HANDOUT+ +NS+CH2+ (Walking+in+the+Ways+Session+7)
HANDOUT+ +NS+CH2+ (Walking+in+the+Ways+Session+7)
HANDOUT+ +NS+CH2+ (Walking+in+the+Ways+Session+7)
The Well Sheffield
Naturally Supernatural Course Booklet
Published by The Well Sheffield. 603 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8PR, UK.
Except for brief excerpts, no part of this book may be reproduced or used
in any form without written permission from the authors.
The booklet is not for public publication beyond The Well Sheffield and
those attending the Naturally Supernatural Course.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are taken from the Holy
Bible, New International Version. NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by
International Bible Society. Used without permission of Zondervan.
The majority of this content is written and prepared by the author team
from The Well Sheffield. We do not claim to have originated or expressed
it all. Some ideas and descriptions have been gathered from other
The Supernatural realm
The Supernatural realm and where I
fit in....
There is within every human being, a deep desire and hunger for the
supernatural. God has placed it there! We may ignore it, stifle and
suppress it, but we will never eliminate it.
But we are Spirit beings, with a soul (mind, emotions, will), who live in a
body. Gen 1
likeness....so God created man in His image, in the image of God He
If we are made in His image we are spirit beings, because
God is spirit.
While there are spirit beings such as angels and demons that operate in
the realm of the spirit, in humanity God has created a unique creature
with the ability to operate in both the spiritual and natural realms. You
We are never-ceasing spiritual beings!
I may live on earth in my physical body for about 80 years,
but I already live as a spirit in the spiritual realm for eternity
bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to
live forever. They are buried as natural human bodies but they will be
-43). This gives us hope even in
death, and beyond it.
or. 2:12)
Every spiritual encounter is about intimacy with Jesus our desire for
spiritual experiences must be motivated by a passion to know, experience
and see Him. It's all about Ephesians 1 v7 -
We are influenced by the spiritual environment around
us all the time and we influence the spiritual
environment in the lives of others all around us all the
In an age in which the spirit realm has often been ignored throughout the
church, no wonder there is such an interest in Eastern religions and the
New age movement. There is a wonderful invitation in scripture for us to
learn to live in the Supernatural naturally.
Most times the supernatural manifests in such a natural way we may miss
it all together! Su
about synchronizing heaven and earth in our lives.
Spiritual power comes from the spirit and no matter how hard we try, we
cannot achieve spiritual power from mind or body. Some teachers have
advocated that being naturally supernatural is about learning to separate
ourselves from our senses when it comes to approaching things of the
spirit. In reality, it may be more helpful to think in terms of training
ourselves to cultivate a lifestyle where we learn to interact with and
overlay our own understanding and immediate physical surroundings with
spiritual understanding. In this way we will to learn to see a bigger picture
with our spirit. It is our spirit that makes us conscious of God (the soul
makes us self-conscious, and the body conscious of the physical world).
As we become more conscious of, and interact with, the spiritual realm
this may, at times, feel like disengaging (zoning-out) from our physical
are and cannot escape, regardless of how we may think or feel about it.
It is our nature and our destiny. We ought to be spiritual in everything
the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. (Romans 8:6)
How to grow in supernatural awareness?
Spiritual disciplines
the primary connection point or hinging point between the natural and
the spiritual is the mind. The primary way through which we renew our
minds is through Gods word. In this way we become aware of the spirit
We may invite the Holy Spirit to flood and cleanse both our soul and
our spirit. It is not the case that our spirits are saved and our soul is at
war with our spirit (this would be a confusion of the soul and the
flesh/sinful nature as described in scripture). For we read in 2 Cor 7 v1
The Supernatural realm
.... and you shall not fulfil
the desires of the flesh
The that Paul refers to is what we call the physical realm. The
unseen spiritual realm. Sometimes you will hear people say, in an
attempt to wake us up to the reality of the spiritual realm that it is just as
real as the physical world we
understatement! God and the Spirit world exists outside of time and
outside of our understanding.
In Genesis 1 v1 we read that God created the heavens and the earth.
Some writers would explain that heaven is where God dwells, this is true
in part, but we read in Genesis 1 that God created the heavens. He exists
outside of heaven. In fact, in 2 Chronicles 2 v6 we read that the heavens
understanding is that the heavens are all around us! As we read the Old
Mark 1:15), God is here and His spiritual agents are constantly available.
For Old Testament Jews, heaven or the heavens was not a distant physical
place but rather a co-existent reality. Take Abraham in Genesis 21 and 22
for example, God speaks from a heaven which is right at hand. The New
Testament expe God with us. To be
Many live with the idea that heaven is a physical place for one day in the
future. This will surely limit our awareness of the supernatural. The
(Eph 6 v12)
and may be helpful for our human brain in engaging with the spiritual
realm, it would be a mistake to over categorize it all belongs to God
every component of heaven and earth is within range of His direct
knowledge and control! It would definitely be a mistake to imagine a
whole supernatural realm surrounding earth controlled entirely by the
demonic. This indeed could make us fearful of supernatural experiences.
from 2 Cor 12 was that the writer had a profound experience with God
It is clear from scripture that there is engagement between the seen and
unseen realms. For example, the angel Gabriel appeared on earth to
deliver a message but then disappeared (there are many more recent
stories of angels making a physical appearance on earth in bodily form
this is distinct from someone seeing a vision of an angel). In Revelation
chapters 1-
the physical realm and watched a vision before him in the spirit realm.
John is in his physical body watching a vision with his spiritual eyes. It has
-of-body experience.
Like the seen realm, much of the unseen realm has both good and evil
spirits at work within it but we are made for relationship and for the
discerning of spirits and we have an active role to play. The Holy Spirit will
be at work, the demonic, human spirits and other heavenly beings.
an without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from
the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to Him, and he cannot
understand them, because they are spiritually discerned*
(*The Greek word meaning to test/approve.)
Throughout the course we look in detail at the angelic realm and how we
can learn to partner with angels. We will also be looking at the discerning
of Spirits at a later point.
You can never will yourself into an encounter with God; one cannot
decide to have a deeper level of revelation but you can develop your
understanding and make yourself available by faith. The good news is that
God wants to communicate with you more than you can ever desire Him
looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha
(2 Kings 6 v 15-17).
When the Lord activated and opens up our spiritual sight, we see the
bigger picture. We see into the unseen realm. We see what He sees.
Through the work of the cross, Jesus prepared the way for us to operate
from the heavenly realm -He made us sit together in heavenly places in
Christ Jesus Eph 2 v6. The bible encourages us to reach out in expectation
that we can have what is in heaven NOW!
It is the presence of the Holy Spirit who came to rest and remain on Jesus
that enabled Him to live from Heaven to earth. The same is true for each
of us, the living presence of the Spirit of God is within us from the moment
we are born again of the Spirit; but the presence of the Holy Spirit can
grow in and upon our lives.
The Senses
Science has learnt that the physical body has five senses
that enable us to interact with our environment: touch,
taste, smell, sight and sound. Experience and culture
dictate our own individual reactions to these senses
through our soul. For example, smell brings back memories. The way in
which we see the world is affected by the condition of our soul. Just as we
have physical senses that provide us with information about the world, we
also have spiritual senses. When Elisha prayed for his servant, he did not
pray for God to give him eyes, instead he prayed that god would open his
eyes (2 Kings 6 v17). Likewise, Paul prayed for the eyes of our hearts to be
opened. In human communication the main senses used for relating
information are sound and sight. Likewise, God may communicate to us
through smell, for example, but will generally communicate to us
spiritually through hearing and seeing.
Physical and spiritual senses are distinct. We see this in Luke 8 v 43-46
be healed. Many people were pressing in and touching Jesus in the natural
but Jesus felt the spiritual touch of this woman.
We can engage with God with all our spiritual senses. For example, most
commonly we hear an inner voice we have come to recognise as the
Fathers voice. I think we can expect to hear His voice throughout our day if
we learnt to tune into the Holy spirits presence in our daily lives. We may
also hear an inner audible voice which grabs our attention, or an external
audible voice. We may also, for example, experience the Holy Spirit as a
sweet smell, or what may feel like a physical wind.
We need to see and hear our heavenly Father on a daily basis. You are a
unique individual and he will communicate with you as such. Our lives
cannot be about what someone else is seeing or what we felt God speak
to us 20 years ago.
Activation: How about offering your senses to the Lord?
disciples our primary function is to be sheep who hear His voice (John 10).
Likewise, we can all pray for healing: Mark 16 v17-
accompany those who believe... they will place their hands on sick people,
However, we read in scripture that there are distinctions within the gifts.
With prophesy, for example you have the office of the prophet mentioned
in Ephesians 4 v 11, then there is the gift of prophesy found in 1 Cor 12
is worth mentioning that the role of the prophet outlined in Eph 4 is to
try, for the edifying of the body of
in other words, not just prophesy but train others to prophesy.
Similarly, the gift of healing and the power to perform miracles is
mentioned in 1 Cor 12, yet in Mathew 10 it is clear that we are all, as
Many verses in scripture outline that Christians can and should have their
he Seers?
Old Testament scripture distinguishes between
Individuals were referred to as one or the other. For example,
Samuel the seer, the records of Nathan the prophet and the records of
titles Seer in the Old Testament (Samuel, Gad, Zadok etc). Others, such as
Daniel, are recorded as operating in the gift of a Seer.
The Hebrew word for seer means one who receives communication from
God in visions, mental pictures and dreams (different, for example to
audible words or an internal sense). People may literally or figuratively see
in the Spirit.
us simply remember occurrences that violate physical laws are
extraordinary to us but not to God.
Let us consider......
Paul tells us in Galatians 5 that if we learn to live by the
Spirit now we learn not to operate under the law the
law of sin and death. What does it mean to be spirit
conscious? Does it simply mean that we spend 10
minutes in prayer and worship at the start of the day and
the rest of the day we revert back to the natural realm to be dominated by
our senses.
God has made me a spirit and He has made each of us unique and it is
perfectly natural for me to be spiritual
struggle but I may need to train my spirit. We should (and can) train
ourselves to think, act and walk as spirit beings...now that might be an