1. The Problem of The Rupee: Its Origin And Its B.R Ambedkar P.S. King & Son, London 1923
2. The Evolution of Provincial Finance In B.R Ambedkar P.S. King & Son, London 1925
British India: A Study in the Provincial
Decentralization of Imperial Finance
3. Thoughts on Pakistan B.R Ambedkar Thacker and Company, 1941
4. Parliamentary Democracy B.R. Ambedkar V.B.Gogate, Poona 1953
5. The Political Philosophy of B.R.Ambedkar D.R. Jatava Phoenix, Agra 1965
6. Dr. Ambedkar and Parliamentary Democracy M.P. Mangudkar Suvarna Mangudkar, 1976
7. B.R.Ambedkar: A Study In Social Democracy G.S. Lokhande Sterling Publishers, 1977
New Delhi
8. Thus spoke Ambedkar – selected speeches of B.R. Ambedkar; edited Bheem Patrika, Jullundar 1977
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar by Bhagwan Das
(2 Volumes)
9. Law and Social Justice B.R Ambedkar Siddharth Publication, 1978
10. Constitution and Civil Liberties H.R. Khanna Radha Krishna Prakashan, 1978
New Delhi
11. Prefacing Gandhi D.B. Mathur RBSA Publishers, Jaipur 1988
12. B. R. Ambedkar: The Quest For Social Jjustice A.M. Rajshekhriah Uppal Publishing 1989
House, New Delhi
13. Political Ideas and Leadership of Dr. Edited by K.K. Kavlekar Vishwani Publications, 1989
B.R.Ambedkar Pune
14. Annihilation of Caste: An Undelivered B.R Ambedkar Arnold Publishers, New 1990
Speech Delhi
15. B.R. Ambedkar V. Chandra Mowli Sterling Publishers, 1990
New Delhi
16. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: The Man and his Edited by Sudarshan Printice-Hall of India, 1991
Message: A Commemorative Volume Aggarwal New Delhi
17. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (1891-1991): Patriot, Edited by K.L. H.K. Publishers and 1991
Philosopher and Statesman Chanchreek Distributors, Delhi
(4 Volumes)
19. Ambedkar Centenary: Social Justice and The V.R.Krishna Aiyar B.R. Publishing 1991
Undone Vast Corporation, Delhi
20. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar India. Lok Sabha Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1991
Secretariat New Delhi
21. Ambedkar: modern manu S. Selvanathan Baby Publishers, Madras 1991
22. Social justice and political safeguards for B.R. Ambedkar; edited Shree Publishing House, 1991
depressed classes by Chanchreek New Delhi
23. Seminar on Constitution of India in Precept India. Lok Sabha Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1992
and Practice (25 & 26 April 1992): Under the Secretariat New Delhi
Joint Auspices of the Parliamentarians
Group for B.R. Ambedkar Birth Centenary
24. Dr. Ambedkar and Punjab D.C. Ahir B.R. Publishing 1992
Corporation, Delhi
25. Ambedkar and Social Justice B.R. Ambedkar Ministry of Information 1992
and Broadcasting, New
(2 volumes)
26. Political Thinkers of Modern India Edited by Verinder Deep & Deep 1992
Grover Publications, New Delhi
(volume 14 – volume 30)
27. B.R. Ambedkar: The Emancipator of the Edited by K.N. Kadam Popular Prakashan, 1993
oppressed: A Centenary Commemoration Bombay
28. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Hinduism J.J. Shukla Globe Books & 1993
Periodical, Ahmedabad
29. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: A Critical Study Jogendra Sinha Vijay Publications, Patna 1993
30. Bharat-Ratna Dr.Ambedkar Edited by R.B. Rao Chugh Publication, 1993
31. Ambedkar's Contribution To Water India. Ministry of Water The Author, New Delhi 1993
Resources Development Resources. Central Water
