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Higher Naonals
Inernal vericaon o assessmen decisions – BTEC (RQF)
Programme tle BTEC HND in Compung

Assessor Internal Verier

Uni 06: Managing a Successul Compung Projec
Managing a Projec on cyber securiy risks due o Remoe working
Assignmen le
W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Disncon
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match
those shown in the assignment brie? Y/N
Is the Pass/Merit/Disncon grade awarded
jused by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the eedback to the student:
Give deails:
• Consrucve? Y/N
• Linked o relevan assessmen crieria? Y/N
• Idenying opporunies or Y/N
improved perormance?
• Agreeing acons? Y/N
Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (i required)
Conrm acon completed
Remedial acon taken
Give deails:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verier
signature Date

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Programme Leader
signature (i required) Date

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Higher Naonals – Summave Assignmen Feedback Form
Student Name/ID W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando

Unit Title Uni 6 Managing a Successul Compung Projec

Assignment Number 1 Assessor

08/12/2021 DateReceived1stsub
Submission Date
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1.Establish project aims, objecves and me rames based on the chosen theme
Pass, Merit & Disncon P1 P2 P3 M1
LO2. Conduct small-scale research, inormaon gathering and data collecon to generate knowledge
to support the project
Pass, Merit & Disncon P4 M2 D1

LO3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendaons based on meaningul conclusions
drawn rom the evidence ndings and/or analysis.
Pass, Merit & Disncon P5 P6 M3 D2

LO4. Refect on the value gained rom conducng the project and its useulness to support sustainable
organisaonal perormance
Pass, Merit & Disncon P7 M4 D3

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please noe ha grade decisions are provisional. They are only conrmed once inernal and exernal moderaon has aken place and grades decisions
have been agreed a he assessmen board.

W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando uni6: MSCP 3

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Assignment Feedback
Formave Feedback: Assessor to Student

Acon Plan

Summave eedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

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Higher Naonals in
Uni 6: Managing a Successul Compung Projec

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General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or le page – You should always atach a le page o your assignmen. Use previous page as
your cover shee and make sure all he deails are accuraely lled.

2. Atach his brie as he rs secon o your assignmen.

3. All he assignmens should be prepared using a word processing soware.

4. All he assignmens should be prined on A4 sized papers. Use single side prinng.

5. Allow 1” or op, botom, righ margins and 1.25” or he le margin o each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The on size should be 12 poin and should be in he syle o Time New Roman.

2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Le jusy all paragraphs.

3. Ensure ha all he headings are consisen in erms o he on size and on syle.

4. Use ooter uncon in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
on each page. This is useul i individual shees become deached or any reason.

5. Use word processing applicaon spell check and grammar check uncon o help eding your assignmen.

Important Points:

1. I is sricly prohibied o use exboxes o add exs in he assignmens, excep or he compulsory
inormaon. eg: Figures, ables o comparison ec. Adding ex boxes in he body excep or he beore
menoned compulsory inormaon will resul in rejecon o your work.

2. Careully check he hand in dae and he insrucons given in he assignmen. Lae submissions will no be

3. Ensure ha you give yoursel enough me o complee he assignmen by he due dae.

4. Excuses o any naure will no be acceped or ailure o hand in he work on me.

5. You mus ake responsibiliy or managing your own me eecvely.

6. I you are unable o hand in your assignmen on me and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply
(in wring) or an exension.

7. Failure o achieve a leas PASS crieria will resul in a REFERRAL grade.

8. Non-submission o work wihou valid reasons will lead o an auomac REFERRAL. You will hen be asked o
complee an alernave assignmen.

9. I you use oher people’s work or ideas in your assignmen, reerence hem properly using HARVARD
reerencing sysem o avoid plagiarism. You have o provide boh in-ex ciaon and a reerence lis.

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10. I you are proven o be guily o plagiarism or any academic misconduc, your grade could be reduced o A
REFERRAL or a wors you could be expelled rom he course

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Student Declaraon

I hereby, declare ha I know wha plagiarism enails, namely o use anoher’s work and o presen i as my own
wihou atribung he sources in he correc way. I urher undersand wha i means o copy anoher’s work.

1. I know ha plagiarism is a punishable oence because i consues he.

2. I undersand he plagiarism and copying policy o he Pearson UK.
3. I know wha he consequences will be i I plagiaries or copy anoher’s work in any o he assignmens or his
4. I declare hereore ha all work presened by me or every aspecs o my program, will be my own, and where I
have made use o anoher’s work, I will atribue he source in he correc way.
5. I acknowledge ha he atachmen o his documen signed or no, consues a binding agreemen beween
mysel and Pearson UK.
6. I undersand ha my assignmen will no be considered as submited i his documen is no atached o he

Student’s Signature: Date:

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

[email protected] 08/12/2021

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Higher Naonal Diploma in Compung

Assignment Brief
Suden Name /ID Number W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando
Unit Number and Title Uni 6: Managing a Successul Compung Projec
Academic Year 2021/2022
Uni Tuor
Assignment Title Vulnerabiliy Assessmen - Managemen Inormaon Sysem Projec
Issue Dae
Submission Dae 08/12/2021
IV Name & Dae
Submission Format:
The submission should be in he orm o an individual repor writen in a concise, ormal business syle
using single spacing (reer o he assignmen guidelines or more deails). You are required o make use
o headings, paragraphs, and subsecons as appropriae, and all work mus be suppored wih research
and reerenced using Harvard reerencing sysem. Please provide in-ex ciaon and a lis o reerences
using Harvard reerencing sysem.
Please noe ha his is an individual assessmen and your repor should include evidences o ha you
have conduced a research o collec relevan daa individually.

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Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Esablish projec aims, objecves and merames based on he chosen heme.

LO2 Conduc small-scale research, inormaon gahering and daa collecon o generae knowledge o
suppor he projec.

LO3 Presen he projec and communicae appropriae recommendaons based on meaningul
conclusions drawn rom he evidence ndings and/or analysis.

LO4 Reec on he value gained rom conducng he projec and is useulness o suppor susainable
organizaonal perormance.

Assignment Brie and Guidance:

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Research Theme: Remoe working

Research Topic: What are the key cyber security risks o working remotely e.g. employees
downloading unsecure apps or sharing their work devices with amily members?

“The opon o work remoely was already being embraced by some businesses in he pre-pandemic
era. These businesses were making some progress o adap heir working pracces o accommodae
remoe working by allowing hose in cerain job roles o ake he opporuniy o work rom home, albei
a day or wo a week. However, on he whole here had been a relucance o have sa working
remoely and his has largely cenred around producviy concerns, securiy implicaons and
echnology issues.

