Ari 12 CH 1 Electric Charges and Fields

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Electric Charges

And Fields

Chapter Analysis w.r.t. Lost 3 Yeor's Boord Exams
The analysis given here gives you an analytical picture of this chapter and will help you to
identify the concepts of the chapter that are to be focussed more from exam point of view.
Number of Questions asked in last 3 years

2015 2016 2017

Delhi All India Delhi All India Delhi All India
Very Short An~wer (1 ~~L __ .-~---
--------_._ .._-
-~~~~-.---.--. . __ ._-_._._ .... _-_ -

Short Type I Answer (2 marks) _.

___ • - 0-
-.... -----------
Short Type II Answer (3 marks) J Q lQ
Long Answer (5 marks) lQ 1Q IQ IQ
: -----j

Value Based Questions (4 marks) i I J

• In 2015, one question of 1 mark based on Electric Flux and one question of 5 marks
based on Application of Gauss Theorem were asked in both sets.
• In 2016, in Delhi set, only one question of 1marks base on Gaussian Surface was asked.

• In 2017, in Delhi set, one question of 3 marks based on Electric Field at a Point on
Equatorial Line of an Electric Dipole and ',' ql' . 'I1S of 5 marks based on

Application of Gauss Theorem were asked.

In All India set, only one question of 5 marks based on Electric Field due to Dipole at
Axial Point was asked.
On the basis of above analysis, it can be said that from exam point of view Electric Flux,
Application of Gauss Theorem, Electric Dipole and Electric Field due to Dipole at Axial
Point are the most important concepts of the chapter.
[TOPIC 1] Coulomb's Law, Electrostatic Field
and Electric Dipole
1.1Electric Charge Conductors and Insulators
Charge is an intrinsic property associated with Those substances which readily allow the passage of

elementary particles of matter due to which it electricity through them are called conductors, e.g.
produces and experiences electric and magnetic metals, the earth whereas those substances which
effect. Benjamin Franklin introduced two types of offer high resistance to the passage of electricity are
charges namely positive charge and negative called insulators, e.g. plastic rod and nylon.
charge based on frictional (statical) electricity

produced by rubbing two unlike objects like
amber and wood.
1.2 Coulomb's Law
Transference of electrons is the cause of It states that the electrostatic force of attraction or
frictional electricity. repulsion acting between two stationary point
charges is given by F = _1_. qlq2
Basic Properties of Electric Charge 41tEo ,-2

(i) Additivity of Electric Charges Charges where, ql and q2 are the stationary point charges and
r is the separation between them in air or vacuum.
are scalars and they add up like real
numbers. It means if a system consists of n Also, _1_ = 9 x 109 N_m2C-2
charges ql' q2' q3' ... ,qn' then total charge 41tEo
of the system will be ql + q2 + ...+s:
where, Eo = permittivity of free space
(ii) Conservation of Electric Charges The
total charge of an isolated system is always = 8.85419 x 10-12 C 2/N_m2
remains conserved i.e. initial and final
charge of the system will be same. In vectorform,F = _1_. qlq2 r or IFI= _1_. qlq2
41tEo Ir f 41tEo r2
(iii) Quantisation of Electric Charges
Charge exists in discrete amount rather
than continuous value ani hence, they are
Absolute Permittivity of Medium
[Dielectric Constant)

said to be quantised.
Mathematically, charge on an object, The force between two charges ql and q2 located at
q = ± ne. a distance r in a medium other than free space may
where, n is an integer and e = electronic be expressed as F =_1_. qlq2
charge = 1.6x 1O-19C. 41tE r2

where, E is absolute permittivity of the medium.

Units of Charge
1 qlq2
(i) SI unit coulomb (C)
Fvacuum 4,;~·7
(ii) CGS system _1_. qlq2 Eo T
(a) electrostatic unit (esu) or stat-coulomb 41tE r2
The ratio of force between two changes in vacuum
(b) electromagnetic unit (emu) or ab-C '
and force acting between when they are shifted in
>J • ,b ab-coulombj
a medium is called relative permittivity (ET) of the
1 ab-C = 10 C, 1 C = 3 xl O" stat-C medium also called dielectric constant of the
4 o ehopterwise eBSE Solved Popers : PHYSICS

1.4 Electric Field E = El+E2+E3+ .... +En = LE;
The space arround a charge in which its effect can
be felt significantly i.e. the area which appears => E=_I_~!lLr
£.J 12 I
attraction or repulsion force on another charge is 41tEo i = I IT;
called electric field.
Electric Field Lines

Electric Field Intensity
Electric field lines are a way of pictorially mapping
The electric field intensity at any point due to the electric field intensity around a configuration
source charge is defined as the force experienced of charge( s). These lines start from positive charge
per unit positive test charge placed at that point and end on negative charge. The tangent on these

without disturbing the source charge. lines at any point gives the direction of field at
. expresse d as E
It IS = I·lffi- F that point. Electric field lines due to positive and
qo~oqo negative point charges and their combinations are
shown as below:
Here, qo -? 0, i.e. the test charge qo must be small,
so that it does not produces its own electric field.
S1 unit of electric field intensity (E) is xc' and it
is a vector quantity.
Electric Field due to a Point Charge
Electric field intensity at point Pis, E = _1_. -; r
41tEo [r]
q P
I. r >I
Field lines of two Field lines of an
equal positive charges electric dipole
The magnitude of the electric field at a point P is
Different electric field lines
--.given by 1 E 1 =-_.- q
41tEo r

Electric Field due to a System

1.3 Electric Dipole

of Charges Two point charges of equal magnitude and

opposite in sign separated by a small distance
Electric field due to a system of charges at a point altogether form an electric dipole.
is equal to the vector sum of electric fields
produced by individual charges.
Electric Dipole Moment

E; The strength of an electric dipole is measured by a

vector quantity known as electric dipole moment
(p) which is the product of the charge (q) and
separation between the charges (20.
P = q x 21 => Ip 1= q (2/)
•-q +q


. Direction Its direction is from negative

charge (-q) to positive charge (+q) .
. SI unit Its S1 unit is C-m.
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 5

Electric Field at a Point on the Axial direction of electric field, then torque acting on
the dipole is given by the formula.
Line due to Electric Dipole "t = pEsin9
The electric field intensity at a point on axial line of
In vector form, "t = P xE
the dipole at a distance r from the centre of the
dipole is given by the formula.
+~F=qE I J

E . =_1_. 2pr
(r _ 12)2
axial 41tEo
pb :

P I- -I

• I _

/+- 1 ---+l
• ------------_
+q p
F= qE=---4 .

· Minimum torque is experienced by electric
When 1« r, dipole in electric field, when 9 = 00 or 1t
1 2p 1 21pl = "tmin = 0
Eaxial= -_.- => IEaxiall=--·- "t
41tEo r3 41tEo r3
· Maximum torque t = "tmax'
when sin S = 1 => 9 = 1t/2
Electric Field at a Point on the "tmax = pE
Equatorial Line due to Electric Dipole • Dipole is in stable equilibrium in uniform
The electric field at a point on equatorial line of the electric field when angle between pand Eis
dipole at a distance r from the centre of the dipole is 00 and in unstable equilibrium when angle
given by the formula. is 1800•
1 - P • There exists a net force and torque on
Eequatorial= 41tEo· + p)3/2 (r electric dipole when placed in non-uniform
1 I pi electric field.
If 1« r, IE equatorial
I= -4-.-3
1tEo r
Work Done and Potential Energy
of Electric Dipole
• When an electric dispole is placed in electric

field then work is done in rotating it. In

rotating the electric dipole from 91 to 92 is
W =pE (cos 91 - cos 92).
• Potential energy of electric dipole when it
rotates from 91 = 900 to 92 = 9

W = pE (cos90° - cosS) = -pE cos 9= - p·E

• Work done in rotating the dipole from the
+q position of stable equilibrium to unstable
I- 21 -----+\ equilibrium, i.e. when 91 = 0 and 92 = 1t.

Torque on An Electric Dipole Placed in
• Work done in rotating the dipole from the
a Uniform Electric Field position of stable equilibrium to the position
Consider an electric dipole consisting of two charges in which dipole experiences maximum
+q and -q placed in a uniform external electric field torque, i.e. when 91 = 0 and 92 = 90°.

intensity E. The dipole makes an angtle 9 with the

CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 3

1.3 Electrostatic Forces Electrostatic Force due to Continuous

Electrostatic forces (Coulombian forces) are
Charge Distribution
conservative forces. i.e. the work done The region in which charges are closely spaced in a
against these forces does not depend upon continuous manner is said to have continuous
the path followed. distribution of charge. It is of three types (i) linear charge
distribution, (ii) Surface charge distribution and
Principle of Superposition of (iii) Volume change distribution.

(i) Force on a charge due
Electrostatic Forces to linear charge
This principle states that the net electric distribution (charge
force experienced by a given charge particle distributed along a

qo due to a system of charged particles is line) is give by
equal to the vector sum of the forces exerted F - qo J
J... dl •
on it due to all the other charged particles of - 41tEo I~ r
the system. The force between two charges is
not affected by the presence of other charges. where J... is called linear charge density (charge
per unit length) and dl is a short length element
F F02 F03
of linear charge distribution.
qo (ii) Force due to surface charge distribution (charge
distribution over a plane surface) is given by
dq = o ds
F- qo J o ds ,
- 41tEo s ~r

where a is called surface charge density (charge

per unit area) and dS is a small surface element.
Superposition of + + + +
electrostatic forces + +
+ + + +

qo F

(Hi) Force due to volume charge distribution (charge

distributed over a volume) is given by
where, fO' = fO - f" Fo, = force on qo due to dq =. 1,..=r ~
F =~
Jv pdV


Similarly, fOn = fO - fn; FOn = force on qo due

to qn ++
+ + r.+--+~+:-t'I:...+~ F
+ +++++
+ + + + +
dq= pdV

where a is called volume charge density and dV is

a small volume element.
10. Two point charges having equal charges
separated by 1m distance experience a
PREVIOUS YEARS' force of 8 N. What will be the force
experienced by them, if they are held in
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS water at the same distance?
TOPIC 1 (Given, Kwater = 80). All India 2010C
11. A metallic sphere is placed in a uniform
o 1 Mark Questions electric field as shown in the figure.

