Arcadis Varic
Arcadis Varic
Arcadis Varic
© Siemens AG 2006
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Generator Adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Generator Adjustment Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Load counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Image Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Collimator X-iris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Display X-iris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Collimator Slot Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Display Slot Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Dose area product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Air Kerma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Dose rate adjustment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Checking the dose rate in automatic mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
NOTE All tools, test equipment and aids with the exception of those
marked “*”, are listed along with their specifications in the STC
(Service Tools Catalogue).
X This symbol means “X-ray”, checks and adjustments that must be performed with
radiation ON.
NOTE After you enter the service menu, the currently selected dominant
is shown as a circle in the radiation field.
Abbreviations 1.3
NOTE Replacing the D1 board (main system) sets the “reset counter”
and the load units to “0”.
NOTE After a load counter reset, the serial number of the new tube is not
shown under <Main System>-<Adjustment>-<Load Counter> until
a “Generator Adjustment” has been performed.
NOTE Send the burned CD together with the single tank and the tube
questionnaire back to the factory (as required by the terms of the
1. Register an emergency patient to allow radiation release.
2. Manually set the image rotation to the 0 degree position at the control console.
¹ See display for image rotation at the control console.
3. Attach an Allen key and a piece of solder wire to the image intensifier as shown in
(Fig. 3 / p. 11).
4. Click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: Init (Disable Limits) --> running --> success
X 5. Briefly release fluoro and then use the PC mouse to rotate the LIH image on the moni-
tor screen into the 0 degree position.
¹ The image (left/right / up/down) corresponds to (Fig. 4 / p. 11).
6. Click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: 0 Degree Position --> running --> success
7. Click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: Init Off & Store Positions --> running --> success A window appears:
Calibration is finished --> confirm with <OK>.
¹ The main system restarts.
8. Manually set the image rotation to the 0 degree position at the control console.
¹ See display for image rotation at the control console.
X 9. Briefly release fluoro.
¹ The image should now display in the correct 0 degree position (Fig. 4 / p. 11); if
not, repeat adjustment.
10. Click on “>” for the next page and click on <Finish>.
• Use the X-iris keys at the control console for the adjustment.
¹ At least 2 blades of the X-iris must be visible.
¹ For countries with DHHS regulation, 8 blades must be visible.
X 5. Release fluoro and adjust the X-iris so that the blades are still visible along the edge of
the I.I.
NOTE For units with air kerma display, a default value of 200 mm for
“X-iris I.I.-Full Format Position” is used for software calculation.
Enter different diameter settings under <Configuration>-<Main
System>-<Air Kerma> “X-Iris Open Position in mm”.
X 7. Release fluoro and adjust the X-iris so that the blades are still visible along the edge of
the I.I .
8. Stop fluoro and click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: I.I.-Zoom Format Position --> running --> success
¹ CEX position is automatically selected. Wait until the "X-iris open button LED" is
CEX Position
9. Click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: CEX Position --> running --> success
Closed Position
X 10. Release fluoro and close X-iris until the X-ray field is 43 mm. Tolerance: + 2 mm/ -3 mm.
¹ See attached centering cross.
NOTE For units with air kerma display it is important for software calcula-
tion that the X-iris closed position is adjusted accurately.
• Use the X-iris keys at the control console for the adjustment.
• “Collimator X-Iris” has been adjusted correctly.
0 Degree Position
X 3. Release fluoro and move the slot diaphragm to the vertical position ( ↑ ) on the monitor.
4. Stop fluoro and click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: 0 Degree Position --> running --> success
X 5. Release fluoro and open the slot diaphragm so that the blades begin to disappear at the
edge of the image.
NOTE For units with air kerma display it is important for software calcula-
tion that the slot diaphragm in “I.I. - Full Format Position” is
adjusted accurately to the edge of the visible I.I. field.
X 7. Release fluoro and open the slot diaphragm so that the blades begin to disappear at the
edge of the image.
8. Stop fluoro and click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: I.I.-Zoom Format Position --> running --> success
9. Click on <Go>.
¹ Status bar: Init Off & Store Position --> running --> success
¹ A window appears: Calibration is finished --> confirm with <OK>.
¹ The main system restarts.
10. Click on “>” for the next page and click on <Finish>.
11. Check the adjustment and repeat if necessary.
NOTE Make sure that 2.5mm AL filtration at the external dose meter is
selected during the chamber gain adjustment.
3. Attach the small dose measurement chamber (1cm3) into the center of the I. I. grid.
4. Select I.I. full format and open the collimator X-iris and the slot diaphragm to the maxi-
mum position.
5. Select the following exam set to get as a result the HC2 control curve:
¹ Ortho/Trauma; Standard; Body reg = HIP; Fluoroscopy
X 6. Briefly release fluoro, select the <kV STOP> key and 70 kV with the kV + / - buttons on
the console.
X 7. Release fluoro and compare the dose rate from the external dose meter to the internal
monitor display.
¹ Use correction factors and calculations described under “DAP accuracy check” or
under “Air kerma accuracy check”.