The global pandemic however necessiaed and acceleraed he move o remoe working. The vas
majoriy o businesses have now shied some or all o heir operaons online, and almos all o heir
sa are working rom home. The enabling orce behind his necessary shi has been he dieren
echnologies and platorms ha aciliae workers o achieve business goals remoely. This sudden shi
o remoe working ook place wihin weeks and monhs and has no been wihou issues. Several
surveys conduced during his period cied business leaders complaining abou how echnology
problems have impaced heir business and employees while working remoely. The bigges issues
remoe workers ace are being requenly disconneced rom corporae neworks, slow le downloads,
poor qualiy o video meengs and long response mes when loading apps. As a resul, building secure,
eecve and inegraed echnology capabiliy, o connue his fexibiliy in he workorce, has now
become a prioriy or all organisaons”. (Pearson, 2020)

You are expected to carry out a small-scale research in order to explore the cyber security risks o
working remotely due to the pandemic, rom the standpoint o a compung proessional. The
research ha you carry ou can be based on an organizaon ha you have access o gaher sufcien
inormaon o invesgae he cyber securiy risks o remoe working.

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The repor should include,

 A comprehensive projec managemen plan

 Evaluaon o daa collecon mehods and daa analysis ools and/or echniques should be

 Appropriae recommendaons should be provided

 Reec on he value gained rom conducng he projec and is useulness o suppor susainable
organisaonal perormance

TASK – 01
1.1 Dene he scope o he projec and devise aims and objecves o he projec ha you are going o
carry ou. You also should include a brie inroducon o he seleced company, remoe working
process and echnologies used, explanaon o he projec and oher relevan inormaon abou he

1.2 Produce a comprehensive projec plan including he ollowing.

 Cos, scope, me, qualiy, communicaon, risk, and resources managemen plan
 Comprehensive Work Breakdown Srucure (WBS) wih clearly dened acvies and milesones
 Gann char o illusrae projec schedule wih realisc me allocaed or each acviy and
clearly dened deadlines or milesones.

TASK – 02
Carry ou a research o invesgae he cyber securiy risks o remoe working by applying appropriae
qualiave and quanave research mehodologies and crically evaluae he reliabiliy, accuracy and
he appropriaeness o he research mehods applied. your answer also should include a crical
evaluaon o he projec managemen process and a juscaon o he seleced research

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TASK – 03
3.1 Analyse research daa colleced o suppor your research projec using appropriae ools, echniques
and crically evaluae how seleced ools, echniques uphold auhenciy and he accuracy o he
daa colleced.
3.2 Draw valid conclusions and recommendaons rom he research daa analysed and communicae
your recommendaons o he op managemen o he organizaon hrough an acon plan. The
acon plan should include a juscaon o he recommendaons suggesed.

TASK – 04
4.1. Reec on he objecves o he cyber security risks project and your own learning experience
gained hrough ollowing a qualiy research and he projec managemen process. Crically evaluae
he ways in which he research projec carried ou suppors he organizaon o susain is
perormance/ securiy in a remoe working environmen and how he projec suppored you o
improve your own learning and perormance.

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Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Establish project aims, objecves and merames based on the

chosen theme
P1 Devise projec aims and objecves or a chosen scenario.

P2 Produce a projec managemen plan ha covers aspecs o cos, scope,

me, qualiy, communicaon, risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown srucure and a Gant Char o provide
merames and sages or compleon.
M1 Produce a comprehensive projec managemen plan, milesone
schedule and projec schedule or monioring and compleng he aims and
objecves o he projec.
LO2 Conduc small-scale research, inormaon gahering and daa
collecon o generae knowledge o suppor he projec

P4 Carry ou small-scale research by applying qualiave and

quanave research mehods appropriae or meeng projec aims and
M2 Evaluae he accuracy and reliabiliy o dieren research mehods
D1 Crically evaluae he projec managemen process and appropriae
research mehodologies applied.
LO3 Presen he projec and communicae appropriae recommendaons
based on meaningul conclusions drawn rom he evidence ndings and/or

W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando uni6: MSCP 15

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P5 Analyse research and daa using appropriae
ools and echniques.
P6 Communicae appropriae recommendaons as a
resul o research and daa analysis o draw valid and meaningul
M3 Evaluae he selecon o appropriae ools and echniques or accuracy
and auhenciy o suppor and jusy recommendaons.
D2 Crically evaluae he research and daa analysis ools used in he
projec developmen sages..
LO4 Reec on he value gained rom conducng he projec and is
useulness o suppor susainable organisaonal perormance
P7 Reec on he value o underaking he research o mee saed .
objecves and own learning and perormance.
M4 Evaluae he value o he projec managemen process and use o
qualiy research o mee saed objecves and suppor own learning and
D3 Crically evaluae how he projec suppors susainable
organisaonal perormance.

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Managing a Project on cyber security risks due to Remote working
Report by Dilan Jason//MSCP//8th December

I would like to express deep appreciation and indebtedness to
the following:
Lecturer- Ms Shanika and our coordinators for their endless
support, kind and understanding spirit throughout the
assignment period.
In addition, I would like to thank esoft metro campus for the
facilities provided to accomplish this assignment.

W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando uni6: MSCP 17

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Table of Contents
Task 1..................................................................................... 17
Projec managemen 17
Overview & company ino 18
Iniaon o he projec and projec planning phase 19 WBS
Gant char 23
Task 2..................................................................................... 24
Projec execuon phase 24
The cyber securiy risks o working rom home 26
Field work 29
Remoe Agile: Observaons on producviy or less maure eams by virusa 31
Key ndings 35
Task 3..................................................................................... 39
Daa analysis 39
inerperaon 43
Projec execuon phase 24
Task 4..................................................................................... 48
Advanages o Assignmens48 CPD
Fuure Research 51
Lis o reerences 52

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TASK – 01
What is Project Management?
Project management is the application of skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet
project requirements. It is the act of managing all aspects of a project, from team to tasks to tools. This is
why project management is important: without it, you're relegating your project to chance or chaos, neither
of which is ideal. But when you engage in it, there are specific processes and practices that must take place
in order for it to be successful. (Wrike,2021)
Why project management is needed.
Why is project management so important? Because nothing ever gets done without first building a project
plan, and no project plan gets executed without the proper environment or the proper processes. Project
management is the action that helps create and execute that project plan. It applies managerial and
interpersonal skills to the process of successfully bringing a project from conception to completion,
according to stated requirements. (Wrike,2021)
what does project management involve?
 Kick-off meeting: Tell the team the goals and high-level objectives, lay out what details you have.
 Stakeholder analysis: Find out who will be most affected by the project so they can be consulted.
 Project scope definition: Identify all requirements, deliverables, and scope.
 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Divide the project phases into manageable chunks of work that
can be more easily handled.
 Risk management planning: Identify and plan for the most probable risks that a project may hit
within the project life cycle.

 Project review: Debriefing at the close of a project in order to glean lessons that can be added to the
organization's knowledge base or best practices. (Wrike,2021)
Overview into the project
As organizations prepare for what life looks like in a post-pandemic world, one of the many issues they’ll
have to address is IT security for home workers. A remote workforce comes with myriad dangers, with
employees relying on their home networks – and sometimes their own devices – to complete tasks. And
you better hope they have technical skills, because should they experience any technical issues, there’s
only so much your IT team can do to help.

