BP405TT Merged
BP405TT Merged
BP405TT Merged
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Subject Code: BP405TT
Scope: This course is designed to impart basic knowledge on important legislations related to the
profession of pharmacy in India
Course Content:
Sr No Topics %
1. Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its rules 1945: 10
Objectives, Definitions, Legal definitions of schedules to the Act and Rules
Import of drugs – Classes of drugs and cosmetics prohibited from import, Import
under license or permit. Offences and penalties.
Manufacture of drugs – Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs,
Conditions for grant of license and conditions of license for manufacture of
drugs, Manufacture of drugs for test, examination and analysis, manufacture of
new drug, loan license and repacking license.
2. Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and its rules 1945. 10
Detailed study of Schedule G, H, M, N, P,T,U, V, X, Y, Part XII B, Sch F &
Sale of Drugs – Wholesale, Retail sale and Restricted license. Offences and
Labeling & Packing of drugs- General labeling requirements and specimen
labels for drugs and cosmetics, List of permitted colors. Offences and penalties.
Administration of the Act and Rules – Drugs Technical Advisory Board, Central
Laboratory, Drugs Consultative Committee, Government drug analysts,
authorities, controlling authorities, Drugs Inspectors
3. Pharmacy Act –1948: Objectives, Definitions, Pharmacy Council of 10
India; its constitution and functions, Education Regulations, State and
Joint state pharmacy councils; constitution and functions, Registration
of Pharmacists, Offences and Penalties
Medicinal and Toilet Preparation Act –1955: Objectives, Definitions,
Licensing, Manufacture In bond and Outside bond, Export of alcoholic
preparations, Manufacture of Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Patent &
Proprietary Preparations. Offences and Penalties.
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w.e.f. AY 2017-18
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Subject Code: BP405TT
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances Act-1985 and Rules:
Objectives, Definitions, Authorities and Officers, Constitution and
Functions of narcotic & Psychotropic Consultative Committee,
National Fund for Controlling the Drug Abuse, Prohibition, Control and
Regulation, opium poppy cultivation and production of poppy straw,
manufacture, sale and export of opium, Offences and Penalties
Study of Salient Features of Drugs and Magic Remedies Act and its 8
4. rules: Objectives, Definitions, Prohibition of certain advertisements, Classes of
Exempted advertisements, Offences and Penalties
Prevention of Cruelty to animals Act-1960: Objectives, Definitions,
Institutional Animal Ethics Committee, CPCSEA guidelines for
Breeding and Stocking of Animals, Performance of Experiments,
Transfer and acquisition of animals for experiment, Records, Power to
suspend or revoke registration, Offences and Penalties
National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority: Drugs Price Control
Order (DPCO)- 2013. Objectives, Definitions, Sale prices of bulk drugs,
Retail price of formulations, Retail price and ceiling price of scheduled
formulations, National List of EssentialMedicines (NLEM)
5. Pharmaceutical Legislations – A brief review, Introduction, Study of 7
drugs enquiry committee, Health survey and development committee,
Hathi committee and Mudaliar committee
Code of Pharmaceutical ethics D efinition, Pharmacist in relation to
his job, trade, medical profession and his profession, Pharmacist’s oath
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
Right to Information Act
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
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w.e.f. AY 2017-18
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Q.1 (a) Explain the conditions for the issue of License to manufacture schedule C, C1 and X 06
(b) What is schedule M? Explain its provision in manufacture of drugs. 05
(c) Write a short note on Loan License and Repacking License. 05
Q.2 (a) What is PTC? Discus function and constitution of PTC. 06
(b) Write a short note on DTAB and CDL 05
(c) Explain qualification and duties of government analyst. 05
Q.3 (a) What is schedule N? Explain its provision in manufacture of drugs. 06
(b) Explain Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. 05
(c) State objective and function of DPCO Act-2013 05
Q.4 (a) Give the function of narcotic and psychotropic substances. 06
(b) Write a note on manufacturing in bonded Laboratories as per Medical & Toilet 05
Preparation Act.
