Asian Age - Delhi - 2023-09-01

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Shah to start 2-day US Open: Djokovic cruises We get along great as
C’garh visit today to into 3rd round in quest for friends: Kalki Koechlin
review poll readiness 24th Grand Slam triumph on ex-husband Anurag RNI No. 57290/94, Regd No: DL-SW-05/4189/15-17 Vol. 30 No. 197 | 16 PAGES | `5.00

WINDOWS ■ Comes a week after G-20 ■ Bid to distract public, says Congress

Centre calls special session of

Parliament from Sept. 18 to 22
NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 can also be seen as a
The government has preparatory drill in the
called a special session of new Parliament building
Parliament from ahead of the P-20 con-
September 18 and 22. The ference of the Parl
special session is likely to Speakers of the G-20
be held in the new nations to be held in
Parliament building that
was inaugurated by
October in New Delhi
Prime Minister Narendra Speakers of the G-20
Actress Olga Kurilenko at the Modi in May this year. nations to be held in
photocall of the movie D’Argent “Special Session of October in New Delhi. Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi arrive to attend the INDIA bloc
Et De Sang (Of Money And Parliament (13th Session The Congress said this alliance meeting in Mumbai on Thursday. — RAJESH JADHAV
A view of the old and the new Parliament House buildings
Blood) at the 80th Venice Film of 17th Lok Sabha and was another tactic by the
in New Delhi on Thursday.
Festival on Thursday. — AFP

Opp. bloc to unveil logo,

261st Session of Rajya government to distract
Sabha) is being called While there was no offi- reports, the Centre may the public from major
At least 74 killed from 18th to
September, having five
22nd cial word on the agenda of
the session, which will be
bring in bills on “One
Nation, One Election”,
issues and grab news
share while the Shiv Sena
in Johannesburg’s sittings. Amid Amrit Kaal held days after the G-20 Uniform Civil Code and questioned the timing of

multi-storey fire
Johannesburg: A massive
looking forward to having
fruitful discussions and
debate in Parliament,”
said parliamentary affairs
summit in the national
capital on September 9
and 10, it is expected that
the government will brief
women’s reservation in
the special session of
The special session can
the special session as it
collides with the Ganesh
Chaturthi festival, that
falls on September 18-19.
INDIA’s structure today
pre-dawn fire in a five-
storey building mostly
minister Pralhad Joshi on
Thursday in a tweet, as he
the legislators about the
outcome of the G-20 sum-
also be seen as a prepara-
tory drill in the new
“Managing the News
Cycle, Modi style. 1. News
■ ‘Will win’: Sena-UBT ■ ‘Childishness of cowards’: BJP
occupied by homeless ille- shared a picture of both mit. Parliament building today has been dominated BHAGWAN PARAB
gal immigrants killed at the old and new buildings According to some ahead of the P-20 confer- by the latest revelations and PRASAD PATIL
least 74 people and injured of Parliament well lit up. unconfirmed media ence of the Parliament ■ Turn to Page 4 MUMBAI, AUG. 31
52 others on Thursday here
After holding informal

Xi likely to skip Delhi G-20 summit

in the central business dis-
trict in South Africa’s talks on Thursday, the
biggest city, an incident leaders of the Opposition
described as a “great “INDIA” alliance will get
tragedy” by the country’s back to serious business
president. Authorities said
it was unclear what
■ No official announcement yet ■ Chinese PM Li Qiang may attend on Friday, the concluding
day of its two-day confer-
sparked the blaze at the AGE CORRESPONDENT ◗ RUSSIAN PRESIDENT “making absurd claims ence in Mumbai, with sev-
building occupied by NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 doesn’t make other peo- eral tasks on their agen-
homeless people and
Vladimir Putin has ple’s territory yours”. da.
squatters in the city centre Chinese President Xi already opted out of This also comes in the Apart from unveiling
that displaced dozens of Jinping may skip the attending the summit wake of the recent infor- the logo of the alliance,
families. — PTI forthcoming G-20 summit and Moscow will be rep- mal conversation between the leaders will hold talks
Full report on Page 6 in New Delhi and Beijing resented by its foreign President Xi and Prime on the structuring of the
may be represented by its minister Sergey Lavrov. Minister Narendra Modi coalition. It includes the
Prime Minister Li Qiang President Xi had last vis- on the sidelines of the formation of the coordina-
UPI transactions cross instead, media reports
ited India in 2019. Xi Jinping
Brics summit in tion committee, secretari- AAP convenor and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal
including a Reuters Johannesburg during at/election management, with party leader Raghav Chadha arrives for the INDIA
10 billion mark in Aug. report on Thursday have Delhi with Beijing earlier ed by its foreign minister which Mr Modi had high- research wing, spokesper- alliance meeting at a hotel in Mumbai on Thursday. — PTI
New Delhi: UPI transac- suggested, even as there is this week on the publica- Sergey Lavrov. President lighted “India’s concerns sons, media and social
tions crossed 10 billion no official word of confir- tion of a Chinese official Xi had last visited India in on the resolved issues media teams and commit- INDIA alliance is not like- leader Omar Abdullah,
mark in August, the NPCI mation as yet from either map showing India’s 2019. along the Line of Actual tee for national agenda. ly to be announced during after arriving in Mumbai
said on Thursday. NPCI Beijing or New Delhi on northeastern state of External affairs minis- Control (LAC) in the west- They will also discuss the the conference. The for the conference, said
is an umbrella organisa- the matter. Arunachal Pradesh as ter S. Jaishankar had also ern (Ladakh) sector of the common campaign issues alliance also will not pro- that the decision about
tion for all retail pay- This follows continuing Chinese territory. Russian said earlier this week that India-China border area”. and joint action schedule ject any one leader for the the Prime Minister can be
ment systems in India. tensions between India President Vladimir Putin “it is an old habit of He had also “underlined during the course of the Prime Minister’s post taken after the elections.
UPI is used for immedi- and China on the border has already opted out of China” to include areas in (to the Chinese leader) day. before the Lok Sabha elec- “I don’t think there is a
ate money transfer issue and a strong diplo- attending the summit and their maps that belong to that the maintenance of However, sources said tions. need to announce the face
through mobile devices matic protest by New Moscow will be represent- other countries and that ■ Turn to Page 4 that the convenor of the National Conference ■ Turn to Page 4
round the clock. — PTI

Arvinder Singh Lovely Jaya Sinha 1st 2 killed as ethnic violence Polls in J&K can India’s GDP
new Delhi Cong chief woman chief of grows 7.8%
New Delhi: The Congress on
Thursday appointed Arvinder
Singh Lovely as the chief of
its Delhi unit, replacing Anil
Railway Board
N e w
flares up in Manipur again be held anytime in Q1 FY24;
Chaudhary. Continuing his Delhi,
■Key songwriter among dead Firing by rival groups■ beats China
now: Govt to SC
organisational rejig, Congress Aug. 31:
president Mallikarjun Kharge Breaking
appointed Lovely, a former another MANOJ ANAND ◗ THE SECURITY their injuries. One of MADHUSUDAN SAHOO
minister in the Sheila Dikshit male bas- GUWAHATI, AUG. 31 sources said intermit- them has been identified NEW DELHI, AUG. 31
government, to head the tion, the Jaya Verma tent firing continued as songwriter L.S. SANJAY KAW Justice of India (CJI)
party’s Delhi unit. govern- In the ongoing ethnic Mangboi, who was widely NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 D.Y. Chandrachud, The government on
Full report on Page 2 ment on
clash in strife-torn even on Thursday, in popular locally, especially hearing the petitions Thursday said that
Thursday appointed a Manipur, two more peo- which one person from for a song — I gam hilo The Centre on challenging the amend- India’s economy
woman as the head of ple were killed and five Bishnupur and four peo- ham, which translates as Thursday told the ments made to Article remained resilient and
COUNTERPOINT the Indian Railways. others, including two ple from Churachandpur “Isn’t this our land?” – Supreme Court that 370, that it is ready for the gross domestic prod-
Come September, police personnel, were and two IRB personnel which he had written dur- with most of the work elections in the UT and uct (GDP) grew by 7.8
Jaya Verma Sinha, a critically wounded in the had sustained injuries ing the ongoing conflict. on the voters’ list com- that the Election per cent in the first
member of the Indian ongoing firing between According to police, a pleted, elections can be Commission has to take quarter of the financial
Railway Management two communities at the sustained injuries on critical Mangboi was held in Jammu and a call on specific dates. year 2023–24, compared
Service (IRMS), will border of the state’s their shoulders, legs and being transported to Kashmir “anytime from Mr Mehta said : “My to 13.1 per cent in the
be the first ever chair- Churachandpur and back, officials said. Aizawl for medical treat- now”. The Union gov- instructions are that I same quarter a year ago.
person and CEO of the Bishnupur districts on The security sources ment but succumbed to ernment, however, told am unable to give the Staying on track in Q1
Railway Board. She Thursday. said intermittent firing his injuries en route on the top court that it can- exact time period right FY24, the economy
succeeds Anil Kumar Saying that firing broke continued even on Thursday morning. After not “give the exact time now about complete showed significant
Lahoti. out between the two com- Thursday, in which one his death at Songtal, period” when J&K’s statehood while saying growth due to domestic
Ms Sinha was at the munities on Wednesday, person from Bishnupur around 100 km from statehood can be the UT status is tempo- demand, government
centre of media inter- security sources said at and four people from Churachandpur, he was restored but reiterated rary. Because of the capital expenditure and
actions recently when least five people had sus- Churachandpur and two brought back to the town. that its Union territory peculiar circumstances a services-led recovery
she explained the tained injuries, out of IRB personnel had sus- The other deceased, status is “temporary”. the state has passed that shielded the nation
complex signalling which three had been tained injuries. Richard Hemkholin Solicitor-general through with repeated from tighter monetary
system after the trag- taken to Churachandpur On Thursday morning, Guite, who the locals say Tushar Mehta told a and consistent distur- and weaker global condi-
ic Balasore accident. district hospital. While two of the injured people was a village defence vol- five-judge Constitution bances for decades, it tions.
■ More on Page 5 one was hit by splinters from the Kuki-Zomi com- unteer, succumbed to his Bench headed by Chief ■ Turn to Page 4 India remained the
on his head, the others munity succumbed to ■ Turn to Page 4 fastest-growing major
economy as China post-
ed 6.3 per cent growth in
Max : 37OC
Min: 28OC
Another Indian-origin UK minister: April–June 2023. As per
the data released by the
National Statistical
Office, the government
RH: 46%
Rain: 10 Claire Coutinho is new energy secy also claimed that India
remained the fastest-
growing large economy,
Forecast: Sunny ADITI KHANNA In her first Cabinet role, mainly due to better per-
LONDON, AUG. 31 Ms Coutinho replaced formance by the agricul-
Grant Shapps after he was ture and financial sec-
ASTROGUIDE Claire Coutinho, a close promoted as defence sec- tors.
Shobhakrut: Dakshinayana aide of British Prime retary following the resig- According to the data
Minister Rishi Sunak, got nation of Ben Wallace. released by the
Tithi: Nija Shravana Bahula a big promotion as his “I am delighted to have Controller General of
Vidiya till 11.53 pm new energy security and been appointed secretary Accounts, the Centre’s
Star: Purvabhadra till 2.59 pm net zero secretary in a of state for energy securi- fiscal deficit for the first
mini-reshuffle on ty and net zero. I will quarter of the financial
Varjyam: 11.37 pm to 1.03 am Thursday. Claire Coutinho work with the Prime year 2023–24 has soared
Durmuhurtam: 8.33 am to Ms Coutinho, 38, ing in the wake of the Minister to safeguard our to `6.06-lakh crores
9.23 am; 12.40 pm to 1.30 pm becomes the second Goan- Russia-Ukraine conflict. energy security, reduce against 3.41-lakh crores
Rahukalam: 10.30 am to 12 pm origin minister after She has committed her- bills for families, and in the same period the
home secretary Suella self to work on safeguard- build cleaner, cheaper, previous year. The fiscal
SUNSET TODAY 6.43 PM Braverman in the Sunak ing energy security and homegrown energy,” she deficit touched 33.9 per
SUNRISE TOMORROW 5.59 AM A combo picture shows the Vikram lander capturing Pragyan rover’s rotation for a Cabinet and has a tough reducing bills for families ■ Turn to Page 4 cent of the full-year tar-
MOONRISE TOMORROW 8.23 PM safe route on the surface of the moon as part of Isro’s Chandrayaan-3 lunar mission. brief ahead of her as ener- struggling with a cost-of- ■ Grant Shapps UK’s new get.
MOONSET TODAY 7.05 AM — PTI gy costs have been soar- living crisis. defence minister: Page 6 ■ More on Page 6
pg 3

