GH Therapy in Children

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Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

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Review Article

Growth hormone therapy in children; research and practice – A review T

a,⁎ b c
Paulo Ferrez Collett-Solberg , Alexander A.L. Jorge , Margaret C.S. Boguszewski ,
Bradley S. Millerd, Catherine Seut Yhoke Choonge, Pinchas Cohenf, Andrew R. Hoffmang,
Xiaoping Luoh, Sally Radovicki, Paul Saengerj
Pediatric Endocrinology, Departamento de Medicina Interna, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), the Endocrinology Division/Genetic Endocrinology Unit (LIM 25), Brazil
Departamento de Pediatria, Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Pediatric Endocrinology, University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital, USA
Division of Pediatrics School of Medicine, Perth Childrens Hospital, University of Western Australia, Australia
Dean, Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Senior Vice Chair for Academic Affairs, Department of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
Department of Pediatrics, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Department of Pediatrics, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, USA
New York University Winthrop Hospital, 101 Mineola Boulevard, Mineola, NY 11201, USA


Keywords: Short stature remains the most common reason for referral to a pediatric Endocrinologist and its management
Short stature remains a challenge. One of the main controversies is the diagnosis of idiopathic short stature and the role of new
Growth technologies for genetic investigation of children with inadequate growth.
Growth hormone Complexities in management of children with short stature includes selection of who should receive inter-
ventions such as recombinant human growth hormone, and how should this agent dose be adjusted during
treatment. Should anthropometrical data be the primary determinant or should biochemical and genetic data be
used to improve growth response and safety? Furthermore, what is considered a suboptimal response to growth
hormone therapy and how should this be managed?
Treatment of children with short stature remains a “hot” topic and more data is needed in several areas. These
issues are reviewed in this paper.

1. The importance of anthropometric data in Pediatrics [3–7]. Thus, it is expected that there will be a progressively higher
incidence of individuals with defined pathology among children with a
Height follows a normal distribution in a given population, de- lower standard deviation score (SDS) of height. Based on these pre-
pending upon age and gender, therefore, by definition, 2.3% and 0.6% mises, several studies demonstrated that height evaluation is an im-
of healthy individuals have height that falls 2 and 2.5 standard devia- portant tool to monitor the health status of children [8].
tions below the median height-for-age of the reference population, re-
spectively [1,2]. However conditions that cause a negative long-term 2. Criteria for investigation of children with a complaint of short
effect on children's health decrease the growth rate leading to short stature
stature. The height distribution observed within a group of patients
with similar pathological conditions also presents with a normal dis- A number of conditions can manifest with growth attenuation and/
tribution, but with mean values lower than the reference population or short stature [2–7] (Table 1). In several of them, the growth disorder

Abbreviations: BMI, Body mass index; GH, Growth hormone; GHD, Growth hormone deficiency; IGHD, Isolated Growth hormone deficiency; MPHD, Multiple
pituitary hormone deficiencies; rhGH, recombinant human growth hormone; IGF-I, Insulin-like growth factor; SD, Standard deviation; SDS, Standard deviation
scores; SGA, Small for gestational age; SH, Sitting height

Corresponding author at: Clinical and Experimental Research Laboratory on Vascular Biology, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Pavilhão Reitor Haroldo
Lisboa da Cunha, térreo, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, Maracanã., Rio de Janeiro CEP: 20550-013, Brasil.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P.F. Collett-Solberg), [email protected] (A.A.L. Jorge), [email protected] (M.C.S. Boguszewski),
[email protected] (B.S. Miller), [email protected] (C.S.Y. Choong), [email protected] (P. Cohen), [email protected] (A.R. Hoffman),
[email protected] (X. Luo), [email protected] (S. Radovick), [email protected] (P. Saenger).
Received 18 December 2018; Accepted 24 December 2018
Available online 26 December 2018
1096-6374/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Table 1 short statured children are in fact healthy [14]. The use of more re-
Main identified causes of short stature. stricted referral criteria or associations of other clinical findings are
Estimated frequently used to improve the identification of pathological conditions
frequency and reduce unnecessary investigations [17,18] (Fig. 1). The presence of
short stature in relation to the parental height (target height), decreased
Isolated short stature (former designated as “normal > 60%
growth velocity and deflection in the growth curve are anthropometric
variants of growth”)
signs that indicate a higher probability of pathologic conditions af-
• ISS fecting growth [19]. The presence of dysmorphic features, body dis-
• Familial Short stature proportion or symptoms/signs of specific diseases significantly increase
• Constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP)
Children born SGA ~2%
the probability that short stature is caused by a specific pathologic
cause requiring prompt investigation [18].
Turner syndrome ~2% of females
Syndromic short stature ~5%
3. Differential diagnoses of short stature
• Noonan syndrome
• Neurofibromatosis type 1
• Silver-Russell
Short stature can be the first and/or main symptom of numerous
• Prader-Willi syndrome
conditions and diseases (Table 1) [7] and this makes it very challenging
• CHARGE syndrome to establish the precise diagnosis. From a practical point of view, short
• Bloom syndrome children may be classified into three different main groups (Fig. 2):
• Fanconi Anemia children with signs or symptoms of specific conditions that cause
• Three-M syndrome
Disorders of the GH/IGF axis ~2%
chronic disease; children with major clinical findings that indicate a
syndromic condition (in general with a genetic basis) and finally ap-
• Growth hormone deficiency parently healthy (asymptomatic) children with isolated short stature.
• Bioinactive GH (Kowarski syndrome) When it comes to categorization of children with short stature in
• GH Insensitivity (GHR, STAT5B)
• Ternary
relation to the cause for the short stature, the classical approach has
complex defects (IGFALS, PAPPA2)
• IGFs deficiency (IGF1, IGF2)
been to divide them in two main groups [2,20]: the first group com-
• Bio-inactive IGF-1 prises children with short stature caused by unknown mechanisms and
• IGFs insensitivity (IGF1R)
Skeletal dysplasia ~2%
the second group is composed of children affected by recognizable
conditions resulting in growth disturbance. These pathological condi-

