LO1.Establish project aims, objecves and me rames based on the chosen theme
Pass, Merit & Disncon P1 P2 P3 M1
LO2. Conduct small-scale research, inormaon gathering and data collecon to generate knowledge
to support the project
Pass, Merit & Disncon P4 M2 D1
LO3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendaons based on meaningul conclusions
drawn rom the evidence ndings and/or analysis.
Pass, Merit & Disncon P5 P6 M3 D2
LO4. Refect on the value gained rom conducng the project and its useulness to support sustainable
organisaonal perormance
Pass, Merit & Disncon P7 M4 D3
Resubmission Feedback:
Acon Plan
Summave eedback
1. A Cover page or le page – You should always atach a le page o your assignmen. Use previous page as
your cover shee and make sure all he deails are accuraely lled.
4. All he assignmens should be prined on A4 sized papers. Use single side prinng.
5. Allow 1” or op, botom, righ margins and 1.25” or he le margin o each page.
1. The on size should be 12 poin and should be in he syle o Time New Roman.
3. Ensure ha all he headings are consisen in erms o he on size and on syle.
4. Use ooter uncon in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
on each page. This is useul i individual shees become deached or any reason.
5. Use word processing applicaon spell check and grammar check uncon o help eding your assignmen.
Important Points:
1. I is sricly prohibied o use exboxes o add exs in he assignmens, excep or he compulsory
inormaon. eg: Figures, ables o comparison ec. Adding ex boxes in he body excep or he beore
menoned compulsory inormaon will resul in rejecon o your work.
2. Careully check he hand in dae and he insrucons given in he assignmen. Lae submissions will no be
3. Ensure ha you give yoursel enough me o complee he assignmen by he due dae.
4. Excuses o any naure will no be acceped or ailure o hand in he work on me.
5. You mus ake responsibiliy or managing your own me eecvely.
6. I you are unable o hand in your assignmen on me and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply
(in wring) or an exension.
8. Non-submission o work wihou valid reasons will lead o an auomac REFERRAL. You will hen be asked o
complee an alernave assignmen.
9. I you use oher people’s work or ideas in your assignmen, reerence hem properly using HARVARD
reerencing sysem o avoid plagiarism. You have o provide boh in-ex ciaon and a reerence lis.
I hereby, declare ha I know wha plagiarism enails, namely o use anoher’s work and o presen i as my own
wihou atribung he sources in he correc way. I urher undersand wha i means o copy anoher’s work.
[email protected] 08/12/2021
Assignment Brief
Suden Name /ID Number W.A.Dilan Jason ondre Fernando
Unit Number and Title Uni 6: Managing a Successul Compung Projec
Academic Year 2021/2022
Uni Tuor
Assignment Title Vulnerabiliy Assessmen - Managemen Inormaon Sysem Projec
Issue Dae
Submission Dae 08/12/2021
IV Name & Dae
Submission Format:
The submission should be in he orm o an individual repor writen in a concise, ormal business syle
using single spacing (reer o he assignmen guidelines or more deails). You are required o make use
o headings, paragraphs, and subsecons as appropriae, and all work mus be suppored wih research
and reerenced using Harvard reerencing sysem. Please provide in-ex ciaon and a lis o reerences
using Harvard reerencing sysem.
Please noe ha his is an individual assessmen and your repor should include evidences o ha you
have conduced a research o collec relevan daa individually.
LO2 Conduc small-scale research, inormaon gahering and daa collecon o generae knowledge o
suppor he projec.
LO3 Presen he projec and communicae appropriae recommendaons based on meaningul
conclusions drawn rom he evidence ndings and/or analysis.
LO4 Reec on he value gained rom conducng he projec and is useulness o suppor susainable
organizaonal perormance.
Research Topic: What are the key cyber security risks o working remotely e.g. employees
downloading unsecure apps or sharing their work devices with amily members?
“The opon o work remoely was already being embraced by some businesses in he pre-pandemic
era. These businesses were making some progress o adap heir working pracces o accommodae
remoe working by allowing hose in cerain job roles o ake he opporuniy o work rom home, albei
a day or wo a week. However, on he whole here had been a relucance o have sa working
remoely and his has largely cenred around producviy concerns, securiy implicaons and
echnology issues.