32. Karamyogi: Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar K.L. Kamal Intellectual Publishing 1994
(Historical Novel) House, New Delhi
33. Dr. Ambedkar, Buddhism and Social Change Edited by A.K, Narain B.R. Publishing 1994
Corporation, Delhi
34. Beyond Ambedkar: Essays on Dalits In India Nandu Ram Har-Anand Publications, 1995
New Delhi
35. Reminiscences and Remembrances of Nanak Chand Rattu Falcon Books, New 1995
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Delhi
36. Social Justice of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar K. L. Bhatia Deep & Deep 1995
Publications, New Delhi
37. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and the Dynamics of K. David Pandyan Gyan Publishing House, 1996
Neo-Buddhism New Delhi
38. Buddhist Revolution and Counter-Revolution B.R. Ambedkar B.R. Publishing 1996
In Ancient India Corporation, Delhi
39. Economic Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar M.R. Karare B.I. Publications, New 1996
40. B.R. Ambedkar: Study in Law and Society B.R. Ambedkar Rawat Publications, 1997
41. Ambedkar and Social Justice A.K. Majumdar Radha Publications, New 1997
42. Social Philosophy of B.R. Ambedkar D.R. Jatava Rawat Publications, 1997
43. Worshipping False Gods: Ambedkar and the Arun Shourie ASA Publications, New 1997
facts which have been erased Delhi
44. Dr. Ambedkar Towards Buddhism M.G. Chitkara APH Publishing 1997
Corporation, New Delhi
45. The Critics of Dr.Ambedkar D.R. Jatava Surabhi Publications, 1997
46. Dr. Ambedkar's Thought B.R. Ambedkar A.P.H. Publishing 1997
Corporation, New Delhi
47. Mahatma Gandhi and Babasaheb Ambedkar: N. Busi Subhamani Saroja Publications, 1997
Crusaders against Caste and Untouchability Hyderabad
48. B.R. Ambedkar, Gandhi and Tagore: A J.J. Shukla Karnavati Publication, 1998
Comparative Study On Education Ahmedabad
49. Economic Thought of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Odeyar D. Heggade Mohit Publications, New 1998
50. Ambedkar's Philosophy of Religion D.R. Jatava INA Shree Publishers, 1998
51. B.R. Ambedkar: Study In Society and D.R. Jatava National Publishing 1998
Politics House, Jaipur
52. Destiny on Untouchables In India : Divergent Shriram. Nikam Deep & Deep 1998
Approaches and Strategies of Mahatma and Publications, New Delhi
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
53. Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar On Reeta Bagchi B.R. Publishing 1998
Islam and Indian Muslims Corporation, Delhi
54. A Phenomenon Named Ambedkar Oneil Biswas Blumoon Books, New 1998
55. Dr. Ambedkar on Presidential And Judicial J.R. Siwach Indian Publishers & 1999
Impeachment Distributors, Delhi
56. Ambedkar and Humanism D.R. Jatava ABD Publishers, Jaipur 1999
57. B.R. Ambedkar A Vision of Man and Morals D.R. Jatava ABD Publishers, Jaipur 1999
58. B.R. Ambedkar: His Political and Social S.R. Bakshi Deep & Deep 2000
Ideology (2 volumes) Publications Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi
59. Ambedkar on Religion Nagendra K. Singh Anmol Publications Pvt. 2000
Ltd., New Delhi
60. Politics of B.R. Ambedkar In National D.R. Jatava National Publishing 2000
Movement House, Jaipur
61. Ambedkar on Indian History T.H.P. Chentharassery Rawat Publications, 2000
62. Political Ideology of B.R. Ambedkar Edited by S.R. Bakshi Deep & Deep 2000
Publications. New Delhi
63. Social Ideology of B.R. Ambedkar Edited by S.R. Bakshi Deep & Deep 2000
Publications, New Delhi
64. Dalit Liberation Theology: Ambedkarian Anthoniraj Thumma ISPCK, Delhi 2000