Which path is followed by electric field
1. Why do the electrostatic field lines not lines and why? HOTS; Foreign 2010
form closed loop? All India 2014, Delhi 2012
2. Two equal balls having equal positive
charge q coulombs are suspended by two

insulating strings of equal length. What
would be the effect on the force when a
plastic sheet is inserted between the two?
All India 2014 12. Point out right or wrong for the following
3. Why do the electric field lines never cross statement. The mutual forcesbetween two
each other? All India 2014 charges do not get affectedby the presenceof
other charges. All India 2010
4. Why must electrostatic field at the surface
13. A dipole of dipole moment p is present in
of a charged conductor be perpendicular
to every point on it? a uniform electric field E. Write the value
Foreign 2014, Deihl 2012 of the angle between p and E for which
the torque experienced by the dipole, is
5. Two point charges ql and q2 are placed at minimum. Delhl2D09C
a distance d apart as shown in the figure.
o 2 Marks Questions
The electric field intensity is zero at the
point P on the line joining them as shown. 14. An electric dipole of lengthd em when
Write two conclusions that you can draw placed with its axis making an angle of
from this. Delhl2014C 60° with a uniform electric field,
experiences a torque of 4../3 N-m.

Calculate the potential energy of the

6. Define dipole moment of an electric dipole if it has charge ± 8 nC. Deihl 2014
dipole. Is it a scalar quantity or a vector 15. An electric dipole of length 2 em when
quantity? Farelgn 2012; All India 2011 placed with its axis making an angle of

7. Draw a plot showing the variation of 60° with a uniform electric field,
electric field (E) with distance r due to a experiences a torque of 8../3 N-m.
point charge q. Deihl 2012 Calculate the potential energy of the
8. A proton is placed in a uniform electric field dipole if it has charge of ± 4 nC.
directed along the positions X-axis. In Deihl 2014

which direction will it tend to move? Deihl 16. An electric dipole of length 1cm when
2011C placed with its axis making an angle of
9. In which orientation, a dipole placed in a 60° with a uniform electric field,
uniform electric field is in (i) stable experiences a torque of 6.J3 N-m.
equilibrium (U) unstable equilibrium? Calculate the potential energy of the
Deihl 2011; All India 2008 dipole, if it has charge ± 2 nC. Deihl 2014
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 7

17. An electric dipole is placed in a uniform brought in contact and then separated.
electric field E with its dipole moment p Find the charge on the spheres A and B.
parallel to the field. Find All India 2011C

(i) the work done in turning the dipole 23. A dipole with a dipole moment of magnitude
till its dipole moment points in the p is in stable equilibrium in an electrostatic
direction opposite to E. field of magnitude E. Find the work done in
(ii) the orientation of the dipole for rotating this dipole to its position of
which the torque acting on it becomes unstable equilibrium. All India 2010C
maximum. All India 2014C

24. A dipole is present in an electrostatic field
18. A small metal sphere carrying a charge of magnitude 106 NC-1. If the work done in
+ Q is located at the centre of a spherical rotating it from its position of stable
cavity in a large uncharged metallic equilibrium to its position of unstable
spherical shell. Write the charges on the equilibrium is 2 x 10-23 J, then find the

inner and outer surfaces of the shell. magnitude of the dipole moment of this
Write the expression for the electric field dipole. All India 2010C
at the point Pl' Oelhl20141! 25. Deduce the expression for the electric field
Meta E due to a system of two charges ql and q2
with position vectors r1 and r2 at a point r
with respect to common origin. Deihl 2010C
26. An infinite number of charges, each of q
coulomb, are placed along X-axis at
x = 1m, 3m, 9m, and so on. Calculate the
electric field at the point x = 0, due to
these charges if all the charges are of the
19. Point charge (+ Q) is kept in the vicinity of
same sign. Deihl 2009
and uncharged conducting plate. Sketch
27. The sum of two point charges is 71lC. They
electric field lines between the charge and
the plate. Farelgn 2014 repel each other with a force of 1 N when
kept 30 em apart in free space. Calculate
20. Calculate the amount of work done in the value of each charge. Forelg" 2009
turning an electric dipole of dipole
moment 3 x 10-8 C - m from its position of 28. Figure shows two large metal P1 P2

unstable equilibrium to the position of plates Iiand P2 tightly held

stable equilibrium in a uniform electric against each other and placed
field of intensity loB NC-l. Faralgn 2011 between two equal and unlike
point charges perpendicular Q Q
21. Plot a graph showing the variation of to the line joining them. +
Coulomb force (F) versus lIr2, where r is

(i) What will happen to

the distance between the two charges of the plates when they
each pair of charges (lIlC, 2 IlC) and are released?
(lIlC, - 3 IlC). Interpret the graphs
(ii) Draw the pattern of the electric field
obtained. All India 2011C
lines for the system. HOTS; Farllgn 2009
22. Two identical metallic spherical shells A
and B having charges + 4 Q and - 10Q are 29. Two charges + Q and - Q are kept at
kept a certain distance apart. A third points (-X2' 0) and (~, 0) respectively, in
identical uncharged sphere C is first the XY-plane. Find the magnitude and
placed in contact with sphere A and then direction of the net electric field at the
with sphere B, then spheres A and Bare origin (0,0). All India 2009C
8 o Chopterwise eBSE Solved Papers: PHYSICS

o 3 Marks Questions 37. Sketch the pattern of electric field lines

due to
30. (i) Derive the expression for electric field (i) a conducting sphere having negative
at a point on the equatorial line of an charge on it.
electric dipole. (ii) an electric dipole. All India 2011C
(ii) Depict the orientation of the dipole in 38. A positive point charge (+q) is kept in
(a) stable, (b) unstable equilibrium in the vicinity of an uncharged conduction
a uniform electric field. Delhi 2017 plate. Sketch electric field line originated

31. (i) Obtain the expression for the torque 't from the point on to the surface of the
experienced by an electric dipole of plate. All India 2D14; Delhi 2D08
dipole moment p in a uniform electric
field, E. 39. (i) Define torque acting on a dipole of
dipole moment p placed in a uniform
(ii) What will happen, if the field were

electric field E. Express it in the
not uniform? Delhi 2017
vector form and point out the
32. A charge is distributed uniformly over a direction along which it acts.
ring of radius a. Obtain an expression for (ii) What happens if the field is
the electric field intensity E at a point on non-uniform?
the axis of the ring. Hence, show that for (iii) What would happen if the external
points at large distances from the ring, it field E is increasing (a) parallel to p
behaves like a point charge. Delhi 2016 and (b) anti-parallel to p? Foreign 2016
33. An electric dipole of dipole moment p is
placed in a uniform electric field E. Obtain o 5 Marks Questions
the expression for the torque 't 40. (i) Derive an expression for the electric
experienced by the dipole. Identify two field E due to a dipole of length 21 at

pairs of perpendicular vectors in the a point distant r from the centre of
expression. Delhi 2015C the dipole on the axial line.
34. Two point charges + q A (ii) Draw a graph of E versus r for r » a.
and - 2q are placed at (ii) If this dipole is kept in a uniform
the vertices Band C of external electric field Eo,
an equilateral MEC of a a diagrammatically represent the
side a as given in the position of the dipole in stable and

figure. Obtain the +q -2q unstable equilibrium and write the

expression for B a C expressions for the torque acting on
(i) the magnitude and the dipole in both the cases.
(ii) the direction of the resultant electric All India 2017
field at the vertex A due to these two
o Explanations

charges. All India 2D14C

35. Define the term electric dipole moment. Is 1. The electrostatic field lines do not form closed
it a scalar or vector? Deduce an expression loop because no electric field lines exist inside
for the electric field at a point on the the charged body. (1)
equatorial plane of an electric dipole of 2. According to the question, let both the balls
length 2a. All India 2013; Foreign 2009 have same charge q. Let the balls are separated
36. An electric dipole is kept in a uniform by a distance r, Hence, according to Coulomb's
electric field. Derive an expression for the law, if F and F' are the force of attraction
net torque acting on it and write its between balls in air and in medium respectively.
direction. State the conditions under which .. 1 q2
the dipole is in (i) stable equilibrium 41tEo ,2
(ii) unstable equilibrium. Deihl 2012C
CHAPTER 1 Electric Chorges and Fields 9

1 2
9. (i) For stable equilibrium, the angle between p
In medium, F' = -- q 2' where _1_=K
41tEo r 41tEo and E is 0 i.e. it should be placed parallel to

F'= !.. electric field. (112)

---------------------.1 E
where, K is dielectric constant of material and
K > 1 for insulators. (1)
Hence, the force is reduced, when a plastic sheet •
-q p

is inserted.

3. At the intersection point, if electric field lines (ii) For unstable equilibrium, the angle between p
cross each other, then there would be two and E is 180 i.e. it should be placed

directions of electric field which is not possible, antiparallel to electric field.

so lines of forces never cross each other. (1) --------------------+1 E
4. As, electric field inside a conductor is always zero.

The electric lines of forces exert lateral pressure on
each other leads to explain of repulsion between
like charges. Thus, in order to stable spacing, the +q

electric field lines are normal to the surface. (1) (1/2)

5. As per the condition given in question, two 10. Two point charges system is taken from air to
conclusions that can be drawn are as follows: water keeping other variable (e.g. distance,
(i) The two point charges (ql and q2) should be of magnitude of charge) unchanged. So, only factor
which may affect the interacting force is dielectric
opposite nature. (1/2J
constant of medium.
(ii) Magnitude of charge ql must be greater than
Force acting between two point charges
magnitude of charge q2' (1/2)
F = 1 qlq2 or F oc.!...
6. Electric dipole moment of an electric dipole is
41t Eo K r2 K
equal to the product of its either charge and the
length of the electric dipole. ~=K ~ _8_=80
It is denoted by p. Its unit is coulomb-metre. Fmedium Fwater
8 1
• 21 Fwater = -- ~ Fwater = - N
• •
I 80 10 (1)
-q P +q
p=qx2! 11. Path d is followed by electric field lines. Electric
field intensity inside the metallic sphere will be
It is a vector quantity and its direction is from
zero, therefore, no electric lines of force exist
negative charge to positive charge. (1)
inside the sphere. Also electric field lines are
7. The plot showing the variation of electric field

always perpendicular to the surface of the

arid electric potential with distance r due to a conductor. (1)
point charge q is shown as below:
5.-~~~~--~~~~~~ 12. Right, because mutual force acting between two
4.5 point charges is proportional to the product of
+-- E = _1_ . ...!L magnitude of charges and inversely proportional
41tEo r2 to the square of the distance between them i.e.

