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journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/fuel
Keywords: The Egyptian grass (Dactyloctenium aegyptium) is a common low-cost coarse grass which is adapted to poor soils.
Low-cost biomass production The biomass of the Egyptian grass may be used to produce cleaner and sustainable fuels through pyrolysis
Pyrolysis without causing any contradictory impact on the land for food. It is profound to understand the thermochemical
character of the Egyptian grass biomass for its efficient thermal conversion to clean fuels and chemicals. The
Reaction kinetics
Clean fuels
current study elucidated the pyrolysis process of this biomass for the very first time based on the pyrolysis data.
Heat-dried powdered biomass of Dactyloctenium aegyptium was pyrolyzed at 10 min− 1, 30 min− 1 and 50 ◦ C min− 1
in a simultaneous Thermogravimetry–Differential Scanning Calorimetry analyzer (TGA-DSC) under nitrogen
atmosphere. Isoconversional models of Kissenger-Akahira-Sunose (KSA), Flynn–Wall–Ozawa (FWO) and first and
second order reaction kinetics model were used to analyze the pyrolytic kinetic parameters. The pyrolysis of
D. aegyptium grass biomass was shown to be a three-stage pyrolysis process where around 50 % of the product
formation was happening within a narrow temperature range of 240–360 ◦ C with the Activation energies ranged
from 167 to 267 kJ mol− 1 and thermodynamic parameters including 18.25–18.63 MJ kg− 1 of high heating
values, 169–177 kJ mol− 1 of Gibb’s free energies, and 166–256 kJ mol− 1 of reaction enthalpy have shown the
outstanding pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis potential of Egyptian grass to produce clean fuels.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.A. Mehmood), [email protected] (G.A. Ashraf).
Received 28 November 2022; Received in revised form 9 January 2023; Accepted 30 January 2023
Available online 9 February 2023
0016-2361/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
( ) ( )
dα A E
= exp − (1 − α1 ) (5) lnA = aEα + b (15)
dT 1 β RT1
( ) ( ) ΔH = E − RT (16)
dα A E
= exp − (1 − α2 ) (6)
dT 2 β RT2 ΔG = E + RTm ln(KB Tm /hA) (17)
Taking the natural logarithm for both sides of Eqs. (5) and (6), and
subtracting for constant activation and frequency factor assumption ΔS = ΔH − ΔG/Tm (18)
would results in Eq. (7) as follows:
( ) ( ) [ ( )] 3. Results and discussion
dα dα E 1 1
ln /(1 − α2 ) − ln /(1 − α1 ) = exp − − (7)
dT 2 dT 1 R T2 T1 3.1. Phyiscochemical properties of the grass
Or in more compact form
⎡ ⎤ Proximate analyses of Egyptian grass (EG) showed that it contained
( dα ) [ ( )] 71.04 % volatile matter, 6.99 % moisture content, 17.75 % fixed carbon,
⎢ dT /(1 − α2 ) 2 ⎥
ln⎢ ⎥ E 1 1
(8) and 4.22 % ash (Table 1). The 69–71 % of VM content is closer to
⎣( dα/(1 − α ) ) ⎦ = exp − R T2 − T1
dT 1 1 common bioenergy crops [20]. The presence of < 10.0 % of mositure
content in the biomass indicates the promising potential of Egyptina
grass for pyrolysis. Higher Fixed carbon (FC) of Egyptian grass as
Solving Eq. (8) using experimental data, two adjacent data points in
compared to other bioenergy grasses indicated its suitability to produce
which the assumption of 10 degrees of reaction temperature or more is
biochar and bioenergy gases because FC improves the biochar properties
valid and where the activation energy was assumed to be constant, were
[21] and facilitates the biofuel production by effecting the nature and
culminated in activation energy calculations.
quality of the evolved gases [22].
Elemental analysis of Egyptian grass represented the C, H, O, N, and
2.3.2. Second order kinetics analysis
S composition as 45.23 %, 5.33 %, 48.18 %, 0.97 %, and 0.29 %
For second order kinetics, Eq. (4) becomes
( ) ( ) repectively. Low content of toxic elements such as N and S in the
dα A E biomass would reduce the production emission s of toxic NOx and SOx
= exp − (1 − α1 )2 (9)
dT 1 β RT1 gases upon oxidative pyrolysis of Egyptian grass. The 18.09 MJ kg− 1
( ) ( ) HHV of Egyptian grass was higher than 15–17.80 MJ kg− 1of HHV re
dα A E ported for A. donax, Salix spp., Camel grass, M. gigantus, Para grass, and
= exp − (1 − α2 )2 (10)
dT 2 β RT2 Phalaris arundinacea [3,20,25,26]. It indicates substantial energy po
tential of the Egyptian grass in comparison to popular bioenergy crops.
