Folse - 2009 - Keys To Teaching Grammar - CH 2
Folse - 2009 - Keys To Teaching Grammar - CH 2
Folse - 2009 - Keys To Teaching Grammar - CH 2
University of
Michigan Press.
32 ·=:=· 2: Basic English Grammar
Because some grammar terms are applicable only to native English grammar
while others are used primarily in ELL grammar, basic grammar terminology is
reviewed in Section 3. Leaming the labels for grammatical concepts, however, is not
the same as understanding the underlying patterns within a language. Labels can be
useful tools for teachers and students, but grammar is much more than labels. There
fore, you should exercise great care when using these labels in the classroom. Section
3 also contains a brief overview of sentence structure.
In observing grammar classes over the years, I have seen teachers confuse provid
ing a grammar label with giving a good grammar explanation. They are not the same.
In one class, a student asked the teacher a grammar question about a sentence that
someone had told him was incorrect. Logically, he wanted to know why his sentence
was incorrect.
Student: Why is it wrong to say, "I wish I studied more for today's test"?
Why do I have to say, "I wish I had studied more for today's test"?
Teacher: Because had studied is past perfect tense.
Student: Excuse me? What?
Teacher: Had is the auxiliary verb, and studied is the past participle. When
you use had as an auxiliary verb with the past participle, that's
called past perfect tense.
Student: Okay. !clearly not understanding!
The label past perfect is in fact the correct label for the words had studied. However,
the label past perfect is not the grammar explanation here. The correct explanation is
that native speakers use past perfect tense of a verb after the word wish when we are
wishing now about something in the past. Thus, the key component of the explana
tion is that the word wish triggers a mandatory verb form, which happens to be past
perfect tense.
Because verbs occupy a special place in English grammar, Section 4 focuses on the
twelve verb tenses in English. Just as native speakers of English often have bad memo
ries of verb conjugations in the various tenses in Spanish, French, or other foreign lan
guage, ELLs find the many English verb tenses to be confusing and at times seemingly
Sec. 1: Grammar Errors Made by Native Speallers •:::• 33
Common Grammar Errors Made by Native Speakers
At one point or another, all of us make grammatical mistakes in our speech and writ
ing. When we say or write something very quickly, our minds are so focused on the
content of our message that we might pay less attention to our language and inadver
tently make a grammatical error. A good example of this scenario occurs with email
messages; we may have to answer so many messages daily that we aren't always as
careful as we should be. However, in formal reports, academic writing, and public
speeches, it is imperative that we use correct language so that our audiences pay atten
tion to our message and are not distracted by our errors.
Teachers expect their ELL students to make mistakes with grammar. Students are
in class to improve their language skills. As teachers, however, we are in a different cat
egory. What is the impression given when a teacher consistently makes a grammar
mistake not because of time constraints but because of lack of knowledge about the
language? When teachers make grammatical errors on a class handout, quiz, or note
to a student, it does not reflect well on them or their credibility. (Like it or not, teach
ers are held to a high degree of language accountability.}
To assess your ability with 20 of the most common errors made by native speakers
in spoken and written English, a pre-test follows. Use your results to review the
detailed information on these grammar points, which can be found in Appendix 1.
1. It's essential to get the message out to parents that they have to know at all
times exactly whom their loved ones associate with and where they are at.
2. I've encountered a problem when I'm trying to insen a record. Sometimes
while I'm trying to build a menu list, I'll get an error message telling me some
thing about too much recursion. What does this mean?
3. Between you and I, this situation is going to have a very unhappy ending.
4. My wife and I look forward to working more with the Matthew Community
Program. Founded a decade ago by Theodore Jabil and myself, this organiza
tion serves children and families in the Brooklyn area.
5. I had went to different therapy services, but Pressure Point was the best ever.
6. The DC-10 jet cracked into two pieces and came to rest with the front section
laying on its side.
8. Team captains are receiving this article because they might want to pass it on
to whomever would benefit from it the most.
10. If it wouldn't have been raining, the kids could have played in the backyard.
11. The jurisdiction that includes these seven heavily populated metropolitan
areas should have its boundaries redrawn.
12. The school board's new plan will not hardly affect the students at this elemen
tary school.
13. According to the author, when people feel suessed, angry, or ashamed, we give
off negative energy. This is why viewing negative events causes us to feel badly.
Similarly, witnessing acts of kindness causes us to feel good.
Sec. 1: Grammar Errors Made by Native Speahers ·=:=· 3!
14. We cannot let them people vote. If we let them vote, they're not going to make
the right decision.
15. My opinion is that the manager should of fired those employees on the spot.
16. Care should be taken when attempting to remove a tick from human skin.
Cover the tick with this liquid for a few seconds. If you apply enough liquid,
the tick will let go on it's own.
17. A clear advantage that this particular electronic dictionary software has over its
competitors is the incredible number of words that can be quickly looked up.
18. If you want to play on the team, please send me an email letting me know that
your interested. I need your response no later than Saturday.
