Unit 5 Environmental Impact of Blasting - Revised
Unit 5 Environmental Impact of Blasting - Revised
Unit 5 Environmental Impact of Blasting - Revised
When an explosive in the blast hole is detonated, quintessentially there are four major phenomenon that occur:
Following the detonation of explosive, the adjacent charged holes gets connect with each other within tens of
microseconds to form a new free face. Accompanying this process, there occurs transient release of normal in-situ
stress, which leads to damage in surrounding rock mass. The fracture zone formed due to detonation of explosive is about
8-10 times the diameter of borehole. It eventuates up to the area where energy is irreversible and energy loss is observed.
It means that rocks depicts inelasticity. Beyond this fracture zone, the other dominant factors such as high temperature
and pressure extends the cracks up to 10-100 times higher than what is caused by the shock waves, forming a zone of
Fracturing of rock under blasting
Blasting Mechanism
❑ When an explosive detonates in a hole the pressure can exceed 10 GPa, sufficient enough to shatter the rock near the
hole, and also generate a stress wave that travels outward at a velocity of 3000-5000 m/s.
❑ The leading front of the stress wave is compressive but is closely followed by the tensile stresses that are mainly
responsible for rock fragmentation.
❑ A compressive wave reflects when it reaches a nearby exposed rock surface, and on reflection, becomes a tensile
strain pulse. Rock breaks more easily in tension than in compression, and fractures progress backward from the free
❑ The gas pressure generated during the process also act to widen and extend stress generated cracks or natural joints.
❑ The fragmentation process which takes place is the combined effect of the above two, the role of each is dependant
upon the rock conditions, blasting geometry, explosive materials and initiation systems.
Effects of blasting
❑ The unsavoury problems may lead to confrontation and even litigations between the mining industry and the general
❑ The problem continues to be of great concern to governments, explosive manufacturers, industries utilizing blasting,
insurance companies and scientists.
❑ With the increased awareness about environment, increased complaints and litigations about damage due to blasting
have been experienced by operators.
❑ Further, it is in the interest of operators themselves that attempts be made to control harmful effects of blasting
1. Blast Induced Ground Vibration: Basic Seismic waves
❑ Based on the characteristic features, seismic waves can be divided into two broad categories:
1. Body waves: Waves that travel through the rock mass are termed as body waves. They can further be sub
divided into:
a. Primary waves: P waves
b. Secondary waves: S waves
2. Surface waves: Waves which travel along the surface and cause ground motion.
a. Rayleigh or R waves
b. Love or Q waves
c. Coupled waves
1. Blast Induced Ground Vibration: Basic Seismic waves
𝑅 −𝑏
𝑉𝑝𝑝𝑣 = 𝑘( ) .
R = Distance from the geometric centre of the point of blast to the monitoring point (𝑚)
𝑊 = maximum charge per delay in (𝐾𝑔)
𝐾 and 𝑏 = are site constants obtained by regression. It gives an idea of the propagating media and monitoring
1. Blast Induced Ground Vibration: Influencing factors
❑ Blast induced ground vibration is a complex phenomenon depending upon several factors categorized as controllable
and non-controllable factors as shown below:
Threshold values of vibrations for the safety of pillars in the below ground workings for different RMR.
Air overpressure can be measured in two ways: either in pressure units or more commonly are reported in terms of
decibels (dB), which is given as sound pressure level (SPL) by the following equation:
𝑆𝑃𝐿 𝑑𝐵 = 20𝑙𝑜𝑔
Where P is the measured overpressure in Pa and Pr is a reference pressure level. The threshold of hearing,
representing the lowest audible sound to the ear, and is taken as 2 x 10-5 Pa and represents level of zero dB.
3. Noise
❑ Airblast and noise are caused due to the same contributing factors. As has been stated the same cause of a blast is
responsible for the generation of noise, to the discomfort of the resident. This can be minimised by reorientation of
the quarry face if geologic and other operational conditions permits, reducing the height of the face, proper timing
of the blast, loading of the holes vis-a-vis the geologic abnormalities, preparing angular aggregate stone for
stemming, etc.
4. Fumes
❑ Blast fumes are the gases that may be generated during blasting. Some of the gases are toxic and some are not. In
terms of health impacts, the critical gases generated are oxides of nitrogen (NOx) - nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric
oxide (NO).
