Handout - Group 2

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Prepared by Group 2


Scholastic Triumphs at Ateneo de manila((1872-1877)

 Four months after the martyrdom of Gom-Bur-Za and Doña Teodora still in prison, Jose
was sent to Manila.
 He studied in Ateneo Municipal, a college under the supervision of the Spanish Jesuits. It
was formerly known Escuela Pia(Charity School) a school for boys in Manila which was
established by the city government in 1817.
 The Jesuits returned to Manila in 1859, they were given the management of the Escuela
Pia or what we now know as Ateneo de Manila

Rizal Enters the Ateneo

June 10, 1872, accompanied by Paciano went to Manila. He took the the entrance
examinations on Christian doctrine, arithmetic, and reading at the college of San Juan de
letran and passed the them. San Juan De letran was Dominican-owned college. It was a bitter
rival of Ateneo Municipal. He returned to Calamba to stay a few days with his family and to
attend the town fiesta. His father, who who first wished him to study at Letran changed his
mind and decided to send him to Ateneo instead. He again return to Manila, again
accompanied by Paciano, Matriculated at the Ateneo Municipal.

Father Magin Ferrando, who was the college registrar, refused to admit him for two
reason: (1) he was for registration and (2) he was sickly and undersized for his age. He was
then 11 years old. However, upon the intercession of Manuel Xerez Burgos, nephew of
Father Burgos, he was reluctantly at the Ateneo.

Jose was the first of his family to adit the surname “Rizal” He registered under this
name at the Ateneo because their family name “Mercado” had come under suspicion of the
Spanish authorities. Paciano had used “ Mercado” as his surname at the College of San Jose
and he was known to the authorities as Father Burgos’ favorite student confidant

At the time Jose studied in Ateneo, this college was located in Intramuros, within the
walls of Manila. He first boarded in a house outside Intramuros, on Caraballo street.

Jesuits Education system

Jesuits were splendid educators, the system of Education given by the Jesuits in the
Ateneo was more advanced than that of other colleges in that period. They trained the
character of the student and enhance their academic studies in different areas.

Students also their during that time were divided into two groups,Internal/Roman
empire (boarders) and Externo/carthaginian (non-boarders). Each of these empires had its
ranks. The best student in each empire was the emperor, second best tribune, then decurion,
centurion and lastly standard bearer. Within the empire, the students fought for positions.The
two groups Roman Empire and Carthaginian Empire were in a constant competition for
supremacy in the class. They had their distinctive banners. Red for the Romans and Blue for
the Carthaginians.


 Rizal first heard mass at the college chapel and prayed to God for guidance and success.
He saw a great number of boys, (spaniards, mestizos, and filipinos)
 Fr. Jose Bech, Rizal’s first professor in the Ateneo
 Being a new comer and knowing a little Spanish, Rizal was placed at the bottom of the
class. He was an Externo, hence he was to the Carthaginians, occupying the end of the
line. He progressed rapidly and at the end of the month he became “emperor”.
 To improve his Spanish speaking skills, Rizal took private lessons during the noon recess
at SANTA ISABEL COLLEGE and paid for Php 3.00
 In the second half of his first year in Ateneo, Rizal did not try hard enough to retain his
academic supremacy. He placed second at the end of the year, although all his grades
were still marked Excellent.

Summer Vacation(1873)
Rizal returned to Calamba for his vacation. He didn’t enjoy the vacation.
Saturnina(Neneng) brought him to Tanawan.He went to Sta. Cruz and visit his mother and
told his Excellency in Ateneo.When the summer vacation ended, Rizal turned to Manila for
his second year term in Ateneo .He is now living at DOÑA PEPAY, an old landlady with
widowed daughter and four sons. At this time, Rizal boarded inside Intramuros at no.6
Magallanes St.


Nothing unusual happened to Rizal during his second term in Ateneo. He again
became an emperor; He also received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal. At
March 1874, he returned to Calamba for his vacation.