19. Krashen came up with the concept of i + 1 to help describe the distance
between a persons language proficiency and the level of the language in the
20. If you are an employee who's contract expires annually and a renewal is done
at the beginning of a semester, you may not be entered into the data system
21. Yes, I'm looking for something that is more stable than my current job, but I
haven't been going to job interviews to much.
22. Your place was terrific, but I want to say that your warm hospitality and great
facilities are what we enjoyed the most and what made the trip so special to
Kate and me.
23. Applicants may submit their papetwork either in person or via email. Note
that the submission method will not effect the committee's decision regarding
any application.
24. This plant can withstand temperatures to five degrees Fahrenheit, which is the
point at which the plant may loose some or all of its leaves (but still not kill
the plant).
25. In a recent ruling by five of the Supreme Court justices, there conclusion was
that police should have more authority in some cases.
Language always involves people, so these judgments are based on the value that
educated native speakers in our English-speaking society have assigned to certain
errors. This does not suggest that anyone has actually made a list of the worst to not
so-bad errors, but English speakers as a group tend to recognize that certain errors
seem to be made more often by uneducated speakers who are in a lower socio
economic group and that committing these errors tends to identify a speaker as a
member of these groups-rightly or wrongly. (This judgment of a person's education
or personality based on the language used is a universal; it is in no way confined to
English with English speakers.) To be certain, ELLs need to learn standard English.
We also need to make a distinction between a true error and informal language.
All speakers use different varieties, or levels, of a language when interacting with dif
ferent people. The language that I use in telling a joke to a good friend has a different
tone, vocabulary, and level of formality than when I am writing a document for publi
cation. The key point is that I know the difference between these two extremes and
have not only sufficient situational awareness but, more important, sufficient English
proficiency to use one kind of language instead of the other. In sum, I can use both
extremes when I wish because I know the difference. I know my options and have
made an informed, conscious choice.
A good concrete example of this distinction is with the usage of w1w and wltom.
Grammatically, who is a subject and whom is an object. Therefore, we would ask, Who
1,elped you? and Whom did you help? This grammatical difference between wlto and
whom is clear. Current usage in the real world, however, is different.
First, no native speaker would ever misuse whom for who: • Whom helped you? A
native speaker would never say this, so the question is when to use whom, not when to
use who.
Language is not spoken in a vacuum; we use it to interact with people in very dif
ferent situations, ranging from the very formal to the very informal. In formal lan
guage, yes, we could ask, W11om did you help? However, in informal language, most of
us rarely if ever use whom-even in a sentence like this one where whom is actually cor
rect. For most of us, using whom sounds very formal, possibly even pretentious or
"stuck up." In fact, I have never used (or heard) the word whom around my family or
in my immediate circle of friends. In contrast, it is quite easy to imagine a switchboard
operator at a large firm answering the phone by asking, Good afternoon. Whom did you
wisli w speall wit11 today? If the operator used who, suddenly the initial greeting might
not seem so formal.
Because it is natural to want to bond with other humans, we use certain levels of
language to try to fit in. When applying for a job at a large company, we use the most
formal language possible to sound educated and capable. However, if we stopped at a
gas station to get our car repaired, we would probably ask, W1w do I talll to about get
ting my car repaired? instead of Whom do I speall with about having my car repaired? Using
who instead of whom is appropriate in informal situations; it is a way of establishing
rapport in our conversations.
Sec. 1: Grammar Errors Made by Native Spealwrs •:::• 37
Does this mean that if enough people say something, it will become part of
descriptive grammar and acceptable to say? Every language has certain prescribed
usage rules (hence the term prescriptive grammar). These rules are based on what is con
sidered normal by educated speakers within that language group. Prescriptive gram
mar views language as finite; descriptive grammar accounts for current usage and
consequently acknowledges that over time, language usage will change. Who knows?
Maybe some day whom will disappear completely, and all speakers will ask, Does every
one have their ID? without any grammar guilt pangs.
Having discussed and acknowledged the two camps of prescriptivism and descrip
tivism, the bottom line is that in professional settings and, in particular, in the aca
demic settings in which we teach, language accuracy does matter considerably. While
spoken language allows more flexibility, written language does not. Mistakes made in
writing are right there in front of our readers' eyes. Readers will judge us on our educa
tion, socio-economic status, professionalism, and even intelligence based on the types
of errors we make in our writing.
The pre-test on pages 34-35 and Appendix 1 examine 20 typical errors made by
native speakers. The errors are presented in two groups. The first group includes errors
that appear in both spoken and written English, while the second group includes
errors that appear more commonly in written English. The errors in the two groups
occur for different reasons, but all are considered grammatical errors because they vio
late some aspect of grammar (as opposed to spelling or pronunciation errors).
Sec. 1: Grammar Errors Made by Native Speakers -:::• 39
-- 20- Common -Grammar Errors Made by-Native Speakers -
While it is true that some of these errors are considered more egregious than oth
ers, no real effort has been made to rank these 20 topics in terms of severity. When you
are applying for a teaching job, any error in your CV-even just one-will be glaring
and will impact your chances of getting the job that you want.
