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Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2022) 12:4847–4861



Thermal degradation characteristics, kinetics,

thermodynamic, and reaction mechanism analysis of pistachio shell
pyrolysis for its bioenergy potential
Supriya Gupta 1 & Goutam Kishore Gupta 1 & Monoj Kumar Mondal 1

Received: 22 May 2020 / Revised: 15 October 2020 / Accepted: 22 October 2020 / Published online: 25 October 2020
# Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

The research work aims to estimate the bioenergy potential of pistachio shell and study its degradation kinetics which is necessary
for the efficient design and optimization of thermochemical processes for bioenergy generation. Initial characterizations (prox-
imate, ultimate, higher heating value, and compositional analysis), kinetic study, and thermodynamic analysis accompanied by
reaction mechanism are investigated. Physicochemical characterization results confirmed high volatile matter (~ 79.8 wt%) and
high heating value (16.85 MJ/kg) of pistachio shell. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is performed at four different heating
rates of 10, 20, 30, and 40 °C/min under nitrogen gas flow rate from ambient temperature to 900 °C. TGA results show the three-
stage pyrolysis reaction which involves removal of moisture and light volatiles, degradation of cellulose and hemicellulose, and
decomposition of lignin. The result also reveals that maximum degradation occurred in the temperature range of 200–400 °C. For
calculating the kinetic (activation energy and pre-exponential factor) and thermodynamic parameters (enthalpy, entropy, and
Gibbs free energy), different iso-conversional models, i.e. Flynn-wall-Ozawa (FWO), Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS),
Starink, and Friedman, are employed which gives the average value of activation energy as 168.86, 165.80, 166.29, and
190.10 kJ/mol, respectively and the pre-exponential factor values lie in the range of 107-1021 s−1. The average values of Gibbs
free energy calculated for FWO, KAS, Starink, and Friedman methods are 182.09, 182.15, 182.13, and 181.42 kJ/mol, respec-
tively. Criado method and Z plot are showing complex reaction mechanism. The results of kinetics and thermodynamic study
reveal pistachio shell is an efficient biomass for bioenergy production.

Keywords Pistachio shell . Thermogravimetric analysis . Kinetics . Reaction mechanism . Thermodynamic study

1 Introduction nowadays [1]. Biomass is one of the promising renewable

resources for the energy production because of its sustainabil-
In the context of current scenario of the energy crisis, the ity, easy availability, and environmentally friendly nature [2].
reckless use of fossil fuels (non-renewable energy resource) Unlike fossil fuels, biomass is a lignocellulosic material that
and a great hike in the population demands an alternative to intakes carbon dioxide released during combustion by photo-
fulfill and meet the energy requirements for the future gener- synthesis, thus neutralizing the carbon cycle with zero CO2
ation. Fossils like petrol, natural gas, and coal are present in emission. It mainly consists of cellulose, hemicellulose, and
limited quantity and these resources also create a threat to the lignin with minor traces of sulfur, nitrogen, and metals
ecosystem as the burning of these fuels results in the emission resulting in minute emission of toxic gasses during combus-
of harmful and toxic gasses (CO2, SOX, NOX). This leads to tion of biofuel. Enormous availability of biomass worldwide
increase in global warming which is a worldwide concern in the form of agricultural residue, forest waste, municipal
waste, animal waste, water-based plants, and vegetation waste
receives significant attention to use it as a substitute of fossils
* Monoj Kumar Mondal for further energy production [3, 4]. Apart from biofuel pro-
[email protected]
duction, biomass can also be used for the production of hy-
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Indian
drogen gas as it is rich in volatile content, which on thermal
Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University), degradation release hydrogen-rich gas or syngas which on
Varanasi 221005, India further reforming produces hydrogen [4–6].
4848 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

