Intro To Logical Fallacy
Intro To Logical Fallacy
Intro To Logical Fallacy
What is a logical fallacy?
A fallacy is an error of reasoning. These
are flawed statements that often sound
Why study logical fallacies?
It is important to develop logical fallacy detection skills in your own writing, as well as others’.
Think of this as “intellectual kung-fu: the art of intellectual self defense.” (Logical Fallacies Handlist)
Types of Logical Fallacies
The following slides will briefly explain 15
fallacious arguments.
Types of Logical Fallacies
- 1. “Bandwagon Approach”
- “It must be cool because everyone is doing it…
- “90 percent of computer users choose Macs”
- (sometimes called Appeal to Popularity)
Argumentum ad Populum