Column Base Plate Design (ASD) : 12 KV Switchgear BLDG Maximum Bending Moment
Column Base Plate Design (ASD) : 12 KV Switchgear BLDG Maximum Bending Moment
Column Base Plate Design (ASD) : 12 KV Switchgear BLDG Maximum Bending Moment
1 Y
n =0.8*Bf =
12.0 B = 25.0
Mx X
3 4
subgrade modulus concrete k = 2076.7*( EA/L) kg/m^2/m.
Section of H‐ Column
D ( cm)= 15 A= base plate area m2
Bf (cm) = 15 L= height of column (m)
E = 2.2146x10^9
70000 kg‐cm.
3.2 determine Mpl of 1 cm-wide strip of plate due to tension in the rod
Mapl= 2518.12*(5.38-7.5)/ (2(*5.38-7.5)) = 1259.1 kg-cm /cm. control
Required plate thickness = 4 * Ma crit x1.67 / Fy = 1.87 cm. > 15mm, added stiffner pl