■ Anil Chaudhary replaced as organisational rejig continues

Arvinder Lovely is Delhi Cong chief

SANJAY KAW help of eight Congress Delhi unit. He was ernments led by Sheila
NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 Congress the party’s Delhi president Dikshit in the national cap-
MLAs in in 2015 when he was asked ital.
Continuing his organisa- 2013. to step down. Subsequently, After his appointment, Mr
tional rejig in the state It is learnt he left the Congress and Lovely thanked Congress
units, Congress president that Mr joined the BJP, albeit only leader Sonia Gandhi and
Mallikarjun Kharge on Lovely’s for nine months. the entire party leadership.
Thursday appointed appointment Considered a prominent “I have to strengthen the
Arvinder Singh Lovely, could pave the way for an Sikh face in Delhi’s poli- Congress in Delhi. The peo-
while replacing Anil alliance between the tics, Mr Lovely is a former ple are fed up with the lead-
Chaudhary, as the chief of Congress and the AAP— minister who held signifi- ership in Delhi in the last
its Delhi unit. especially in terms of a cant portfolios such as seven to eight years. People
Mr Lovely had played a seat-sharing agreement—in transport, education, rev- are in favour of Rahul
key role in the party’s deci- Delhi for the 2024 Lok Sabha enue, and urban develop- Gandhi ji. Our former presi-
sion to support the AAP election. ment among others and dents have worked hard and
from outside enabling it to This is the second time one of the key figures of people are working to
form the government in the that Mr Lovely has been the Cabinet from each of strengthen the Congress
national capital with the appointed the chief of the the three consecutive gov- organisation,” he said.

Man held for Teen among 2 Brother-in-law & 2 others held

ejaculating on held in Amazon for Ghaziabad lawyer’s murder
Ghaziabad (UP), Aug. 31: A in-law Amit Dagar, his
minor in Metro manager killing man was arrested on
Thursday for allegedly
brother Nitin Dagar and
other accomplices Madan
AGE CORRESPONDENT AGE CORRESPONDENT murdering his brother-in- Dagar, Anuj and Paloo
law, who was a lawyer, in alias Amit. She alleged
his chambers on the tehsil that all five were present
A man was apprehended Two men were arrested in court complex here a day on the court premises at
for allegedly masturbat- connection with the killing back, the police said. the time of the shootout.
ing and ejaculating on a of a senior manager of e- Manoj Chowdhary alias Based on the complaint,
girl travelling on a Delhi commerce giant Amazon Monu Jaat was eating an FIR was lodged against
Metro train. and injuring his uncle in lunch in his chambers at the five people under
The incident took place Northeast Delhi’s around 2 pm on Wednesday Indian Penal Code sec-
at around 8.30 pm on Bhajanpura area, the when two men entered the tions 302 (murder) and
Wednesday on the Delhi police said on Thursday. room and fired at him. He 120B (Conspiracy) among
Metro’s Red Line. The Bilal Gani (18), a resi- died on the spot. others, the police said,
train in which the girl dent of Subhash Mohalla The victim’s wife, Kavita adding that the incident
was travelling with her in Bhajanpura, was appre- Chowdhary, lodged a com- was the fallout of a family
mother was crowded on hended near Signature plaint against his brother- dispute. — PTI
account of Raksha Bridge around 2 am on
Bandhan festivities. Thursday by the
The girl’s mother found Northeast district police,
that the man had ejacu- while Mohammad Sameer
lated on her daughter in alias Maya was nabbed by
the overcrowded coach the special cell on
and she got down at the Wednesday night, they
Seelampur station. said.
The accused, who hails Harpreet Gill (36) and his
from West Bengal, was 32-year-old maternal uncle
nabbed by two fellow pas- Govind Singh were shot at
sengers and later handed and injured around 11.30
over to the Delhi Metro pm on Tuesday in the
authorities at the Subhash Vihar area in
Shahdara station. Northeast Delhi when the
The station authorities two were out on a motorcy-
later informed the cle.
police. Gill was pronounced dead
In a statement, the at a hospital.
Delhi Metro Rail The two were on a motor-
Corporation (DMRC) cycle when the assailants
said such incidents are on a scooter and a motorcy-
“extremely unsavoury cle intercepted them and
and against the dignity opened fire at them, deputy
of passengers and all commissioner of police
societal norms.” (Northeast) Joy Tirkey
pg 4

■ To address tribal conference in Mahasamund tomorrow

Biren: Civil bodies in state
Maoists abduct, kill
tribal cop in C’garh
Raipur: Suspected Maoists
Shah to start 2-day C’garh visit need to talk in single voice
abducted and then killed a
policeman in the village of
Duvalipara under Gangalur
police station limits in Bijapur
today to review poll readiness Different voices make it difficult to find solution: Manipur CM
Imphal, Aug. 31: Manipur Kukis, the to the Centre.”
district in Chhattisgarh, RABINDRA NATH ◗ THE MINISTER is chief minister N. Biren two war- “We must come together
police said on Thursday. The
slain cop Budhram Awlam,
RAIPUR, AUG. 31 Rahul to visit state on Sept. 2 scheduled to hold a
meeting with senior
Singh on Thursday lament-
ed that there are too many
ring com-
m u n i t i e s,
irrespective of our politi-
cal and community affilia-
tion and work together for
posted as assistant constable civil society organisations have their
in Toynar police station in the Union home minister New Delhi, Aug. 31: ing them of the develop- party leaders and will in the state and they speak own such the present and future gen-
district, was on leave to visit Amit Shah is arriving Congress leader Rahul ment work that the state take stock of the prepa- in different voices, making bodies. eration to enable them to
his village of Jangla in the here on Friday on a two- Gandhi will visit government has done, rations for the year-end it difficult to find a solu- Kukis are live with dignity,” Mr
district. He was abducted by day tour to Chhattisgarh Chhattisgarh to address leaders said. polls in the state tion to the ethnic problem represent- Singh said at the state-level
suspected Maoists at to review preparations by a youth rally on The Congress and the rocking Manipur for near- N. Biren Singh ed by celebration of the “meri
Duvalipara when he was trav- BJP for the ensuing September 2, as the opposition both are eye- chargesheet against the ly four months. CM urged organisations such as the maati mera desh” pro-
elling in a motorcycle with assembly elections. party gears up for ing the youth votes in Bhupesh Baghel govern- those bodies to present a indigenous tribal leaders gramme. The “meri maati
one of his relatives on As per the state media assembly polls this year. the state. There are 48 ment on Saturday. concrete proposal to solve forum (ITLF), committee mera desh” envisions a
Wednesday, a senior police coordinator of BJP, Mr Gandhi will visit Raipur lakh youth voters in the Mr Shah is scheduled to the crisis in one voice, so it on tribal unity (COTU), unified celebration of
officer of Bastar said. Shah is scheduled to to attend 'yuva samvad' state and out of it 4.43 address a tribal conference can be conveyed to the kuki inpi and the zomi India's soil and valour,
arrive here at around 6.40 on September 2 after- lakh are first time vot- in Saraipali under Centre by the state govern- council. On the other hand, commemorating the
8 terrorists at large pm on Friday. The minis-
ter is scheduled to hold a
noon and reach out to
first time voters, appris-
ers, state government
officials said. — PTI
Mahasamund district in
the state on Saturday after-
“There are too many
civil bodies like the coordi-
nating committee on
nation’s journey of free-
dom and progress. This
for decades arrested meeting with senior party
leaders and will take stock charge and Union minister leader Narayan Chandel
noon before leaving for
Delhi the same day.
organisations. We are at a
very crucial stage now.
Manipur integrity (COCO-
MI), united committee
drive comprises many
activities and ceremonies
Jammu: Eight absconding ter- of the preparations for the Mansukh Mandaviya, sen- and some other senior lead- Meanwhile, Mr Mandaviya Both the central and the Manipur (UCM) and the all conducted globally.
rorists have been arrested year-end Assembly polls ior party leader Ajey ers of the party in the state arrived here on Thursday state governments are con- Manipur united clubs Condemning the gun
during a special drive by the in Chhattisgarh by BJP. Jamwal, former chief min- are scheduled to attend the on a 2-day visit to the state fused about whom to talk organisation (AMUCO) attacks on farmers tending
state investigation agency Party’s election in-charge ister Raman Singh, state meeting, sources said. to attend various party to. We will go with the pub- represent Meiteis. their fields at Naransena
and the criminal investigation for Chhattisgarh O.M. party president Arun Sao, The Union minister is meetings ahead of the lic and never work against “People and civil society in Bishnupur district on
department that have started Mathur, co-election in- BJP legislature party scheduled to release assembly polls in the state. the interests of the peo- organisations should Tuesday, the chief minis-
looking for killers and terrorist ple,” Mr Singh said. come together and take a ter said, “security forces
aides hiding by blending in A number of civil society concrete proposal show- arrested one person in this
the society, the police said.
Assisted by criminal investiga-
tion department (CID) inputs,
IAF drills near organisations are commu-
nity-based. Meities and
ing their stand so that the
government can convey it
connection along with a
.303 rifle.” — PTI
SIA has apprehended eight Pak, China
ED arrests 4 in HP
terrorists wanted in Terrorist
and Disruptive Activities
(Prevention) Act cases after 3 borders from Another PIO
decades, official said. — PTI
Sept. 4 to 14 UK minister:
Clashes in Manipur AGE CORRESPONDENT
scholarship ‘scam’ Claire is new
NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 New Delhi, Aug. 31: Four Enforcement Directorate
■ Continued From Page 1
injuries in the Churachandpur Indian Air Force is
people, including a for-
mer official of the
(ED) said a special PMLA
court in Shimla sent them
energy secy
district. While one of the vic- going to hold a major air Himachal Pradesh higher to its custody for five ■ Continued From Page 1
tims was killed by a bullet exercise Trishul in the education directorate, days. tweeted. Like Mr Sunak,
wound, the other died when a northern sector along have been arrested in a Josan and Kumar UK-born Ms Coutinho
countrymade gun he was using the borders with both case linked to an alleged through ASAMS educa- grew up in a family con-
misfired and hit him on his China and Pakistan. `200 crore scam in grant tion group and skill devel- nected with the national
face, the sources said. The air exercise will be of scholarships to SC, ST opment society claimed health service (NHS)
It is significant that in the conducted when G-20 and OBC students of the scholarship under the and was in the field of
fresh spell of violence that summit will be held at state, the ED said on post-matric scheme for investment banking
started on August 29, four peo- the national capital. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi with FIDE World Cup runner-up grandmaster R. Pragg- Thursday. scheduled castes (SC), before joining politics.
ple have been killed. On August exercise which is sched- nanandhaa in New Delhi on Thursday. — PTI They were arrested scheduled tribes (ST) and The pro-Brexiter with
29, two people -- Jangminlun uled to be held from under the Prevention of other backward classes a Master’s degree in
(OBC) students by pre-

Economic growth picked up after

Gangte and Laibungjam Inao -- September 4 to 14 will be Money Laundering Act Maths and Philosophy
had died in Churachandpur carried out in Ladakh, (PMLA). senting “fabricated” doc- from Oxford University
and Bishnupur respectively. Himachal Pradesh, Rajdeep Josan and uments, the agency was elected member of
Meanwhile, search operations Jammu and Kashmir Krishan Kumar, partners alleged. Parliament for East
were done by the security
forces in the fringe and vulner-
able areas of Kangpokpi,
Thoubal, Churachandpur and
and Punjab.
The exercise is being
held when there has
been increase in hostile
reforms of 1991, says Ahluwalia at ASAMS education
group, Hitesh Gandhi,
vice chairman of KC
group of institutions
Similarly, it said, the KC
group of institutions
headed by Gandhi made
“bogus” claims for schol-
Surrey, southeast
England, in 2019 with a
promise to serve people.
“I was elected the
Imphal West districts, in which air activities by China at AGE CORRESPONDENT (located in Pandoga) and arship which were veri- Member of Parliament
five arms, 31 pieces of ammu- the Line of Actual NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 Arvind Rajta, a former fied by Rajta. for East Surrey in 2019.
nition, 19 explosives and three Control (LAC) since official of the Himachal Gandhi transferred the Growing up, I watched
packs of IED material were stand-off at Ladakh Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Pradesh directorate of scholarship disbursed in my parents work as GPs
recovered. The police has also started in 2020. With former deputy chairman higher education’s schol- the bank account of stu- (general practitioners)
set up 130 nakas in different Chinese President Xi of the Planning arship branch, were dents to the bank in the NHS, listening to
districts and detained 1,646 per- Jinping likely to skip the Commission, on Thursday taken into custody on accounts of KC group of people’s problems and
sons in connection with vari- forthcoming G-20 sum- said that by and large the Wednesday. institutions, the ED probe solving them as best
ous violations. mit in Delhi the stand- economic growth picked In a statement, the found. — PTI they could. It is in that
off at the LAC may not up after the reforms of spirit that I hope to