In similar manipulations, these Eqs. (9) and (10) were subtracted
from each other for the foresaid assumption of constant activation en
ergy over a reaction temperature range greater than 10◦ . The direct 3.2. Analyses of thermal degradation pattern
substitution of experimental data into Eq. (8) leads to activation energy
calculations: Thermogravimetric analysis of Egyptian grass was performed in
⎡ ⎤ reponse to heating rates of 10, 30, and 50 ◦ C min− 1. Thermal decom
( dα
⎢ dT
/(1 − α2 )2 2 ⎥
[ ( )] position trend was observed by mass loss curves (Fig. 1) which indicated
ln⎢( ) ⎥ = exp − E 1 − 1 (11) simpler relationship between temprature rise and mass at all heating
⎣ dα/(1 − α )2 ⎦ R T2 T1
dT 1 1 rate when temprate rose from ambient to 270 ◦ C but after that huge mass
loss was observed till 360 ◦ C. It is due to degradation of pectin, cellulose,
Using either first order or second reaction order to model the reac and hemicellulose. A tilt in degradation pattern was observed from
tion kinetics would result in modelling experimental TGA/DTGA data. If 360 ◦ C to 490 ◦ C which was preceeded by straight line upto 1000 ◦ C, it is
the activation energy is determined in the constant reaction temperature an indicative of lignin degradation and biochar formation. The differ
range, the frequency factor is calculated by back substitution in the main ence in degradation pattern may be due to the difference in chemical
Eqs. (5) or (6). As this method of calculations has direct access to composition of the selected biomasses. Moreover, variation in pyrolytic
experimental data and is based on real mass of reaction rather than behavior is an indicative of biomass suitability to produce multiple
assuming different models as indicated by DAEM, and other distribution products.
functions of activation energies. Egyptian grass showed linear curves parallel to temperature axis
from ambient temperature to 155 ◦ C to 226 ◦ C maximum, however,
2.3.3. Other kinetic models there was a sudden drop of major mass loss from minimum 155 ◦ C to
504 ◦ C. This trend was found similar when compared with cherry stones,
β AEa Ea
ln( ) = ln − (KAS) (12) cedar wood [27,28], sugarcane mill waste [29], sewage sludge [30],
T2 Rg(α) RT
bamboo and fibre of coconut fruit [31], Columbian agriculture residue
[32], spoxy composts [33], tomato peels [34], silane wood [35], date
AEa Ea
lnβ = ln − (FWO) (13) palm residue [36]. Tables 2 and 3 represent the mass losss assciated
Rg(α) RT
characteristic temperature, obtained from TG-DTG data. The results
β AEa Ea showed a direct relation between mass loss tempeature, reaction rate,
ln( ) = ln − (Starink) (14) pyrolysis tempearature, and heating rate during themral conversion of
T 1.92 Rg(α) RT
Egyptian grass. However, thermal conversion of this biomass was shown
Left hand side of Eqs. (12), (13), and (14) were plotted on Y-axis to be compromised at all stages as depicted by DTG curves.
against the inverse pyrolytic temperature, and each conversion rate α At heating rates of 10 ◦ C min− 1 and 30 ◦ C min− 1, First stage mass loss
was applied to calculate kinetic and thermodynamic parameters by occurred between ambient to 151 ◦ C temperature which correspond to
using standard Eqs. (15)–(18) as recommended by ICTAC kinetics 7.67 % and 7.79 % of mass loss, respectively. Whereas, at 50 ◦ C min− 1,
committee [19]. first stage mass loss was 8.22 % which occurred from 25 ◦ C to 169 ◦ C. In
all instances, major mass loss occurred during second stage which was
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
Table 1
Comparative summary of Proximate and elemental composition analyses of the Egyptian grass with other bioenergy lignocellulosic sources.
