues.
The results obtained from each work phases, in particular the case studies analysis, leads us to
think that the potential of 3D printing technology is substantial for the construction
industry. If it continues to be developed, certainly it may revolutionize the construction
process. However, implementing the technology will not be without its challenges.

Keywords: 3D printing, additive manufacturing, construction, sustainability.

Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing, is defined as «a process of
joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usually layer upon layer, as opposed to
subtractive manufacturing methodologies.» [1]. It derives from the field of rapid prototyping,
developed during the late 1980s and 90s. The 3D printing process begins by digitally
modelling a blueprint of the object that is to be printed in a design program; this one then
“slices” the object into layers and sequentially sends this information to the 3D printer that
constructs the object by making repeated passes, each time depositing a thin layer of material
onto material previously deposited. The 3D printing fabrication has been largely adopted,

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with applications in several sectors (e.g., automotive, aerospace, medical), up to current
commercial availability of desktop-sized devices at affordable prices. If for small objects the
technology is well-established, great developments are expected in the construction industry
too, not only for the creation of scale models of buildings.
The use of additive manufacturing in construction (AMC) was suggested by Pegna in the late
1990s [2]. He investigated a new system of layered fabrication of small masonry structures,
involved depositing a layer of reactive material (Portland cement) over a layer of matrix
material (silica), activated by water vapor. The first attempts to apply this new technology
date back to early 2000, with the experiments for a large-scale combined extrusion and trowel
‘automated construction’ system called Contour Crafting [3]. Since then, the innovators have
been working around automated additive manufacturing and different processes trials started:
from the printing of small components to be assembled to form architectural elements (e.g.,
Emerging Objects [4]), to the molding of hollow honeycomb elements subsequently filled and
then assembled of the Amsterdam Canal House [5] and to the possibility of a layer by layer
construction of entire structures in a non-stop work session, as with the D-Shape system [6].
Even the materials trial has started: bio based plastic, mix of grinded-down rocks or sand held
together with a liquid binding agent, fiber-reinforced concrete, etc.
The objective, stated by different manufacturers and researchers involved, is the sustainability
of the built environment, in terms of economic, environmental and social benefits, such as the
aims stated in "Houses of the future" of Khoshnevisk [7]. But, is this innovation really
sustainable? How will these houses be about environmental sustainability?
The aim of this paper is the attempt to give an answer to this question, through the
identification of the main, experimental case studies and the analysis in terms of
environmental benefits and potential problems.

The research was developed in three phases:
1. Gathering of information on 3D printing in construction
3D printing technology applied to construction was analysed, gathering information from
sources at different levels: scientific articles, information from manufacturers, informative
articles. The keywords used for searching are both words that indicate the type of process
(e.g., additive manufacturing or 3D print + automated construction; construction scale +
additive fabrication / manufacturing) and trade names of systems (e.g., D-Shape).
2. Identification and technical analysis of main systems
A selection was made among the identified systems, narrowing the field of investigation on
the following criteria:
- systems that are all actively undergoing development, rather than systems which, although
their high scientific value, have been relegated essentially to the research area (i.e. Pegna);
- systems involve the use of large machines that can print from big elements up to entire
buildings, instead of machines for printing small elements such as tiles or bricks;
- systems with technical information on the process and materials, needed for the purpose
of an assessment of environmental quality.
The selected systems were analysed and for each some summarized sheets were elaborated.
Only the information obtained from the manufacturers and scientific articles were included in
these technical sheets; the information obtained from informative articles were overlooked.

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3. Assessment of environmental sustainability
An environmental sustainability evaluation was carried out for the selected systems, with
remarks on the possible positive or critical issues related to the spread of AMC. Currently,
data are not available for a quantitative assessment of the environmental impact of AMC, nor
with regard to different aspects (emissions, energy, etc), nor for the different life cycle stages
of the manufactured products.
The assessment focused on some key aspects that the producers themselves highlight as
higher environmental performance compared to the traditional construction process. In
particular, some aspects, related to the cycle of the materials used for printing, were assessed:
from the resources to the possibility of disassembly/recycling at end of building life, without
neglecting indoor environment quality aspects.