• Achondroplasia tions can be further classified according to the mechanism that causes
• Hypochondroplasia
Chronic systemic diseases ~2%
short stature: in primary short stature which comprises defects in
growth plate; and in secondary short stature which includes a hetero-
geneous group of chronic conditions.
• Primary and secondary undernutrition
• Chronic
The number of known genetic conditions accounting for growth
kidney disease (renal failure, tubular acidosis,
nephrotic syndrome)
disorders has markedly increased in the last decade [21]. These diseases
• Gastrointestinal
disease (intestinal inflammatory usually affect growth by multiple mechanisms, some of them not
completely elucidated [21]. Additionally, several genes were demon-
• Rheumatologic disease (especially systemic juvenile
idiopathic arthritis)
strated to be able to cause short stature without other clinical mani-

• Hematological (chronic anemia)

festations in conditions that were previously classified as normal var-
• Cardiac disease iant of growth [22–25]. This knowledge is challenging the concept that
• Pulmonary disease (cystic fibrosis) the group of children with the diagnosis of idiopathic short stature (ISS)
• Muscular
and neurological disorders, e.g. congenital [20] or small for gestational age (SGA) would only contain patients

without pathological conditions and that they would not need further
Endocrine (hypercortisolism, rickets)
Primary hypothyroidism < 1%
investigation or follow-up [26,27].
Celiac disease < 1% The frequency of each of these conditions in a given group of pa-
Psychosocial deprivation < 1% tients with short stature varies depending on the population, selection
criteria, referral bias and investigation approach (Table 1). As a rule,
most children with height SDS < −2 will be classified as having a
may be the primary or sole manifestation. All children should have their normal variant of growth [28,29]. Growth hormone deficiency (GHD),
growth monitored by regular measurement of height/length and weight Turner syndrome, celiac disease and inflammatory bowel diseases are
with the aim of early recognition of these conditions. Accurate height considered as priority target conditions for growth monitoring, and
measurement using a wall stadiometer is essential, [2] as is the use of consequently, for investigation in short stature children [7]. All of these
validated growth curves [9–12]. There is considerable debate about the conditions can first be manifested as a growth disorder and have a
use of international or local growth curves. In general, the use of va- natural history that includes a long period without specific symptoms.
lidated specific population curves is desired as this improves the ac- Because these conditions may cause serious effects on health, early
curacy of the use of height measurements as a tool to identify health diagnosis brings significant benefit to the patient [7]. Other conditions,
problems and minimize unnecessary investigations [12,13,14]. Ad- such as cystic fibrosis, undernutrition, psychosocial deprivation, hy-
ditionally, using the height of the parents plotted on the same growth pothyroidism and hypercortisolism should be considered in the eva-
curve may help to define an expected growth pattern for a particular luation of a child with short stature.
family [15,16].
Criteria adopted to refer a child for a short stature investigation vary 4. Diagnostic investigation
in terms of sensitivity, specificity and complexity (Fig. 1). The more
severe the short stature the greater the probability that it is caused by a 4.1. First step – Clinical evaluation
pathological condition and that it is not a normal variant of growth.
Even though short stature can be defined as a height > 2 SDS below the Despite the complexity and multiplicity of potential causes, several
mean for a given age and gender (or below the mean parental height diagnoses can be established by a carefully elicited medical history and
SDS), in the absence of other symptoms and signs, the large majority of a comprehensive physical examination [2] (Table 2). This process aims

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Fig. 1. Clinical criteria to refer a child for short stature investigation. * – sensitivity and specificity in relation to the possibility of identifying a pathologic conditions
affecting growth.

Fig. 2. Overview of the investigation of children with short stature.

to recognize the presence of signs and symptoms that indicate a specific should be evaluated. In older children, erect height, arm span, sitting
condition causing growth failure and thus guide further investigation. height (SH), head circumference and weight should be measured [2].
During the clinical evaluation, it is usually possible to distinguish Body mass index (BMI) and sitting height:height ratio (SH:H) should be
children with short stature associated with chronic disease states or calculated. The pubertal status should be assessed. Evaluation of a
with syndromic conditions from those who are apparently healthy child's height must be done in the context of standards for sex and age.
(Fig. 2). Such standards can be either cross-sectional (by calculation of height
A key point is a detailed description of the child's growth pattern, SDS) or longitudinal (by plotting in growth charts). Serial measure-
including the time when the growth deficit was first observed. Birth ments with a minimum interval of 6 months are necessary to determine
characteristics must be evaluated (gestation and delivery conditions or the height velocity. Because genetic factors are important determinants
complications; gestational age, birth weight, length and head cir- of growth and height, sibling and parental height and pubertal pattern
cumference), assessing if the growth impairment had a prenatal or should be noted.
postnatal onset. Medical history must be assessed, with a focus on Many abnormal growth states are characterized by disproportionate
neuropsychomotor development, nutritional status, medication use, growth, which is suggestive of skeletal dysplasia. Therefore, body
and cardiac, renal, pulmonary, neurologic and gastrointestinal symp- proportion measurements should be part of the evaluation of short
toms/complaints [2,30]. stature. The use of SH:H for age and sex, which can also be expressed in
Physical examination should include the description of anthropo- SDS, according to published standards [31] allows for the observation
metric measurements, dysmorphic features, and any other clues for one of body proportion changes throughout development. Children with
of the many causes of short stature (Table 2). In children younger than short stature and an increased SH:H ratio for age and sex have a dis-
2–3 years of age, supine length, weight, weight-for-length, and head proportional short stature caused by limb abnormalities, while children
circumference should be measured, and fontanelles as well as dentition with short stature and a decreased SH:H ratio for age and sex have a

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Table 2
Specific diagnostic findings and key points in medical history and physical examination of children with short stature.
Findings and key points Interpretation and application