Your goal is to recognize these usages as incorrect English. You are an extremely
important source of English input for your ELLs. Because your students will look to
you as a model of good language usage, your ultimate goal is to avoid making these
common errors.
40 ·===· 2: Basic English Gramma r
Eight Parts of Speech
For many people, the eight parts of speech are the cornerstone of English grammar.
Native speakers from elementary school to high school learn the definitions of the
eight parts of speech along with numerous examples and usages. In this section, we
will review the traditional eight parts of speech. To determine what you already know,
two pre-tests follow to help you recognize where to concentrate your efforts.
Without looking ahead, list the eight parts of speech. Define each and give an
example. Suggested time limit: 10 minutes. (Answers are on p. 87.)
1. -----------------------------
2. -------�---------------------
3. -----------------------------
4. -----------------------------
5. -----------------------------
6. -----------------------------
7. ---�-------------------- -----
8. -----------------------------
Sec. 2: Eight Parts of Speech -:;":- 41
Formative Years:
Children's Health in the United States, 1880-2000
Alexandra Minna Stem and Howard Marlzel, Editors
health in the United States since the 1880s. Opening with a history of pedi
atrics as a @ medical specialty, the book @addresses such topics as the for
the "discovery" of the sexual abuse of children, and the political radicalism
noun is the name of . .. ), but we tell what an adjective does (i.e., an adjective describes,
modifies, or limits a noun or pronoun ... ). Similar patterns exist for all eight parts of
1. I have a __.
3.the __
4. five __
5. My favorite hobby is __.
Sometimes what looks like a good slot for one part of speech is problematic for
teaching because another part of speech can also fit. For example, a seemingly good
slot of nouns is ___s because we can insert nouns such as cat (➔ cats), booll
( ➔ boo/ls), and car (➔ cars). However, we can also insert verbs such as eat ( ➔ eats) and
talle ( ➔ taltes). Since our goal is to help learners understand what makes each part of
speech unique, we need slots that do not overlap or that have as little room for over
lap as possible.
Sometimes slots that seem logical to you as a native speaker of English will not
produce the same conceptualization in the mind of ELLs because that part of speech
works differently in their languages.In Japanese, for example, adjectives have negative
forms and past (tense) forms, which means that for Japanese speakers learning Eng
lish, the line between verbs and adjectives may be obscured. A slot such as "Yesterday
I ___ed" works in English for verbs only, but to a Japanese ELL, this slot could
also hold an adjective. It is not essential that you know all of these linguistic nuances
regarding how different languages treat the parts of speech. However, when you are
coming up with slots that are appropriate for your learners, keep in mind that the con
fused faces of your Ells might be due to interference between their native language
and your particular example slot, so be prepared to present multiple example slots.
For each of the parts of speech, we will look at traditional definitions as well as
common, productive slots to illustrate their usages. Skilled teachers are able to explain
parts of speech (or any aspect of grammar) in multiple ways to accommodate ELLs'
learning styles.
44 -:::• 2: Basic English Grammar
--- - -
the with abstract nouns Be brave. *You must have the patience and the hope.
What is a nounl
A noun is the name of a person, place, thing. or quality.
person: a girl, a drivet Kevin
place: a park, a city, Boston
thing: tennis balls, milk, a Toyota
quality: friendship, joy, confidence
Details of Nouns
a day Friday
a product a Toyota
A common ELL error is to use lowercase letters with proper nouns. Ells
write sentences such as • My parents grew up in miami and •The most important
document is the declaration of independence.
A common ELL error is to use the definite article the with abstract nouns.
Ells write sentences such as, • You must have the patience and • We really value the
justice for everyone.
46 •:::• 2: Basic English Grammar
machine machinery
Verbs I
Common BU Errors Examples
misuse of have for be
What is a verb?
A verb shows action or being (existence). A verb is the heart of any English
action: run, eat, prepare, destroy, ask
being (existence): be (am, is, are, was, were)
Details of Verbs
• What are the principal parts of verbs?
Verbs have four principal parts: base form, past, past participle, and present
participle. For regular verbs, the past and past participle forms use the suffix
-ed. Irregular verbs use a variety of forms, including the suffixes -en and -ne as
well as internal vowel changes or no change at all.
transitive verbs (vt): lilze, love, llill, talle, maize, furnish, persuade, put, sense
intransitive verbs (vi): die, occur, liappen, arrive, thrive, travel
both (v): read, moue, study, watch, operate
Linking verbs: appear, become, feel, get, go, grow, loo/(, prove, remain, seem,
smell, sound, stay, taste, turn, and {any form ot) be
• What are auxiliary ( or helping) verbs?
Most sentences have verbs that consist of one word, as seen in these two
The earth reveals much about its past through natural records such as fossils.
Together with southern Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala, the
small Central American nation of El Salvador is home to some intriguing
Mayan ruins.
