Micro Project On
By conducting the simulation and analyzing the results, the project aims to
provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each disk scheduling
algorithm. This information can help in understanding how each algorithm performs
in terms of minimizing seek time, ensuring fairness, and maximizing disk utilization.
Ultimately, the project aims to contribute to the understanding of disk scheduling
algorithms and provide guidance in selecting the most appropriate algorithm for
specific disk usage scenarios. The results can assist system administrators,
developers, and researchers in making informed decisions when designing and
optimizing disk I/O operations.
4. Problem Solving and Analytical Skills: The project requires students to identify
the strengths and weaknesses of different disk scheduling algorithms, analyze
simulation results, and draw meaningful conclusions. It enhances their
problem-solving and analytical skills in the context of storage system
6. System Design and Optimization: The project provides insights into the design
and optimization of disk I/O operations. Students gain an understanding of
trade-offs between different scheduling algorithms and learn how to select
the most appropriate algorithm for specific system requirements.
The methodology for the project on disk scheduling algorithms involves several key
steps. Here is a suggested methodology that can be followed:
4. Data Generation: Generate a set of random I/O requests that will serve as
input for the simulation. Consider different workload patterns, such as
uniform or skewed distributions, to represent realistic scenarios.
8. Data Analysis and Comparison: Analyze the simulation results to compare the
performance of the disk scheduling algorithms. Identify trends, patterns, and
differences in terms of average seek time and throughput. Visualize the data
using graphs, charts, or tables to facilitate understanding and interpretation.
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3 PC windows 11 1
Title: Disk Scheduling Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis of FCFS, SSTF, and SCAN
Abstract: Disk scheduling algorithms play a crucial role in optimizing the performance
of storage systems by efficiently accessing data on disk drives. This report presents a
simulation-based study comparing three popular disk scheduling algorithms: FCFS
(First-Come-First-Serve), SSTF (Shortest Seek Time First), and SCAN. The performance
of these algorithms is evaluated based on average seek time and throughput metrics.
The simulation results provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each
algorithm and help in selecting the most appropriate scheduling algorithm for
specific disk usage scenarios.
1. Introduction: Disk scheduling algorithms are responsible for determining the order
in which I/O requests are serviced on a disk drive. The selection of an appropriate
disk scheduling algorithm can significantly impact the overall performance and
efficiency of disk I/O operations. This report aims to evaluate and compare the
performance of three widely used disk scheduling algorithms: FCFS, SSTF, and SCAN.
2.2 Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF): SSTF is a preemptive disk scheduling algorithm
that selects the request with the shortest seek time from the current head position.
It aims to minimize the seek time by prioritizing the closest requests. SSTF performs
well in reducing average seek time but can result in starvation for requests located
farther from the current head position.
2.3 SCAN: SCAN is a preemptive disk scheduling algorithm that works by moving the
head in one direction (e.g., from outer to inner track) until it reaches the end, and
then reverses direction. SCAN services the requests in a sweeping motion, providing
better fairness compared to FCFS. However, it may lead to increased average seek
time due to the “elevator effect.”
4. Results and Analysis: The simulation was run multiple times, and the results were
averaged to provide a fair comparison of the disk scheduling algorithms. The
following performance metrics were analyzed:
4.1 Average Seek Time: The average seek time measures the average distance the
disk arm must travel to fulfill all the I/O requests. Lower average seek time indicates
better performance. The results showed that SSTF outperforms both FCFS and SCAN
in terms of average seek time, as it prioritizes requests based on proximity to the
current head position.
4.2 Throughput: Throughput refers to the number of I/O requests serviced per unit
of time. Higher throughput signifies better utilization of the disk drive. FCFS
demonstrated the highest throughput among the three algorithms, as it processes
requests in the order of arrival without considering seek time. SSTF and SCAN
exhibited lower throughput due to additional seek time optimization.
Here’s some additional information about disk scheduling algorithms:
1. First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS):
● Advantages:
1. Implementation is easy.
2. No chance of starvation.
● Disadvantages:
2. Not so efficient.
2. Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF):
SSTF is a preemptive disk scheduling algorithm that aims to minimize the seek time
by prioritizing requests with the shortest seek time from the current head position.
Instead of following a predetermined order, the algorithm dynamically selects the
nearest pending request and serves it first. It stands for 'Shortest seek time first'. As
the name suggests, it searches for the request having the least 'seek time' and
executes them first. This algorithm has less 'seek time' as compared to the FCFS
In this algorithm, the head starts to scan all the requests in a direction and
reaches the end of the disk. After that, it reverses its direction and starts to scan
again the requests in its path and serves them. Due to this feature, this algorithm is
also known as the "Elevator Algorithm".
● Advantages:
1. Implementation is easy.
● Disadvantage:
1. The head keeps going on to the end even if there are no requests in
that direction.
4. Look and C-SCAN: Look and C-SCAN are variations of the SCAN algorithm that
further optimize the performance. Look does not move the head to the end of the
disk when there are no more pending requests in the current direction. Instead, it
reverses the head movement immediately. This reduces unnecessary head
movement and improves average seek time. C-SCAN, on the other hand, always
moves the head to the end of the disk, regardless of pending requests. Upon
reaching the end, the head jumps back to the opposite end, without servicing any
requests in the reverse direction. C-SCAN aims to provide uniform response time for
all requests, but it may result in longer waiting times for requests located at the
extreme tracks.
It stands for "Circular-Scan". This algorithm is almost the same as the Scan disk
algorithm but one thing that makes it different is that 'after reaching the one end and
reversing the head direction, it starts to come back. The disk arm moves toward the
end of the disk and serves the requests coming into its path. After reaching the end
of the disk it reverses its direction and again starts to move to the other end of the
disk but while going back it does not serve any requests.
The C-Look algorithm is almost the same as the Look algorithm. The only
difference is that after reaching the end requests, it reverses the direction of the
head and starts moving to the initial position. But in moving back, it does not serve
any requests.
3 PC windows 11 1
The project on disk scheduling algorithms has several applications in the field of
computer systems, particularly in the design and optimization of storage systems.
Here are some key applications of the project:
2. Storage System Design: The project provides insights into the selection and
optimization of disk scheduling algorithms in the design of storage systems.
Understanding the performance characteristics of various algorithms helps in
4. File Systems: Disk scheduling algorithms play a crucial role in file systems, as
they determine the order in which file blocks are accessed.
The project findings highlighted the trade-offs between seek time optimization
and fairness in disk scheduling algorithms. The selection of the most appropriate
algorithm depends on specific system requirements, workload patterns, and the
desired balance between seeking time reduction and fairness. The project’s
outcomes can aid system administrators, developers, and researchers in making
informed decisions when selecting and optimizing disk scheduling algorithms for
different storage system scenarios. The results contribute to the understanding of
disk scheduling algorithms and their impact on system performance and efficiency.
1. https://msbtestore.com/
2. https://www.wikipedia.org/
3. https://www.google.com/
4. https://www.youtube.com/@Msbte_Store/