65. From Periphery to Centre Stage: Ambedkar, Edited by K.C. Yadav Manohar Publishers & 2000
Ambedkarism and Dalit Future Distributors, New Delhi
66. B.R. Ambedkar: Life, Work and Relevance Edited by M.L. Ranga Manohar, New Delhi 2000
67. Gandhi and Ambedkar: Saviours of Sheshrao Chavan Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 2001
Untouchables Mumbai
68. B.R. Ambedkar on Federalism, Ethnicity and Edited by Nazeer H. Deep & Deep 2001
Gender Justice Khan Publications
93. Life and works of B.R. Ambedkar S.R. Sharma Book Enclave, Jaipur 2006
94. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: champion of human Didla Venkateswara Rao Manak Publications, New 2006
rights in India Delhi
95. Ambedkar and Buddhism Sangharakshita Motilal Banarsidass 2006
Publishers, Delhi
96. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Vision of Dalit uplift Edited by Sree Bhagawan 2006
and its Contemporary Relevance Publications, Hyderabad
G. Bhadru Naik
97. Champion of human rights: Dr. B.R. B.J. Bhandutia Oxford Book, Jaipur 2007
Ambedkar in 21st century (making India
98. Ambedkar's thrust on education and Didla V. Rao Sunrise Publications, New 2007
reservation: its impact on emancipation of Delhi
Dalit, OBC and Minorities
99. Dalit movement in India: role of Dr. B.R. Sanjay Srivastava Book Enclave, Jaipur 2007
100. Warriors of untouchable: Ambedkar and A.S. Pabla Cyber Tech Publications, 2008
Gandhi New Delhi
101. B.R. Ambedkar: perspectives on social Sukhdeo Thorat Oxford University Press, 2008
exclusion and inclusive policies New Delhi
102. Dr. Ambedkar and the Indian constitution: Shailendra K. Tiwary Shubhi Publications, 2008
configuring the Indian constitution: Gurgaon
explorations in the Ideas of B.R. Ambedkar
103. B.R. Ambedkar in modern world D.R. Jatava ABD Publishers, Jaipur 2008
104. Knowledge tree: Ambedkar Brajen Mallick Antarik Prakashani, 2008
105. Ambedkar: the making of the Indian H.V. Hande Macmillan Publishers, 2009
Constitution: a tribute to Babasaheb B.R. New Delhi
106. Buddha or Karl Marx B.R. Ambedkar Siddharth Books, Delhi 2009
107. Socio-legal Philosophy of Bharat Ratna Dr. Umakant N. Decent Books, New Delhi 2009
B.R. Ambedkar: in the Context of weaker Netragaonkar
Sections of Society
108. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Buddhism and Dalit Edited by S.K. Shukla Omega Publications, New 2009
Perspectives Delhi
109. Dr. Ambedkar and Untouchability Niranjan Das ABD Publishers, Jaipur 2010
110. Socio-economic and Political Vision of Dr. Edited by S.N. Misra Concept Publishing 2010
B.R. Ambedkar Company, New Delhi
111. Father of Indian Constitution: Dr. B.R. Sanjeev Malhotra Om Laser, New Delhi 2010
112. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: man of millennium Lalit K. Sahay Mohit Publications, New 2010
113. Words of freedom: ideas of a nation B.R. Ambedkar Penguin Books, New 2010
114. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: messiah of the Janak Singh Kalpaz, Delhi 2010
115. Ambedkar and grievances of scheduled castes Ravindra Prasad Singh ABD Publishers, Jaipur 2010
116. Dalit movement: role of B.R. Ambedkar R.K. Bakshi Adhyayan Publishers, 2010
New Delhi
117. Dr. Ambedkar and the Dalit Future V.R. Krishna Iyer B.R. Publishing, Delhi 2010
118. B.R. Ambedkar and his Ideology R.K. Ankodia Sublime Publications, 2010
119. Life and Mission of B.R. Ambedkar S.R. Sharma Sublime Publications, 2010
120. Gandhi, Ambedkar and Dalit Rakesh K. Sinha Aadi Publications, Jaipur 2010