Grass species Proximate analyses Elemental composition (%) Reference
VM (%) Moisture Ash FC (%) HHV C H O N S
(%) (%) (MJ
kg− 1)
Egyptian grass 71.04 ± 6.99 ± 4.22 ± 17.75 ± 18.09 45.23 ± 5.33 ± 48.18 ± 0.97 ± 0.29 ± This study
0.67 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.53 0.13 0.64 0.05 0.02
Switch grass 83.24 – 2.60 14.16 17.94 48 6.9 43.68 0.53 – [22]
Miscanthus 78.2 5.79 3.89 12.14 17.52 41.8 5.59 52.07 0.2 0.35 [23]
Bamboo 75.94 5.41 2.24 16.32 18.39 46.7 6.06 43.1 0.47 0.06 [16]
Camel grass 82.67 – 6.31 – 15.0 44.96 6.64 45.08 0.93 0.23 [24]
Para grass 79.4 7.23 9.32 – 15.04 44.73 6.88 46.84 0.98 0.24 [7]
DTG/(% min-1)
Mass (%)
-20 of residual biomass was obtained that referred as biochar (Tables 1 and
60 -25
2). Biochar production was comparable with Typha and rice straw
40 -35 which respectively produced 23.7–24.6 % and 23.68 % of biochar [3].
-40 The reported biochar production is also higher than bamboo biochar
-45 which accounts for 16.5 % [16]. The results are indicative of suitability
0 -50 of Egyptian grass for the biochar production.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 In all instances, <8.0 % of mass was lost during first stage which
Temperature ( C) reflect removal of entrapped moisture. It indicate biomass suitablity for
combustion and pyrolysis as < 10 % moisture is recommended for
Fig. 1. TG-DTG curves indicating percent mass loss of Egyptian Grass in pryolysis process [11]. The second stage (divided in zone-I and zone-II)
response to three heating rates of during pyrolysis. mass loss is associated with thermal conversion of biochemical compo
nents of the biomass. Where smaller sugars are converted in zone-I and
polysaccharides are converted in zone-II to gaseous products (Tables 1
Table 2 and 2).
Temperature characteristics associated with pyrolysis of the Egyptian grass.
Heating rate (◦ C min¡1) Temperature (◦ C) 3.3. Heat flow measurement via DSC analyses
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
consisted of two zones (namely zone-I and zone-II). In the case of lowest
heating rate, 23.76 % of mass was lost during zone-I at 151 ◦ C to 297 ◦ C
followed by 27.03 % of mass loss from temperature 297 ◦ C to 369 ◦ C.
Overall, 50.79 % of mass was lost from 151 ◦ C to 369 ◦ C at 10 ◦ Cmin− 1 of
heating rate. Similarly, at 30 ◦ C min− 1 of heating rate, 23.18 % of
biomass was lost during zone-I (157 ◦ C to 309 ◦ C) followed by 27.74 %
during zone-II (309 ◦ C to 380 ◦ C) which accumulatively correspond to
50.92 % of biomass loss during second stage of thermal degradation. It
was observed that with the highest heating rate of 50 ◦ C min− 1, second
stage mass loss was 49.14 % where 24.07 % mass was lost during zone-I
(169 ◦ C to 318 ◦ C) and 25.07 % during zone-II (318 ◦ C to 372 ◦ C). Third Fig. 2. DSC curves indicating heat flow across the biomass the Egyptian Grass
at three different heating rates.
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
grass. After this point, the exothermic reactions were predominant -1.65 x1021 s− 1) and Para grass (1.42 x1007 s− 1–2.26 x1019 s− 1) [40,43].
during pyrolysis. Gibbs free energy (ΔG) indicates the thermodynamic potential of
biomass during pyrolysis. Here, the ΔG values of Egyptian grass were
3.4. Kinetic analyses and thermodynamic parameters ranged from 173 to 177 kJ mol− 1 that were higher than 139.4 kJ mol− 1
for red pepper waste, 167.17 kJ mol− 1 for rice barn, and 164.59 kJ
Activation energy of Egyptian grass was determined by linear plots mol− 1 for rice husk [9] but were in accordance with ΔG values of Para
(Fig. 3) devised by KSA and FWO methods. Whereas, compensation ef grass and Camel grass [3,7].
