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IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE)

e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 18, Issue 2, Ver. V (Mar-Apr. 2016), PP 64-69

An Approach to Sentiment Analysis using Artificial Neural

Network with Comparative Analysis of Different Techniques
Pranali Borele1, Dilipkumar A. Borikar 2
(M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management Nagpur, India )
(Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management Nagpur, India)

Abstract : Sentiment Analysis is the process of identifying whether the opinion or reviews expressed in a piece of work is
positive, negative or neutral. Sentiment analysis is useful in social media monitoring to automatically characterize the
overall feeling or mood of consumers as replicated in social media toward a specific brand or company and determine
whether they are viewed positively or negatively on the web Sentiment Analysis has been widely used in classification of
review of products and movie review ratings. This paper reviews the machine learning-based approaches to sentiment
analysis and brings out the salient features of techniques in place. The prominently used techniques and methods in machine
learning-based sentiment analysis include - Naïve Bayes, Maximum Entropy and Support Vector Machine, K-nearest
neighbour classification. Naïve Bayes has very simple representation but doesn't allow for rich hypotheses. Also the
assumption of independence of attributes is too constraining. Maximum Entropy estimates the probability distribution from
data, but it performs well with only dependent features. For SVM may provide the right kernel, but lacks the standardized
way for dealing with multi-class problems. For improving the performance regarding correlation and dependencies between
variables, an approach combining neural networks and fuzzy logic is often used.
Keywords - Machine Learning, Maximum Entropy, Naïve Bayes, Neural Network, Sentiment analysis, Support
Vector Machine.

Sentiment mainly refers to feelings, emotions, opinion or attitude. With the rapid increase of World Wide Web,
people frequently express their sentiments over internet through social media, blogs, rating and reviews. Due to
this increase in the textual data, there is a need to analyze the concept of expressing sentiments and calculate the
insights for exploring business. Business owners and advertising companies often employ sentiment analysis to
start new business strategies and advertising campaign.

Sentiment analysis can be used in different fields for various purposes. For example in Online Commerce,
sentiment analysis is extensively incorporated in e-Commerce activities. Websites allow their users to record
their experience about shopping and product qualities. They provide summary for the product and different
features of the product by assigning ratings or scores. Customers can easily view opinions and recommendation
information on whole product as well as specific product features. Voice-of-the-Market (VOM) is about
determining what customers are feeling about products or services of competitors. Voice-of-the-Customer
(VOC) is concern about what individual customer is saying about products or services. It means analyzing the
reviews and feedback of the customers. Brand Reputation Management (BRM) is concern about managing
reputation in market. Opinions from customers or any other parties can damage or strengthen the reputation of
business .
Machine learning algorithms are very helpful to classify and predict whether a particular document have
positive or negative sentiment. Machine learning is categorized in two types known as supervised and
unsupervised machine learning algorithms. Supervised learning algorithm uses a labelled dataset where each
document of training set is labelled with appropriate sentiment, whereas, unsupervised learning include
unlabelled dataset where text is not labelled with appropriate sentiments.
This paper primarily focuses on applying supervised learning techniques on a labeled dataset. Sentiment
analysis is usually implemented on three levels namely sentence level, document level and aspect level.
Document Level sentiment classification aims at classifying the entire document or topic as positive or negative.
Sentence level sentiment classification considers the polarity of individual sentence of a document whereas
aspect level sentiment classification first identifies the different aspects of a corpus and then for each document
the polarity is calculated with respect to the obtained aspects for exploring business [18].

Sentiment analysis plays an important role in opinion mining. It is generally used when consumers have to make
a decision or a choice regarding a product along with its reputation which is derived from the opinion of others.
Sentiment analysis can reveal what other people think about a product. According to the wisdom of the crowd
DOI: 10.9790/0661-1802056469 www.iosrjournals.org 64 | Page
An approach to sentiment analysis using Artificial Neural Network with comparative analysis of
sentiment analysis gives indication and recommendation for the choice of product. A single global rating could
change perspective regarding that product. Another application of sentiment analysis is for companies who want
to know the review of customers on their products. Sentiment analysis can also determine which features are
more important for the customers. Knowing what people think provides numerous possibilities in the
Human/Machine interface domain. Sentiment analysis for determining the opinion of a customer on a product is
a non-trivial phase in analyzing the business activities like brand management, product planning, etc. The figure
1 shows the general process flow.