3.5 independent of the other charges. (1)

E 3
13. Since, torque (t) on the dipole in electric field E is
2 t =p x E
1.5 It I =pEsin9
For minimum torque,
0.5 LL-L-L-2c:=:c::=;::=:;::=:c::..J
o 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Itl= 0
r ---+ (1) ~ pEsin9 =0
8. Force on positive charge is always in the direction ~ sin9=0
of electric field. So, proton being positive will ~ 9=0 ,180 0 0
tend to move along the X-axis in the direction of
a uniform electric field. (1)
10 o ehapterwise eBSE Solved Papers PHYSICS

14. Given, 19. Electric field lines are always perpendicular to the
Length 2a = 4 ern = 4 x 10-2 m surface of conducter
Angle, 9 = 60°
Torque, = 413 Nm

Charge, Q = 8 X 1O-9C
We know that, 't = Q(la) E sin9
Electric field,
E = 't 413 NC1

Q(la)sin9 8 x 10-9 x4 X 10-2 x sin 60° (1)

E = 2.5 X 1010NC1 Plate ('12)

:.Potential energy,
20. According to question, for unstable equilibrium,
U = - pE cos9 = - Q(la) E cos9
the angle between p and E is 91 = 180°
U = - 8 X 10-9 X 4 X 10-2

Finally, for stable equilibrium, 92 = 0° (1/2)
413 x
cos60° Required work done
8 x 10- 9 X 4 x 10 2 x sin 60° W = pE(cos91 - cos92) (112)

-413 = 3xl0-8 xl03(cos180° - cos O")

.J3 (1) [":cos1800=-1 and cosoo=+l]
15. Refer to Ans. 14 (1)
W = - 6 x l 0- J (1)

U = -pEcos9 21. According to Coulomb's law, the magnitude of

force acting between two stationary point charges
B.J3 x cos60°
= -4xl0-9 x 2x 10-2 X
4xlO-9 x 2xlO 2 x sin 60° is given by F = (ql q2) (...!..-)
41tEo r 2
=_ B.J3 1 = -81
.J3 (1)
For given ql q2' F oc (:2 )
16. Refer to Ans. 14 (1)
U= -2xlO-
9 -2 6.J3 x cos 60°
x l x IO x--....,,---------o;-----
The slope of F versus 2' graph depends on ql q2'
2xlO-9 xi xro 2 x sin 60°
Magnitude of ql q2 is higher for second pair.
=_ 6.J3 1 = -61 1
.J3 (1) :. Slope of F versus 2 graph .
r (1)
. a For (1 uc, -3 )lC)
17. (i) Work done in rotating the dipole, W = r 2't d9
pair of charges

In turning the dipole from direction parallel For (1 uc, 2 )lC)

to electric field to direction opposite to pair of charges
electric field is angle will be 0° to 1t.
.. W = C pEsin9 d9= pE [-cos9]~ = 2pE (1)

(ii) We know that, 't = pEsin9

If 9 = 2:, then 't is maximum (~)--
Corresponding to second pair (1 )lC, - 3JlC) is
i.e. 't = pEsin2: ~ 't = pE (maximum) greater. Higher the magnitude of product of
2 (1)
charges ql andQ2' higher the slope. (1)
18. According to question, the charge on inner
22. When two identical conducting charged spheres
surface = - Q (1)
are brought in contact, then redistribution of
According to question, the charge on outer charge takes place, i.e. the charge is equally
surface = + Q divided on both the spheres.
Electric field at point ~ is given by (1)
When C and A are placed in contact, charge of A
E=-Q- equally divides in two spheres. Therefore, charge
41tEo r/ on each A and C = + 20. (1)
CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges and Fields 11

Now. C is placed in contact with B. then charge

on each A and C becomes 2f.2 + (-lOQ) = - 4Q 26. According to principle of superposition of electric
fields. E (electric field) at a point due to system of three
When A and B are placed in contact. then charge charges. E =
1 r q.
--l-2-f1P +
q2 •
-2-f2P +
on each A and B becomes 41t€o f1P f2P f3P

2f.2 + (- 4Q) = _ Q
rn Here. 'I = lrn, '2 = 3m and '3 = 9m

23. For stable equilibrium. the angle between p and E
61 = 0°.

For unstable equilibrium. 62 = 180°. (1) I~'+
Work done in rotating the dipole from angle 61 to 62
W = pE(cos61 - cos62) = pE(cosO° - cos1800) q 9 r . a] 1 9q -I

W = 'lpE (1) = 41t€o x"8 Lusmg S_ = 1="; = 41t€o . gNC (2)

_,d intensity. E = 106 NC-I

24. Electric r 27. Let one of two charges is x ~c.Therefore. other
Work done. W = 2 X 10-23 J charge will be (7 - x) IlC.
Work done in rotating the dipole from stable By Coulomb's law. F = _1_. ql q2
equilibrium position to unstable equilibrium position. 41t€o r2 (1)
W = pE(cos61 - cos62) 1= 9 xro" X (x x 10- 6) (7 - xl xlO-

W = pE (cos 0° - cos 180°) = 2pE (1) (0.3 )2

p=- 9 xlO-2 = 9 X109-12 x (7 - x) ~1O= x(7 - x)
:. x 7x+ 10= O~ (x- 2) (x- 5)= 0
2 X 10- = 10-29 C- m (1J x = 2 IlC or 51lC (1)
z x 106 Therefore. 'charges are 2~Cand 5~C
25. Let two point c.iarges (11 and q2 are situated at 28. (i) By electrostatic induction. charge induces on
points A and B have position vectors Ii and r2. the plates and opposite nature of charge
E2 appears on the surface facing each other.
Therefore. they start attracting towards each
q other. (11
A --- /: (il) P1 P2
/ I
-0 +0 -0 +0
r /' B
/,// q2
_ r2


AP= r -rl
-+ -+
and BP= r - r2
Electric field intensity at point P due to ql' Field lines must be perpendicular tv the plates.

E[=__I_ . ...3.L AP
Also. equispaced field lines exist between two
plates as electric field between them is
41t€o IBPI3
uniform. (11
Similarly. E2=_I_.~BP 29. To find the electric field intensity at a point due
41t€o lAP 1 (1) to two charges. first of all find the individual
:. Net electric field intensity at point P, electric fields due to both charges and then find
E= EI + E2 the resultant field using vector addition.
r !---X1_!
_ 1
(r-rl) + --(r-r2
)J 1
(1) uu_u. A I
• u __

+0 0 -0
(-X2.0) _ (X1.0)
12 o Chopterwise CBSE Solved Papers PHYSICS

Electric field intensity at 0 due to + Q charge, 1 2iJ/

1 Q = 41tEo . (x2 + /2)3/2
El =-- X --2 (towards B) ... (i)
41tEo (x2) But, the dipole moment I p 1=q x 21
Electric field intensity at 0 due to - Q charge, .. EQ = _1_. Ipi
E2=_I_x~ (towardsB) ... (ii) 41tEo (x2 + /2)3/2
41tEo (Xl )2 (1)
The direction of E is along QE II BA. i.e .
.: El and E2 act along the same direction.
opposite toAB. In vector form, we can rewrite as

:. Net electric field intensity at 0,
E = El + E2 (towards B) EQ = -p
41tEo(X2 + /2)3/2 (1)
41tEo (X2)2 41tEo (XI)2 (ii) The orientation of the dipole

4!J :i (a) In stable equilibrium, , p is parallel to E. i.e.

e=0 0

E = + :/ ]

30. (i) Electric field at a point on the equatorial ___ 2 I-+< E

line of an electric dipole.
-q • • +q
Consider an electric dipole consisting of two p
point charges + q and - q separated by a small
distance 11B = 2/ with centre at 0 and dipole
moment, p = q(2l) as shown in the figure.
(b) In unstable equilibrium, p is anti-parallel
to E i.e. S = 180 0

___ 2 I-+< E
+q. .-q
e e
A ---- -~-- B
-q 0 +q
I• 2/-------+i

Resultant electric field intensity at the point Q, 31. Dipole in a uniform external field
EQ = EA + E8

1 q o-----:::--+q E
Here, E A = -- . ---c;:-'-~
41tEo (x2 + /2)
and E8 =_I_. __ q_ ,,,
2 ,
41tEo (x + /2) (1)

On resolving EA and E8 into two rectangular ,

components, me vectors E A sine and E 8 sine are
equal in magnitude and opposite to each other -qE
and hence, cancel out. (1)
The vectors E A coss and E 8 coss are acting along
the same direction and hence, add up. According to the figure, if we consider an electric
:.EQ = E A cosa + E8 cosS= 2E A coss dipole consisting of charges -q and +q and of
length 2a placed in a uniform electric field E
making an angle S with electric field, then Force
exerted on charge -q at A = -q E (opposite to E) (1)

Force exerted on charge +q at A = q E (along E)

Hence, the net translating force on a dipole in a
uniform electric field is zero. But the two equal
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 13

and opposite forces act at different points and 33. Refer to Q. 3l.
form couple which exerts a torque 'to
34. (i) The magnitude,
't = Force x Perpendicular distance between the
two forces IEABI=~l_x!L=E (1/21
41t£o a2
't = qE(AN) = qE(2asine)
't = q(2a)Esine~'t = pEsine~ 't = P xE IEAcI=_l-x 2£[=2E (1/2)
41[£ a2
Pairs of perpendicular vectors o EAB

(a) ('t,p) (b) (t; E) (1)

32. According to question, suppose that the ring is

placed with its plane perpendicular to the X-axis
as shown in figure. Consider small element dl of
the ring.

