Code: 3816
[LA 816] APRIL 2012 Sub. Code: 3816
[LB 816] OCTOBER 2012 Sub. Code: 3816
4. What are the cautionary labels needed for the following drugs
according to D & C act? 4 10 min. 6
(a) Schedule G (b) Schedule H (c) vertinary drugs
6. Explain brief about sale of drugs under Drugs and Cosmetics act. 4 10 min. 6
7. What are the Labelling requirements for the following drugs? 4 10 min. 6
a. Alcoholic preparations.
b. Colored preparations.
c. Medicine for external use.
8. Explain the Qualifications and duties of government analyst. 4 10 min. 6
10. What are the ethics of pharmacist in relation to his trade? 4 10 min. 6
[LC 816] APRIL 2013 Sub. Code: 3816
1. Explain about the objectives of pharmacy act and about constitutions and functions of
Pharmacy Council of India.
2. Explain briefly about cultivation, production and sale of opium under Narcotic and
Psychotropic substances act.
5. Discuss in brief about Essential commodities act in relevant to Drug price control
8. Explain about manufacture of drugs under schedule x drugs under Drugs and cosmetics
9. Write about import export and shipment of narcotic and psychotropic substances act.
10. What is the role of excise commission in alcoholic preparations premises under
medicinal and toilet preparations act?
[LD 816] OCTOBER 2013 Sub. Code: 3816
2. Write the difference between manufacture of alcohol in bond and outside bond.
3. Pharmacist’s oath.
8. Loan license.
9. Repacking license.
[LE 816] APRIL 2014 Sub. Code: 3816
1. Define patents. Write the provisions for getting the patents rights quoted in Patents Act.
4. Schedule J.
8. Give the details of narcotic drugs prescribed in Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances
[LF 816] OCTOBER 2014 Sub. Code: 3816
1. Give a brief note on various licenses required for the manufacture of drugs under
Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
2. Give an account on the functions of Pharmacy Council of India constituted under the
Pharmacy Act, 1948.
4. Discuss briefly about Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and Rules.
3. Draw a model label of Schedule H and X drugs including all the labeling requirements.
[LG 816] APRIL 2015 Sub. Code: 3816
1. State the objective of Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) ACT 1955.
Explain the procedure to obtain license to manufacture Medicinal and
Toilet Preparations.
2. Define Patent. Write the provisions for getting the patent rights under patent Act 1970.
3. What are the qualification for the appointment of drug inspectors and explain the duties
of drug inspectors.
4. Write in detail about the categories of licenses for the manufacture of drugs.
3. Schedule – M.
[LH 816] OCTOBER 2015 Sub. Code: 3816
2. List out the different kinds of licenses issuable for wholesale and retail sale of drugs.
[LI 816] APRIL 2016 Sub. Code: 3816
1. Discuss briefly about Drugs and Magic remedies Act and Rules.
3. Discuss salient features of DPCO 1995 and give the calculation for fixing the
retail price of formulations.
[LJ 816] OCTOBER 2016 Sub. Code: 3816
2. Write in detail about import of drugs under Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
[LK 816] MAY 2017 Sub. Code: 3816
1. Write briefly about the bonded laboratory under medicinal and toilet preparations
(Excise duties) Act 1955.
2. Explain in detail about various schedules under the Narcotic drugs and
Psychotropic substances Act 1985. Mention the operations controlled by the
central Government.
3. Write briefly about Drug Inspectors qualification, inspection of premises and for
taking samples of drugs from manufacturer and their despatches to Government
4. Discuss briefly about objectives and salient features of national drug policy 2002
[LL 816] OCTOBER 2017 Sub. Code: 3816
3. Write briefly about the role of central government to permit, control and regulate
under the Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
1. Write in detail about the requirements of drug manufacturing units as per schedule
M under drug and cosmetic ACT 1940 and rules there under.
2. Discuss about constitution of pharmacy council of India (PCI). Give the functions
and duties of PCI.
4. Write in detail about the salient features of prevention of cruelty to animals Act
1. Describe the labeling conditions specified in the Drugs and Cosmetic Rules.
2. Justify the enactment of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act in safeguarding the
health of the public.
4. Write the rules and regulations to be followed for essential commodities under
Essential commodities.