5th International Conference on Arts, Design and Contemporary Education (ICADCE 2019)
Xiujia Li
Northwest Normal University
Lanzhou, China 730070
discussion is thorough, which can be regarded as one of the IV. THESE NINE KINDS OF SKILLS OR NINE KINDS OF
spirits of Chinese dance culture. DANCE POSTURES
Second: The theory of Tibetan dance, which takes the First: Charming posture: the external form of exciting
Jiuzhong dance posture as the core, reflects the height of the activities in the heart when witnessing a beautiful object or
ancestors' understanding of dance. The main theories of these environment. It can be divided into body, language, beautiful
dances are: "What is dance?", "the role of Dance", "Cham form of "internal charm" and flowers, plants and trees and
purpose", "how to dance", "how to pay attention to the use of other charming scenery "external charm".
form in dance", "the relationship among song, dance and
Second: Heroic posture: an external form of intense
music" and so on, and how to use "body, sound, emotion or
activity in the heart of a difficult thing. It can be divided into
body, mouth, meaning" in dance organic combination to
the "Dharma-Hamah" that is not afraid to follow the alms &
achieve the perfect performance effect and so on.
religious disciplines and "worldly heroic" that is not afraid of
Third: From the artistic point of view, the main form of adversaries, evil spirits and beasts. It can also be divided into
temple Cham dance is dance. In the three major dance types "giving heroic" without cover and supply, "dharma heroic"
(palace dance, folk dance, temple dance) in Tibet, the Cham that is not afraid to obey religious disciplines and drudgery,
dance, which represents the temple dance, has a unique and "battlefield heroic" that is not afraid of enemies & beasts.
complete system.
Third: Tiresome posture: the external form of aversion in
a. Tibetan Cham dance has formed a more complete the heart to a dirty object. It can be divided into morbid
dance theory, with its specific dance vocabulary, dance disability "body is tiresome", phonological incomplete
structure and performance program. "language is tiresome", dirty ornament "dress is tiresome",
ground uneven branches withered and cracked "environment
b. There are rules and characteristic requirements of the is tiresome".
complete whole body movement in the dance technique, and
there are various steps, various dancing, rotation, squatting Fourth: Ferocious posture: an external gesture towards a
and other techniques, and the gesture combination is harmful object, an angry activity in the heart. It can be
especially complete. divided into the "ferocious Dharma" of the eradication of
evil & bad habits and the "mundane ferocious" of daily
c. From music to clothing, masks, props, there are strict brutality.
Fifth: Ridiculous posture: an external posture shown by
d. Cham dance has a strictly standardized dance spectrum, ridiculous activities in the heart of a strange object. It can be
detailed text and circuitous dance, accurate formula for divided into "inner ridiculous" caused by action and
training and performance, and organic integration of dance language and "external ridiculous" caused by objective
and music, which is a rare ancient Tibetan dance spectrum in environment.
the world. Since ancient times, there have been many
scriptures devoted or partly to religious dance in Tibet, such Sixth: Terrorist posture: the external posture of fear
as Wise man door, the Collection of knowledge, there is this activity in the face of an object stronger than itself. It can be
content in this regard. Some senior monks have also written divided into the "Dharma Terror" of six acts, such as charity
about monastery dance, and the monasteries have compiled and the "worldly horror" of witnessing ferocious acts such as
and recorded the scriptures of Cham in own's monastery. night forks, Roshi, Qingzi, etc.
These scriptures, the works, make a classification of Cham
Seventh: Compassion posture: it is a sympathetic
from different angles. For example, in the Book of popular
psychological activity for a particularly lovely object, and is
Music and Dance, Luo Qin living Buddha said that there
shown as an external gesture. Compassion posture that is
were 360 kinds of religious dances, and discussed "Fu suit
moved by the act of a noble and altruistic act is called respect;
evil magic dance", "Charred smoke dance", "Hercules with
compassion posture that is made for the mercy of the victims
Picking up corpses dance", "auspicious pride dance" and so
is called humble.
on, and divided these dances into 10 to 12 branches.
Eighth: Majesty posture: for being surprised at the heart
In the Collection of knowledge, Gongzhu, Yundan Jiacuo
of an excellent object, it shows the external posture. Because
divides Tibetan dance (including Cham) into nine kinds of
of status, appearance, wealth is superior to others, it is
techniques. Among them, the time wheel and air travel in
"worldly majesty", and because of wisdom and knowledge
Large Sea Golden rigid Curtain Yoga Family and King Kong
are superior to others, it is "Dharma majesty".