Fig.1 A general process flow using machine learning techniques

Pang, Lee and Vaithyanathan [1] have done sentiment classification based on categorization feature
categorizing sentiments as positive and negative using three different machines learning algorithms i.e., Naïve
Bayes classification, Support Vector machine, and Maximum Entropy classification. These techniques are
augmented with the use of n-grams. Their experimentation reveals that the SVMs perform better as compared to
Naïve Bayes technique.
The structured reviews are used for testing and training and identifying features. This is followed by scoring
methods to determine whether the reviews are positive or negative. The classifiers namely NB and SVM are
used to classify the sentences obtained from web search through search query using product name as search
condition. When operating on individual sentences collected from web searches, performance is limited due to
noise and ambiguity. But in the context of a complete web-based tool and helped by a simple method for
grouping sentences into attributes, the results are qualitatively quite useful [2]. Among SVM, NB and ME
classification techniques for sentiments, Naïve Bayes has been found to achieve better performance over SVM
K-nearest neighbor classification (kNN) is based on the assumption that the classification of an instance is most
similar to classification of other instances that are nearby in the vector space. In comparison to the other text
classification methods like Naive Bayes, KNN does not depend on prior probabilities and it is computationally
efficient [6].

An approach based on artificial neural networks to divide the document into positive, negative and fuzzy tone
has been proposed by Jian,Chen and Han-shi. The said approach uses recursive least squares back propagation
training algorithm and in the research, sentiment analysis was performed on a large data set of tweets using
Hadoop and the performance was measured in form of speed and accuracy. The results show that the technique
shows very good efficiency in handling big sentiment data sets than the small datasets. [7].

Chen, Liu and Chiu have proposed a Neural Network based approach to classify sentiment in blogospheres by
combining the advantages of the BPN and SO indexes. Compared with traditional techniques such as BPN and
SO indexes, the proposed approach delivers more accurate results. It is found to improve classification accuracy
and also reduction in training time [8].


3.1 The machine learning method
It incorporates machine learning algorithms to deduce the sentiment by training on a known dataset. This
approach to sentiment classification is supervised and allows effective text classification. Machine learning
classification necessitates two different sets of documents, namely for training and testing. A training set is used

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An approach to sentiment analysis using Artificial Neural Network with comparative analysis of
by an automatic classifier to learn and differentiate attributes of documents, and a test set is used to check the
performance of the automatic classifier. There are many machine learning techniques adopted to classify the
reviews. Machine learning techniques like NB, ME, and SVM have achieved better performances in text

3.1.1 Naïve Bayes

It is one of the most effective, widely used and a simple approach for text classification. In this approach, first
the prior probability of an entity being a class is calculated and the final probability is calculated by multiplying
the prior probability with the likelihood. The method is Naïve in the sense that it assumes every word in the text
to be independent. This assumption makes it easier to implement but less accurate.

3.1.2 Support Vector Machines (SVM)

It is also used for text classification based on a discriminative classifier. The approach is based on the principle
of structural risk minimization. First the training data points are separated into two different classes based on a
decided decision criteria or surface. The decision is based on the support vectors selected in the training set.
Among the different variants of SVM, the multiclass SVM is used for sentiment analysis. The centroid
classification algorithm first calculates the centroid vector for every training class. Then the similarities between
a document and all the centroids are calculated and the document is assigned a class based on these similarities

3.1.3 The K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN)

This approach finds the K nearest neighbors of a text document among the training documents. The
classification is done on the basis of the similarity score of the class to the neighbor document. Winnow is
another commonly used approach. The system first predicts a class for a particular document and then receives
feedback. In presence of false classification (i.e., error) the system updates its weight vectors accordingly. This
process is repeated over a collection of sufficiently large set of training data.

3.1.4 Maximum Entropy

In Maximum Entropy Classifier, no assumptions are taken regarding the relationship between features. This
classifier always tries to maximize the entropy of the system by estimating the conditional distribution of the
class label.