The extraction of energy from biomass can be done by the estimation of energy required, and also for energy balance.
different methods like biochemical, chemical, and thermo- A deeper understanding of reaction kinetics and thermody-
chemical processes [7]. Biochemical process mainly involves namic aspect is essential for the feasibility analysis of the
fermentation or anaerobic digestion which uses bacteria and process as well as for the scale up of the pyrolysis system.
enzymes to break down biomass into biofuel, but due to its Previously, researches have been done to investigate the
sluggish nature, this process does not draw much attention. thermal suitability of different biomass including agricultural
Thermochemical conversion of biomass seems to be better waste, woody biomass, and fruit nut shells [13–16] towards
than the former because of rapid reaction and high throughput. bioenergy generation. However, each biomass has its charac-
Combustion, gasification, liquefaction, and pyrolysis are the teristics and composition, thus exhibit different nature of ther-
various methods of the thermochemical process [8]. mal decomposition. In this research work, pistachio shell is
Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction between an considered a biomass feedstock for bioenergy production be-
oxidant and a fuel escorted by the release of a large amount of cause they are sustainable energy resource [17] and satisfy the
heat and harmful gasses. Gasification is a complex multi-stage quality criteria of low moisture content, high volatile matter,
partial oxidation process which occurs at elevated temperature and low ash content required for bioenergy generation. In
and involves expensive initial setup while liquefaction re- addition, high cellulose content and moderate lignin in pista-
quires high pressure for conversion of biomass into biofuel. chio shell are suitable for bio-oil and biochar production.
Pyrolysis is a thermal degradation process that occurs in the Apart from this, pistachios are a great source of healthy fats,
absence of oxygen or requires an inert medium to transform fiber, protein, antioxidants, and various nutrients including
biomass into bio-oil, solid char, and non-condensable gas. It is vitamin B6 and thiamine [18, 19]; thus, these nuts are popular
performed at moderate temperature, low-pressure process as snacks and ingredient in cookies, confectionery, sweets, and
compared to gasification and liquefaction [9]. Pyrolysis plants etc. all around the world. In 2017, approximately 11.44 thou-
are also flexible, easy to operate, efficient, and less polluting, sand metric tons of pistachio nuts were consumed in India,
thus considering being the best thermochemical conversion which has increased by about 43% over the past 3 years
route for the bio-oil generation. Bio-oil obtained as a pyrolysis (https://www.statista.com/statistics/872339/india-pistachio-
product is a complex mixture of oxygenated compound and nut-comsumption/). India consumes 4.5 million kg of
various functional groups like carbonyl and phenol carboxyl. pistachio per year, of which pistachio shell accounts for
which can be used to generate CHP (chemical, heat, and pow- about 47% of its total weight which is of no importance and
er) and find applications in boiler, furnaces, turbine, and diesel has negligible economic or market value resulting in excess
engine. Pyrolytic gas mainly consists of H2, CH4, and CO shell waste which creates disposal problem as well. Therefore,
which acts as an alternative fuel for IC engines and industrial pistachio shell can be considered a suitable biomass feedstock
combustion process [10]. Solid char obtained as a product for bioenergy production, thereby minimizing the pistachio
after biomass pyrolysis can also be used for subsequent shell waste. Isitan et al. [20] performed the pyrolysis of
gasification. pistachio shell to investigate the effect of temperature on the
Basic knowledge about the biomass behavior and its suit- bio-oil production. Analysis of the quality of products (bio-oil,
ability towards the pyrolysis reaction along with different ki- char, and gas) was also done. The study showed that biochar
netic and thermodynamic parameters is necessary for the eco- produced can efficiently work as an activated carbon because
nomical and feasible design of the pyrolysis plant. of high surface area and micropore volume. Likewise,
Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis and derivative thermogra- Acikalin et al. [21] also investigated the pistachio shell pyrol-
vimetric (DTG) analysis are the two widely used techniques to ysis on fixed bed reactor along with various characterizations
analyze the thermal degradation of biomass and pyrolysis re- of products. Effect of temperature, reaction time, and N2 gas
action mechanism [2, 11]. TG analysis involves mass loss data flow rate on the bio-oil yield was also studied. Varol et al. [22]
as a function of temperature at controlled heating rate and the studied the slow pyrolysis of pistachio shell in a fixed bed
TG curve obtained can be further used for finding kinetic reactor. The effect of temperature on bio-oil yield and compo-
parameters. After taking the first derivative of the TG curve, sition was studied. Characterization results of the product
DTG curve is obtained, which also act as a useful tool for showed a close similarity of bio-oil and char concerning con-
further kinetic and thermodynamic analyses. TG analysis ventional fuels. Acikalin [23] performed the kinetic study of
can be operated in both isothermal and non-isothermal modes. pistachio shell by TG analysis using model-fitting methods
But because of fewer calculations and straightforward ap- along with the initial pyrolytic characterization of biomass.
proach, non-isothermal (dynamic) approach is preferred [1]. Silva et al. [24] also studied the thermal decomposition kinet-
The understanding of kinetics and thermodynamics is neces- ics of pistachio shell under an oxidative atmosphere.
sary for adequate bioenergy generation from pistachio shell The present study mainly focuses on the thermal and kinet-
[12]. The knowledge of these parameters is necessary for the ic suitability of pistachio shell towards pyrolysis reaction for
prediction and simulation of complex degradation process, for its bioenergy potential. In present study, the initial
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4849

characterizations of pistachio shell like proximate, ultimate, Compositional analysis (hemicellulose, cellulose, and lig-
higher heating value (HHV), and compositional analysis were nin) for pistachio shell was done following the methods of
performed using standard protocols. Further, TG analysis was Van Soest [26]. Bomb calorimeter (Rajdhani Scientific
performed at four different heating rates to find the thermal Instts. Co., New Delhi, India) was employed for determining
characteristics and kinetic variables like activation energy and the HHV of pistachio shell. All the experiments were per-
frequency factor by using four iso-conversional models, i.e. formed in triplicate and average values have been reported
FWO, KAS, Friedman, and Starink methods. The reaction along with the standard deviation.
mechanism for pistachio shell degradation was studied by com-
paring with various diffusion and power-law models of solid- 2.3 Thermogravimetric experiment
state biomass pyrolysis. Thermodynamic parameters like en-
thalpy, Gibbs free energy, and entropy were also calculated TG experiments were done to examine the thermal degrada-
for gaining enhanced knowledge of pyrolysis reaction kinetics. tion and the pyrolysis characteristics of the pistachio shell by
means of TG analyzer (NETZSCH 449 F3 Jupiter, Germany).
Dried powdered pistachio shell sample was kept in the cruci-
2 Materials and methods ble. The mass of the samples used for the TGA analysis were
10.691 mg, 7.782 mg, 8.922 mg, and 11.014 mg at the
2.1 Raw material heating rates of 10, 20, 30, and 40 °C/min, respectively.
Nitrogen gas at a constant flow rate of 100 mL/min was
The pistachio shell was collected from the regional market of supplied at four different heating rates of 10, 20, 30,
Varanasi and shells were removed gently from the pistachio and 40 °C/min from ambient temperature to 900 °C.
nut. Then, it was washed 3-4 times with tap water to remove Furthermore, the mass loss versus temperature data at
impurities and sand particles adhered on its surface, followed each heating rate was analyzed.
by washing two times with distilled water. The shells were
dried in sunlight for about 1 day for removal of surface mois- 2.4 Kinetic modeling
ture. Then, it was kept in an oven at 105 °C for 12 h for further
removal of the moisture trapped inside the shells. The oven- TG and DTG results were used to find out the kinetic and
dried shells were crushed into small pieces by disintegrator thermodynamic variables to check the suitability of pistachio
and were converted to powdered form by a mixer grinder. shell for thermochemical conversion. The general pyrolysis
Collected powder was sieved with 60 mesh size and retaining reaction scheme for biomass is prescribed as follows:
on 85 mesh size to get the particle size in the range of 0.177–
0.250 mm. The pistachio shell sample was collected in a con- Biomass→biochar þ bio−oil þ non−condensable gasses
tainer and kept in the desiccator for further experimental work. Generally, the solid decomposition rate in non-isothermal
condition is expressed by the following equation:
2.2 Characterization of pistachio shell

¼ k ðT Þ:f ðαÞ ð3Þ
The proximate, ultimate, HHV, and compositional analyses dt
are the most important characteristics for any biomass to be
where t represents the time, T represents the absolute temper-
used for bioenergy generation. Proximate analysis of pistachio
ature, f(α) serves as the function of conversion independent of
shell was done to obtain the moisture content, ash content, and
temperature [27]. and α is the fractional conversion of bio-
volatile matter present in it by adopting standard ASTM
mass, which can be expressed as:
E-871, ASTM E-1755, and ASTM E-872 methods [25] re-
spectively. Equation 1 below is used to determine the fixed m0 −mt
a¼ ð4Þ
carbon content of pistachio shell: m0 −m f