 Prophecy of Mother’s Release

Dona Teodora was imprisoned for two and a half years on trumped-up charges of
poisoning her brother's wife. Rizal gladdened Doña Teodora’s lonely heart when he visited
her in the provincial jail. In the course of their conversation, Doña Teodora told her son of her
dream.Rizal interpreted her dream that she would be release from prison Doña Teodora was
released in the jail after 3 months like what Jose Rizal said.

 Teenage Interest in Reading

As a normal teenager, Rizal became interested in love stories and romantic novels.
Favorite novels of Rizal:
 The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas
 Cesar Cantu’s historical work entitled Universal History
 Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor Jagor


 Shortly after opening of classes, his mother arrived and joyously told him that she was
released from prison. He was happy of course, to see his mother once more a free
 He only got 1 medal in his Latin subject, then on March 1875 he returned to Calamba


 June 16, 1875, he became an interno in Ateneo
 Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez -a great educator and scholar. Rizal’s favorite
teacher.He inspired young Rizal to study harder and to write poetry.
 Rizal won 5 medals and topped in all subjects and on March, 1876 he returned to


 Rizal excelled in all subjects. He finished his last year at Ateneo in a blaze of glory. He
obtained the highest grades in all subjects – Philosophy, Physics, Biology, Chemistry,
Languages, etc

 Rizal became the pride of the Jesuits and he obtained highest grades in all subjects. He
received the degree of Bachelor of Arts with highest honors during commencement
exercise in March 23, 1877
Rizal’s Extra-Curricular Activities in Ateneo

 He was an emperor and a campus leader outside.

 Secretary of the Marian Congregation (religious society)
 Member of Academy of Spanish Literature
 Member of Academy of Natural Sciences
 In his leisure hours: in Literary Rizal cultivated his literary talents under
the guidance of Fr. Sanchez. FATHER JOSE VILACLARA – advised Rizal to stop communing
with the muses but to pay more attention to practical studies (Philosophy and Natural
 In Fine Arts: Rizal studied painting under AGUSTIN SAEZ ,famous Spanish painter
Sculpture under ROMUALDO DE JESUS, a Filipino sculptor. He is engaged in
gymnastics and fencing


- he carved an image with Batikuling (Phil. Hardwood) with his pocket knife.
- Father Lleonart requested Rizal to carved an image of SACRED HEART OF


 Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First Inspiration) – dedicated to his mother
 1875: Felicitacion (Felicitation). El Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (The
Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet). Y Es Espanol: Elcano, el Primero en dar la
Vuelta al Mundo (And He is Spanish: Elcano, the First to Circumnavigate the world. El
Combate: Urbiztondo, Terror de Jolo (The Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo)
 1876: religion, education, childhood memories, and war Education: “Through Education
Our Motherland Receives Light”“The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good
Education”Religion: “Al Nino Jesus” (To the Child Jesus)
 1877: El Heroismo de Colon (The Heroism of Columbus).Colon Y Suan II (Columbus
and John II).Gran Consuelo en lo mayor Dedicha (Great Solace in Great Misfortune).Un
dialogo alusiva a la despedida de los colegiales (a farewell dialoque of the students)

Father Sanchez – requested Rizal to write a drama based on the prose story of St.
Eustace the Martyr.


Segunda Katigbak – 14-yr. old Batanguena from Lipa.Visited his maternal
grandmother in Trozo, Manila with his friend Mariano Katigbak. Came to know Segunda
more intimately during his weekly visits to La Concordia College,where his Olimpia was a
boarding student. Olimpia was a close friend Of Segunda.

It was apparent that Rizal and Segunda loved each other.Theirs was indeed “ a love
at first sight”. But it was hopeless since the very beginning because Segunda was already
engaged to be married to her town mate, Manuel luz. Rizal, for all his artistic and intellectual
prowess, was a shy and timid lover. Segunda has manifested, by insinuation and deeds, her
affection for him, but timidly failed to propose. At the end Segunda married Manuel Luz.
Medical Studies At the University of Santo Tomas (1877-1882)
Mother’s Opposition to Higher Education
 Her Reason: If Rizal gets to learn more, the Spaniards will cut off his head.
 In contrary, Paciano and Don Francisco wanted Rizal to pursue College Education.
Take note:
The Bachelor of Arts degree during Spanish times was equivalent to a high school
diploma today.