3.1.5 Artificial Neural Network

A neural network has emerged as an important tool for classification. During past decade neural network
classification has established as a promising alternative to various conventional classification methods. The
neural network with appropriate network structure can handle the correlation/dependence between input
variables. The advantage of neural networks lies in the following theoretical aspects. First, neural networks are
data driven self-adaptive methods in that they can adjust themselves to the data without any explicit
specification of functional or distributional form for the underlying model. Second, they are universal functional
approximates in that neural networks can approximate any function with arbitrary accuracy. Since any
classification procedure seeks a functional relationship between the group membership and the attributes of the
object, accurate identification of this underlying function is doubtlessly important.

3.2 The lexicon-based approach

It mostly deals with estimation of sentiment polarity for the input text such as blog, review, comment, etc. using
subjectivity and opinion orientation of the text. By using the semantic orientation of words or sentences in the
review, the lexicon-based approach evaluates sentiment polarity for the review. Lexicon Based techniques
generally work on an assumption that the polarity of a document or any sentence is the sum of polarities of the
individual words or phrases.

3.3 The rule-based approach

These approaches involve use of semantic dictionaries. The process creates dictionary for polarity, negation
words, booster words, idioms, emoticons, mixed opinions etc. The rule-based approach focuses on opinion
words in a document and then classifies the text as positive or negative. The machine-learning based classifier is
significantly better than rule based approach. The main advantage of the rule-based approach is that no training
phase is required. The rule-based approach fails to ascertain the polarity of the text when the number of positive
words and the number of negative words are equal.
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An approach to sentiment analysis using Artificial Neural Network with comparative analysis of
3.4 Statistical model
Statistical models treats each review as a mixture of latent aspects and ratings. It is assumed that aspects and
their ratings can be represented by multinomial distributions and the head terms may be grouped into aspects
and sentiments providing proper ratings. A multiclass sentiment analysis problem can be addressed by
combining statistics-based method with sentiment lexicon.



SVM 82.9%
1 Pane et al.[12] Supervised Movie Review NB 81.5%
ME 81%
2 Abbasi et al.[13] Supervised Movie Review SVM 95.5%
Movie Review bank
3 Turney [14] Unsupervised PMI 66%
and automobile
4 Harb et al.[15] Unsupervised Movie Review LEXICON 71%
5 Zhang et al. [16] Hybrid Twitter tweets 85.4%
6 Fang et al. [17] Hybrid Multi domain 66.8%
SVM have been used widely for movie reviews while NB has been applied to reviews and web discourse. In
comparisons SVM gives better performance than other classifiers such as NB. [13].
The unsupervised learning algorithm is used for rating a review as thumbs up or down.
The algorithm has three steps:
(1) Extract phrases containing adjectives or adverbs,
(2) Estimate the semantic orientation of each phrase, and
(3) Classify the review based on the average semantic orientation of the phrases.
The algorithm step is important, which uses PMI-IR to calculate semantic orientation. But this technique finds
that movie reviews datasets are difficult to classify thus the accuracy on movie reviews is about 66%. On the
other hand, for banks and automobiles, the accuracy is 80% to 84% [14]. For the classification, technique used
to calculate positive or negative orientation by computing the difference between the number of positive and
negative adjectives encountered then count the number of positive adjectives, then the number of negative
adjectives, and simply compute the difference. If the result is positive (resp. negative), the document will be
classified in the positive (resp. negative) category. Otherwise, the document is considered to be neutral. To
improve the classification result, extend the method to consider any adverbs or other words used to invert the
polarities (e.g. not, neither, nor, etc.) [15].
The method first adopts a lexicon based approach to perform entity-level sentiment analysis. This method can
give high precision, but low recall. To improve recall, additional tweets that are likely to be opinionated are
identified automatically by exploiting the information in the result of the lexicon-based method. A classifier is
then trained to assign polarities to the entities in the newly identified tweets. Instead of being labelled manually,
the training examples are given by the lexicon-based approach. Experimental results show that the proposed
method dramatically improves the recall and the F-score, and outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines [16].
Fang and Chen developed a method to incorporate the lexicon knowledge into machine learning algorithms such
as SVM to improve sentiment learning [17].