In other cases, the verb is actually a verb phrase consisting of more than one
word, such as in The cost of living has been risit1g sharply. In these cases, there is
a main verb (rising), which is usually the word that carries the meaning of the
verb phrase, and one or more helping or auxiliary verbs (11as been). We will
study the most common helping verbs, which are forms of be, have, and do, as
well as modals.
Sec. 2: Eight Parts of Speech ·=;=• 49
• Examples of Be
There are eight forms of be that are possible as auxiliary verbs: am, is, are, was,
were, be, being, and been. Remember that a form of be can also be the main verb
in a sentence. (See pp. 77-78 and 81-83 for more information on progressive
tenses.) Initially, ELLs have a problem remembering the different forms of be.
Later, ELLs internalize the forms of be so well, especially l am, you are, he is, that
they end up learning to use SUBJECT+ be when in fact they really mean just
subject. Therefore, it is common for ELLs at the intennediate level to say a sen
tence such as, • J am drive this hind of car because it is get really good mileage.
(3a) In the experiment, the water {3b) Together with southern Mexico,
is heated in the dish for Honduras and Guatemala, the
approximately twelve minutes. small Central American nation
(main verb= heated, from heat) of El Salvador is home to some
intriguing Mayan ruins. (main
verb = is, from be)
( 4a) Arizona was admitted to the ( 4b) Arizona was the 48 th state to
U.S. in 1912. (main verb= enter the U.S. (main verb= was,
admitted, from admit) from be)
50 -:::• ·2: Basic English Grammar
• Examples of Do
There are three forms of do that are possible as auxiliary verbs: do, does, and did.
A form of do is used as an auxiliary verb when the verb phrase is interrogative
(a question), negative, negative imperative (command), or emphatic (for
emphasis, as in I do need more money). Remember that a form of do can also be
the main verb in a sentence. The use of the auxiliary do is very difficult for ELLs .
� .. ·- • . ..
Do as Auxiliary Verb Do as Main Vcrh '�
{la) How many cups of sugar does ( 1 b) According to my grandfather,
the recipe call for? ( main verb he doe5 gardening because it
= call, from call) (interrogative) relaxes him. (main verb= does,
from do)
(2a) We took the bus, but we did (2b) The taxi driver did us a favor
not save much money at all. by taking our bags to the
(main verb= save, from save) lobby. (main verb = did,
(negative) from do)
(3a) Don't do the dishes now! (3b) Do your work! (main verb=
(main verb= the second do, do, from do)
from do) (negative imperative)
(4a) Yes, you do need a jacket today. (4b) Parents give sage advice, but
Put it on! (main verb= need, some children do what they
from need) ( emphatic) want. ( main verb = do, from
• Examples of Have
There are three forms of have that are possible as auxiliary verbs: 1iave, has, and
had. (See pp. 79-80 for more information on perfect tenses.) Remember that
have can be a main verb as well. ELLs are confused by the auxiliary have. ELLs
have problems when have is used as both auxiliary and main verb, as in, He has
had several meetings today or If I had had a cell phone, I would have called you.
- - - - - - - -
(la) Without a doubt, my parents (lb) My cats have several toys. (main
1,ave been the most important verb= have, from have)
influence in my !ife. (main
verb = been, from be)
(2a) Nicole Kidman has devised a (2b) Consisting of only crystals, a
strategy to keep herself in the cirrus cloud has an altitude of
public eye. (main verb = approximately five miles above
devised, from devise) sea level. ( main verb = has, from
(3) Scientists in Hawaii say that Mars l,as had at least 40 major ice ages
during the past five million years. ( auxiliary verb = has; main verb =
/tad, from have}
Sec. 2: Eight Pares of Speech •::::- 51
• Examples of Modals
Modals are a special category of auxiliary verbs that express feelings, attitudes,
or opinions in a verb phrase. Modal verbs include: can, could, may, might, must,
will, would, should, and shall. Modal verbs are never main verbs; they are always
used with a verb. (Modal verbs are difficult for Ells and are covered extensively
in Key 12.)
can You can do anything if you uy.
Could you tell me where the produc�
may You may go to see the park if you want.
must -l --
You must have been Joki,ig when you told him that.
should Should we eat now or wait till later?
will How will you get from the airport to your apartment?
1would I would not eat that if I were you.
-- I
shall Shall we sit here for a while?
- - - - -
What is a pronoun?
A pronoun is a word that can replace, or substitute for, a noun.
Vrego· is on the western coast of the United States.@is in the Pacific Time Zone.
noun pronoun
Slot Examples
(a person) am/is/are hungry.
��--- want/wants to eat now. I, You, He, She, We, They
Details of Pronouns
lack of adjective ending * In the summer, the weather here is very rain.
What is an adjective?
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.
good, tallest, green, slow, Russian, delicious, problematic, national, expensive
Slot Examples
Details of Adjectives
- - - -- --
1 Adverbs
What is an adverb?