121. The Buddha and his Dhamma Babasaheb B.R. Samyak Prakashan, New 2010
Ambedkar Delhi
122. Relevance of thoughts of Dr. Ambedkar in the Edited by R.B. Langayan Sahitya Sansthan, 2010
present times Ghaziabad
123. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Constitutional Maker Sita Ram Current Publications, 2010
124. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: an Estimate S.R. Sharma Current Publications,Agra 2010
125. The Education Society of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar S.N. Busi Kaushalya Prakashan, 2010
126. Life, Ideas and Thought of Dr. B.R. S.K. Pandagale Swastik Publications, 2011
Ambedkar Delhi
(2 volumes)
127. Economic Philosophy of B.R. Ambedkar Chandrakant Singh Centrum Press, New 2011
128. The Buddha and his Dhamma: a Critical B.R. Ambedkar Oxford University Press, 2011
Edition New Delhi
129. Speeches and Writings of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Edited by Mangalam Publications, 2011
(4 volumes) W.R. Mujawar
130. Social and Political Thought of Dr. B.R. Edited by Manglam Publications, 2011
Ambedkar Delhi
W.R. Mujawar
(2 volumes)
131. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as a Human Right Leader Kaushlendra Misra Navyug Books 2011
International, Delhi
132. Social Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Jyothi Devindra S. ABD Publishers, Jaipur 2011
133. Indian Freedom Movement and Dr. B.R. I.S. Vidyasagar ABD Publishers, New 2011
Ambedkar Delhi
134. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Emancipation of S.N. Salawade Oxford Book, Jaipur 2011
135. Economic Thought of B.R. Ambedkar Raj Kumar Commonwealth 2011
Publishers, New Delhi
136. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Dalit Movement in India Geetanjali Centrum Press, New 2011
137. Dr.
\ B.R. Ambedkar: Life and Works Raj Kumar Commonwealth 2011
Publishers, New Delhi
141. Dr.
\ Baba Saheb Ambedkar and Brahmanism R.K. Dhillon Mohit Publications, New 2012
142. Dalit Movement in India: Role of Dr. B.R. Ashok Acharya Mohit Books 2012
Ambedkar International, New Delhi
143. Ambedkar: His Life and Visions D.C. Vyas Cyber Tech Publications, 2012
New Delhi
144. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Caste Mobilisation S.K. Kapur Yking Books, Jaipur 2012
145. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Dalit Movement Rewant Vikram Singh Jnanada Prakashan, New 2012
146. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar : more than a Dalit Voice Tanuja Trivedi Jnanada Prakashan, New 2012
147. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Untouchability B. Senapathi Navyug Books 2012
International, Delhi
148. Political Economy of B.R. Ambedkar Edited by Jiwitesh Kumar Regal Publications, New 2012
Singh Delhi
149. B.R. Ambedkar: man and his Vision Rajkumar Yadav Sonali Publications, New 2012
150. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: the Emancipator of the Rajkumar Yadav Sonali Publications, New 2012
Oppressed Delhi
151. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Selected Speeches Ravi K. Varma Arise Publishers, New 2012
152. Encyclopaedia of B. R. Ambedkar Shiv Charan Pipal Surendra Publications, 2012
(2 volumes) New Delhi
153. What Congress and Gandhi have done to the B.R Ambedkar Samyak Prakashan, New 2012
Untouchables Delhi
154. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Caste Mobilisation S.K. Kapur Swastik Publications, 2013
New Delhi