❑ Nitrogen dioxide gives blast gas plumes their characteristic reddish orange colour and pungent odour.
❑ Gases produced during blasting usually disperse rapidly and pose no acute health risk. Under certain conditions the
gas plume (gas or aerosol released into the atmosphere at an approximately steady rate) may persist and can affect
nearby people or residents who are downwind of the blast site.
❑ Exposure to the fumes in a blast plume is usually very brief – seconds to minutes. For most people, any health effects
from exposure to a blast plume are short lived.
❑ Symptoms from high level exposure may include:
• Eye, nose and throat irritation and coughing
• Dizziness and headache
• Shortness of breath
• Wheezing or exacerbation of asthma
❑ Serious lung inflammation (pulmonary oedema) has been known to develop several hours after exposure to very high
levels of NO2.
4. Fumes: Precautions against fumes in underground blasting (DGMS Tech. Circular No. 4, 1984)
❑ No plaster shooting with ANFO should be done at all below ground.
❑ The manager should determine and specify the period of waiting after blasting in any place of getting a special study
done with the types and the maximum amount of explosive used in the mine at a place underground in any one round,
taking all precautions, and no person shall enter or be permitted to enter the place of blasting during the waiting
period so specified. The waiting period specified shall be such that the proportion of nitrous fumes and carbon
monoxide in the air at the end of the such period at the working place does not exceed 5 ppm and 50 ppm
respectively in any event.
❑ The manager should issue written instructions to all concerned so as to ensure that no person including the shot
firer/blaster takes shelter or otherwise remains in the return air from the place of blasting during the blasting
operations and until the waiting period specified by the manager as above expires.
5. Flyrock: Introduction
❑ Flyrock is defined as the excessive random throw of
rock fragments from a blast that can travel distances
beyond desired values and present a serious threat
to people and property in and around the mine. There
can be small to fatal accidents due to flyrock and is,
thus, a subject of concern.
❑ Flyrock is one of the contentious issues in surface
blasting. The phenomenon of flyrock is important
since it involves risk to people and structures within
and outside the mining area.
❑ flyrock is responsible for more injuries and fatalities
than any other blast related accidents, nearly 30 % of
the blasting related accidents.
❑ The causes of flyrock are attributed among others to
site geology/rock conditions, bench face conditions,
improper blast design, improper explosive selection,
explosive loading, and distribution of explosive in the
blast hole, inappropriate delay allocation or
5. Flyrock: Modes and causes
❑ Briefly it can be explained that excessive flyrock gets projected beyond the normal blast area and is generated due to:
• Too much explosive energy for the amount of burden
• Stemming is insufficient
• Venting of explosive energy through a weak plane
❑ Flyrock occurrence can be explained with the help of three basic mechanisms, i.e. cratering, rifling and face burst, as
described in Fig. below:
❑ Inadequate burden, inadequate stemming length,
faulty drilling, back breaks, loose rock on top of the
bench due to poor previous blast, very high
explosive concentration, inappropriate delay timing,
and their sequence, and inaccuracy of delays are
the prominent blast design parameters responsible
for flyrock problems.
❑ Unfavorable geological conditions, such as open
joints, weak seams, and cavities, have been
identified as the major causes of flyrock hazards in
opencast mines
Mechanism of Flyrock
5. Flyrock: Causative factors
Some important factors responsible for flyrock are Uneven distribution of
discussed in details: burden
❑ Inadequate burden and spacing: An insufficient
burden will cause breakthrough of drill hole
charges, resulting in flyrock. A burden dimension
less than 25 times the charge diameter gives high
specific charge hence, the excess energy results in
long flyrock distances. Burden to bench high ratio
less than 1.5 is also a cause of flyrock. Too large
burden will cause venting of stemming material and
also cratering effects giving rise to flyrock.
