A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach For Consumer Sentiment Analysis Using Qualitative User-Generated Contents
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach For Consumer Sentiment Analysis Using Qualitative User-Generated Contents
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach For Consumer Sentiment Analysis Using Qualitative User-Generated Contents
With the fastest growth of information and communication technology (ICT), the availability of web con-
tent on social media platforms is increasing day by day. Sentiment analysis from online reviews drawing
researchers’ attention from various organizations such as academics, government, and private industries.
Sentiment analysis has been a hot research topic in Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Process-
ing (NLP). Currently, Deep Learning (DL) techniques are implemented in sentiment analysis to get excellent
results. This study proposed a hybrid convolutional neural network-long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM)
model for sentiment analysis. Our proposed model is being applied with dropout, max pooling, and batch nor-
malization to get results. Experimental analysis carried out on Airlinequality and Twitter airline sentiment
datasets. We employed the Keras word embedding approach, which converts texts into vectors of numeric
values, where similar words have small vector distances between them. We calculated various parameters,
such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-measure, to measure the model’s performance. These parameters
for the proposed model are better than the classical ML models in sentiment analysis. Our results analysis
demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms with 91.3% accuracy in sentiment analysis.
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Natural language processing; Machine learning; •
Information systems → World Wide Web;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Convolutional neural network, long short-term memory, deep learning,
sentiment analysis, social media, word embedding 84
ACM Reference format:
Praphula Kumar Jain, Vijayalakshmi Saravanan, and Rajendra Pamula. 2021. A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep
Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis Using Qualitative User-Generated Contents. ACM
Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process. 20, 5, Article 84 (July 2021), 15 pages.
Authors’ addresses: P. K. Jain, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian
School of Mines), Dhanbad, JH, 826004, India; email: [email protected]; V. Saravanan, Department of Software En-
gineering, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA; email: [email protected]; R. Pamula, Department
of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, JH, 826004, India;
email: [email protected].
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ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 84. Publication date: July 2021.
84:2 P. K. Jain et al.
With the rapid growth of information and communication technology, Internet users are increas-
ing daily; due to that drastic increase, the Web 2.0 trend has come into existence [36]. Web 2.0
is mainly described by social media engagements in terms of user-generated content. The main
features of Web 2.0 are collaborating information sharing and user interactions on the online plat-
form, which leads to a tremendous amount of text information on various topics. Hence, the social
media platform becomes an essential part of information sharing and social networking. The social
media appearance and popularity like Twitter, Facebook, and online review websites, have found
the attraction of Web 2.0 generation [15].
With the exponential increase of social media information and messaging data, sentiment anal-
ysis using online reviews is getting massive attention from various organizations (e.g., private,
government, and academia) [26]. There is a lot of social media mining going on online review; a
few examples are connection, content, and user data [16]. Evaluation and analysis of qualitative
content of social media information to get essential aspects is a valuable contribution in the field of
travel and tourism management [43], scientific research [19], and consumer behavior analysis [2].
In the existing literature, many scholars focused their study on various application areas, such as
news analysis [9], prediction election results [28], and healthcare [1]. The study of sentimental
analysis of qualitative content based on emotional detection or opinion mining has become an
attractive research field for many scholars [32, 42].
In the existing literature, scholars are using various computational models in sentiment
analysis to obtain insights from qualitative information, NLP, and text mining (TM) to detect
individual emotions or opinions [4, 44]. Proposing an accurate model in improving sentiment
or emotion classification performance is the primary constraint of such studies. In the current
scenario, sentiment analysis is the most popular strategy in textual content to get consumer
opinions or sentiments and formulate a new model. Furthermore, the study on sentiment analysis
encompasses different aspects of the domain and covers various technical information carvings.
Due to this fact, sentiment analysis is a new area of research in knowledge fusion using machine
learning (ML) and an attractive topic of research in the field of artificial intelligence [11, 33].
In the recent research era, online reviews provide an opportunity in business growth by explor-
ing consumer reviews in understanding perception and how they can use these perceptions for
consumer service improvement in this cutting-edge competition. Online review data are unstruc-
tured; there are possibilities of irregularities, ambiguities, and a massive volume of data that be-
comes challenging in nature while analyzing manually [10, 22]. We have used the proposed hybrid
convolutional neural network–long short-term memory (CNN-LSTM) model for sentiment
analysis in extracting opinions from the qualitative content to make it faster and efficient. Senti-
ment analysis is one of NLP’s critical areas of research. Sentiment analysis is the method by which
views are identified and extracted from a piece of text. Sentiment analysis predicts whether a given
text is either positive, negative, or neutral. Sentiment analysis takes unstructured reviews of users
and offers insights about the review.
This article implements a hybrid model that combines CNN and LSTM. We used the convolution
layer to extract features from the text and the LSTM model to determine long-term dependence
between word sequences. CNN recognizes patterns across space, and LSTM learns patterns across
time. We used a combination of these two models, which will exploit both neural network models’
properties. There are different ways of performing sentiment analysis, such as document-wise,
sentence-wise, and aspect-wise sentiment analysis. We have focused on document view sentiment
analysis in which we take a review and classify it as positive or negative. In addition, classification
can be supervised and unsupervised. In this study, we used supervised learning because collected
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A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:3
reviews are already labeled previously. We also compared the proposed model in terms of accuracy
with various ML models, such as Naive Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree
(DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), CNN, and LSTM.