+qL- ~-2q
Enet = ~E AB 2 + EAc2 + 2EABEAC cose

= ~(2E)2 + E2 + 2 x 2E x E x ( - ~)

= ~4 E2 + E2 - 2E2 = E-J3 ... (i) (1/21

dl (1)
We know that, E = ---q-2
As the total charge q is uniformly distributed so, 41tEoa
the charge dq on element dl is dq = ~. dl _ q-J3
2na So, Enet-- 2
4 1tEoa
dq = .s: dl cosa
2na r 2
= dEcose (where,cose =~)
2 (ii) Direction of resultant electric field at vertex.
Since, only the axial component gives the net E at (1/2)
point P due to charge on ring. tana = E AB sin1200
E 2"" E AC + E AB cos 120°
So, f dE = f dE coss Ex -J3
o 0

= fo -·-x-
2"" kq dl x
2E + E x (-~)

2na r r
2"" 2"" 1 1 )
= kqx ~
f dl = ~. ~
f [l]~"" tan a = -J3 ~ a = tan -I ( -J3
2na r 0 2na r 0
a = 30° (with side AC)
= kqx. 1 .2na [.:r2 = X2 + a2] 35. For electric dipole moment
2na (x2 + a2)3/2

Refer to Ans 6. (1)

50, E= kqx Consider an electric dipole AB consists of two
(x2 + a2)3/2 (1) charges +q and -q separated by a distance 2a. We
Now, for points at large distances from the ring have to find electric field at point P on
x» a. equipotentialline separated by a distance r. (1)

Electric field at point P due to charge + q

(1) ~ =_l_x q
This is same as the field due to a point charge 41tEo [~(r2 + a2)]2
indicating that for far-off axial point, the charged =_l_x q
ring behaves as a point charge. 41t£o (r2 + a2)
14 o Chapterwise CSSE Solved Papers PHYSICS

Along AP, (ii) Electric field lines due to an electric dipole are
E, E, sin a shown in figure.

E2 sin a
-<~)E2! \
..J(r 2 + a2)
/ lr \
I I \

/ I
'a I ,).

B (1'1.)

38. Equal charge of opposite nature induces in the

Electric field at point P due to charge - q surface of conductor nearer to the source charge. (1)

E2 = _1_ x --q- along PB
r2 + a2

On resolving ~ and E 2 into rectangular

components, we get resultant electricfield at point P.
E = EJ cos a + E2 cos a
= _l_x q cos a+ _l_x q cos a
2 2
47tEo (r2 + a2) 47tEo (r + a ) ~ L-~~ ~_q
=2x_l_x q x a ~~~~~~~~~~+q
47tEo (r + a2) ~(r2 + a2)
= _1_ x --,._q.:...2a~."..,.,. [But qx2a = P]
47tEo (r2 + a2)3/2 Electric lines of forces should fall/normally 90°
away on/from the conducting plate. (1)
E=_l_x P
47tEo (r2 + a2) 3/ 2 39. (i) 1: = pEsina
In vector notation, 1: = P x E
Ifr> > a, 51unit of torque is newton-metre (N om) and its
then E = _I_x!... dimensional formula is [ML2 T-2]. Torque is
47tEo r3 (1) always directed in plane perpendicular to the
36. Refer to Ans 33. (1) plane of dipole movement and electric field.
(i) whens = 0; 1: = o and p and E are parallel and the Case 1 Ifa = 0°, then 1: = 0

dipole is in a position of stable equilibrium. (1) The dipole is in stable equilibrium.

(ii) When a = 180°, 1: = 0 and p and E are Case 1 If a = 90°, then 1: = pE (maximum
anti-parallel and the dipole is in a position of value)
unstable equilibrium. (1) The torque acting on dipole will be maximum.
Case 3 ire = 180°, then 1: = 0 (1)

37. (i) Electric field lines due to a conducting sphere

are shown in figure. The dipole is in unstable equilibrium.
(ii) If the field is non-uniform there would be a
net force on the dipole in addition to the
v.- torque and the resulting motion would be a

- __ -'--ConductinQ combination of translation and rotation.
sphere having
negative charge (1 Va)
1: = P x E(r)
CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges and Fields 15

Net torque acts on the dipole depending on the 1 q

location, where r is the position vector of the 47tEo (r_1)2
centre of the dipole. (1)

(iii) (a) E is increasing parallel to p, then 9 = 0°. So, p

_ 1 [q q 1
torque becomes zero but the net force on the E - 47tEo (r-1)2-(r+1)2J
dipole will be in the direction fo increasing 1 4q x I
electric field and hence it will have linear = 41tEo' (r2 _/2)2

motion along the dipole moment.
1 '2p
E Ep=--'---
47tEo (r2 _/2)2
Force on-q
If the length of dipole is short i.e. 2i«r, then
• Force on +q
0·..··..-- .

47tEo ·r3
-q p +q
The direction of E p is along BP produced.
Direction of net force= ---~
Direction of increasing field= ---~ So, Epoc-
(b) E is incrasinganti-parallel to p. So, the
torque still remains zero but the net force on (ii) E oc';.
As r will increase, E will sharply
the dipole will be in the direction of decreases. The shape of the graph will be as
increasing electric field which is opposite to given in the figure. (1)
the dipole moment, hence it will have linear
motion opposite to the dipole moment. (1)

....... - E

o r-+
on+q~--~ on-q (ill) When the dipole were kept in a uniform electric
field Eo. The torque acting on dipole, t = P x E (1)
Direction of net force= ...••
--- I
Direction of increasing field= ---~ +q

40. (i) Electric field due to dipole at axial point ----+-+----l-E


We have to calculate the field intensity E at a

point P on the axial line of the dipole at
distance op= x from the centre 0 of the dipole.
A a B EA E8
(a) If9=0°, then t=O, pilE (1)
•. ------4------- ...•.
----... III
-q +q P I

~r-/-+l --------l--E
I~ r+t II
-q •..------- .• +q
Resultant electric field intensity at the point P
is The dipole is in stable equilibrium.
Ep=EA +EB (b) If9=180°, then t=O, p 11-£ (1)

The vectors E A and E B are collinear and

opposite. IE
.. Ep=EB-EA
Here, EA=_l_._q_; +q •.. ------- .• -q
47tEo (r+ 1)2
The dipole is in unstable equilibrium.
[TOPIC 2] Electric Flux
Area Vector In vector form, iltP E = E· ilS
It is the vector associated with every area element Positive A

normal n E
of a closed surface and taken in the direction of
the outward normal. Consider the diagram given


Here, dS is the area vector in the direction of the

unit vector n normal to the surface area llS.

Eelectric Flux through on angle e
(iii) Closed surface S lying inside the
non-uniform electric field E
The total electric flux linked with the closed
Representation of orea vector surface S is tP::; dS 1/.
Closed surface S
2.1 Electric Flux
Electric flux linked with any surface is
proportional to the total number of electric field
lines that normally pass through that surface. It is
... :.:.1 .•.•••••. 1.•. 1 •. ,.1.1.>.1.:.
a scalar quantity.
SI unit of electric flux is N_m2C-1 or JmC-1 or Vm. Electric flux through a closed surface s
CGS unit of electric flux is dyne-em 2/ stat-c. The surface integral of electric field over the
closed surface represents total electric flux
Different Conditions for the linked with the surface.

Electric Flux Linked with a Surface

(i) When surface is held normal to the direction
2.2 Gauss' Theorem
of uniform electric field E, then iltPE = EllS The total electric flux linked with closed surface
Sis tPE =1 E-dS= s.eo

e = 0° A

-+--+----+ n (6S) where, q is the total charge enclosed by the closed

Gaussian (imaginary) surface.

Electric flux through normal orea

Applications of Gauss' Theorem
(i) Electric field due to infinitely long
(ii) When area vector of surface makes an angle
uniformly charged wire with linear
e with the direction of uniform electric field charged density A..We have considered
E , then iltPE = EllS cos e.
cylindrical Gaussian surface.
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 17

---- +- ---- E =~ [between the two plates]

----- -+ ------ Eo

and E =0 [outside the plates]
p (iii) Electric field due to a thin charged
+ spherical shell of radius R at a distance
+ +-Gaussian r from its centre.
-- surface To find the field at a distance r from the centre
of the spherical shell, we consider a spherical

From Gauss' law, Gaussian surface of radius r centered at the
shell and then Gauss' law is applied.
fE -dS = ...i = Al (a) For point lying outside the shell
Eo Eo
(r> R)

~ E x 21trl =- Since E and dS are in the same direction,
fE-dS =...i
or E=_A_ Eo
2 c X (41tR2)
Here, r is the perpendicular distance from E x 4 ttr = ---'----"-
the charged wire. Eo

(ii) (a) Electric field due to a thin infinite plane crR2

sheet of charge with uniform surface
charge-density o at any nearby point
+ + +
41tEo r2
+/ \+
+1 :+ (b) Field at a point inside the shell (r < R)
'- I

++++ Here, the charge inside the Gaussian

~------ Gaussian
surface surface shell
As, q =0 ~ E =0
2Eo (c) Field at a point on the surface (r = R)
[for infinite plane sheet of charge] On putting r = R,

E = q c
41tEo R Eo
[for near charged conducting surface]
(b) Electric field intensity due to two where, surface charge density,
equally and oppositely charged parallel o =-q-
plane sheet of charge at any point 41tR2
7. If the radius ofthe Gaussian surface
enclosing a charge is halved, how does the
PREVIOUS YEARS' electric flux through the Gaussian surface
change? All India 2009.2008
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS 8. (i) Define the term 'electric flux'. Write
TOPIC 2 its 81 unit.
(ii) What is the flux due to electric field
o 1 Mark Questions E = 3x 10' i NC-1 through a square of

side 10cm, when it is held normal to
1. How does the electric flux due to a point E ? All India 2015C
charge enclosed by a spherical Gaussian
surface get affected when its radius is
increased. Delhi 2D16
o 2 Marks Questions

9. Given a uniform electric field E = 5 x 10" i
2. What is the electric flux through a cube of NC -l, find the flux of this field through a
side 1 em which encloses an electric square of 10 em on a side whose plane is
dipole? All India 2015 parallel to the YZ-plane. What would be
3. Consider two hollow 4Q the flux through the same square if the

concentric spheres S1 plane makes an angle of 30° with the
and S2 enclosing X-axis? Deihl 2014
charges 2Q and 4Q
,1 electric field E = 2 x 10" i
10. Given a unifor
respectively, as
NC -1, find the flux of this field through a
shown in the figure. S1 square of side 20 ern, whose plane is
(i) Find out the ratio
parallel to the YZ-plane. What would be
of the electric flux through them. (ii) How
the flux through the same square, if the
will the electric flux through the spheres
plane makes an angle of 30° with the
S1change if a medium of dielectric
X-axis? Farelgn 2014
constant e, is introduced in the space
inside S1 in place of air? Deduce the 11. Given a uniform electric field E = 4 x 10" i
necessary expression. All India 2014 NC-1. Find the flux of this field through a
square of 5 em on a side whose plane is
4. Two charges of magnitudes -2Q and + Q
parallel to the YZ-plane. What would be

are located at points (a, 0) and (4a, 0),

respectively. What is the electric flux due the flux through the same square if the
to these charges through a sphere of radius plane makes an angle of 30° with the
3a with its centre at the origin? All India 2013 X-axis? Delhi 2014C