Fixed carbon ¼ ½100−ðmoisture content þ ash content þ volatile matterÞ% ð1Þ where m0, mt, and mf represent the initial mass of biomass,
mass of biomass at time t, and finamass of biomass
The ultimate analysis was done to find the elemental com- respectively.
position such as (CHNS) carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sul- k(T) is the reaction rate constant dependent on temperature.
fur by using elemental analyzer (EURO EA, EURO ECTOR The temperature dependency is shown by the Arrhenius equa-
instruments and software, Italy). Oxygen content was evalu- tion expressed as follows:
ated by using Eq. 2:  
O ¼ ½100−ðC þ N þ H þ SÞ% ð2Þ k ðT Þ ¼ Aexp − ð5Þ
4850 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861
where A represents the pre-exponential or frequency factor AE a Ea
lnðβÞ ¼ ln −5:311−1:052 ð10Þ
(min−1), Ea represents the activation energy (J/mol), T repre- RgðαÞ RT
sents the reaction temperature (K), and R represents the uni-
versal gas constant with a value of 8.314 J/mol K. where g (α) is constant at particular conversion α, and β
By substituting the rate constant expression of Eq. 5 denotes the heating rate. The linear plot of ln (β) vs. 1/T gives
in Eq. 3, general expression for solid decomposition rate a negative slope of 1.052Ea/R at different temperature and
can be written as: conversion data points for all heating rates from which activa-
tion energy has been calculated.
dα Ea
¼ Aexp − : f ðαÞ ð6Þ
dt RT 2.4.2 Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose method

TG experiment was performed at a constant heating rate, β KAS is also a model-free technique in which oversimplified
which is expressed in linear form: temperature integral approximation is used [29] which is rep-
resented by Eq. 11 below:
β ¼ dT=dt ð7Þ
β AE a Ea
By putting the value of β in Eq. 6 ln 2 ¼ ln − ð11Þ
T RgðαÞ RT
dα A Ea
¼ exp − :f ðαÞ ð8Þ Activation energy is evaluated by the negative slope of ERa
dT β RT
on plotting the graph between ln (β/T2) and 1/T at four differ-
Integrating both sides of Eq. 8 gives: ent heating rates with four sets of data points obtained at
  particular conversion.
α dα A T Ea
g ðαÞ ¼ ∫ 0 ¼ ∫ exp − dT ð9Þ
f ðαÞ β 0 RT 2.4.3 Starink method
where g(α) represents the integral function of conversion
It is also an integral iso-conversional method which is a com-
and f(α) represents the algebraic expression describing the
bination of KAS and FWO methods [1]. Equation 12 predicts
kinetic model of solid-state decomposition [25]. Functional
the linear expression;
forms of f(α) and g(α) are listed in Table 1 which represents
different reaction models. β Ea
There are basically two approaches to find out the kinetic ln 1:92 ¼ const:−1:0008 ð12Þ
parameters for the non-isothermal degradation of biomass, i.e.
model-fitting and model-free method. The model-fitting ap- On comparing with the straight line equation and fitting the
proach requires the knowledge of reaction mechanism and data points, activation energy calculation from the negative
fitting the data into a particular model and estimating the re- slope of (1.0008Ea/R) was made.
action order. But iso-conversional methods are independent of
the reaction model as this approach describes the complex 2.4.4 Friedman method
reaction mechanism with increasing conversion and requires
TGA data at different heating rates instead of assuming reac- Friedman method requires the derivative conversion
tion order [1]. data, termed as differential iso-conversional method
Solid-state biomass decomposition is a complex multi-step for estimating kinetic parameters. Equation 13 below
reaction mechanism which makes the selection or prediction represents the linear expression for this method, ob-
of reaction model very tedious. In order to analyze the kinetic tained by rearranging Eq. 9 and by taking its logarithm
parameters deeply, this research work mainly focuses upon [29, 30].
the model-free methods. Four iso-conversional methods were  
dα Ea
used for estimating the kinetic parameters i.e. Flynn–wall– ln β ¼ ln½A f ðαÞ− ð13Þ
Ozawa (FWO) method, Kissinger–Akahira–Sunose (KAS) dT RT
method, Starink method, and Friedman method.
By comparing the expression with straight line equation

plot a graph between ln β dT dα
and 1/T at four different
2.4.1 Flynn–wall–Ozawa method
heating rates for different values of temperature and
conversion data and fitting it into straight line, the neg-
It is an iso-conversional (integral) method for finding activa-
tion energy at different heating rates [28]. The following ex- ative slope of ERa gives the activation energy at different
pression represents it: conversions.
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4851

2.5 Reaction modeling 2.6 Thermodynamic study

Prediction of reaction mechanism or reaction model for solid- After estimating the activation energy by four models at four
state thermal degradation of pistachio shell was made by Z different heating rates, pre-exponential factor (A) and thermo-
master plot which is given by Criado method [25] as shown dynamic properties like enthalpy (H), Gibbs free energy (G),
in Eq. 14. and entropy (S) were evaluated by using subsequent equations
below [32]:
Z ðαÞ f ðαÞ  g ðαÞ Tα ðdα=dT Þα A ¼ β E a exp ðEa =RT m Þ= RT m 2 ð15Þ
¼ ¼  ð14Þ
Z ð0:5Þ f ð0:5Þ  g ð0:5Þ T 05 ðdα=dT Þ0:5
ΔH ¼ E a −RT ð16Þ
ΔG ¼ Ea þ RT m ln ½ðK B =T m Þ=ðh AÞ ð17Þ
f ðαÞgðαÞ
The term f ð0:5Þgð0:5Þ is calculated from different solid-
ΔS ¼ ðΔH−ΔGÞ=T m ð18Þ
state reaction models as listed in Table 1 which gives
Here, Tm represents the peak temperature from DTG curve
17 different theoretical plots and the term TT05α 
at particular heating rate, Boltzmann constant with a value of
ðdα=dT Þα
ðdα=dT Þ0:5 is derived from the experimental value at a 1.381 × 10−23 J/K is represented by KB, and h denotes the
particular heating rate which gives single curve [25, plank constant (6.626 × 10−34 J s).
31]. The plot obtained from the above equation is re-
ferred as master plot which does not require information
of any kinetic parameter like activation energy and pre- 3 Results and discussion
exponential factor. The term Tα denotes the temperature
at particular conversion α and T0 · 5 signifies the temper- 3.1 Physiochemical properties of pistachio shell
ature at 50% conversion. The reference value of α = 0.5
is taken at which the term Z ðαÞ
reduces to the value of Physical and chemical properties of pistachio shell are listed in
Z ð0:5Þ
Table 2 and compared with the properties of other biomass.
1 for the entire theoretical and experimental curve. These results revealed that pistachio shell contains high
From this, we can predict the reaction mechanism of amount of volatile matter, low moisture, and low ash content
the experimental curve by comparing the theoretical which is favorable for the pyrolysis of pistachio shell. The
curve which gives the closest fitting. amount of moisture content, volatile matter, ash content, and

