Unit 4

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Unit IV Electrodynamic fields


In our study of static fields so far, we have observed that static electric fields are produced by
electric charges, static magnetic fields are produced by charges in motion or by steady
current. Further, static electric field is a conservative field and has no curl, the static
magnetic field is continuous and its divergence is zero. The fundamental relationships for
static electric fields among the field quantities can be summarized as:



For a linear and isotropic medium,


Similarly for the magnetostatic case




It can be seen that for static case, the electric field vectors and and magnetic field
vectors and form separate pairs.

In this chapter we will consider the time varying scenario. In the time varying case we will
observe that a changing magnetic field will produce a changing electric field and vice versa.

We begin our discussion with Faraday's Law of electromagnetic induction and then present
the Maxwell's equations which form the foundation for the electromagnetic theory.

Faraday's Law of electromagnetic Induction

Michael Faraday, in 1831 discovered experimentally that a current was induced in a

conducting loop when the magnetic flux linking the loop changed. In terms of fields, we can
say that a time varying magnetic field produces an electromotive force (emf) which causes a
current in a closed circuit. The quantitative relation between the induced emf (the voltage
that arises from conductors moving in a magnetic field or from changing magnetic fields) and
the rate of change of flux linkage developed based on experimental observation is known as
Faraday's law. Mathematically, the induced emf can be written as
Emf = Volts (5.3)

where is the flux linkage over the closed path.

A non zero may result due to any of the following:

(a) time changing flux linkage a stationary closed path.

(b) relative motion between a steady flux a closed path.

(c) a combination of the above two cases.

The negative sign in equation (5.3) was introduced by Lenz in order to comply with the
polarity of the induced emf. The negative sign implies that the induced emf will cause a
current flow in the closed loop in such a direction so as to oppose the change in the linking
magnetic flux which produces it. (It may be noted that as far as the induced emf is
concerned, the closed path forming a loop does not necessarily have to be conductive).

If the closed path is in the form of N tightly wound turns of a coil, the change in the magnetic
flux linking the coil induces an emf in each turn of the coil and total emf is the sum of the
induced emfs of the individual turns, i.e.,

Emf = Volts (5.4)

By defining the total flux linkage as


The emf can be written as

Emf = (5.6)

Continuing with equation (5.3), over a closed contour 'C' we can write

Emf = (5.7)

where is the induced electric field on the conductor to sustain the current.

Further, total flux enclosed by the contour 'C ' is given by


Where S is the surface for which 'C' is the contour.

From (5.7) and using (5.8) in (5.3) we can write


By applying stokes theorem


Therefore, we can write


which is the Faraday's law in the point form

We have said that non zero can be produced in a several ways. One particular case is
when a time varying flux linking a stationary closed path induces an emf. The emf induced in
a stationary closed path by a time varying magnetic field is called a transformer emf .

Example: Ideal transformer

As shown in figure 5.1, a transformer consists of two or more numbers of coils coupled
magnetically through a common core. Let us consider an ideal transformer whose winding
has zero resistance, the core having infinite permittivity and magnetic losses are zero.
Fig 5.1: Transformer with secondary open

These assumptions ensure that the magnetization current under no load condition is
vanishingly small and can be ignored. Further, all time varying flux produced by the primary
winding will follow the magnetic path inside the core and link to the secondary coil without
any leakage. If N1 and N2 are the number of turns in the primary and the secondary windings
respectively, the induced emfs are



(The polarities are marked, hence negative sign is omitted. The induced emf is +ve at the
dotted end of the winding.)


i.e., the ratio of the induced emfs in primary and secondary is equal to the ratio of their turns.
Under ideal condition, the induced emf in either winding is equal to their voltage rating.


where 'a' is the transformation ratio. When the secondary winding is connected to a load, the
current flows in the secondary, which produces a flux opposing the original flux. The net flux
in the core decreases and induced emf will tend to decrease from the no load value. This
causes the primary current to increase to nullify the decrease in the flux and induced emf.
The current continues to increase till the flux in the core and the induced emfs are restored to
the no load values. Thus the source supplies power to the primary winding and the
secondary winding delivers the power to the load. Equating the powers




i.e., the net magnetomotive force (mmf) needed to excite the transformer is zero under ideal

Motional EMF:

Let us consider a conductor moving in a steady magnetic field as shown in the fig 5.2.

Fig 5.2

If a charge Q moves in a magnetic field , it experiences a force


This force will cause the electrons in the conductor to drift towards one end and leave the
other end positively charged, thus creating a field and charge separation continuous until
electric and magnetic forces balance and an equilibrium is reached very quickly, the net
force on the moving conductor is zero.

can be interpreted as an induced electric field which is called the motional electric

If the moving conductor is a part of the closed circuit C, the generated emf around the circuit

is . This emf is called the motional emf.

A classic example of motional emf is given in Additonal Solved Example No.1 .

Maxwell's Equation

Equation (5.1) and (5.2) gives the relationship among the field quantities in the static field.
For time varying case, the relationship among the field vectors written as





In addition, from the principle of conservation of charges we get the equation of continuity

The equation 5.20 (a) - (d) must be consistent with equation (5.21).

We observe that


Since is zero for any vector .

Thus applies only for the static case i.e., for the scenario when .
A classic example for this is given below .

Suppose we are in the process of charging up a capacitor as shown in fig 5.3.

Fig 5.3

Let us apply the Ampere's Law for the Amperian loop shown in fig 5.3. Ienc = I is the total
current passing through the loop. But if we draw a baloon shaped surface as in fig 5.3, no
current passes through this surface and hence Ienc = 0. But for non steady currents such as
this one, the concept of current enclosed by a loop is ill-defined since it depends on what
surface you use. In fact Ampere's Law should also hold true for time varying case as well,
then comes the idea of displacement current which will be introduced in the next few slides.

We can write for time varying case,



The equation (5.24) is valid for static as well as for time varying case.

Equation (5.24) indicates that a time varying electric field will give rise to a magnetic field

even in the absence of . The term has a dimension of current densities and is
called the displacement current density.

Introduction of in equation is one of the major contributions of Jame's Clerk

Maxwell. The modified set of equations




is known as the Maxwell's equation and this set of equations apply in the time varying

scenario, static fields are being a particular case .

In the integral form





The modification of Ampere's law by Maxwell has led to the development of a unified
electromagnetic field theory. By introducing the displacement current term, Maxwell could
predict the propagation of EM waves. Existence of EM waves was later demonstrated by
Hertz experimentally which led to the new era of radio communication.

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