Xi likely to skip be resolved anytime

soon. Indian Air Force
has been prepared for
Speaking at the third
Pranab Mukherjee Amarnath Yatra concludes;
serve the people of East
reads the
G-20 summit any eventuality since Memorial Lecture — Montek Singh Ahluwalia, former deputy chairman of cian’s mission statement

■ Continued From Page 1

peace and tranquillity in the
the stand-off started.
IAFs frontline fighter
jets Rafale, Mirage 2000
“Towards Inclusive and
Sustainable Growth:
Challenges Ahead” — he
the Planning Commission, speaks during the Pranab
Mukherjee Memorial Lecture at the India International
Centre in New Delhi on Thursday as Pranab’s daughter
over 4.4 lakh offer prayers as a Tory MP.
Mr Sunak’s decision to
catapult her into the
border areas and observing and and the Su-30MKIs will said that after the eco- Sharmistha Mukherjee and former Delhi University Srinagar, Aug. 31: The 62- The deaths were due to Cabinet — as its
respecting LAC are essential be part of the Trishul nomic reforms took place vice-chancellor Dinesh Khanna look on. — G.N. Jha day annual Amarnath weather-related incidents youngest member in fact
for normalisation of the India- exercise. The heavy-lift in 1991, the growth rate Yatra concluded on or natural causes, they — marks her out instant-
China relationship”. transport aircraft and remains at 6 per cent to 6.5 governments continued to ability, the former deputy Thursday with more than added. The number of pil- ly as a major figure in
It may be recalled that India choppers including the or 6.7 per cent in the suc- stick to the policy of chairman of the Planning 4.4 lakh pilgrims offering grims who undertook the Conservative politics,
has maintained that China Chinooks and Apache cessive governments and reforms and decided not Commission cited an prayers at the cave shrine yatra this year was higher present and future, the
amassing a large number of its will too be involved in during the UPA I regime, to interfere in private sec- example of the depleting in the south Kashmir than last year’s 3.65 lakh. BBC reported.
troops at LAC in Ladakh sector the exercise. Indian Air this also reached 8 per tors. groundwater level every Himalayas this year. The yatra this year She says she started
in the spring and summer of Force's special forces cent for a brief moment. “The recent push for dig- year in the farming sector. Officials said a total of remained peaceful and her career at Merrill
2020 and the perceived reluc- Garud will also be part However, during the later italisation is a very impor- “You may get a good crop 4,45,338 devotees paid incident-free, the officials Lynch, before leaving
tance of Chinese troops to pull of the Trishul exercise. period of the UPA II tant change in my view. It year by year but the deple- obeisance to the naturally said. The holy mace of the City of London firm
back from all friction points in Chinese Air Force will regime, it also declined hold promise for the tion of the groundwater is formed ice “shivling” dur- Lord Shiva, popularly for a career in social jus-
the Ladakh sector even now is also be holding air exer- due to some internal prob- future in terms of what an example of unsustain- ing the pilgrimage which known as “chhari tice policy.
a violation of the 1990s border cise “Shaheen” (Eagle) lems and lack of decision- we can do for productivity, ability.” commenced on July 1 mubarak”, carried by a “I focused on a wide
pacts with India. India has with Pakistan later this making. However, by and access and, particularly, This is a known problem through Baltal and group of sadhus and range of issues from
maintained that ties cannot be month till mid- large it was at 7 per cent for providing access to all in parts of northern India Pahalgam routes. They devotees led by its custo- education to financial
normal with China unless September at China's during the UPA II regime, sections of the society, for the last 20 years. “No said 48, including pilgrims dian Mahant Deepindra inclusion, to the regen-
Beijing pulls back its troops northwest Jiuquan and he said. using all kinds of techno- government, whether at and service providers, Giri, arrived at the holy eration of deprived com-
from all the friction points and Yinchuan to improve Mr Ahluwalia also said logical advantages,” he the Centre or in different died during the course of cave in the early hours of munities,” she adds in
restores the status quo of inter-portability between that after the 1991 added. states, has been able to the yatra this year and 62 Thursday for day-long her mission statement.
March 2020. the two forces. reforms, the successive Talking about sustain- handle this problem. suffered injuries. prayers, they said. — PTI — PTI

Elections in J&K can be held anytime now: Govt to SC Centre calls special session of Parliament
■ Continued From Page 1 the top court as a tactic to it asks a question and the Senior advocate Kapil Sibal,
might take some time." divert attention from the answer is the same and as appearing for NC leader ■ Continued From Page 1 Congress MP in Rajya Mauritius? Question Chaturvedi.
Mr Mehta told the bench, main issue of the challenge to ambiguous and evasive as it Mohd Akbar Lone, objected to on the Modani-scam. 2. Sabha Jairam Ramesh. remains,” wrote TMC MP Jawahar Sircar
also comprising Justices the legality of the Centre's was four years ago, then I the bench recording the fig- Tomorrow the ever-grow- “Thank you for calling Manickam Tagore on X, said, “No consultation
Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Sanjiv August 5, 2019 decisions, think it is a matter of con- ure given by the Central gov- ing INDIA parties meet in the session on 18th earlier known as with the Opposition, no
Khanna, B.R. Gavai and other political parties said the cern," he told the media. In the ernment. He said it should Mumbai. How to counter? September. The Adani Twitter. agenda known, no message
Surya Kant, that elections in remarks were fallacious, a apex court, Mr Mehta said not be taken on record as it Announce a 5-day special Mega Scam is the largest “This special session from the Speaker or the
J&K will be held in three joke and similar to the that terror-related incidents will "affect the mind" of the session of Parliament corruption scandal in called during India’s most Chairman of Rajya Sabha.
stages — first panchayat Centre's stand over last few had gone down by 45.2 per cent court, which is adjudicating when the Monsoon Session Indian history. Who are important festival of The Lord has summoned
polls, the second municipal years. NC spokesperson when compared to 2018. He the constitutional issue of has just ended 3 weeks Chang Chung-Ling and Ganesh Chaturthi is us all to be present in
polls and the third Legislative Imran Nabi Dar said: "We did said that infiltration, which Article 370. back. Regardless, the JPC Nasser Ali Shabhan, who unfortunate and goes Parliament from 18th to
Assembly polls. "There are not go to the SC asking for was one of the biggest con- The CJI assured Mr Sibal demand will continue to ended up controlling 13% against Hindu sentiments. 22nd September! Only a
three elections that are due. polls. Our basic plea is cerns in the erstwhile state, is that whatever data the solici- resonate inside and out- of Adani shares through Surprised at their choice detective or an astrologer
For the first time, the three- against unilateral and uncon- down by 90.2 per cent. tor-general has given will not side Parliament,” said offshore operations from of dates!,” said Priyanka can tell us — what next!”
tier panchayati raj system has stitutional decisions taken on Citing more data, Mr Mehta have any bearing on the con-
been introduced. First, elec- August 5, 2019. What S-G has said, "Incidents of stone pelt- stitutional issue being adjudi-
tions will be for panchayats.
District development council
elections have already taken
told the SC bench is a tactic to
divert attention from main
issue, which is the August 5
ing and hartals, which were
1,767 in 2018, are now nil. The
casualties of security person-
cated by the five-judge bench.
"What he has given is in pur-
suance of the court's query
Opposition bloc to unveil logo, INDIA’s structure today
place. The Leh elections are decisions, and we will confine nel have gone down by 60.9 and what steps the Union of ■ Continued From Page 1 Lalu Prasad Yadav and his ish and immature. Does he tures of Mr Thackeray out-
over. For the Kargil Hill ourselves to that." per cent; organised bandhs, India has taken to restore for the PM post right now. son Tajashwi Yadav, who is mean that the Opposition side the Mumbai airport to
Development Council, the People's Democratic Party which were coordinated by electoral democracy. We Let the polls be held and a Bihar deputy chief minis- parties are going to suggest that it has not left
elections will be held by the chief spokesperson Suhail secessionist groups, have should be fair to the solicitor- majority be achieved. ter, arrived in Mumbai for appoint a separate PM for Hindutva. The rival Shinde
end of this month. Then there Bukhari said neither the gone down from 52 in 2018 to general as he has only given Then it can be decided," he the conference. The Yadav each region in order to pro- faction put out another
will be municipality elections restoration of statehood nor nil in 2023." For the restora- the roadmap," the bench said, said. father-son duo went to the tect their feudal estates? banner with an old state-
and then the Legislative the conduct of the Assembly tion of statehood, Mr Mehta adding, "The nature of the The Shiv Sena (UBT), famous Siddhivinayak He has surrendered to peo- ment from Shiv Sena
Assembly elections... J&K is a polls are essential priorities said several steps are being development, which the gov- which is hosting the meet- Temple at Prabhadevi to ple who hated Balasaheb founder Balasaheb
UT with a legislature." for the party. "We want to wit- taken and investments of ernment says took place post- ing, said the Opposition seek the blessings of Lord Thackeray his whole life. Thackeray on the Western
On the statehood issue, Mr ness how the SC decides on the around `7,000 crores have August 2019, may not be rele- bloc is ready to ensure the Ganesh. The Sena (UBT) workers Express Highway in
Mehta said he had already constitutional validity of the been promised, out of which vant to your constitutional victory of INDIA, saying The BJP ridiculed the are going to serve dinner to Santacruz, Mumbai. The
made a statement. That apart, abrogation of Article 370, over `2,000 crores have challenge and therefore, what that the BJP-led govern- Opposition meeting, call- those who have insulted banner quoted the Sena
Union home minister Amit which we believe was uncon- already been made. The S-G they respond to the constitu- ment at the Centre "has ing it a "childishness of V.D. Savarkar time and founder in Marathi, saying,
Shah said on the floor of stitutional and illegal. We are said several projects are tional challenge has to be bent its knee before cowards". BJP leader again," Mr Shelar said. "I will not let Shiv Sena
Parliament that "UT is a tem- satisfied with the cogent man- underway and out of the 53 dealt with independently." China." Shiv Sena (UBT) Ashish Shelar said that the LS MP Gananan Kirtikar become the Congress."
porary thing in J&K". ner in which the case of the Pradhan Mantri Mr Sibal told the bench that leader and MP Sanjay Raut leaders of the INDIA from the Eknath Shinde The INDIA alliance's
"We are dealing with an people of J&K has been plead- Development Projects, 32 even otherwise, the petition- said that even China will alliance are cowards camp said that Mr attempts to bring all
extremely extraordinary situ- ed by the legal luminaries of have been completed. "Peace ers will have to counter these step back from the border because they cannot face Thackeray has become Opposition parties togeth-
ation," the S-G said, adding, the country." J&K people's con- does not merely come by facts being brought on record after seeing the way with the BJP on their own. subservient to the er, however, received a set-
"The exact time frame for the ference chairman Sajad Lone policing," he told the bench, by the Centre. "They are say- which the INDIA alliance Referring to Uddhav Congress and is rolling out back, as Punjab's
restoration of complete state- said the submissions made by which was recording the fig- ing there were zero hartals. has been moving forward. Thackeray’s comment that the carpet for those who Shiromani Akali Dal has
hood in J&K cannot be given Mr Mehta were not different ures given by him. Over 5,000 people were put "As the Opposition’s INDIA the INDIA alliance has sev- have taken an anti- decided not to join either
at the moment. It might take from the statements that came Mr Mehta added that, as far under house arrest. How will alliance advances, seeing eral options for the PM’s Hindutva stand. the INDIA or NDA. Taking
some time. Various steps are from the Centre on the issue as Ladakh is concerned, there there be hartals, when you our power, China will start post while the BJP has The conference has also a jibe at the INDIA
being taken to restore the sta- over the last four years. "I am are two areas -- Leh and don’t allow them to go to the stepping back from bor- only one, Mr. Shelar said witnessed a poster war alliance, senior SAD leader
tus of the state in J&K." disappointed, not because of Kargil. For Leh, the elections hospital? The proceedings of ders," Mr Raut said. that is why the meeting is between the two factions of Prem Singh Chandumajra
While the National J&K, but partly because of the for the hill development coun- this court are televised and Meanwhile, Congress nothing but "childishness". the Shiv Sena, with the said, "It seems that all par-
Conference (NC) described judiciary. This is the highest cil are over but for Kargil, these figures may aid in creat- leaders Sonia Gandhi and "Mr Thackeray's state- UBT faction putting up saf- ties are coming together to
Mr Mehta's submissions in pedestal of the judiciary and if they will be held next month. ing an opinion," he said. Rahul Gandhi, RJD leader ment yesterday was child- fron flags along with pic- save one family."
pg 5