The rest of the article is structured as follows. Section 2 presents a literature review on this
study’s related work, with the beauty of online reviews in classifying consumer sentiment. In
this clime, the theoretical model related to our work and research questions are also presented.
Section 3 presents the suggested research techniques, and Section 4 presents the proposed hybrid
model in sentiment classification. Section 5 shows the results of our implementation. Section 6
presents a discussion of our implementation strategy and findings. Finally, Section 7 concludes
our research work and provides future directions with this study’s limitations.
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84:4 P. K. Jain et al.
also achieved significant results with lesser convolution layers on movie reviews and the Stanford
sentiment tree bank dataset.
ht = ot • tanh(c t ), (5)
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A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:5
Fig. 1. The internal architecture of a stan- Fig. 2. The architecture of a standard LSTM
dard LSTM module. model.
where W and U represents the input weights and recurrent connections, respectively. All small
letters represents vectors, at time t, x is input (x t ∈ Rd ), and the feature dimension of each
word is indicated using d, σ shows the sigmoid function, and • means the element-wise product.
The memory cell is created to reduce the vanishing, and the exploding gradient is indicated by
c t (c t ∈ R h ), which helps learn of dependencies over a long time. This was not feasible with the
conventional recurrent network; i t (i t ∈ R h ) denotes the input gate, ot (ot ∈ R h ) represents the
output gate, and these control input and the cell’s output. The forget gate indicated by ft (ft ∈ R h )
is used for resetting the memory cell, and the hidden state vector is described by ht (ht ∈ R h ).
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84:6 P. K. Jain et al.
similar contexts also have a similar meaning and consequently have a similar vector representation.
For example, “dog,” “puppy,” and “pub” are often used in a similar context, and with similar words
such as “cute,” “fluffy,” or “bite,” they will share a similar vector representation. These vectors
become the input to the proposed CNN and LSTM.
Max pooling. Max pooling reduces the representation’s spatial size to reduce the number of
parameters and the time taken for training. It helps reduce overfitting and computational costs.
In this study, we use one-dimensional pooling for CNN; in this technique, the max of all given
values is considered in the max-pooling process for the given pooling size.
Dense layer. A dense layer in a neural network feeds all outputs from the previous layer to all of
its neurons, with each neuron providing one output to each neuron of the successive layer. We
use two dense layers: one in the hidden layer with 10 neurons and one in the output layer with 1
neuron for the sentiment classification.
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A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:7
Loss function and optimizer. Loss functions indicate how well a network performs the task it was
intended to do; we used binary cross entropy as a loss function, which generally is used as a loss
function with binary class output. In this study, we consider zero for the negative sentiment and
one for the positive sentiment. The loss is calculated over the hidden dense layer and output layer.
Activation function. ReLu is used for our model in both LSTM and CNN. To add non-linearity
into the network, we use the ReLu activation function. The output of this layer is the same shape
as the input shape. In the output layer for the binary classification tasks, we use sigmoid as the
activation function.
Activation function. This study used the ReLu function for both of the proposed models to classify
the airline quality dataset and the Twitter dataset in the hidden layer. In the output layer, the
sigmoidal function is used in binary classification for the output layer.
Dropout. We use dropout to prevent the network from overfitting. Dropout randomly sets the
outgoing edges of a hidden unit to zero at each update of the training phase. We use a dropout of
0.3 to reduce overfitting while training in both proposed models (LSTM and CNN).
Batch normalization. This layer normalizes the distribution for all batch after dropout. Batch
normalization reduces internal covariate shift and hence guides to convergence at a faster rate. It
reduces overfitting because of its regularization effects. We use batch normalization in the LSTM
Dense layer. We use two dense layers: one in the hidden layer with 10 neurons and one in the
output layer with 1 neuron for classification.
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84:8 P. K. Jain et al.
4.1 Research Process
The suggested research methodology is shown in Figure 5. To explain the research queries
mentioned earlier, we focus on the airline sentiment and Twitter data from different sources
and classifying the consumer sentiment as positive and negative using classical ML and the
proposed model (research queries 1 and 2). Following this, we introduce a classification model
based on CNN and LSTM. We form the analysis of the results and show the proposed model’s
power compared to classical ML models (research query 3). The proposed sentiment analysis is
implemented with the help of the Python programming language.
4.2.2 Twitter Airline Sentiment Data. This dataset is taken from CrowdFlower’s data for every-
one’s library (www.data.world/crowdflower/). The collected data includes 15 columns. We only
use the reviews and the sentiment label from the dataset for all rows and utilize it for the senti-
ment classification job on each significant U.S. airline. Twitter airline sentiment data is scraped
from February 2015, and contributors were asked first to classify positive, negative, and neu-
tral tweets, followed by categorizing negative reasons (e.g., “late flight” or “rude service”). There
14,640 tweets abeled as positive, negative, and neutral. We took positive and negative tweets into
ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 84. Publication date: July 2021.