155. Selected speech of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: his Hari Mohan Sharma Signature Books 2013
Life and Philosophy International, Delhi
156. Selected Speeches of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. D.K. Varshney Signature Books 2013
B.R. Ambedkar and J.L. Nehru: their Lives International, Delhi
and Philosophies (3 volumes)
157. B.R. Ambedkar Y.K. Singh APH Publishing, New 2013
158. Economic Thoughts of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (2 Edited by Shree Publishers, New 2013
volumes) K.L. Chanchreek Delhi
159. The Essential Writings of B.R. Ambedkar O. Shuraj Pearl Books, New Delhi 2013
160. Pakistan or the Partition of India B.R. Ambedkar Samyak Prakashan, New 2013
161. Life and the Greatest Humanitarian Vijay Mankar Blue World Series, 2013
Revolutionary Movement of Dr. B. R. Nagpur
Ambedkar: a Chronology
162. Thoughts and Philosophy of Dr. B.R. Sadhana Thakur Anmol Publications, New 2014
Ambedkar Delhi
163. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Champion of Human R.A. Singh Anmol Publications, New 2014
Rights in India Delhi
164. Annihilation of Caste: the Annotated Critical B.R. Ambedkar Navayana Publishing, 2014
Edition New Delhi
165. B.R. Ambedkar: Saviour of the Masses Payal Kapadia Puffin Books, New Delhi 2014
166. Revisiting 1956: B.R. Ambedkar and States Sudha Pai Orient Blackswan, New 2014
Reorganisation Delhi
167. The Constitution of India: Role of Dr. B.R. Sheshrao Chavan Atlantic Publishers, New 2014
Ambedkar: Legend and Reality Delhi
168. Life and Philosophy of Dr. Babasaheb C. D. Naik B. R. Publishing, Delhi 2015
Ambedkar (2 vols)
169. Crystals of Dr. Ambedkar's Thought Edited by Ramachandran Abhijeet Publications, 2015
Srinivasan New Delhi
170. Ambedkar is dying... N. Lakshmipriya Ancient Publishing, Delhi 2015
171. Ambedkar : a Critic of Hindu Religion Chandra Bhushan Misra Centrum Press, New 2015
172. B.R.Ambedkar: an Enlightened Iconoclast Edited by Priyadarshi New Academic 2015
Bahinipati Publishers,
New Delhi
173. Ambedkar on Social Justice: Legal, Political Edited by SushmaYadav Manak Publications, New 2015
and Socio-Economic Landscape Delhi
174. Gandhi, Ambedkar and Indian Dalits Ashok Purohit Wisdom Press, New Delhi 2016
175. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Casteism, Dalits and Edited by Regal Publications, New 2016
Untouchability : focus on Present Day Delhi
Binod Prasad
176. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Education Edited by B. R. Publishing, Delhi 2016
S.Murali Mohan
(2 volumes)
177. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on Women Empowerment Edited by Regal Publications, New 2016
: Contemporary Relevance Satyendra Prajapati Delhi
178. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : an Intellectual Vijay Mankar Blue World Series 2016
Biography of Ideas, Enlightenment, Life and Publications, Nagpur
Liberation Work
179. Riddles in Hinduism: an Exposition to B.R. Ambedkar Navayana Publishing, 2016
Enlighten the Masses New Delhi
180. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: Framing of Indian S.N. Busi Ava Publications, 2016
Constitution (contains the Constitution of Hyderabad
India as of December 31,2015)
(6 volumes)
181. Ambedkar and Caste System Narayan Das Centrum Press, New 2017
182. Legacy of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Narayan Das Centrum Press, New 2017
183. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Women's Narayan Das Centrum Press, New 2017