Table 1 Fitting performance of various kinetic models with different values of f (α) and g (α)

Solid-state process Mechanism f (α) g (α)

One-dimensional diffusion D1 1/(2α) α2

Two-dimensional diffusion (Valensi model) D2 [− ln (1 − α)]−1 (1 − α) ln (1 − α) + α
Three-dimensional diffusion (Jander model) D3 3/2 (1 − α)2/3 [1 − (1 − α)1/3]−1 [1 − (1 − α)1/3]2
Three-dimensional diffusion (Ginstlinge-Brounshtein model) D4 3/2 [(1 − α)1/3 − 1]−1 1 − 2/3α − (1 − α)2/3
Contracting cylinder F2 2(1 − α)1/3 1 − (1 − α)1/2
Contracting sphere F3 (1 − α)2/3 1 − (1 − α)1/3
Power law P2/3 2/3α−1/2 α3/2
Power law P2 2α1/2 α1/2
Power law P3 3α2/3 α1/3
Power law P4 4α3/4 α1/4
Avrami-Erofeev A1 1/2 (1 − α) [− ln (1 − α)]1/3 [− ln (1 − α)]2/3
Avrami-Erofeev A2 2 (1 − α) [− ln (1 − α)]1/2 [− ln (1 − α)]1/2
Avrami-Erofeev A3 3 (1 − α) [− ln (1 − α)]2/3 [− ln (1 − α)]1/3
Avrami-Erofeev A4 4 (1 − α) [− ln (1 − α)]3/4 [− ln (1 − α)]1/4
1st-order random nucleation having one nucleus on individual particle R1 (1 − α) [− ln (1 − α)]
2nd-order random nucleation having two nucleus on individual particle R2 (1 − α)2 (1 − α)−1 − 1
3rd-order random nucleation having three nucleus on individual particle R3 (1 − α)3 1/2 [(1 − α)−2 − 1]
4852 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

Table 2 Physiochemical properties of pistachio shell along with comparison with other biomass

Physicochemical properties Pistachio shell Cotton stalk [33] Rice husk [33] Walnut shell [33] Corn stover [33] Corn cob [33] Sorghum
stalk [33]

Moisture content 5.72 ± 0.32 8.9 9.8 10.6 8.3 10.2 8.7
Volatile matter 79.80 ± 1.13 71.0 64.0 63.0 73.0 80.0 66.0
Ash content 1.97 ± 0.16 3.5 17.4 10.5 11.1 5.7 8.8
Fixed carbon 12.51 ± 0.97 16.6 8.8 15.9 7.9 4.2 16.5
Carbon 45.31 ± 0.3 46.8 39.8 41.7 45.7 44.2 44.4
Hydrogen 5.49 ± 0.22 6.4 5.7 5.0 6.3 5.9 6.2
Nitrogen 0.28 ± 0.06 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5
Oxygen 48.92 ± 0.14 46.8 39.8 41.7 45.7 44.2 44.4
H/C 1.45 ± 0.07 1.64 1.72 1.44 1.65 1.60 1.68
O/C 0.81 ± 0.01 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
Cellulose 51.18 ± 0.53 39.4 32.4 36.6 28.3 32.2 35.4
Hemicellulose 21.55 ± 0.24 19.2 13.9 18.9 16.4 29.0 17.4
Lignin 21.51 ± 0.30 24.8 27.8 22.2 23.8 18.4 21.3
Extractives 5.76 ± 0.40 7.8 9.1 13.0 20.5 15.12 25.9
HHV (MJ/kg) 16.85 ± 0.58 19.2 15.5 17.4 17.9 13.3 17.1

fixed carbon present in the pistachio shell lies in the range of confirms the process to be eco-friendly. The compositional
lignocellulosic biomass [34, 35] which indicates the similar analysis showed pistachio shell contains good amount
nature of thermochemical degradation of pistachio shell as of cellulose and moderate amount of hemicelluloses
compared to another lignocellulosic biomass. Ultimate analy- and lignin. HHV of pistachio shell was 16.85 MJ/kg
sis result showed high carbon, low nitrogen, and sulfur con- that lies in the range of other biomass [33, 36]. This
tent below detection range which indicates less emission of also determines the amount of heat evolved during the
toxic gasses during thermochemical degradation which process.