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According to the Velocity Smart Technology Market Research Report 2021, 70% of remote workers said
they had experienced IT problems during the pandemic, and 54% had to wait up to three hours for the issue
to be resolved. Ye, or beter or worse, remoe working is here o say, wih he benes simply oo
Indeed, a Gartner survey has found that 47% of organizations will give employees the choice of working
remotely full-time once the pandemic is over, and 82% said employees can work from home at least one
day a week. (itgovernance,2021)
The selected company virtusa is among the organizations giving employees that choice to work form
home, they must take the time to review whether the company’s remote working practices are suitable. It
only takes one mistake for company to make for disaster to strike.
Company information
Virtusa Corporation is a global provider of Digital Business Transformation, Digital Engineering, and
Information Technology (IT) outsourcing services that accelerate our clients’ journey to their Digital
Future. Virtusa serves Global 2000 companies in Banking, Financial Services, Insurance, Healthcare,
Telecommunications, Media, Entertainment, Travel, Manufacturing, and Technology industries.
Using a combination of digital strategy, digital engineering, business implementation, and IT platform
modernization services, Virtusa helps clients execute successful end-to-end digital business transformation
Virtusa engages its clients to re-imagine their business models and develop strategies to defend and grow
their business by introducing innovative products and services, developing distinctive digital consumer
experiences, creating operational efficiency using digital labor, developing operational and IT platforms for
the future, and rationalizing and modernizing their existing IT applications infrastructure. As a result, its
clients are simultaneously able to drive business growth through digital-first customer experiences, while
also consolidating and modernizing their IT application infrastructure to support digital business
Holding a proven record of success across industries, Virtusa readily understands its clients' business
challenges and uses its domain expertise to deliver innovative applications of technology to address its
clients’ critical business challenges. Examples include building the world's largest property & casualty
claims modernization program; one of the largest corporate customer portals for a premier global bank; an

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order to cash implementation for a multinational telecommunications provider; and digital transformation
initiatives for media and banking companies.
Founded in 1996 and headquartered in Massachusetts, Virtusa has operations in North America, Europe,
and Asia.
Initiation of the project and project planning phase:
The aim of the project is to understand the implications of mass remote/hybrid working arrangements due
to the Covid-19 outbreak, that started in March 2020 and is still on-going at the time of writing this
document. The research objectives focus on the psychological contract between employees and leadership
from the perspective of cyber risk, specifically:
 To understand how different organizations adjusted to new forms of working while
maintaining/reducing their cyber risk exposure.
 To explore strategies used by cyber security leaders to keep a positive cyber security culture front
of mind.
 To gather best practices used for maintaining trust, nurturing teamwork, safeguarding mental health
of team members (reducing insider risk / human error). (Riscs,2021)
Purpose of this research is to study how the abrupt transition to remote work effects managers and
employees, and to see whether, and in what ways, the involuntary nature of the current remote work
situation changes how remote work is perceived by employees and managers. Crises are something that we
know occur at different times, such as the IT-crisis in the 2000s and the economic crisis in 2008 and now
the corona crisis. This thesis is timeless in that way that it can be useful for managers and employees to
read and learn what opportunities and challenges remote work brings and how to manage a crisis by
changing the way of working in a smooth way. (diva-portal,2021)

The COVID-19 crisis is most likely not the last crisis, and this thesis gives the opportunity to prepare and
learn about remote work in order to smoothly change from traditional office work to remote work in times
of crisis. By interviewing both employees and managers the results will provide insights into how people in
both positions in an organization are coping with the transition to remote work as well as whether there are
any discrepancies between what the managers perceive as challenges and opportunities and what the
employees are struggling with. Managers will find our research useful not only for insights into their own
organization but also for insights into how other managers are dealing with similar situations. Employees

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will find our research important for the increased transparency between them and managers and hopefully
for increasing dialogue between them if there are problems that they are facing that the managers are
unaware of.
Remote work has pros and cons and dealing with the cons while maintaining the pros is the key to its
success. Regardless of whether this situation will be short-lived or a month’s long experience, the company
has to believe that the advice provided by industry experts can alleviate some of the struggles of both
managers and employees.
The crisis has changed the everyday work of many and with this thesis hopefully will provide ways of
easing the process and making remote work more feasible for the future by properly integrating it now.
Scope –
Studying a subject that is as topical as this carries great theoretical significance since the situation is
unprecedented. This huge shift to remote work for so many employees and managers provides ample
opportunity to test the theories regarding remote work. Although they are somewhat limited in time and
scope this research should still provide significant data that can be further applied when researching remote
work. This sudden and unplanned shift to remote work will truly test the trade-offs of remote work when it
comes to productivity versus socialization and isolation, especially due to the involuntary nature of the
situation. (diva-portal,2021)
Due to time constraints and accessibility this research has been limited to one company which is virtusa.
This will in urn limi he resuls o he thesis, mainly due to the different degrees to which countries have
been locked down, with srilanka on the more relaxed side of lock down and related recommendations. In
order to make the research more applicable to the general public this research chose to study news articles
regarding remote work during the COVID-19 crisis. The answers received will likely be less severe in
nature than those would have received if Americans or Italian were interviewed. This document
consciously limited itself this way and is aware of the impact it will have on the results of the research.

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Work breakdown structure

Project summary
Project summary

Project date Project name Prepared by

27/09/2021-08/12/2021 Managing a Project on cyber Dilan Jason
security risks due to Remote

Project overview

Start date End date Tasks action list Done Not done
27/09/2021 2/10/2021 Initiation
02/10/2021 05/10/2021 Define process for

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05/10/2021 08/10/2021 Analyze
08/10/2021 14/10/2021 Project
14/10/2021 16/10/2021 Planning
16/10/2021 20/10/2021 Project plan
20/10/2021 22/10/2021 wbs
22/10/2021 25/10/2021 Gannt chart
25/10/2021 29/10/2021 Execution
29/10/2021 01/11/2021 Brainstorming
01/11/2021 07/11/2021 solicitation
07/11/2021 15/11/2021 Vulnerabilities
research tool
15/11/2021 25/11/2021 closure
25/11/2021 01/12/2021 Project analysis
01/12/2021 08/12/2021 Project report end

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Gantt chart

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TASK – 02
Project execution phase:
methods used for information gathering, data collection and material resourcing-
Information gathering can be from a variety of sources. Importantly to say, there are no best method of data
collection. In principle, how data are being collected depends on the researcher’s nature of research or the
phenomena being studied.
Data collection is a crucial aspect in any level of research work. If data are inaccurately collected, it will
surely impact the findings of the study, thereby leading to false or invaluable outcome.
( callygood.medium,2021)
What is data collection?
Data collection is a systematic method of collecting and measuring data gathered from different sources of
information in order to provide answers to relevant questions. An accurate evaluation of collected data can
help researchers predict future phenomenon and trends.
Data collection can be classified into two, namely: primary and secondary data. Primary data are raw data
i.e. fresh and are collected for the first time. Secondary data, on the other hand, are data that were
previously collected and tested. ( callygood.medium,2021)
Methods of data collection
The system of data collection is based on the type of study being conducted. Depending on the researcher’s
research plan and design, there are several ways data can be collected.
The most commonly used methods are published literature sources, surveys (email and mail), interviews
(telephone, face-to-face or focus group), observations, documents and records, and experiments.
( callygood.medium,2021)
1. Literature sources
This involves the collection of data from already published text available in the public domain. Literature
sources can include textbooks, government or private companies’ reports, newspapers, magazines, online
published papers, and articles.
This method of data collection is referred to as secondary data collection. In comparison to primary data
collection, it is inexpensive and not time consuming. ( callygood.medium,2021)
2. Surveys
Survey is another method of gathering information for research purposes. Information are gathered through
questionnaire, mostly based on individual or group experiences regarding a particular phenomenon.