5. A charge q is placed at the centre of a 12. A sphere S1 of radius r1


cube of side l. What is the electric flux enclosed a net charge Q.

passing through each face of the cube? If there is another
All India 2010; Fareign 2010 concentric sphere S2 of
radius r2(r2 > r1)
6. Figure shows enclosing charge 2Q,
three point
S find the ratio of the
charges, +2q,-q +2q
• electric flux through S1 and S2. How will the
and +3q. Two +3q
electric flux through sphere S1 change if a
charges +2q and
medium of dielectric constant K is
-q are enclosed
within a surface S. What is the electric introduced in the space inside S2 in place of
flux due to this configuration through the air? All India 2014
surface S? Delhi 2010 ~'''c
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 19

13. Two concentric metallic spherical shells of 20. Draw the shapes of the suitable Gaussian
radii R and 2R are given charge Q1 and Q2 surfaces while applying Gauss' law to
respectively. The surface charge densities calculate the electric field due to
on the outer surfaces of the shells are equal. (i) a uniformly charged long straight wire.
Determine the ratio Q1: Q2' (ii) a uniformly charged infinite plane
Foreign2013 sheet. Deihl2009C
14. A thin straight infinitely long 21. A uniformly charged conducting sphere of
conduction wire having charge density A

2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density
is enclosed by a cylindrical surface of of 80.0 J.l.Cm-2.
radius r and length I, its axis coinciding
with the length of the wire. Find the (i) Find the charge on the sphere.
expression for the electric flux through the (ii) What is the total electric flux leaving
the surface of the sphere? Delhl2009C

surface of the cylinder. AllIndio2011
15. Two charged conducting spheres of radii r1 22. A point charge causes and electric flux
and r2 connected to each other by a wire. -3 x 10-14 N m2 c' to pass through a
Find the ratio of electric fields at the spherical Gaussian surface.
surfaces of the two spheres. Delhi2011C (i) Calculate the value of the point charge.
16. Show that the electric field at the (ii) If the radius of the Gaussian surface is
surface of a charged conductor is given double, how much flux would pass
by E = ~ n, where a is the surface through the surface? Foreign2D09
charge density and n is a unit vector
normal to the surface in the outward
o 3 Marks Questions
direction. 23. Two infinitely
large plane thin +
+ +
parallel sheets
17. A spherical conducting shell of inner +
having surface + a1
radius ~ and outer radius R2 has a + + III
charge densities a1
charge Q. A charge q is placed at the + +
and a 2(a1 > a 2) are
centre of the shell. + B
shown in the II
(i) What is the surface charge density
figure. Write the

on the (a) inner surface, (b) outer

magnitudes and directions of the net fields
surface of the shell?
in the regions marked II and III. Foreign2014
(ii) Write the expression for the electric
field at a point to x> R2 from the 24. A hollow y
centre of the shell.Alllndio 2010C cylindrical box of
length 1m and

18. Define electric flux. Write its SI unit. area of O~~r------+-r+X

A charge q is enclosed by a spherical cross-section
surface of radius R. Find the electric 25 em 2 is placed Z
flux. AllIndio2009 in a three-dimensional coordinate system as
19. A sphere S1 of radius r1 encloses a charge shown in the figure. The electric field in the
region is given by E = 50 xi, where E is in
Q, if there is another concentric sphere
NC-1 and x is in metre.
S2 of radius r2(r2 > r1) and there are no
additional charges between S1 and S2' Find
Find the ratio of electric flux through S1 (i) net flux through the cylinder.
and S2- AllIndio2009 (ii) charge enclosed by the cylinder.
20 o chnpterwlse eBSE Solved Papers: PHYSICS

25. (i) State Gauss's law. 31. State Gauss' law in electrostatics. Using
(ii) A thin straight infintely long this law derive an expression for the
conducting wire of linear charge electric field due to a long straight wire
density A. is enclosed by a cylindrical of linear charge density A. elm. Delhi 2009
surface of radius r and length l. Its
axis coinciding with the length of the o 5 Marks Questions
wire. Obtain the expression for the 32. (i) Use Gauss's theorem to find the
electric field, indicating its direction, electric field due to a uniformly

at a point on the surface of the charged infinitely large plane thin
cylinder. Deihl 2012 sheet with surface charge density cr.
26. State Gauss' law in electrostatics. A cube (ii) An infinitely large thin plane sheet
which each side a is kept in an electric field has a uniform surface charge density
given by E = cxi as shown in the figure, +O', Obtain the expression for the

where C is a positive dimensional constant. amount of work done in bringing a
Find out point charge q from infinity to a
point, distant r, in front of the
charged plane sheet. All India 2017
33. (i) An electric dipole of dipole moment
p consists of point charges +q and
-q separated by a distance 2a apart.
Deduce the expression for the
electric field E due to the dipole at a
z distance x from the centre of the
dipole on its axial line in terms of
(i) the electric flux through the cube.
the dipole moment p . Hence, show _
(ii) the net charge inside the cube.
that in the limit
Foreign 2012
x» a,E ~ 2p (41tEo.~?).
27. Using Gauss' law, obtain the expression for (ii) Given the electric field in the region
the electric field due to uniformly charged E = 2xi, find the net electric flux
spherical shell of radius R at a point through the cube and the charge
outside the shell. Draw a graph showing enclosed by it. All India 2015; Delhi 2015
the variation of electric field with r, for y

r » Rand r < R. All Indio 2011

28. Use Gauss' law to derive the expression for / /
the electric field between two uniformly
charge parallel sheets with surface charge x
densities o and -cr, respectively. All Indio 2009
1/ 1/

29. A positive point charge (+q) is kept in the z

vicinity of an uncharged conducting plate. 34. (i) Define electric flux. Write its SI
Sketch electric field lines originating from unit. Gauss' law in electrostatics is
the point on to the surface of the plate. true for any closed surface, no
Derive the expression for the electric field matter what its shape or size is.
at the surface of a charged conductor. Justify this statement with the help
All Indio 2009 of a suitable example.
30. State Gauss' law in electrostatics. Using (ii) Use Gauss' law to prove that the
this law, derive an expression for the electric field inside a uniformly
electric field due to a uniformly charged charged spherical shell is zero.
infinite plane sheet. Delhr2009 Delhi 2015
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 21

35. (i) Deduce the expression for the torque 39. (i) State Gauss' law. Use it to deduce
acting on a dipole of dipole moment p the expression for the electric field
in the presence of uniform electric due to a uniformly charged thin
field E. spherical shell at points
(ii) Consider two hollow concentric (a) inside the shell and
spheres, 81 and 82 enclosing charges
(b) outside the shell.
2Q and 4Q respectively as shown in
the figure. All Indio 2014 (ii) Two identical metallic spheres A and

Bhaving charges + 4Q and -lOQ are
36. Using Gauss' law, deduce the expression for kept a certain distance apart. A third
the electric field due to a uniformly charged identical uncharged sphere C is first
spherical conducting shell of radius R at a placed in contact with sphere A and
point then with sphere B. Then, spheres A

and B are brought in contact and
then separated. Find the charges on
the spheres A and B.
All Indio 2011C

(i) outside the shell

(ii) inside the shell
o Explanations
1. According to question, electric flux ($) due to a
Plot a graph showing variation of electric point charge enclosed by a spherical Gaussian
field as a function of r > Rand r < R. surface is given by
(r being the distance from the centre of $= E·A

the shell) All Indio 2013 k
$ = 3... 41tr2 (k')
= kq- 41t .: E = 3.. and A = 41tr2
37. (i) Define electric flux. Write its SI unit.
(ii) A small metal sphere carrying charge
+ Q is located at the centre of a r
spherical cavity inside a large
uncharged metallic spherical shell as
shown in the figure.Use Gauss' law (112)
to find the expressions for the electric So, there is no effect of change in radius on the

field at points PI and P2• electric flux. (112)

2. Since, according to the Gauss' law of
electrostatics, electric flux through any closed
surface is given by

=!L ...(i)

where, E = electrostatic field

q = total charge enclosed by the surface
38. (i) Define electric flux. Write its SI unit. Eo = absolute electric permittivity of free space
So, in the given case, cube encloses an electric
(ii) Using Gauss' law, prove that the
dipole. Therefore, the total charge enclosed by the
electric field at a point due to a
cube is zero. i.e. q = O.
uniformly charged infinite plane sheet
Therefore, from Eq. (i). we have
is independent of distance from it.
How is the field directed if $E =!L =0
(a) the sheet is positively charged?
i.e. electric flux is zero. (1)
(b) negatively charged? Deihl 2012
22 o Chopterwise C8SE Solved Papers PHYSICS

3. (i) According to Gauss' theorem, 8. (i) The electric flux through a given area held
= r.q oc r.q
</> inside an electric field is the measure of the
EoE total number of electric lines of force passing
normally through that area. Its SI unit is
=> ~=~=!. Nm2Cl or V-rn or JmCI.
</>S2 2Q+ 4Q 3 (1/2) (ii) According to the question, E = 3x 103 iNCl.
(ii) If the medium is filled in S!, then Area of the square, ~ S = 100 em? = 10-2 m 2
</>SI = r.q = 2Q

Hence, electric flux through the square,
EOEr EoEr (112) = E.~S = (3 x 103).10-2i = 30Nm2c-1
</> (1)
4. Gauss' theorem states that the total electric flux
9. Given, electric field intensity
linked with closed surface S is </> dS = .!L
E = </>E·
E= 5x103iNC-1
Magnitude of electric field intensity
where, q is the total charge enclosed by the closed

Gaussian (imaginary) surface. IE 1= 5x103NCI
Side of square, S = 10 ern = 0.1 m
Area of square, A= (0.1)2 = 0.01 m2
The plane of the square is parallel to the YZ-plane.
-20 +0 (1)
(a,O) (3a, 0) (4a, 0) Hence, the angle between the unit vector normal
to the plane and electric field is zero.
i.e., a
= 0°
:. Flux through the plane,
</>= IE I x A cos a=></> = 5 X 103 x 0.01 cos 0°
Charge enclosed by the sphere = -2Q
</>=50Nm2CI (1)
Therefore, </>
= 2Q (inwards)
Eo If the plane makes an angle of 30° with the X-axis,
then a = 60°
5. By Gauss' theorem, total electric flux linked with :. Flux through the plane,
a closed surface is given by </>
= .!L </>
= IE I x A x cos 60°
where, q is the total charge enclosed by the closed = 5x 103 x 0.01 x cos 60°= 25 Nm2C1
10. Refer to Ans. 9. (Ans. 40 Nm2 Cl) (2)
:. Total electric flux linked with cube, </>
= .!L 11. RefertoAns. 9. (Ans. 5 Nm2CI) (2)

As charge is at centre, therefore, electric flux is 12. According to Gauss' law,
symmetrically distributed through all 6 faces. Flux through Sl'
Flux linked with each face = .!. </>= .!. x .!L = -q-
6 6 Eo 6Eo (1)
</>1 ... (i)
Eo (112)
6. Electric flux through the closed surface S is

Flux through S2'

</>s= r.q = + 2Lj - q =.!L => </>s=.!L
Eo Eo Eo Eo (1)
= Q+ 2Q= 3Q ... (ii)
Eo Eo
Charge + 3 q is outside the closed surface S,
therefore, it would not be taken into consideration Ratio of fluxes = ~
in applying Gauss' theorem. </>2
7. Refer to Ans 1. From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get

As the radius is half =!{x~=!.

