B.Tech CSE IV Sem Scheme and Syllabus
B.Tech CSE IV Sem Scheme and Syllabus
B.Tech CSE IV Sem Scheme and Syllabus
Unit I:
Introduction to cloud computing, characteristics of cloud computing as per NIST, cloud
reference model, application of cloud computing ECG analysis, protein structure prediction,
cloud deployment models.
Unit II:
Virtualization, virtualization advantages, Full virtualization, para-virtualization, hypervisors.
Cloud interoperability, cloud service management, cloud analytics, Cloud broker, Capex,
Opex, cloud architecture.
Unit III:
Platform as a service, Infrastructure as a service, software as a service, Desktop as a service,
Backup as a service, DRaaS, Introduction to SLA, SLA lifecycle, SLA management, Business
continuity plan.
Unit IV:
Cloud security fundamentals, vulnerability assessment, security architecture, identity
management and access control, data at rest, data in flight, data in motion, security in
Unit V:
Cloud application development platforms, Xen hypervisor, AWS, Google app engine, open
Text Books:
1. S. Chand,R.Buyya, C. Vecchiola, S.T. Selvi, “Mastering Cloud Computing,” McGraw Hill
2. T. Velte, A. Velte and R. Estenpeter, “Cloud Computing –A practical approach, McGraw Hill
Reference Books:
1. K. Chandrasekaran, “Essentials of Cloud Computing,” CRC Press
2. Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, RichardoPuttini, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology
& Architecture, ServiceTech press
3. K Jayaswal, J Kallakurchi, Donald Houde, Deven Shah, Cloud Computing Black Book,
Dreamtech Press.
Course Hours per Week
Course Name
Code L T P Credit
Random variables- Discrete and Continuous random variables, Mass and Density function
(pmf, pdf), Cumulative Distribution function, Expectation of a random variables, Expectation
of random variable in terms of variance, Introduction to probability theory, Trial and Event,
law of probability theory, Introduction to Conditional probability.
Curve fitting (Method of Least Square), linear and nonlinear curves, Correlation, Karl
Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient, Linear
Regression, Regression coefficients, Properties of regression curve.
Assembly Language Programming: 8085 instruction set: Instructions, Classifications,
Addressing modes, Stack and Subroutines, Delay routines, Counters etc., Programming
Interfacing concepts and devices: Memory interface: Concept of memory chip/ chips interface to
8085 with appropriate examples, / IO mapped I/ O, and memory mapped I/ O techniques.
Programmable interfacing devices: - Programmable peripheral interface (Intel 8255),
Programmable timer interface (Intel 8253/ 54), Programmable display / Keyboard interface (Intel
8279), Programmable serial communication interface (Intel 8251)-(their architecture, register
organization, initialization, hardware and software interface to 8085.
Instruction Timing and Interrupts: Timing Diagrams (of various instructions): T- state, Machine
cycle (Opcode fetch, Read / Write, Interrupts, Interrupt Acknowledge, Bus Idle, etc), Interrupts:
-types (h/ w and s/ w), Maskable / Non maskable and their organization.
Introduction to Intel Architecture, How an Intel Architecture System works, Internal architecture
of Basic Components of the Intel Core 2 Duo Processor: The CPU, Memory Controller, I/O
Controller; Intel Core i7: Architecture, The Intel Core i7 Processor, Intel QuickPath
Interconnect, The SCH; Intel Atom Architecture. Introduction to Texas Instruments’ Multi-Core
Multilayer SoC architecture for communications, infrastructure equipment.
1. Gaonkar: Microprocesors, Architecture, Programming and Applications, Wiely Eastern,
4th ed.
2. K. UdayaKumar, B.S. Umasankar, “The 8085 Microprocessor-Architecture,
Programming and Interfacing”, 5e, ISBN : 978 – 81 – 7758 – 455 - 4
3. Nagoor Kani, Microprocessors, architecture and programming, RBA Publications.
4. Douglas V. Hall , Microprocessors, Interfacing and Peripherals, Tata McGraw Hill,2nd
1. Calvin Lin. Lawrence Snyder: Principles of Parallel Programming, Pearson Education.
2. Michael J. Quinn : Parallel Programming in C with MPI and Open MP, Tata Macgraw
3. Reinders : Intel Threading Building Blocks, O’reilly.
4. David Culler et. Al.: Parallel Computer Architecture : A Hardware/Software Approach,
Hours per Week
Course Code Course Name L T P Credit
CS3CO36 3 0 2 4
Unit III: Memory Management: Concepts of Memory Management, Logical and Physical
Address Space, Swapping, Fixed and Dynamic Partitions, Best Fit, First Fit and Worst Fit
Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, and Paging Combined With Segmentation.
