Unit 2 Edu. BS Urdu

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  1- 

Introduction to Philosophy and Education

Structure 
Introduction  1.1
Objectives  1.2
Concept and Scope of Philosophy  1.3
(Concept of Philosophy)  1.3.1
(Characteristics of Philosophy)  1.3.2
(Scope of Philosophy)  1.3.3
Concept and Scope of Education   1.4
(Concept of Education)  1.4.1
(Scope of Education)  1.4.2
Relationship between Philosophy and Education  1.5
Philosophy and Aims of Education  1.6
(Philosophy and Curriculum)   1.6.1
(Philosophy and Teaching Methods)    1.6.2
(Philosophy and Discipline)   1.6.3
(Philosophy and Text Books)  1.6.4
(Philosophy and Teacher)  1.6.5
Philosophy of Education and Educational Philoshophy  1.7
(Philosophy of Education)  1.7.1
(Educational Philosophy)  1.7.2
Points to Remember   1.8

Glossary 
 1.9
Unit End Activities    1.10
Suggested Books   1.11

 Introduction 1.1
          
         
           
   
   

 Objectives 1.2
  
   
   
 
 
       

(Concept and Scope of Philosophy) 1.3

(Concept of Philosophy) 1.3.1

 
 Phileo     Philosophie    Philosophy    Philosophy    
       Sophie   Phileo   Sophie
      "    Plato 
 "  
"The who has the taste for every sort of knowledge and who is curious to learn and is never
satisfied may be justly termed a Philosopher"   Plato
        
    "     "
"Philosophy is a science which discovers the real nature of supernatural elements"  Aristotle
     "  "
"Philosophy is the logical inquiry into the nature of reality" RadhaKrishnan

 Kant "   "
"Philosophy is a science and criticism of cognition" Kant
 Fitchte " "
"Philosophy is the science of Knowledge" Fitchte
     

    
 
     Pythagorus      
    
                       
         
    doubt    wonder 
          
                
      
       
            
                  
           
            
  Henderson
     
 
    
"Philosophy is a rigorous, disciplined, guarded analysis of some of the most difficult problems
which man has ever faced." - Henderson
       
      
    
  
        
                
   Huxley   
           
         
"Men live in accordance with their philosophy of life, their conception of the world"- Huxley
       
           
  John Dewey

  
 Characteristics of Philosophy 1.3.2
  
   
   
    
    
    
  
    
   
   
      
  
 1

   2
    3

   4

  5

   

   1
 2
     3
   4
Scope of Philosophy  1.3.3
        
 Epistemology  

 Metaphysics  
 
 Axiology  

 Philosophy of Science  

(Philosophy of Social Science)     

 Semantics  

  
       
  Epistemology 
              
   
          
          
        Analysis  Synthesis     Deductive     Inductive 
  
      
           Metaphysics  
                    
                  
                
     
       
  Axiology 
Logic Aesthetics   Ethics   

          Ethos Ethics  Ethics 
            
      
          Aesthetics 

          
       Logos     logic  Logic 
       Deductive Inductive   DeweyJohn
           
          
     
        

             Philosophy of Science  
      

          Philosophy of Social Science   
     
           Semantic
       
 
  ____________  -1

  ___________   -2

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(Concept and Scope of Education)  1.4

 
   
     
     
          
      
                  
                  
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(Concept of Education)  1.4.1

 
       
             
      
      EducoEducation    Education     
  Education        
  Duco   'Duca E'  E 
   
      
  Educere Educatum, Educare Education
Educatum - to Train, act of teaching or training   

Educare to bring up, to educate, to raise    

Educere - to lead out or to draw out 

   Educare 

      
  Educare
    

   Pedagogy     Pedagogy

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      
      (Formal Education)   
     
    
           
 Thompson  
  
"The influence of the enviromnent on the individual with a view to producing a permanent change in
his habits, behaviour of thought and of attitude." (Thompson)

             

 Dewey  
 
"Education is a process in which and by which the knowledge, character of the young are
shaped, moulded"- Dewey

            