• = EA ~ • = = kq 4. Eo 3Q 3
There is no change in the flux through SI with

dielectric medium inside the sphere S2. (1/2)

So, there will be no change in flux due to change
in radius. (1)
CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges and Fields 23

13. According to the question, surface charge density, 16. Let q charge be uniformly distributed over the
o '" constant = _Q- spherical shell of radius r.
41tR2 ""--+-- .
[Let Q1 and <22 are two charges] / ,, "' "',
Hence, f
/+ +\\ dS "
Charge Q1 = 41tR cr ... (i) I
2 \
Charge Q2 = 41t(2R) cr .,. (ii) \-f

On dividing Eq. (i) with '........ ..-/"./

Eq. (ii), ---.:!-_ ....

:. Surface charge dcnvity on spherical shell
Q1 _ 41tR2cr _ I
Q2 - 41t(2R)2cr -"4 (2)
... (i)

14. A thin straight conducting .: Electric field intensuy on the surface of spherical
wire will be a uniform linear shell E=__1_.3.."
charge distribution.
Let q charge be enclosed by
the cylindrical surface.
[.: E acts along radially outward and along
:. Linear charge density,

q = AI
... (i) (1)
1 ----
+---, Eo

... (ii)
By Gauss' theorem, (112)

:. Total electric flux through Charge enclosed by 17. Here, two points are important
the surface of cylinder the cylindrical surface l. Charge resides on the outer surface of
<I> = 3-. [Gauss'theorem] spherical conductor (skin effect).
Eo 2. Equal charge of opposite nature induces in the
surface of conductor nearer to source charge.
<I> = "AI [From Eq. «n
Eo (1)
(i) (a) Charge produced on inner surface due
15. When two charged conducting spheres are to induction = - q
connected, then charge flows between the two, :. Surface charge density of inner surface
till their potentials become same. - -q
- 41tR2

Electric potential on the surface of connected I

charged conducting spheres would be equal. + + + +q
i.e. \'I = V2
__ I_~= __ q2
41tEo rl 41tEo r2 +
147""'-'>-E:;;;;;lr x --4j
[Assuming ql and q2 are charges on the spheres --------E

+ p
connected to each other and rl, r2 are their radii.]
~ = q2 ~ ~ =!i ...(i)
rl r2 q2 r2 (1)

Now, ratio of electric field intensities

I ql
When charge -q is induced on inner walls,
EI_~'? then equal charge + q is produced at outer
E2 - _1 __.1J..2
41tEo r22 (b) Charge on outer surface = q + Q
5J.. = (~) x Ii =!i x r~
[From Eq. (i)] :. Surface charge density of outer surface
E2 q2 rl r2 rl- - q+ Q
5J.. =!i - 41tR; (1)

E2 rl (1)
24 (21 Chapterwise cast Solved Papers PHYSICS

(ii) Electric field intensity at point P separated by a (ii) Electric field due to a plane sheet of charge
distance x (x > R2) Uniformly charged
E = _1_ x (q + OJ infinite plane sheet
41tEo X2

[along CP and away from spherical shell] (1)

Whole charge is assumed to be concentrated at the
centre. (1)

18. The total electric flux linked with a surface is


1 E
equal to the total number of electric lines of force A' A

passing through the surface when surface is held tJ.S r - tJ.S
normal to the direction -r- Cylindrical Gaussian
of electric field, <Il= EA. surface
If surface is placed in
non-uniform electric E (1)

field, then electric field A
is shown by the figure 21. (i) Radius of sphere, R = ~ = 2.4 = 1.2 m
2 2
given along side. Since
a charge q is enclosed Surface charge density,
by closed surface, therefore total electric flux o = 80 x 10 -6Cm-2
linked with the closed surface
o = -q- or q = 41tR2C;
<Il=,c E·dS=!L 41tR2
t, Eo
Charge on the sphere
The SI unit of electric flux is Nm2 c' . (2)
q = 4x 3.14X(1.2)2 X 80 X 10-6 C
19.1 According to Gauss's theorem, total flux passing
q = 1.447 X 10-3 C
. through a closed surface, <Il=.!L = fE.dS (1)

Eo (ii) According to Gauss' theorem,

As, SI and S2 are concentric spheres of radii rl and Electric flux, <Il= .!L
r2 respectively, then Eo
<Ill= il. ... (i) <Il= 1.447 x 10- Nm2 C-I
Eo 8.85 X 10-12
<Il2= q2 ... (ii) <Il= 1.63 X 108 Nm2 C-I (1)
Eo 22. (i) By Gauss' theorem,
.. On dividing Eq. (i) with Eq. (ii). total electric flux
~=il.xEo =il.=g=l through closed

<Il2 Eo q2 q2 Q Gaussian surface is

Hence, <Ill: <Il2= 1 : 1 given by
20. The surface that we choose for application of <Il=.!L
Gauss' theorem is called Gaussian surface. We Eo
usually choose a spherical Gaussian surface. .. q = <IlEo
(i) Electric field due to a long straight wire of sheet

But electric flux passing through the surface

L--... Uniformly charged
<Il= - 3 x 10- 14Nm2 C-I
straight wire
.. q = (- 3 x 10-14) x 8.85 x 10- 12
=- 26.55 x 1O-26C

Cylindrical __
q = - 2.655 x 10- 25C (1)

Gaussian (ii) Electric flux passing through the surface

surface remains unchanged because it depends only
---- on charge enclosed by the surface and is
independent ofits size. (1)

CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges ond Fields 25.

23. According to the figures, A and Bare tWQ thin

plane parallel sheets of charge having uniform
densities oland a 2 with 01 > O2 (1)

<p = E x area of the end faces of the cylinder

Ex2A= oA ~ E=~
EO 2£0

+ + EB

+ +
01 +
+ + EA
+ A II + B
I 25.

In region II
The electric field due to the sheet of charge A will
be from left to right (along the positive direction)
and that due to the sheet of charge B will be from

right to left (along the negative direction). (1)

~ E = -(01 - (2) (along positive direction)
In region III
The electric fields due to both the charged sheets
will be from left to right, i.e. along the positive
direction. Therefore, in region III, we have (11

21"0 21"0
E=-(ol +(2) (along positive direction)
24. (i) Given, E = 50 x i
and t!.S = 25 cm2 = 25 x 10-4 m2

+ rE
O'~-+-+---------1~-+X -+-r-+
fs E· dS = f EdS cos 90°+ f EdS cos 0°+ f EdS cos 90°

A <P =
nB Upper plane face Curved surface Lower plane face
z +--+
<P = 0 + EA + 0 or <p = E . 21trl (1)
As the electric field is only along the X-axis, so
flux will pass only through the cross-section of But by Gauss's theorem,
the cylinder. q 'AI
Magnitude of electric field at cross-section A, Eo Eo
where, q is the charge on length I of wire enclosed
Magnitude of electric field at cross-section B, by cylindrical surface S and 'A is uniform linear
EB=50x2=100NC- (1/2)
charge density of wire.
The corresponding electric fluxes are 'AI 'A
<PA = EA . ~S = 50 x 25 X 10-4 x cos1800 E x 21trl = - ~ E = --
. Eo 21tEor
= _ 0.125 Nm2C-1
2 o Chopterwise CBSE Solved Papers PHYSICS

Thus, electric field of a line cbarge is inversely 27. Let us consider charge + q be uniformly
proportional to distance directed normal to the distributed over a spherical shell of radius R. Let E
surface of charged wire. (1) is to be obtained at P lying outside of spherical
26. Gauss' law states that the total electric flux shell. (1/2)
through a closed surface is equal to ~ times, the /-----' ~ Concentric
Eo // + + +", spherical
magnitude of the charge enclosed by it is.
,/ + + '\ Gaussian
\ surface

$=~ , I

Eo :I + I
Here, Eo is the absolute permittivity of the free '. +
space and q is the total charge enclosed. \ /P
\ ,, Charged
Also, $=J E· dS=~ " spherical
Js Eo

where, E is the electric field at the area element dS .: E at any point is radially outward (if charge q is
Now, the electric field E= Cx i is in X-direction positive) and has same magnitude at all points
only. So, faces with surface normal vector which lie at the same distance r from centre of
perpendicular to this field would give zero electric spherical shell such that r> R.
flux, i.e. $ = E dS cos 90° = 0 through it. Therefore, Gaussian surface is concentric sphere of
y radius r such that r> R. (112)

anivurl J_Ir..rt-·

,; ,

I: [d'
-J. i

r dS1
z I I

!:" - ------ ± -----...... :

+ ,I
~ So, flux would be across only two surfaces.
Magnitude of E at left face, ~'........
S3 + ~E ... ' 0

----.. + ..--- es,


EL = Cx = Ca [x = a at.left face]
Magnitude of E at right face •
ER = Cx = Cm = mC [x = m at right face] I+-- r ---+I
Thus, corresponding fluxes are Cylindrical Gaussian surface far line charge
$L = E L . dS = E L dS cos 9
Since, Gaussian surface enclosed charge q inside it.

