Comp Prog Notes

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1st Quarter

DATA - consists of raw facts, such as an employee Can help people in their organizations perform task
number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part
numbers, or sales orders. INFORMATION SYSTEM
DATA REPRESENTION - refers to the form in which An information system (IS) is a set of
data is stored, processed, and transmitted. computer-based for collecting, storing, and processing
Data Presented by data. The data give information, contribute to learning as
Alphanumeric data Numbers, letters, and other
well as digital products.
Information systems are operated to track
Image data Graphic images and pictures
inter-organizational supply chains and electronic
Audio data Sound, noise, or tones
markets. For example, businesses use information
Video data Moving images or pictures
systems. They can touch prospect customers and
INFORMATION is a collection of facts organized and
directly message via the Web. Also, they can process
processed so that they have additional value beyond
financial accounts and manage their human resources.
the value of the individual facts.
KNOWLEDGE is the awareness and understanding
1. Organizational Dimension
of a set of information and the ways that information
Information systems have the standard
can be made useful to support a specific task or
reach a decision. operating procedure and culture of an organization
CHARACTERISTIC OF VALUABLE INFORMATION embedded within them. It involves functional specialties,
Accessible - Information should be easily accessible business processes, culture, and political groups.
by authorized users. 2. Management Dimension
Accurate - information is error free.
Information systems supply tools and
Complete - information contains all important facts.
information needed by the managers to allocate,
Economical - information should also be relatively
coordinate, and monitor their work, decide, create new
economical to produce. Decision makers must
always balance the value of information with the cost products and services, and make a long-range strategic
of producing it. decision.
Flexible - information can used for a variety of 3. Technology Dimension
purpose. Management uses technology to carry out their
Relevant - closely connected or appropriate
functions. It consists of – computer hardware/software,
Reliable - information can be trusted by users.
data management technology, networking/telecom
Secure - should be secure from access by
unauthorized users. technology.

Simple - information should be simple, not overly TYPES OF INFORMATION SYSTEM

complex. 1. Transaction Processing Systems
Timely - information is delivered when it is needed. Transaction processing systems provide a way
Verifiable - checking information to make sure it is to collect, process, store, modify or cancel
correct. transactions. Most of these systems allow multiple
THE VALUE OF INFORMATION - directly linked to
transactions to take place simultaneously. The data
how it helps decision makers achieve their
collected by the system is in the databases that can
organization’s goals.
use to produce reports such as billing wages, forecasting, planning, control, coordination,
inventory summaries, manufacturing schedules, or decision making and operational activities in an
check registers (e.g., payroll system, reservation organization.
system, order processing system, etc.). In terms of the components that undertake this
2. Decision Support Systems activity, they can be classified into FIVE BASIC
A decision support system helps make decisions by RESOURCES of people, hardware, software,
working and analyzing data that can generate communications and data.
statistical projections and data models. This system People resources include the users and
gives support rather than replacing a manager’s developers of an information system and those
judgment. It is improving the quality of a manager’s who help maintain and operate the system such as
decision. A DSS helps solve problems while using IS managers and technical support staff.
external data (e.g., financial planning system, logistics Hardware resources include computers and other
systems, group decision support system, etc.). items such as printers.
3. Management Information Systems Software resources refer to computer programs
Management information systems build on known as software and associated instruction
data provided by transaction processing systems. manuals.
They extract their data from databases in different Communications resources include networks
departments to compile reports, such as analysis, and the hardware and software needed to support
inventory level reports, or financial statements. They them.
typically have little or no analytical capability. Data resources cover the data that an organization has
Likewise, MIS provides accounts of the firm’s past or access to such as computer databases and paper files.
current performance (e.g., Learners’ Information BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEM
System, budgeting system, etc.). Make extensive use of information technology,
4. Executive Information Systems such as personal computers.
Executive information system helps The reasons why computerized BIS have become
executives and other senior managers analyze the widespread are evident in their advantages such as
environment. The organization operates to identify speed, accuracy and dependability. They also have a
long-term trends and plan appropriate courses of high degree of flexibility due to their ability to be
action. The information in such a system is often programmed to carry out a wide variety of tasks. There
weakly structured from both internal sources, such as are, however, some disadvantages to BIS such as their
its databases or data warehouse, and external lack of creativity that humans possess and the
sources, such as data from customers, suppliers, or difficulty of incorporating other factors into their
other government databases. An easy-to-use digital decision making such as innovation and intuition.
dashboard with a real-time view of the performance TYPES OF BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS
of an organization is a common feature of an Types Definitions
executive information system (e.g., drill-down analysis, Operations To track fundamental activities with
Information the use of ICT, as well as basic
status access, etc.).
Systems (OIS) transactions that happen over the
course of operations
business information system as a group of
interrelated components that work collectively to Management Is a computer system consisting of
carry out input, processing, output, storage and Information hardware and software that serve as a
control actions in order to convert data into Systems (MIS) backbone of organizations
information products that can be used to support operations.
What is MIS (Management Information technology solutions?
System) Do you want to learn how to make businesses more
Management Information System (MIS) is the study of efficient, effective and competitive?
people, technology, organizations, and the relationship What kinds of people pursue MIS degree?
among them.  good problem solving skills
MIS professionals help firms realize maximum benefit  ability to effectively manage time and resources
from investment. They are people oriented field with  a clear vision of “the big picture” as well as the
emphasis on service through technology. “small details”