Medical history
Birth length, weight, head circumference, gestational age Classification as SGA or AGA
Previous growth data Height velocity and growth pattern analysis
Age at start of pubertal signs Early, normal, or delayed puberty
Previous diseases, surgeries, and medication use (special attention to the use of To identify organic or iatrogenic causes
Medical history of the various systems To identify chronic and systemic diseases
Feeding and nutrition history To identify states of malnutrition or child neglect
Neuropsychomotor development delay and/or intellectual disability Syndromes, chromosomal disorders, metabolic disorders
Family history of similar cases, consanguinity or family from isolated community To identify monogenic disorders with autossomic dominant or recessive inheritance
families. Draw the family pedigree.
Parental height (measured) To estimate the target height
Parents' age at the start of puberty To assess likelihood of a familiar pattern of delayed puberty

Physical examination
Length or height SDS To assess the severity of growth deficit
Body proportions (sitting height:total height ratio SDS; arm spam) To identify altered sitting height:height ratio as a suggestive sign of skeletal dysplasia
Weight-for-height or BMI showing underweight Weight more affected than height, low weight-for-height and low BMI are suggestive
of malnutrition
Weight-for-height or BMI showing overweight or obesity Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, GH deficiency, pseudohypoparathyroidism
Head circumference SDS Microcephaly and macrocephaly are important findings, indicating potential diagnosis
Dysmorphic features Syndromes
Pubertal stage Early, normal or delayed puberty
General physical exam Search for chronic and systemic diseases

SGA Small for gestational age, AGA Adequate for gestational age, BMI Body mass index, GH Growth hormone.

disproportional short stature caused by axial segment abnormalities to chronological age, especially in prepubertal children, suggest defects
[24]. in the ACAN gene [40]. Mild and nonspecific findings on hand and wrist
x-ray, such as short metacarpals or short middle phalanges, can suggest
4.2. Second step – Diagnostic testing defects in genes involved in growth plate maturation (GNAS, NPR2,
NPPC and IHH) [23–25]. Even though most conditions that affect
Depending on specific clinical findings from the medical history and growth cause bone age delay, the most common cause of delayed bone
physical examination, special investigations are required to confirm the age is constitutional.
initial clinical impression. When a skeletal dysplasia is suspected, There are few evidence-base studies that support a list of minimal
mainly for children with body disproportion abnormalities or skeletal laboratory evaluations that should be systematically performed in all
deformities, skeletal survey analysis, including skull, spine, pelvis, children with short stature [29,41]. In an apparently healthy short
upper and lower limbs, should be obtained for a more precise diagnosis child, the laboratory tests could include serum concentrations of IGF-1,
[32]. Likewise, when dysmorphic features are suggestive of syndromic TSH/Free T4 and initial screening tests for celiac disease [2,29,30,41].
causes, diagnostic investigations should prioritize those possibilities. IGFBP-3 measurement in children younger than 3 years of age may
When a specific syndrome is recognized by clinical evaluation, the improve the assessment of the GH/IGF-1 axis [42]. In childhood sur-
patient should be specifically tested. On the other hand, if no syndrome vivors of neoplasias, particularly those who received cranial radio-
is clinically recognizable, patients with short stature associated with therapy, the accuracy of serum levels of IGF-I/IGFBP-3 is decreased
dysmorphic features should undergo genetic testing, including mole- [43]. Blood count, C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation
cular karyotyping (single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array or rate can help to detect inflammatory states. It is a common practice to
array-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) [33] and/or whole- also include renal function tests and liver function tests in the evalua-
genome sequencing [34,35]. In this scenario, it is important to consider tion. Additionally, it is generally advised to request a conventional or
referring to a geneticist, dysmorphologist and/or pediatric en- molecular (SNP array or array CGH) karyotype for short girls, even in
docrinologist group specializing in growth disorders for a more detailed the absence of typical signs of Turner syndrome [44]. The inclusion of
evaluation. additional laboratory tests increases the cost of the investigation, and
The majority of short children evaluated for short stature are ap- one should be aware that there is a relatively low probability of es-
parently healthy and their medical history and physical examination do tablishing a pathologic diagnosis in asymptomatic short children [29].
not bring any specific clue to guide further laboratory or imaging Defects of GH/IGF-1 axis should be investigated in patients with
exams. Fewer than 1% of short apparently healthy children will have a suggestive clinical findings. This is a heterogeneous group of conditions
pathologic condition [29]. In patients with a low pretest probability of with a distinct phenotype (Table 3) [21,45]. GHD is by far the most
disease, one must be careful regarding the interpretation of any ab- common defect in the GH/IGF-1 axis [8], although its frequency is only
normal test. The diagnostic workup should include tests for a group of 1–2% in a non-selected group of short stature children. More recently, it
diseases that can be associated with short stature with minimal other was suggested that IGF1R defects leading to variable degree of IGF-1
signs and symptoms [5,17]. insensitivity can be present in 2% of children born SGA and without
Most clinicians consider a radiograph of the left hand and wrist (to catch-up growth [46]. Longstanding short stature caused by GHD (ex-
assess the bone age) a useful test. There are two main standards to cept in the presence of precocious puberty) is accompanied by at least
evaluate the bone age: Greulich and Pyle [36] and Tanner-Whitehouse 1–2 years delay in bone age, and therefore, children older than 3 years
[37]. The most commonly used method for height prediction based on with a bone age equal to or above chronological age should not be
bone age is the Bayley and Pinneau method [38]. More recently an investigated for GHD [47,48]. The determination of IGF-1 levels is
automated method to determine skeletal maturity became available usually the first step to assess GH/IGF-1 axis [49] (Fig. 3). Children
[39]. This new methodology decreases the variability so common in with IGF-1 serum levels above the mean for age and gender are unlikely
manual methods of bone age assessment. Advanced bone age in relation to have defects in the GH/IGF axis [47] except for IGF-1 insensitivity