■ Saffron party intensifies preps for upcoming Assembly polls

SHORT TAKES Akhilesh: Those against us
Both BJP, TMC have
to be defeated: Bose
Kolkata: Left Front chairman
BJP eyes 49 ‘weak’ seats in Raj once welcoming us today
SHASHI BHUSHAN terms, has never won ◗ IN THE last Rajasthan any possible loss of exist-
Biman Bose on Thursday
said both the BJP and the
NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 these 19 Assembly seats in
the history of Rajasthan,
Assembly elections in ing seats and simultane-
ously weaken the
‘Big change will happen in LS polls, U.P. to play key role’
ruling Trinamul Congress Leaving no stone and it was decided that 2018, the BJP lost power Opposition parties. SONU SHRIVASTAVA
have to be defeated to unturned to return to special attention will be to the Congress. Of the A party insider claimed MUMBAI, AUG. 31
reestablish people’s right in power in the desert state given to these Assembly Rajasthan’s total 200 that several surveys have
West Bengal. Claiming that in the forthcoming state constituencies while Assembly seats, the been conducted by profes- While the Opposition
the present situation is not election, the Rajasthan preparing for the upcom- sionals, and the BJP cen- block of 28 parties is try-
good in the country with the Congress won 99 and
BJP is giving extra atten- ing Assembly polls sched- the BJP 73 tral leadership has taken ing hard to put up a united
BJP at the helm, Mr Bose tion to 49 weak Assembly uled at the end of this regular feedback from the show in Mumbai, their
claimed that the Mamata seats, which also include year,” he said. Todabhim, among others. workers to strengthen differences from the past
Banerjee-led party has given 19 constituencies it never It has been learned that In the last Rajasthan organisation in these 49 were also the talking
ground to the saffron won. while giving special atten- Assembly polls in 2018, the seats, which require extra point on the sidelines of
brigade in West Bengal. “If A senior BJP leader told tion to these 19 Assembly BJP lost power to the effort. the meeting. Many par-
people’s rights are to be this newspaper that seats, the BJP has also Congress. Of the state’s “Execution of party ties, including the
reestablished in the state, among these 49 Assembly identified 30 constituen- total 200 seats, the plans in these weak seats Congress, Rashtriya
both the BJP and the TMC seats, 19 are those in cies in which the saffron Congress won 99 and the has already started, and Janata Dal and
have to be defeated,” he which the party never party has won at least one. BJP 73. individual strategies are Samajwadi Party, have
said. Mr Bose’s remark came won, and the remaining 30 Some of these weak A party insider claims being drawn based on the been Shiv Sena’s adver-
on a day when both the are those in which it won Assembly seats identified that winning these seats ground situation and saries since its inception.
CPI(M) and the TMC were one or two times. “The by the BJP are will not only increase the requirements to ensure Interestingly, the Uddhav RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav and Bihar deputy chief minis-
attending the Opposition BJP, which was in power Jhunjhunu, Kotputli, party tally in the the victory of the BJP can- Thackeray faction of Shiv ter Tejashwi Yadav offer prayers at Siddhivinayak Temple
INDIA meet in Mumbai. Left in the state for many Nawalgarh, Bassi, and Assembly but also balance didate this time,” he said. Sena is now hosting the in Mumbai on Thursday. — PTI
supporters, workers and INIDA meeting in
leaders had given their lives
for upholding democracy
and people’s right to vote in Centre appoints
Former Uttar Pradesh
‘India’s reputation at stake’: Rahul
chief minister Akhilesh
West Bengal, he said
addressing a rally at Jaya Sinha as Yadav, who arrived in
Mumbai on Thursday, told
seeks JPC probe into Adani case
Esplanade here to commem- his supporters that those BHAGWAN PARAB against the Adani group.
orate the food movement in
the late 1950s. — PTI
Rail Board’s 1st who once opposed SP are
now welcoming them. He
MUMBAI, AUG. 31 Mr Gandhi said, “India’s
reputation is at stake
woman chief said that a big change will On the backdrop of fresh ahead of the G-20 summit.
Didi likely to visit AGE CORRESPONDENT
happen in the upcoming
Lok Sabha elections and
allegations of irregulari-
ties made against the
What is important for
India is that there is a
Spain, Dubai in Sept. NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 Uttar Pradesh will play a
major role in it.
Adani group, senior
Congress leader Rahul
level playing field and
transparency in our eco-
Kolkata: West Bengal chief Breaking another male Akhilesh was received Gandhi on Thursday nomic environment and
minister Mamata Banerjee is bastion, the Centre on by the Maha Vikas Aghadi made a stinging attack on the businesses that oper-
likely to visit Dubai and Thursday appointed a (MVA) leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra ate in our country.”
Spain in September to seek woman as the head of Uddhav Thackeray-led Modi, alleging the latter Mr Gandhi referred to
investments, a senior official the Railways. Come Shiv Sena leaders, at the was silent when India’s news articles in foreign
said on Thursday. The September, Jaya Verma Mumbai airport. The SP reputation is at stake. He newspapers that claimed
Central government has Sinha, a member of the chief and his wife Dimple reiterated his demand for that the Adani family
given its nod to Ms Indian Railway Yadav were given a warm a joint parliamentary secretly invested in their
Banerjee’s trip, which is Management Service welcome at the airport by committee (JPC) probe own shares.
expected in the second week (IRMS), will be the first- SP workers.
of September, he said. Ms ever woman chairperson The SP chief met a few
Banerjee will most likely fly and CEO of the Railway party workers at a five- ing our party once, are supporters.
to Dubai on September 13, Board. She succeeds star hotel near the domes- giving a warm welcome. Mr Yadav said, “A big
and visit Spain thereafter, Anil Kumar Lahoti. tic airport, where he told So take care of your work change will happen in the
the official said. Her trip She will assume charge them that the situation in and business at the same upcoming Lok Sabha elec-
could continue till on or after September 1, Defence minister Rajnath Singh, Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde and Mumbai has changed time and continue to work tion and UP will play a
September 23. “The chief and her tenure will be others offer prayers at the Sai Baba Temple in Ahmednagar district. — PTI completely. “Those oppos- for the party,” he told his major role in it.”
minister is expected to meet until August 31, 2024.
industrialists and business Ms Sinha is slated to
tycoons in the two foreign
countries to seek invest-
retire on October 1, but
will be re-employed the ■ Next 25 years of ‘Amrit Kaal’ are very important for India, asserts Jaishankar Jolt to BJP in
ments for the state,” he said. same day till her tenure
In 2021, the Centre had not
granted Ms Banerjee permis-
gets over.
Ms Sinha became a
India’s duty to bring divided world together: EAM MP as MLA
well-known face during
sion to visit Rome, where the
Bengal chief minister was
scheduled to attend a world
the Balasore train acci-
dent, during which she AGE CORRESPONDENT “The world is divided mental change. India’s important for India in
quits ahead of
peace conference. — PTI was a member (opera-
tions and business devel-
NEW DELHI, AUG. 31 into developed countries
in the North and develop-
presidency of G-20 is very
important in this period,”
which the G-20 presidency
established us in a special
year-end polls
opment). She explained Today the world is divided ing countries in the South, he added. place in front of the RABINDRA NATH
BJP rattled by Opp. the complex signalling into North-South and and due to the Ukraine The minister noted that world,” he said. CHOUDHURY
system after the tragic East-West and it is India’s war, countries are being Indians are respected in Mr Jaishankar asserted BHOPAL, AUG 31
bloc: Milind Deora accident, which killed
nearly 300 people.
responsibility to bring the
divided world together,
polarised into East and
West. We are in the middle
the world because of the
country’s governance,
that the next 25 years of
“Amrit Kaal” are very In a jolt to the BJP ahead
Mumbai: Congress leader economy, technology and important for India in
An alumnus of external affairs minister of all this, so it is our of the year-end
Milind Deora on Thursday hit Allahabad University, responsibility to bring the independent foreign which “we have to become
S. Jaishankar said on Assembly elections in
back at the BJP over its criti- Ms Sinha joined the divided world together,” policy. a developed nation”.
Thursday. Madhya Pradesh, party
cism of the INDIA bloc Indian Railway Traffic Mr Jaishankar said while “India has recovered “Youth will play an
He noted that India’s G- MLA from Kolaras
meeting here, saying the saf- Service in 1988 and addressing the students at ty and prices of fertilisers, very quickly from the important role in this. In
20 presidency is “very Virendra Raghuvamsi
fron party was “rattled” as it worked on the Northern Hindu College here. thereby impacting the Covid pandemic in many today’s time, the youth of
important” at a time when on Thursday resigned
never expected so many par- Railway, S-E Railway, “The Ukraine war has global economy. The world ways, whereas many coun- the country have to under-
the world is struggling from the saffron outfit.
ties from numerous states to and Eastern Railway. also created many prob- is struggling with chal- tries were not able to stand that their work,
with challenges like good In his resignation let-
come together. Mr Deora, She also worked as a lems for the world. This lenges like good health, recover properly... One day dreams, aspirations,
health, good education, ter addressed to state
who is working closely in adviser at the high com- has affected fuel prices, good education, good in future when you will achievements are no
good nutrition, good BJP president Vishnu
organising the Mumbai mission of India in availability and prices of nutrition, good water, look back, you will find longer confined to the bor-
water, good energy as well Dutt Sharma, Mr
meeting of the Opposition Dhaka for four years. food grains and availabili- good energy and environ- that the year 2023 was very ders of India,” he said.
as environmental changes. Raghuvamsi said that he
alliance taking place on
has decided to quit the
Thursday and Friday, said he
BJP for being “margin-
was hopeful that there will

Vasundhara on 1-day Eyeing polls, MP nod to gas subsidy

alised” in the party after
be an expansion of the bloc.
the entry of Union civil
“To strengthen the
aviation minister
Constitution of India, that is
Jyotiraditya Scindia
the main aim for which these
parties have come together,”
the former Union minister
said. Mr Deora said, “I think
religious tour ahead Shivraj govt to give domestic gas cylinder at `450 in ‘Savan’ month into the saffron outfit
(three years ago).
He circulated the
it is expected that the BJP
will criticise. So many parties
from so many states who

The Madhya Pradesh

ministers also approved
the proposal to increase
Kamal Nath said that the
state government was
forced to provide LPG at
`450 after he pledged a
copies of the letter to the
media while announcing
his decision to resign
from the primary mem-
BJP never thought would Tripura the incentive amount similar promise to the
Jaipur, Aug. 31: A day Cabinet on Thursday bership of the BJP at a
come together, have come Sundari given to the “Asha” consumers after Congress
before the BJP’s approved the proposal to press conference on
together. It has obviously temple in returned to power in the
“Parivartan Yatra” provide LPG cylinder at workers from `2,000 to Thursday.
rattled them.” — PTI B a n sw a r a state.
begins under the “collec- `450 to the domestic con- `6,000 a month and He is the first BJP
tive leadership” in on Friday, a sumers in the month of provide an increment The council of ministers MLA to leave the party
Rajasthan, former chief day before “Savan”, which began on also approved the proposal ahead of the ensuing
minister Vasundhara the first July 4 and would end on Shivraj Singh Chauhan of `1,000 every year to increase the incentive Assembly elections in
GRAFT REMARK: Raje will on Friday go on
a one-day religious tour of
Yatra” is launched by BJP
August 31.
The move comes ahead
Mishra said.
All the domestic con-
transfer (DBT).
The amount to the bene-
amount given to the
“Asha” workers from
the state, due
November this year.