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There are several ways by which this information can be collected. Most notable ways are web-based
questionnaire and paper-based questionnaire. The results of this method of data collection are generally
easy to analyze. ( callygood.medium,2021)
3. Interviews
Interview is a qualitative method of data collection whose results are based on intensive engagement with
respondents about a particular study. Usually, interviews are used in order to collect in-depth responses
from the professionals being interviewed.
Interview can be structured (formal), semi-structured or unstructured (informal). In essence, an interview
method of data collection can be conducted through face-to-face meeting with the interviewee(s) or
through telephone. ( callygood.medium,2021)
4. Observations
Observation method of information gathering is used by monitoring participants in a specific situation or
environment at a given time and day. Basically, researchers observe the behavior of the surrounding
environments or people that are being studied. This type of study can be controlled, natural or participant.
Controlled observation is when the researcher uses a standardized procedure of observing participants or
the environment. Natural observation is when participants are being observed in their natural conditions.
Participant observation is where the researcher becomes part of the group being studied.
( callygood.medium,2021)
5. Documents and records
This is the process of examining existing documents and records of an organization for tracking changes
over a period of time. Records can be tracked by examining call logs, email logs, databases, minutes of
meetings, staff reports, information logs, etc.
For instance, an organization may want to understand why there are lots of negative reviews and complains
from customer about its products or services. In this case, the organization will look into records of their
products or services and recorded interaction of employees with customers. ( callygood.medium,2021)
6. Experiments
Experimental research is a research method where the causal relationship between two variables are being
examined. One of the variables can be manipulated, and the other is measured. These two variables are
classified as dependent and independent variables.

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In experimental research, data are mostly collected based on the cause and effect of the two variables being
studied. This type of research are common among medical researchers, and it uses quantitative research
approach. ( callygood.medium,2021)
Qualitative vs Quantitative Research
Quantitative data is information about quantities, and therefore numbers, and qualitative data is descriptive,
and regards phenomenon which can be observed but not measured, such as language.

The cyber security risks of working from home

without the security protections that office systems afford us such as firewalls and blacklisted IP addresses
and increased reliance on technology, we are far more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The most obvious risk is
that most of our tasks are conducted online. After all, if something’s on the Internet, then there’s always the
possibility of a cybercriminal compromising it.
Your Cloud documents, emails and attachments, instant message clients and third-party services are all
vulnerable and with so much information being shared digitally, your attack surface has grown much
wider. (itgovernance,2021)

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Meanwhile, according to CISO’s Benchmark Report 2020, organizations are struggling to manage remote
workers’ use of phones and other mobile devices.
Many employees are using their personal devices for two-factor authentication, and they may well have
mobile app versions of IM clients, such as Teams and Zoom. These blurred lines between personal and
professional life increase the risk that sensitive information will fall into an insecure environment.
There’s nothing your IT team can do to protect you from this, which is causing major headaches. Indeed,
according to CISCO’s report, 52% of respondents said that mobile devices are a major challenge when it
comes to cyber security.
Another threat that remote workers face is the possibility of attackers sending phishing emails. These are
scams designed to fool people into handing over your details or downloading a malicious attachment
containing a keylogger. The dangers of phishing should already be a top concern, but things are especially
perilous during the coronavirus crisis.
A recent report found that there has been a 600% increase in reported phishing emails since the end of
February, with many of them cashing in on the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic.
To protect against this risk, all work where possible should be done on a corporate laptop subject to remote
access security controls. This should include, at the very least, two-factor authentication, which will
mitigate the risk of a crook gaining access to an employee’s account. This ensures that the necessary tools
are in place to defend against potential risks, such as anti-malware software and up to date applications.
It also gives your IT team oversight of the organization’s IT infrastructure and allows it to monitor any
malicious activity, such as malware and unauthorized logins. (itgovernance,2021)
Tired employees make mistakes
workers may have felt over the past year that remote working is more tiring than being in the office.
Perhaps they lose motivation in that post-lunch, not quite early enough to clock off window where they are
simply going through the motions.
A Society of Human Resources Management study found that 35% of employees reported feeling tired or
having little energy while working from home. Similarly, he Velociy Smar Technology Marke Research
Repor 2021 ound ha hal o UK workers cied a lack o movaon while working remoely.
This should be a major worry for organizations, because tired or unmotivated employees are liable to make
careless errors whether that’s in the quality of their work or a poor decision that jeopardies the security of
sensitive information. Two o he conribung acors behind his are inheren o he naure o remoe
working. Firs, employees are more likely o be disraced. This is parcularly rue i hey have spouses or

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children a home, bu i could be as simple as knowing you have o do he washing up or he laundry o
By taking your mind off work, you become less attentive to the small details. Perhaps you’ll rush an email
and send it to the wrong person, or you’ll file a confidential document in the wrong place.
The second issue is that, despite being distracted, remote workers might actually spend more time working.
An Office of National Statistics study found that remote employees worked five hours a week more on
average than those who worked in the office. They also did six hours of unpaid overtime on average per
week, compared to 3.6 hours for those who never work from home. This is likely he resul o home
workers eiher overcompensang or he exibiliy ha’s aorded o hem, or heir empaon o pu in a
ew exra hours in heir spare me given he accessibiliy o he work environmen.
With no need to commute into the office, it’s easy to stay late or log in again in the evening or on
weekends. And as admirable as i is o pu in hose exra hours, i makes you suscepble o misakes. Aer
a long, producve day, i’s so easy o make one crical misake ha undoes your good work.
It could be as basic as saving a document in the wrong location or not configuring the database you’ve
been working on properly. No matter what task you’re working on, you must give it the attention that it
deserves even if that means shutting off your laptop at the end of the day and coming back to it when
you’ve had time to refresh your mind. (itgovernance,2021)
Control the risk
Any organization with employees working from home must create a remote working policy to manage the
risks. It includes guidance on storing devices securely, creating and maintaining strong passwords, and an
acceptable use policy for visiting websites that aren’t work-related.
Organizations should also explain the technical solutions they’ve implemented to protect sensitive data and
how employees can comply. For example, we recommend applying two-factor authentication to any third-
party service that you use.
Although it shouldn’t be a concern during the lockdown, your remote working policy should also address
the risks that come with employees handling sensitive information in public places.
For example, when business goes back to normal, staff may well use company devices in places such as
trains and cafés, where opportunistic cyber criminals can lurk without drawing attention to themselves.
Security incidents are just as likely to occur even if there isn’t a malicious actor. Consider how often you
hear about employees losing their laptop, USB stick or paperwork. (itgovernance,2021)

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Field work:
Work from home at Virtusa
Work from home (WFH) policy at Virtusa
What do employees think about the WFH policy at Virtusa? Explore insights about perks, benefits, and
flexible hours.

