The internship involves researching LIDAR sensor technology and implementing it into robots for testing and verification purposes to address issues with robots in the production line such as difficulties with debugging and troubleshooting when errors occur. The objectives are to thoroughly understand LIDAR capabilities and make the production line more efficient and resilient by developing a mobile robot using SLAM algorithms to ease troubleshooting and improve efficiency by reducing downtime from errors.
The internship involves researching LIDAR sensor technology and implementing it into robots for testing and verification purposes to address issues with robots in the production line such as difficulties with debugging and troubleshooting when errors occur. The objectives are to thoroughly understand LIDAR capabilities and make the production line more efficient and resilient by developing a mobile robot using SLAM algorithms to ease troubleshooting and improve efficiency by reducing downtime from errors.
The internship involves researching LIDAR sensor technology and implementing it into robots for testing and verification purposes to address issues with robots in the production line such as difficulties with debugging and troubleshooting when errors occur. The objectives are to thoroughly understand LIDAR capabilities and make the production line more efficient and resilient by developing a mobile robot using SLAM algorithms to ease troubleshooting and improve efficiency by reducing downtime from errors.
The internship involves researching LIDAR sensor technology and implementing it into robots for testing and verification purposes to address issues with robots in the production line such as difficulties with debugging and troubleshooting when errors occur. The objectives are to thoroughly understand LIDAR capabilities and make the production line more efficient and resilient by developing a mobile robot using SLAM algorithms to ease troubleshooting and improve efficiency by reducing downtime from errors.
Building, testing and Robots have been deployed By addressing these
verification of the in our production line, but issues, we wish to design a oscilloscope is performed to they do have their mobile robot, as to ease ensure that all primary shortcomings, such as the troubleshooting functions are working as challenges in debugging and procedure. This can expected before packaging troubleshooting when errors improve the efficiency of and shipping. occur, causing extended our production line and downtimes and impacts our reduce the risk of errors in production schedules. the final product. MORE ABOUT Objectives of my internship 1. To thoroughly research and Goal To make the production
THE INTERNSHIP understand the capabilities of line more efficient and
LIDAR sensor technology. resilient, paving the way for 2. To implement it into our own a smoother transition robots for testing and towards autonomous verification purposes. production
LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging)
utilizes lasers to measure distances generate precise 2D/3D representations of objects applications such as autonomous vehicles, environmental mapping and industrial robotics.
SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
Create a map of its environment while determining its own position within that map SLAM algorithms are essential in scenarios where external localization systems (e.g., GPS) are unavailable or unreliable, such as indoor environments or areas with limited GPS coverage. use various sensors, including cameras, LIDAR, and IMUs (Inertial Measurement Units), to gather data for mapping and localization THANK YOU NAME : LEE SHEN NI MATRIC NUMBER: U2003894/1 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING