Gen Phys Q1

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Physics units.

Science that deals with the structure and matter and interaction between  Metric system is called the International System of Units (SI)
the fundamental constituents of the observable universe. In the Broadest
sense, physics (Greek : physikos) SI Units
 Concerned with all aspects of nature on both the macroscopic and For years, scientists used metric units, which are related decimally by
submicroscopic levels. powers of 10. In 1960, the General Conference on Weights and Measures,
 Its scope includes the behavior of things under certain forces and the the worldwide authority on units, suggested a redesigned metric system
nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force dubbed SI (International System of Units from French Système Internatio-
fields. nale d’Unites).
 Its goal is to formulate a few general principles that explain different - numerical value of the magnitude of the quantity
Base quantities are physical
Measurements quantities that cannot be de-
Associating numbers with physical quantities and occurrences. fined in terms
Measurement is fundamental to the sciences, engineering, building, and of other quantities.
most daily activities. Measurement's components, circumstances, re-
strictions, and theoretical basis have been investigated extensively.
See measuring system for a history of various systems.

Measurements may be made by unaided human senses, in which they Derived Quantities
case they are often called estimates, or, more commonly, by the use of  Defined in terms of the seven base quantities via system of quantity
instruments, which range in complexity from simple rules for measuring equations
lengths to highly sophisticated systems designed to detect and measure  The SI derived units for these quantities are obtained from these
quantities beyond the senses, such as radio waves from a distant star or equations and the seven SI base units
the magnetic moment of a subatomic particle.

Physical quantities
 Quantities that can be measured.
 Scientific instrument is used.
 We define the unit in which the measurement is made to describe a
physical quantity; metric system is the most common system of
Best Practices
 Multiply numerators
and denominators,
then divide.
 Documenting calcu-
lations may help
solve mistakes.
 Don't round calcula-
 Round the final amount.

Unit Conversion Many unit conversion problems will require only a single
A unit conversion expresses the same attribute in another unit. unit conversion factor. However, multiple factors may be
Time may be stated in minutes instead of hours, and distance can be required to solve a problem. These figures illustrate both
changed from miles to kilometers or feet. Sometimes dimensions are examples. Remember that Step 3, identifying the conversion
offered in feet but required in chains. A conversion factor converts feet to factor, is often the most challenging step. If an incorrect (or
chains equally. approximate) conversion factor is used, a correct solution
A conversion factor multiplies or divides units to convert them. When will not be achieved.
converting, apply the relevant factor. To convert inches to feet, the appro-
priate conversion value is 12 inches = 1 foot. And 60 minutes = 1 hour. Precision and Accuracy
Precision and accuracy are used to describe measured value uncertain-
ties. Precision is how well measurements agree. Accuracy is how closely
Unit conversion problem steps process measurements match the "true" value.
1. Identify the unit you have (Starting Units)
2. Identify the unit you want (Desired Units) ERRORS IN MEASUREMENTS
3. Identify the appropriate unit conversation factor(s). these are linking Systematic Error
(or ratio) unit(s). use EXACT conversion factors whenever available.  Results of a flaw in the experimental designs or apparatus
4. Cancel units and perform the math calculations e.g. (Double Check by
repeating the calculation) Random Error
5. Evaluate the result. “Does the answer make sense?”  Unpredictable changes in the experiment
Significant Figures 120.00 contains three trailing zeros, hence it has five significant
Except when all the numbers are integers (such as when counting pupils digits.
in a class), it's sometimes hard to get the precise amount of a quantity. This convention clarifies precision. If a quantity exact to four deci-
It's necessary to show a measurement's margin of error by stating the mal places (0.0001) is reported as 12.23, then just two decimal plac-
number of significant numbers, or meaningful digits. The final digit of im- es are accessible. The answer of 12.2300 is exact to four decimal
portant numbers is unclear. places (six significant digits).

 The Number 0 is considered significant (one significant figure)

Therefore, any zeros after the decimal point are also significant.
 All non-zero digits are considered significant
0.00 has three significant figures.
91 (two significant figures 9 and 1)
123.45 (1,2,3,4, and 5 are significant figres)  Scientific notations are significant.
 Zeros appearing between non-zero digits (Trapped Zeros) are signif-
4.300x10-4 has 4 significant numbers.
Scientific Notations
101.12 (five significant figures 1, 0, 1, 1, and 2)
Scientific notation multiplies any integer between 1 and 10 by a power of
 Leading zeros aren’t significant. 10. It's a shorthand for writing very huge or very small numbers. Scientific
Example: notation uses the form M x 10n, where M is between 1 and 10 but not 10
5 and 2 are important digits in 0.00052. and n is an integer.
Note: Integer are positive and negative whole number.
 Trailing zeros in a number without a decimal are generally not signif-
The distance to the closest star is 39,900,000,000,000,000,000,000m.
400 is a single-digit number (4).
Or as written as 3.99 x 1016 m in scientific notation. The exponent indi-
Where trailing zeros are do not count as significant.
cates how often to multiply by 10.
 Trailing zeros in decimal numbers are significant.
Example: Hydrogen atoms weigh 0.000000000000000000000007 kg.
1, 2, 2, 3, 0, and 0 are significant digits in 12.2300. Or as written as 1.7 x 10-27 kilogram in scientific notation. Exponent
Six important digits remain in 0.000122300. specifies how many times to divide by 10.
(the zeros before the 1 are not significant).
SCALAR Representing A Magnitude of a Vector
- defined as the physical quantity with magnitude and no direction - magnitude of a vector in a scaled vector diagram is depicted by the length of
- described just by numerical value (with their respective units) the arrow.
- without directions (don't have any directions) - arrow is drawn a precise length in accordance with a
- follows simple rules of algebra chosen sale.
- magnitudes are added
Right diagram:
Mass, Speed, Distance, Time, Area, Volume, Density, Temperature 20-mile vector. 1cm = 5 miles, hence the vector is 4 cm
long. 4 cm x (5 miles/1cm) = 20 miles

Using the same scale (1 cm = 5 miles):

 A 15-mile displacement vector is 3 cm long.
VECTOR  A 5-cm arrow represents a 25-mile displacement vector.
- defined as physical quantity has both direction and magnitude  A 3.6-cm-long arrow represents an 18-mile displacement vector.
- a value with the value of magnitude equal to one and direction is called unit vec-
tor represented by a lower case alphabet with a "hat" circumflex. that is "u"

Linear momentum, Acceleration, Displacement, Momentum, Angular ve-

locity, Force, Electrical Field

often represented by scaled vector diagrams, vector diagrams depict a vector by
use of an arrow to scale in a specific direction VECTOR ADDITION
such diagrams are commonly called as body-diagrams. variety of mathematical operations can
be performed with vectors; addition is
 Scale is clearly listed one of them as two vectors can be
 A vector arrow (with arrowhead) is drawn in added to determine the resultant
a specified direction. the vector arrow has a
head and tail.
 The magnitude and direction of the vector
is clearly labeled.
These rules for summing vectors were applied to free-body diagrams in order to
determine the net force (i.e., the vector sum of all the individual forces).

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