Blue Modern Technology Business Presentation

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he Spectrum

a coffee plantation game changer

Glimpse of Coffee
Coffee is one of the commodities with the highest demand in
the world. The International Coffee Organization (ICO)
recorded that global coffee consumption reached 166 million
bags throughout the year 2021 and is expected to continue
increasing each year. Such high demand must be
complemented by maintaining the quality of the coffee beans
served to consumers. To achieve good coffee bean quality, the
coffee cultivation process requires special treatment.

Shade Coffee
As one of the C3 plants category, coffee does not require the
entire spectrum of sunlight to undergo photosynthesis optimally
[1]. Therefore, coffee plants need shade to avoid direct
exposure to sunlight [2]. Based on previous research, coffee
plants provided with 35-50% shade have shown higher yields.
This is because shade helps maintain an optimal temperature
balance for coffee growth [3]. Other research results also
indicate that shading coffee plants can increase the weight,
size, and flavor of the produced coffee beans [4].
image source:
Drawbacks of Coventional Method
still in use

Large Tree Shading Full Sun

image source: image source:

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This method is commonly used by conventional coffee Another method frequently used is full sun, where coffee
farmers. However, this method requires vast land because plants are not provided with any shade and are directly
coffee plants and shade plants need to be spaced adequately exposed to sunlight. Previous studies have indicated that the
to avoid competition for groundwater [5][6]. This leads to full sun method can result in a decrease in the quality and
suboptimal coffee bean production. quantity of coffee bean yields [7].
The Game Changer is...

he Spectrum
he Spectrum
The Spectrum is a technology we offer to overcome the
challenges faced by conventional coffee farmers. It is a
concept of shading coffee plants by integrating the use of
Photovoltaic and TEG (P-TEG) to generate electrical
energy, along with an MPF filter as a sunlight spectrum
selector. Through this integrated technology, The
Spectrum not only assists in achieving optimal coffee
production but also generates electrical energy, thus
optimizing land utilization.
Structure of he Spectrum

Up-Bottom Photovoltaic and

Thermoelectric Generator (P-TEG)
Converts sunlight and PV heat waste
to electricity

MPF (Multi Polymer Films) Layer

as sun spectrum splitter

Parabolic Through
Concentrator (PTC)
Its parabolic shape plays important role
in focusing reflected spectrum to P-TEG

support The Spectrum's structure
Structure of he Spectrum
*Detailed in P-TEG

5 layers of P-TEG

Upper PV
Normal Circulated Air
Bottom PV

P-TEG is one of the most crucial components of The

Spectrum. As seen in the more detailed image, P-TEG
consists of five layers (Upper PV-TEG1-Normal Circulated
Air-TEG2-Bottom PV).

When the sunlight spectrum hits the Upper PV and Bottom PV, it will be converted
into electricity. However, in this conversion process, unuseful waste heat is
produced. Therefore, the TEG (Thermoelectric Generator) is present to harness
this heat and convert it into electricity [10]. Meanwhile, the Normal Circulated Air
layer serves the purpose of dissipating the heat that has passed through the TEG
by regular air circulation.
How does he Spectrum work?

Based on previous research, it has been found that green and

infrared light spectrum are only partially absorbed by C3 plants
[1], including coffee. The excess green and infrared light
spectrum will be discarded in the form of heat [8]. Meanwhile,
blue and red light spectrum are the most absorbed by C3 plants
[1]. Those are the basic principle that we used in designing how
The Spectrum will work, detailed in list below:

A small portion of sunlight will be converted to electricity by

the upper P-TEG, while the majority will proceed towards
the MPF filter.
The sunlight spectrum within the range of 400-500nm and
551-675nm will be transmitted by the MPF filter to help the
photosynthesis process of coffee plants underneath it.
Meanwhile, the green and infrared spectra within the range
of 500nm-551nm and >700nm will be reflected towards the
P-TEG (Photovoltaic-Thermoelectric Generator) to be
converted into electrical energy [9].
he Spectrum in a scene

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Energy Generation Analysis

Improved Land Use: The concentrated sunlight from the spectral optimizes energy
output per unit of land, making it perfect for coffee plantations with limited space

Shade Management: The MPF semi-transparent filter allows sunlight to pass

through while providing filtered shade, which benefits the growth and quality of
coffee plants

Enhanced Productivity: The use of clean energy powers essential farming

equipment, ensuring uninterrupted operations and making the farm more resilient

Cost Savings: Lower electricity expenses over time free up resources for other
critical aspects of coffee production, leading to long-term financial benefits
he Spectrum Market Analysis
Bibliography of he Spectrum
[1] J. Liu and M. W. van Iersel, “Photosynthetic [6] A. Sarmiento-Soler et al., “Water use of Coffea arabica in
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[2] M. A. Soleh, T. A. Sirait, M. Ariyanti, and S. [7] V. Alves, F. F. Goulart, T. K. B. Jacobson, R. J. de M. Filho,
Rosniawaty, “Respons fisiologis dan agronomis bibit kopi and C. E. D. C. Ribas, “Shade’s Benefit: Coffee Production under
pada kerapatan naungan yang berbeda,” Kultivasi, vol. 20, Shade and Full Sun,” J. Agric. Sci., vol. 8, no. 11, p. 11, 2016, doi:
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[3] S. Jha, C. M. Bacon, S. M. Philpott, V. E. MÉndez, [8] Z. Zhang et al., “Spectral-splitting concentrator agrivoltaics
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[4] A. D. Bote and P. C. Struik, “Effects of shade on [9] M. Li et al., “Design of multi-passband polymer multilayer film
growth , production and quality of coffee ( Coffea arabica ) and its application in photovoltaic agriculture,” Chinese Opt. Lett.,
in Ethiopia,” vol. 3, no. 11, pp. 336–341, 2011. vol. 19, no. 11, p. 112201, 2021, doi: 10.3788/col202119.112201.
[5] F. J. Da Silva Neto et al., “Shade Trees Spatial [10] Y. Zhang and P. Gao, “Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermoelectric
Distribution and Its Effect on Grains and Beverage Quality Systems for Round-the-Clock Energy Harvesting,” Molecules, vol.
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doi: 10.1155/2018/7909467.

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