An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
Modifying a verb: Gas prices have risen sharply.
Modifying an adjective: The company reported sharply lower profits.
Modifying an adverb: Gas prices have risen � sharply.
Slot Examples
She walked ____ slowly, strangely, here, yesterday
The movie was ____ sad. very, extremely, somewhat, so
We ____ drink coffee. always, never, sometimes
__, it began to rain. Fortunately, Unexpectedly, Amazingly
Details of Adverbs
lack of punctuation
extra conjunction
r• •The exam was difficult so I did not do well.
What ls a conjunction?
A conjunction is a word that connects parts of a sentence together.
Conjunctions link words, phrases, and clauses.
linking words: I seela!a dogj.
linking phrases: The cat might be,....
o_n l ....,th,_e....,b_e...,,d) m: !under the sofa!.
Slot Examples
We want a (noun) ____ a (noun) and, or
The food was cheap good. and, but
i went inside _____ it began to rain. because, when, as soon as,
after, before
We want __ tea __ coffee. both ... and, either ... or,
neither ... nor
Details of Conjunctions
• What are coordinating conjunctions?
A coordinating conjunction is a conjunction that joins words, phrases, or
independent clauses: for, and, nor, but, or; yet, and so. (An easy way to remember
these seven conjunctions is the mnemonic device FANBOYS.) One common
error is to omit a comma between two independent clauses. An ELL might mis
takenly write, • Mexicans use the word tu for you but Argentineans use the word vos.
What is a preposition 1
A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun (or pro
noun) and the rest of the sentence. A preposition is usually one short word
(at, on, with), but some prepositions consist of two words (according to) or
three words (in spite of). Many people mistakenly assume that prepositions
are easy because prepositions are often one-syllable words that are very com
mon. The truth is that prepositions are perhaps one of the most difficult
grammatical points in English because they have multiple meanings that do
nouranslate well from language to language.
The combination of a preposition with its object (and any modifiers or
describing words) is called a prepositional phrase (in the room, on my birth
day, from the sixth floor). Prepositions have many purposes, but they often give
us information about place (in Canada), time (at 9 PM), and direction (from
the ocean).
A longer list of prepositions can be found on pp. 164-67, but here is a list
of some of the more common prepositions: about, after, a4 because of, before,
between, by, except, for, from, in, in front of, in place of. in spite of, instead of, like,
of, on, on top ofi since, to, and with.
What are the possible slots of a preposition?
Slot Examples
The squirrel ran ___ the tree. up, down, through
The ant is __ the bottle. under, by, before -
The bird flew -- the bushes. around, over, under
What is the name_ the book? of, on, in -
60 ·===· 2: Ba.sic English Grammar
Details of Prepositions
• Why are prepositions difficult for ELL s?
A simple explanation is that prepositions are notoriously polysemous, which sim
ply means that a preposition can have numerous meanings-sometimes more
than 30. Table 2.2 shows the eight most common English prepositions from the
General Seivice List (West, 1953) along with their respective number of meanings
from the unabridged reference tool. (No overt idiomatic mean
ings are included; thus, from an ELL's point of view, the actual number of
meanings is certainly higher.)
Number of
Rank Preposition Meanings
1 of 16
2 in 8
3 to 22
4 for 32
5 with 17
6 on 30
7 at 10
8 by 24
out-the ELL's job is hardly complete. The ELL and the ELL's teacher still have at
least seven other meanings to cover-in addition to the numerous idiomatic
usages that often include prepositions.
What is an interjection?
An interjection is a word that expresses strong feeling or emotion. Interjec
tions are more common in spoken language than in written language. Inter
jections often appear in fiction, especially when authors are uying to recreate
natural dialogue. Examples include:
Wow! Great! Gosh! Ouch!
Interjections are perhaps the least important of the eight parts of speech, espe
cially for teaching English language learners how to construct good sentences.
Interjections are more of a vocabulary issue than a grammar issue.
- -- - - --- -
This chapter has tried to classify words according to one part of speech, but in
reality, a word can be more than one part of speech depending on how it is used in a
sentence. This free variation primarily affects nouns, verbs, and adjectives, but to a
lesser extent, adverbs and prepositions. Very few conjunctions can change parts of
speech. Pronouns are usually pronouns. Interjections are not considered here.
Consider these usages of the word booll:
She wanted to booll a flight. (verb)
We had to read that book for class. (noun)
Our library has a boolz problem. (adjective)
Consider these usages of the word well:
Is there a lot of water in this well? (noun)
Tears began to well up in his eyes. (verb)
You play tennis very well. (adverb)
The doctor says that I will get well soon. (adjective)
Sec. 2: Eight Pans of Speech -::=· 63
Post-Test. In this excerpt about vocabulary, write the part of speech above each of
the 40 underlined words. Suggested time limit: 15 minutes. (Answers are on p. 88.)