Empowerment Delhi
184. Ambedkar and Making of Indian Constitution Narayan Das Centrum Press, New 2017
185. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Economic Thought Narayan Das Centrum Press, New 2017
186. Dr. Ambedkar's Vision of Social Justice in Ram Naresh Chaudhary Regal Publications, New 2017
Indian Constitution Delhi
187. Contemporary Relevance of Ambedkar's Edited byAvatthi Rawat Publications, 2017
Thoughts Ramaiah Jaipur
191. History of Indian Currency and Banking B.R. Ambedkar Kalpaz Publications, 2017
192. States and Minorities: what are their Rights B.R. Ambedkar Kalpaz Publications, 2017
and how to Secure them in the Constitution Delhi
ofFree India
193. Relevance of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar for Sukumar Pal New Delhi Publishers, 2017
Inclusive Development in India: Inclusive New Delhi
Development, Women Empowerment and
Social Justice (2 vols)
194. Ambedkar: the Attendant Details Edited by Salim Yusufji Navayana Publishing, 2017
New Delhi
195. India and Communism B.R. Ambedkar Leftword Books, New 2017
196. Relevance of Ambedkar Today Edited by Sudhir Singh Pentagon Press, New 2017
197. Caste and Race: Comparative Study of B.R. Mohan Dass Namishra Rawat Publications, 2017
Ambedkar and Martin Luther King Jaipur
198. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Philosophy in Emanual Nahar Kalpaz Publications, 2017
Contemporary India Delhi
199. Dr. Ambedkar: Pioneer of Human Rights M.G. Bhagat Samyak Prakashan, New 2017
200. Ambedkar and the Bhangis: efforts for their Shyam Lal Rawat Publications, 2018
Upliftment Jaipur
201. Ambedkar, Gandhi and Patel: the Making of Raja Sekhar Vundru Bloomsbury, New Delhi 2018
India's Electoral System
202. Awakening of India: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Sadamalla Ambedkar Uday Publishing, 2018
Perspective Asok Visakhapatnam
203. Ambedkar and other Immortals: an Soumyabrata Chaudhuri Navayana Publishing, 2018
Untouchable Research programme New Delhi
204. Dr. Ambedkar and Democracy Edited by Christophe Oxford University Press, 2018
Jaffrelot New Delhi
205. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar: the Maker of Modern Sarver K. Chahal Nirmal Publishing, 2018
India Kurukshetra
207. The Radical in Ambedkar: Critical Edited by Penguin Random House, 2018
Reflections Suraj Yengde Gurgaon
Hindi Books
6. Dr. Ambedkar Ke Aalochak: (Ek Pratyuttar) D.R. Jatav Shankuntla Jaatak, 1989
7. Samajik Nyay Ke Sajag Prahari Dr. Sampadak: Vishnudutt Savament Book 1990
Ambedkar Nagar Distributors, New Delhi
8. Bharat Ratan Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Mohandas Namishroy Neelam Publishing 1990
House, Nagpur
9. Dr. Ambedkar: Ek Chintan Madhu Limye Sardar Vallabh Bhai 1990
Patel Educational
Society, New Delhi
10. Dr. Ambedkar aur Dalit Andolan Dhramveer Shesh Sahitya Prakshan, 1990
11. Bharat- Ratna Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Samajik B.L. Meghwal Dr. Ambedkar Shiksha 1990
Aarthik Swatrantra Sangram Ke Mahanayak Shahitya evam Shodh
Sansthan, Udaypur
12. Dr. Ambedkar: Jeevan aur Darshan Rajendra Mohan Kitaab Ghar, Delhi 1990
15. Yug Drishta: Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Chetan Mehta Malik and Company 1991
(Prakashan), Jaipur
16. Baba Saheb aur Unke Sansmaran Mohandas Namishroy Sangeeta Prakashan, 1991
17. Baba Saheb Ambedkar- Ek Chintan Madhu Limye Aatmaram and Sons, 1991
19. Bharat Ratna: Dr. Ambedkar aur Bauddh Bhaag Jain ‘Bhaskar’ Sanmati Research 1991
