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Phys 452, Summer 1444 H HW # 1

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PHYS 452, SUMMER 1444 H

HW # 1
Question 1
(a) Compare between conductors and semiconductors; explaining the resistivity range, the
effect of temperature on the resistance, and three material examples to each?
(b) List different types or categories of semiconductor material, give at least on example for
each category?
(c) An AB is a semiconductor compound, if A has atomic number of 31 and B has atomic
number of 51, state the electronic configuration and then determine the location in the
periodic table of each, and determine the type of the semiconductor compound.
(d) A semiconductor has an electric resistance of 2000  at T=300°K and have a temperature
resistance coefficient of -2.35×10-3 K-1. Find (i) its resistance when cooled to 20°K, (i) the
temperature at which its electric resistance will be 1.2 × 103 
Question 2
(a) Give a suitable definition to: polycrystalline, polymorphism, single crystal.
(b) Describe and sketch the diamond unit cell of Si; determining the number of corner atoms,
the number of face-centered atoms, and the number of atoms totally enclosed in the unit
cell, and calculate its theoretical density if it has a lattice parameter of 5.43 Å. [NA=
6.022×1023 atom/mol, Atomic weight for Si = 28.0855 g/mole]
(c) What are the possible two crystal structures of compound semiconductor materials?
Describe these crystal structures stating the location of the atoms in the unite cell and
effective number of atoms per unit cell.
(d) For an FCC semiconductor material with atomic radius r =2.76 Å, if assuming the atoms are
represented by a hard sphere touching each other, calculate the linear density and surface
density of the Si structure in [110], (110) respectively.

Question 3

(a) Compare between the basic assumption and the main results of the following electron
models in solids.
i. Free electron model
ii. Nearly free- electron model
iii. Kronig-Penny electron model
(b) Based on the band theory of solids explain the following concepts
1. The positive hole conduction in semiconductor
2. The effective mass of charge carrier
3. The difference between conductor, semiconductor, and insulator.
4. Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors
(c) The given figures show the band structure of some famous semiconductor materials. Find
an estimate of determine the type of energy gap for each, also comment on the electron
effective mass of these materials at the center of the 1st Brillion zone.
Question 4
(a) Explain what is meant by the density of states? Derive an expression of the density of
state for free electron in a crystal?
(b) What is the meaning of the Fermi-Dirac probability function?
(c) Assume that the Fermi energy level is 0.25eV bellow the conduction band, and the value
of the effective density of state for Si is 2.8 1019 cm-3 at 300 K.
i. Calculate the probability that a state in the conduction band is occupied by an
electron. (K=1.38  10−23 J/K).
ii. Calculate the temperature at which this state has a probability 90% chance to be
occupied with electrons

Question 5
The given figure is a plot of Kronig-Penny relation for one-dimension periodic potential between
the function of 𝐹(𝛼𝑎) and a. Calculate (i) the width of the second allowed energy band, and (ii)
the width of the forbidden energy region to the next allowed band (3rd allowed band).

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