21EE44 Module 4

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Electric Motor 21EE44

Module 4

a) Starters and Speed control

methods of Three phase Induction

b) Single phase Induction Motor

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Electric Motor 21EE44

(a)Starters and Speed control methods of 3-ϕ Induction Motor
4.1 Necessity of Starter:
 Rotor induced emf in three phase induction motor depends on slip value. This emf decides
the magnitude of the rotor current.
s E2
I 2r =
√ R 22+(sX ¿¿ 2)2 ¿
 But at the starting s=1, since N = 0. so magnitude of rotor emf is very large at starting. As
the rotor conductor is short circuited, the large induced emf circulates very high rotor
current at starting.
 Due to such heavy inrush current at start there is s of damage of the motor winding. Such
sudden inrush of current causes large line voltage drop. The other appliance connected to
the same line may be subjected to voltage spikes which may affect their working.
 The starter is a device which is basically used to limit high starting current by supplying
reduced voltage to the motor at the starting.
 Such a reduced voltage is applied only for short period and once rotor gets accelerated,
full normal rated voltage is applied.
 Not only the starter limits the starting current but also provides the protection to the
induction motor against overloading loading and low voltage situations. The protection
against single phasing is also provided by the starter.
 Thus all the three phase induction motors need some or the other type of starter.

4.2 Types of Starters:

From the expression of rotor current it can be seen that the current at start can be
controlled by reducing E2 which is possible by supplying reduced voltage at start or by
increasing the rotor resistance R2 at start. The second method is possible only on case of slip
ring induction motors.
The various types of starters based on the above two methods of reducing the starting
current are,
1. Stator resistance starter
2. Auto-transformer starter
3. Star-delta starter
4. Rotor resistance starter
5. Direct on line starter

4.3Direct on Load Line Starter (D.O.L.):

 A DOL starter (also known as a direct on line starter or across the line starter) is a method
of starting a 3 phase induction motor. In a DOL Starter, an induction motor is connected
directly across its 3-phase supply, and the DOL starter applies the full line voltage to the
motor terminals.
 Despite this direct connection, no harm is done to the motor. A DOL motor starter
contains protection devices, and in some cases, condition monitoring. A wiring diagram of
a DOL starter is shown in the figure 4.1

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Figure 4.1 Direct Online starter

 The ‘NO’ contact is normally open and ‘NC’ is normally closed. At start, NO is pushed
for fraction of second due to which coil gets energized and attracts the contactor. So stator
directly gets supply. The additional contact provided, ensures that as long as supply is ON,
the coil gets supply and keeps contactor in ON position. When NC is pressed, the coil
circuit gets opened due to which coil gets de-energized and motor gets switched OFF from
the supply.
 Under over load condition, current drawn by the motor increases due to which is an
excessive heat produced, which increases temperature beyond limit. Thermal relays get
opened due to high temperature, protecting the motor from overload conditions. The
Relation between Starting Torque and Full load Torque is given by

( )
T st 2 I sc
= x s , Where x is current proportional factor.

4.4Star - Delta Starter:

 The Star-Delta Starter is a very common type of starter and is used extensively as
compared to the other type of starting methods of the induction motor.
 A star delta is used for a squirrel cage motor designed to run normally on the delta-
connected stator winding. The connection of a three-phase induction motor with a star-
delta starter is shown in the figure 4.2.
 When switch S is in the START position, the stator windings are connected in the star,
When the motor picks up the speed, about 80 percent of its rated speed, the switch S is
immediately put into the RUN position.

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Figure 4.2Star- Delta starter

 As a result, a stator winding which was in star connection is changed

into DELTA connection.
 At the starting stator winding is connected in star and then in Delta so that the starting line
current of the motor is reduced to one-third as compared to the starting current with the
windings connected in delta.
 At the starting of an induction motor when the windings of the stator are star-connected,
each stator phase gets a voltage VL/√3. Here VL is the line voltage.
 Since the developed torque is proportional to the square of the voltage applied to an
induction motor. Star delta starter reduces the starting torque to one-third that is obtained
by direct delta starting. The ratio of starting toque to full load torque is given by

( )
T st 1 I sc
= 3 I FL f

4.5Auto transformer Starter:

 The voltage applied to the stator can be reduced to the desired value by using a 3-phase
star-connected auto-transformer. It contains a suitable change over switch as shown in the
figure 4.3.
 When the switch is in the 'START' position, a reduced voltage is applied across the stator
winding. The amount of voltage applied can be controlled by changing tapping's on the
auto-transformer. When the motor attains 80% of its normal speed, the change-over switch
is thrown into the 'RUN' position.
 In the RUN position rated voltage gets applied across the stator winding and the auto-
transformer is disconnected from the circuit. The operation of the change-over switch is
automatic by using timers and relays. This type of starter is suitable for both start and
delta-connected motors. The Relation between Starting Torque and Full load Torque is
calculated as below:

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Figure 4.3Auto transformer starter

Let ‘x’ be the fractional percentage tapings used for an auto transformer to apply the reduced
voltage to the stator.
If I sc = starting motor current at rated voltage.
I st =starting motor current with starter.
Then I st (motor )= x I sc ------------ 1
But there exists a fixed ratio between starting current drawn from supply I st (supply) and
motor starting current I st (motor) due to auto transformer.
I st (supply )
Auto transformer ratio x =
I st (motor )
I st ( supply )=x I st (motor ) -------------2
Substitute equation 1 and 2
I st ( supply )=x . x . I sc =x I sc -------------3
2 2 2
T st ∝ I st ∝ x T sc ------------ 4
( I FL )
T FL ∝ -------------5
Taking the ration of T st and T FL

( )
T st 2 I sc
=x s

4.7Stator Resistance Starter:

 In order to apply the reduced voltage to the stator of the induction motor, three resistances
are added in series with each phase of the stator winding.
 Initially the resistances are kept maximum in the circuit. Due to this large voltage gets
dropped across the resistances. Hence a reduced voltage gets applied to the stator which
reduces the high starting current.
 The schematic diagram showing stator resistances is shown in the figure 4.4.

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 When the motor starts running, the resistances are gradually cut-off from the stator circuit.
When the resistances are entirely removed from the stator circuit i.e. rheostats in RUN
position then rated voltage gets applied to the stator. Motor runs with normal speed.

Figure 4.4Stator resistance starter

 The starter is simple in construction and cheap. It can be used for both star and delta
connected stator. But there are large power losses due to resistances. Also the starting
torque of the motor reduces due to reduced voltage applied to the stator.The Relation

( )
T st 2 I sc
between Starting Torque and Full load Torque is given by by = x s

4.8 Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor:

A three-phase induction motor is practically a constant speed motor like a d.c. shunt motor.
But the speed of d.c. shunt motor can be varied smoothly just by using simple rheostats. This
maintains the speed regulation and efficiency of d.c. shunt motor. But in case of three phase
induction motors it is very difficult to achieve smooth speed control. And if the speed control
is achieved by some means, the performance of the induction motor in terms of its power
factor, efficiency etc. gets adversely affected.
For the induction motor we know that, N = Ns (1 - s), From this expression it can be seen that
the speed of induction motor can be changed either by changing its synchronous speed or by
changing the slip s.
Similarly, torque produced in case of three phase induction motor is given by,
s E22 R2
Tα 2
R 2 +¿ ¿
So as the parameters like R2, E2 are changed then to keep the torque constant for constant
load condition, motor reacts by change in its slip. Effectively its speed changes.
Thus speed of the induction motor can be controlled by basically two methods:
1. From stator side and
2. From rotor side

From stator side, it includes following methods:

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a. Supply frequency control to control Ns, called V / f control.

b. Supply voltage control.
c. Controlling number of stator poles to control Ns.
d. Adding rheostats in stator circuit.
From rotor side, it includes following methods:
a. Adding external resistance in the rotor circuit.
b. Cascade control.
c. Injecting slip frequency voltage into the rotor circuit.

4.9 Supply Frequency control or V/f Control:

120 f
Synchronous speed N s = ---------1
thus by controlling the supply frequency, synchronous speed can be controlled over a wide
range. But air gap flux is given by ,
ϕ g=
( ) V
4.44 K 1 T ph 1 f

K 1 -stator winding constant,T ph1- Stator turns per phase. ,V- supply voltage. ,f- supply
From the equation 2 it is clear that, if the supply frequency is changed, the value of air gap
flux also gets affected. This may result in saturation of the stator and rotor cores. Hence it is
necessary to maintain air gap flux constant when the supply frequency f is changed.

To achieve this along with f, V also must be changed so as to keep (V/f) ratio constant, which
ensures the constant air gap flux giving the speed control without affecting the performance
of the motor.

Hence in this method, the supply to the induction motor is required is variable voltage
variable supply and can be achieved by an electronic scheme using converter and inverter
circuitry. The scheme is shown in the figure 4.5.

The normal AC supply of constant voltage and constant frequency is given to the converter,
which converts this supply into a d.csupply then given to the inverter.
The inverter is a device which converts d.c supply which is required to keep V/f ratio
constant. By selecting the proper frequency and maintaining V/f constant, smooth speed
control of the induction motor possible.

Figure 4.5Block diagram of frequency V/f speed control

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The figure4.6 shows the torque-slip characteristics for f 1< f o < f 2 shown the graph below
Disadvantage of this method is that the supply obtained cannot be used to supply other
devices which require
constant voltage. Hence an
individual scheme for a
separate motor is required
which makes it costly.

Figure 4.6 Torque speed characteristics

4.10 Supply Voltage control

s E22 R2
W.k.t , Tα 2
R 2 +¿ ¿
Rotor induced emf E2 at standstill depends on the supply voltage V.
∴ E2 ∝ V
Also for low slip region, which is operating region of the induction motor,
( s X 2 ¿ ¿2 ≪ R2 and hence can be neglected.
s V R2
Tα 2
∝ s V 2, for constant R2
If the supply voltage is reduced below rated value as per above equation torque produced also
decreases. But to supply the same load it is necessary to develop same torque hence value of
slip increases so that torque produced remains same.
Hence motor produces the required load torque at a lower speed. The speed torque for the
motor using supply voltage control are shown in the figure 4.7.

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Figure 4.7 Torque speed characteristics

Disadvantage of this method is for small change in speed it requires large change in voltage.
Due increased current motor may get over heated.Hence this method is rarely used in

4.11 Adding External Resistance in the rotor circuit (Rotor resistance

speed control)
s E2 R2
W.k.t ,Tα 2
R 2 +¿ ¿
For low slip region, which is operating region of the
induction motor,
( s X 2 ¿ ¿2 ≪ R2 and hence can be neglected.
s R2 s
Tα 2 ∝
R2 R2
Thus if the rotor resistance is increased, the torque
produced decreases. But when the load on the motor is same, motor has to supply same torque as
load demands.
Figure 4.8
So motor reacts by increasing its slip to compensate decreases in T due to R 2 and maintains the
load torque constant. So due to the additional rotor resistance R 2, motor slip increases i.e. the
of the motor decreases. Thus, by increasing the rotor resistance R 2, speeds below normal value
can be achieved. Another advantage of this method is that the starting torque of the motor
increases proportional to rotor resistance. The Figure 4.8 shows the torque-speed curves for rotor
resistance control.

But this method has following disadvantages:

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1. The large speed changes are not possible. This is because for large speed change, large
resistance is required to be introduced in rotor which causes large rotor copper loss due to
reduce the efficiency.
2. The method cannot be used for the squirrel cage induction motors.
3. The speeds above the normal values cannot be obtained.
4. Large power losses occur due to large loss.
5. Sufficient cooling arrangements are required which make the external rheostats bulky be
6. Due to large power losses, efficiency is low. Thus the method is rarely used in the practice.

4.12 Adding Rheostats in Stator circuit (Stator Resistance Control):

It is seen that the reduced voltage can be applied to the stator by adding the rheostats in the
stator circuit. The arrangement is shown in the figure 4.9. The part of the voltage gets
dropped across the resistances and reduced voltage gets applied across the stator. The
reduction in stator voltage causes reduction in the speed. The rheostats can be varied as per
the required change in speed. But the entire line current flows through the rheostats and hence
there are large power losses. The method is not efficient from speed control point of view
hence used as a starter rather than as a speed control method.

Figure 4.9 Stator Resistance Control

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Electric Motor 21EE44

(b)Single Phase Induction Motors

The motors which work on single phase a.c. supply are very popularly in use. These a.c
motors are called single phase induction motors.
The power rating of such motors is very small. Some of them are even fractional horse
power motors, which are used in applications like small toys, small fans, hair dryers etc.

4.13 Construction of Single phase Induction Motor:

 The construction of a single phase induction motor is similar to three phase squirrel
cage induction motor.
 The stator has only a single phase distributed winding, the rotor always squirrel cage type.
 Figure shows the construction of a single phase induction motor. It consists of two parts ,
namely stator and rotor. The air gap between stator and rotor is uniform. There is no
external connection between stator and rotor.
 Single phase induction motors normally have two windings, main winding(running
winding) and auxiliary winding (starting winding).
 Motor runs with auxiliary winding open, uses a centrifugal switch to cutout the starting

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Electric Motor 21EE44

4.14 Working principle:

 When the stator winding of a single-phase induction motor is connected to single-phase as
supply, a magnetic field is developed, whose axis is always along the axis of stator
coils.With alternating current in the fixed stator coils the mmf wave is stationary in space
but pulsates in magnitude and varies sinusoidally with time.
 Currents are induced in the rotor conductors by transformer action, these currents being in
such a direction as to oppose the stator mmf.
 Thus, the axis of the rotor mmf wave coincides with that of stator field, the torque angle is
zero, and no torque is developed at starting. However, if the rotor of such a motor is given
a push by hand or by another means in either direction, it will pick up the speed and
continue to rotate in the same direction developing operating torque.
 Thus, single phase induction motor is not self-starting and needs special means.
 This behavior of single-phase induction motor is explained by two theories
a) Double revolving field theory b) Cross-field theory.

4.15 Double revolving field theory :

 According to this theory, any alternating quantity can be resolved into two rotating
components which rotate in opposite directions and each having magnitude as half of the
maximum magnitude of the alternating quantity.
 In case of single-phase induction motors, the stator winding produces an alternating
magnetic field having maximum magnitude of Φ1m.
 According to double revolving field theory, consider the two components of the stator
flux, each having magnitude half of maximum magnitude of stator flux i.e. (Φ 1m/2). Both
these components are rotating in opposite directions at the synchronous speed N s which is
dependent on frequency and stator poles.
 Let Φf is forward component rotating in anticlockwise direction while Φ b is the backward
component rotating in clockwise direction. The resultant of these two components at any
instant gives the instantaneous value of the stator flux at the instant. So resultant of these
two is the original stator flux.

