Philo-Mod 1-2nd

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-Comes from the 2 Greek words: Some scholars use the term
axios meaning "worth or " value" Axiology either as :
logos meaning " study"
•A collective term for ethics
and aesthetics
-The study of value or the study of worth
•Foundation for the two
branches of philosophy

-It seeks to understand the meaning, nature, and

origin of the notions of "values" and "value

- derived from the Greek term "ethos" meaning, "moral philosophy", which
is concerned about human conduct. As a normative study, it deals with
norms or standards of right or wrong applicable to human behavior.

-It is prescriptive as it prescribes what people ought to do rather than

describes what people do.

-A philosopher in ethics aims to determine desirable and undesirable human

behavior norms and goals, analyzing human nature and moral and social virtues in
relation to others to determine the chief end of man.

Example questions:
1.) "What are human rights, and how do we determine them?" and "Do
animals have rights as well?"
2.) How should one live?

-Comes form the Greek word

"aisthetikos" meaning "sensitive " or "perceptive"

-Philosophers is concerned with the analysis of aesthetic experience and the idea of
what is beautiful.

-The analysis is directed toward the nature of aesthetic judgement, standards of

beauty, and the objectivity of the standards in response to the questions raised about
the meaning of aesthetic experience.

-In aesthetics, philosophers analyze whether beauty is based on utility, experience,

forms, pleasure or expression.

Example questions:
1.) If you look at a painting or any kind of artwork , what are your bases
of judgement to say that it is beautiful?
2.) How are paintings priced?
3.) How does a panel of judges decide who wins a beauty pageant?

-comes from the Greek word "episteme" meaning "knowledge" and “logos"
meaning "Study"

-deals with the various problems concerning knowledge.

The major concerns of epistemology are the origin of knowledge whether:
•empericism (given by experience)
•rationalism (given by the mind prior to experience)
•verification or confirmation of knowledge

Other highly specialized problems in this branch of philosophy includes:

•the distinction between belief and knowledge,
•the nature of truth,
•the problems od perception,
•the external world,
•and the meaning and other minds

Among the specific problems tackled is epistemology is determining

whether there is an objective truth and investigating the bases of certainty. Thus,
epistemology can be helpful in making judgements such as the court of law.

Some of the questions in Epistemology:

1.) What is knowledge?
2.) What do we know?
3.)How is knowledge acquired?
4.)What are the structures and limits of knowledge?
5.) What makes justified belief justified?

- is the science or study of correct process of thinking

- derived the Greek word "Logos" which often translate to English as word,
discourse, or reason. But in the Greek tradition in understanding the nature of reality,
reason is commonly appropriated.

Logos as Reason could mean two things:

1.) Human Reason 2.) Universal Intelligence/

"STUDY" Divine Intelligence
Example: Define Psychology "LIGHT-GIVING PRINCIPLE"
psyche = mind which enables human person to understand
logos = study the nature, dynamics, and mysteries of the
therefore Psychology is the study universe.
of the mind.

- the branch of philosophy that looks into whether there are rules or principles that
govern reasoning.

-Logical reasoning studies deduction and induction methods, providing rules for
logical thinking and techniques for creating such arguments to avoid fallacious

-Logic also increases one's ability to reason correctly and distinguish irrational

Logic primarily deals with the principles that govern the validity of
If it rains today, then the road is wet.
Its rains today. Therefore, the road is wet.

The professor will be absent if and

only if she is sick.
The professor is sick. Therefore she
will be absent.
METAPHYSICS This branch of philosophy deals with the
most general abstract questions.

- supposedly derived from the Greek

words "ta meta ta physica" which • those pertaining to the nature of
means "after Physics". existence
- early Greek philosophers claimed that • the categories of space and time
it is the study of the nature of reality. • the existence of God
- this branch analyzes whether • the immortality of human soul
everything is material, and if life,
energy, and mind are its different

The First Principle of Rene Descartes Philosophy

-’ego cogito, ergo sum’, meaning, ”I think; therefore I am”. If
you think, if you doubt your own existence, this proves your

- it implies that while other knowledge could be a figment of

imagination, deception, or mistake, the very act of doubting one’s
own existence served as proof of the reality of one’s own mind;
there must be a thinking entity (or self) for there to be thought.

Metaphysicians reflect on the subject of appearances (how something looks by

how it appears) and reality (that which actually is).

Examples of specific questions that metaphysicians reflect upon:

• What is the meaning of life?
• What is the purpose of life?
• Does God exist?
Philosophy encompasses various branches of
study, guiding reflection and analysis on human
issues. Understanding these concepts helps
clarify beliefs, values, and actions, guiding
human behavior.

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