1. Information and sources

The state of art analysis shows a literature that consists mainly in informative articles, freely
accessible from online journals. From these sources, it is possible to find information about all
the different systems, even the most recent ones, such as the current experimentations in
Amsterdam with the Kamer Maker system for 3D Canal House [8] or those of the Chinese
firm WIN SUN [9]. The amount of information discloses the relevance of the theme and the
growing interest of designers and building contractors.
A large part of the available information is disclosed on the websites of the analyzed systems.
However, due to the highly experimental nature of these systems, manufacturers spread
mainly general information, without going into technical details of the process and materials,
even when directly questioned.
The peer reviewed scientific articles are still few, and they are mainly related to the older
systems and to those most connected to research institutions, such as Contour Crafting,
developed at the University of Southern California [10], Loughborough University's Freeform
Construction project (UK ) [11], D-Shape by Enrico Dini [12].

2. Technical analysis of selected systems

Analyzing the results of the first phase, four systems are highlighted, on which the research
work is focused: Contour Crafting (CC), D-Shape (DS), Kamer Maker (KM) e Win Sun
Each of these systems involves the use of large machines that can print from large elements
up to entire buildings. In addition, even if they are in experimentation from different times, all
of them are leading to concrete field trials.
The selected systems have some differences in both process technology both materials used
for printing. For each of these systems, a data sheet was elaborated with the main technical
information on materials and processes and with the environmental performance highlighted
by the producers (see example in Table 1).

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Process Environmental note

The system operates by straining a binder on a sand layer. Transport: The aluminum
An aluminium structure holds the printer head. D-Shape structure is very light and it can
can print any feature that can be enveloped into a cube 6x6 be easily transported, assembled
meters side. The process takes place in a non-stop work and dismantled in a few hours by
session, starting from the foundation level and ending on two workers.
the top of the roof. The printing rises up in sections of 5-10 Local material: The possibility
mm. During the printing of each section, a ‘structural ink’ to use local sand, as zero-mile
is deposited by the printer’s nozzles on the sand. Upon base material, makes D-shape
contact the solidification process starts and a new layer is like a technology attentive to the
added. The solidification process takes 24 hours to sustainability of the construction.
complete. Surplus sand that has not been embedded within
the structure acts as a buttressing support while the Air emissions: The used binder is
solidification process takes place. This surplus sand can be an inorganic bi-component, eco-
reused on future buildings. friendly; chemically, the final
(Source: artificial marble is 100%
environmentally friendly.
Safety: no human intervention
The D-shape binding chemistry exploits two inorganic means substantially reduced risk
reactants: the first one is a metallic oxide in powder form of accidents.
that is dispersed among the granular material and the (Source:
powder component comprises at least one among
Magnesium Oxide, Silicon Oxide, Iron Oxide, Calcium
Oxide and Aluminium Oxide. The granular material is
preferably selected from the group comprised of dolomite,
calcareous or siliceous sands to which Magnesium Oxide is
added, in a ratio set between 15% and 30% by weight. The
second reactant is Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) and its
various hydrates MgCl2(H2O)x. These salts are typical ionic
halides, being highly soluble in water. The hydrated
Magnesium Chloride can be extracted from brine or sea
water. (Cesaretti et al, 2014).
Table 1: D-Shape technical sheet

Comparing the printing processes of the four selected systems, two typologies were
- The first (KM, CC, WS) involves the direct spillage of the print material from one or more
nozzles. The print material is quick-setting. The extruded elements, if with closed section,
can be filled by pouring or injection of filler material such as concrete (CC, KM).
- The second (DS) involves two print steps. During the first step, a uniform horizontal layer
of granular material (sand) is deposited by the machine. During the second step, a binding
liquid is sprayed on those parts of the layer which has to be bound; surplus sand that has
not been embedded within the structure acts as a buttressing support while the
solidification process takes place. At the end of the process, this surplus has to be
removed and can be reused on future buildings.

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About the printing materials, there is a strong impulse to the experimentation of different
possibilities (thermoplastic materials, ceramics, cement), even within the same system:
- currently, the most used materials are agglomerates of inert materials (e.g., sand) and
binding agent, with some differences between the different systems. For example, the CC
system is testing concrete mix with glass or carbon fiber as reinforcement, without
affecting the surface quality of printed items (since this is controlled by trowels combined
to nuzzle). The DS system uses inert granular material (sand) and inorganic binders: it
operates by straining a binder on a layer of granular material; the granular material is
preliminarily mixed with pulverized metal oxide which reacts later with the hydrated
magnesium chloride of the binding liquid. The WS systems used an agglomerate created
from recycled construction waste (i.e. sand, concrete, glass fiber), industrial waste and
tailings. All of these systems envisage the possibility of treating the agglomerate with
additives to accelerate the hardening and thus decrease the construction time.
- The KM prints with thermoplastics. Currently, it used Macromelt, a bioplastic made of
80% of vegetable oil. Hollow elements are printed; once solidified, they can be filled with
With regard to the place of printing, at the time the WS system allows printing building
components in the factory, then assembled on the construction site, instead the other systems
already allow the option of printing on site.