Spacing appreciably less than the burden tend to
cause premature splitting between blast holes and
early loosening of stemming. Both these effects
encourage Rapid release of gases to the
atmosphere and flyrock is considerable. To close a
spacing causes crushing between the holes and
also cratering giving rise to flyrock. Large burden with top
5. Flyrock: Causative factors
❑ Overloaded holes: When cavities are present in the
strata or due to the negligence of the blasting crew if Open joints, cavities or
explosive charges are excessively loaded on the weak seam may result in
blast holes then such a blast may result in excessive gas escape
❑ Geological conditions: Zones of weakness and voids
are often causes of flyrock. Any explosive loaded in
this zone will have the line of least resistance and
blow out causing flyrock. Where holes loaded with
explosive intersect or lie in close proximity of faults,
weakness planes or joints, the high pressure gas
upon initiation of the explosive jet out along these
paths of low resistance, which in addition tear out
rock pieces and give rise to flyrock. An abnormal lack
of resistance to drill penetration usually indicates a
mud seam, a zone of incompetent rock or even a
5. Flyrock: Causative factors
❑ Inaccurate drilling: Accurate drilling provides proper
burden and spacing which are essential for better Requirement for
results. This is achieved by proper positioning of drill an inclined drill
to accurately collar to the hole and by proper hole.
inclination of holes. However, if the driller is not
guided properly for the position and direction of the
hole the drill may deviate from its calculated position
and during the time of blast effect may be same as
that of reduced burden and overloaded hole thereby
resulting in flyrock.
❑ Inadequate stemming: Stemming improves rock
breakage by confining the gases in the hole to
effectively fracture and heave the rock. If stemming
column is inadequate, the explosion gases are not
force to heave up the partly fractured ground but are
simply allowed to rifle out of the top of the blast hole
at very high velocity causing considerable flyrock
and airblast.
5. Flyrock: Causative factors
❑ Faulty delay timing and initiation sequence: Optimum
fragmentation and displacement is achieved in
blasting operations by giving sufficient inter row or
inter hole delays. The delay is needed so that the
fragmented rock from the previously fired holes as
enough time to move forward and accommodate the
broken rock from subsequent rows. If the delay is
not sufficient, movement from the back rows will be
upward rather than forward, giving rise to flyrock.
Lack of proper Delay timing leads to crowding and
excess burden which inturn leads to crowding thus
giving rise to flyrock.
❑ Miscellaneous causes: Secondary blasting viz. Pop
shooting can give rise to potential flyrock. Removal
of toe by using short drill holes can cause excessive
flyrock if not carefully carried out. The loose
fragments at the slope of the face or at the bench Effect of inadequate and adequate delay.
may fly to a longer distance as compared to blasted
rock. Large diameter holes produce more flyrock as
compared to small diameter holes due to the use of
heavier explosive charges.
5. Flyrock: modes of flyrock
5. Flyrock: Calculation
The main concern in predictions is explained below and Fig.:
✓ The maximum distance (Rmax) a flyrock can travel in a given mining/blasting condition.
✓ The distribution of flyrock about a face.
✓ The location of object of concern and its vulnerability to damage.
• On the same horizontal plane as that of the blast.
• On a different plane than that of the blast—more likely to represent a hilly mine condition.
✓ The probability of flyrock occurrence.
✓ The probability of flyrock hitting a particular object of concern
Lundborg et al. (1975) used a semi-empirical approach to estimate flyrock range. Based on the conservation of
momentum and the scaling laws of spherical charge, a relationship between charge diameter ‘d’ and rock velocity
‘V0’ was obtained. They proposed the following relationship for initial velocity (V0) throw and size of flyrock in crater
blasting in granite blocks:
10𝑑 × 2600
𝑉0 =
𝑇𝑏 × 𝜌𝑟
𝐿𝑚 = 260𝑑3
𝑇𝑏 = 0.1𝑑3
Where, Lm = flyrock range in m, d = hole diameter in inch, Tb = size of rock fragment in m, and ρr = density of rock in
6. Controlled blasting techniques: Introduction and purpose
Controlled blasting technique is essential due to the impact of blasting on wall fractures and overbreak. It is also
adopted to ensure ‘safety of the rock beyond the designed contour’.
❑ Controlled blasting techniques are adopted to reduce
damage to the rock and improve the competence of the
rock at the perimeter of the excavation by reducing the
development and growth of uncontrolled fracture. In
many cases the technique is also called cautious
blasting, contour blasting or smooth blasting. Many a
time controlled blasting techniques have included
controlling damage due to vibrations, air blast and
flyrock. Only those blasting techniques have been
considered which reduce damage to the rock itself or to
the remaining rock and reduce overbreak beyond the
❑ Controlled blasting techniques have several advantages.