The global pandemic however necessiaed and acceleraed he move o remoe working. The vas
majoriy o businesses have now shied some or all o heir operaons online, and almos all o heir
sa are working rom home. The enabling orce behind his necessary shi has been he dieren
echnologies and platorms ha aciliae workers o achieve business goals remoely. This sudden shi
o remoe working ook place wihin weeks and monhs and has no been wihou issues. Several
surveys conduced during his period cied business leaders complaining abou how echnology
problems have impaced heir business and employees while working remoely. The bigges issues
remoe workers ace are being requenly disconneced rom corporae neworks, slow le downloads,
poor qualiy o video meengs and long response mes when loading apps. As a resul, building secure,
eecve and inegraed echnology capabiliy, o connue his fexibiliy in he workorce, has now
become a prioriy or all organisaons”. (Pearson, 2020)
You are expected to carry out a small-scale research in order to explore the cyber security risks o
working remotely due to the pandemic, rom the standpoint o a compung proessional. The
research ha you carry ou can be based on an organizaon ha you have access o gaher sufcien
inormaon o invesgae he cyber securiy risks o remoe working.
Evaluaon o daa collecon mehods and daa analysis ools and/or echniques should be
Reec on he value gained rom conducng he projec and is useulness o suppor susainable
organisaonal perormance
TASK – 01
1.1 Dene he scope o he projec and devise aims and objecves o he projec ha you are going o
carry ou. You also should include a brie inroducon o he seleced company, remoe working
process and echnologies used, explanaon o he projec and oher relevan inormaon abou he
TASK – 02
Carry ou a research o invesgae he cyber securiy risks o remoe working by applying appropriae
qualiave and quanave research mehodologies and crically evaluae he reliabiliy, accuracy and
he appropriaeness o he research mehods applied. your answer also should include a crical
evaluaon o he projec managemen process and a juscaon o he seleced research
TASK – 04
4.1. Reec on he objecves o he cyber security risks project and your own learning experience
gained hrough ollowing a qualiy research and he projec managemen process. Crically evaluae
he ways in which he research projec carried ou suppors he organizaon o susain is
perormance/ securiy in a remoe working environmen and how he projec suppored you o
improve your own learning and perormance.
I would like to express deep appreciation and indebtedness to
the following:
Lecturer- Ms Shanika and our coordinators for their endless
support, kind and understanding spirit throughout the
assignment period.
In addition, I would like to thank esoft metro campus for the
facilities provided to accomplish this assignment.
Project review: Debriefing at the close of a project in order to glean lessons that can be added to the
organization's knowledge base or best practices. (Wrike,2021)
Overview into the project
As organizations prepare for what life looks like in a post-pandemic world, one of the many issues they’ll
have to address is IT security for home workers. A remote workforce comes with myriad dangers, with
employees relying on their home networks – and sometimes their own devices – to complete tasks. And
you better hope they have technical skills, because should they experience any technical issues, there’s
only so much your IT team can do to help.
The COVID-19 crisis is most likely not the last crisis, and this thesis gives the opportunity to prepare and
learn about remote work in order to smoothly change from traditional office work to remote work in times
of crisis. By interviewing both employees and managers the results will provide insights into how people in
both positions in an organization are coping with the transition to remote work as well as whether there are
any discrepancies between what the managers perceive as challenges and opportunities and what the
employees are struggling with. Managers will find our research useful not only for insights into their own
organization but also for insights into how other managers are dealing with similar situations. Employees
Project summary
Project summary
Project overview
Start date End date Tasks action list Done Not done
27/09/2021 2/10/2021 Initiation
02/10/2021 05/10/2021 Define process for
several observations related to how Agile team maturity and productivity are impacted by remote
operations, especially for teams that are less mature. Many of the suggestions are related to reducing the
productivity gap for less mature Agile teams. (virtusa,2021)
Observation 1: Limited informal learning when working remote
Potential approaches:
Setup windows of time where the experts are dedicated to fielding questions from the rest of the
team. Inform the teams that they should prioritize their requests.
For urgent items, a call is quicker than waiting for a response on the team channel.
Set up fallback or secondary experts to help less experienced team members.