AFTER FLAK, RAJ three temples in the state.

Ms Raje has led the poll-
president J.P. Nadda from
the Trinetra Ganesh tem-
of the year-end Assembly
elections in the state.
sumers in the state will
get the benefit of the sub-
ficiaries of Pradhan
Mantri Ujjala Yojana will
`2,000 to `6,000 a month
and provide an increment
Earlier over the last
few weeks, about a half-
related yatras in the state ple in Ranthambore in The state council of min- sidised LPG cylinders, Mr be transferred immediate- of `1,000 every year. a-dozen local BJP lead-
CM BACKTRACKS in the past, which started
from Chabhujanath tem-
Sawai Madhopur.
According to the tour
isters sanctioned the pro-
posal to provide the
Mishra said.
The excess amount
ly while the remaining
will also get it after sub-
Besides, the retirement
benefit given to Asha
ers in Gwalior-Chambal
region in the state, con-
Jaipur: As lawyers ple in Rajsamand, but the plan, Ms Raje is sched- domestic cooking gas (above subsidised price) mitting the application. workers has been sidered the pocket bor-
announced a one-day strike BJP has this time decided uled to reach cylinder at `450, state will be transferred Congress veteran and increased from `20,000 to ough of Mr Scindia, quit
in Jodhpur and initiated to take four “Parivartan Charbhujanath temple in home minister Narottam through direct benefit former chief minister `1 lakh. the party.
legal action against Ashok Yatras”, each to be Garbhor at 9.30 am on
Gehlot over his remark sug- launched by a central Friday in a helicopter and
leader with state func- offer prayers there. She
gesting “corruption” in the
judiciary, the Rajasthan chief tionaries joining them. will then leave for ■ Dhami govt may table bill in Monsoon Session
minister said his statement Ms Raje was the BJP’s Nathdara in Rajsamand
did not reflect his “personal
opinion.” The backtracking
came as a former Uttar
Pradesh chief justice
chief ministerial face in
past few elections when
she led the yatra, but the
party has this time said
and visit Shrinathji tem-
ple there at 11.15 am.
Ms Raje will then leave
for Tripura Sundari tem-
U’khand mulls 10% quota
weighed in, a lawyer filed a
plea in the Rajasthan high
court and another sent an
application to the state’s
the 2023 poll will be
Modi’s face.
on Prime
ple in Banswara district.
From Banswara, she
will go to Kota and pay
tributes to the brother of
for kin of statehood agitators
Advocate General for con- Ms Raje will visit former BJP MLA Prahlad PRITHVIRAJ SINGH ◗ A 10 per cent quota the law offering reserva-
sent to initiate contempt Charbhujanath temple Gunjal who passed away DEHRADUN, AUG, 31 proposal for the tion to the statehood agi-
proceedings against Mr and Srinathji temple recently. She will return tators and their depend-
Gehlot. Offended lawyers (both in Rajsamand) and to Jaipur in the evening. The Uttarakhand govern-
dependents of agitators ents have been cleared. In
announced a one-day strike ment is planning 10 per- will first be taken up in all likelihood the proposal
on Friday across all courts in cent reservation to the the state Cabinet will be brought before the
Jodhpur. The BJP also
slammed the CM. On ‘PM-eBus Sewa scheme to dependents of statehood
agitators who fought for
meeting on Friday Cabinet on Friday”
informed a senior official.
Wednesday, Mr Gehlot had the making of the hill and their dependents It is a long standing
suggested to reporters that
that some judges might be
be rolled out in 5-6 months’ state in the 1990s. The
Dhami government is
informed this newspaper
that long standing
demand right from the
day when Uttarakhand
reading out orders drafted New Delhi, Aug. 31: The air-conditioned buses for likely to table a bill in the demand will formally was formed and first
by the lawyers. “Corruption “PM-eBus Sewa” scheme, this soon. coming Monsoon Session become law in the coming interim government was
is rampant in the judiciary under which 10,000 elec- Secretary (housing and of the state Assembly Monsoon Session of the formed in November 2000.
today. I have heard that tric buses will be provid- urban affairs) Manoj starting from Sept 5. state Assembly. Every successive state
some lawyers themselves ed to 169 cities under a Joshi said the scheme State government’s own According to the home government supported
take the judgment in writing public-private partner- will be rolled out in 169 records show that depend- department officials, a 10 the demand. They also
and the same judgment is ship (PPP) model, will be cities and states are ents of more than 10,000 per cent reservation pro- implemented it but it was
pronounced.” But on rolled out in the next five- required to submit their identified state hood agita- posal for the dependents done partially. “Interim
Thursday, the CM said he has six months, the Union proposals by tors who qualified the set of statehood agitators will government led by chief
always respected the judici- housing and urban affairs September 30. standards of the govern- first be taken up in the minister Nityanand
ary. “What I said yesterday ministry said on He said the guidelines ment, will be benefitted state Cabinet meeting on Swami in 2000 gave jobs to
regarding corruption in the Thursday. were issued two days once law is implemented. Friday. Following this it the dependents of all the
judiciary is not my personal At a press conference, back. Travelling on these Officials from the state will be tabled in the agitators who were mar-
opinion. I have always Union urban affairs min- electric buses home department and Assembly for legislation. tyred, as a token of
respected and believed in ister Hardeep Singh Puri will be a metro-like expe- Women tie ‘rakhi’ on the wrists of ITBP personnel to activists who had been “All the hurdles and respect, gratitude and
the judiciary,” he posted on said the central govern- rience, the official mark the festival of ‘Raksha Bandhan’ at Malari village demanding reservation other legal blockades com- honour for the sacrifices
X (formerly Twitter). — PTI ment is going to procure said. — PTI in Uttarakhand on Thursday. — PTI for the statehood agitators ing in the way of enacting made by them.
pg 6
Country remains fastest growing large economy on agriculture
Eight key infra
quick India’s resilient GDP rises 7.8% sectors see 8%

The government on
real cause for
concern about
out of control as the gov-
ernment and RBI are tak-
ing measures to maintain
adequate supply and I
per cent in the year-ago
“India also recorded
April-June private con-
growth in July
INDICATORS % Thursday said that India’s
economy remained resili-
inflation spi-
ralling out of
think food inflation likely
to subside with arrival of
sumption growth at six per
cent as against 2.8 per cent MADHUSUDAN SAHOO
Sensex 64,831.41 -0.39 ent and the gross domestic fresh stock and govern- in January-March and 19.8 NEW DELHI, AUG. 31
product (GDP) grew by 7.8
control as the ment's measures, while per cent in April-June 2022,
Nifty 50 19,253.80 -0.48 government
per cent in the first quar- impact of deficient rains while India’s construction Growth of eight key infra-
S&P 500* 4,531.40 0.37 ter of the financial year and Reserve in August will be watched sector record ed growth at structure sectors rose to 8
Dollar (`) 82.78 0.04 2023-24 compared to 13.1 Bank are taking out for. 7.9 per cent in same period per cent in July 2023 com-
per cent in the year-ago measures to “On the capex front, the as against 10.4 per cent in pared to 4.8 per cent in the
Pound Sterling (`) 105.04 -0.30 quarter. maintain ade- revenue expenditure to January-March and 16 per same month last year on
Euro (`) 90.07 0.005 Staying on track in Q1 quate supply. capex ratio has declined cent in April-June 2022,” expansion in production
Gold (10gm)* (`) 59,410▼68 0.11 FY24, the economy show- during April-July. For the the data showed. of coal, crude oil, and nat-
ed a significant growth construction sector, I The GDP growth during ural gas.
Brent crude ($/bbl)* 86.93 1.25 due to domestic demand; (NSO), the government fortable in holding on to think that there is enough the January-March quar- The output growth of
IN 10-Yr bond yield 7.164 -0.02 the government capital also claimed that India their FY24 GDP growth indication that this sector ter of 2022-23 was 6.1 per the eight sectors was also
expenditure and a servic- remained the fastest grow- forecast of 6.5 per cent. It will continue to expand in cent and 4.5 per cent dur- lower at 6.4 per cent in
US 10-Yr T-bill yield* 4.096 -0.022 es-led recovery shielded ing large economy, mainly is good to know that states the coming quarters and ing October-December. April-July 2023-24 against
* As of 8:30 PM IST the nation from tighter due to better performance are also joining the capex years,” the CEA added. “Real GDP or GDP at 11.5 per cent in the year- trast, in the same month
monetary and weak global by agriculture and finan- creation bandwagon The data showed that the constant (2011-12) prices ago period. last year, the government
conditions. cial sectors. Private capital formation agriculture sector record- in Q1 2023-24 is estimated “Production of steel, recorded a fiscal surplus
India remained the Chief economic adviser is no longer waiting to ed a 3.5 per cent growth, to attain a level of `40.37 cement and electricity of `11,040 cr. The reversal
Tea production fastest-growing major
economy as China posted
(CEA) V Anantha Nagesw
aran said India’s quarter-
take off and it has taken
off,” Nageswaran said.
up from 2.4 per cent in the
April-June quarter of
lakh crore, as against
`37.44 lakh crore in Q1
also grew in July. The core
sector growth was lower
of fortunes meant the fis-
cal deficit for April-July

in July rises 6.2% a 6.3 per cent growth in

April-June 2023. As per
the data released by
ly GDP growth towers
over that of many other
economies. “The govern-
On rising inflation, he
said, overall there is no
real cause for concern
2022-23, while manufactur-
ing sector decelerated to
4.7 per cent in the first
2022-23, showing a growth
of 7.8 per cent as com-
pared to 13.1 per cent in Q1
in July compared to the
previous month when it
was 8.3 per cent,” the
2023 was a massive 77.7
percent higher as com-
pared to the first four
to 165 million kg National Statistical Office ment and the RBI are com- about inflation spiralling quarter compared to 6.1 2022-23,” the NSO said. commerce ministry data
months of 2022-23.
Despite the weakening of
Meanwhile, the fiscal finances in July, the
Tea production in the country deficit for the first quarter Centre, however, remains
increased marginally by 6.2 per
cent at 165.01 million kilo-
gramme during July 2023 as
compared to 155.29 million
ONDC offers growth potential for multiple sectors: Deloitte of 2023-24 has soared to
`6.06 lakh crore from the
`3.41 lakh crore in the
same period the previous
broadly on track to meet
its fiscal deficit target.
In the Union Budget, the
government projected to
kilogramme in the previous New Delhi, Aug. 31: The ernment schemes and challenging during and retailers, distributors, and year, according to the bring down the fiscal
similar period. North India tea government's initiative non-banking financial after the Covid pandemic suppliers can use the net- Controller General of deficit to 5.9 per cent of the
production during July this ONDC is providing a huge companies (NBFCs) for with geopolitical tensions work to connect within Accounts (CGA) data. gross domestic product
year stood at 143.05 million platform for growth of credit as they are not leading to changes in the their ecosystem and with At `6.06 lakh crore, the (GDP) in the current finan-
kilogramme, as against 135.77 four key sectors, including deemed creditworthy by trade landscape, supply end consumers. fiscal deficit for the first cial year. The deficit was
million kilogramme in the cor- financial services, agri- mainstream financial chain disruptions, and Grocery, food delivery, four months of the cur- 6.4 per cent of the GDP in
responding previous period. culture, manufacturing, institutions. component shortages and home and decor, electron- rent financial year 2022-23 against the earlier
Production in South India was and e-commerce retail, a “The ONDC ecosystem is volatile commodity prices, ics, fashion and lifestyle, accounts for 33.9 percent estimate of 6.71 per cent.
marginally higher. Deloitte report said on expected to digitise the it said. beauty and personal care, of the full-year target of Unveiling the data, the
Thursday. data available on SMEs “ONDC is likely to ena- and pharmaceuticals have `17.87 lakh crore. CGA said that the net tax
The Open Network for with the help of financial ble the manufacturing been leveraging the ONDC The fiscal deficit, the gap revenue was `5.83 lakh
Digital Commerce technology services provi- community to tap some of network with support of between expenditure and crore or 25 per cent of the
Printed & Published by
(ONDC) is an initiative of ders. The digitised data these opportunities and multiple stakeholders. revenue, which was `6.06 BE for the current fiscal.
K. Sudhakar on behalf of
Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited. the commerce ministry to will enable financial insti- address challenges across Sathish Gopalaiah, pres- lakh crore as of end-July, “The net tax revenue col-
Printed at BFL Infotech Ltd, C-9 Sector 3, help small retailers take tutions to offer tailored the value chain,” it said. ident, consulting, Deloitte stood at 20.5 per cent of lection was 34.4 per cent at
Noida-201301. Published at 219, N D advantage of digital com- products and services,” products and services With the availability of a South Asia, said that the budget estimates or end-July 2022. The central
Tiwari Bhawan, Deen Dayal Upadhyay merce. It fosters open, said ‘Commer-ce@Bharat: catering to this segment's large pool of logistics ONDC is a remarkable BE in the corresponding government’s total expen-
Marg, New Delhi-110002. unbundled, and interoper- Redefining business mod- needs, it said. service providers on opportunity for India's period of the financial diture in the first four
Editor: Kaushik Mitter, RNI able open networks. els and supply chain,’ A recent report by the ONDC, firms can optimise economy spanning diver- year 2022-23, the CGA data months this financial year
Registration number 30074/09, The report said that the report. RBI committee on MSMEs overall logistics cost and se industries. showed. stood at `13.81 lakh crore
Air surcharge Re 1. © All rights reserved. ONDC presents an oppor- The increased adoption stated that the sector has manage demand increase ONDC can help the In July, the central gov- or 30.7 percent of BE. The
Reproduction in whole or tunity for financial insti- of ONDC in smaller cities an estimated credit gap of effectively, it said. brands provide 24x7 order- ernment’s finances weak- expenditure touched 28.6
in part without written permission of tutions to engage with and rural areas will open `2,025 lakh crore. It also said that with the ing, next-day delivery, ened after posting a per cent of the BE in the
The Editor, MSMEs segment that is newer segments for banks The manufacturing envi- increasing importance of auto ordering, and credit monthly fiscal deficit of year-ago period,” it fur-
Financial Chronicle ® is prohibited. mainly dependent on gov- and also drive tailored ronment has become more online sales, the brands, management. — PTI `1.54 lakh crore. In con- ther added.