Work from home during COVID-19 at Virtusa

What’s it like to work at Virtusa during COVID-19? Learn about working from home due to COVID-19,
and employee approvals of leadership.

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Work from home support at Virtusa
Does the management at Virtusa support working from home? Explore work from home benefits,
equipment and resources and other tools.

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Work-life balance and flexibility at Virtusa
Does the management at Virtusa support professional development? Discover insights about flexibility,
leaving during the day and going to appointments.

Remote Agile: Observations on productivity for less mature teams by virtusa

The effects of COVID-19 have forced the accelerated adoption of fully remote teams, a trend that is likely
to continue well beyond the impact of this pandemic. Employers around the world have started to embrace
the model, with companies such as Atlassian, Facebook and Twitter announcing that employees can work
from home permanently. Many employers are reporting increases in productivity by 44%.

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Software engineering using Agile has typically focused on co-located teams. While many modern Agile
engineering teams already have some element of distributed operations, the pandemic has forced adoption
of a fully distributed approach. (virtusa,2021)
At this time, the approaches to improving productivity and team engagement for a remote workforce are
fairly well understood. This article by virtusa considers some of the practical observations (that build on
common knowledge and lessons learned) as well potential approaches to tune remote Agile team
performance. One of the key observations has been that the productivity gains or losses from remote
operations are acutely amplified by the maturity of the Agile team, although there are techniques and tools
to overcome many of these. (virtusa,2021)

several observations related to how Agile team maturity and productivity are impacted by remote
operations, especially for teams that are less mature. Many of the suggestions are related to reducing the
productivity gap for less mature Agile teams. (virtusa,2021)
Observation 1: Limited informal learning when working remote

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Engineers learn a huge amount from their peers through informal and sometimes unintentional interactions.
For example:
 Watching a more experienced engineer debug code can teach a huge amount about the code base and
common do’s and don’ts.
 The watercooler and coffee break discussions where informal discussions about choices of tools,
algorithms, and technical approaches take place are critical for building team knowledge.
 Overhearing a colleague’s discussion about the one person in production support who is the only one
that knows the exact production reference data needed to reproduce defects. (virtusa,2021)
This can be difficult to replicate in a fully remote model. Less mature Agile teams with more narrowly
focused expertise and lower relative levels of product knowledge will suffer more from the lack of
informal learning.
Approaches to improve maturity in this area:
 Enable more opportunities for informal learning. For example, peer code reviews with online screen
shares can help senior team mentor more junior resources.
 Team chat and messaging tools have to be encouraged to fill in the watercooler conversations,
especially for 1-1 discussions.
 Documenting processes and best practices plays a huge role in enabling the team for productivity.
At a minimum use a team chat or forum to capture information in an unstructured way.
 Setup official learning time so that team members can ask questions across the team. Document the
solutions! (virtusa,2021)
Observation 2: Accountability and trust are hard when you can’t see each other
One of the biggest challenges with fully remote teams is that the lack of visibility and line of sight can lead
to a lack of trust and accountability. This is amplified when the team members do not have a history of
working together. This can lead to a situation when a lot of time is spent on generating reports, following
up on activities and trying to micromanage daily activities at a much more granular level than the daily
standup, which impacts team performance.
Approaches to improve maturity in this area: (virtusa,2021)
 Clarify and validate the definition of done across the team. Ensure that work items are tracked
against the definition of done in a single source. Use that single source for all discussion on work
progress to avoid low value status checking and reporting activities.
 Focus the team on outcomes. The outcomes must be encoded in the reporting.

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 Use tools that gamify the team’s output and contributions and ensure access and visibility to the tools
Observation 3: Team chat and instant messaging are great, but they can cause implicit bottlenecks
Team chat and instant messaging is a critical tool for remote teams. However, for less mature teams, team
chat can cause implicit bottlenecks. Team chat channels can quickly become flooded with questions and
requests, which in turn cause bottlenecks for the more experienced team members who are trying to
respond. On the flip side, the requestors are unclear whether they are even going to get responses to some
of their questions.

Potential approaches:
 Setup windows of time where the experts are dedicated to fielding questions from the rest of the
team. Inform the teams that they should prioritize their requests.
 For urgent items, a call is quicker than waiting for a response on the team channel.
 Set up fallback or secondary experts to help less experienced team members.
 Set up a process where every request on team chat is tagged with an urgency. (virtusa,2021)
Observation 4: Non-work interactions can help the team member engage
Mature teams typically have a strong sense of team identity, engagement and personal relationships that
strengthen collaboration. This can be difficult to foster in a less mature team that is working remotely.
While there is a lot of data on the importance of non-work interactions, getting team members to interact
dynamically outside of work can be a challenge. The challenge is to make social time fun, dynamic and
engaging for all participants instead of being treated as an extension of work.
Some ideas that have had generally good results:
 Take social time in bite-sized chunks. For example, use the last five minutes of each stand-up to have
a team member (chosen in turn) discuss a topic of their interest. The topics can be pre-selected
through a team exercise.
 Creating an #offwork channel where team members can post about themselves when they are not
 Video and face to face interactions can also play a huge role in helping team members engage better.
However, be mindful of how that interrupts work and life at home.
Agile teams need to be aware of the performance penalties associated with remote operations. Increasing
the team’s Agile maturity should be a priority, however there are also several ways to reduce the
productivity decrease associated with remote operations for less mature teams. These approaches can be

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applied on top of all the typical strategies associated with increasing a remote team’s performance.

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Key findings
the table below outlines key findings, practical and societal impacts, and relevant advice from experienced
companies. This will provide an overview of the results.
Key findings Impacts Previous research Advice from
Increased Gains for organizations Agrees with previous
productivity. research.
Less but more More time for other Agrees with previous Communicae clearly
efficient activities. Loss of research. and oen.
communication. socialization
Loss of body Misunderstandings in Agrees with previous Include video in
language communication. research. meengs and
conversaons in order
o resore some o he
los body language.
Increased loneliness Can be damaging o Agrees with previous Encourage casual and
and isolaon menal healh. Loss o research. non-work
“eam-eeling” and uniy communicaon
in organizaons beween employees.
Recreae he
breakroom virually.
Fewer casual Less time for bonding Agrees with previous Encourage casual and
interactions between employees. More research. non-work
efficient work communicaon
beween employees.
Less commuting Positive effects on mental Agrees with previous
health. Positive impact on research.
environment. More time
for work or leisure
Separation of work Can be damaging to social Partially Agrees with Allow exible
and leisure is difficult life and mental health previous research workhours. Do no
for some people

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celebrae overme.
Encourage regular
breaks and physical
acviy. Creae regular
Poor ergonomics Can be damaging to Adds to previous Inves in he needed
physical health research resources, help
employees creae a
suiable workplace.
Increased Retain the positives and Needs to be further Many companies are
opportunities for solve most of the researched after crisis oering remoe work
remote work in the negatives. eiher par me or ull
future (1-3 days per me already. Expeced
week) o increase.

