Comp Prog Notes
Comp Prog Notes
Comp Prog Notes
DATA - consists of raw facts, such as an employee Can help people in their organizations perform task
number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part
numbers, or sales orders. INFORMATION SYSTEM
DATA REPRESENTION - refers to the form in which An information system (IS) is a set of
data is stored, processed, and transmitted. computer-based for collecting, storing, and processing
Data Presented by data. The data give information, contribute to learning as
Alphanumeric data Numbers, letters, and other
well as digital products.
Information systems are operated to track
Image data Graphic images and pictures
inter-organizational supply chains and electronic
Audio data Sound, noise, or tones
markets. For example, businesses use information
Video data Moving images or pictures
systems. They can touch prospect customers and
INFORMATION is a collection of facts organized and
directly message via the Web. Also, they can process
processed so that they have additional value beyond
financial accounts and manage their human resources.
the value of the individual facts.
KNOWLEDGE is the awareness and understanding
1. Organizational Dimension
of a set of information and the ways that information
Information systems have the standard
can be made useful to support a specific task or
reach a decision. operating procedure and culture of an organization
CHARACTERISTIC OF VALUABLE INFORMATION embedded within them. It involves functional specialties,
Accessible - Information should be easily accessible business processes, culture, and political groups.
by authorized users. 2. Management Dimension
Accurate - information is error free.
Information systems supply tools and
Complete - information contains all important facts.
information needed by the managers to allocate,
Economical - information should also be relatively
coordinate, and monitor their work, decide, create new
economical to produce. Decision makers must
always balance the value of information with the cost products and services, and make a long-range strategic
of producing it. decision.
Flexible - information can used for a variety of 3. Technology Dimension
purpose. Management uses technology to carry out their
Relevant - closely connected or appropriate
functions. It consists of – computer hardware/software,
Reliable - information can be trusted by users.
data management technology, networking/telecom
Secure - should be secure from access by
unauthorized users. technology.
MIS Professionals Makes Business Better a desire to work closely with other people
Businesses use information systems at all levels of excellent communication skills
operation to collect, process, and store data. ability to think strategically about technology
Management aggregates and disseminates this a desire to take responsibility for developing and
data in the form of information needed to carry out implementing their own ideas
the daily operations of business. Everyone who What are typical career options for MIS
works in business, from someone who pays the Professional?
bills to the person who makes employment IT Consultant
track of which products sell best. A retail store • Business Intelligence Analyst
sell products over the Internet. In fact, many (if not • Business Application Developer
In this stage, the program is tested on a number of very important to follow proper syntax when coding. Every
suitable test cases. A test plan of the program has to programming language has different syntax used in creating a
be done at the stage of the program design itself. This program but despite being different their functions and
ensures a thorough understanding of the outputs are the same. In this lesson, we will be using C
Documentation is a very essential step in the program Basic Syntax of C Programming Language
development. Documentation help the users and the The C basic syntax consists of header files, main function, and
people who maintain the software. This ensures that program code. This is the most fundamental structure in the C
future modification if required can be done easily. program. A C program necessarily consists of the main
Also it is required during redesigning and function because the execution of the program starts from this
line. Without the main function, the program execution does particular meaning to the compiler.There are 5
not start. types of tokens in C Language, they are:
6. Semicolons
Semicolons are provided to terminate the
statement. A Semicolon indicates the start and
end of statement execution.If the semicolon is
not provided, it will generate “Compilation Error”.
For example, the following two statements:
int input;
printf(“Hello World”);
Rules in C Program
1. C is a case sensitive language. Most of the program
statements are in lower case.
2. All statements must necessarily terminate with a
3. Whitespaces should be provided only between variables
and keywords.