Pak poll body pledges
Tokyo, Aug. 31: Japan’s PM
Fumio Kishida ordered his
elections by mid-Feb.
fisheries minister to apologise
on Thursday for referring to
Assurances to Awami National Party after it meets ECP

Censors ban TV
treated radioactive water being Islamabad, Aug. 31: Pak-
released from the Fukushima
Nuclear Power Plant as “co-
istan’s election commiss-
ion has assured the politic-
ntaminated” and told him to
retract his remark.
al parties that the general
elections would be held by
Fisheries minister Tetsuro
Nomura was heard calling the
treated radioactive water
“contaminated” when speak-
January end or mid-Fe-
bruary, allaying fears abo-
ut the fate of the polls in
the cash-strapped nation.
show over rape TELLS LEGAL TEAM
Islamabad, Aug. 31: Pak- It was unclear what sparked the blaze at the five-storey building in the city centre of
ing to reporters earlier in the The Election Commissi- Islamabad, Aug. 31: Pak- ther raped in front of her istan’s former premier Johannesburg, on Thursday. — Agencies
day following a meeting with on of Pakistan (ECP) gave istani censors have bann- small children after her Imran Khan has told his
Kishida. car ran out of fuel near

Jo’burg multi-storey
assurance to the Awami ed a TV drama over scenes legal team that he had
He said his discussions with National Party (ANP) reminiscent of a notori- Lahore. “adjusted” himself in the
the premier involved “the eval- when the party leaders ous gang rape case, saying “Portrayal of such (a) environment of the high-
uation of the contaminated met the election body. The the series would “tarnish” heinous act will not only security Attock District
water” after its release into the meeting held on Wedne- the nation’s image by dep- trigger the trauma of that Jail, a media report said
Pacific. Nomura later ap- sday was chaired by Chief icting it as an “unsafe unfortunate victim but on Thursday. Khan, 70, in

building fire kills 74

ologised and retracted the com- Election Commissioner place for women”. would also tarnish (the) his interaction with his
ment but said he would not (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Regulators said the show country's image,” said the legal team, led by Salman
resign over it, the Jiji news Raja and also attended by “Hadsa” would be pulled order from the Pakistan Safdar, shared some inter-
service reported. senior ECP officials. from airwaves due to par- Electronic Media Regula- esting revelations, the
The ANP delegation was allels to the real-life case tory Authority released on Express Tribune newspa-
GEORGIA POLL led by its secretary general
Iftikhar Hussain, central
of a French-Pakistani mo- Wednesday. per reported. Johannesburg, Aug. 31: At
least 74 people were killed 16 PERISH AFTER deceased. Of the injured,
some suffered smoke
spokesman Zahid Khan, and 52 others injured after inhalation with others
SUBVERSION and party leaders Khush- Arif Alvi appointed An- During a consultative The Pakistan Peoples a massive fire broke out on PROPERTY BLAZE sustaining minor injuries.
dil Khan and Abdul Rahim waar-ul-Haq Kakar as c- meeting between the ANP Party (PPP) had made a Thursday in a multi-storey Mulaudzi said the fire
CASE: TRUMP TO Wazir. Pakistan’s National
Assembly was dissolved
aretaker prime minister in
mid-August to run the
representatives and the
electoral watchdog to dis-
similar demand a day ago
to end the uncertainty sur-
building occupied
migrants in the central
IN PHILIPPINES had been contained and
that they were busy with
SKIP HEARING on August 9.
The elections in the
country until fresh polls.
However, the ECP decid-
cuss the election roadmap,
the ANP requested that if
rounding the coming polls.
Hussain, after the meet-
business district here in
South Africa’s biggest city, Manila, Aug. 31: A fire at a
“damping down” as well as
search and recovery oper-
Atlanta, Aug. 31: Former country should be held ed to conduct a fresh del- conducting the election ing with the ECP, stated emergency services said. property used as a resi- ations.
President Donald Trump within the stipulated time imitation of Constituenci- within 90 days was not fea- that the election commis- Authorities said it was dence and warehouse He said the death toll
pleaded not guilty on Thursday of 90 days after the disso- es on the basis of the new sible, they be provided sion assured them of their unclear what sparked the killed 16 people and inju- may increase because
and said he’ll skip a hearing lution of the National As- census, delaying the gener- with the election date and readiness for mid-Februa- blaze at the five-storey red three in the Philipp- there was an informal set-
next week in the case accusing sembly. Pakistan President al elections. schedule. ry elections. — PTI building in the city centre. ine capital on Thursday, tlement inside the build-
him and others of illegally try- City of Johannesburg fire authorities said. ing which may have result-
ing to overturn the results of emergency services spok- It was not yet known ed in people being trapped

Shapps is new UK defence min

the 2020 election in Georgia. esperson Robert Mulaudzi what caused the fire, whi- while trying to flee.
Fulton County Superior said firefighters were ale- ch started at dawn and “Every floor has an infor-
Court Judge Scott McAfee had rted to the fire in a buildi- engulfed the two-storey mal settlement, and those
set arraignment hearings for ng on the corner of Delv- building used as a ware- that were trying to evacu-
Trump and the 18 others char- ers and Alberts streets at house and workers’ hous- ate were trapped because
ged in the case for September 6. London, Aug. 31: British as transport secretary and artment for education. ties. Thank you for the about 1:30 a.m. ing for a T-shirt printing of the structures between
A court filing waiving arraign- Prime Minister Rishi Sun- briefly also as home secre- The mini reshuffle was support and your friend- Dozens of emergency business. — Reuters the floors,” the News24
ment means Trump won’t have ak on Thursday appointed tary. on the cards ever since ship. You and the govern- and rescue workers are website quoted Mulaudzi
to show up for that. Grant Shapps as his new “I’m honoured to be Wallace had announced ment will have my contin- still on the scene as bodies as saying.
The decision to skip an in- defence minister in a mini appointed as defence sec- his intention to step down ued support,” reads the let- continue to be brought had been left homeless by “We have informed peo-
person appearance averts the reshuffle following the res- retary by Rishi Sunak. I’d from frontline politics a ter. out. “We managed to evac- the incident. ple who are at the scene
dramatic arraignments that ignation of Ben Wallace as like to pay tribute to the few weeks ago, a move he Wallace, 53, also praises uate the people who were The fire gutted the five- looking for their relatives
have accompanied the three defence secretary for per- enormous contribution made official with his res- Sunak for his commitment inside the building as soon storey building. that chances of finding
other criminal cases Trump sonal reasons. Ben Wallace has made to ignation letter to Sunak on to defence, saying: “The as we arrived while we “A total of 73 bodies were them alive are very slim.”
faces, in which the Republican Shapps, who was energy UK defence & global secu- Thursday. investment you made in were conducting firefi- recovered and 52 were inj- The building is one of
former president has been security and net zero sec- rity over the last four “After much reflection, I defence as chancellor and ghting operations,” Mula- ured in the fire,” Mulaudzi many in the once bustling
forced amid tight security into retary in the Cabinet, has years,” Shapps, 54, tweeted have taken the decision to the continued support you udzi said, adding that most said. district of Johannesburg
a courtroom and entered “not been a strong supporter of soon after his meeting ask that I be allowed to have shown as Prime of those treated for A video posted by Mula- that has been hijacked by
guilty” pleas before crowds of Sunak as Conservative with the Prime Minister at step down. I won my seat Minister has been key to injuries had suffered smo- udzi on X, formerly known criminal elements who
spectators. Georgia courts have Party leader. The new post 10, Downing Street. in 2005 and after so many enabling the ministry of ke inhalation or minor as Twitter, showed fire then let them out to des-
fairly permissive rules on news of defence secretary Fellow Conservative MP years it is time for me to defence to deliver for injuries. trucks and ambulances perate migrants, both
cameras in the courtroom, and marks his fifth ministerial David Johnston will step invest in the parts of life Britain. I am personally Mulaudzi said arrange- outside the building with legal and illegal, who need
it means Trump won’t have to portfolio within a year, into her former junior mi- that I have neglected, and very grateful for your lead- ments were being made to burnt-out windows. accommodation.
enter a plea on television. having previously served nisterial post at the dep- to explore new opportuni- ership.” — PTI accommodate those who A toddler was among the — PTI
pg 7



India needs to up its ante

to ensure digital security
ost global experts now rank India as a country that has succeed-
ed in taking the fruits of technological advancements to most of
its citizens, especially in the fields of telecom and mobile, elec-
tronic payments and micro-payments based on mobile apps, and
internet penetration and adaptability. Given that it was considered almost
an impossible feat even 15 years ago, it is a great achievement for the coun-
try, its society and people, and all governments that played a part.
Having done so without the most optimal levels of prosperity, education,
conventional computing and landline telephony prevalence, for a lower-
income nation whose economic liberalisation was not too long back and
with over a billion people, it is an extraordinary collective achievement.
However, no boon comes without a tinge or a cusp of a curse attached.
With a mobile device in nearly every hand, the cheapest rates of internet
connectivity and broadband, bank accounts and cyber payment options for
almost every individual, India, the world's now most populous country has
a huge allied risk and threat — cybercrime.
As per a recent report, India is now third globally in terms of the number
of cyber threats it faces. Most citizens are at risk. The report finds that so
commonplace have these attacks become now that there are also confirmed
reports that currently, an attack surfaces across five lakh commercial
clients and crores of individual consumers.
Most government If over half a million businesses, many of them
services operate very small or micro, and millions of people are
with predominantly at risk, then it adds up cumulatively to being a
online extensions, national risk — both economic and social.
Understandably, the USA tops the list, while sur-
Reducing risk of disasters: LETTERS

