Form 3 Social Studies - Consumer Affairs - Lesson 2
Form 3 Social Studies - Consumer Affairs - Lesson 2
Form 3 Social Studies - Consumer Affairs - Lesson 2
For individuals:
Individuals have financial security when they practice saving.
For a country:
If citizens invest in government bonds and treasury notes, then it gives
government more money to invest in the country.
1. Higher prices
2. Reduced purchasing power
3. Retrenchment of workers
4. Lower standard of living
Strategies to deal with the Effects of
Devaluation and Inflation
1. Growing your own food.
2. Taking care of possessions so they can last a long time.
3. Retraining to get another job
4. Recycling and reusing household items.
Globalization & Trade liberalization
Trade liberalization
Effects of Globalization & Trade
a. Cheaper goods and services.
b. Wider choice of goods and services.
c. More widespread use of technology for transactions.
d. Competition from developed countries for available markets.