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Table 3 produce different results. (2) there are different laboratory methods to
Disorders of the GH/IGF axis associated with short stature. measure GH and the results between different methods may not be si-
GH deficiency milar, (3) different laboratories using the same methods find different
• Idiopathic results for the same samples and, (4) there are no agreed-upon normal
• Acquired (craniopharyngioma, pituitary tumors, autoimmune diseases,
granulomatous diseases, central nervous system infections, post-radiotherapy,
cut-offs points and since different stimuli lead to different GH peaks,
there may be a need for stimulus-specific cut-off points
head trauma)
• Congenital: associated with structural defects
• Genetic
o GH secretion (GH1 and GHRHR genes)
In the 1980's the cut-off point used to define GHD was 5 ng/ml,
using polyclonal antibody assays. This means that if the highest GH
o Pituitary cells differentiation (POU1F1 and PROP1 genes) level after a stimulus was below 5 ng/dl, the child was considered to
o Pituitary development (HESX1, GLI2, OTX2, LHX3, LHX4, and SOX3 genes)
have GHD, and if the value was above that, the child was considered
Bioinactive GH (Kowarski syndrome, OMIM 262650)
GH Insensitivity (GHI) not to have GHD. Later, the cut-off point was raised to 7 ng/ml and then
• Complete GHI (OMIM 262500) to 10 ng/ml, and now, most assays use monoclonal antibodies that lead
• Partial GHI (OMIM 604271) to varying apparent GH concentrations [53,56,57]. Raising the cut-off
• GHI associated to immune dysfunction (OMIM 245590) limit increases the number of children diagnosed with partial GHD, but
• Atypical GHI
• Secondary or acquired GHI (Anti GH antibodies, malnutrition, liver disorders,
poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, uremia)
it also increases the likelihood of diagnosis of GHD in children without
the condition. The ideal cut-off point to identify most children with
Ternary complex defects GHD without classifying non-GHD children as GHD and how to improve
• Acid-labile subunit deficiency (OMIM 615961) the accuracy of the diagnosis of GHD and non-GHD are topics still under
• Defects on proteolytic cleavage of IGFBPs (PAPPA2 gene)
IGFs deficiency
debate [49,53].

• IGF1 deficiency (OMIM 608747) Another issue is that adolescents, due to their exposure to sex
• IGF2 deficiency (OMIM 616489)
Bioinactive IGF-1
steroids, have a higher growth hormone response to stimuli. Some
clinicians suggest that all children should receive sex steroid priming
IGFs insensitivity (OMIM 270450) prior to stimulation tests, to decrease the number of false positive di-
agnoses [58], while others suggest that priming should be done only for
GH growth hormone, IGF-1 insulin-like growth factor type 1, IGFBP-3 insulin-
like growth factors binding protein 3, ALS acid-label subunit, IGFs, insulin-like
peripubertal individuals [59] or only for prepubertal children already
growth factors. at pubertal age (delayed puberty) [60]. However, conflicting published
data show that priming induces higher values of GH levels but does not
necessarily improve the accuracy of diagnosing GHD. Furthermore, sex
and PAPPA2 deficiency [50]. Children with low / low normal serum steroid priming may not discriminate between those who are likely to
levels of IGF-I should be further investigated for GHD. have a clinically significant improvement in adult height after rhGH
The next step is to assess the production of GH. Since there is a treatment from those who are not going to have a significant change;
physiological circadian variation in serum levels of GH, random levels priming may also have side effects such as priapism and testicular pain
are not useful, except in the neonatal period, where levels tend to be [61]. A recent systematic review on the diagnosis of GHD as a late effect
high all day [51,52]. During the first week of life, a single random GH of radiotherapy reported that there are no studies evaluating the use of
level < 7 ng/ml confirms the diagnosis of GHD [52]. Growth hormone sex steroid priming in childhood cancer survivors [62]. The use of
stimulation tests have been used for decades to measure the response of priming is one more tool that can be used by the Pediatric En-
the hypothalamus/pituitary gland to various stimuli. Even though they docrinologist in selected cases. In summary the diagnosis of GHD
are considered the gold standard test to diagnose GHD, there are several should be based on a combination of factors, including auxologic data
problems with them: (1) there is variable reproducibility, meaning that (height SDS and growth velocity), radiologic data (delayed bone age,
the same test in the same person on different days can give completely with some exceptions, and pituitary imaging), laboratory data (IGF-1/
different results and different tests in the same individual can also IGFBP-3 and GH stimulation tests) and clinical expertise.

Fig. 3. Overview of the investigation of GH-IGF1 axis defects.

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Table 4 can be challenging [66–69].

Examples of genetic conditions associated with short stature organized ac- In the last decade, the development of genetic techniques, primarily
cording to their primary mechanism. array-based genomic copy number analyses (or molecular karyotype)
Condition Inheritance Gene OMIM and whole exome/genome sequencing (WES/WGS), have led to an in-
crease in the diagnosis of patients with unrecognized rare genetic
Disorders of the GH/IGF axis conditions [70–73]. The use of these methodologies as the first line of
See Table 4
investigation of genetic conditions has been shown to yield a high rate
Associated with Skeletal dysplasia
of success to establish the etiological diagnosis and to be cost effective
• Disorders affecting paracrine factors in the growth plate
Achondroplasia AD FGFR3 100800
in selected situations [70,71,73,74].
Hypochondroplasia AD FGFR3 146000 In the field of growth disorders, the prevalence of pathogenic copy
Acrocapitofemoral dysplasia AR IHH 607778 number variation (CNV), especially when associated with develop-
Albright hereditary AD GNAS 103580 mental delay, intellectual disability or additional major malformations,
osteodystrophy is 13% (95% confidence interval of 10.4–15.5%) [75]. Array-based CNV
Acromesomelic dysplasia, AR NPR2 602875
Maroteaux type
analyses, such as comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) or single
Geleophysic dysplasia 1 AR ADAMTSL2 231050 nucleotide polymorphism arrays (SNPa), should be used to aid in the