Unit IV: Concepts of Virtual Memory, Cache Memory Organization, Demand Paging, Page
Replacement Algorithms, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Demand Segmentation, Role of
Operating System in Security, Security Breaches, System Protection, and Password
Unit V: Disk Scheduling, File Concepts, File Manager, File Organization, Access Methods,
Allocation Methods, Free Space Managements, Directory Systems, File Protection, File
Organization & Access Mechanism, File Sharing Implement Issue, File Management in
Linux, Introduction to Distributed Systems.
Text Books:
1. Silberschatz, Galvin, Operating Systems Concepts, Wiley Publications.
2. Andrew S. Tenenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson Education Asia / PHI.
Reference Books:
1. Terrence Chan, UNIX System Programming Using C++, Prentice Hall India.
2. W. Richard Stevens, Advanced Programming in UNIX Environment, Pearson Education.
3. William Stallings, Operating Systems, Pearson Education Asia.
L T P Credits
CS3CO37 Advanced Java Programming
2 0 2 4
Unit-III: Servlets
Servlets, HTTP Methods; GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS, MVC design
pattern, Init Parameters, Servlet Context, Inter Servlet Communication, Servlet Listeners, Servlet
Text Books:
(1) “Core Java for Impatients”, Cay S. Horstman
(2) “Java : The Complete Reference”, Herbert Schildt
Reference Books:
(3) “Head First Java”, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
(2) “Java for Dummies”, Barry A. Burd
(5) “Effective Java”, Joshua Bloch
Course Course Name Hours Per Week
L T P Credits
CS3CO38 Theory of Computation
4 0 0 4
Students should have a background in discrete mathematics, data structures, and programming
Reference Books:
1. J.E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and J.D.Ullman, Introduction to Automata, Languages and ‘
Computation, Pearson Education, Asia.
2. Daniel I.A. Cohen, Introduction to Computer Theory, John Wiley.
3. H.R. Lewis and C.H.Papadimitrou, Elements of the Theory of Computation, Prentice Hall Inc.
Hours per Week
Course Code Course Name L T P Credit
Unit I
Basic Concepts: Data Vs Information, Definition of Database, Advantages of Database
Systems, Components of DBMS, DBMS Architecture and Data Independence, Data
modeling, Entity Relationship Model, Relational, Network, Hierarchical and Object Oriented
Models. Data Modeling Using The Entity Relationship Model.
Unit II
Relational Database: Relational Databases, Relational Algebra, Relational Algebra Operation,
Tuple Relational Calculus, Domain Relational Calculus. Data Definition with SQL, Inserts,
Delete and Update Statements in SQL, Views, Data Manipulation with SQL, PL/ SQL
constructs: Triggers, Cursors etc.
Unit III
Database Design: Design Guidelines, Key concepts, Relational Database Design, Integrity
Constraints, Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity, Functional Dependency,
Normalization Using Functional Dependencies: Normal Forms, First, Second and Third
Normal Forms. Boyce Codd Normal Form, Multivalued Dependencies and Forth Normal
Form, Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form, Decomposition in 2NF, 3NF and BCNF.
Unit IV
Database Transactions Processing: Introduction to Transaction Processing, Transaction
Concepts, Desirable Properties of Transactions, Schedules, Concepts of Recoverability and
Serializability, Concurrency control: introduction, locking protocols.
Unit V
Query Processing and Optimization, File organization and indexes, hashing techniques, B
tree, B+ tree etc. Introduction to advanced databases: Distributed databases, Object oriented
databases, mobile and web databases, Introduction to data warehousing and mining.
Text Books:
1. F.R. Mcfadden, J. Hoffer, M.Prescott, Modern Database Management, Addison Wesley.
2. Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database System, Pearson Education Asia.
Reference Books:
1. C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Pearson Education Asia.
2. Henry F Korth, Abraham Silbershatz, Database System Concepts, Mc Graw Hill .