Fig. 1 TG-DTG curve of pistachio shell at heating rate of a 10, b 20, c 30, and d 40 °C/min
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4853

Fig. 2 FWO integral model for

activation energy calculation of
pistachio shell

3.2 Thermogravimetric analysis second and third zones depict the thermal decay of
holocellulose (combination of cellulose and hemicellulose)
TG and DTG curves obtained at each heating rates (10, 20, 30, and lignin respectively. TG curve revealed that the initial mass
and 40 °C/min) are depicted in Fig. 1 (a)-(d), respectively. loss of around 5 wt% occurs from ambient temperature to 120
These curves were the result of the TG analysis of pistachio °C. This mass loss at low temperature indicates the removal of
shell at a constant nitrogen flow rate of 100 mL/min that moisture present inside the shells along with some light vola-
shows the pyrolytic nature and thermal degradation of pista- tile compounds present in it [27]. Similar nature is explained
chio shell at increasing temperature. Like other biomass, pis- by a small peak in the DTG curve on the very left-hand side of
tachio shell also contains cellulosic and hemicellulosic com- the curve. Thereafter, the TG curve became stable up to 200
ponents along with lignin, considering it to be lignocellulosic °C showing negligible degradation. The second zone depicts
biomass [19]. According to previously reported literatures, the the high rate of devolatilization from 200 to 400 °C which
thermal decomposition of every component of lignocellulosic indicates the breakdown of hemicellulose and cellulose pres-
biomass occurs at different temperature range; i.e., hemicellu- ent in the pistachio shell. This zone is further subdivided into
lose decomposes in the range of 210–325 °C, cellulose de- two temperature range as slope changes beyond 320 °C. From
composes between 310 and 400 °C, and lignin degrades over 200 to 320 °C, degradation of mainly hemicellulose occurs
a wide range of temperatures i.e. from 160 to 900 °C [2, 37]. which can be depicted in the DTG curve as the first peak at
By considering the TG/DTG curve obtained at the heating rate around 298 °C. As the biomass has moderate amount of hemi-
of 10 °C/min, the following observations were made. celluloses, thus a separate peak in the DTG curve was ob-
The whole degradation process has been divided into three served. Beyond 320 °C, breakdown of cellulosic constituent
zones i.e. drying, devolatilization, and charring [38, 39]. The starts along with various complex reactions until 400 °C. The
first zone indicates the removal of moisture, whereas the second peak in the DTG curve at 353 °C indicates the

Fig. 3 KAS integral model for

activation energy calculation of
pistachio shell
4854 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

Fig. 4 Starink integral model for

activation energy calculation of
pistachio shell

decomposition of cellulose as it is the most abundantly avail- pyrolysis of pistachio shell can be done effectively in the
able in the pistachio shell. This whole stage can be referred as temperature range of 200–400 °C.
an active pyrolysis zone as maximum devolatilization (around Similar trends of thermal degradation were also observed at
70 wt%) occurred in this zone due to the complexity and another three heating rates of 20, 30, and 40 °C/min as pre-
multi-step reaction mechanism [23, 40]. Since both hemicel- sented in Fig. 1 (b)-(d) with a slight increase in temperature as
luloses and cellulose are more easily degraded than lignin, the increase in heating rate occurs. The similarity in the nature
thus this major volatile release is due to degradation of these of the TG curves is at different heating rates indicating that the
two components of biomass. A wide range of volatile com- reaction mechanism is not altered with change in the heating
pounds are released in this stage owing to breakdown of the rate. The maximum temperature of mass loss was predicted by
polymeric fraction that comprises the lignocellulosic biomass. DTG curve which is represented by Tm, playing an important
The third zone can be referred as a lignin decomposition zone role in finding thermodynamic parameters as presented in Eqs.
which occurs from 400 °C and continued up to 900 °C. Until 15-18. The value of Tm was 352.92 °C, 363.93 °C, 381.91 °C,
600 °C, further slow decomposition of biomass occurs and 389.62 °C for heating rates of 10, 20, 30, and 40 °C/min
resulting in the release of more volatile components present respectively calculated from the particular DTG curve.
in it while beyond 600 °C, there is a long tail indicating neg- Various researches on different biomass confirm this right
ligible release of volatiles. Tailing section in the DTG curve shift in DTG curve [38, 41, 42]. This increment in temperature
represents the degradation of lignin which occurs over a wide with increase in heating rate suggests that the characteristic
range of temperature because of complexity and heterogeneity time for the devolatilization is low which results in random
in the structure of lignin [34]. These TG/DTG curves act as a degradation, ultimately decreasing the heating rate efficiency
useful tool for finding the optimum temperature zone for ther- as compared to low heating rate where gradual heat effects
mochemical conversion and for further calculation of kinetic occur with improved and effective internal heating of biomass
parameters. From the above observations, we can say that the [23]. Increase in the heating rate contributes to the

Fig. 5 Freidman differential

model for activation energy
calculation of pistachio shell
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4855

Table 3 Activation energy as a function of conversion at four different iso-conversional models

α (%) FWO Ea (kJ/mol) R2 KAS Ea (kJ/mol) R2 Starink Ea (kJ/mol) R2 Friedman Ea (kJ/mol) R2

10 114.07 0.983 111.01 0.981 111.30 0.981 139.40 0.995

15 132.36 0.974 129.89 0.967 129.78 0.968 168.96 0.989
20 126.46 0.967 122.06 0.959 123.95 0.963 142.59 0.946
25 125.78 0.975 122.71 0.971 122.96 0.971 150.21 0.976
30 150.70 0.993 148.82 0.991 149.08 0.992 186.68 0.981
35 180.24 0.996 179.94 0.996 180.09 0.996 229.32 0.991
40 174.01 0.996 173.41 0.996 173.67 0.996 200.15 0.989
45 201.20 0.977 201.58 0.971 201.43 0.972 204.47 0.917
50 181.34 0.954 181.00 0.948 180.88 0.949 215.22 0.962
55 183.61 0.956 184.71 0.955 183.61 0.953 204.37 0.983
60 189.71 0.968 188.05 0.965 189.96 0.966 177.99 0.991
65 166.34 0.965 163.12 0.961 164.43 0.960 147.96 0.976
70 187.59 0.787 151.26 0.973 151.98 0.972 164.87 0.978
75 166.85 0.955 165.68 0.955 165.58 0.952 241.61 0.958
80 252.68 0.932 263.88 0.931 265.77 0.932 277.74 0.937
Average 168.86 - 165.80 - 166.29 - 190.10 -

deceleration of thermal degradation processes towards high whole pyrolysis process, model-free methods were used for
temperatures because of thermal lag. the kinetic analysis as these methods do not require the pre
assumption of reaction mechanism [31].
3.3 Kinetic study Four iso-conversional models (FWO, KAS, Starink,
Friedman) were employed for determining the activation en-
TG analysis results were used to obtain the kinetic parameters ergy of the thermal decay process of pistachio shell at temper-
for thermal degradation of pistachio shell. For the effective ature ranging from ambient to 900 °C in nitrogen environ-
design and better functionality of any pyrolysis plant, the es- ment. The present study shows the plot of four models in
timation of kinetic parameters is necessary. Due to the com- Figs. 2, 3, 4, and 5 calculated from Eqs. 10-13 with increase
plexity, heterogeneity, and multi-step reaction mechanism of in conversion extending from 10 to 80% with a small