Set up a process where every request on team chat is tagged with an urgency. (virtusa,2021)
Observation 4: Non-work interactions can help the team member engage
Mature teams typically have a strong sense of team identity, engagement and personal relationships that
strengthen collaboration. This can be difficult to foster in a less mature team that is working remotely.
While there is a lot of data on the importance of non-work interactions, getting team members to interact
dynamically outside of work can be a challenge. The challenge is to make social time fun, dynamic and
engaging for all participants instead of being treated as an extension of work.
Some ideas that have had generally good results:
Take social time in bite-sized chunks. For example, use the last five minutes of each stand-up to have
a team member (chosen in turn) discuss a topic of their interest. The topics can be pre-selected
through a team exercise.
Creating an #offwork channel where team members can post about themselves when they are not
Video and face to face interactions can also play a huge role in helping team members engage better.
However, be mindful of how that interrupts work and life at home.
Agile teams need to be aware of the performance penalties associated with remote operations. Increasing
the team’s Agile maturity should be a priority, however there are also several ways to reduce the
productivity decrease associated with remote operations for less mature teams. These approaches can be
Questions to managers
● What industry is your company part of?
● How many employees do you manage?
● How many of these employees are working remotely?
● Have you managed remote workers previously?
● What if any resources for remote work have you used (handbooks, tips, etc.)?
Remote Leadership
● How did you come up with the way work will be governed? bottom-up or top-down?
● Have you discussed the change with the employees, before and after the start of working
remotely? How were the expectations before and how did they turn out to be?
● How do you measure the results for the workers when they work remotely? Does it differ from
the way of measuring when they work at the office?
● How do you judge the performance in work when comparing between office work and remote
● What are your views on overtime/overworking?
TASK – 03
Data analysis
Data analysis is defined as a process of cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful
information for business decision-making. The purpose of Data Analysis is to extract useful information
from data and taking the decision based upon the data analysis.
A simple example of Data analysis is whenever we take any decision in our day-to-day life is by thinking
about what happened last time or what will happen by choosing that particular decision. This is nothing but
analyzing our past or future and making decisions based on it. For that, we gather memories of our past or
dreams of our future. So that is nothing but data analysis. Now same thing analyst does for business
purposes, is called Data Analysis.
To grow your business even to grow in your life, sometimes all you need to do is Analysis!
If your business is not growing, then you have to look back and acknowledge your mistakes and make a
plan again without repeating those mistakes. And even if your business is growing, then you have to look
forward to making the business to grow more. All you need to do is analyze your business data and
business processes. (guru99,2021)
The most common 3 challenges faced when working remote are the meetings, distracting work
environment and non-work commitments. Non-work commitments include having to look after children
and house-hold work.
In what type of organizations are remote work popular?
TASK – 04
Advantages of Assignments
Assignments are given to students to bridge the gap between student’s learning at school and at home.
Assignments are assumed to produce the desired documents which can be put to use for future study. The
statement or the question they attempt has to be understood completely in detail to complete the
assignment successfully. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
technical advantages of assignment writing:
1.Provides Awareness and Knowledge about Technical Topic
Teachers assign students with various topics so that they can grasp the technical knowledge about
several things that they cannot understand in theory.
It also helps in broadening the horizons of their cognitive skills. Students are exposed to
informative insights and meaningful concepts in a great way through assignments. This is also a
great way to develop a perspective towards the topic. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
2. Writing Skills Are Improved
Assignments that require you to write an essay or a paragraph regarding the topic help you to
improve your writing abilities. this is because after developing different assignments students’
skill to pen down and present their thoughts in a legible manner is sharpened.
They will eventually be able to communicate and elucidate better when they develop a writing
habit. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
3. Analytical Abilities or Cognitive Abilities Are Also Enhanced
Belittling the value of assignments won’t get us anywhere, as students are able to enhance and
increase their imaginative and mental skills. Their rationality is also improved at the same time.
Assignments provide students the space to experiment and try out ideas and other innovative
methods to deliver their subject in a unique way. (gotoassignmenthelp,2021)
4. Research Traits Are Also Enhanced
By means of assignments, students get the opportunity to do research on their topic and by doing
so they explore different assumptions and examples about their topic.