¹ Calculate the external dose meter's deviation from the internal monitor dis-
play.Difference = [(int. value) - (ext value)] / (ext value)
¹ The maximum allowed difference is ± 0.25 (± 25%).
Fig. 5: Wellhöfer_DAP
9. Adjust the chamber gain by pushing the up or down button for at least 200 ms for each
push at the chamber (1/Fig. 5 / p. 22).
¹ Use a small Allen key (diameter 0.5 - 1.0 mm) to push the “UP” or DOWN” button
(e. g. 20 x push down = -10%).
¹ “DOWN” = 0.5 % reduction of gain per push.
¹ “UP” = 0.5 % increase of gain per push.
10. Reinstall the single tank cover, check the dose rate again and perform a “Wellhöfer -
chamber test”.
4. Enter the chamber constant from the monitor acquisition task card under <Main Sys-
tem>-<Configuration>-<Option> “DAP chamber resolution”.
¹ With “DAP” display: Multiply the monitor value by 100 and enter the 4 digits (e. g.
49.97 x 100 = 4997).
¹ With “Air Kerma” display: Enter the first 4 digits from the monitor value. (e. g.
4997.2 = 4997).
5. Click on <Finish>.
6. Continue with “DAP accuracy check” or “Air Kerma accuracy check”.
1. Register an emergency patient to allow radiation release.
NOTE The “DAP accuracy check” is only possible if the “Dose Area Prod-
uct” is configured under <Configuration>-<Imaging Sys-
tem>-<Display Settings>.
2. Attach and center the centering cross on the I.I. (Fig. 7 / p. 24).
X 3. Briefly release fluoroscopy and adjust the collimator X-iris on the X-ray field to a diame-
ter of approx. 15 cm (Fig. 7 / p. 24).
4. Record the diameter of the octagonal area of the radiation field and remove the center
5. Attach the small dose measurement chamber (1cm3) into the center of the I. I.
NOTE Make sure that the dose meter is adjusted for about 2.5mm AL fil-
tration during the “DAP accuracy check”.
Accuracy check
X 1. Briefly release fluoroscopy, select the <kV STOP> key and enter 70 kV at the control
2. Note the measured DAP on the ARCADIS monitor as # 1 and set the external dose
meter to "0".
X 3. Release fluoroscopy until a measured dose (Ka ext) of 4 - 5 mGy is displayed at the
external dose meter and note this value.
4. Note the area dose product (in cGycm2) displayed on the ARCADIS monitor as # 2 and
subtract # 1 from # 2 to get the dose (DAP int) to be compared to the external dose
5. Calculate the measured dose (Ka ext) to the comparable dose area product (DAP ext )
in cGycm2:
¹ DAP ext = ( Ka ext in mGy) x (diameter 2 in cm) x (0.829) / 10
6. Calculate the difference between the measured and displayed dose area product:
¹ Difference = [(DAP int) - (DAP ext)] / (DAP ext)
7. The maximum allowed difference is ± 0.25 (± 25%).
¹ PTW dose meter: For differences > +0.25 and < -0.25, perform the “PTW - cham-
ber test and adjustment”.
¹ Wellhöfer dose meter: For differences > +0.25 and < -0.25, perform the “Well-
höfer chamber gain adjustment”.
NOTE The air kerma accuracy check is only possible if the resolution
0.01 cGy cm*cm/Pulse is configured under <Main System>-<Con-
figuration>-<Options>-<Resolution> and “Air Kerma” is config-
ured under <Configuration>-<Imaging System>-<Display
1. Register an emergency patient to allow radiation release.
2. Select dose rate at the external dose meter and attach the small dose measurement
chamber (1cm3) to the center of the I. I. grid.
NOTE Make sure that 2.5mm AL filtration at the external dose meter is
selected during the air kerma accuracy check.
3. Select I.I. full format and open the collimator X-iris and the slot diaphragm to the maxi-
mum position.
4. Select the following exam set to get as a result the HC2 control curve:
¹ Ortho/Trauma; Standard; Body reg = HIP; Fluoroscopy
5. Read out the reference location factor (RL) under <Main System>-<Adjust-
ment>-<DAP/Air Kerma>.
¹ RL = 685 (Varic + Orbic; 300 mm to I.I.) --> Factory default
¹ RL = 487 (Varic; 150 mm to isocenter) --> Use only upon customer request
¹ RL = 490 (Orbic; 150 mm to isocenter) --> Use only upon customer request
6. SID for Varic and Orbic = 1005 mm
¹ SID to the grid surface: 1005 mm - 20 mm = 985 mm
Accuracy check
X 1. Briefly release fluoro, select the <kV STOP> key and 70 kV with the kV + / - buttons on
the console.
X 2. Release fluoroscopy and note after approx. 10 seconds fluoro the dose rate from the
dose meter as “∆Ka/∆t ext” and the displayed dose rate at the monitor as “∆Ka/∆t int”
and stop fluoro.
