Using A Suunto Compass

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R Application Note

Using the Suunto

Hand Bearing Compass

The Suunto bearing compass is used to measure an object’s bearing angle
relative to magnetic North. The compass has a second scale for reading
bearing angle from South. It is designed for viewing an object and its bearing
angle simultaneously. This application note outlines the basic steps for
using the Suunto bearing compass.

Taking a Bearing
Figure 1: A Suunto Bearing
1. Site distant object. Use one eye to view distant object and the other to
Compass look into compass. With both eyes open, visually align vertical marker
inside compass to distant object.

Figure 2: Sighting an object Figure 3: Aligning compass sight and distant


2. Take a reading. Every ten-degree marker is labeled with two numbers.

The bottom number indicates degrees from magnetic North in a
clockwise direction. The top number indicates degrees from magnetic
South in a clockwise direction.

Figure 4: Composite view through compass sight.

The building edge is 275° from magnetic North.
3. Account for difference between true North and magnetic North. The
compass points to magnetic North. The orientation of an object is
measured in degrees East from North. The orientation of an object in
San Francisco (and in the Bay Area) to true North is the compass reading
from magnetic north plus 15°. The building edge in Figure 4 is 275° from
Magnetic North. Therefore, the building edge in Figure 4 is 290° (275° +
15°) from true North. Visit one of the websites below for the magnetic
declination for other locations.
- Easy form with detailed calculation.
- Simple calculator.
4. Nearby iron and metal objects may affect compass accuracy. If
possible, remove such objects or take compass readings from another
location. Re-bars inside concrete can also affect compass accuracy.

“PG&E” refers to Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation. ©2010 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved.
These offerings are funded by California utility customers and administered by PG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission.

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