Figure 4.12 Stator flux and its two components

 The Figure shows the stator flux and its two components Φ f andΦb. At start both the
components are shown opposite to each other in the Fig 4.12 (a). Thus the resultant Φ R = 0.
This is nothing but the instantaneous value of the stator flux at start. After 90 o , as shown
in the Fig 4.12 (b), the two components are rotated in such a way that both are pointing in
the same direction.
 Hence the resultant ΦR is the algebraic sum of the magnitudes of the two components. So
ΦR = (Φ1m/2) + (Φ1m/2) =Φ1m. This is nothing but the instantaneous value of the stator flux

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at θ = 90o as shown in the Fig4.12 (c). Thus continuous rotation of the two components
gives the original alternating stator flux.
 Both the components are rotating and hence get cut by the motor conductors. Due to
cutting of flux, e.m.f. gets induced in rotor which circulates rotor current. The rotor current
produces rotor flux. This flux interacts with forward component Φ f to produce a torque in
one particular direction say anticlockwise direction. While rotor flux interacts with
backward component Φb to produce a torque in the clockwise direction. So if
anticlockwise torque is positive then clockwise torque is negative.
 At start these two torque are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. Each torque
tries to rotate the rotor in its own direction. Thus net torque experienced by the rotor is
zero at start. And hence the single phase induction motors are not self starting.
 The two oppositely directed torques and the resultant torque can be shown effectively with
the help of torque-speed characteristics. It is shown in the figure 4.13
 It can be seen that at start N = 0 and at that point resultant torque is zero. So single phase
motors are not self-starting.
 However, if the rotor is given an initial rotation in any direction, the resultant average
torque increase in the direction in which rotor initially rotated. And motor starts rotating in
that direction.
 But in practice it is not possible to give initial torque to rotor externally hence some
modifications are done in the construction of single-phase induction motors to make them

Figure 4.13 Torque-Speed Characteristics

4.16 Types of single-phase induction motors

 The single-phase induction motor is started by using some methods. Mechanical
methods are not very practical methods that are why the motor is started temporarily
by converting it into a two-phase motor.
 Single-phase induction motors are classified according to the auxiliary means used to
start the motor. They are classified as follows:
o Split-phase motor.

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o Capacitor-start motor.
o Capacitor-start capacitor-run motor.
o Shaded-pole motor.

4.16.1 Split-phase induction motor:

 The split-phase induction motor is also known as a resistance-start motor. It consists
of a single-cage rotor, and its stator has two windings the main winding(running
winding) and a starting (also known as an auxiliary) winding.
 Both the windings are displaced by 90° in space like the windings in a two-phase
induction motor. The main winding of the induction motor has very low resistance
and high inductive reactance

  As main winding is inductive, current I m lags voltage V by a large angle ϕ m

while I A is almost in phase with V as highly resistive. There exists a phase difference
two currents and hence between two fluxes produced by two currents. This is shown
in phasor diagram. The Resultant of these fluxes is
rotating magnetic field.
 The starting torque of a resistance-start induction
motor is about 1.5 times full-load torque. The
maximum or pull-out torque is about 2.5 times
full-load torque at about 75% of synchronous
speed. The split-phase motor has a high starting
current which is usually 7 to 8 times the full-load
value. Figure 4.14 Torque-Speed Characteristics

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Electric Motor 21EE44

• Split-phase motors are most suitable for easily started loads where the frequency of
starting is limited, and these are very cheap.
• These motors are used in washing machines, Air conditioning fans, food mixers,
grinders, floor polishers, blowers, centrifugal pumps, small drills, lathes, office
machinery, etc.Sometimes they are also used for drives requiring more than 1kW.

4.16.2 Capacitor start type of Single phase Induction motor:

Figure 4.15 Capacitor start IM and Phasor diagram

 The capacitor-start motor develops a much higher starting torque, i.e. 3.0 to 4.5 times
the full-load torque.
 To obtain a high starting torque, the value of the starting capacitor must be large, and
the resistance of starting winding must be low.
 Because of the high VAR rating of the capacitor required, electrolytic capacitors of
the order of 250 µF are used. The starting capacitor Cs is short-time rated.
 These motors are more costly than split-phase motors because of the additional cost of
the capacitor.
 These motors are used for heavy loads where frequent start required.
 These motors are used for pumps and compressors, so these are used as a compressor
in the refrigerator and air conditioner.
 They are also used for conveyors and some machine tools.

