Developing A Meta-Methodology Supporting The Appli
Developing A Meta-Methodology Supporting The Appli
Developing A Meta-Methodology Supporting The Appli
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New concepts are described to SSM (Soft Systems Meth- Checkland’s SSM is an approach to apply systems-thinking
odology) conceptual models, which are tools for system to ill-defined problems in human activity systems. It is also
analysis supporting the application of simulation including described as a system-based problem-solving methodology
decisions about parallel simulation in an organisational starting with the unstructured problem situation. By the
environment. A meta-methodology facing with unstruc- outcome it is also defined as a learning system, a system for
tured problems in simulation projects and also supporting Operational Research or a method for information system
parallel simulation is formulated. analysis and design (Curtis 1989).
Stages of SSM are shown in Figure 1. The process of SSM
seems to be linear: it is a sequence of well-defined stages
and there is a progression from one stage to the next in the
Simulation projects initiated to support Information and
methodology. Working with SSM is an iterative process,
Communication Technology (ICT) system design and
since it may be necessary to re-enter an earlier stage for re-
Business Process (BP) design in an organisation usually
begin with an unstructured problem situation, where fre-
quently there is on opinion that simulation takes a lot of
time and requires significant resources to be assigned with
the risk of getting no useful results.
In this paper we outline a meta-methodology addressing
these problems: we develop a soft approach to support
problem-structuring and effective goal definition to build
useful models and also increasing efficiency by precise
localization of systems to be modelled and by supporting
decisions on the use of parallel simulation helping in
speeding up the simulation.
In this paper we introduce new concepts to SSM (Soft Sys-
tems Methodology, Checkland 1985, 1989) conceptual
models then using the new concepts and a traditional six-
step process of simulation methodology we outline a simu-
lation meta-methodology.
Figure 1. The Seven-stage Process of SSM
Ideas about N&S (Necessary & Sufficient) conditions and
In Stage 1 and 2 there is a finding out about the unstruc-
“temporal relations” of conceptual models described by
tured problematical situation that is entering and expressing
Gregory (Gregory 1993) are used as starting point in our
the problem situation.
In Stage 3 relevant human activity systems are identified
In (Sierhuis and Selvin 1996, Sierhuis and Clancey 2002)
and using CATWOE analysis (Checkland 1989) root defi-
there is a description of a framework for collaborative
nitions of selected systems are formulated.
modelling and simulation using SSM and a set of four
methods to cover the modelling activities. The main prob-
In Stage 4 there is the conceptual model-building of rele- function, taken into account IT elements’ connected fea-
vant systems from the root definitions provided in Stage 3. ture.
Conceptual models are models of the views of what exist
In general, a function is performed if it is assigned to an
and not models of what exist in the real world. In a concep-
existing or a new organisational process and the necessary
tual model key activities of the system are taken into ac-
organisational resources (roles and responsibilities) are
count. A key activity itself generally represents a subsystem
assigned to the process. It means that using a PA is neces-
(Curtis 1989) that would carry the activity out, thus a hier-
sary only in special cases: in the case if the necessary proc-
archy of conceptual models can be defined when replacing
ess resources are not assigned in a PF and its PCs elements
a first-level conceptual model of a subsystem with its de-
(for example the necessary resources are assigned in a
tailed conceptual model.
shared way), or we want to examine the subsystem respon-
In Stages 4 - 7 there is a comparison with the real world to sible for the resource assignment.
define necessary and feasible changes and to define actions
to implement changes. In the case of an information system design agents can also
be IT-type elements, which are software and hardware re-
In the following points we harden up the methodology
(Jackson and Keys 1984) by introducing new concepts into
the conceptual models.
Now let us see a short example. Figure 2. shows a concep-
tual model of a Customer Request Processing System. After
Function elements in Conceptual Models
receiving the customer request by PF1 its processing is per-
In this paper we focus on the design of information systems formed by PF2, using information obtained by PC1 from
in an organisation therefore we may suppose that a key CRM (Customer Relationship Management) database. Cus-
activity is performed in general by an OP (Organisational tomer request is scheduled by PF3 (service activity assigned
Process) function or by an ICT system function. In other to customer request) using schedule information obtained
words it may be said that any function in the organisation by PC2 from service department, which is in another sys-
can be performed by some relevant organisational process tem. Answering the request is performed by subsystem PF4.
(P subsystem) with its human resources or by some relevant
IT subsystem with its technical resources.
PA1 and PA2 are agent elements guaranteeing resources for
Thus the subsystem elements in our conceptual models can functions in PF2 and PF3 to be performed.
be P-type or IT-type; depending on they represent OP or
ICT system function.
In our approach, an important feature of IT elements (ac-
cording to the traditional approach of SSM) is that any IT
element in the model should be connected to a minimum of
one P element in order to have its human resource connec-
tion. We may look at the conceptual model as a directed
graph CM(N;E), where N is the set of nodes containing P-
type or IT-type elements, E is the set of directed edges. In
order to define the connected feature of IT elements we
introduce a logical variable CON to describe that nodes x
and y of graph CM are connected:
⎧= 1, if ( x; y) ∈ E or ( y; x ) ∈ E
⎩= 0, otherwise
where x ∈ P ∪ IT and y ∈ P ∪ IT