=-aCxa2, [As,9 = 180°]

By Gauss' theorem,
$R = E R . dS = mC dS cos 9 [':9 = 0°]
= mCa2 = m3C (1/2) Eo
(i) Now, net flux through the cube is => fE dS cos 0° = s.
= $L + $R = - alC + 3 3 2
m C = a C Nm C-' (1/2)
[.: Eand dSare along the same direction]
(ii) Net charge inside the cube
Again, we can use Gauss' law to find total fdS = ~ [.: Magnitude of E is same at every
charge q inside the cube. Eo point on Gaussian surface]
Wehave $=~ Ex 41tr2 =~
Eo Eo
or q = $Eo q = alCEOcoulomb (1) E =_1_.3..
41tEo r2
CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges and Fields 2i1

Now, graph ~ E=~r

E 1 q Eo
41t€o R2 Thus, a uniform electric field is produced between
the two infinite parallel plane sheet of charge
which is directed from positive plate to negative
~~. (1)

29. Starting from the charge +q, the lines of force will
terminate at the metal plate, including negative

charge on it. At all positions, the lines of force will
be perpendicular to the metal surface.

Variation of E with r for a spherical shell

of charge q (1)

28. Let us consider two uniformly charge, large

parallel sheets carrying charge densities + o and
- o respectively, are separated by a small distance
from each other. uncharged conducting plate
By Gauss' law, it can be proved that electric field Refer to Ans 14. (3)
intensity due to a uniformly charged infinite plane
30. Gauss' law refer to Ans 25. (1/2)
sheet at any nearby is given by
Let us consider a large plane sheet of charge having
E=~ ... (i)
surface charge density cr.
For figure see Ans (ii). (1/2)
The electric field is directed normally outward from Let electric field is to be obtained at a point P at a
the plane sheet if nature of charge on sheet is distance r from it. It is obvious that Gaussian
positive and normally inward if charge is of negative surface will be a cylinder of cross-sectional area A
+cr -(1 and length 2r with its axis perpendicular to plane
sheet of charge. Now, applying Gauss' law over the
++--r _ closed Gaussian surface.

P E1 -

+ E2 f - E·dS+ f

+ rEdS cos 0° + rEdS cos 90° = !L

+ ~
[as Eand dSare along the same direction by at CSA

Let represents unit vector directed from positive E perpendicular to dS]

plate to negative plate.
r dS=!L ~Ex2A=!L ... (i)
Now, Electric Field Intensity (EFI) at any point P JCSA Eo Eo
between the two plates is given by
E=-q-=~ [From Eq. (i)]
(i) ~ = + ~
r [due to positive plate] 2AEo 2Eo

(ii) E2 = + ~ r [due to negative plate] Electric field intensity = ~

The direction of E is normal to the plane sheet and
:. Electric field intensity at point P is given by directed away from sheet when charge on plate is
E=~+E2 positive and vice-versa.
cr· cr· Closed cylinder comprises of two caps and Curved
2Eo 2Eo Surface Area (CSA). (1)
28 o Chopterwise CBSE SolvedPopers PHYSICS

31. (i) Refer to Ans 25 (i). (112) Therefore, the flux through the curved surface
(ii) Let us consider a long straight wire carrying + q of the cylinder = O. (1'12)

charge on its length I and linear charge density A

-'.t't- + A

ACm + ++ n
=> q=AI ... (i)
Let electric field intensity is to be obtained at a

distance r from it. Since, magnitude of E due to long Flux through the flat surfaces = EA + EA = 2EA
charged wire is same at every point which lie at the The total electric flux over the entire surface of
same distance from the wire. So, Gaussian surface cylinder
will be a cylinder of radius r and length I such that <i>E=2EA
wire lies along the axis as shown in figure. Total charge enclosed by the cylinder, q = crA
.: Angle between E and dS is 90° at caps, whereas 0° According to Gauss's law,

at any point on curved surface of a cylinder. fE.dA=(h=~
Now, applying Gauss' theorem Eo

2AE crA
Eo (1) Eo

E·dS+ J
E·dS= Al
[From Eq. (i)]
or E =~

E is independent of r, the distance of the

[CSA=Close Surface Area] point from the plane charged sheet. E at any
i J
E dScos 90°+ E dS cos 00= Al point is directed away from the sheet for
(SA . <;SA Eo positive charge and directed towards the sheet
in case of negative charge. (1'12)
(SI and S3 are caps and S2 represents CSA)
(ii) Surface cbarge density of the uniform plane
0+ f CSA
EdS= Al
[':cos900=0] sheet which is infinitely large =+ cr. The
electric potential (V) due to infinite sheet of
Ei dS=AI uniform charge density + o
CSA Eo V= -crr
[.: E is a constant at every point at CSA] 2£0

E x Znrl =
rl': r
= 21trlJ
The amount of work done in bringing a point
charge q from infinite to point, at distance r in
front of the charged plane sheet.

E=~ , -CJr o r-q'

21tEo rl W=q x V= q '-- =---Joule
2Eo 2Eo (2)
21tEo r (112) 33. (i) Electric field on an axial line of an electric dipole
32. (i) According to the question, o is the surface
E+q Eq ~
- - -r -_-q

charge density of the sheet. From symmetry, E

on either side of the sheet must be ! !
perpendicular to the plane of the sheet, havinc
Let P be at distance r from the centre of the dipole
same magnitude at all points equidistant from
on the side of charge - q.
the sheet. We take a cylinder of cross-sectional
area A and length 2r as the Gaussian surface. Then, the electric field at point P due to charge
On the curved surface of the cylinder, f and n - q of the dipole is given by
are perpendicular to each other. E =- q p
-q 41tEo (r + a)2
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 29

where, p is the unit vector along the dipole axis We can use Gauss' law to find the total charge q
(from -qtoq). (1) inside the cube.
Also, the electric field at point P due to charge +q <I>=.i..
of the dipole is given by Eo

E = q p <I>= <l>E 0 = 2a3Eo (1%)

+q 41tEo(r - a)2

The total field at point Pis 34. (i) Electric flux over an area in an electric field
represents the total number of electric field lines

E =E+q + crossing the area. The SI unit of electric
flux is Nm2Cl •
= 4~ [(r ~ a)2 - (r: a)2] p According to Gauss' law in electrostatics, the
E _q_. 4ar p surface integral of electrostatic field E
41tEo (r2 _ a2)2 produced by any sources over any closed

surface S enclosing a volume V in vacuum, i.e.
r = x (given) total electric flux over the closed surface S in
q 4ax A

E -- P vacuum, is 1 / Eo times the total charge (q)

41tEo (x2 _ a2)2 contained inside S, i.e.
For x» a, E=~P <l>E = fE-dS = .i..
s Eo

E=~ Gauss' law in electrostatics is true for an

41tEox3 (1%) closed surface, no matter what its shape or
(ii) y size is.
So, in order to justify the above stateme1nt,
/ / suppose in isolated positive charge q is
situated at the centre 0 of a sphere of radius r.
According to Coulomb's law, electric field
x intensity at any poipt P on the surface of the
/ /
sphere is E = -q-~
Z 41tEo r2
Since, the electric field has only x component, for r E
faces normal to X - direction, the angle between E
and tJ.S is ± 2:. Therefore, the flux is separately

zero for each of the cube except the shaded ones.
The magnitude of the electric field at the left face is
E 1= 0 (as, x = Oat the left face).
The magnitude of the electric field at the right
face is E R = 3a (as, x = a at the right face). (1)

The corresponding fluxes are

<l>L = EL· ~S= 0
where, r is unit vector directed from 0 to P.
<l>R = ER . ~S = E RtJ.S cosa = E RtJ.S (": a = 0°) Consider a small area element dS of the sphere
around P. Let it be represented by the vector
~ <l>R =ERa2
dS + n·dS.
Net flux (<1» through the cube n
where, is unit vector along out drawn normal
= <l>L + <l>R to the area element.
= 0 + ERa2 • :. Electric flux over the area element,
= ERa 2 d<l>E=E·dS
q = 2a (a)2 = 2a3 = (-q
30 o Chopterwise CSSE Solved Papers PHYSICS

q d5"
E·dS = --·l·r·n E x 41tr2 = !L = 0
41tEo r Eo
As normal to a surface of every point is along .. E = 0 for r < R .
the radius vector at that point, therefore,
Hence, the field due to a uniformly charged
r n= 1 spherical shell is zero at all points inside the
q dS s~l. ~~
E·dS = --'----,
41tEo r:
35. (i) Dipole in a Uniform External field:
Integrating over the closed surface area of the

Consider an electric dipole consisting of charge-q
sphere, we get total normal electric flux over and +q and of length 2£lplaced in a uniform
the entire sphere, electric field E making an angle 6 with electric
G>E= YE. dS=
s. 41tfor- s
15 =_'_7 ?
X iotat area field.
Force on charge -q at A = -q E( opposite to E)

of surface of sphere. Electric dipole is under the action of two equal
and unlike parallel force, which give rise to a
= _q_(41tr2)
41tEo 1'2
torque on the dipole.
=!L N : - - H- - - - - O:a"";-..o-------+ dE
Eo ,,
Hence, p S
RdS = .!L, which
proves Gauss' =,
theorem. (2%)
(ii) Electric field inside a uniformly charged -dE ---q-:::O
. spherical shell.
According to Gauss' theorem
t = Force x Perpendicular distance
! E.dS=p E n·d5=J.- between the forces
js s Eo
t = qE(AN)= qE(2£lsin6)
or Epd5 t = q(2£l)Esin6
S Eo
t = pEsina
E· 21tr2 =!L
Eo t=PxE (2%

=> E=-q- ... (i) (ii) (a) Charge enclosed by sphere 51 = 2Q


By Gauss law, electric flux through sphere
In the given figure, the point P where we have to 51 is = 26Eo
find the electric field intensity is inside the shell. Charge enclosed by shere.
The Gaussian surface is the surface of a sphere 52 52 = 2Q+ 4Q= 6Q
passing through P and with the centre at O. The => <1>1
= 66/ Eo
radius of the sphere 52 is r < R . The electric flux The ratio of the electric flux is

through the Gaussian surface, as calculated in <1>1

/ <1>1
= 2QEo/ 6QEo
Eq. (i), i.e. E x 41tr2. As, charge inside a
spherical shell is zero, the Gaussian surface
= 2Q/ e,
(b) For sphere 51 the electric flux is <1>'
encloses no charge. The Gauss' theorem gives
= 2 a / tr +6G>/Eo
E = 6$/ Eo
, p = Eo.~
er 3
.. e, > EO,<I>< G>I
Therefore, the electric flux through the
sphere 51 decreases with the introduction
of the dielectric inside it. (2%)
CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields 31

36. Electric field due to a uniformly charged thin (ii) When point P lies inside the spherical
spherical shell. shell In such a case, the Gaussian surface
Gaussian surface enclosed no charge.

