11 Ingles

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Proba de Avaliación do Bacharelato Código: 11

para o Acceso á Universidade

Convocatoria ordinaria 2023

Read the instructions to the questions very carefully and write all your answers in English. Answer
ONLY 2 OF THE 3 QUESTIONS BELOW. If you answer more than two questions, only the first two
will be marked.

QUESTION 1. (5 points)
1.1.1. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and
ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1.5 points)
a. The oceans show an improving climatic situation.
b. Human activities are responsible for the greenhouse gasses emitted.
c. Microwave ovens are one of the causes of ocean heating.
d. More natural disasters are likely to happen because of the heating of the world’s oceans.
e. The world’s warming rate is commonly calculated by measuring the air temperature at Earth's outer layer.
f. Planet Earth has been seriously damaged at a speed that has been especially high in the last four and a half
1.1.2. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here: (1
point) a. crisis b. dry seasons c. dramatically d. disastrous e. immense
The heat in the world’s oceans reached a new record level in 2021, showing “irrefutable and accelerating”
heating of the planet. The world’s oceans are the clearest measure of the climate emergency because they
absorb more than 90% of the heat trapped by the greenhouse gases emitted by fossil fuel burning, forest
destruction and other human activities.
New analysis shows that the past five years have been the top five warmest years recorded in the ocean and
the past 10 years are also the top 10 years on record. The amount of heat being added to the oceans is
equivalent to every person on the planet running 100 microwave ovens all day and all night. Hotter oceans lead
to more severe storms and disrupt the water cycle, meaning more floods, droughts and wildfires, as well as an
inexorable rise in sea level. Higher temperatures are also harming life in the seas, with the number of marine
heatwaves increasing sharply.
The most common measure of global heating is the average surface air temperature, as this is where people
live. But natural climate phenomena such as El Niño mean that this can be quite variable from year to year.
“The oceans are really what tell you how fast the Earth is warming,” said Prof. John Abraham at the University
of St Thomas, in Minnesota, and one of the team behind the new analysis. “Using the oceans, we see a
continued, uninterrupted and accelerating warming rate of planet Earth. This is dire news. “The results show
heat increasing at an accelerating rate as greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere. The rate from 1987
to 2021 is four and a half times faster than that from 1955 to 1986. The vast majority of ocean regions are
showing an increase in thermal energy.


1.2.1. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use
the word or expression in italics. (2 points)
a. Will we ever save the Earth from disaster?
b. I regret the fact that humans have produced so much pollution.
I wish
c. Journalists asked: “How long will life survive on planet Earth?”
wanted to know
d. It is very useful to separate our garbage in five different containers.
is worth
e. Everyone knows that plastic bags are extremely harmful for the environment, but people still use them.
in spite of
1.2.2. Pronunciation (0.50 points)
a. In which word are the underlined letters pronounced differently? beast, breath, head, healthcare
b. In which two words is the stress on the first syllable, as in “Germany”? research, graduate, attraction,
impressed, machine, result, regions, amount
c. In which word is the ending “-ed” pronounced /d/ as in “supplied”? trapped, showed, accumulated, washed
d. Which pair of words does not rhyme? crane-pain, beer-bear, flash-crash, love-glove.
QUESTION 2. (5 points)
2.1.1. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (T/F) according to the text. Copy that part (and
ONLY that part) of the text which justifies your answer. (1.5 points)
a. Some people like cats’ independent behaviour.
b. The author suggests that dogs traditionally form a closer attachment to their owners than cats, even though
cat owners don’t agree.
c. Cats are very popular because they aren’t a lot of work for their owners.
d. Cats’ sociability is developed in the first fortnight of their life with their owners.
e. Body language is not as important as sounds when it comes to cats’ communication with humans.
f. According to the author some people hate cats because they don’t really know enough about them.
2.1.2. Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in meaning to the words and definitions given here: (1
point) a. benefit b. link c. unpleasant d. encounter e. staring fiercely
Despite the thousands of years domesticated cats have kept us company, they still suffer something of a bad public
relations image. The independence that many see as a bonus is seen by others as aloofness or selfishness. Their
detractors claim they only really show affection when their food bowl is empty. Cat owners will claim this is all
nonsense, of course, and that their bond with their cat is as strong as any dog owner’s.
Since they are so self-determined and can take care of themselves, cats are becoming more and more popular and
humans are expecting cats to be like us and like dogs. But they aren’t. They come from a solitary ancestor that isn’t
a social species.
Their sociability can come from what they experience in the first six or eight weeks. Just like dogs, cats do a lot of
communication with their bodies rather than through sound. It’s a lot harder for people to read their body
language so they might be in for a nasty surprise. And this is where we come across cat haters.
By trying to force cats to behave more like dogs – showering us with attention – we’re trying to push them away
from their natural behaviour. The cat that may be currently curled up on your sofa or glaring at you from its
vantage point on top of the bookcase shares many of its instincts with those of its pre-domestic ancestors – the
desire to hunt, to patrol territory, guarding it from other cats; they are much closer to their old selves than dogs. So
if they seem to hate you, it’s probably because you’re big, you’re loud and you’re scary.
Ultimately, it’s hard to like something you don’t understand, so before committing to hating cats, try to see
yourself through their eyes. And remember that just the fact that they seem to want to be around us at all is
Would you rather share a flat with other students or live in a student hall while you are at university? Analyse pros and
cons. (Approximately 120 words)
QUESTION 3. (5 points)
3.1.1. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. You must use
the word or expression in italics. (2 points)
a. Our wedding will take place in the first two weeks of June.
By the end of June our
b. Is someone going to repair your mother’s watch?
c. You didn’t have to bring a map.
d. I would like to have a cat, but all my flatmates hate cats.
I wish
e. I prefer to have a dog; dogs are more predictable than cats.
‘d rather
3.1.2. Pronunciation: (0.5 points)
a. In which word is the underlined letter NOT silent? wrong , whole, wrist, answer, whistle
b. In which word is the “th” group pronounced as in “thing”? thorough, rather, though, breathe
c. Can you provide a homophone (a word that sounds the same as another) of the word “reign”?
d. Which two words have a diphthong as in “like”? prince, written, knife, since, pill, brief, science, link
What can you do against climate change? (Approximately 120 words)

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