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:9
consideration for our purpose. The maximum number of total words used in this dataset is 12,195,
and the maximum number of words in a single review is 130.
Accuracy. Accuracy gives the measure of the correct number of predictions from the entire predic-
tions. It provides general performance measures. However, we need other means to get a better
view of the result.
Accuracy = (6)
TP + FP + FN + T N
Precision. Precision is the ratio of all positives examples that are correctly classified to all of the
positives classified samples.
Precision = (7)
Recall. Recall is the ratio of the positive samples that are correctly classified to the total number of
positive samples.
Recall = (8)
ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 84. Publication date: July 2021.
84:10 P. K. Jain et al.
Positive Negative
Positive TP FP
Negative FN TN
TP, true positive; FP, false positive; FN, false
negative; TN, true negative.
F-measure. F-measure is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. It is an indicator of the rela-
tionship between recall and precision.
(Precision ∗ Recall)
F 1−measure = 2 ∗ (9)
(Precision + Recall)
The sentiment analysis results in the case of airlinequality airline review samples are shown in
Table 3. The obtained results show that the classifier builds upon the consumer sentiment using
various ML approaches (Classifiers A-D), as well as the different DL models (E and F), have a
comparable classification performance in terms of accuracy (up to 85.2% in DL). A further classifier
based upon the proposed hybrid CNN-LSTM model (Classifier G) exhibits higher efficiency when
classifying the consumer sentiment as positive or negative hidden into the raw data collected from
the online platform (up to 90.2%). These obtained results show that the proposed hybrid model
based on CNN and LSTM performs better in sentiment analysis.
The sentiment analysis results in the case of Twitter airline review samples are shown in Table 4.
The results analysis represents the classification done based on consumer sentiment using the
classical ML approach in Classifiers A-D. Simultaneously, Classifier E and F’s various DL models
may have a comparable classification accuracy (up to 88.2% in the case of DL). A different classifier
based upon the proposed hybrid CNN-LSTM model (Classifier G) exhibits higher efficiency when
classifying the consumer sentiment as positive or negative hidden into the raw data collected from
the online platform (up to 91.3%). These obtained results analyses represent that the proposed
hybrid model based on CNN and LSTM performs better in sentiment analysis.
Regarding the various classical ML models, our findings are that LR performs slightly higher
than all other classifiers such as DT, SVM, and NB in sentiment analysis from the unstructured
data collected from the online platform. Interestingly, classifiers considered that the proposed DL-
based hybrid model outperforms other single DL models or classical ML models. Furthermore,
precision and recall for the proposed model are also better. Finally, we may conclude that the
online reviews’ qualitative content is essential in accessing considerations that do not know con-
sumer sentiment regarding their satisfaction. Such a proposed model may be utilized to classify
the consumer content into a positive or negative attitude accurately.
6.1 Discussion of the Findings
A significant metric is consumer sentiment analysis, the attitude indicator of customer satis-
faction, and their behavioral measure’s definitive outcome. Organizations have to take care of
consideration for a long- or short-term goal in consumer policy making. This study has tried to
classify positive sentiment and negative sentiment based on the user-generated feedback data. In
ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 84. Publication date: July 2021.
A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:11
our implementation, we considered qualitative measures provided inside the online reviews. We
used various classical ML techniques and NLP techniques to get insights from the user-generated
qualitative review content. We also proposed a hybrid model based on DL techniques such as
CNN and LSTM. In our implementation, we first extracted consumer sentiment insights from
online reviews. We used such ideas generated from online reviews in classifying the sentiment
into positive or negative content. Finally, we compared classical ML models with the proposed
model in sentiment analysis.
Research query 2: Can the opinion expressed by the reviewer in online reviews be classified as
positive or negative?
Findings. The results obtained indicate that consumer sentiment is correlated with qualitative
information, and we can extract such secret sentiment from online reviews. Extraction of the
consumer sentiment can be possible with TM and NLP processing techniques. Derived opinion
can be classified as positive or negative with the help of classical ML models. During this study,
we found that consumer sentiment may benefit from the recommendation of various services
based on online reviews.
Research query 3: What is the power of the proposed model compared to an existing model?
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84:12 P. K. Jain et al.
Fig. 6. Accuracy comparison of existing models with the proposed model for the considered datasets.
Findings. In the proposed research work, qualitative features included consumer sentiment analy-
sis, and consumer sentiment regarding various offerings depends on these factors. In this study, we
evaluated consumer sentiment based on the textual information present in the online reviews. For
the implementation and evaluation of the research goal, we proposed a hybrid CNN-LSTM model.
We also presented a performance comparison of the proposed model with the classical ML models
shown in Tables 3 and 4. Our result analysis concluded that the proposed model outperforms other
ML models in the process of consumer sentiment analysis shown in Figure 6.
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A Hybrid CNN-LSTM: A Deep Learning Approach for Consumer Sentiment Analysis 84:13
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ACM Trans. Asian Low-Resour. Lang. Inf. Process., Vol. 20, No. 5, Article 84. Publication date: July 2021.