KS3 Daedalus and Icarus Questions

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Daedalus and Icarus

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1) Where does Daedalus live when he first gains fame? Feedback

2) List two of the things which Daedalus is famous for.

3) Where were Daedalus and his nephew working when Daedalus

tried to murder him?

4) What did Daedalus receive as punishment for trying to

kill Perdix?

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5) Where did Daedalus travel to after leaving his home? Feedback

6) What is the name of King Minos’ wife?

7) What is the Minotaur’s true name?

8) When does King Minos decide to hide the Minotaur?

9) What are the two things that Daedalus and Icarus must not do
when they are flying and why?

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10) Number the following sentences from 1 – 7 to show the Feedback

order in which they happen in the tale.

The first one has been done for you

Daedalus created the Labyrinth.

Perdix fell from a cliff top.

The Minotaur was born.

Icarus falls into the sea.

Daedalus creates mechanical horses.

Daedalus creates a lifelike statue.

Daedalus becomes famous as a master craftsman. 1

11) Look at page 1. Find and copy one word which shows that
Hercules did not know what he was doing.

12) The boy had shown himself to be a dutiful and talented pupil
with striking ingenuity...

What does ingenuity mean here? Tick one box.


hard work



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13) It took a moment of jealousy to blind Daedalus to the Feedback

consequences of actions and he lunged at the boy...

What does consequences mean in this sentence?

14) Look at page 2. Find and copy one word which shows that
Daedalus’ nephew changed into a partridge quickly.

15) When Daedalus found himself in the land of Crete, he found

that his fame preceded him.

What does preceded mean in this sentence? Tick one box.


was unknown

came before

was even greater

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16) To most, the prison would have seemed inescapable. To Feedback

Daedalus, it presented a challenge to be savoured...

What does the word savoured mean in this sentence?

17) Look at page 3. Find and copy a word which shows that the
the wings Daedalus is making are delicate and the feathers need
to be placed exactly.

18) Why does King Minos have Daedalus and Icarus imprisoned?

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19) Daedalus is a talented craftsman and is very vain. What Feedback

other impressions do you get of him from this tale?

Give one impression, using evidence from the text to support

your answer.

Impression Evidence

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