• Defects affecting cartilage extracellular matrix

Acromicric dysplasia AD FBN1 102370
diagnosis in these children (Fig. 2) [34,64,65].
Regarding skeletal dysplasias, it is worth highlighting the in-
Geleophysic dysplasia 2 AD FBN1 614185 vestigation of SHOX defects in patients and families with suspected
Pseudoachondroplasia AD COMP 177170 Leri-Weill dyschondrosteosis. Heterozygous defects of the SHOX gene is
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia AD COL2A1 183900
considered the main monogenic form of short stature, most often re-
Spondyloepimetaphy-seal AR ACAN 612813
sulting in disproportionate short stature with mesomelia (short middle
dysplasia aggrecan type segment – radius, ulna, tibia and fibula) and variable degrees of
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia AD ACAN 608361 Madelung deformity [76]. Children with SHOX haploinsufficiency sig-
type Kimberley nificantly benefit from rhGH therapy [77]. Since the majority of pa-
• Defects affecting intracellular pathways tients and families with defects in SHOX have deletions involving the
Langer mesomelic dysplasia AR SHOX 249700 gene and/or its regulatory region, it is important to use a sensitive
Leri–Weill dyschon-drosteosis AD SHOX 127300
methodology to identify small CNV in this target region [76].
Campomelic dysplasia AD SOX9 114290
When there is a high degree of suspicion that the short stature is due
Associated with syndromic short stature

to a monogenic condition, based on the history of consanguinity, clear
Defects affecting intracellular pathways
Noonan syndrome AD several 163950
autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, syndromic cases and severe
Neurofibromatosis type 1 AD NF1 162200 short stature, WES should be used. The usefulness of WES in growth
Kabuki syndrome 1 AD KMT2D 147920 disorders was demonstrated in several case reports [31,67,78], in co-
Kabuki syndrome 2 XLD KDM6A 300867 horts of patients with severe short stature [79,80] and in the in-
Kenny–Caffey syndrome type 1 AR TBCE 244460
vestigation of specific subtype of short stature children (as GHI) [81].
Kenny-Caffey syndrome, type 2 AD FAM111A 127000
There are specific situations where genetic investigation gains im-
• Defects in fundamental cellular processes
Floating–Harbor syndrome AD SRCAP 136140
portance due to the prevalence of the condition or due to the influence
KBG syndrome AD ANKRD11 148050 of the correct diagnosis in the treatment decision process (Table 5). As
CHARGE syndrome AD CHD7, 214800 already mentioned, every girl with short stature of undetermined cause
SEMA3E needs a conventional or molecular karyotyping due to the possibility of
Cornelia de Lange syndrome AD / XLD several 122470 Turner's syndrome [43]. Additionally, genetic investigation is more
Rubinstein–Taybi syndrome AD CREBBP, 180849
relevant when there is clinical suspicion of a cancer predisposition
Bloom syndrome AR RECQL3 210900 condition, such as neurofibromatosis type 1, Noonan syndrome, Fan-
Fanconi Anemia AR /XLR several 227650 coni anemia or Bloom disease [69,82,83]. In typical cases, the genetic
Three-M syndrome AR CUL7, OBSL1, 273750 test leads to little change in the diagnostic or therapeutic approach, but
for atypical or mild cases, a molecular confirmation of the diagnosis has
an obvious impact on genetic counseling, decision to use rhGH therapy
and patient follow up.
MOPD = microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism. The sheer number of genes involved in growth disorders and the
number of possible tests to investigate them is beyond the scope of this
paper [84]. A limited number of examples are listed in Table 5. Public
databases such as GeneReview (
4.3. Recommendations for genetic testing in the evaluation of a child with NBK1116/), Genetics Home Reference ( and
short stature OMIM ( are useful in assisting the decision-
making process regarding the use of a given genetic test.
Genetic tests are being progressively introduced into clinical prac- The majority of children with height SDS < −2 have isolated short
tice in all fields of medicine, including the evaluation of children with stature and are labeled as ISS. In these children, the absence of other
short stature. There are > 1000 conditions in OMIM® data base clinical signs or the presence of nonspecific findings currently makes
( associated with short stature with a known the gene candidate approach impracticable. There are no clear re-
molecular basis [21]. They can be organized as conditions involving commendations for when and how to do genetic investigation in chil-
GH/IGF defects (Table 3), conditions causing skeletal dysplasia (re- dren with isolated short stature. Since height is one of the most heri-
viewed in [63]) or conditions associated with syndromic presentations table human characteristics [85] and many children with short stature
(Table 4). The diagnosis of several of these conditions can be made have parents with short stature, it is expected that the cause of a large
based on clinical and complementary exams (Fig. 2) [21,34,64,65], proportion of these children is genetic. It has been accepted that there is
with genetic testing serving to confirm the diagnosis. A candidate gene a polygenic influence determining short stature [86,87], but recent
approach is used in these situations. However due to the diversity, studies have challenged this dogma. Several studies demonstrated that
clinical variability and rarity of these conditions, the clinical diagnosis a significant portion of healthy short children have a monogenic cause

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Table 5
Examples of genetic tests important for short stature evaluation.
Test Main indication Ref.