The proposed approach effectively classifies movie review in positive and negative polarities and to increase the
accuracy of sentiment analysis. It incorporates neural network and fuzzy logic. Neural network is well trained
for handling the correlations an inter dependencies.

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An approach to sentiment analysis using Artificial Neural Network with comparative analysis of

Fig.2 Proposed Approach

4.1 Dataset
The dataset contains movie reviews along with their associated binary sentiment polarity labels. It is intended to
serve as a benchmark for sentiment classification. The core dataset contains 50,000 reviews split evenly into 25k
train and 25k test sets. The overall distribution of labels is balanced (25k positive and 25k negative)also include
an additional 50,000 unlabeled documents for unsupervised learning.

4.2 Pre-Processing
Following are steps in preprocessing.
1) Stop word removal
2) Symbol removal
3) POS tagging (Part Of Speech).
 Stanford POS tagging is used for our study.
 This method finds actual parts of speech using the English parser mode.
 The POS Tagging on the input sentence and uses Verb, Adverb and Adjectives only.
 It uses the standard Penn Treebank POS tag sets.
For example: The movie was not quite good. After the Removal of stop word Output is [Movie,
not, quite, good] after POS Tagging result is [Movie/NN, not/RB, quite/JJ, good/JJ].

4.3 Feature Extraction

When the input data is too large to be processed then transforming the input data into the set of feature is called
feature extraction. If the features extracted properly from the data than it is expected that will perform the
needed task. The feature extraction method, extracts the feature (adjective) from the dataset. Then this adjective
is used to show the positive and negative polarity in a sentence which is useful for determining the
opinion/sentiment of the individuals using unigram model .Unigram model extracts the adjective and separates
it. It discards the preceding and successive word occurring with the adjective in the sentences.

4.4 Training And Classification

Supervised learning is an important technique for solving classification problems. In the proposed system we
have used Artificial Neural Network for the classification of sentiments. It works in two phases i.e. Training and
Testing. The training phase incorporates training number of positive and negative comments using IMDB
review dataset. After that assign weights to each comment in the training phase and also apply fuzzy logic to
remove the negations like not, never etc. It helps to gain the accuracy in terms of correlations and dependencies.
The main purpose of training is to create the dictionary of weights of positive comments. It is need to be trained
till the original positive comment will become positive. The next phase is to test the reviews. The reviews will
be tested on the basis of the trained weighted dictionary. ANN preforms propagation i.e. back propagation, to
train the system, by activation of neurons on hidden layer. This step begins training process of BPN by using
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An approach to sentiment analysis using Artificial Neural Network with comparative analysis of
training data set. The back-propagation algorithm includes a forward pass and a backward pass. The purpose of
the forward pass is to obtain the activation value and. The backward pass is to adjust weights and biases
according to the difference between the desired and actual network outputs. These two passes will go through
iteratively until the network converges. The feed-forward network training by back-propagation algorithm can
be summarized as follows.

1. For each training pattern (presented in random order):

 Apply the inputs to the network.
 Calculate the output for every neuron from the input layer, through the hidden layer(s), to the output
 Calculate the error at the outputs.
 Use the output error to compute error signals for pre-output layers.
 Use the error signals to compute weight adjustments.
 Apply the weight adjustments.
2. Periodically evaluate the network performance.
3. After the training we test whether the review is positive or negative.

Applying Sentiment analysis to mine the large amount of unstructured data has become an important research
problem. Now business organizations and individuals are putting forward their efforts to find the best system for
sentiment analysis. Some of the algorithms have been used in sentiment analysis to gives good results, but no
technique can resolve all the challenges. Most of the researchers reported that Support Vector Machines (SVM)
has high accuracy than other algorithms, but it also has limitations.To overcome limitation of some techniques,
our study focus is on the machine learning approaches and use of artificial neural networks (ANN) in sentiment
classification and analysis. Our study suggests that the ANN implementations would result in improved
classification, combining the best of artificial neural network with fuzzy logic.

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