Questions to managers
● What industry is your company part of?
● How many employees do you manage?
● How many of these employees are working remotely?
● Have you managed remote workers previously?
● What if any resources for remote work have you used (handbooks, tips, etc.)?
Remote Leadership
● How did you come up with the way work will be governed? bottom-up or top-down?
● Have you discussed the change with the employees, before and after the start of working
remotely? How were the expectations before and how did they turn out to be?
● How do you measure the results for the workers when they work remotely? Does it differ from
the way of measuring when they work at the office?
● How do you judge the performance in work when comparing between office work and remote
● What are your views on overtime/overworking?

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● Have you noticed any employees struggling with the separation of work-life from home-life?
● Do you try to help your employees separate work-life from home-life? If yes, how do you make
sure, that your employees separate work-life from home-life when they work remotely?
● What have you done to ensure that your employees have the tools that they need in order to
● Do you make sure that they are working in a separate space that is as ergonomic as possible or
can they choose themselves where they work?
● To what extent do you keep tabs on your employees? How has trust between you and your
employees changed?
● How do you communicate with your employees? How often? What is the difference in the
meetings when comparing between working at the office and working remotely?
● How do you work with giving feedback when leading remotely? How does it differ from the
“ordinary” way of giving feedback?
● What are your views/policies on non-work conversations? (in general, and at meetings)
● What have you done to facilitate the continued socialization between co-workers? (e.g. group
meetings, “water cooler” conversations?
● How much importance do you put into making sure that all employees are seen and heard? In
what way do you make sure that people feel heard and included?
● How do you make sure that the mental and physical health of your employees is being
● In what way do your workers seek support when needed? What about the difference in need of
support while working remotely and working in office? Are the “problems” the same or do you
feel that they experience different problems?
● How has the sick leave and absence changed compared to when work was done from the office?
Opportunities and challenges
● What opportunities have you seen with the situation with COVID-19 and remote work?
● What obstacles do you experience with remote leadership?
● What part of the leadership do you find most difficult when leading remotely?
● What is “new” with the way of leading remotely compared with leading in an office?
● How will this situation change your way of working (long term) after Covid-19?

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Questions to workers
Background questions
● What responsibilities do you have in the organization and what exactly are you doing/working with?
● Have you worked remotely before?
● Does your manager have experience managing remote workers before?
● Have you used any handbook, tips, etc. when shifting to remote work?
Remote working
● Where do you do your work? (e.g. separate office in home/bedroom/kitchen)
● What have you done to improve the ergonomics of your workspace?
● What tools/resources has your manager provided in order for you to create an ergonomic
● What are your routines throughout the day and how have they changed from when you worked
in the office?
● In what ways do you communicate with your co-workers? Do you feel that it is possible to
socialize virtually as you would normally?
● How do you manage your physical and mental health? Does your manager check-in on you for
non-work-related reasons, if yes, in what way and how often?
● How important is exercise and fresh air to you?
● Do you feel like you are being heard by management?
● What communication channels are used to stay in touch with colleagues and leaders? What
works well with the channels and what would you like to change?
● What do you miss the most when working remotely instead of the traditional office?
● How would you judge your own productivity when working remotely vs working at the office?
● Does it take the same time to fulfil a task remotely as at the office?
● How will this situation change your way of working (long term) after covid-19?
Challenges and opportunities
● What obstacles do you experience when working remotely vs working at the office?
● What opportunities do you gain from the current situation with working remotely because of
● How has your need of feedback and support developed when working remotely compared with

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working at the office?
● How do you separate work-life from home-life when working remotely? Does your manager
set the hours that you work, or can you adapt them to suit your prime times for working?
● Do you find it a challenge to balance work life and private life?
● Is there any task that you cannot do remotely? What kind of tasks are they? (Something that
requires that you are at the office)
● Do you experience any difficulties with focusing when working remotely? What do you do to
enable you to focus?
● Which part do you find most difficult when working remotely?

TASK – 03
Data analysis
Data analysis is defined as a process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful
information for business decision-making. The purpose of Data Analysis is to extract useful information
from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis.
A simple example of Data analysis is whenever we take any decision in our day-to-day life is by thinking
about what happened last time or what will happen by choosing that particular decision. This is nothing but
analyzing our past or future and making decisions based on it. For that, we gather memories of our past or
dreams of our future. So that is nothing but data analysis. Now same thing analyst does for business
purposes, is called Data Analysis.
To grow your business even to grow in your life, sometimes all you need to do is Analysis!
If your business is not growing, then you have to look back and acknowledge your mistakes and make a
plan again without repeating those mistakes. And even if your business is growing, then you have to look
forward to making the business to grow more. All you need to do is analyze your business data and
business processes. (guru99,2021)

Data Analysis Tools

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Data analysis tools make it easier for users to process and manipulate data, analyze the relationships and
correlations between data sets, and it also helps to identify patterns and trends for interpretation.
Types of Data Analysis: Techniques and Methods
There are several types of Data Analysis techniques that exist based on business and technology.
However, the major Data Analysis methods are:
 Text Analysis
 Statistical Analysis
 Diagnostic Analysis
 Predictive Analysis
 Prescriptive Analysis
Text Analysis-
Text Analysis is also referred to as Data Mining. It is one of the methods of data analysis to discover a
pattern in large data sets using databases or data mining tools. It used to transform raw data into business
information. Business Intelligence tools are present in the market which is used to take strategic business
decisions. Overall, it offers a way to extract and examine data and deriving patterns and finally
interpretation of the data. (guru99,2021)
Statistical Analysis-
Statistical Analysis shows “What happen?” by using past data in the form of dashboards. Statistical
Analysis includes collection, Analysis, interpretation, presentation, and modeling of data. It analyses a set