 J.S.Mill 
   
 
   1
    
    2
     3
        
          
       
       
     
            
 
   
  
   
   
  
  
  
  
     
    
 
(Formal Education)   1
(Informal Education)   2
(Non Formal Education)   3
             (Formal Education)   1
         
 
    
 
            (Informal Education)   2
       
  
           
          (Non Formal Education)   3
           
    
    

(Scope of Education)  1.4.2

  

(Philosophy of Education) 
 
                       
          
    
(Sociology of Education)   
                

                  
        
(Phychology of Education)   
          
            
     

(History of Education)   

        
       
       
(Comparative Education)   
          
                
(Management and Administration of Education)      
  
                
                      
 

(Technology of Education)   

   
         
             
              
           
      
   
    
        
         
  
  1

    2

      3

    4

 5
    6

     7

  8

 Relationship between Philosophy and Education 1.5

                
               
            
        
    
 
  
 
 
   
  
  
  
 
          
          
         
     
               Ross 
   
"Philosophy and Education are like two sides of the same coin, presents different views of same
thing"- J.S. Ross
   
      DeweyJohn 
(Philosophy is the theory of education in its most general phases)
 
 
     AdamJohn
(Education is the dynamic side of Philosophy)

   
   
           

    
          

      

   
   
 Fichte
(The art of education will never attain complete clearness in itself without philosophy)

 
 
 Spencer
"True Education is practicable only to true philosophies"- Spencer

    
   Ross
"All Educational questions are ultimately the questions of philosophy"

    Gentile
"Education without philosophy would mean a failure to understand the precise nature of Education"-
        
           
        
       
     
     Herbert
                   
      
Education is the dynamic side of Philosophy  
          
              
 Adam  

Education in the dynamic side of Philosophy   
  
        
           
       
 
  Rusk      
           

"Philosophy formulates what it conceives to be the end of life"- Rusk

  
            
                
           
          
                 
    
      
  

   
 
 __________ .1

  _____________ .2

  ___________ .3

 "____________"  .4

 ________________Rusk .5

(Philosophy and Aims of Education)  1.6

      
   
   
 
                 
 
    
          
      
  
         
  
       
         
              
              
       
         
                
     
                
  
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      Herbert Spencer    Pestalozzi   
               
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  1.6.1
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   1.6.2
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  1.6.3
                   
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  Modern Development in Educational Practice Adams
Repressionistic Discipline     1
Impressionistic Discipline      2
Emancipationistic Discipline      3
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            
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           Emancipationistic Discipline      3
         
                 

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      
  
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  1.6.4
        
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  
 1.6.5
  
         
                  
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              
           
           Kant 

(Philosophy of Education and Educational Philosopy) 
 1.7

(Philosophy of Education) 
 1.7.1

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      
 
             
     
          
             
   Analysis   
 Deductive      Inductive        Synthesis 
   
             

          
  
 
        
      .1
        .2
      .3
     
 .4
(Educational Philosophy) 1.7.2
                L.K.Joad
      
    
   1
           
   2
    
(Educational Philosophy and Students) 
   
        
            
 
(Educational Philosophy and Teacher) 
        
    
         
(Educational Philosophy and Content Knowledge)  
                       
 
  
(Educational Philosophy and Teaching-Learning)  
        
          
    
  
(Educational Philosophy and Discipline)  
              
 
 
(Educational Philosophy and Institutional Planning)   

          

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 
(Educatinoal Philosophy and Reward and Punishment)  
        
 

(Educational Philosophy and Freedom)    
        
           
 
                
   
(Nature of Educational Philosophy) 

       

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 Brubacher           
  
 (Speculative Nature) 
         
     
           (Normative Nature)  
                  
  Normative 
                 i
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  

             iii
     
          iv

           

     

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  

(Let Us Sum Up/Points to Remember)    1.8

     

  
    
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               
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 1.9
 Glossary
   
 
  
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  

  
     
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 

(Unit End Activities)    1.10
       1

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    

   .1

 .2

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            1

          Fichte 2

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 
             4

          Semantic 5

   
              6

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 1
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