Buddha beads and so on are discussed in books. The
classification of the dance on the ground (To make a Ninth: Gentle posture: for treating the objects of different
diamond dance, to take a golden step.) to the worship dance; status and situations equally, it shows the external posture. It
The magic anger dance of Ningmatist, the combination of is divided into "worldly moderation", which is not arrogant
Big party & eight spiritual practices and full of King Kong because of status, power and wealth, and "Dharma
chunks drinking blood vessel dance, the classification of moderation", which is not arrogant because of knowledge
reclusive dance; as well as all kinds of temple dance of old and talent.
and new denominations, all should have nine styles of dance
art and techniques. The above nine postures can also be classified according
to body, language and meaning: Charming, heroic and
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 341
tiresome are called three posture of the body; Ferocious, the requirements and basic images of dance movements in all
ridiculous and terror are called three gestures of language; parts of the human body are in line with the law of clothing.
Compassion, majesty and gentle are called mind three kinds
of posture. Cham dance movements, roughly not beyond V. ANALYSIS OF CHAM DANCE BODY LANGUAGE
these areas, or slow stretch movement indicates mild, clear CURVE
and bright movement indicates heroic, vigorous and quick
movement indicates anger. Torso is its main tool of language expression in dance
style language. When the ups and downs of the torso show a
A. Posture of Hands and Feet regular sinusoidal movement, it turns to the expressive force
of all parts of the human body, such as hands, eyes, body,
First: Stand on heel, with chest out for the upper body; method, step and so on. Whether it is up and down or back
second: The footsteps keep down backward, then put inward; and forth, from the psychological state of "action starts from
third: Step backward, first outside and then inside; third: the heart", it can see that the upper body of the human body
Bounce with chest out for the upper body; fifth: Walk the is good at showing subtle and affectionate feelings. The
circles for continuous several times; sixth: Fully keep belly lower half of the human body mainly lies in the function of
sagging and dancing again; seventh: Turn inside then put various dance steps and skills, which are composed of dance
outward. Eighth: The footsteps keep down backward, then posture lines, a kind of relaxed body language flow, it's some
jump; ninth: Turn head backwards and then jump to the side; kind of strong emotional consciousness, the more covert
tenth: The foot extends to the left, with a jump step; eleventh: body language hint that is about to erupt.
Light smart and dagger jump; twelfth: Squat jump
continuously with the sound of the drum; thirteenth: Sit
A. The Basic Form of Cham Dance
along the rotating cross, with one-legged standing; fourteenth:
Forward-only jump continuously; fifteenth: Side staggered The basic form of Cham dance is round, from the form of
step; sixteenth: Bend next to turn first and then jump; circular dance to the circle of the human body has become
seventeenth: Round running and jump step; eighteenth: jump the basic posture of Cham dance movements, and formed the
to the side with one leg; nineteenth: Jump on one leg with aesthetic characteristics of Cham dance art. The circle can be
shoulder tremble; twentieth: Flick backwards and jump and divided into a semi-circular shape, a circle, a local circle, on
turn; twenty first: one turn, binary-hop; twenty second: Move the basis of circle derived arc, oblique line, flat line, zigzag
one foot out ward, with the body toward the inside; twenty line and so on. The expression of dance is the body, limbs
third: Jump diagonally to the right; twenty fourth: rightward and expression of the dancer, while the body motion of the
jump, leftward lower side waist; twenty fifth: Leftward and person is the basic element of the dance language. The
rightward jump; twenty sixth: Jump forward with chest out expressiveness of Cham dance style language is based on the
for the upper body; twenty seventh: Turn and stop unique curved aesthetic feeling and expresses its beauty by
continuously; twenty eighth: Continuous jump and turn; circle. "Rhythmic" in dance ecology refers to a type of
twenty ninth: The heel slanted off to the side leg; thirtieth: rhythm formed by alternating dynamic and static patterns
Lift legs and turn side; thirty first: Move with the heel between parts of the body in dance form movement, showing
thrown backward. a certain form of movement law. In Introduction to Dance
Ecology, the steps are carefully screened according to the
B. Posture of the Head and Hands order of feet, calves and thighs. It is pointed out that the
feature extraction of feet must pay attention to the
First: Stretch left hand and dance with arms swing relationship between foot and ground in time domain and
shaking. Second: dance with double hands; third: Hold the spatial domain, the way of landing, the direction of process,
flag in left hand; fourth: Raise sword; fifth: Hacking posture; the severity of landing, and so on.
sixth: Sun and Moon Put down Gently (refers to props);
seventh: Raise sword and spear in turn; eighth: Pat the chest
B. Analysis on the Dance Movement of the Human Body
for driving away the ghost; ninth: Raise sword to turn team
flag; tenth: Upper body turns to side with majesty; eleventh: 1) A sense of stability: This is the primary requirement
Team flag landed; twelfth: Pat the chest for several times; of the aesthetic feeling of dance body language. In Cham
thirteenth: Prepare to throw noose; fourteenth: Look back at dance, it is not only the skillful technical factor of dance
heroic posture; fifteenth: The upper body turns back to look. movement, but also the grasp of psychological factor, which
The above discussion vividly expounds that dance is an ensures the stability and play of the curve circle of body
art rather than a game, so dance cannot be regarded as a language with the pure relaxation of psychology.