MIS Professionals Makes Business Better  a desire to work closely with other people
Businesses use information systems at all levels of  excellent communication skills
operation to collect, process, and store data.  ability to think strategically about technology
Management aggregates and disseminates this a desire to take responsibility for developing and
data in the form of information needed to carry out implementing their own ideas
the daily operations of business. Everyone who What are typical career options for MIS
works in business, from someone who pays the Professional?
bills to the person who makes employment  IT Consultant

decisions, uses information systems. A car • Web Developer

dealership could use a computer database to keep • Information Systems Manager

track of which products sell best. A retail store • Business Intelligence Analyst

might use a computer-based information system to • Network Administrator

sell products over the Internet. In fact, many (if not • Business Application Developer

most) businesses concentrate on the alignment of • Systems Analyst

MIS with business goals to achieve competitive • Technical Support Specialist

advantage over other businesses. • Business Analyst

MIS professionals create information systems for • Systems Developer

data management (i.e., storing, searching, and CHARACTERISTICS AND FEATURES OF
-they manage various information systems to meet 1. The business information systems are subject to
the needs of managers, staff and customers the dynamics of business environment and need to
- are able to play a key role in areas such as be flexible enough to absorb the inevitable
information security, integration, and exchange. changes in the information needs of business.
- MIS major, you will learn to design, implement, and use 2. Business information systems need to be
business information systems in innovative ways to proactive.
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your 3. The purpose of business information system is to
cater to the information needs for decision making in
These aspects of the degree are what set the MIS
4. The business information systems have to be
professional apart from a computer science designed keeping in view the availability of financial and
specialist: human resources to the business enterprise.
 Do you enjoy working with people? Key Components of Business Information
 Would you enjoy the chance to work on global System
problems with people from all over the world? Information systems can be described by four of their
 Do you enjoy analyzing and solving problems? key components which are:
 Do you want to create innovative, cutting-edge 1. Decisions
2. Transactions and processing maintenance.
3. Information and its flow 7. MAINTENANCE
4. Individuals or functions involved. The final stage in programming is in maintaining or
What is Program Development? updating the program. This is the stage where the
Program Development is the art of preparing programmer is tasked to keep the program running
and designing necessary structures to come up with smoothly and updated with the developments and
computer instructions that enables the computer to changes in the field where it is used.Programming
solve a problem or perform task. Language
In order to develop computer programs, a Programming Language is a special language used to
programmer has to go through the following stages: write computer programs. Programming languages
1. PLANNING can be used to create programs that control the
This stage involves identifying the problem and behavior of a machine. Moreover, a programming
language is a set of words, symbols and codes that
defining the problem in simpler terms, identifying the
enables humans to communicate with computers.
program requirements (inputs, outputs the formulas
Name of some popular recent programming
needed), and finally, planning for the solution.2. languages.
PROGRAM DESIGN Visual Basics, C# - Popular programming languages
This stage deals with the flow of the program, the way for building Windows and Web applications. Use a
it should produce output and gather inputs, the graphical user interface
interface or the working environment of the program, C/C ++ - Powerful advanced programming languages
and how it should be used. The software developer that emphasize flexibility and fast running times. C++
makes use of tools like algorithms, pseudocodes and is also object-oriented.
flowcharts to develop the design of the program. Java, JavaScript - Java-Flexible and powerful
3. CODING programming language that runs on many different
Once the design process is complete, the actual computer systems. Often used to teach
computer program is written, i.e. the instructions are object-oriented programming.
JavaScript-Scripting language used in Web
written in a computer language. This stage of
applications that provides rich user interfaces for
program development requires following the rules of
Web browsers.
format and syntax (vocabulary, grammar and Python - Simple, yet powerful programming
punctuation. It also requires an extensive knowledge language used for graphics and small applications.
in the programming language he will use. PHP - Programming language used for creating
4. DEBUGGING interactive Web sites.
At this stage the errors in the programs are detected This list is only small sample since there are
and corrected. This stage of program development is thousands of programming languages.
an important process. The process of correcting SYNTAX
mistakes in a program is called debugging. Basically, syntax refers to the protocols followed when a

