Sikagard-62 Uk
Sikagard-62 Uk
Sikagard-62 Uk
Edition 05/02/2009
Identification no:
01 06 06 01 001 0 000001
Product Sikagard -62 is a 2-pack solvent-free high build coating material based on epoxy
Product Data
Appearance / Colours Resin - Part A: Coloured, liquid
Hardener - Part B: Transparent, liquid
Pebble grey (RAL 7032). Additional colour shades on request.
Under sun radiation it may come to discolouration and colour deviation; this has no
influence to the function of the coating.
Packaging Part A: 3.75 kg containers
Part B: 1.25 kg, containers
Part A+B: 5.0 kg ready to mix units
Storage Conditions/ 12 months from date of production if stored properly in undamaged sealed
Shelf-Life containers in dry conditions at temperatures between +5°C and +30°C.
Technical Data
Chemical Base Epoxy resin
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Density Part A: ~ 1.45 kg/litre
Part B: ~ 1.02 kg/litre
Mixed resin: ~ 1.37 kg/litre
All density values at +23°C
Solid Content ~ 100% (by volume), ~ 100% (by weight)
Mechanical / Physical
Bond Strength > 1.5 N/mm² (failure in concrete) ISO 4624
Chemical Resistance See separate chemical resistance list
Thermal Resistance
Exposure* Dry heat
Permanent +50°C
Short-term max. 7 d +80°C
Short-term max. 12 h +100°C
System Structure Roller coating:
Primer: 1 x Sikagard®-62
Coating: 2 - 3 x Sikagard -62
Glass fabric reinforced system:
Primer: 1 x Sikagard®-62
Coating: 1 x Sikagard®-62 imbedding of glass fabric
2 - 3 x Sikagard®-62
Application Details
Consumption / Dosage
Coating System Product Consumption
Roller coating
Priming Sikagard -62 0.3 - 0.5 kg/m²
Roller coating Sikagard -62 0.4 - 1.0 kg/m² per coat,
depending on substrate
condition and coating
thickness required
Glass fabric reinforced system
Priming Sikagard -62 0.3 - 0.5 kg/m²
st ®
1 coat Sikagard -62 0.8 - 1.0 kg/m²
Imbedding Glass fabric Approx. 0.3 kg/m²
nd ®
2 coat Sikagard -62 0.5 - 0.8 kg/m²
rd ®
3 coat Sikagard -62 0.3 - 0.5 kg/m²
For a theoretical dry film thickness of 100 microns (0.1 mm) approx. 0.14 kg/m².
These figures are theoretical and do not include for any additional material required
due to surface porosity, surface profile, variations in level or wastage etc.
Substrate Quality The concrete substrate must be sound and of sufficient compressive strength
(minimum 25 N/mm2) with a minimum pull off strength of 1.5 N/mm2.
The substrate must be clean, dry and free of all contaminants such as dirt, oil,
grease, coatings and surface treatments, etc.
If in doubt apply a test area first.
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Substrate Preparation Concrete substrates must be prepared mechanically using abrasive blast cleaning
or scarifying equipment to remove cement laitance and achieve an open textured
Weak concrete must be removed and surface defects such as blowholes and voids
must be fully exposed.
Repairs to the substrate, filling of blowholes/voids and surface levelling must be
® ® ®
carried out using appropriate products from the Sikafloor , SikaDur and Sikagard
range of materials.
The concrete or screed substrate has to be primed or levelled in order to achieve
an even surface.
High spots must be removed by e.g. grinding.
All dust, loose and friable material must be completely removed from all surfaces
before application of the product, preferably by brush and/or vacuum.
Steel and iron surfaces must be sandblasted (SA 2 ½).
Conditions /
Substrate Temperature +8°C min, +30 °C max
Ambient Temperature +8C min, +30 °C max
Substrate Moisture 4% moisture content. Test method: Sika®-Tramex or CM.
No rising moisture according to ASTM (Polyethylene-sheet).
Relative Air Humidity 80% r.h. max
Dew Point Beware of condensation!
The substrate and uncured floor must be at least 3ºC above the dew point to
reduce the risk of condensation or blooming on the floor finish.
Mixing Ratio / Dosage Part A : Part B = 75 : 25 (by weight)
Mixing Time Prior to mixing stir Part A mechanically. When all of Part B has been added to Part
A continuously mix for 3 minutes until a uniform mix has been achieved.
To ensure thorough mixing pour materials into another container and mix again to
achieve a consistent mix.
Over mixing must be avoided to reduce air entrainment.
Mixing Tools Sikagard®-62 must be mechanically mixed using an electric power stirrer (300 -
400 rpm) or other suitable equipment.
Application Method / Prior to application, confirm substrate moisture content, r.h and dew point.
Sikagard®-62 , can be applied with a distemper brush, a short-piled, solvent
resistant, non-fuzzy roller or by airless spray equipment
Depending on the type of application we recommend advice is sought from the
spray equipment supplier on the type of equipment, tip and filter size, etc, specific
for the spraying application. As a guide a tip orifice diameter between 19-23 thou
should be considered.
Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and application equipment with Thinner C immediately after use.
Hardened/cured material can only be mechanically removed.
Potlife Max. open times
Temperatures Time
+10°C ~ 30 mins
+20°C ~ 20 mins
+30°C ~ 10 mins
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Waiting Time / Before applying Sikagard®-62 on Sikagard®-62 allow:
Substrate Temperature minimum maximum
+10°C 30 hours 3 days
+20°C 10 hours 2 days
+30°C 6 hours 1 days
Curing Details
Applied Product ready
for use
Temperature Foot Traffic Light Traffic Full cure
+ 10°C ~ 2 days ~ 5 days ~ 14 days
+ 20°C ~ 1 days ~ 4 days ~ 10 days
+ 30°C ~ 18 hours ~ 2 days ~ 5 days
Value Base All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are based on laboratory tests.
Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.
Local Restrictions Please note that as a result of specific local regulations the performance of this
product may vary from country to country. Please consult the local Product Data
Sheet for the exact description of the application fields.
Health and Safety For information and advice on the safe handling, storage and disposal of chemical
products, users shall refer to the most recent Material Safety Data Sheet containing
Information physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.
Legal Notes The information, and, in particular, the recommendations relating to the application
and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current
knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and
applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. In
practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such
that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose,
nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information, or from any written recommendations, or from any other
advice offered. The user of the product must test the product’s suitability for the
intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties
of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must be observed. All orders
are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data Sheet for the product
concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
Sika Limited
Welwyn Garden City
Hertfordshire Phone +44 1707 394444
AL7 1BQ Telefax +44 1707 329129
United Kingdom, email: [email protected] ISO 14001 ISO 9001
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