Prestigious Award: Vichealth Receives

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The Premier of Victoria, the

VicHealth Receives Hon. Jeff Kennett MLA, accepts

the World Health Organisation
Tobacco or Health Medal from
Dr S.T. Han, al Parliament

Prestigious WHO Award House, Melbourne.

Address by:

Dr S.T. Han
World Health Organisation Regional Director
Western Pacific Region

On behalf of
Dr Hiroshi Nakaj ima, Director General, World Health Organisation
The Premie r of Victoria
I am very pleased to present to t he Victorian Health Promotion f oundation, the 1996 Tobacco or Health medal The Hon. Jeff Ke nnett MLA
of the World Health Organisation (WHO). With t his award, WHO recognises achievements in the fight against the
hazards to health of tobacco consumption. It also recognises a valuable contribut.ion to WHO's concept of a society It is with great pleasure and pride today that I accept this significant award on behalf of the Victorian communi ty

where tobacco is no longer socially acceptable. and, more specifically, VicHealth.

This award is presented every year on World No-Tobacco Day. On this clay WHO calls attention to t he harm The fact t hat the World Heal th Organisation has seen fit to recognise the pioneering work of the Victorian Health

that results from tobacco use. It is also an occasion to promote good health and tobacco-free lifestyles. This year, Promotion Foundation 11~th this prestigious medal is a great honour and helps to underline l he importance of

t he theme of World No-Tobacco Day is Spor t and the Ar ts 111thout tobacco: play it tobacco-free. With t his we VicHealt.h's achievements over the past nine years.

advocate a sporting and cult ural life 1~ithout tobacco, consistent with the ideals of good health. Victoria is the healthiest Slate in Aust ralia, with lower smoking rates, lower alcohol use, higher exercise rates and

There have been calls on artists and spor t stars to lead the way in promoting healthy lifestyles free of tobacco lower rates of obesity. In partnership ,~th the State Government and community groups, and through the use of

use. There have been messages stressing that sports and arts events should be free of adver tising for any innovative health promotion techniques, VicHealth has helped to educate peopl e that they must take responsibility

addicti ve hazardous products, including indirect adver tising through sponsorship. And there has been promotion for their own well-being and play an active part in staying fit and healthy. By clever use of sponsorship in the

of tobacco-free sports and cultural events as ideal venues to promote good health and healthy lifestyles. sports and arts arenas, the foundation has been able to send an easily accessible and effective message to a wide
spectrum of t he Victorian population.
I am pleased that, 111th t his award to the Victorian Health Promotion l"oundation, we honour today an organisation
that has spearheaded these ideas. I could not think of a candidate better qualified for the award in connection wi th VicHealth receives more than $20 mi!Lion each year through a hypothecated levy on tobacco products and this

t he special theme of this year's World No-Tobacco Day. funding is committed to a range of projects and bodies, such as the Quit pr ogram, which helps people give up
smoking, and the SunSmart program, which promotes habits to reduce the risk of skin cancer. There is also
I n 1988, VicHealth was the first, now of many, to use the proceeds from the government's special levy on tobacco
support for health promotion strategies such as the Government's Cancer and Heart Offensive, the food and
to fund sports and arts. This was an excellent step, as, firstly, governments 11111 as they are seen to be supporting
Nutrition Policy and the successful Taking Injury Prevention forward strategy. The benefits of promoting better
sports; and secondly, health concerns also win, as all tobacco promotion before, during and after the event is
health are far-reaching, bot h in terms of quality of life and economically, and today's ceremony confirms VicHealth's
removed. Finally, sports and arts organisations benefit financially - usually substantially - from even a small
reputation as a leader in developing effective heall h programs.
percentage of earmar ked tobacco tax. Not only are they assured" of long-term funding, but those who have never
received tobacco funding can also benefit, as all spor ting or cultural organisations can apply. Consequent ly, as It should be noted that this is not the only forum in which VicHealth's expertise has received international

spor ts or arts are no longer associated \~ith smoking, they become free to be associated with healthy lifestyles. recognition. VicHealth has also been successful in exporting its promotional know-how to the Asia-Pacific region,
and the potential for further expansion is high. Already, Victoria has a strong health sector relationship 11~th
The gains for Victoria and Australia arc considerable and obvious. But VicHealt h and its health promot.ion program
a number of countries including China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, and the
have also influenced tobacco control and health promotion act i11t ies in many other countries. With your policies
Government's Advisory Committee in Health Exports is current ly exploring further opportunities.
and programs you are also suppor ting WI-IO's Action Plan on Tobacco or Health for 1995-1999 and our call for a
Tobacco-advertising free Western Pacific Region by the year 2000. WHO needs partners like VicHealth, which I understand that our distinguished guest, Dr Han, is regarded as head of the most innovative World Health

recognises that health is an important factor in sustainable development, and that investments for health pur poses Organisation region and has, himself, pioneered significant healt h development and leadership in the Asia-Pacific

have a positive economic effect. area. His New llorizons i n Heallh program gives special atlent ion to the health status of local children and
adolescents, and recognises the important role of education and health promotion.
VicHealth is involved in t he development of 'Healthy I slands' and provides support to a number of countries in
the Western-Pacific region. I am sure that the innovative health promotion strategies of VicHealth will be of benefit VicHealth, supported by AusAJD and other funding bodies, has been working with ll'110 in areas such as

to the region. Let me assure you that your contributions are of great value to our health promotion work. I hope the development of guidelines for preventing non-communicable diseases and heal th promotion in schools,

that you " ~II continue to be our partner. workplaces and communities. And with the guidance of ll'1-10, the foundation is also actively involved with
Pacific Island health promotion under t he Healthy Islands initiative, which has seen it make valuable contribut ions
My t hanks, t herefore, go as well to the Victorian Government. The small percentage tax on tobacco products
in countries such as F'iji, Western Samoa and the Cook Islands. Victoria looks forward to an ongoing association
by the State of Victoria has also had a supportive effect on IVHO's work. I wi sh you good luck in your continuing
,~th the World Health Organisation in the further development of health promotion in the Asia-Paci fic region.
effor ts to promote health-support ive en~ronments and lifestyles free of tobacco use, and I look for ward to further
collaboration wit h you in reaching our goal of achieving a Region free of tobacco advertising by the year 2000. Once again, we are honoured by Dr Han's visit and the presentation of his notable WHO medal.

ii WHO Award WHO A ward iii

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