Single gene/locus investigation

SHOX: CNV analysis (MLPA) followed by Sanger sequencing Suspicion of Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis (DLW) [95]
FGFR3: Sanger sequencing of mutation hot-spots Suspicion of Hypochondroplasia [96]
Evaluate methylation defects chr 11p15.5 followed by assess the presence of Suspicion of Silver-Russell syndrome [97]
maternal UPD chr. 7
GNAS: Sanger sequencing Suspicion of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy or Pseudohypoparathyroidism [98]
PROP1: Sanger sequencing followed by CNV analysis (MLPA) Combined pituitary hormone deficiency (GH, PRL, TSH, LH/FSH) with intact [99]
pituitary stalk
GH1: Sanger sequencing Suspicion of Autosomal dominant GH deficiency [100]

Multigene panel sequencing

PTPN11, SOS1, RAF1. RIT1, and > 10 other genes Suspicion of Noonan syndrome or overlap conditions [101]
Panel that includes genes associated with main skeletal dysplasias Skeletal dysplasia [102]
Panel with genes involved in pituitary ontogenesis and in GH secretion Combined pituitary hormone deficiency [103]

Genomic approach
Array-based CNV analyses (SNPa or aCGH) Syndromic children, especially those with developmental delay, intellectual disability [75]
Whole exome sequencing Short stature of undetermined cause with high probability of being a monogenic [34]

CNV: Copy-number variation; MLPA: Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification; SNAa: single nucleotide polymorphism arrays; aCGH: comparative genomic

that explains their growth deficit [88]. A proportion of these children associated with the isolated short stature phenotype and genes asso-
are at the mild end of the phenotypic spectrum of a known syndromic ciated with syndromic conditions with great phenotypic variability that
disorder associated with short stature [79,80], such as Noonan syn- are already documented (Tables 5 and 6).
drome or DiGeorge syndrome. Additionally, several studies have asso- At present, most patients will not have a conclusive result after
ciated specific genes with the isolated short stature phenotype, in- genetic analysis. It will be important to learn if there is a relationship
cluding heterozygous pathogenic variants in GHR [89] and SHOX [90] between a given genetic diagnosis and the response to rhGH treatment
in children classified as ISS, and other studies have broadened the genes [24,40,94] or long-term health consequences [40]. It is likely that with
involved (Table 6). The most consistent and frequent findings in chil- the increased availability of genetic studies, the primary way to in-
dren originally classified as ISS are heterozygous variants in genes in- vestigate short stature patients will change. In the near future, genetic
volved in growth plate development: SHOX [24], ACAN [40], NPR2 testing may become the standard method of investigation of children
[23,91], NPPC [92] and IHH [25]. Each of these genes accounts for a with isolated short stature [88].
low proportion of cases of short stature (1–2% or less) but the per-
centage may be significantly higher in familial short stature [91]. De-
5. Initial rhGH-management and monitoring of rhGH therapy
fects in these genes cause a variable degree of short stature with non-
specific phenotypes and are usually inherited in an autosomal dominant
5.1. GH dose adjustment and monitoring
manner. This lack of specific characteristics makes it difficult to re-
cognize without a molecular genetic study. For this reason, it is not
The main goal of rhGH therapy in children is to increase and nor-
effective to apply a candidate gene analysis, so a multiple-gene testing
malize growth velocity and to achieve an adequate adult height. The
approach using next-generation sequencing (NGS) or the use of WES is
most common method of adjusting rhGH dose in order to obtain and
preferable. The choice between the two will depend on the availability
maintain the expected growth velocity is based on body weight and
and cost-benefit evaluation. However the approach with WES has been
growth velocity, although body surface area is also used [51]. Predic-
presented as more advantageous [93]. Even when using the WES ap-
tion models are available to calculate the initial dose based on diagnosis
proach, the analysis of these patients should prioritize the genes already
and goal as well as to follow the adequacy of dose/response [113].

Table 6
Genes associated with isolated short stature phenotype.
Gene First report Inheritance Pattern Frequencya Evidence of associationb Observation Ref

GHR 1995 AD NA Limited Mild GH insensitivity phenotype (Low IGF-1 and GHBP levels [89]
SHOX 1997 AD 1 to 16% Definitive Mild body disproportion [90]
GH1 2003 AD NA Limited [104]
IGF1R 2003 AD NA Moderate Majority born SGA and elevated IGF-1 levels [105]
IGFALS 2004 AR NA Moderate severe IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 deficiency disproportionate with mild height deficit [106]
GHSR 2006 AD/AR NA Limited It may be associated with GHD in the same family [107]
IGF1 2013 AD NA Limited [108]
ACAN 2014 AD 1.4 to 2.1% Strong Advance bone age [20]
NPR2 2014 AD 1.2 to 3.4% Strong [109]
FGFR3 2015 AD NA Limited [110]
PAPPA2 2016 AR NA Limited Elevated IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels [50]
IHH 2018 AD 1.6% Moderate Shortening of middle phalange of 2nd and 5th finguer [25]
NPPC 2018 AD NA Limited Mild brachydactyly [91]
STAT5B 2018 AD NA Limited Mild GH insensitivity phenotype with eczema [111]

NA – not available; AD – Autosomal dominant; AR – Autosomal recessive.

frequency observed in studies that evaluated unselected children with isolated short stature (ISS or non-syndromic SGA).
Strength of evidence that changes in this gene are associated with the isolated short stature phenotype [112].