Taking it to India’s public

and we must take prisingly, it is not China but Brazil that comes The Union government
threats with utmost second in the worst-impacted countries. slashing the price of domes-
seriousness. Most America topped the list with the highest report- tic gas cylinders by `200 for
citizens could and ed malware detection, while Japan topped it in
the list of nations accessing malicious URLs. all consumers is a well-
do lose money or As per Trend Micro’s 2023 mid-year cybersecu- The Working point of the Ten Point designed strategy. The
access to key rity threat report ‘Stepping Ahead of Risk’, Agenda — imbibing of the reduction will also affect
Group will remain principles of disaster risk
services. India, USA and Brazil logged the most risks in a legacy of India’s LPG cylinders under the
manufacturing, healthcare and technology management and reduc-
industries, based on an analysis of Attack Surface Risk Management data. Syed Ata Hasnain presidency of the tion. In India’s presidency Prime Minister's Ujjwala
India is easily a country where most citizens can be classified as not being G20, which of the G-20, one of the inno-
tech-savvy or too paranoid about security. In fact, we are easily a trusting vations has been the cre- Yojana. Prime Minister
apparently Brazil
nation, to the point of being outrightly gullible. People across all ages, lev-
and South Africa,
ation of the 13th Working Narendra Modi celebrated
els of education, location, and other demographic divides, share our pass- Group which is on
words, OTPs, and PINs about our financially sensitive devices. the next chairs, Disaster Risk Reduction. the decision as a Rakhi gift
Interestingly, and frighteningly, besides healthcare and technology, retail have promised It met thrice in the last to women. But the

and government sectors have also been found to be highly vulnerable. Most here are some DM was treated lightly to imbibe and five months, at Opposition viewed it as an
Indian government services now operate with predominantly online exten- good things hap- with a concept based on Gandhinagar, Mumbai
sions, and therefore, we must take these threats with utmost seriousness. pening in India response. Under this, we pursue. and Chennai; and found election gimmick ahead of
Most citizens could and do lose money or access to key services, owing to and some bad waited for disasters, never consensus portions, the crucial Lok Sabha elec-
these attacks. things too; in the prepared or trained to and mock drills by bring- which hopefully will find
With the usage of mobile technology and apps only likely to increase, it context of the famous quip meet them headlong, or ing together all stakehold- their place in the overall tions next year and the
must almost become a national obsession to focus on customer education by Charles Dickens. The mitigate their likely ers, including the armed communique at the final Assembly polls in a handful
regarding cyber safety, best practices and adoption of security-friendly good is much about the effects. On occurrence we forces, the railways, summit in New Delhi. The of states. The government
behaviour. It is almost a subject that is best taught to our youth and chil- great scientific achieve- sent some relief with a few industry (such as the Working Group will
dren early on in educational institutions. ment, with Isro succeed- soldiers, policemen, NGOs chemical industry), civil remain a legacy of India’s will compensate the oil mar-
Of a total of 1.63 crore high-risk email threats identified, including 1.43 ing in placing and whoever we could society outfits, medical presidency, which appar- keting companies for selling
crore malicious emails and phishing URLs, there were 17 lakh malware and Chandrayaan-3 on the find. The DM Act of personnel and others to ently Brazil and South
2.42 lakh business email compromise threats. Sadly, many of them were moon with a soft landing December 2005 changed remind all of their respon- Africa, the next chairs in LPG cylinders at a discount-
clicked and opened. and rolling out the rover everything, creating new sibilities, coordinate the succession, have ed rate.
It is time we end the menace by fighting it as a pandemic. Pragyan on the lunar sur- structures such as NDMA, response system and the promised to imbibe and N.J. Ravi Chander
face. Followed by Neeraj NDRF and NIDM (all at command, control and pursue. The focus of the
Chopra’s gold medal-win- the Central level), with the communications system, Working Group was on Bengaluru
ning throw of the javelin, Union home ministry as almost like military opera- early warning systems,

Restore J&K statehood, hold polls the terrific race run by the
Indian 4x400 quartet at the
World Athletics
the controlling ministry.
The Prime Minister being
the chairperson of the
tions. Each district admin-
istration is trained with a
dedicated effort by the
resilient infrastructure
and financing for DRR.
Despite the modernisa-
THE RECENTLY-concluded trilateral

he stand of the Union government, as revealed in the Supreme Court Championships in NDMA gave the authority NDRF at least once in tion of DM which the gov- meeting of the United States, Japan
on Thursday, that Jammu and Kashmir’s Union territory status is “a Budapest and the mete- a huge boost. Similar three years. The system is ernment is following and South Korea at the Camp David US
temporary thing” and restoration of complete statehood will “take oric rise of Rameshbabu structures were created at now progressively coming ardently, it is the non-com- presidential retreat will have far-
some time” but elections can be held “anytime from now” can be seen as a Praggnanandhaa, the pro- the state level with an into place in India, where- pliance of laws and norms reaching impact on the geopolitics of
mere statement of the obvious with very little meaning for the people who digious young chess play- SDMA, SDRF and in some by from the local commu- which endanger entire the Asia-Pacific. "The Camp David
have a right to democratic governance. er; it made us all proud to states an institute relating nity to the national effort communities. The Hima- principles", as the outcome of the meet-
The Union government made the statement in response to a pointed be Indians. Yet, tri- to training, awareness and an outlined process will be layan tragedy is a trauma ing was termed, aim at achieving a
demand by the Supreme Court, which has been hearing petitions against umphalism was overcome research. It goes right executed. The community the nation has to suffer, cooperative solution to crises if any
the 2019 hollowing out of Article 370 that linked the erstwhile state to the by the agony of events in down to the district level, affected by the disaster but with deep involve- arise for these three nations. The aim
Indian Union, that it wanted “the specific time frame” as to when actual Himachal Pradesh and and in some cases even knows best if at least some ment in research and of the meeting was to promote and
democracy will be restored. In short, the apex Uttarakhand; nature’s panchayats have devel- personnel within it are development in this field maintain peace and political stability
A question on court, and by extension, the people of the coun- fury worsened by man- oped their own DM plans trained as volunteers. In hopefully some of the ills in the region in order to enhance eco-
made ignorance. with great effectiveness. the last few years, the gov- may be reversed, although
restoration try, have failed to elicit a “a specific time frame”
on the installation of a popular government Landslides of such propor- So, what is the change ernment has initiated the at great cost. The 15th
nomic well-being. Such collaboration
among powerful countries will certain-
of democracy is with all the powers that are due to an elected tions have never been wit- now? Very simply, it has Aapda Mitra (Friends in Finance Commission has ly bring prosperity in any given region.
met with statistics government in an Indian state. nessed anywhere in India, shifted from response Disaster) scheme which been expressive about its One underlying aim is also to counter
on the advantage The Solicitor General, who represented the wiping out multi-storied mode to a disaster cycle aims at the creation, train- concerns for DM. It has North Korea and China with whom all
buildings where anyhow approach. Preparedness ing and maintenance of allotted a handsome sum
of a benevolent government in court, instead, reeled out data
about the ‘progress’ the Union Territory has they should never have for disaster is the key. 300,000 local young volun- of money to NDMA to
three nations had tense relations over
the years.
dictatorship, made during President’s rule: terror-related been built. Shimla’s 2.75 That includes awareness, teers with a 12-day train- undertake mitigation pro- Arka Goswami
and not a specific incidents have gone down by 45.2 per cent when lakh population is now procedures and training, ing capsule and an inven- jects to freeze and capture Durgapur
time frame as compared to 2018, infiltration is down by 90.2 realising the folly of con- including a tried and test- tory consisting a basic res- some of the deterioration
cue kit and personal which is taking place. It
demanded by the per cent, incidents of stone pelting and hartals
have come to nil. On the development front, an
struction that resembles
houses made of cards.
ed practice called the
Incident Response insurance for each such will extend to hazards AT HOME AND ABROAD
apex court. investment of about `2,000 crore has already That is sad, even though System. The latter clearly volunteer. such as earthquake, heat, JUST AS political leaders are gather-
been done, and 32 of the 53 Pradhan Mantri we realise that there are lays down the structure of In 2016, Prime Minister landslides, urban flooding ing in New Delhi for the G-20 summit, a
Development Projects have been completed. In short, a question on some compulsions that the response system and Narendra Modi, based and lightning. India now new Pew Research Centre survey finds
restoration of democracy is met with statistics on the advantage of a hill states have to live the responsibilities. The upon his experience and a has some of the best tech- that a median of 34 per cent have
benevolent dictatorship, and not a specific time frame as demanded. with. They have limited states are required to noti- world vision of DM, gave nologies for mass commu- unfavourable views of India and 40 per
India is an electoral democracy and the Constitution offers no alternative means of income and most fy this from time to time the nation his Ten Point nication of early warning cent say they lack confidence in the
to it, except for a brief period of exigencies. Leaving it to the government of them rely on tourism, and pinpoint responsibili- Agenda, a comprehensive of potential hazards. It is Prime Minister. The survey found that
of the day and its statistics is akin to putting the very idea on its head, and for which infrastructure ty. Side by side there is the set of reminders of the only limited by lack of though seven in ten Indians believe
hence must not be allowed. is necessary. That infra- entire domain of mitiga- actions which optimise awareness. their country has recently become
structure is very often of tion, that identifies poten- the DM system. Prime DM will remain a priori- more influential, only a median of 28
relatively poor quality as tial hazards and draws up among these is the ty domain for the govern- per cent adults across 19 other coun-
the rules and laws are sel- projects, execution of employment of all avail- ment, especially after the tries in the world think so. Argentines
THE ASIAN AGE dom complied with. 2023 is which will help partially able technologies for miti- continuing evidence of cli- are particularly sceptical: just 12 per
giving us a wake-up call in diminish the effects of that gation of effect, upscaling mate change and the cent in Argentina have confidence in
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR this sphere, just like 1999 hazard. The best example of awareness through net- effects that it brings. India's PM. Thus, contrary to the per-
Editor Printer & Publisher
and 2001 did in the domain of this is the project to mit- works and use of the social ception, India is actually less popular
THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: of disaster management igate the effects of heat- media, and very impor- The writer, a retired than ever.
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: (DM). waves: housing is con- tantly, the sensitivity to lieutenant-general, is a for- Bhagwan Thadani
(011) 23211124. Before the Odisha super- structed so as to ward off gender vulnerability, with mer GOC of the Srinagar- Mumbai
Published and Printed on behalf of and for cyclone and the Gujarat the worst effects of heat. women and children being based 15 (“Chinar”) Corps.
◗ Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Every Monday the best letter of
Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301. earthquake took a toll of As part of training for pre- the worst sufferers of dis- He is currently a member
◗ London: Quickmarsh Ltd, 8th Floor, Block 2, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ. over 10,000 lives each in paredness, NDMA con- asters. India has walked of the National Disaster the week wins `500. Email:
RNI Registration number: 57290/94 1999 and 2001 respectively, ducts table-top exercises the talk on the very first Management Authority. [email protected].

ussia’s invasion of Ukraine is a reminder of encroaching into our air defence identification joint solutions, solidarity, and inclusion in tack- behind by allowing Taiwan to participate in the
how autocracies care little about causing zones. It has also intensified grey-zone tactics, ling the pressing issues of our time. Taiwan is UN system, rather than excluding it from discus-
death and destruction. The war is a gross such as disinformation and economic coercion, more than willing and able to take part in these. sions on issues requiring global cooperation. A
violation of human rights and the principle of in an attempt to wear down our will to fight. However, Taiwan continues to be excluded good first step would be to allow Taiwanese indi-
peaceful settlement of international disputes as The PRC’s expansionism does not stop at from the UN due to China’s distortion of UN viduals and journalists to attend or cover rele-
codified in the United Nations Charter, which Taiwan. China’s use of grey-zone activities in the General Assembly Resolution 2758. This resolu- vant meetings, as well as ensure Taiwan’s mean-
has helped maintain the rules-based internation- East and South China Seas are designed to tion neither states that Taiwan is a part of the ingful participation in meetings and mechanisms
al order and kept the world in relative peace since expand its power and substantiate its hawkish PRC nor gives the PRC the right to represent the regarding the SDGs.
Joseph Wu the end of the Cold War. territorial claims. In addition to signing a securi- people of Taiwan in the UN and its specialised Ukraine’s incredible bravery and resilience
The war’s humanitarian and economic fallout ty agreement with Solomon Islands in the South agencies. In fact, the resolution only determines have inspired countries around the globe. The
has also shown that in a globalised world crises Pacific, the PRC has been securing ports for who represents the member state China, a fact war there has forged a new sense of togetherness
cannot be contained within national borders. It is future military use in the Indian Ocean. All of that the international community and China in the world. Unity is crucial to pushing back
imperative to deter similar threats to global secu- these manoeuvres are causing grave concern that itself recognised following the relevant vote in against Russia’s aggression and to preserving
rity from happening elsewhere. Taiwan — a peace is becoming more difficult to maintain. 1971. The subsequent misrepresentation of universal values, such as human rights and glob-
Unite for peace democracy that is home to over 23 million people
and that I proudly represent — continues to con-
front enormous challenges posed by China.
Ensuring peace and stability in the Taiwan
Strait is in everyone’s best interest. Half of the
world’s commercial container traffic passes
Resolution 2758 contradicts the basic principles
upheld by the UN Charter and must be rectified.
The 78th session of the UN General Assembly,
al peace, more broadly.
It is vital to make China and authoritarian gov-
ernments aware that they will be held account-