fect between values of activation energy (R2 ≥ 0.99) and exponential
factors was determined by linear fit plots of Fig. 4. Activation energies 3.5. Comparison of reaction kinetics first order and second order with
(E) and the pre-exponential factors (A) were calculated from the slopes isoconversional models KAS and FWO
and dervied equations (Figs. 3 and 4). It was observed that calculated E-
values (Table 4) for biomass vary according to the conversion points and The activation energy values obtained through first order and second
shown to be decreased with further increase in conversion rate up to order reaction kinetics through Eqs. (6b) and (7) are shown in Fig. 4 and
conversion point 0.5–0.6 followed by decrease in E-values at higher Table 4. Three different peaks of activation energy were observed when
conversion points. In response to all heating rates, conversion rate (α) compared with conversion (α) at all heating rates. First peak was ranging
and pyrolysis temperature represent linear relationship (Fig. 5). The E- from 0.1 to 0.3 that purely resides in the area where moisture contents
values of Egyptian grass were observed to be withing the range of were evaporated. This is clear understanding of release of moisture
157.45–177.99 kJ mol− 1 which were in accordance with the E-valuee of contents because energy needs to release the moisture from the
bamboo (151.90–160.19 kJ mol− 1) and sorghum grass (167.7–189.5 kJ boundaries of intracellular space. The activation energy ranges from
mol− 1) [16,37]. The lower E-value of Egptian grass as compared to coal 89.7 kJ mol− 1 to 34.55 kJ mol− 1 and 70.06 kJ mol− 1 to 15.57 kJ mol− 1
(338 kJ mol− 1) [38] indicates its kinetic suitability as compared to non- at this region. Second peak is associated with cellulose, hemicellulose,
renewable fuel sources. and fraction of lignin degradation and is observed from 0.3 to 0.75. The
The relationship of E, T and α is described in Table 5. According to temperature was observed ranging from 280C – 350 ◦ C that is pure
KAS and FWO methods, average E-values of Egyptian grass were pyrolysis temperature to obtain maximum bioenergy in the form of
166–167 kJ mol− 1 while it ranged from 91 to 193 kJ mol− 1 with biooil for Egyptian grass. There are also latest studied of several biomass
reference to the conversion (0.1–1.0). The observed values were higher sample like pearl millet, Sida cordifolia L. and Rhus typhina [3,44,45]
as compared to 118–257 kJ mol− 1 of E-value for tobacco waste [39]. which strengthen Egyptian grass as a potential candidate for bioenergy
Moreover, average E-values of Egyptian grass were lower as compared to production on large scale. The activation energy values ranged from
the average activation energies of 191 kJ mol− 1 for cellulose, 221–229 34.55 kJ mol− 1 – 77.72 kJ mol− 1 for first order reaction and 15.57 kJ
kJ mol− 1 for rice husk, and 218–227 kJ mol− 1 for elephant grass but mol− 1 – 64.33 kJ mol− 1 for second order reaction in this peak region
higher than switchgrass and Para grass [40]. The results showed the from 0.3 to 0.75. The last peak was increased continuously, and its
suitability of Egyptian grass for co-pyrolysis in an energy efficient activation energy values were ignored due to non-degradation of ma
manner as compared to other biomasses. terial at very high temperature. The average activation energy was
Difference between enthalpy change (ΔH) and activation energy (E) 90–101 kJ mol− 1 and 66–69 kJ mol− 1 for first and second reaction order.
represent biomass disintegration for product formation. Egyptian grass The more interesting thing is the sum of first and second reaction order
has ~ 5 kJ mol− 1 of difference between E and ΔH values. Lower dif activation energy values were ranging from 95.37 kJ mol− 1 to 177 kJ
ference between these parameters indicate easier product formation in mol− 1 that is also approximately equal to average activation energy
energy efficient manner [41] which is in agreement with the prior values obtained from KAS and FWO models. It also validates the cor
studies [3,9]. relation of proposed model with the already established kinetic models,
Pre-exponential factor (A) is significant to comprehend the reaction because activation energy values were seeming to be same as deter
chemistry for pyrolysis optimization. A-values < 109 s− 1 indicate surface mined from KAS and FWO models. Moreover, Fig. 5 showed the linear fit
reaction, but in case of surface area independent reaction it implies plots for the compensation effects between the pre-exponential factors
closed complex. Whereas A-values higher than 109 s− 1 indicate simple and the activation energy of Egyptian Grass by KAS and FWO methods
complex [42]. The A-values for Egyptian grasses ranged from 6.80 x1004 while Fig. 6 reflects the relationship between the conversion and py
s− 1 –6.46 x1014 s− 1 (Table 4) which indicated a complex reaction. rolysis temperature (◦ C) of Egyptian Grass which is obvious that heating
Comparatively, A-values of Egyptian grass were higher as compared to rate has negligible effect (Table 6).
A-values of rice bran (1.00 x1007 s− 1 and 1.58 x1010 s− 1), red pepper
waste (3.80 × 100 s− 1 to 2.80 x1012 s− 1), and rice straw (1.70 x1007 s− 1
to 9.35 x1012 s− 1) but similar to A-values of switchgrass (3.70 x1003 s− 1
Fig. 3. Linear fit plots for determining activation energy of Egyptian Grass Where, ln (β/T 2 ) and ln (β) were plotted against inverse of pyrolysis temperature (K− 1)
using KAS and FWO methods, respectively.