Table 4 Activation energy comparison with other biomass

Biomass Gas medium Heating rate (°C/min) Model Average activation energy (kJ/mol) Reference

Maize cob N2 5, 10, 20 FWO 186.06 [1]

KAS 185.39
Friedman 197.63
Starink 185.80
Corn stover N2 10, 20, 30, 40 FWO 191.57 [31]
KAS 181.66
Typha latifolia N2 10, 30, 50 FWO 182.67 [13]
KAS 184.58
Deodar sawdust N2 10, 25, 50, 100 FWO 180.60 [14]
KAS 179.20
Deodar sawdust Air 10, 25, 50, 100 FWO 95.3 [14]
KAS 89.9
Poplar wood N2 2, 5, 10, 15 FWO 158.58 [15]
KAS 157.27
Pistachio shell N2 10, 20, 30, 40 FWO 168.86 Present work
KAS 165.80
Starink 166.29
Friedman 190.10
4856 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

conversion indicating that the thermal decomposition process

does not occur in single step. This is a complex, multi-stage
reaction scheme process in which a different degree of energy
is required as reaction proceeds [43]. Initially, activation en-
ergy increases up to 15% conversion then decreases and again
there was an increase in activation energy at 40%, then de-
creased up to 60% and again increased. This increase in the
activation energy beyond 60% suggests that less cellulose and
more lignin component is getting degraded in this zone. This
increasing-decreasing trend of activation energy with increase
in conversion shows the integrity and complexity in the nature
Fig. 6 Activation energy as a function of conversion at different iso- of biomass. Simultaneous change in reaction mechanism and
conversional models
different degree of cracking or volatilization of pistachio
shell at different temperature and heating rates confirms
increment of 5% to get better results. The conversion below 10 much reliance on activation energy upon conversion
and above 80% was disregarded to reduce the effect of mois- [44]. Given that pyrolysis engrosses a bulk of different
ture and ash content. The activation energies were calculated reactions that occur simultaneously at each point of con-
from the slope of trendline obtained at different conversions version, each single point reaction contributes to the
for all four methods which are listed in Table 3. The value of overall reaction mechanism.
regression coefficient (R2) lies between 0.932 and 0.996
which was high enough representing appropriate fitting of 3.4 Compensation effect
the model. The average value of activation energy computed
from four model-free methods (FWO, KAS, Starink, Figure 7 demonstrates the relationship between Ea and loga-
Friedman) was 168.86, 165.80, 166.29, and 190.10 kJ/ rithmic pre-exponential factors (ln A) assessed at different
mol, respectively. These activation energy values were values of fractional conversion for pistachio shell degradation
in close agreement with other biomass as compared in based on FWO model results. A compensation effect is clearly
Table 4. However, it was also noted that the activation seen from the start to the final values of α with excellent fitting
energy in the present work was much lower as com- factor. Generally, at the molecular level, increase in tempera-
pared to other biomass which signifies the thermal de- ture enhances the vibration among the particles that leads to
composition of pistachio shell occurred at lower temper- the rise in stretching and bending of molecules. Moreover, at
ature (with minimum energy requirement) and proves higher temperature nucleation reaction weakens and diffusion
pistachio shell an appropriate biomass for bioenergy reaction dominates owing to an increase in biomass porosity.
generation through pyrolysis. The relationship between ln A and Ea is believed to be linear as
The nature of kinetic plot for all the iso-conversional the reaction rate is assumed to follow an Arrhenius-type law
models was similar and it proves to be an acceptable method [45, 46]. The plot shows the linear trend with high fitting
for activation energy calculations. Figure 6 shows that the accuracy (R2 = 1) signifies the validity of calculated kinetic
activation energy from all the models was different with parameters.

Fig. 7 Correlation between

activation energies and
pre-exponential factors of
pistachio shell
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4857

3.5 Reaction mechanism observations, it can be inferred that the pyrolysis reaction of
pistachio shell follows more than one reaction mechanism for
Biomass pyrolysis presents a multi-stage intricate reaction the overall conversion. The results showed good harmony
phenomenon in which a series of side reactions occur simul- with previously reported results by Doddapaneni et al. [49],
taneously [47]. Estimating the single reaction model for the Poletto et al. [50], and Vlaev et al. [51].
whole process is somewhat challenging as complete reaction
follows different kinetics and mechanism with the change in 3.6 Thermodynamic study
conversion as reaction proceeds [40]. However, efforts have
been made for predicting the reaction mechanism of solid- The estimation of thermodynamic parameters is also a signif-
state biomass pyrolysis of pistachio shell at the heating rate icant step along with kinetic parameters for the effective de-
of 10 °C/min by employing Criado method and Z master plot. sign of pyrolysis plant, as these parameters impart the basic
The experimental and theoretical curves were plotted at con- idea about the energy requirement, energy barrier, and ther-
version ranging from 10 to 80% by using Eq. 14, and reaction modynamic equilibrium during pyrolysis reaction of biomass.
models were selected from Table 1. The pre-exponential factor A along with thermodynamic prop-
Figure 8 compares the experimental curve obtained with erties (enthalpy ΔH, Gibbs free energy ΔG, entropy ΔS) was
the theoretical curves of 17 models. By comparing the nature calculated from Eqs. 15-18 based on apparent activation en-
of the experimental curve with the different theoretical curves, ergy at heating rate of 10 °C/min for all four iso-conversional
a close prediction of reaction mechanism has been made. It models (FWO, KAS, Starink, Friedman) in an inert atmo-
can be analyzed that in up to 50% conversion, experimental sphere. In addition, the purpose of the selection of the lowest
curve closely matches the theoretical curve with R2 and R3 heating rate was to lessen the influence of interaction among
mechanisms; thus, thermal degradation of pistachio shell fol- the components during thermal degradation reaction [1]. The
lows the process of the 2nd-order and 3rd-order random nu- calculated results of all the parameters are listed in Table 5.
cleation possessing two and three nucleus on particular parti- The frequency factor, often termed as pre-exponential fac-
cles respectively. During thermal degradation of biomass, as tor, signifies the frequency of collision between reactant mol-
conversion increases, cleavage of some weaker bonds occurs ecules along with the nature of complex formed. The values of
as a result of devolatilization of cellulose components (studied pre-exponential factor for different model-free methods were
in TGA results) forming the chain of low molecular mass in the range of 1.92 × 107–1.56 × 1019, 1.04 × 107–1.40 ×
which may serve as an active site for the growth of nucleus 1020, 1.10 × 107–2.03 × 1020, and 3.05 × 109–2.12 × 1021 s−1
and decomposition to occur [25]. As conversion increased up for FWO, KAS, Starink, and Friedman methods respectively.
to 70%, the experimental curve had the similarity with the D4 This broad variation in pre-exponential factor with increasing
and P4 mechanisms which corresponds to the 3rd-order dif- conversion exhibits the complicated and heterogeneous nature
fusion model and power-law model respectively, as conver- of biomass along with the indication of complex multi-step
sion increases at high-temperature diffusion of gaseous prod- reaction mechanism [28]. Pre-exponential factor having low
ucts may take place [48]. Again in up to 80% conversion, values (< 109) denotes closed complex formation and easier
degradation of biomass follows R3 model corresponding to decomposition, whereas high values (> 109) denote loose
the 3rd-order random nucleation. Based on the above complex formation [27]. The empirical frequency factor value