Dharam Institute of Indology
(Aalok Prakashan),
20. Ambedkarvaadi Andolan aur Disha Jaiprakash Kardam Sangeeta Prakashan, 1991
21. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Lok Sabha Sachivalaya, Lok Sabha Sachivalaya, 1991
Bharat Bharat
22. Dr. Babasaheb Amebdkar Vasant Moon Nation Book Trust, New 1991
24. Dr. Ambedkar: Subhashit aur Sansmaran Sampadak: Srisharaj Prem Prakashan Mandir, 1992
73. Samajik Nyay ke Praneta: Dr. Bhimrao Premchand ‘Madhuvaal’ Ritika Prakashan, Delhi 2010
75. Ambedkar, Gandhi aur Dalit Patrkaarita Shyaoraj Singh ‘Bechain’ Anamika Publishers and 2010
Distributors, New Delhi
76. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar: Mahaan Vyaktitva ke Rakesh Kumar Sajna Prakashan, Pilani 2011
77. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar ka Samajik Manavvad Charan Das Singh Kala Prakashan, 2011
evam Bhartiya Bank Prashasan Varanasi
78. Nehru-Ambedkar evam Samajik Nyay Amita Verma Vangmay Prakashan, 2011
79. Samtamoolak Samaj evam Samajik Parivartan Virendra Singh Yadav Omega Publications, 2011
ke Yugpurush: Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Delhi
80. Beesaveen Sadee ke Mahanayak: Baba Sahab Virendra Singh Yadav Omega Publications, 2011
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Delhi
81. Manavadhikaar, Nehru aur Ambedkar Dharmveer Chandel Pointer Publishers, 2011
82. Dr. Ambedkar aur Unka Andolan R.P. Verma Shri Natraj Prakashan, 2011
83. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar: Jeevan, Sangharsh Madhavi Tripathi Viking Books, Jaipur 2011
evam Vichaar
84. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar M. Kumar Arjun Publishing House, 2011
New Delhi
85. Dr. Ambedkar aur Dalit Chetna Saurabh Upadhyay Ishika Publishing House, 2011
86. Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar: Sampoorna Sampadak: Ambedkar Pratishthan 2011
Vangmay Basant Moon Samajik Nyay aur
(21khand) Adhikarita Mantralaya
87. Kraantdarshi Yugpurush: Dr. Ambedkar R.P. Verma Kanti Publications, 2011
88. Gandhi, Ambedkar evam Dalitoddhaar Puran Mal Avishkar Publishers, 2011
Andolan Jaipur
(2 khand)
89. Sarvajan ke Prernastrot: Dr. Bhimrao Sampadak: Radha Publications, 2011
Ambedkar Omkarnath Mishr New Delhi
90. Mission- Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Virendra Kumar Shivank Prakashan, New 2011
Srivastav Delhi
91. Gandhi, Ambedkar, Dalit evam Samajik Nyay Babita Verma Avishkar Publishers, 2012
Distributors, Jaipur
92. Dalito ke Masiha Dr. Ambedkar Sudha Singh Avishkar Prakashan, 2012
93. Achhutoddharak Gandhi va Ambedkar Premlal Singh Rajbhasha Pustak 2012
Pratishthan, Delhi
94. Ambedkar: Jeevan evam Darshan A.K. Singh Anubhav Publishing 2012
House, Allahabad
95. Bharat mein Jatipratha Bhimrao Ambedkar Granth Vikas, Jaipur 2012
97. Ambedkar ki Rajnitik Soch evam Vichaar Ashutosh Mukherjee Rawat Prakashan, New 2012
98. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar ka Samajik Chintan Sampadak: Radha Publications, 2012
Omkarnath Mishr New Delhi
99. Mahanayak Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Rajesh Narwal Sajna Prakashan, Pilani 2012
100. Dr. Ambedkar: Vaichariki evam Dalit Sampadak: Aradhana Brothers, 2012
Vimarsh Kalicharan ‘Snehi’ Kanpur
102. Kisano evam Shramiko ke Maseeha Charan Singh Bhandari Raj Publishing, Delhi 2013
Bodhisatva Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
104. Dr. Ambedkar ka Shiksha Darshan Madhusudan Tripathi Omega Publications, 2013
New Delhi