5. TESTING program is being written. To get the desired output set, it is

In this stage, the program is tested on a number of very important to follow proper syntax when coding. Every

suitable test cases. A test plan of the program has to programming language has different syntax used in creating a

be done at the stage of the program design itself. This program but despite being different their functions and

ensures a thorough understanding of the outputs are the same. In this lesson, we will be using C

specifications. Programming Language.

Documentation is a very essential step in the program Basic Syntax of C Programming Language
development. Documentation help the users and the The C basic syntax consists of header files, main function, and
people who maintain the software. This ensures that program code. This is the most fundamental structure in the C
future modification if required can be done easily. program. A C program necessarily consists of the main
Also it is required during redesigning and function because the execution of the program starts from this
line. Without the main function, the program execution does particular meaning to the compiler.There are 5
not start. types of tokens in C Language, they are:

#include<stdio.h> Header File

int main()  Keywords- are a set of words used for a
{ special purpose in the program. They are
Progra Main Function
printf("Hello World!\n");
m Code reserved words. Some examples are for,
return 0;
while, switch, break, goto, etc.
1. Header Files  Identifiers/Variables - It is a data item in
Header files contain a bunch of files that help the user
the program whose value can be
to include the predefined functions according to his
changed and thus, it is called variable. They
requirements. The header files can be applied using
are a combination of letters and digits.
the preprocessor directive #include.
Syntax:  Constants - Constants are those values
#include<file> or #include “file” that cannot be changed during program
Some of the commonly used header files in C are  Punctuators - Punctuators are used for
as follows:
formatting the C program statements and
File Description
expressions.Examples for punctuations are:
stdio.h Input/Output Functions
conio.h Console Input/Output Functions
 Operators- There are various operators in
stdlib.h General Utility Functions
C that we use in order to perform different
math.h Mathematics Functions
mathematical operations.
string.h String Functions
ctype.h Character Handling Functions For example, these C statement is composed of five
time.h Date and Time Functions tokens.
float.h Limits of Float Types
printf("Hello, World! \n");
limits.h Size of Basic Types
Functions to determine the type
The individual tokens are:
contained in wide character data 1. printf
2. (
2. Main Function 3. "Hello, World! \n"
4. )
The main function is like the main body of the whole
5. ;
programming code. The execution of the program
starts from this line that’s why it is mandatory to have
main function for any C program.
A comment is a simple text that makes the code

Syntax: more descriptive and readable. You should

main(){…} include comments in your code just to clarify
The program codes the user wish to execute should how the code works. Comments are not a
be written inside the curly braces. Other than that, the
mandatory part of the code; you may add them
program won’t run and will generate an error.
according to your convenience.
3. Tokens There are two types of comments:
The C syntax/program consists of a set of
tokens. They may be identifiers, variables,  Single Line–for a single line comments,
symbols. We may assume that they are the symbols // is used before the comment line.
smallest units in the program that convey a  Multi-line– symbols used in multi-line
comments are, /**/, the statement of the Including
comment should be enclosed within /* and
#include<stdio.h> header file
int main()
*/. Main function
must be here.
// This is a single line comment int i;
/* This is a multi-line comment */ Single Line
// Asks for user input
5. Whitespaces Comment
printf("Input: ");
Whitespace is a term that indicate blanks, tabs, scanf(“%d”, &i); Semicolon after
characters and comments in C program. It each statement
serves as a division between two elements of a
statement that would help the compiler identify return 0; Program codes
} enclosed with curly
and decide where one elements end and the
next element starts in a statement. For example, braces.

Program statement Program statement

Element int num;



As you can observe, there’s a whitespace

between the two elements int and num. This is
to determine the ending of the first element int,
and the starting point of the second element

6. Semicolons
Semicolons are provided to terminate the
statement. A Semicolon indicates the start and
end of statement execution.If the semicolon is
not provided, it will generate “Compilation Error”.
For example, the following two statements:

int input;
printf(“Hello World”);

Rules in C Program
1. C is a case sensitive language. Most of the program
statements are in lower case.
2. All statements must necessarily terminate with a
3. Whitespaces should be provided only between variables
and keywords.

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