Bogie and Frieght ITP
Bogie and Frieght ITP
Bogie and Frieght ITP
142655/2020/O/o PED/SW/RDSO
New designed BOXNS wagons fitted with LWLH25 bogie was introduced in
freight fleet in 2015. Whereas, LCCF 20(C) bogie fitted under BLC type Wagons
have been running since 1995. Both bogies are similar on many aspects and,
hence this technical pamphlet is applicable for both the bogies.
This technical pamphlet has been prepared for the maintenance and technical
guidelines to be followed during overhauling and inspection of LCCF 20(C) and
LWLH 25 bogie. This is based on the feedback received from Wagon Repair
Workshop, ROH depots, Bogie manufacturer and field visit of RDSO team.
Many diagrams, topics, figures and annexures have been incorporated for
better understanding.
Suggestions, enquiries or comments are welcome and should be directed to
Director General (Wagon), RDSO, Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226011, Fax 91-
522-2452494, [email protected]
(A. K. Gautam)
JDS (Wagon)/RDSO/ Lucknow
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(C) References
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Axle The steel shaft on which the car wheels are mounted. The axle
holds the wheels to gauge and transmits the load from the journal
bearing to the wheels.
Axle Seat The cylindrical surface of a car wheel which comes in contact with
(wheel Bore) the axle (also called “the wheel bore”). The corresponding part of
an axle is called “the wheel seat”. Both surfaces are critical for a
proper wheel fit on the axle.
Adapter Any single component that forms a safe, reliable, and efficient
(Bearing interface between the roller bearing outer cup surface and the
adapter) Bogie.
Bogie Bolster The main transverse member of a bogie assembly that transmits
Car body loads to the side frames through the suspension
systems. The ends of the bolster fit loosely into the openings in
the side frames and are retained by the gibs, which contact the
side frame column guides. Bogie bolster contact with the car body
is through the bogie center plate, which mates with the body
center plate and through the side bearings (side bearer).
Bogie Springs A general term used to describe any of the several types of
springs used in the suspension system of bogies to provide a
degree of vertical cushioning to the car and its load.
Bogie Side A plate or elastic unit fastened to the top surface of a truck bolster
Bearer on both sides of the center plate and functioning in conjunction
(Bearings) with the body side bearing to support the load as a moving car
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Bogie centers On a single freight car, the distance between the bogie center pin
as measured along the center sill from the centerline of one body
bolster to the centerline of the other.
Center Pivot The circular area at the center of a bogie bolster designed to
(Bogie Center accept the protruding center pivot and provide bearing surface of
Plate) car body support on the bogie bolster.
Cartridge Tapered roller bearings are rolling element bearings that can
Tapered Roller support axial forces as well as radial forces. The Cartridge
Bearing Tapered Roller Bearing is a self-contained, pre-assembled, pre-
adjusted, pre-lubricated, completely sealed unit and is applied to
or removed from the axle without exposing the bearing elements,
seals or lubricants to contamination or damage.
Running Gear A general term used to describe the group of parts whose
functions are related to movement of the car. Running gear
includes the wheels, axles, bearings, suspension system and
other components of the Bogie.
Side Frame A structure made of cast steel in one piece, to which the journal
boxes/Adapter or pedestals, Springs and other parts are attached,
and which forms the skeleton of a bogie.
Spring Plank A steel plate fitting under each end of the bolster on bogies to
provide a bearing surface for the spring group.
Spring Seat A cup-shaped piece of cast steel or cast wrought iron on which
(Spring plate) the bottom of a spring rest. They are further distinguished by the
name of the spring for which they serve such as bolster spring
seat, equalizer spring seat.
Suspension The resilient system through which a car body is supported on its
wheels. Suspension systems involve the use of friction elements
and helical springs etc.
Spring Group Any combination of standardized coil springs used in each bogie
side frame and selected to match car capacities and obtain
desired vertical suspension characteristics.
Spring Nest Two or more coil springs of different diameters, one fitting inside
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Wheel Base The horizontal distance between the centers of the first and last
axles of a bogie.
Wheel Flange The tapered projection extending completely around the inner rim
of a railway wheel, the function of which, in conjunction with the
flange of a mate wheel, is to keep the wheel set on the track by
limiting lateral movement of the assembly against the inside
surface of either rail.
Wheel set The term used to describe a pair of wheels mounted on an axle.
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1.2 Cast steel LCCF 20(C) or LWLH25 bogies comprise of two cast steel side
frames, each resting in a longitudinal orientation, on the journals of the
wheelsets. The side frames support a cross member- the third piece- termed
a bolster. The three pieces, two side frames and a bolster are each simply
supported beams. The floating bolster is supported on the side frames
through two groups of helical springs, which also incorporate a load
proportionate friction damping. A spring plank is used to connect two side
frames to maintain the bogie squareness. These bogie designs are fit for
traffic operation up to 100 kmph. The major components of LWLH bogie is
shown in Fig. 1 and the exploded view of the bogie is shown in Fig. 2.
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1.3 The general arrangement of the Cast Steel Bogie ‘LCCF 20(C)’ and ‘LWLH25’ is
as shown in Fig. 3 & 4.