105. Dr. Ambedkar Mahakavya Kishori Lal Aharwal B.R. Publishing, Delhi 2013
(2 khand)
106. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar aur Mahatma Awadh Bihari Singh Radha Publications, 2013
Gandhi: Tulnatmak New Delhi
107. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Kuldeep Singh Rawat Prakashan, New 2013
108. Dr. Ambedkar aur Dalit Chetna Manmohan Singh Khalsa Rawat Prakashan, New 2013
109. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar aur Dalit Sahitya Madhu Dhawan Classical Publishing, 2013
110. Shram Kalyan, Shram Suraksha aur Bharat B. R. Ambedkar Samyak Prakashan, New 2013
Ratna Dr. Ambedkar (2 khand) Delhi
114. Beesaveen Sadi me Dr. Ambedkar ka Sawal Subhash Gatade Dakhal Prakashan, Delhi 2014
115. Dr. Ambedkar aur Osho Sandesh Dhyan Gautam Book Centre, 2014
116. Buddh evam Dhamm mein Dr. Ambedkar ka Priti Naik Buddhishthh World 2015
Darshan Press, Delhi
117. Bauddh Darshan evam Dr. Ambedkar Ishwar Chand S.K. Publishing, Ranchi 2015
118. Islam Rajniti evam Dr. Ambedkar Shanker Sharan Yash Publications, Delhi 2015
119. Maanavta ke Maseeha Dr. Ambedkar Ram Kumar Jasmine Publications, 2015
120. Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar: Jeevan aur Darshan Hardaan Harsh PanchsheelPrakashan, 2015
121. Ambedkar aur Dalit Andolan: Rajasthan ke Shyamlal Rawat Publications, 2015
Sambandh mein Jaipur
Regional Books
1. Aathvani Majhya Karavasa Chya Kalya-Nilya P.P. Shirodkar Gomantak Marathi 1989
Panyachya Akademi, Panaji
2. Karnataka Dalit Chaluvali and B.R. Chandala V. Rathnamma, 1992
Ambedkar Bangalore
3. Jateeprathache Vidhvasan: Mahatma Gandhi B.R. Ambedkar Sugiva Prakashan, Pune 1992
Yana Delelya Uttrasha
4. Dr. Ambedkar Chintan Keshav Meshram Lok Vangmaya Griha, 1992
6. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar ani Swatntrya Raja Jadhav Jayantibhai Shah, 1994
Chalwal Mumbai
7. Ambedkari Dhamm: Ek Aankalan D.R. Vaghmaray Nirmal Prakashan, 1995
8. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Vasant Moon National Book Trust, 1995
New Delhi
14. Dr. B.R. Ambedka- Ondu Photobiography Shivu Akshatha Prakashana, 2003
15. Bharata Samvidhana Shilpi Dr. B.R. C.H. Jacoblobo Byaladakere Prakashana, 2005
Ambedkar Bangalore
16. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Pathragalu V. Rangaswamy Laxmi Smaraka 2006
Prakashana, Bangalore
17. Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar jeeban O Edited by Krishnakali Manoranjan Purkait, 2008
darshan Mandal Kolkata
18. Gandhism B.R. Ambedkar Karisal Pathipagam, 2008
19. Gandhi-antaranijathula vimukti B.R. Ambedkar Samaantara Publications, 2009
20. Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar chithra samputa Anantharayappa Ashoka Publications, 2011
21. Dr. Ambedkar geeti kabita Anchal Das Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 2011
Foundation, Jajpur
22. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar mattu samajika nyaya Edited by Director, Prasaranga, 2012
(Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and social justice) Karnataka State Women's
D.M. Madari
University, Bijapur
23. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar S. Sasikala Devi Sura Books, Chennai 2013
24. Jathi unmoolanam vyakhyana- B.R. Ambedkar D.C. Books, Kottayam 2015
vimarsanakkurippukal sahitham
25. Samajbiplobi Ambedkar : jibon-o-sadhona Edited by Debabrata Parul Prakashani, Kolkata 2016
27. Ambedkar varna srushti Edited and Translated by Dasya Theatre, 2016
Pabbu Sauda Hyderabad