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Each literature genre has distinct sub-genres, structure and elements. Studythe table below:
science fiction,
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Literary element
Technical The script serves as
element, the text and it is
Drama tragedy, performed before an
comedy (scenery (set),make- audience
up, costume, lights,
and sound)
(acting, character
analysis, character
The given genres with their elements and structures are further discussed in detail below:
A. Poetry
Poetry is one of the earliest genres of literature. It was either recited or sang back to prehistoric times to call for help from a
deity, narrate a hero’s life and victories, tell about the love story of their rulers, or describe someone who inspires them. In
order to understand or even write a good poem, you must know the elements of poetry:
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B. Fiction:
To understand fiction and to write a good fictional story, you must be able to identify
and understand its elements that comprise the texts’ contents and messagethe story wanted to
impart to its readers.
Fiction uses the basic elements of a story, namely; the plot, setting,
characters, and conflict , to convey its ideas.
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