3. Performance and critical environmental issues

The selected systems analysis highlighted the environmental aspects for which AMC would
be more performing than the conventional building processes. This increased environmental
sustainability is indicated by the system manufacturers.
Among the most emphasized aspects, there are those related to the printing materials, such as:
- optimization of the raw materials, with the possibility of using local materials, reused or
recycled, or rapid renewable (e.g., the KM experiments with bioplastics);
- reduction/elimination of construction waste, a specific characteristic of AM technology;
- reduction of air pollutants emission, both during construction and use phase;
- easy re-use of materials and components at the end of the building life (e.g., KM defines
its artifacts as «easy to be disconnected in case the house needs to be relocated» [5]).
However, some of these features are not verifiable, in particular those relating to the
emissions of pollutants in the air and the materials and components re-use. Being in an area
still highly experimental, the reported performances are not always supported by
comprehensive technical information. This happens because the features are evolving, and the
producers need to maintain confidentiality of research aspects. For example, the WS system
claims to use materials mainly from recycled construction waste and treat the mixture with
additives in order to speed the curing of the printing layer. However, no data are provided on
the technical characteristics and on the percentage of the printing mix and the used additives.
This makes it difficult to evaluate some of the environmental performances declared by the
manufacturer, such as «good work environment, workers less exposed to hazardous materials
and noise» or «no harm to human body, no environmental pollution» [13].
In addition to the positive aspects, the systems analysis has also highlighted some critical
aspects related to the AMC. These include:
- addition of additives (not known, but presumably of chemical origin), to speed up the
hardening of the mixtures, could significantly modify the indoor air quality. These
additives are crucial in maintaining rapid construction time for the AMC systems,

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characterized by the successive deposition of layers of material with low heights, and
where a new layer can be deposited when the previous one has sufficiently solidified;
- risk of emission of ultrafine particles in the air during the printing, with possible impacts
on the worker health, due to the nature of the materials and the conditions in which
printing is done;
- criticality, at end of life, in the disposal of thermoplastic materials, due to the percentage
of polymeric materials likely present in the mixtures.

The results obtained from each of the three work phases, in particular the case studies
analysis, lead us to think that the potential of 3D printing technology is substantial for the
construction industry. If it continues to be developed, certainly it may revolutionize the
construction process.
However, to declare the 3D construction processes as sustainable, it is necessary to have more
certified information than that spread today by the producers. Some positive aspects are easy
to identify as special features of the 3D construction process, such as faster and accurate
construction, reduced labour costs, decreased construction waste, reduced safety risks for
workers. Much further research has to be done on still unclear points such as the complete
composition of the printing materials, which may have negative effects on indoor air quality
in the construction and use phases and on management of demolition waste at end of life.

1. ASTM: F2792 REV A - Standard Terminology for Additive Manufacturing
Technologies. 2012.
2. Pegna, J. : Exploraty investigation of solid freeform construction. Automation in
Construction, 5, pp 427-437, 1997.
3. Khoshnevis, B. : Automated construction by contour crafting related robotics and
information technologies. Automation in Construction, 13(1), pp 5-19, 2004.
7. Khoshnevis, B. (2004). Houses of the Future. Construction by Contour Crafting Building
Houses for Everyone. Urban Initiative policy Brief. USC-University of Southern
8. Sacchetti, V. (2013). Printable futures. Domus, 968/April 2013.
9. Balinski, B. (2014). Chinese company 3D prints 10 houses in a day from recycled
material. Architecture & Design; 22 April, 2014.
10. Zhang, J., & Khoshnevis, B. (2013). Optimal machine operation planning for construction
by Contour Crafting. Automation in Construction, 29(0), 50-67.
11. Buswell, R. A., Gibb, A. G., Soar, R., & Thorpe, A. (2007). Freeform construction: Mega-
scale rapid manufacturing for construction. Automation in Construction, 16(2), 224-231.
12. Cesaretti, G., Dini, E., De Kestelier, X., Colla, V., & Pambaguian, L. (2014). Building
components for an outpost on the lunar soil by means of a novel 3D printing technology.
Acta Astronautica, 93(0), 430-450.

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