Besides retaining load carrying capacity of the rock as it
allows desired roof curvature so that the load carrying
capacity of the structure is greater. In conventional
blasting overbreak tendency of rock is experienced,
whereas by controlling the overbreak the smoothness
and precision of rock walls are achieved and extra cost
of loading the muck and concreting or providing rock
reinforcement is reduced. Finally, smooth walls
resultant reduced fractional resistance to air flow, and
improve mine ventilation capacity.
6. Controlled blasting techniques: Types
The main types of controlled blasting techniques are:
• Line drilling
• Pre-splitting
• Smooth wall blasting
• Cushion blasting
• Air decking
Except the air decking technique rest all the controlled blasting techniques are related to the modification of perimeter
Controlled blasting techniques: Line Drilling
❑ It consists drilling a row of closely spaced holes along the final excavation limits and keeping holes empty. The line
drilled holes provide a plane of weakness to which the final role of blast holes can break (free face) and also reflect
a portion of the shockwave (plane of reflection) generated from the blast.
❑ Line drilling is adopted mostly in small blasting operations and involves small holes in the range of 50-100 mm
diameter. Line drilling holes are spaced (centre to centre) 2-4 diameters apart but are more closely spaced at the
❑ The maximum practical depth to which line drilling can be done is governed by how accurately the alignment of the
holes can be held at depth, typically 10 to 15 m. To further protect the final perimeter, the blast holes adjacent to
the line drill are spaced more closely and loaded more lightly than the rest of the blast, and that charges are used as
necessary. The distance between the back row blast holes and the line of drill holes is between 50 and 75% of the
normal burden distance.
❑ Best results are obtained in a homogenous rock with few joints or bedding planes or when the holes are aligned with
the major joint plane. Line drilling sometimes used in conjunction with pre-splitting where the corners a line drilled
and the remainder of the perimeter is pre split. The use of line drilling his limited to jobs were even a light load of
explosives in the perimeter holes would cost and acceptable damage. The results of line drilling are often
unpredictable, the cost of drilling is high, and the results depend on the accuracy of the drilling.
Controlled blasting techniques: Line Drilling
Smooth blasting
Controlled blasting techniques: Cushion or Trim blasting
❑ Cushion blasting is similar to smooth blasting and is practiced in surface blasting. Like other controlled blasting
techniques, it involves a row of closely spaced, lightly loaded holes at the perimeter of the excavation.
❑ Hole sizes are commonly 100-175 mm in diameter, and holes are spaced 1.5-2.5 m apart. After the explosives are
loaded, stemming material is usually placed in the void space around the charges. The spacing between the holes is
normally larger than that used in the pre-splitting. The burden is designed so that it is greater than the spacing, B =
1.2-1.35S. In general, subdrilling is not necessary. The holes are fired after the main excavation is removed. A
minimum delay between the holes is desired.
Controlled blasting techniques: Air Decking
❑ The air deck technique involves loading a small charge of explosive (usually at the toe) in a blast hole that is
otherwise empty. This is similar in principle to that of air cushioning practice in Russia. Near the top, the hole sealed
with a plug (inflatable device or chemically activated plug) and then stemmed.
❑ When explosive in the hole is fired, the peak pressure is lowered due to expansion of gases in the empty space, the
crashing and cracking immediately around the holes is reduced but other effects are sufficient to start the cracking
process from the hole but lacks sufficient energy to cause breakage beyond the desired limit. When fired the
rebounding shock waves produce a cleanly split rock.
❑ In place of inflatable plugs, jute bags filled with sand are utilised, suspending up to the desired depth by nylon
cord. Conventionally charges are decked by separating portions of the explosive column n by wooden or cardboard
spacers or by taping charges on to detonating cord.
Advantages of Air Decking:
❑ Improved high wall stability leading to better safety and percentage recovery
❑ Reduction in toe formation
❑ 40-50 % cheaper than conventional method of pre-splitting
❑ Best suited for cast blasting in high dragline benches
❑ Reduction of vibration levels
❑ Improved flyrock control
❑ Tunnel overbreak protection
❑ Reduction of fines
Materials used for Air Decking:
❑ Saver plug
❑ Air filled bottles
❑ Use of funnels
❑ Use of rubber balloons etc.
Thank You!