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

Published charts for the expected growth velocity during the first year development of diabetes mellitus, although the addition of rhGH in
of treatment may help assess whether the initial response is appropriate children with impaired insulin secretion/action, may cause enough
[114]. An insufficient response may indicate the presence of associated insulin resistance leading to the appearance of hyperglycemia.
conditions preventing the expected growth response or inadequate Hemoglobin A1C and glucose should be monitored in patients at risk for
compliance to treatment, but may also suggest that the initial diagnosis developing diabetes mellitus [118].
is not correct; it may even suggest that there is a reason to re-evaluate
the benefits of the treatment. 5.3. Possible complications during rhGH therapy
The initial studies that led to the approval of rhGH used growth
velocity and change in weight to adjust rhGH dosage. In 2007, Cohen Daily rhGH therapy has a well-established record of safety and ef-
et al demonstrated that IGF-I levels could be used to adjust rhGH dosage ficacy for the treatment of adults with GHD and children with multiple
in children with GHD and ISS. They demonstrated that maintaining the causes of growth failure. > 500,000 patient years of safety data have
IGF-1 level close to the mean for age and gender elicited a similar 2 year been collected in clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance re-
growth response compared with methods of rhGH dosage based on gistries while children and adults received treatment. During treatment,
weight, but using a lower mean dose of rhGH [115,116] and avoiding rhGH therapy has been shown to be associated with rare complications,
supraphysiological serum levels of IGFeI, suggesting that this strategy including intracranial hypertension and slipped capital femoral epi-
could improve safety as population studies demonstrated a correlation physis [118]. In children with PWS and obese adults with GHD, ob-
between higher IGF-I and some cancers in the normal adult population structive sleep apnea is a concern. Pancreatitis [118] and prepubertal
[117]. On the other hand, in conditions associated with mild GH and/or gynecomastia [123] have been reported in children receiving rhGH.
IGF-I resistance, higher rhGH doses and/or IGF-I serum levels to More common treatment-related side effects of daily rhGH therapy in-
achieve the expected clinical response [118,119,120] may be neces- clude worsening of existent scoliosis, myalgias, arthralgias and edema.
sary. There are no data demonstrating that above normal levels of IGF-I A comprehensive review of the safety aspects of GH therapy, both in
during rhGH therapy causes any harm [118]. children and adults, has recently been published [118].
There are two other aspects to consider when treating children with
rhGH: (1) different individuals may have different sensitivity to GH and 5.4. Long term safety
to IGF-I and the sensitivity in different tissues in the same individual
may also differ, with higher doses of GH and levels of IGF-I causing There are fewer data available to assess the long-term safety of daily
different local effects in each person and (2) IGF-I circulates in serum rhGH therapy. The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study has provided
bound to IGFBPs and ALS. Some population studies demonstrated that important information about the risk of primary tumor recurrence and
higher serum IGFBP-3 is associated with a lower incidence of malig- development of secondary malignancies in children receiving rhGH
nancies [121]. It has been suggested that free IGF-I index or IGF-I/ after treatment for cancer. The SAGhE study investigated the safety of
IGFBP-3 be used as a safety measure, although there are no data to daily rhGH in young adults who received treatment as children [124].
support such practice.
In clinical practice, GHD children need replacement of “physiolo- 5.4.1. Cancer survival children and adolescents
gical” rhGH and ideal therapy would maintain IGF-I within the ap- In 2002 Sklar et al. reported that children treated for cancers who
propriate levels for gender and age. Therefore, measurement of IGF-I received rhGH had a 3.21-fold (1.88–5.46) high chance of developing a
concentrations may be used with the goal of normalizing serum IGFeI, second tumor [125]. The same group subsequent demonstrated in 2006
as suggested by Cohen et al. [122]. On the other hand, some non-GHD that after 32 more months of follow-up, the risk remained elevated
children may require supraphysiologic levels of IGF-I to obtain the although it decreased to 2.15-fold (1.33–3.47), mainly due to the higher
desired beneficial aspects of treatment. Since there are inadequate data incidence of second malignancies in patients who had not received
available to indicate a safe upper limit for serum IGF-I concentrations rhGH [126]. These data indicated that although cancer survivors
and the safety implications of higher serum IGF-I levels are unknown, if treated with GH appear to have an increased risk of developing second
an adequate growth velocity is obtained with normal levels of IGF-I in neoplasms compared with survivors who were not treated, the eleva-
these children, supraphysiological levels may not need to be main- tion of risk due to GH use appears to diminish with increasing length of
tained. follow-up. Other studies did not demonstrate this increased risk [127]
including a recent systematic review and meta-analysis [128]. The
5.2. Care with unmasking other conditions Growth Hormone Research Society position is that the association be-
tween GH therapy and the risk of second tumors is insufficient to pre-
5.2.1. Cortisol deficiency clude use of rhGH for licensed indications in children [118]. In children
GH inhibits 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, which is with a history of brain radiation, the risk of non-malignant meningioma
responsible for the conversion of cortisone (inactive) into cortisol (ac- was increased, but there appeared to be no additional risk of me-
tive). Initiation of rhGH therapy in patients with subclinical adreno- ningioma in those children who had received both radiation and rhGH
corticotropic hormone (ACTH) deficiency may induce symptomatic therapy. In various studies, there was some evidence of increased risk of
adrenal insufficiency requiring glucocorticoid replacement. Patients other secondary malignancies including sarcoma. The safety of rhGH in
already on cortisol replacement may need an upward dose adjustment. conditions with a predisposition to developing cancer, including Bloom
Caretakers should look for symptoms of adrenal insufficiency after Syndrome, Fanconi Anemia, Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Down Syn-
starting GH in patients at risk for ACTH deficiency [118]. drome remain controversial.

5.2.2. Hypothyroidism 5.4.2. Patients without previous history of malignancy

GH increases the peripheral conversion of thyroxine (T4) to tri-io- The only long-term study to investigate the safety of rhGH is the
dothyronine. Commencing GH replacement may therefore unmask pre- SAGhE study [124]. Initial partial reports raised the possibility of in-
existing central hypothyroidism as defined by a fall of serum-free T4 creased mortality of patients with idiopathic short stature, isolated GHD
into the subnormal range. Thyroid function should be monitored and or SGA who received rhGH [129]. The results of a more complete
adjustment of the T4 dose may be needed after initiation of rhGH [118]. evaluation showed that there was no clear increased risk in patients
with growth failure without other major disease [130]. In the French
5.2.3. Diabetes Mellitus SAGhE cohort, an increased risk of death due to cerebrovascular dis-
GH increases insulin resistance but it is not associated with the ease, including hemorrhagic stroke, was seen [129]. However, this risk