Source: Reid, J. (2008). Writing myths: Appl}'ing seconcl language research to classroom teaching.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
64 ·=:=· 2: Basic English Grammar
Basic Grammar Labels for Sentence Structure
This section contains ten key concepts regarding sentence structure in English. Key
grammar terms relevant to sentence structure are explained.
--- --- - - - - - --
Sentence Analysis
The brown [oxes jumped quicllly. complete subject the brown foxes
simple subject foxes
complete predicate jumped quicldy
simple predicate jumped
The brown foxes jumped quicldy complete subject the brown foxes
over tl1e la...,1 dog. simple subject foxes
complete predicate jumped quicllly
over the lazy dog
simple predicate jumped
-- - - - - -- -
Errors Examples
Error 1. leaving out the I like tennis very much. • 1s my favorite sport.
subject completely, espe- I like tennis very much . .!.tis my favorite sport.
dally when the subject
is a pronoun The police arrested the man.
•The police did this because robbed a store.
•The police did this because he robbed a store.
2. The verb may be followed by an object. The object may be a noun or a pronoun.
3. When the object is the receiver of the action, it is called a direct object. When
the object is the person ( or thing) to wlrom or for wliom the action was done, it
is called an indirect object.
ru: robbed
The police arrested the man because
Some verbs can never be followed by an object in English. These verbs are
called intransitive verbs. Common intransitive verbs are complain, consist, die,
emerge, happen, occur, resemble, and seem. After an intransitive verb, you might
find an adverb (He died quicltly), or a prepositional phrase (He died at home), or
nothing (He died).
66 -:::- 2: Basic English Grammar
,. - .. - •
Errors that El.Ls Malec with Intransitive
'...,# -�-...--(1\
Errors Examples
Error I. treating the •� consists hydrogen and oxygen.
intransitive verb as if it � cotisists of hydrogen and oxygen.
were a transitive verb • At the finish line, the winner emerged the
{by leaving out the runners.
required preposition, At the finish line, the winner emerged from
usually the result of the runners.
translating or native
language interference)
Error 2. inserting incor- • In the meeting, � complained)6(the new
rect prepositions rules.
( usually the result of In the meeting,� complained about the new
translating or native rules.
language interference)
*What happened� your car?
What 11appened to your car?
Finally, many verbs can be either transitive or intransitive, including begin, change,
close, drinlt, eat, end, finish, guess, leave, move, open, run, spealt, start, and study.
Many young driJ!fil1 avoid driving because do not ltave enough experi•
in rainy weather ence driving under such conditions.
� of the first airlines in Asia was Yillifh. began as Tata Airlines in 1932.
Air India,
1 want to give you the booll that 1 boug11t at a garage sale yesterday.
a. The term "staycation" became popular after the price of gasoline sllyrocl,eted.
b. Although the beginning of Cinderella is sad, chis fairy tale has a happy ending.
c. The soccer players walked bacll on the field as soon as the ligl,tning had stopped.
d. Because vitamins are so important, man,, people talle them every day.
e. It is important to finis1t che match wliile the sun is shining.
Adjective clauses tell which one. Adjective clauses modify nouns ( or pro
nouns). Adjective clauses begin with one of the five relative pronouns (who,
whom, whose, that, and which) or one of two subordinating conjunctions ( when
and where). A special problem for ELLs occurs with whom, that, and which
because they can be omitted in English at certain times. Maria is the girl whom
we saw or Maria is the girl (-- - ) we saw.
k. It is better to lleep what you l1ave than to risk losing it by loo1ling for something better.
I. Why tlie accident happened is still under investigation.
m. Do you really believe tl,at tl1e price of gasoline might go down?
n. I do not lmow where Deanna lives.
o. A true pessimist is never caught off guard by what goes wrong.
Sec. 3: Basic Grammar Labels •:1:- 69
- --
' -
- - - - �
Simple Sentences
,_I - --- - - -- -.
(a) Washington was the first U.S. president.
• subject: Washington
• verb: was
(b) Washington and Lincoln were U.S. presidents.
• subject: Washington and Lincoln
• verb: were
(c) Washington was president in 1789 and served for eight years.
• subject: Washington
• verb: was and served
(d) Washington and Lincoln dedicated their lives to the U.S. and worl,ed
hard to build a better country.
• subject: Washington and Lincoln
• verb: dedicated and worl,ed
- - -- -
Compound Sentences
(e) Washington died in 1799, and Lincoln was born in 1809.
• independent clause: Washington died in 1799
• independent clause: Lincoln was born in 1809
(t) Washington died in 1799 before Lincoln's birth, so these two famous
citizens never met each other.
• independent clause: Washington died in 1799 before Lincoln's birth
• independent clause: these two famous citizens never met each other
70 ·=:=· 2: Basic English Grammar
A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one depen
dent clause.
(g) The last � collapsed at the finish line because file had run for
more than two hours.