in the world and Since the mid-20th century, the People’s

Republic of China (PRC) has vowed to take con-
trol of Taiwan and refused to renounce the use of
through the Taiwan Strait each day. Taiwan pro-
duces the majority of the world’s semiconductors
and plays a key role in global supply chains. Any
which will centre on the theme “rebuilding trust
and reigniting global solidarity”, is timely in
light of a number of broad global challenges. For
able and to urge them to settle differences thro-
ugh peaceful means. Allowing Taiwan to mean-
ingfully participate in the UN system would ben-
force, despite never having ruled Taiwan. For conflict in the area would have disastrous conse- example, the UN’s Sustainable Development efit the world’s efforts to address pressing glo-bal
for the inclusion decades, the people of Taiwan have remained
calm in safeguarding the status quo of peace and
stability across the Taiwan Strait. However, as
quences for the global economy.
In recent years, bilateral and multilateral foru-
ms have repeatedly emphasised that peace and
Goals (SDGs) were designed as a shared blueprint
for peace and prosperity. Yet the most recent SDG
progress report showed that just 12 per cent of
issues. This would demonstrate the UN’s deter-
mination to unite for global peace at a critical
juncture when the future of the world is at stake.

of Taiwan in UN China’s economic and military might has grown

stronger, it becomes increasingly aggressive in
flexing its military muscle to intimidate Taiwan,
stability over the Taiwan Strait is indispensable
to global security. While we can all agree that the
war must be avoided, how to best do so requires
SDG targets were on track. On more than 30 per
cent, we have stalled or even regressed.
While there are no easy answers, the first step is
We are stronger together. Now is the time to act
on this fundamental principle by including Tai-
thereby threatening our democratic way of life. inclusion, dialogue, and, most of all, unity. dialogue. As a truly global institution, the UN can
This includes sending warplanes and ships The United Nations remains the best platform serve as a champion of progress. We call on the The writer is the foreign minister of the
across the median line of the Taiwan Strait and for global discourse. UN officials speak often of UN to uphold its principle of leaving no one Republic of China (Taiwan)
pg 8

Kandy (Sri Lanka), Aug.
Matheesha Pathirana

Viacom 18 bags
Indian cricket
returned impressive fig-
ures of 4/32 to help Sri
Lanka to a comprehen-
sive five-wicket win over
Djoker ramps up
bid as Iga cruises
Bangladesh in the Asia
Cup match here on
broadcast rights Thursday.
Spinner Maheesh
New Delhi: Viacom 18 on Theekshana struck
Thursday created a near
monopoly in Indian cricket
broadcasting sphere by bag-
ging both TV and digital rights
early before Pathirana
joined forces to dismiss
Bangladesh for 164 in
the opener of the Sri
Matheesha leads Lanka to big win New York, Aug. 31: Novak
Djokovic sailed into the
US Open third round
Wednesday in his quest
■ Men’s singles second round:
of the national team’s home Lanka leg of the 50-over for a 24th Grand Slam tri-
series for the next five years tournament, a precursor SCOREBOARD umph as Iga Swiatek and
Zhang Zhizhen (CHN) bt
Casper Ruud (NOR x5) 6-4, 5-
with a cumulative bid of to October’s ODI World Coco Gauff stayed on a 7, 6-2, 0-6, 6-2; Rinky Hijikata
Bangladesh: Mohammad (AUS) bt Marton Fucsovics
approximately `6,000 crore, Cup in India. Naim c Nissanka b de quarter-final collision
(HUN) 6-1, 6-2, 6-1; Adrian
beating Star India and Sony in a Sadeera Samarawick- Silva 16, Tanzid Hasan lbw course in New York. Mannarino (FRA x22) bt
three-way battle. rama, who made 54, and b Theekshana 0, Najmul Djokovic climbed Fabian Marozsan (HUN) 3-6,
The BCCI had invited separate Charith Asalanka, Hossain Shanto b through the gears against 6-3, 6-4, 6-1; Frances Tiafoe
e-bids for both linear (TV) and unbeaten on 62, guided Theekshana 89, Shakib Al 76th-ranked Bernabe (USA x10) bt Sebastian Ofner
digital for best price discovery. the chase in their key Hasan c Mendis b Zapata Miralles, winning (AUT) 6-3, 6-1, 6-4; Ben
“Viacom 18 paid `3,101 crore stand of 78 after Sri Pathirana 5, Towhid 13 of the last 15 games to Shelton (USA) bt Dominic
(approximately) for digital and Lanka lost their openers Hridoy lbw b Shanaka 20, ease through 6-4, 6-1, 6-1 Thiem (AUT) 7-6 (7/1), 1-0 -
`2,862 crore for linear (TV). As early and slipped to 43/3. Mushfiqur Rahim c on Arthur Ashe Stadium retired; Aslan Karatsev (RUS)
has been the trend, digital has Samarawickrama reg- Karunaratne b Pathirana court. bt Roberto Carballes Baena
13, Mehidy Hasan Miraz (ESP) 6-2, 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (7/4);
fetched more in `5,963 crore istered his fourth ODI “At 36 years of age, after Dominic Stricker (SUI) bt
(approx) deal. half-century to raise the run out 5, Mahedi Hasan 20 years of coming to New
lbw b Wellalage 6, Taskin Stefanos Tsitsipas (GRE x7) 7-
“With IPL digital rights being noise of the sparse Ahmed c Theekshana b
York, I still have the 5, 6-7 (2/7), 6-7 (5/7), 7-6
bought by Viacom for `26,000 crowd at the scenic Pathirana 0, Shoriful Islam hunger to play my best (8/6), 6-3; Jiri Vesely (CZE) bt
crore plus, they now have venue. not out 2, Mustafizur tennis on this court,” said Francisco Cerundolo (ARG
almost all the high profile crick- He finally fell stumped Rahman lbw b Pathirana Djokovic, a three-time US x20) 7-6 (7/5), 6-2, 3-6, 2-6,
et properties save IPL linear off spinner Mahedi Open champion. 7-6 (10/6); Novak Djokovic
0. Extras (lb-3, nb-1, w-4)
(TV) and ICC events,” a broad- Hasan and Shakib Al Next up for the Serbian (SRB x2) bt Bernabe Zapata
8. Total (in 42.4 overs)
Miralles (ESP) 6-4, 6-1, 6-1.
casting industry source, track- Hasan soon sent back 164. star is compatriot and
ing developments closely, said Dhananjaya de Silva, FoW: 1-4, 2-25, 3-36, 4-
32nd seed Laslo Djere ■ Women’s singles second
on conditions of anonymity. but the left-handed 95, 5-127, 6-141, 7-162, 8- after Djokovic preserved round: Iga Swiatek (POL x1)
The rights will come into effect Asalanka pulled the 162, 9-164. his record of always bt Daria Saville (AUS) 6-3, 6-
with India’s three-match home team home in 39 overs reaching at least the last 4; Kaja Juvan (SLO) bt Lauren
series against Australia begin- with a winning bound- Bowling: Kasun Rajitha 7- 32 in New York. Davis (USA) 6-7 (3/7), 6-4, 6-
ning September 22 and end on ary. 0-29-0, Maheesh Women’s defending 3; Jelena Ostapenko (LAT
March 31, 2028. Asalanka reached his Theekshana 8-1-19-2, champion and world x20) bt Elina Avanesyan
Dhananjaya de Silva 10-0- (RUS) 6-3, 5-7, 7-5; Bernarda
“Congratulations @viacom18 for 50 in 85 balls to play a number one Swiatek
35-1, Matheesha Pathirana Pera (USA) bt Wang Xiyu
winning the @BCCI Media patient knock on a pitch 7.4-0-32-4, Dunith swept past Australia’s (CHN) 3-6, 7-6 (7/5), 6-2;
Rights for both linear and digi- where run-scoring did Wellalage 7-0-30-1, Dasun Daria Saville 6-3, 6-4. Caroline Wozniacki (DEN) bt
tal for the next 5 years. India not seem easy. Skipper Shanaka 3-0-16-1. The Pole is bidding to Petra Kvitova (CZE x11) 7-5, 7-
Cricket will continue to grow in Dasun Shanaka stood become the first woman 6 (7/5); Coco Gauff (USA x6)
both spaces as after @IPL and unbeaten on 14. Sri Lanka: Pathum to successfully defend her bt Mirra Andreeva (RUS) 6-3,
@wplt20, we extend the part- The bowlers set up vic- Nissanka c Mushfiqur US Open crown since 6-2; Belinda Bencic (SUI x15)
Rahim b Shoriful Islam 14, bt Lily Miyazaki (GBR) 6-3, 6-
nership @BCCI Media Rights as tory with Pathirana, Serena Williams won a
Dimuth Karunaratne b 3.
well,” BCCI secretary Jay Shah whose yorkers have Taskin Ahmed 1, Kusal hat-trick of titles from
said on ‘X’, formerly Twitter. earned him compar- Mendis b Shakib Al Hasan 2012-2014.
India will be playing 88 interna- isons to Lasith Malinga, 5, Sadeera “It wasn’t easy but I’m Cincinnati.
tional games across three for- picking up key wickets Samarawickrama st happy I tried to play my
mats including 25 Tests, 27 including skipper Mushfiqur Rahim b game and play aggressive-
ODIs and 36 Twenty20 Shakib and wicketkeep- Mahedi Hasan 54, Charith ly with a lot of intensity
Internationals with per match er-batsman Mushfiqur Asalanka not out 62, and I’m just happy to be India’s Rohan Bopanna
value of the deal standing Rahim. Dhananjaya de Silva b in the third round,” said and his Australian men’s
around `67.76 crore. Top-order batsman Shakib Al Hasan 2, Dasun Swiatek, aiming for her doubles partner Matthew
— PTI Najmul Hossain Shanto Shanaka not out 14. Extras fifth Grand Slam tri- Ebden advanced to the
made 89 to play a lone (b-2, lb-4, w-7) 13. Total umph. second round with a
hand in Bangladesh’s (For 5 wkts, in 39 overs) Swiatek will now play straight-set win over
Published by K. Sudhakar for and on innings after they elect- Slovenia’s Kaja Juvan on Christopher O’Connell
behalf of Deccan Chronicle Holdings ed to bat first but lasted FoW: 1-13, 2-15, 3-43, 4- Friday for a place in the and Aleksandar Vukic.
Limited at Jawaharlal Nehru National for only 42.4 overs. 121, 5-128. last 16. Bopanna and Ebden,
Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Theekshana struck Bowling: Taskin Ahmed 7- Gauff, 19, brushed aside who are seeded sixth,
Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi 110 002. first when he trapped 16-year-old Mirra brushed aside the
1-34-1, Shoriful Islam 4-0-
and Printed by him at BFL Infotech debutant Tanzid Hasan Andreeva, the youngest Australian duo 6-4, 6-2 in
23-1, Shakib Al Hasan 10-
Limited, C – 9, Sector – III, Noida – lbw for nought while De player in the draw, 6-3, 6-2 less than an hour (55 min-
2-29-2, Mustafizur
201301. utes) to win their first
Silva soon sent back fel- Rahman 3-0-12-0, Mehidy to continue her strong
Editor – Kaushik Mitter,
low opener Mohammad Hasan Miraz 5-0-26-0, run on hard courts this round match comfortably
RNI Registration number 57290/94
Naim for 16. Sri Lanka’s Matheesha Pathirana celebrates taking the wicket of Bangladesh batter Mahedi Hasan 10-0-35-1. summer after titles in on Wednesday.
Price in Nepal - Nep.Rs. 20.00 per copy.
— AFP Taskin Ahmed during their Asia Cup match in Pallekele, Sri Lanka, on Thursday. — AP Washington and — Agencies

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