Fig. 8 Experimental and

theoretical plot for estimating the
reaction mechanism of solid-state
decomposition of biomass
4858 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

Table 5 Pre-exponential factor and thermodynamic parameters for Table 5 (continued)

FWO, KAS, Starink, and Friedman methods of pistachio shell pyrolysis
FWO method
FWO method
α (%) A (s−1) ΔH (kJ/mol) ΔG (kJ/mol) ΔS (J/mol K)
α (%) A (s ) ΔH (kJ/mol) ΔG (kJ/mol) ΔS (J/mol K)
70 3.72 × 1010 146.76 182.48 − 57.05
10 1.92 × 107
109.65 183.97 − 118.71 75 5.53 × 1011 160.28 182.03 − 34.74
15 7.48 × 108 127.80 183.20 − 88.48 80 2.03 × 1020 260.23 179.57 128.84
20 2.3 × 108 121.83 183.43 − 98.39 Average - 161.36 182.13 − 33.18
25 2.01 × 108 121.10 183.46 − 99.60 Friedman method
30 2.89 × 1010 145.96 182.52 − 58.39 10 3.05 × 109 134.98 182.92 − 90.18
35 1.01 × 1013 175.43 181.59 − 9.84 15 1.08 × 1012 164.40 181.92 − 31.96
40 2.94 × 1012 169.15 181.77 − 20.16 20 5.75 × 109 137.96 182.81 − 80.58
45 6.3 × 1014 196.25 181.02 24.34 25 2.62 × 1010 145.53 182.54 − 65.76
50 1.25 × 1013 176.33 181.56 − 8.35 30 3.59 × 1013 181.94 181.41 0.94
55 1.96 × 1013 178.54 181.49 − 4.71 35 1.59 × 1017 224.51 180.33 76.31
60 6.54 × 1013 184.58 181.32 5.20 40 5.13 × 1014 195.29 181.04 24.38
65 6.43 × 1011 161.16 182.01 − 33.30 45 1.20 × 1015 199.52 180.93 31.25
70 4.3 × 1013 182.37 181.38 1.58 50 9.97 × 1015 210.21 180.67 49.04
75 7.12 × 1011 161.55 181.99 − 32.64 55 1.18 × 1015 199.30 180.93 30.12
80 1.56 × 1019 247.14 179.83 107.51 60 6.45 × 1012 172.86 181.65 − 14.25
Average - 163.92 182.04 − 28.93 65 1.68 × 1010 142.78 182.62 − 63.91
KAS method 70 4.81 × 1011 159.65 182.05 − 35.67
10 1.04 × 107 106.59 184.11 − 123.82 75 1.78 × 1018 236.31 180.06 88.28
15 4.57 × 108 125.33 183.29 − 92.58 80 2.12 × 10 21
272.20 179.34 139.39
20 9.54 × 107 117.43 183.62 − 105.71 Average - 185.16 181.42 3.83
25 1.09 × 108 118.03 183.59 − 104.71
30 1.99 × 1010 144.08 182.59 − 61.50
35 9.49 × 1012 175.13 181.60 − 10.33 generally lies in the range of 104-1018 s−1 for the first-order
40 2.61 × 1012 168.55 181.79 − 21.14 reaction mechanism. Beyond 25% conversion, high value of
45 6.79 × 1014 196.63 181.01 24.96 pre-exponential factor, that is, greater than 109, depicts slower
50 1.17 × 1013 175.99 181.57 − 8.90 decomposition; thus, more energy is required for the reaction.
55 2.44 × 1013 179.64 181.46 − 2.91 It can be analyzed that at low conversion rate, the low value of
60 4.71 × 1013 182.92 181.37 2.48 pre-exponential factor indicates lower energy requirement for
65 3.40 × 1011 157.94 182.11 − 38.61 decomposition and vice versa. Furthermore, it was also inves-
70 3.23 × 1010 146.04 182.50 − 58.24 tigated that as conversion increases, increasing–decreasing
75 5.64 × 1011 160.38 182.03 − 34.57 trend of pre-exponential factor follows the similar trend of
80 1.40 × 1020 258.34 179.60 125.76 activation energy; i.e., at high activation energy, pre-
Average - 160.87 182.15 − 33.99 exponential factor was high and vice versa. Pre-exponential
Starink method value of pistachio shell was low as compared to maize cob
10 1.10 × 107 106.89 184.10 − 123.34 (105–1023 s−1) [1] and acacia nilotica (1010–1025 s−1) [25] and
15 4.47 × 108 125.22 183.30 − 92.76 high as compared to typha latifolia (109–1015 s−1) [13] and
20 1.39 × 108 119.32 183.54 − 102.57 corn stover (1011–1016 s−1) [31].
25 1.14 × 108 118.28 183.58 − 104.30 Enthalpy, a thermodynamic property of system, represents
30 2.09 × 1010
144.34 182.58 − 61.07 the energy stored in the system. Change in enthalpy deter-
35 9.78 × 1012 175.28 181.60 − 10.09 mines the loss or gain in energy of the system. With respect
40 2.75 × 1012 168.81 181.78 − 20.72 to biomass pyrolysis, enthalpy can be defined as the amount of
45 6.6 × 1014 196.48 181.01 24.72 heat required to convert the biomass into products i.e. bio-oil,
50 1.14 × 1013 175.87 181.57 − 9.10 char, and gas or to bring the biomass from room temperature
55 1.96 × 1013 178.54 181.49 − 4.71 to 900 °C for thermal degradation. The average values of
60 6.87 × 1013 184.83 181.31 5.62 enthalpy calculated for FWO, KAS, Starink, and Friedman
65 4.41 × 1011 159.25 182.07 − 36.45 methods were 163.92, 160.87, 161.36, and 185.16 kJ/mol,
respectively. Enthalpy values for all iso-conversional models
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861 4859