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
Fig. 4. First and second order reaction kinetics at Heating rates 10, 30, 50 ◦ C min−
Table 4
Activation energy values obtained through first order and second order reaction kinetics.
First Order Reaction Second Order Reaction Sum of Reaction Order 1 and 2
A Activation Energy Values Activation Energy Values E = kJ/mol
E = kJ/mol E = kJ/mol
10 30 50 10 30 50 10 30 50
0.1 90.43 103.39 75.28 80.47 74.41 55.3 170.9 177.8 146.65
0.15 65.59 54.39 74.05 51.79 50.2 71.37 117.38 104.59 191.73
0.2 40.92 100.46 129.79 23.86 90.98 117.68 64.78 191.44 224.98
0.25 22.47 86.23 110.15 4.4 71.93 95.19 26.87 158.16 143.66
0.3 24.58 26.73 52.36 5.58 7.63 33.51 30.16 34.36 60.11
0.35 44.92 19.51 12.15 24.62 5.32 7.75 69.54 24.83 25.4
0.4 104.88 43.95 34.19 80.28 22.96 13.25 185.16 66.91 82.65
0.45 174.87 129.32 73.2 136.31 100.92 48.46 311.18 230.24 227.72
0.5 167.92 152.38 192.02 98.96 116.4 154.52 266.88 268.78 333.46
0.55 117.76 178.45 231.06 38.23 135 141.44 155.99 313.45 250.87
0.6 33.49 210.26 68.64 61.46 133.7 19.81 94.95 343.96 114.86
0.65 182.86 164.99 142.37 220.23 73.39 46.22 403.09 238.38 294.5
0.7 70.33 90.44 75.63 29.29 97.53 152.13 99.62 187.97 90.95
0.75 126.11 54.94 52.13 81.66 96.01 15.32 207.77 150.95 121.555
Avg. 90.51 101.10 94.50 66.94 76.88 69.43 157.45 177.99 164.94
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
Fig. 5. Linear fit plots for the compensation effects between the LnA and the activation energy (kJ/mol).
Table 5
Kinetic and thermodynamics parameters of Egyptian grass calculated by KAS and FWO methods.
kJmol¡1 kJmol¡1 s¡1 kJmol¡1 Jmol¡1 kJmol¡1 kJmol¡1 s¡1 kJmol¡1 Jmol¡1
Table 6
Relationship between conversion (α), pyrolytic temperature (T) and activation
energies (E) of Egyptian grass.
Conversion Temperature Reactions Activation energy
range (α) range (◦ C) (E)
Egyptian grass
α ≤ 0.1 0–153 Removal of entrapped Enhanced from
moisture and thermal starting point to 91
conversion of simple kJ mol− 1
0.1 ≤ α ≤ 0.4 153–208 Thermal degradation Escalate from 91 to
of biochemical 172 kJ mol− 1, and
content then declined from
202 to 163 kJ mol− 1
0.4 ≤ α ≤ 0.7 208–357 Conversion of lignin Enhanced from 172
to 193 kJ mol− 1
0.7 ≤ α ≤ 1.0 357–418 Decomposition of Decreased from 193
Fig. 6. Relationship between the Conversion and Pyrolysis Temperature (◦ C) of
residual lignin along to 168 kJ mol− 1, and
Egyptian Grass.
with biochar then escalate from
formation 168 to 182 kJ mol− 1
biomass primarily within this temperature range. Whereas, 23.7–24.82 for final conversion
% of biochar could be achieved. Lower N (0.97 %) and S content (0.29
%) in Egyptian grass imply reduced emission of toxic gases during
reaction have indicated that Egyptian grass is feasible for direct energy
oxidative pyrolysis which showed eco-friendly thermal conversion na
production. It may be possible to convert into bio-oil, biochar, and other
ture of the biomass. Moreover, 18.09 MJ kg− 1 of HHV and 174.23 kJ
gaseous products through pyrolysis in cost-efficient manner. It is also
mol− 1 of ΔG values were determined by KAS and FWO models that show
suggested that this feedstock can be utilized in lab-scale pyrolysis and
the energy efficient thermal conversion potential of Egyptian grass for
gasification reactors in order to examine pyrolysis products that could
bioenergy production. Additionally, 71.04 ± 0.67 % of volatile content,
be enhanced using process optimization techniques employing
34.55 kJmol− 1–77.72 kJmol− 1 of first order reaction activation energy,
advanced machine learning techniques.
and 15.57 kJmol− 1–64.33 kJmol− 1 of activation energy for second order
H. Alhumade et al. Fuel 341 (2023) 127663
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