children's play, so it is necessary to perform the content of 2) Harmony: In the expression of Cham dance style
the performance vividly, to fly like Roc, and to give people language, the ability of harmony among various parts is
the feeling of flying wings. In particular, it is pointed out that used to achieve harmonious beauty. In any case, the hand,
Cham clothing should serve the content, make the dance art the arm, the head, the chest, the waist, the step, the Chen
more complete, make the dance more passionate, and enrich and so on can be organically combined.
the vocabulary of dance Cham. At the same time, the body 3) Fluency: A sense of motion on the level of the stage.
requirements proposed by the dancer fully conform to the
Movement, combination composition, scheduling fluency is
basic aesthetic characteristics of Tibetan dance, in particular,
based on emotional fluency. On the basis of dance body
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 341
language, it should be understood that the combination of from feeling to mind, it gives people a heavy, twisted,
the connotation of action and the emotion of music, to make depressed sense, which lays the foundation for the aesthetic
the dance movement into the whole body power, and to uniqueness of Cham dance.
make the flowing body language more fluent. By forming
the unique internal psychological activity line of the dancer,
the inner emotion is closely related to the muscle function of REFERENCES
the body, and the head, chest, waist, knee, hand and foot of [1] Zhaxi Jiangcuo. Traditional Tibetan folk dance course [M]. Shanghai
Cham dance are closely coordinated, master the fluency and Music Publishing House. July 2017. (in Chinese)
[2] Guo Jing. Mask of the Soul. [M]. Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore, 1998.
apply it reasonably to body language. (in Chinese)
4) Softness: There is initial strength in softness, the so- [3] Ma Shengde, Cao Yali. Dance with man and god- the investigation
called resilience is a feeling of physical movement. This and Research of Qinghai religious sacrifice Dance [M]. Culture and
feeling comes from within the body and is the dancer's Art Press. 2005. (in Chinese)
feeling party of his body movement, state and direction, [4] Li Jicheng. Buddhist secret ritual peeping [M]. Dalian Publishing
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among including the inner feeling of moving party and body,
[5] Li Anzhai. A field study of Tibetan religious history [M]. China
In addition, the order of joint curvature and muscle is Tibetology Press. 1989. (in Chinese)
hierarchical and flexible leg movements, resulting in Cham [6] Guo Jing. On the origin of Cham dance in Tibetan monasteries [J].
dance flexibility. Literary and artistic studies. No. 2, 1996. (in Chinese)
5) Stretching out: It is the extroverted expansibility and [7] Guo Jing. Transcendent Soul- a double Ghost Terracotta Warriors in
extensibility of dancers with movements and composition. the Dance of Tibetan Cham [J]. Folk music. No. 100. (in Chinese)
[8] Li Fushun. Cham Dance Mask Art [J]. Tibetan Art Research. No. 3,
Cham dance sleeve movement first adduct,and then 1993. (in Chinese)
continuously produced outwardly extend, stretch, spread out,
open, lay down and other sensory levels. It makes dancers
produce rich images, a magical force that connects actors'
hearts with blue sky and white clouds, flies freely in the
blue sky, and expresses emotional life with the greatest
passion and impulse.
6) Implicit: It is the excavation into the depths of the
mind, it is the introverted accumulation and deep expansion
of the action. In the basic dance posture and footwork of
Cham soft dance, which often runs through by meaning and
gas: lift up the gas and transport the gas, after gas storage
and gas generation, making the dance drive the implicit of
the movement with the implicit of emotion.
In a word, the study of dance body language curve is a
long-term problem. At present, in the combination of dance
sentence segments and aesthetic feeling, the elements of
dance need to be expressed in dance language, so it is
necessary to be clear, having substance in words, and
language combination should be logical, and dance body
language should have high requirements. The folk custom,
culture and environment and so on of Tibetan group
determine the body language culture of the nationality, and
the recognition of posture and the application of action all
form their aesthetic standard and aesthetic requirements. The
form of dance can be diversified, but the most inherent style
cannot be changed; if changed, it is impossible to talk about
the style and action characteristics of Cham dance and so on.
Therefore, in the study of body language of Cham dance, the
first thing is to make clear that the study subject is the core
issue of Tibetan folk dance.
"Cham" dance has the artistic form of Tibetan Buddhist
art value, which has gone beyond the aesthetic connotation in
the traditional sense, and it is the rebellion and alienation of
beauty. Its harshness, horror and grotesque make the form of
Cham dance movements generally have "ugly beauty", and