Rizal enters the University

In 1877, he enrolled in UST taking the course Philosophy and Letters during his
freshman year. He took these course for 2 reasons 1.) Don Francisco liked it. And 2.)
Uncertainty on what course to take up. He seek for advice for Father Ramon Pablo but failed
to do so as he was then at Mindanao. So the next term(1878-1879), Rizal received the Ateneo
rector’s advice to study medicine. Also, Rizal wanted to cure his mother’s growing blindness.

Finishes Surveying Course in Ateneo (1878).

During his first school term in the University of Santo Tomas (1877-78), Rizal also
studied in the Ateneo. He took the vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor
(expert surveyor). In those days. it should be remembered, the colleges for boys in Manila
offered vocational courses in agriculture, commerce, mechanics, and surveying.

Rizal, as usual, excelled in all subjects in the surveying course in the Ateneo,
obtaining gold medals in agriculture and topography. At the age of 17, he passed the final
examination in the surveying course, but he could not be granted the title as surveyor because
he was below age. The title was issued to him on November 25, 1881. Although Rizal was
then a Thomasian, he frequently visited the Ateneo. It was due not only to his surveying
course, but more because of his loyalty to the Ateneo, where he had so many beautiful
imemories and whose Jesuit professors, unlike the Dominicans, loved him and inspired him to
ascend to greater heights of knowledge. He continued to participate actively in the Ateneo's
extra-curricular activities.

Romances with other Girls

 Segunda Katigbak - Rizal’s puppy love
 Miss L – fair with seductive and attractive eyes

 Leonor Valenzuela – Orang(Pet name)

-Pagsanjan, Laguna

 Leonor Rivera –Taimis(pet name). A frail, beautiful girl, tender as a budding flower with
kindly wistful eyes
-Camiling, Tarlac

 Vicenta Ybardaloza- Can play Harp


Important Literary Works as a University Student (UST)

 El Consejo de los Dioses(The Council of the Gods)
 Junto al Pasig(Beside the Pasig)
 A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth)
Compañerismo(The Comradeship)
 Inspired by Alexander Dumas, Three Musketeers
 Secret Society of Filipino Students
 Members were called “ Companions of Jehu”
-Inspired by Les Compagnons de Jehu
-Rizal (president)
-Galiciano Apacible (secretary)

Unhappy Days at the UST.

Rizal, Ateneo's boy wonder. found the atmosphere at the University of Santo Tomas
suffocating to his sensitive spirit. He was unhappy at this Dominican institution of higher
learning because
(1) the Dominican profes sors were hostile to him,
(2) the Filipino students were racially discriminated against by the Spaniards, and
(3) the method of instruction was obsolete and repressive.

Because of the unfriendly attitude of his professors. Rizal, the most brilliant graduate
of the Ateneo, failed to win high scholastic honors. Although his grades in the first year of the
philosophy course were all "excellent," they were not impressive in the four years of his
medical course.

Decision to Study Abroad

After finishing the fourth year of his medical course, Rizal decided to study in Spain.
He could no longer endure the rampant bigotry, discrimination, and hostility in the University
of Santo Tomas. His older brother readily approved his going to Spain and so did his two
sisters Saturnina (Neneng) and Lucia, Uncle Antonio Rivera, the Valenzuela family, and
some friends.
For the first time. Rizal did not seek his parents' permission and blessings to go
abroad, because he knew that they, especially his mother, would disapprove it. He did not
bring his beloved Leonor into his confidence either. He had enough common sense to know
that Leonor, being a woman, young and romantic at that, could not keep a secret. Thus Rizal's
parents, Leonor, and the Spanish authorities knew nothing of his decision to go abroad in
order to finish his medical studies in Spain, where the professors were more liberal than those
of the University of Santo Tomas.

Zaide, G & Zaide, S.(1983). Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of a Genius, Writer,
Scientist, and National Hero Second Edition.

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