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

was not seen in the SAGhE cohort from Belgium, Netherlands and 5.6. The transition from childhood to adult GH therapy
Sweden [131]. In addition, adjustment of mortality risk for low birth
weight was found to reduce the risk of mortality [132]. The incidence of The transition phase is defined herein as a broad set of physical and
bone and bladder cancers were significantly raised in rhGH-treated psychosocial changes going from late puberty and ending with full
patients without previous cancer, but the absolute numbers of tumors adult maturation [135]. GHD patients may require the continuation of
was small. Cancer risk was unrelated to duration or cumulative dose of rhGH treatment in order to attain full skeletal mineralization and al-
rhGH treatment [130]. These studies emphasize the different health leviate the potential changes in body composition and lipid metabolism
risks in individuals with short stature compared to those of normal associated with cardiovascular disease found in GHD adults. Many
stature, the need to compare outcomes to appropriate control groups patients with childhood onset GHD do not have GH deficiency when
and the need to develop mechanisms to allow continued collection of retested after stopping rhGH therapy as adolescents. Thus, it is im-
long-term safety data. portant to identify those who have a higher probability of maintaining
the GHD status in adult life. Several guidelines for the transition phase
have been published elsewhere [59,135,136,137].
5.5. Management of the poorly growing child on growth hormone
6. Emerging diagnostic tools and therapies for short stature
Treatment with rhGH at the currently used doses increases adult
height in most children with short stature. There are two main groups 6.1. Diagnosis
of children who grow poorly on rhGH: those who did not increase
height velocity when starting treatment and those who had an incre- Although there has been significant progress in the treatment of
ment in the growth velocity but subsequently changed to a sub-normal children with growth failure, the diagnostic categorization of these
height velocity [133,134]. children remains a challenge. Application of genomic, proteomic and
The expected initial response of rhGH treatment is an increase in metabolomic testing may improve our ability to categorize poorly
height SDS and height velocity resulting in a later increment in adult growing children and predict which one will respond well to treatment.
height. Because there is a continuum of GH responses, the definition of New agents for growth hormone stimulation tests, such as Macimorelin,
nonresponsiveness is arbitrary. Suggested criteria for poor first year an oral ghrelin receptor agonist, may improve the diagnostic accuracy
response include height velocity SDS less than −1 or change in height of provocative tests in children, adolescents during the transition period
SDS < 0.3–0.5, depending on age. There are also first year growth re- and in adults. Macimorelin was approved in 2017 by the FDA for the
sponse charts for different conditions as well as prediction models. diagnosis of GHD during adult life with accuracy comparable with that
Those can be used to assess adequacy of initial height velocity [20]. of the insulin tolerance test and it was shown to be safe and convenient
[138]. No studies in children are yet available.
5.5.1. Children who did not increase HV upon starting treatment with rhGH
The main reasons for a child not to have an increment in growth 6.2. Treatment of achondroplasia with future perspective in ISS
velocity when starting rhGH are: (1) lack of adequate storage of the
rhGH, (2) lack of understanding of the methods of administration of Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) is an important reg-
medication or non-compliance, (3) inaccurate diagnosis, and (4) un- ulator of bone formation. Gain-of-function mutations in the FGFR3 gene
realistically high growth expectations. If the initial response is con- result in chondrodysplasias which include achondroplasia (ACH) and
sidered inadequate, the approach is to review with patient and family hypochondroplasia. The skeletal phenotype of patients with ACH re-
the understanding of treatment and techniques of administration of the sults from defective proliferation and differentiation of the chon-
medication. If those are appropriate, changes in serum IGF-I when drocytes in the growth plate. BMN111, a C-type natriuretic peptide
comparing pre and post treatment may help. If pretreatment serum IGF- (CNP) analog (BMN111) acts as a key regulator of longitudinal bone
I levels were higher than expected, the initial diagnosis should be growth by downregulating the mitogen-activated protein kinase
questioned. If there was no change in IGFeI, GH insensitivity, condi- pathway, which is activated as a result of a FGFR3 gain-of-function
tions that affect growth and IGF-I synthesis (inflammatory bowel dis- mutation. In 2014, a clinical trial (phase 2,
ease for example) and adherence issues should be further investigated. ct2/show/NCT02724228) of BMN111 (Vosoritide) in pediatric patients
with ACH started [139] and a phase 3 trial is currently underway
5.5.2. Children with a normal initial response but subsequent decreased
height velocity 6.3. Long acting growth hormone
The main reasons for a decrement in growth velocity while on rhGH
are: (1) lack of adequate compliance/adherence, (2) development of Extensive reviews of the emerging field of long-acting growth hor-
antibodies to GH, (3) development of a secondary condition that affects mone (LAGH) have recently been published [140,141]. As the era of
growth (hypothyroidism, enteropathies – inflammatory bowel disease LAGH approaches, we need to consider whether there will be additional
or celiac disease, Cushing's disease, other chronic illnesses/malnutri- safety risks of LAGH compared to daily rhGH. In this regard, we need to
tion), (4) lack of sex steroid exposure at the appropriate ages, and (5) consider issues related to the persistent elevation of GH and GH-related
closure of growth plate. biomarkers, such as IGFeI, as well as issues related to the mechanisms
When there was an initial response followed by a low height velo- of making GH long-acting. Depending upon the structure of LAGH,
city, lack of compliance is the most common cause. In patients with there may be off target effects due to components of the LAGH not
isolated GHD, the development of anti-GH antibodies should be in- present in rhGH.
vestigated in those with type 1a GHD. Investigating other secondary Treatment with daily rhGH given at bedtime attempts to mimic the
causes for failure to grow can initially be oriented based on risks spe- normal daily profile of increased GH production overnight. However,
cifics for each group. For example, girls with Turner syndrome have a daily rhGH is a single peak of GH action which differs from physiologic
higher chance of developing primary hypothyroidism. Patients with GH production of multiple GH pulses of different duration and in-
abnormal pituitary anatomy or post cranial radiation may develop tensity. Thus, our current daily rhGH treatment regimen does not
central hypothyroidism. In children with peripubertal age, the lack of provide a physiologic GH profile. LAGH products will likely have dif-
sex steroids may affect height velocity. Another aspect to remember is fering pharmacokinetic profiles of GH release from the injection site
that complete closure of the bone epiphyses arrests growth. into the blood stream, to the target tissue and to the GH receptor.

P.F. Collett-Solberg et al. Growth Hormone & IGF Research 44 (2019) 20–32

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