Dll-Tools For Hairdressing-7-Q1-M3-W4
Dll-Tools For Hairdressing-7-Q1-M3-W4
Dll-Tools For Hairdressing-7-Q1-M3-W4
A. Reviewing previous Direction: Match the Direction: Match the Direction: Match Direction: On Direction: Name the
lesson or presenting the name to the picture of hair type to the hair the column A to the board, list types of shampoo
new lesson the tools. structure. column B. the types of and conditioners.
B. Establishing a purpose Direction: Spell out What products Short Video
for the lesson and read the words. do you apply
Fragile straight to your hair?
What have you observe to Short Video
Coarse greasy
the picture?
C. Presenting examples/ What do you think of Direction: Spell out. Posting the words Post pictures of Word Puzzle
instances of the lesson the following words? Itchy excessive and let the conditioners.
Dandruff headlice learners read.
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher Present the steps in
concepts and practicing the Hair and Scalp introduce will introduce shampooing.
The teacher will
new skills #1 Diseases. Shampoo and conditioner.
discuss the HAIR
discuss the types
of shampoo and
E. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will The teacher will Group Presentation
concepts and practicing The teacher will the Products and Steps in discuss the discuss the
new skills #2 discuss the HAIR treating hair diseases. benefits of Scalp types of
STRUCTURE. and hair care conditioners.
F. Developing mastery Direction: On the Group Activity Direction: Choose Group Quiz Direction: Arrange the
(Leads to Formative board, learners are Direction: Name the one product and Bee. steps for shampooing.
Assessment 3) encourage to list the pictures according to describe its
words that will what type of diseases. function.
describe the types
of hair.
G. Finding practical Group Activity Group Activity: Direction: Choose Role Play Perform shampooing.
applications of concepts Direction: Choose one one product and
and skills in daily living Direction: Each picture, describe and create
group will choose one suggest products and advertisement.
type of hair and ways on taking one’s hair
classify its hair so that we can prevent
structure. And share the said diseases.
some ways on
enhancing our hair.
H. Making generalizations Why do we need to Does your hair types How important Is it necessary to
Why do we apply
and abstractions about know our hair depends on your hair conditioners to follow the steps of
shampoo to our
the lesson types? texture? our hair? shampooing?
I. Evaluating learning Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Multiple Choice
1-5 items 1-5 items 1-5 items 1-5 items 1-5 items
J. Additional activities for Direction: Direction:
Direction: Study Direction:
application or Study on the Types of Direction: Study on the Study on the
on the types of Study the Types of
remediation Hair Diseases types of shampoo steps on
Conditioners Hair cuts.
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter that my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?