3. Calculate the difference between the dose rate from the external dose meter multiplied
by Cx and the internal dose rate, displayed at the monitor, converted to µGy/s:
¹ Step 1: Calculate monitor value (∆Ka/∆t) int from (mGy/min) to (µGy/s):
(∆Ka/∆t int in mGy/min) x (16.66) = (∆Ka/∆t int in µGy/s)
¹ Step 2: Multiply the external dose rate (∆Ka/∆t ext) by factor (Cx):
(∆Ka/∆t ext) x (Cx) = (∆Ka/∆t ext _Cx)
¹ Step 3: Calculate the difference from (∆Ka/∆t int) to (∆Ka/∆t ext _Cx):
Difference = [(∆Ka/∆t int) - (∆Ka/∆t ext _Cx)] / (∆Ka/∆t ext _Cx)
4. Evaluate the measurement; the maximum allowed difference is ± 0.35 (± 35%).
¹ For differences > + 0.35 and < - 0.35, an “air kerma dose matching” adjustment is
5. Release the kV-stop key.
6. Repeat the “air kerma accuracy check” twice in full format with the following conditions:
¹ 1. Slot diaphragm = maximum open.
X-iris opening diameter = approx. 16 cm (measured on the monitor).
¹ 2. X-iris = maximum open.
Slot diaphragm opening diameter = approx. 16 cm (measured on the monitor).
X 2. Briefly release fluoro and measure the maximum and minimum diameter of the visible
X-ray field in full format (1/Fig. 8 / p. 27).
¹ Open the X-iris to the maximum position in full format and note the diameter from
the centering cross.
¹ Close the X-iris to the minimum position in full format and note the diameter from
the centering cross.
X 3. Perform the collimator slot diaphragm adjustment under <Main System>-Adjust-
ments>-<Collimator slot diaphragm>.
¹ Make sure that the front edge of the slot diaphragm is accurately adjusted to the
edge of the I. I.
X 4. Briefly release fluoro and measure the minimum distance between the front edges of
the slot diaphragm in full format (1/Fig. 9 / p. 27).
¹ Use 2.1mm Cu as prefilter to make the front edges visible.
¹ Close the slot diaphragm to the minimum position in full format and note the diam-
eter from the centering cross (front edge to front edge).
5. Insert the previously noted “open” and “closed” X-iris values and the “closed” slot dia-
phragm value under <Main System>-<Adjustment>-<Air Kerma> and click on <Save>.
¹ X-Iris Open Pos. in mm
¹ X-Iris Close Pos. in mm
¹ Slot diaphragm Close Pos. in mm (1/Fig. 9 / p. 27).
¹ Slot diaphragm Open Pos. = remains at the default value
6. Remove the center cross and repeat the “air kerma accuracy check”.
NOTE If the air kerma dose matching was not successful, perform the
"Wellhöfer chamber gain adjustment" and the “Wellhöfer cham-
ber test”. Then repeat the air kerma accuracy check.
The grid remains on the I. I.
Filter for X-ray tube output is 2.7 mm Cu or alternatively 25 mm Al and 1.2mm Cu.
NOTE Make sure to use the correct "dose rate correction factors," based
on the chamber used.
1. Register an emergency patient to allow radiation release.
2. Attach the dose measurement chamber on the I.I. input screen.
¹ If a small chamber is used: Attach chamber in full format and zoom format out-
side the displayed dominant circle but inside the visible field.
¹ If a large chamber is used: Center the chamber to the displayed in the dominant
3. Place 2.7 mm Cu or alternatively 25 mm Al and 1.2 mm CU in front of the collimator.
4. Click on <Go> to start the dose rate adjustment and wait until "NOT ACTIVE" appears
in the status bar "Auto Regulation".
¹ The X-iris and the slot diaphragm open automatically to the maximum outside
¹ The DA CFC 75 kV curve is displayed in the status bar “Control Curve”.
¹ I.I. full format is selected and displayed in the status bar “I.I. Zoom Status”.
X 5. Start fluoro, wait 5 seconds then press the “KV STOP” key (Fig. 10 / p. 30) on the con-
trol console.
¹ Continue fluoro.
6. Adjust dose rate by using the control console keys.
¹ The target of the dose rate value without correction factor is displayed in the sta-
tus bar "Dose rate".
¹ Use keys [+kV] and [-kV] for 1/2 exposure points.
¹ Use keys [+ mA] and [- mA] for 1/16 exposure points.
¹ The message “DONE” appears in the status bar “Auto Regulation”.
7. Stop fluoro and press the zero key (Fig. 10 / p. 30) on the control console .
¹ Adjustment for TV iris is carried out.
¹ The message “STORED” appears in the status bar “Auto Regulation”.
¹ The brightness deviation value is shown in the status bar “Brightness Deviation”.
¹ For dose rate "LOW" the brightness deviation value can be higher than 0 ± 10.
8. In I. I. full format, carry out the same procedure for the dose rate “MID” and “HIGH”.
¹ For dose rate "MID" and "High" the brightness deviation value should fall within
0 ± 10
¹ Use control console CFC key (Fig. 10 / p. 30) for LOW / MID / HIGH selection.
9. Select zoom format and carry out the same procedure for the “LOW”; “MID” and
“HIGH” dose rate.
10. After completing the adjustment, click on <Save>.
¹ A window appears: “Main system values were successfully saved” --> confirm
with <OK>.