MATH-UH 1022-001 - Linear Algebra - Spring 2023 - Syllabus

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MATH-UH 1022

Linear Algebra
Spring 2023

Credits: 4

Prerequisites: MATH – AD 111 Calculus with Applications or MATH – AD 110 Calculus

Faculty Details Professor Teaching Assistant

Name Arman Mimar Jonas Saman
Email [email protected] [email protected]
Office Hours TBD TBD

Course Details Day Time

Lecture (A3-002) Monday & Wednesday 11:20 AM – 12:35 PM (GST)
Recitation (A3-002) Friday 2:20 PM – 3:35 PM (GST)
Midterm Mar 08, 2023 11:20 AM – 12:35 PM (GST)
Final Exam May 16, 2023 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM (GST)

Course Description:

Minors > Applied Mathematics

Majors > Civil Engineering > Required Math and Science Courses
Majors > Computer Engineering
Majors > Electrical Engineering > Required Math and Science Courses
Majors > General Engineering
Majors > Mathematics
Majors > Physics

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In many applications of mathematics, a response of some systems is nearly a linear function of the
input. These linear systems, which arise in elasticity, in electrical engineering, and in economics for
example, involve linear equations in many unknowns. The associated matrix algebra is a rich and
beautiful field of mathematics. It is also central to the analysis of linear ordinary and partial differential
equations. The material in this course includes systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination,
matrices, determinants, Cramer’s rule, vectors, vector spaces, basis and dimension, linear
transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and quadratic forms.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes and Link to Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

CLO Level of
Students who successfully complete this course
Contribution, ie Low, Linked to Major PLOs1
will be able to:
Medium, High
1. Solve a system of linear equations in High MATH 2, PHYS 3, ENGR
several variables by various methods, 1
discussing existence and uniqueness of
the solutions and the solution set.

2. Invert a matrix and use the basic High

properties of the inverse. Perform basic MATH1, MATH2, PHYS 3,
operations in matrix algebra. ENGR1

3. Compute the determinant of a matrix High MATH 1, PHYS 3

with a suitable method, and use the main
properties of the determinant

4. Identify abstract vector spaces, and High MATH 1, MATH 2

demonstrate and use their elementary
properties, in particular independence.
3, ENGR 1
5. Determine the Column and Null Space of High
a matrix, and its rank.

See Appendix 1

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6. Write the matrix of a change of base and 3, ENGR 1
use it to study change of basis. Identify High
linear transformations and their
transition matrices, using it to study the
linear transformation.
High 3, ENGR 1
7. Determine eigenvalues, eigenvectors and
eigenspaces of a matrix, and diagonalize
it when possible.
3, ENGR 1
8. Use dot product, length and High
orthogonality in abstract vector spaces.
Determine the orthogonal High
diagonalization of symmetric matrices.
3, ENGR 1

9. Give the rigorous proof of some simple

statements concerning linear algebra.

Teaching Methodologies

 There will be one Midterm exam and one Final exam.

 There will be four short Quizzes. The best 3 will be taken.
 No Make Ups can be given.
 No calculators or phones are allowed during the exams.
 Homeworks will be divided into two parts: the first part consists of electronically assigned
homeworks through MyMathLab. The second part consists of Written Assignments (WA) of a
more theoretical nature. There will be 5 WA’s approximately every two weeks.
 All the relevant material is delivered during lectures and students are expected to take
thorough notes based on the theory, examples and sample problems presented in class.
 Weekly recitation sessions will further develop practical skills through the discussion of
problem sets, under the supervision of an instructor.

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Graded Activities
Grade Submission Linked to Course
Activity Detail Percentage Date/Week Learning Outcome(s)
Homework (7.5 % + 7.5 %) 15 % Weekly 1 to 9
Quizzes (3 best of 4) 20 % See pages 1 to 9
7 and 8
Midterm Exam (30 %) 30 % Oct 12 1,2,3,5
Final Exam (35%) 35 % TBD 1 to 9

Required Bookstore Text

Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 6th Ed. By Lay-Lay-McDonald.
Publisher Pearson, ISBN 978-1-292-35121-6.

The book comes bundled with MyMathLab. You should receive a license along with the
electronic book.