were almost similar, except Friedman method as there was a which illustrates that at low conversion, the reaction rate is
slight increase in value. However, the enthalpy change was faster as well as the decomposition, which is in agreement
seen to be maximum beyond 70% of conversion; i.e., more with the pre-exponential factor values obtained. This co-
energy is required to degrade the pistachio shell as mostly occurrence of both negative and positive values of ΔS with
lignin is left after the degradation of cellulose and hemicellu- the wide range also proves the complexity of the pyrolysis
loses. The positive nature of enthalpy makes the pyrolysis of process. These findings exemplify pistachio shell has a mas-
pistachio shell an endothermic process. It was also noted that sive quantity of inherent energy and potential to be exploited
at particular conversion, there was a difference in enthalpy and as a source for bioenergy production.
activation energy of about 4-5 kJ/mol for all models. This
potential barrier, often regarded as the difference between 3.7 Future application
the biomass reactant and activated complex, was very low
which favors the formation of the activated complex and The present study confirms the potential of pistachio shell
shows the reliability of the pyrolysis process for energy pro- towards bioenergy production via pyrolysis. The study can
duction in an energy-efficient manner [52]. As compared to be applied to get the optimum temperature range for pyrolysis
the change in enthalpy of the pyrolysis process of other bio- of pistachio shell for product generation. Pyrolysis basically
mass such as maize cob (180.58 kJ/mol) [1], typha latifolia provides products in all three forms, i.e. bio-oil, biochar, and
(179.42 kJ/mol) [13], and corn stover (181.5 kJ/mol) [31], non-condensable gas. However, the yield of products depends
change in enthalpy of pistachio shell pyrolysis was low for upon the temperature chosen. The study reveals the produc-
KAS method. tion of bio-oil to be high as compared to char and gas because
Gibbs free energy is another essential thermodynamic pa- of high cellulose and high volatile content in pistachio shell.
rameter which denotes the available energy of biomass that These products find various applications as energy forms di-
can be used for the chemical transformation along with the rectly or indirectly. Bio-oil is mostly comprised hydrocarbons
formation of the activated complex. The change in Gibbs free and oxygenated compounds, so it can be used as a blend for
energy depends upon the change in enthalpy and change in petrol or diesel and find applications in furnaces and diesel
entropy. The average values of change in Gibbs free energy engines. Bio-oil can also be further upgraded to reduce oxy-
calculated for FWO, KAS, Starink, and Friedman methods gen content and can be used as stable lubricants. Solid bio-
were 182.04, 182.15, 182.13, and 181.42 kJ/mol respectively. char, which is also a by-product, finds application as a soil
The ΔG values for corn stover (171.5 kJ/mol) [31], deodar additive in the form of manure and as a solid fuel or it can also
sawdust (165 kJ/mol), and rice husk (165-176 kJ/mol) [14] are act as an efficient adsorbent for waste stream purification.
low when compared to the present study of pistachio shell. Non-condensable gasses also find application for further hy-
This high value of ΔG reveals that pistachio shell has enough drogen production as mainly comprises syngas or as a fuel for
useful energy to be converted into products and acts as prom- IC engines or boilers. The non-condensable gasses can also be
ising biomass for biofuel production. enriched for more hydrogen and carbon monoxide content
Molecular disorder and randomness of the system are de- that can be used in Fischer-Tropsh synthesis for liquid hydro-
fined by one of the thermodynamic properties, termed as en- carbon production. The process describes the conversion of
tropy. The change in entropy exhibits both positive and neg- waste to energy in the form of various products (bio-oil, bio-
ative values ranging from − 118.71 to 107.51 J/mol K, − char, and non-condensable gasses) which acts an energy
123.82 to 125.76 J/mol K, − 123.34 to 128.84 J/mol K, and source for various industrial applications. The whole process
− 90.18 to 139.39 J/mol K calculated for FWO, KAS, Starink, is feasible with respect to the economic point of view, as there
and Friedman methods respectively. The negative entropy is a transformation of scrap i.e. pistachio shell (negligible eco-
value symbolizes low intensity of randomness of the product nomic value, considering being waste) into the useful energy
as compared to biomass. The negative value indicates some products. Besides the energy generation, the advantage of
structural changes needed to achieve a state of thermodynamic waste minimization can be made by reducing the landfill
equilibrium during the pyrolysis process [53]. The speed of scrap.
reaction kinetics and approach to thermodynamic equilibrium
may vary depending upon the change in the entropy. A low
value of entropy signifies the only physical and chemical 4 Conclusion
changes of material leading it to its own thermodynamic equi-
librium resulting in less chemical reactivity, whereas the high Non-isothermal TG analysis was performed to examine the
value of entropy signifies increased reactivity and rapid for- pyrolytic behavior and kinetics of pistachio shell pyrolysis at
mation of the activated complex as the system is far enough four different heating rates (10, 20, 30, and 40 °C/min) in
from thermodynamic equilibrium [32]. The value of entropy is nitrogen atmosphere from ambient temperature to 900 °C.
quite high as compared to values beyond 25% conversion At the low heating rate, highest conversion was achieved at
4860 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2022) 12:4847–4861

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