.> ------1 -- "~dS
According to Gauss law,
Ex 47tr2 = °
i.e. E=O [forr<RJ
,, Graph showing the variation of electric

field as a function of r
,, E(NC-1)

,, ~.-~
,, Charged

--- -~' (1)

(i) When point P lies outside the spherical

shell Suppose that we have to calculate R rIm) (2)
electric field at the point P at a distance 37. (i) Electric flux Refer to sol. 28 (2'10)
r (r > R) from its centre. Draw the Gaussian (ii) Using Gauss' theorem,
surface through point P. so as to enclose the 2 Q I Q
charged spherical shell. The Gaussian surface E x 41tr, = - ~ E = -- -
Eo 41tEo r,2
is a spherical shell of radius r and centre 0. Let
E be the electric field at point P. Then. the Field at point P2 = 0, because the electric field
electric flux through area element dS is given inside the conductor is zero. (2'10)
by 38. (i) Refer to Ans. 8 (i). (2)
d<\>= E·dS (1)
(ii) Refer to Ans. 28.
Since, dSalso along normal to the surface. The field directed
d<\>= E dS
:. Total electric flux through the Gaussian
surface is given by
<\> = fs E dS = E fp
Now, f dS = 41tr2

.. ... (i)
Since, the charge enclosed by the Gaussian
surface is q. According to Gauss' theorem
(a) Normally away from the sheet when sheet
cjl=!L ... (ii)
Eo is positively charged.
(b) Normally inward towards the sheet when

From Eqs. (i) and (ii), we obtain

plane sheet is negatively charged. (3)
Ex 41tr2 =!L
Eo 39. (i) Refer to Ans. 26 and 27. (3)
(ii) Refer to Ans. 22 of Topic 1. (2)
E=_I_.!L [forr> R1
41tEo r2 (1)
Value Based Questions (From Complete Chapter)
04 Marks Questions particular part of the image, say in
explaining a surgical concern to other
1. While travelling back to his residence in medical staff, the gloves is contaminated.
the car, Dr. Pathak was caught up in a When one of the medical staff asks the
thunderstorm. It became very dark. He surgeon that whether his gloves would
stopped driving the car and waited for

have been contaminated, the surgeon
thunderstorm to stop. Suddenly, he answers him later, after the completion of
noticed a child walking alone on the road. the operation.
He asked the boy to come inside the car
Answer the following questions based on
till the thunderstorm stopped. Dr. Pathak
the above information
dropped the boy at his residence. The boy

insisted that Dr. Pathak should meet his (i) What is learnt from the above?
parents. The parents expressed their (ii) Can you find the bacterial source? If
gratitude to Dr. Pathak for his concern for yes, name it.
safety of the child. (iii) Name the force which plays a role in
Answer the following questions based bacterial contamination.
on the above information Sol. (i) Concentration and involvement in the work by
the doctor, reply by the doctor answering the
(i) Why is it safer to sit inside a car
query without forgetting, observation of the
during a thunderstorm?
medical attendant. [2]
(ii) Which two values are displayed by (ii) Yes, name of the bacterial source is charge. [1]
Dr. Pathak in his action? (iii) Electrostatic force is the force involved.
(iii) Which values are reflected in parents Bacteria from screen may contaminate the
response to Dr. Pathak? glove. 11]

(iv) Give an example of similar action on 3. A and B are two students in a class who
your part in the past from everyday have been assigned to organise a Republic
life. Delhi 2013 day function. They have also been
Sol. (i) It is safer to be set inside a car during instructed to invite personally more than 60
thunderstorm because the car acts like a members from all the nearby cultural
Faraday cage. The metal in the car will shield organisations and VIPs in their area. While

you from any external electric fields and thus student A arranged invitations using a
prevent the lightning from travelling within photocopier/fax, student B arranges
the car. (1)
invitations by writing to them individual.
(ii) Awareness and humanity (1)
(iii) Gratitude and kindness felt obliged. (1) Answer the following questions based on
(iv) I once came across to a situation where a the above information

puppy was stuck in the middle of a busy road (i) Which student's method would you
during rain and was not able to go cross due to adopt and why?
heavy flow, so I quickly rushed and helped
him. (1)
(ii) State the principle behind the source
used by student A.
2. During an endoscopic surgery, a surgeon (iii) How this principle works?
sees the interior of the patient's body on
Sol. (i) Student A, because he is aware of the latest
the viewing screen of a video monitor. The
technology and its applications. [1]
surgeon continues to do the surgery with
(ii) Electrostatic force The force of interaction
the help of other medical staff and one of
between any two point charges is directly
the medical staff on noticing the surgeon's proportional to the product of the charges and
gloved fingers coming within a few inversely proportional to the square of the
centimeters of a screen, pointing to a distance between them. [1]
CHAPTER 1 Electric Charges and Fields 33

(iii) A photocopier/fax is one of the many closed surface S in vacuum is 1/ Eo times

industrial applications of the forces of the total charge Q contained inside S, i.e.
attraction and repulsion between charged
particles/bodies. Particles of black powder,
called toner stick to a tiny carrier bead of the
<l>E = fE. dS = Q
machine due to electrostatic forces between
them. The negatively charged toner particles The charges inside S may be point
get attracted from carrier bead to a rotating charges or even continuous charge

drum, where an image [positively charged] of distributions. There is no contribution to
document being copied has formed. A charged total electric flux from the charges outside
sheet of paper then attracts the toner particles S. Further, the location of Q inside S does
from the drum to itself. Finally, they produce not affect the value of surface integral.
photocopy. [2]
Read the above passage and answer the

4. Two persons are standing under a tree following questions
and another person near them is inside a (i) What are the 8I units and
car. They were arguing about going out· dimensions of electric flux?
for a movie or to the beach, when a
(ii) A closed surface in vacuum encloses
lightning struck the tree with some force.
charges - q, + 3 q and +5 q. Another
The person inside the car notices his charge + 4q lies outside the surface.
friends standing under the tree are What is total electric flux over the
affected by lightning, he comes out and surface?
takes them to the nearby hospital.
(iii) A point charge q lies inside a
(i) Why the person in the car was not spherical surface of radius r. How
affected by lightning? will the electric flux be affected, if
(ii) What quality do you find the person radius of the sphere is doubled?
inside the car? (iv) What values of life do you learn from
(iii) Explain the process that takes place
this theorem?
during lightning. Sol. (i) SI units of electric flux ls'N _m2C-1.
(iv) If the total charge enclosed by a Dimensional formula of electric flux is
surface is zero, what will be the [M1t3r3A-1]. [1]
electric flux over the surface? (ii) $ = Iqinside = - q + 3q + 5q = 7q [1]

Sol. (i) Due to electrostatic shielding, the person in Eo Eo Eo

the car was not affected (electric field inside
the metallic body is zero). [1] (iii) As $ = !L, electric flux is not affected by
(ii) Helping others; taking a quick decision as to
what is to be done, in case, he is unaware or area/shape of the surface. So, the electric flux
unable to do on his own presence of mind. [1] remains unaffected. [1]

(iii) Lightning is a massive electrostatic discharge (iv) This theorem emphasis that total normal flux
between electrically charged regions within from the surface depends only on algebraic
the clouds or between a cloud and the earth's sum of charges enclosed by the surface,
surface. [1]
irrespective of their location. The charges
outside the surface do not affect the electric
(iv) As $= !L, therefore, electric flux over the flux. In day-to-day life, the theorem implies
that the knowledge you can import depends
surface will be zero because net charge only on what you have stored within you. You
enclosed by a surface is zero. [1]
cannot emanate what you have not absorbed
5. The surface integral of electrostatic field E or what lies outside your reach?
prodi ced by any source over any clc - :-d In the examination, you can write what you
surface S enclosing a volume V in have learnt by heart? Extraneous help from
vacuum, i.e. total electric flux over the outside by unfair means will never serve your
purpose. tn
34 o ehapterwise eSSE Solved Papers: PHYSICS

6. Geeta has dry hair. A combran through her electrically neutral, they contain charges,
dry hair attracts small bits of paper. She but their charges are exactly balanced.
observes that Neeta with oily hair combs Read the above passage and answer the
her hair, the combcould not attract small following questions.
bits of paper. She consults her teacher for
(i) Every body whether a conductor or
this and gets the answer. She then goes to
an insulator is electrically neutral. Is
the junior classes and shows this it true?

phenomenon as a Physics experiment to
(ii) Charging lies in charge imbalance,
i.e. excess charge or deficit charge,
Read the above passage and answer the comment.
following questions. (iii) How do you visualise this principle
(i) What according to you are the values being applied in our daily life?

displayed by Geeta? Sol. (i) Yes, it is true. Every conductor/insulator is
(ii) Explain the phenomenon involved. electrically neutral, as it contains equal
Sol. (i) The values displayed by Geeta are curiosity, amounts of positive charge and negative
leadership and compassion. (2)
charge. ~)
(ii) Frictional electricity Frictional electricity is (ii) This statement is true. Charging lies in charge
the electricity produced by rubbing two imbalance. When a body loses some electrons,
suitable bodies and transfer of electrons from it becomes positively charged because it has
one body to other. excess of protons over electrons. The reverse is
Further, if the hair are oily or wet, then the also true. (1)
friction between the hair and comb reduces (ill) Nature/God has created the universe. In
and the comb will not attract small bits of original, all bodies are neutral with no forces of
paper. (2)
attraction/repulsion. When interests of any two
7. As it is known that all matter is made up persons dash (i.e. two bodies are rubbed
of atoms/ molecules. Every atom consists against each other), they become charged.
of a central core, called the atomic From the charging, the forces of
nucleus, around which negatively charged attraction/repulsion arises, i.e. pulls and
electrons revolve in circular orbits. Every pressures of life.
atom is electrically neutral containing as Nature/God wants us to live in peace without
many electrons as the number of protons

stress and tensions in life. We get charged over

in the nucleus. All the materials are petty things in life and invite all sorts of pulls,
pressures and tensions. (2)

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