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A) Original Texts
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Corporation, Delhi, First Edition, 2004.
4. â÷valàyana-Gçhya-Såtra, ed. Gokhale Ganesh, Ananda Ashrama Sanstha, Pune.
5. Atharvaveda-Sa§hità, ed. Satavalekar, S. D., Svadhyaya Mandala, Surat, 1957.
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9.Bràhma-Sūtra-øāāïkarabhàùya, ed. Paõ÷ikar V., Chaukhamba Vidyabhavan,
Varanasi, Reprint 1998.
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27. Màn
ukya-Upaniùad, tran. Swami Chinmayananda, Central Chinmaya Mission
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Reprint 1988.
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Svàdhyaya Mandala, Aundh, Satara, 1947
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Edition, 2005.
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48. The Nighaõñu and the Nirukta, Lakshman Sarup, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi,
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Edition, 1968.
50. The Sà§khya-Kàrikà of I÷warakçsna, Trans. H. T. Colebrooke, Tookaram
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51 The øatapatha-Bràhmaõa, Vols. I- IV, Ed. Maitreyee Deshpande, New
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Snskrit Series Office, Benaras, 1940.
57. The Yàj¤avalkyasmçti, ed. T. Ganapati Sastri, Munshiram Manoharlal
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58. Uttaràdhyayana-Såtra, Madhukar Muni, Sri, âgam Prakashan Samiti, Byavar,
Rajasthan, Third impression, 2002.
59. Vai÷eùikadar÷ana with the comm. of Candrananda ed. Muni Shri Jambuvijayji,
Gaekwad Oriental Series, Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1982.

60. Vàlmiki-Ràmàyaõa, Vols. I-IX, ed. S. D. Satavalekar, Svadhyàya Mandala,
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61. Veda
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62. Vedàntasàra of Bhagavad Ràmànuja, ed. V. Krishnamacharya, The Adyar
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63. Veõãsa§hàram, ed. R. N. Gadre, Venus Prakashan, Pune, First Edition, 1957.
64. Vçddhayavanajàtaka of Minarāāja, ed. Pingree David, Oriental Institute, Baroda,
65. Yogavàsiùñha, Khaõda I-IX, Ed. V. L. Pansikar, Vidarbha Marathawada Book
Company, Pune, Sixth Edition, 1998.

B) Modern Texts
1. Acarya Amrutachandra, Tattvàrthasàra, Bharatiya Dnyanapeeth, New Delhi,
2. Bronkhorst, Johannes, Karma and Teleology, Studia Philologica Buddhica,
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4. Dasgupta, Surendranath, A History of Indian Philosophy, Vol.I, Motilal
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6. Duessen, Paul, The Philosophy of the Upanishads, Eng.
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7. Eliade, Mircea, A History of Religious Ideas, trans. from French in English by W.
R. Trask, University of Chicago, 1978.
8. Gowen, H.H., A History of Indian Literature, Seema Publication,

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10. Hopkins, E.W., Origin and Evolution of Religion, Cooper square publishers,
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11. Hume, R. E., The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, Oxford University Press,
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12. Jogesh Chandra R., Siddhànta-Darpaõa, Indian Depositary, Calcutta, 1899.
13. Kane, P.V., History of Dharmaֈstra, Vol. V, Part I, II, Bhandarkar Oriental
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14. Kaye, G.R., Hindu Astronomy, Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, First Published
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15. Keith, A. B., A History of Sanskrit Literature, Oxford University Press, First
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University Press, London, 1925.
17. Lang, Andrew, Magic and Religion, Longmans, Green, and Co., London, 1901.
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19. Macdonell, A. A., A Vedic Reader, Oxford University Press, Madras, Ninth
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Delhi, First Published, 1927, Second Revised Edition, 2007.
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22. Macdonell and Keith, Vedic Index, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1969.
23. M. Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
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24. Moghe, G. R., Jyotirmayūkha, Tukaram Book Depo, Mumbai, 1984.
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26. O Flaherty, Wendy, Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions, Motilal
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Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1981.
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York, 1946.
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31. Shastri, Phulachandra, Sarvàrthasiddhi, Bharatiya Dnyanapeeth, New Delhi,
Seventeenth Edition, 2013.
32. Shastry, K., Atharvavedãyakarmajavyàdhinirodha, Bharatiya Chaturdhana
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33. Swami Vivekananda, Karma Yoga, Advaita Ashrama, Kolkata, Thirteenth
Impression, 2001.
34. Taylor, Isaac, The Origin of the Aryans, Caxton publishers, Delhi, First
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35. Thakkar, H., Karmàcà Siddhànta, Kusum Prakashan, Ahmedabad, 1994.
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42. Yuvraj Krishan, The Doctrine of Karma, Motilal Banarsidass, Publishers Pvt.
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C) Encylcopaedias and Dictionaries
1. Amarako÷a, ed. Sivadatta Dàdhimatha, Chaukhamba, Sanskrit Prathishthan, Delhi,
Second Edition, 1987.
2. Census of Exact Sciences in Sanskrit, Volumes I-V, Pingree David, Oriental
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4. Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, Vol. IV, VII, Ed. James Hastings, T. and
T. Clark, Edinburgh, Fourth Impression, 1959.
5. English and Sanskrit Dictionary, M. Monier Williams, Motilal Banarsidass,
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6. The Concise Oxford Thesaurus complied by Betty Kirkpatrick, Oxford
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7. The Encyclopaedia of Indian Philosophies, Vol.I, Potter Karl H., Motilal
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D) Journals
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4. Kane, P.V., Varàhamihira and Utpala, Journal of the Bombay Branch of the
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5. Kaye, G.R., The Nakùatra and Precession, The Indian Antiquary, Volume L.
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