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of data or a sample of data. There are two categories of this type of Analysis – Descriptive Analysis and
Inferential Analysis. (guru99,2021)
Descriptive Analysis-
analyses complete data or a sample of summarized numerical data. It shows mean and deviation for
continuous data whereas percentage and frequency for categorical data. (guru99,2021)
Inferential Analysis-
analyses sample from complete data. In this type of Analysis, you can find different conclusions from the
same data by selecting different samples. (guru99,2021)
Diagnostic Analysis-
Diagnostic Analysis shows “Why did it happen?” by finding the cause from the insight found in Statistical
Analysis. This Analysis is useful to identify behavior patterns of data. If a new problem arrives in your
business process, then you can look into this Analysis to find similar patterns of that problem. And it may
have chances to use similar prescriptions for the new problems. (guru99,2021)
Predictive Analysis-
Predictive Analysis shows “what is likely to happen” by using previous data. The simplest data analysis
example is like if last year I bought two dresses based on my savings and if this year my salary is
increasing double then I can buy four dresses. But of course it’s not easy like this because you have to
think about other circumstances like chances of prices of clothes is increased this year or maybe instead of
dresses you want to buy a new bike, or you need to buy a house!
So here, this Analysis makes predictions about future outcomes based on current or past data. Forecasting
is just an estimate. Its accuracy is based on how much detailed information you have and how much you
dig in it. (guru99,2021)
Prescriptive Analysis-
Prescriptive Analysis combines the insight from all previous Analysis to determine which action to take in
a current problem or decision. Most data-driven companies are utilizing Prescriptive Analysis because
predictive and descriptive Analysis are not enough to improve data performance. Based on current
situations and problems, they analyze the data and make decisions. (guru99,2021)
Data Analysis Process
The Data Analysis Process is nothing but gathering information by using a proper application or tool
which allows you to explore the data and find a pattern in it. Based on that information and data, you can
make decisions, or you can get ultimate conclusions. (guru99,2021)

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Data Analysis consists of the following phases:
 Data Requirement Gathering
 Data Collection
 Data Cleaning
 Data Analysis
 Data Interpretation
 Data Visualization
Data Requirement Gathering
First of all, you have to think about why do you want to do this data analysis? All you need to find out the
purpose or aim of doing the Analysis of data. You have to decide which type of data analysis you wanted to
do! In this phase, you have to decide what to analyze and how to measure it, you have to understand why
you are investigating and what measures you have to use to do this Analysis. (guru99,2021)
Data Collection
After requirement gathering, you will get a clear idea about what things you have to measure and what
should be your findings. Now it’s time to collect your data based on requirements. Once you collect your
data, remember that the collected data must be processed or organized for Analysis. As you collected data
from various sources, you must have to keep a log with a collection date and source of the data.
Data Cleaning
Now whatever data is collected may not be useful or irrelevant to your aim of Analysis, hence it should be
cleaned. The data which is collected may contain duplicate records, white spaces, or errors. The data
should be cleaned and error free. This phase must be done before Analysis because based on data cleaning,
your output of Analysis will be closer to your expected outcome. (guru99,2021)
Data Analysis
Once the data is collected, cleaned, and processed, it is ready for Analysis. As you manipulate data, you
may find you have the exact information you need, or you might need to collect more data. During this
phase, you can use data analysis tools and software which will help you to understand, interpret, and derive
conclusions based on the requirements. (guru99,2021)

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Data Interpretation
After analyzing your data, it’s finally time to interpret your results. You can choose the way to express or
communicate your data analysis either you can use simply in words or maybe a table or chart. Then use the
results of your data analysis process to decide your best course of action. (guru99,2021)
Data Visualization
Data visualization is very common in your day to day life; they often appear in the form of charts and
graphs. In other words, data shown graphically so that it will be easier for the human brain to understand
and process it. Data visualization often used to discover unknown facts and trends. By observing
relationships and comparing datasets, you can find a way to find out meaningful information.
Are developers who work remotely more satisfied with the job?

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Increasing trend of Job Satisfaction Score

Do remote workers earn more?

With pay-cuts handed down to employees in most parts of the world due to the global pandemic, it is
important to understand the earnings before arriving at any decisions. Let us compare the pay scales of the
developers who work remote with the rest.

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What are the most common challenges faced when working remotely?

The most common 3 challenges faced when working remote are the meetings, distracting work
environment and non-work commitments. Non-work commitments include having to look after children
and house-hold work.
In what type of organizations are remote work popular?

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remote-working culture is prevalent among smaller organizations. A remarkable percentage (read ~70%) of
remote workers work in organizations with lesser than 100 employees. So, your best bet to work remote
would be to join a small organization or start something on your own! (towardsdatascience,2021)
appropriate techniques-
Fundamental Types of Interviews in Research
A researcher has to conduct interviews with a group of participants at a juncture in the research where
information can only be obtained by meeting and personally connecting with a section of their target
audience. Interviews offer the researchers with a platform to prompt their participants and obtain inputs in
the desired detail. (questionpro,2021)
Structured Interviews:
Structured interviews are defined as research tools that are extremely rigid in their operations are allows
very little or no scope of prompting the participants to obtain and analyze results. It is thus also known as a
standardized interview and is significantly quantitative in its approach. Questions in this interview are pre-
decided according to the required detail of information.
Advantages of structured interviews:
 Structured interviews focus on the accuracy of different responses due to which extremely organized
data can be collected. Different respondents have different type of answers to the same structure of
questions – answers obtained can be collectively analyzed.
 They can be used to get in touch with a large sample of the target population.
 The interview procedure is made easy due to the standardization offered by structured interviews.
 Replication across multiple samples becomes easy due to the same structure of interview.
 As the scope of detail is already considered while designing the interview, better information can be
obtained, and the researcher can analyze the research problem in a comprehensive manner by asking
accurate research questions.
 Since the structure of the interview is fixed, it often generates reliable results and is quick to execute.
 The relationship between the researcher and the respondent is not formal due to which the researcher
can clearly understand the margin of error in case the respondent either degrees to be a part of the
survey or is just not interested in providing the right information. (questionpro,2021)
Personal Interviews:
Personal interviews are one of the most used types of interviews, where the questions are asked personally
directly to the respondent. For this, a researcher can have a guide online surveys to take note of the

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answers. A researcher can design his/her survey in such a way that they take notes of the comments or
points of view that stands out from the interviewee. (questionpro,2021)
 Higher response rate.
 When the interviewees and respondents are face-to-face, there is a way to adapt the questions if
this is not understood.
 More complete answers can be obtained if there is doubt on both sides or a particular information
is detected that is remarkable.
 The researcher has an opportunity to detect and analyze the interviewee’s body language at the
time of asking the questions and taking notes about it.
Telephonic Interviews:
Telephonic interviews are widely used and easy to combine with online surveys to carry out research
effectively. (questionpro,2021)
 To find the interviewees it is enough to have their telephone numbers on hand.
 They are usually lower cost.
 The information is collected quickly.
 Having a personal contact can also clarify doubts or give more details of the questions.

Email or Web Page Interviews(most used):

Online research is growing more and more because consumers are migrating to a more virtual world and it
is best for each researcher to adapt to this change.
The increase in people with Internet access has made it popular that interviews via email or web page stand
out among the types of interviews most used today. For this nothing better than an online survey.
More and more consumers are turning to online shopping, which is why they are a great niche to be able to
carry out an interview that will generate information for the correct decision making. (questionpro,2021)
advantages of email surveys:
 Speed in obtaining data
 The respondents respond according to their time, at the time they want and in the place they decide.
 Online surveys can be mixed with other research methods or using some of the previous interview
models. They are tools that can perfectly complement and pay for the project.