• independent clause: The last runner collapsed at the finish line
• dependent clause: because she had run for more than two hours
(adverb clause)
(h) The�� crossed the finish line last had nm for more than two
• independent clause: tlie runner had run for more than two liours
• dependent clause: who crossed the finish line last (adjective clause)
- Compound-Compll'X Sl'nll'nccs
(i) The last !l.lD.Mr collapsed at the finish line because file had run for
more than two hours, so a medical k.afil. examined her.
• independent clause: the last runner collapsed at the finish line
• independent clause: a medical team examined her
• dependent clause: because she had run for more than two hours ( adverb
(j) Washington died in 1799 before Lincoln's birth, which was in 1809, so
these two famous citizens never met each other.
• independent clause: Washington died in 1799 before Lincoln's birth
• dependent clause: which was in 1809 (adjective clause)
• independent clause: these two famous citiz.ens never met each other
Sec. 3: Basic Grammar Labels ·===· 71
9. In sentences, the subject must agree with the verb. Subject-verb agreement
means that a singular subject needs a singular verb and a plural subject needs a
plural verb. The most problematic point with subject-verb agreement is with
3rd person singular in simple present tense verbs, which must have an -s end
ing. Ells have learned that -s makes nouns plural, so they are confused by
adding -s to make some verbs singular.
�,- • si�r1�·r·a:.c�;x1't�ili1,�we,,-. T ,�
singular plural
1 51 person I need we need
2nd person you need you need
3rd person he needs they need
she needs they need
it needs they need
is green.
(b) The .b.QX Ion the papers! box-is I on the papersjis irrelevant
is green.
(c) The �Ion the paperl boxes-are /on the paper!is irrelevant
are green.
(d) The �Ion the papers! boxes-are Ion the papers!is irrelevant
are green.
A comma splice has two parts, but the writer has put a comma in between
them without any connector word.
--- - --
- - -
Correcting Fragments
Fragments Possible Corrections
Age discrimination is an important facwr Age discrimination is an important facwr
in today's society. "Because the number in today's sodety beamse the number of
of senior dtizens is increasing eacl1 year. senior citizens is increasing eacl1 year.
The man whose shirt was on fire ran The man whose shirt was on fire ran
out of the building into the street and out of the building into the street and
began to jump up and down. *Which began to jump up and down, whiclr is
is one of the worse things tl1at he could one of the worst things that he could
have done in this situation. have done in this situation.
Without realizing it, the criminal Without realizing it, the criminal
entered the building through a door entered the building through a door
that had a very sensitive motion detec- that 1,ad a very sensitive motion detec-
tor. • Setting off a silenl alann that tor, setting off a silent alarm chat
alerted the police that there was a alerted the police that there was a
crime in progress. crime in progress.
74 •:::• 2: Basic English Grammar
Why the Twelve English Verb Tenses Matter
The verb is arguably the central part of any English sentence. In English, there are
twelve tenses that express different combinations of time (present, past, future) and
aspect (simple, perfect, progressive). Verb tense errors are one of the most common
errors in ELL writing and speaking. Errors occur in form (lack of -ing: *right now I am
eat my lunch) or usage (wrong tense, here simple present for present progressive: •right
now I eat my luncl1 ).
Languages handle verb tenses differently. In languages such as Chinese, there are
no verb tenses per se; instead, adverbs of time-yesterday, before then-indicate when
actions happened. Other languages such as Spanish and German have verb tenses that
look similar to those in English with some overlap in meaning with those in English,
but the usages vary. For example, simple present tense (1 accompany) in English is used
for habitual actions. While this tense also has that usage in Spanish, this same tense is
commonly used for future events. In Spanish, you can say, *Tomorrow l accompany you
if you want, but in English we need to use future tense to say, Tomorrow l will accompany
you if you want.
In addition to the cross-linguistic interference, there are difficulties even within
English because any given verb tense in English can have multiple usages. A common
example is the use of present progressive tense. We primarily use it for actions that
are happening at this moment (Brian is driving to Vancouver), but this same verb tense
can also be used for a future event (Brian is driving to Vancouver tomorrow) and even as
a habitual action (Brian is always driving to Vancouver). However, when we use present
progressive for a habitual action, it often implies anger, disapproval, or annoyance.
Note that many grammar books do not include the present participle as one of the
principal parts of a verb because it is always formed by adding -ing to all verbs,
whether the verb is regular or irregular.
Sec. 4: 1lvelve Verb Tenses ·=:=· 15
ELLs do not generally have problems with regular verb forms in English; their
problems often occur with the irregular verbs because these forms must be memorized
individually. Many languages have irregular verb forms, and many-but certainly not
all-of the irregular verbs in English are also irregular in other languages. For example,
to be, to have, to go, and to do are irregular in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and
German. (I remember Mrs. de Montluzin telling us on the first day of French to mem
orize the forms of etre, avoir, aller, and faire, which are to be, to l1ave, to go, and to do.
These four verbs, which are essential to conversation in any language, are irregular in
French. From the first day, we knew that we had to memorize certain verb forms.)
Review these examples for regular and irregular verbs in all twelve tenses.
