CS460 Assignment2 2022 EN

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Computer Science Department, University of Crete

CS 460 – Database Management Systems

Winter semester 2022
2nd Assignment
Due date: 09/12/2022

General instructions
Write a report demonstrating your results using images/screenshots, SQL code, SQL errors/warnings and
any other explanation necessary. Include a cover page with your student ID and name. The filename of
the deliverable must be in the following form: ask2_AM (where ΑΜ is your student id number e.g.
ask2_1234). Any images/screenshots should be included in your report document. Do NOT submit
separate image files. The report document must be in pdf format. Submit a single compressed file
(zip/rar/gz etc) if your work contains multiple files. Note that this assignment is to be done individually.
Cheating in any way, including giving your work to someone else will result in failing this assignment (a
mark of zero will be given).
Submit your assignment electronically (online) until 09/12/2022 at 23:59 using the course webpage at
the eLearn system.

In this assignment, you will experiment with SQL indexing structures using various configurations. You
will be working with the latest Oracle Database Express Edition.

We strongly suggest you read/review the following resources:
• Course slides and tutorials on Query Execution Optimization

Additional Info. The Oracle optimizer was built to make your tuning life easier by choosing better paths
for your poorly written queries. Rule-based optimization (now obsolete and unsupported) was built on
a set of rules for how Oracle processes statements. Oracle 10g Release 2 only supported the use of the
cost-based optimizer; the rule-based optimizer was no longer supported. Since Oracle 10g Release 2,
Oracle has automatic statistics gathering turned on to aid the effectiveness of the cost-based optimizer.
In Oracle, many features are only available when using cost-based optimization. Rule-based optimization
is Oracle-centric, whereas cost-based optimization is data-centric. The optimizer mode under which the
database operates is set via the initialization parameter OPTIMIZER_MODE. The possible optimizer
modes are as follows:

• ALL_ROWS Gets all rows faster (generally, forces index suppression). This is good for untuned,
high-volume batch systems. This is the default.
• FIRST_ROWS Gets the first row faster (generally forces index use). This is good for untuned
systems that process lots of single transactions.
• FIRST_ROWS (1|10|100|1000) Gets the first n rows faster. This is good for applications that
routinely display partial results to users such as paging data to a user in a web application.
• CHOOSE Now obsolete and unsupported but still allowed. Uses cost-based optimization for all
analyzed tables. This is a good mode for well-built and well-tuned systems (for advanced
users). This option is not documented for 11gR2 and beyond but is still usable.
• RULE Now obsolete and unsupported but still allowed. Always uses rule-based optimization. If
you are still using this, you need to start using cost-based optimization, as rule-based
optimization is no longer supported under Oracle 10g Release 2 and higher.
• The default optimizer mode for Oracle 11g Release 2 is ALL_ROWS. Also, cost-based
optimization is used even if the tables are not analyzed.

Note! Remember to update statistics by yourself when cost based optimization is used!
Computer Science Department, University of Crete

Use the same dataset as in Assignment 1. Create the following tables (tables.sql) and insert the data in
the accompanying files (distributedBy.sql – 143.153 tuples, movie.sql – 193.781 tuples, people.sql -
289.221 tuples, plays.sql – 810.692 tuples, producedBy.sql – 202.868 tuples). Initially there are not
defined indexes, keys or clusters for the aforementioned tables. In addition, create the table
PLAN_TABLE, where you will save the execution plans of each assignment’s query.

Task 1 – Cost based optimization

Use the command ALTER SESSION to set the parameter OPTIMIZER_MODE to ALL_ROWS. Using this
parameter value the optimizer is set to use a cost based optimization method, trying to identify the best
resource allocation for query execution.

A) Create a hash cluster for the movieID using 1000 search keys and relate it with the movie table.
To do that you should drop and re-create the movie table to take into advantage of the hash cluster.

B) Find the execution plan of the following queries. What observation do you make?

SELECT movieTitle
FROM movie
WHERE year > 1990;

SELECT personName
FROM people
WHERE birthYear > 1945;

C) Next, create an unclustered B+-Tree for the year field of the table movie and one for the birthYear of
the table people. Which is now the execution plan of the following SQL queries?

Ε) Find the execution plan for the following queries for the table movie including the fields movieID and
year in the WHERE clauses. Which one of the hash cluster on the movieID and the B+-Tree on the field
year are being used? What are the reasons for the possible different execution plans?

SELECT movieID, movieTitle

FROM movie
WHERE movieID != 0046778 and year > 1985;

SELECT movieID, movieTitle

FROM movie
WHERE movieID = 0046778 and year > 1985;

Task 2 – Rule based optimization

Up to this point you should have available a hash cluster on the movieID used by the movie and the plays
tables. In addition, there should be available two unclustered B+-Tree indexes for the year and the
birthYear fields of the movie and people tables respectively.

A) Use the command ALTER SESSION to set the OPTIMIZER_MODE to RULE. Using this command the
optimizer uses a rule based optimization method ignoring statistics.

B) Now execute again the (B) and (E) of the Task 1. Is there any difference in the execution plan? What
about the execution times?

Β) Define for the movieTitle field a unique unclustered B+-Tree. Find the query execution plan for the
following query. Is the hash cluster used or the unclustered B+-Tree. Why?
Computer Science Department, University of Crete

SELECT m.movieID, m.movieTitle, p.companyID

FROM movie m, producedBy p
WHERE m.movieID = p.movieID and m.movieID = 0046799 and m.movieTitle = 'Boot Polish

Now drop the index on the movieTitle.

Task 3 – Compare optimization methods

Up to this point you should have available a hash cluster on the field movieID used by the movie and the
plays tables. In addition, there are two unclustered B+-Tree indexes for the year and the birthYear fields
of the movie and the people tables respectively. Finally, the optimizer_mode is set to the RULE value.

Α) For each one of the OPTIMIZATION_MODE values (RULE, FIRST_ROWS, ALL_ROWS) find the execution
plans and the execution times of the following query.:

SELECT /*+ ORDERED USE_HASH(p,pl) */ pl.movieID

FROM people p, plays pl
WHERE p.personID = pl.personID and p.birthYear > 1990;

Β) Drop the index for the birthYear field and repeat (Α). For the same mode do you observe any
differentiation between the two queries?

C) Create a bitmap index on the birthYear field. Repeat (Α). What differences do you observe using the
bitmap index?

D) Compare the execution times for (Α), (Β) and (C) for each optimization mode. What differences do
you observe?

Ε) Drop the people table and recreate it, defining a clustered B+-Tree on the birthYear field. For each one
of the three OPTIMIZATION_MODE (RULE, FIRST_ROWS, ALL_ROWS) find the execution plan and the
execution time for the query in (A). Do you find any difference now when compared to the unclustered
B+-Tree index?

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