Attendance: Attendance is mandatory to both lectures and recitations due to the fact that material
builds upon itself and tests will be performed during recitations. You are responsible for any material
missed during an absence. Recurring unjustified absences will be followed up and may be reported to
the Office of Academic Affairs.
Grade Distribution: Course percentages will be translated into letter grades based on these intervals:

Total Letter Grade

[93 - 100] A
[90 - 93) A-
[87 - 90) B+
[83 - 87) B
[80 - 83) B-
[75 - 80) C+
[70 - 75) C
[65 - 70) C-
[60 - 65) D+
[50 - 60) D
[0 - 50) F

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Integrity: At NYU Abu Dhabi, a commitment to excellence, fairness, honesty, and respect within and
outside the classroom is essential to maintaining the integrity of our community. By accepting
membership in this community, students, faculty, and staff take responsibility for demonstrating these
values in their own conduct and for recognizing and supporting these values in others. In turn, these
values create a campus climate that encourages the free exchange of ideas, promotes scholarly
excellence through active and creative thought, and allows community members to achieve and be
recognized for achieving their highest potential.
Students should be aware that engaging in behaviors that violate the standards of academic integrity
will be subject to review and may face the imposition of penalties in accordance with the procedures
set out in the NYUAD policy:
Moses Center for Student Accessibility
New York University is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation for
students with disabilities. CSD works with NYU students to determine appropriate and reasonable
accommodations that support equal access to a world-class education. Confidentiality is of the utmost
importance. Disability-related information is never disclosed without student permission. Find further
information at:
Contact: [email protected]

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Course Schedule
Below is a provisional schedule of the topics to be covered in this course.

Day Date Section Topics

Wed(01) Jan 25 Section 1.1 Systems of Linear Equations
Section 1.2 Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
Fri Jan 27 Recitation
Mon(02) Jan 30 Section 1.3 Vector Equations
Section 1.4 The Matrix Equation Ax=b
Wed(03) Feb 01 Section 1.5 Solution Sets of Linear Systems
Section 1.7 Linear Independence
Fri Feb 03 Recitation Quiz 1

Mon(04) Feb 06 Section 1.8 Introduction to Linear Transformations

Section 1.9 The Matrix of a Linear Transformation
Wed(05) Feb 08 Section 2.1 Matrix Operations

Fri Feb 10 Recitation

Sat(06) Feb 11 Section 2.2 The Inverse of a Matrix

Section 2.3 Characterizations of Invertible Matrices
Mon(07) Feb 13 Section 2.8 Subspaces of R^n
Section 2.9 Dimension and Rank
Wed(08) Feb 15 Section 3.1 Introduction to Determinants

Fri Feb 17 Recitation (HW1 due)

Mon(09) Feb 20 Section 3.2 Properties of Determinants

Wed(10) Feb 22 Section 3.3 Cramer’s rule, Volume

Fri Feb 24 Recitation Quiz 2

Mon(11) Feb 27 Section 4.1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces

Wed(12) Mar 01 Section 4.2 Null Spaces, Column Spaces and Linear Transformations

Fri Mar 03 Recitation (HW2 due)

Mon(13) Mar 06 Midterm Review

Wed(14) Mar 08 MIDTERM

Fri Mar 10 Recitation

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Fri Mar 24 Recitation

Mon(15) Mar 27 Section 4.3 Linearly Independent Sets. Bases

Section 4.4 Coordinate Systems

Wed(16) Mar 29 Section 4.5 Dimension of a Vector Space

Fri Mar 31 Recitation

Mon(17) Apr 03 Section 4.6 Change of Basis
Wed(18) Apr 05 Section 5.1 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
Section 5.4 Eigenvectors and Linear Transformations
Fri Apr 07 Recitation (HW3 due)

Mon(19) Apr 10 Section 5.2 The Characteristic Equation

Wed(20) Apr 12 Section 5.3 Diagonalization
Fri Apr 14 Recitation Quiz 3

Mon(21) Apr 17 Section 6.1 Inner Product, Length

and Orthogonality
Wed(22) Apr 19 Section 6.2 Orthogonal sets
Section 6.3 Orthogonal Projections
Mon(23) Apr 24 Section 6.2 Orthogonal sets (cont’d)
Section 6.3 Orthogonal Projections (cont’d)

Wed(24) Apr 26 Section 6.4 The Gram-Schmidt Process

Section 6.5 Least Square Problems
Fri Apr 28 Recitation (HW4 due)

Mon(25) May 01 Section 6.7 Inner product spaces

Wed(26) May 03 Section 5.5 Complex Eigenvalues
Section 7.1 Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices

Fri May 05 Recitation Quiz 4

Mon(27) May 08 Section 7.1 Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices (Cont’d)

Wed(28) May 10 Final Review

Fri May 12 Recitation Review, (HW5 due)

Tue May 16 Final Exam (8:30 AM-10:30 AM)

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Appendix 1

Major Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

MATH 1) Apply the fundamental theorems of Analysis, Algebra and Geometry (Knowledge, Autonomy
& Responsibility, Self-development).
MATH 2) Identify and apply appropriate mathematical and statistical techniques, both theoretical and
numerical, to concrete problems (Knowledge, Skill, Role in Context).
PHYS 3) Assess problems in physics and mathematics making use of scaling relations, symmetries,
dimensional analysis, and estimation, and eventually get to an analytical or numerical solution using
mathematical tools or computer calculations (Knowledge, Skill).
ENGR 1) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science, and mathematics (Knowledge, Skill, Role in Context).
ENGR 1f) Apply knowledge of mathematics in solving engineering problems;

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