(c) Write in detail about IPR. 05
Q.5 (a) Explain the full form of DI. Discuss the power and duties of DI. 06
(b) What is the code of Ethics for the pharmacist in relation to his job? 05
(c) Explain the following terms: 05
i) Adulterated drug ii) Spurious Drug iii) Cannabis
iv) Chemists & Druggists v) Advertisements
Q. 6 (a) Explain the rules of drug and magic remedies Act. 06
(b) What classes of drug are prohibited to be imported in India. 05
(c) Discuss constitution and function of State Pharmacy Council 05
Q.7 (a) Write provisions for prevention of cruelty to Animal Act 1960. 06
(b) Give procedure and qualification for entry of name as a pharmacist in first register. 05
(c) What are the special labeling requirements for following category: 05
i) 1. Schedule –G drug.
ii) 2. Ophthalmic Preparation.
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Q.1 (a) Explain the conditions for the issue of licence to manufacture schedule C, C1 06
and X drugs.
(b) Give statement of i) Schedule F ii) Schedule G iii) Schedule U iv) Schedule J 05
v) Schedule H as per Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
(c) What is schedule M? Explain its provision in manufacture of drugs. 05
Q.2 (a) Write a note on pharmacist relation to job, medical profession and his 06
(b) Write the constitution and functions of DTAB. 05
(c) Define as per D & C act and rules i) Chemists ii) Spurious drugs iii) 05
Adulterated drugs iv) Cosmetics v) Ayurvedic drugs.
Q.3 (a) Write a note on central drug laboratory. 06
(b) Give a note on provisions medical termination pregnancy Act. 05
(c) Write about offences and Penalties related to Narcotic & Psychotropic 05
substances Act-1985 and Rules.
Q.4 (a) Write the constitution and functions of PCI. 06
(b) Define Registered Pharmacist. Discuss the procedure for subsequent 05
(c) Give the detail note on drugs enquiry committee and its recommendation. 05
Q.5 (a) Discuss the operations which are totally prohibited and controlled by central 06
government and state government under narcotic drugs and psychotropic
substances act.
(b) What are the special labeling requirements for following category: 05
(i) Schedule - G drugs (ii) Ophthalmic preparations.
(c) Write a short note on Bonded Laboratory. 05
Q. 6 (a) Write a short note on definitions, objective and prohibited advertisements of 06
drugs and magic remedies act.
(b) Write a short note on Right to Information Act. 05
(c) What are the provisions of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals act? 05
Q.7 (a) Write a short note on powers and duties of drugs Inspectors. 06
(a) Write a short note on Drugs Price Control Order-2013. 06
(a) What are offences and penalties in prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act-1960? 06
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Seat No.: _____ Enrolment No. _____________
Q.1 (a) Define: Cosmetics, Allopathic drugs, Chemist and druggist, Pharmacist, 06
Adulterated drugs, Patent and proprietary medicines
(b) Write the constitution and functions of DTAB. 05
(c) Explain the function of PCI (Pharmacy Council Of India). 05
Q.2 (a) Write a detailed note on licensing procedure for the preparations containing 06
alcohol and narcotics.
(b) Write a short note on powers and duties of drugs Inspectors. 05
(c) Write a short note on special provisions for opium. 05
Q.3 (a) Write a short note on definitions, objective and prohibited advertisements of 06
drugs and magic remedies act.
(b) Write a short note on registration of pharmacist. 05
(c) How the retail price of formulation is calculated? 05
Q.4 (a) Write a note on pharmacist relation to trade and job. 06
(b) Write a short note on pharmacist oath. 05
(c) Give the types of patterns. 05
Q.5 (a) Give a note on provisions medical termination pregnancy Act, 1971. 06
(b) Write a note on central drug laboratory. 05
(c) Write a note on loan license. 05
Q. 6 (a) Give the detail note on hathi and mudalier committee. 06
(b) Give statement of drugs and cosmetics ACT,1940. 05
Schedule D, Schedule J, Schedule K, Schedule N, Schedule X.
(c) Write CPCSEA guidelines for Breeding and Stocking of Animals. 05
Q.7 (a) Write a short note on DPCO-2013. 06
(b) Write a short note on Right to Information Act. 05
(c) Write in details of IPR. 05