4.16.3 Capacitor-start capacitor-run motor:

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 This motor has a cage rotor, and its stator has two windings namely the main winding
and the auxiliary winding. The two windings are displaced 90 oin space. The motor
uses two capacitors C s and c R.
 The capacitor value can be selected as per the requirement of starting torque In the
initial stage, the two capacitors are connected in parallel. The starting capacitor Cs is
short-time rated.

 Two value capacitor motors are used for loads of higher inertia that requires frequent
 These are used in pumping equipment.
 These are used in refrigeration, air compressors, etc.

4.16.4 Shaded Pole type Single phase Induction Motor

 A shaded-pole motor is a simple type of self-starting single-phase induction motor. It
consists of a stator and a cage-type rotor.
 The stator is made up of salient poles, the poles are projected towards rotor.
 Each pole is slotted on the side, and a copper ring is fitted on the smaller part. This
part is called the shaded pole. The ring is usually a single-turn coil and is known as
shading coil.

Figure 4.17 Shaded Pole type of Single-Phase IM

Working of Shaded pole type of IM:

When a single-phase a.c. supply is given to the stator winding. The poles of the motor
generate a magnetic field Φm, but there is one more magnetic field Φ s produced by shading
coils either in the same or opposite direction. The combination of these fields makes a
rotating magnetic field which makes the rotor rotate. Let us consider three different cases at
different time instants t1, t2, and t3 on a positive half cycle of an ac supply.
As seen from the waveform, at instant t = t1. The current in the coil increases, which in turn
increases the flux Φm produced by the coil. Now due to supply is alternating, the rate of
change of flux will tends to cause an emf induced in a shading coil of that pole. As the
shading coil is short-circuited, currents will flow through it. Simultaneously causes to

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produces another flux Φs by the shading coil, which in the opposite direction to the main flux
as shown in figure (b). Now due to the opposition of these two fluxes produced by the
shading coil and main winding. The net flux across the area of the shading coil will be zero.
Therefore, the magnetic axis of the net flux will be at the center of the unshaded part.

Figure 4.18 Working of Shaded Pole type of Single-Phase IM

Now, at instant t = t2 i.e., the maximum or peak value of the cycle or current. Here
further there will be no increase in the current (no change of current). So it decreases the rate
of change of flux, which also decreases the emf induced in the shading coil. At this point, the
flux Φs produced by the shading coil will be almost negligible.
Hence the flux Φm produced by the main winding will be uniformly distributed along the
pole. Therefore, the magnetic axis of the pole will be at the centre of the whole pole (with
shaded and unshaded parts) as shown below.
At this instant, the rate of change of current will be in decreasing. As the current
changes, there will be an induced emf in the shading coil due to the change of flux.
But here the direction of the fluxes Φ m and Φs produced by both the main winding and
shading coil will be in the same direction. Also there will be crowding of flux in the shaded
part as compared to the unshaded part. Due to this, the net magnetic axis of the pole will be at
the centre of the shading part of that pole, as shown below.
This sequence of instants keeps on repeating for the negative half cycle also. As it will
result in the production of a rotating magnetic field. By which the motor tends to start on its

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own. The starting torque produced by this type of motor will be 50% to 60% of the full-load
Advantages of Shaded Pole Induction Motor :
 Simple in construction.
 Cheap.
 Extremely rugged.
 No centrifugal switch is required.

Disadvantages of Shaded Pole Induction Motor :

 Starting torque is poor.
 Efficiency is very low due to copper losses in the shading ring.
 Very limited over-load capacity.

Applications of Shaded Pole Induction Motor :

These are used in small fans, toys, hair, dryers film projectors. advertising displays etc.,
where starting torque required is very low.

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