Regular verbs: the past tense and past participle forms end in -ed (grade, graded,
Irregular verbs: the past tense and the past participle forms do not both end
in -ed (ta/le, tooll, tallen)
Common irregular verbs include be, begin, do, drinll, eat, find, get, have, leave, maize,
run, send, spealz, think, and wear. A longer list can be found in Appendix 2.
?6 •:::• 2: Basic Englisli Grammar
Simple Tenses
-- - -
- - -
- Sim�lc �r�scnt ·�nsc
- -- --
Progressive Tenses
. - - .. -
- -
- --- -- -----.--a!
.. •... �Pas(- 11:ro� rcsf T� ,:rc1!_5.�c- 'I
�...,..L..J.,- - r,,,.. '- - :J - � ,__ ,_ - - . :_.tll
Form Usages Examples
was/were + VERB + (a) an action in the (1) I was living in Japan when
-ing past that was inter• my mom died.
rupted in the past
by another action
Perfect Tenses
.. __
�-- �-,�
Prcscnt'P��-fe�t T�i1sc
� ..- -- - - - - - ·� ___,_ __ -- ��
-------------..._ .....L......__
.. - --
. • --- - ---
i - -
ruturc·Pcrfcct Tense
. - - .. -
- - -
Form Usages Examples
will + lrave + been + (a) a long action that ( 1) By next Friday, we will have
VERB+ -ing is taking place in been worlling here five years.
relation to
another future
event (when a
speaker wants to
emphasize the
duration of an
simple present 1. 2.
simple past 3. 4.
simple future 5. 6.
present progressive 7. 8.
present perfect
19. 20.
past perfect
21. 22.
future perfect
23. 24.
Sec. 4: nvelve Verb Tenses ·===· 85
1. It's essential to get the message out to parents that they have to know at all times
exactly whom their loved ones associate with and where they are ® · { 1) unneces
sary preposition
2. I've encountered a problem when I'm trying to insert a record. Sometimes while I'm
trying to build a menu list, I'll get an error message telling me something about too
much recursion. What does this mean? orrcc1
3. Between you and�is situation is going to have a very unhappy ending. (2) wrong
4. My wife and I look forward to working more with the Matthew Community Pro
gram. Founded a decade ago by Theodore Jabil and�illis organization serves
children and families in the Brooklyn area. (3} wrong pronoun
5. I had� to different therapy services, but Pressure Point was the best ever. (4)
wrong verb form yfni;J
6. The DC-10 jet cracked into two pieces and came to rest with the front section�
on its side. (5) wrong word
7. The campus police department is proud to announce the publication of the long
awaited and revised Student Safety Guide. Note that the name has been changed to
the Annual Report & Safety Guide to reflect its content more appropriately. Corre t
8. Team captains are receiving this article because they might want to pass it on to
omeve would benefit from it the most. (6} wrong word
9. What the boss�know won't matter in the end. (7} 3rd person singular in present
tense requires -s in the verb
10. If it� been raining, the kids could have played in the backyard. (8)
wrong verb form in if-clause
11. The jurisdiction that includes these seven heavily populated metropolitan areas
should have its boundaries redrawn. Correct
12. The school board's new plan will� a feet the students at this elementary
school. (9) double negative
13. According to the author, when people feel stressed, angry, or ashamed, �J}ive off
negative energy. This is why viewing negative events causes us to feel�- Similarly,
witnessing acts of kindness causes us to feel good. ( 10) wrong word
14. We cannot let� people vote. If we let them vote, they're not going to make the
right decision. ( 11) wrong word
15. My opinion is that the manager should@ fired those employees on the spot. { 12)
wrong word
Sec. 4: 1welve Verb Tenses -�::• 87
16. Care should be taken when attempting to remove a tick from human skin. Cover the
tick with the liquid for a few seconds. If you apply enough liquid, the tick will let go
1 .. 5
on@own. ( 13) wrong word
17. A dear advantage that this particular electronic dictionary software has over its com
petitors is the incredible number of words that it can be quickly looked up. Correct,
you re
18. If you want to play on the team, please send me an email letting me know that�
interested. I need your response no later than Saturday. ( 14) wrong word
19. Krashen came,up with the concept of i + 1 to help describe the distance between a
erson language proficiency and the level of the language in the material. ( 15}
wrong word
W h O!:'>e
20. If you are an employee�contract expires annually and a renewal is done at the
beginning of a semester, you may not be entered into the data system yet. ( 16) wrong
21. Yes, I'm looking for something that is more stable than my current job, but I haven't
been going to job interviews@Vi'lich. ( 17) wrong word
22. Your place was terrific, but I want to say that your warm hospitality and great facilities
are what we enjoyed the most and what made the trip so special to Kate and me.
24. This plant can withstand tem�ratures to five degrees Fahrenheit, which is the point
at which the plant may�°tcfme or all of its leaves (but still not kill the plant).
(19) wrong word
25. In a recent ruling by five of the Supreme Court justices � conclusion was that
police should have more authority in some cases. {20} wrong word