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 A researcher can use a variety of questions, logics, create graphs and reports
immediately. (questionpro,2021)

TASK – 04
Advantages of Assignments
Assignments are given to students to bridge the gap between student’s learning at school and at home.
Assignments are assumed to produce the desired documents which can be put to use for future study. The
statement or the question they attempt has to be understood completely in detail to complete the
assignment successfully. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
technical advantages of assignment writing:
1.Provides Awareness and Knowledge about Technical Topic
 Teachers assign students with various topics so that they can grasp the technical knowledge about
several things that they cannot understand in theory.
 It also helps in broadening the horizons of their cognitive skills. Students are exposed to
informative insights and meaningful concepts in a great way through assignments. This is also a
great way to develop a perspective towards the topic. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
2. Writing Skills Are Improved
 Assignments that require you to write an essay or a paragraph regarding the topic help you to
improve your writing abilities. this is because after developing different assignments students’
skill to pen down and present their thoughts in a legible manner is sharpened.
 They will eventually be able to communicate and elucidate better when they develop a writing
habit. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
3. Analytical Abilities or Cognitive Abilities Are Also Enhanced
 Belittling the value of assignments won’t get us anywhere, as students are able to enhance and
increase their imaginative and mental skills. Their rationality is also improved at the same time.
 Assignments provide students the space to experiment and try out ideas and other innovative
methods to deliver their subject in a unique way. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
4. Research Traits Are Also Enhanced
 By means of assignments, students get the opportunity to do research on their topic and by doing
so they explore different assumptions and examples about their topic.

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 Doing research is important and considered an engaging activity for the human brain to expand
its knowledge base. Research that goes into making an assignment benefits student in critical
thinking, analytical ability and engages students in the university community and provides
benefits and advantages at professional levels. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)

gain a lot of experience out of research like:

Time Management
 It’s one of the most sought-after skills that everybody must learn because time management and
other activities go hand in hand.
 If you lack abilities to manage your time, it will get difficult for you to synchronize your work. If
you fail in time management, you will not accomplish what you want to, and you might even make
poor decisions regarding your work schedule. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
Planning and Organizing Skill
 You learn to place and prioritize your work and focus on the least in the end. Organizing your work
will lead to the completion of work with peace of mind rather than going through the hassle and
chaos due to which you shall lose your focus and miss out a lot of important areas to cover in your
assignment while doing your research. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
5. Application of Real-Life Examples Improves Learning
 This facet must be considered as assignments provide a juncture to students so that they can apply
and correlate different authentic life examples with their topic. This way it helps students to imbibe
knowledge and acquire new levels of learning whenever they are engaged in writing a new
assignment. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
Cpd evaluation
Skills Evidence of when and how you
have used this skill/

Self-work The talents within me were identifiable

Operation Facing difficult situations through the research
helped build character and gain new knowledge
communication Communication skills improvement through
interview research

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Problem solving Always had the curiosity of problem solving,
through this study, the skill had room to improve
Achieving aims Satisfaction, inspiration, and overall improvement
in decision making
Research Expand knowledge base for the research topic
Interpersonal skills self-esteem, open mindedness, being aware of your
own thinking, the ability to learn, being able to
understand and manage your own emotions, self-
confidence, self-discipline, self-motivation, being
able to overcome boredom, being patient.

Reflection of the work

Considering the ongoing pandemic, I initially believed that the abrupt transition to remote work would be
tough for organizational members who have little or no experience working and leading remotely. The
study findings indicate the opposite. Both managers and employees are handling the transition well.
Productivity is the same or better, focus has increased, meetings are more efficient, and the future prospects
of remote work are bright, even in organizations with no history of remote work programs. However, the
interviewed employees and the secondary sources support telecommuting (working from home 1-3 days
per week) rather than a fully remote workplace. People still need the socialization of the office and miss it
when they are forced to work from home. Striking the balance between remote and office work will be key
to maintaining the positive aspects and offsetting the negative. Flexibility on the manager side will be
important in order for each employee to create the optimal schedule, balancing remote and office work.
even though the remote work in this crisis is largely involuntary, the pros and cons translate quite well.
This means that even though there is uncertainty as to the duration of the crisis, it might be worth to make
the necessary investments (ergonomics, video conferencing, increasing socialization etc.) now rather than
later, especially if the intent is to allow more remote work in the future.
Managers will need to play a more active role in aspects of work that have been natural and autonomous at
the office. Mainly communication and socialization between employees. The break room is gone for now,
so people need to get those interactions elsewhere. Facilitating this new type of socialization will be key to
a happy and healthy workforce. I suggest that video chatting become a priority in order to bring some of
the body language back into communication. Perhaps creating an open video chat server where people can
pop in and out as they please, a virtual break room. Video chats may be awkward at first, but many of the

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industry experts, with extensive experience of remote work, recommend it in order to reintroduce some
personality into communication. I further believe that the long-term health aspects of a less than ideal
workspace need to be considered when discussing the resources provided to employees. It may not be
enough to offer that they can take their desks from the office, but rather to have desks shipped to their
homes. Fresh air and exercise need to be of greater importance, and managers should find ways to
incentivise it among their employees. Make a game of it and reward those who get daily exercise.
Although no one can predict the future, we have to firmly believe that remote work will be far more
common post COVID-19. Adaptability and flexibility, by both managers and employees will be key to the
success of organizations. So far remote work is working for the majority and we have to hope that trend
will continue, however, it can only do that with the help of all members of the organization.
Future Research
The long-term effects of the COVID-19 induced remote work programs remain to be seen and a study of
organizational members post crisis will be needed in order to gauge the true results of the transition to
remote work. Further there are aspects of remote work that require longitudinal studies, such as, the effects
of the isolation and fully remote work on physical and mental health, relationships, organizational
cohesion, and productivity. From this study we can only see the short-term results of remote work in a
crisis. Whether the pros and cons are sustained over longer periods remains to be studied. Although, since
the results were largely in line with previous studies, we should not be able to see reason why it should not
continue to be a positive way of working. Further, it would be interesting to see what actions managers
take, should the crisis and the remote work become long-term.
Important of project management
 Proper time management, planning beforehand and creating a schedule that works for the team
 Clearly defines the plan of the project before it begins.
 Establishes an agreed schedule and plan.
 Creates a base for teamwork.
 Resources are maximized.
 Helps to manage integration.
 Helps to keep control of costs.
 Quality is continuously managed.
 Strategic structuring of the project

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List of references
what is project management. 2021/12/08[online] available at:
Overview into the project. 2021/12/08[online] available at:
Company information.2021/12/08[online] available at:
Research.2021/12/08[online] available at:
methods used for information gathering, data collection and material resourcing.2021/12/08[online]
available at:
The cyber security risks of working from home.2021/12/08[online] available at:
Remote Agile: Observations on productivity for less mature teams by virtusa.2021/12/08[online] available
Data analysis.2021/12/08[online] available at:
Interpretation.2021/12/08[online] available at:
appropriate techniques.2021/12/08[online] available at:
Advantages of Assignments.2021/12/08[online] available at:
More research. 2021/12/08[online] available at:

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