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Fig. 3: Bogie General Arrangement LCCF20(C) Bogie fitted with CTRB Class ‘E’
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Fig. 4: Bogie General Arrangement LWLH 25 Bogie fitted with CTRB Class ‘K’
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a) Side frames with friction liners and brake beam wear plate.
b) Spring plank.
c) Bolster with integral cast bottom pivot and wear liners
d) Wedge.
e) Load Bearing Suspension Springs (Outer & Inner)
f) Snubber springs
g) Bogie pivot with shackle lock, lock pin, split pin and metal cum rubber
h) Centre Pivot top (supplied along with new purchased Bogie)
i) Centre Pivot Bottom horizontal and vertical liners
j) Wheel sets with bearings, adapters and elastomeric pads.
k) Side frame key with key bolt, spring washer, nut and split pin.
l) Bogie brake gear (brake beam, equalizing levers, push rod, end pull
rod, pins bushes etc.)
m) Fit bolts, rivets, bolt & nuts etc
n) Constant contact side bearer Assemblies.
1.6 Comparison of LCCF 20(C) bogie and LWLH25 bogie with respect to
dissimilar features.
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19.) After lowering the Wagon on bogies, Constant Contact Side Bearer
assembly height should be checked and maintained as per CP-
SB arrangement drawing by inserting or removing shims.
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2.3.1 The bogie as designed is not expected to call for break-down maintenance.
However to obtain optimum life of the bogie, it is desirable to maintain the
various clearances within recommended limits. Due to wear of the mating
components, increase in clearance should be monitored for this purpose.
Whenever wheels are changed or bogie dismantled, the bogie clearances
and tolerances should be checked and rectified, if found necessary in
depots and during ROH of wagons.
2.3.2 Whenever the wear reaches the recommended limits in ROH or it is felt that
it will cross the recommended wear limit before next ROH, repairs should
be undertaken by either building up the wear surfaces or changing of their
liners as the case may be as per the recommended practice and facilities
available with the depot. It is suggested to replace the bogie instead of
repairing it in depots and then conduct repairs by building up worn out
surfaces in ROH depot. In case of spring plank is required to be removed,
the bogie should be sent to POH shop for repairs.
2.3.3 Fig. 8 indicates the method of checking the combined components wear in
bolster, side frame and wedge. Due to wear in bolster, side frame liners and
wedge surfaces the wedge will move upwards. If the holes in bolster pocket
wall and wedge start crossing, repair shall be undertaken. Alternatively, the
gauge shown in Fig. 9 shall be used to determine the wear limit, to decide
whether repair shall be undertaken.
2.3.4 Positioning the job for down hand welding in suitable manipulators should
be carried out for the repairs. After the repairs, the repaired surfaces should
be checked with relevant gauge for correctness. Excess material if any
should be removed by grinding. The class of electrode, gauge of electrode,
the welding procedure to be undertaken while repairing the surfaces by
welding should be followed as per Enclosure 1.
2.3.5 During POH of wagon in shops, all the wearing surfaces of the bogie shall
be brought to as new condition. The method of checking the combined
wear in bolster, side frame and wedge is as per the gauge shown in Fig. 9.
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Fig.8: Procedure for checking the combined Wear of Bolster, Side frame Liners &
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Fig. 9: Gauge for checking the combined Wear of Bolster, Side frame
liners & Wedge
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2.4.1 Bolster:
The wearing surfaces in the bolster are shown in Fig.10. Details
of reclamation procedure for each location are given in the following
Bolster Pocket has been given with 8 mm thick silicomanganese steel liners
in the slope pocket. The liner may be permitted in service up to a thickness
of 3 mm. Chip off the welded liner to prepare the surface for welding new
liner. The procedure for welding of liner is given in the Enclosure 2.
No paint or grease should be applied on the liner.
Before repair is undertaken, the wear is measured by using the gauge as shown
in Fig.11. The centre line of the gauge should fall in line within the marked
centre line of the bolster as shown in the figure. With the gauge in position if a 4
mm thick shim can be inserted between the casting and the gauge at land
surfaces, rotation stop lug, then wherever the 4 mm thick shim enters that
location need to be dressed smooth to enable welding of suitable thickness of
Silico-manganese steel liner as per welding procedure given in Enclosure 2.
The width over the land surfaces and rotation stop lugs after the welding of
liners should answer the gauge.
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The gauge determines the wear on outer and inner column gibs. With the gauge
in position as shown in Fig.12 if a shim of 6 mm for outer and inner gauge can be
inserted between casting and the gauge at each end at any point outer gibs are
to be reclaimed by welding silico manganese steel liners of suitable thickness as
shown in Fig.12.
Note: Two 6-mm shims are required to be used simultaneously for each location.
Spring plank is a member made of mild steel (flanking quality) to IS: 5986-
2011 Grade 235 for LCCF20(C) bogie & IS-5986-2011 grade 490 for LWLH25
bogie. It joins two sideframes of LCCF/LWLH bogie by 08 number 24 dia. rivets
and four number M24 ‘fit’ bolts to keep bogie frame square.
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A plate gauge as shown in Fig.13 may be used for checking the wear on
the liner. A feeler gauge of 3 mm thick if goes then the liner should be
changed. The gauge should be moved around to check up for proper
fitment of C.P. liner.
Determine the amount of wear on seat and side of center bowl by using the
gauge shown in Fig. 14.
Wear limit
Vertical side 2
Horizontal Seat 2
Wear Limit for both horizontal and vertical liners for both LCCF20(C) and
LWLH25 bogie is 2 mm. The liners required to be changed if the wear on
the liner exceeds 2 mm
The liner after replacement be welded with the bolster casting (See Fig.
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The wearing surfaces in the side frame are shown in Fig. 16 (a) for LCCF
20 (C) and Fig. 16(b) for LWLH25.
Details of reclamation procedure for each location are given in the following
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Wear limit: 4 mm
Side frame columns have been provided with 10 mm thick Manganese steel
wear liners welded on to the columns. The liners may be permitted in
service upto thickness of 6 mm or whenever found cracked or broken. Use
friction liners as shown in Fig. 17.
Dress the surface of column face the new friction liner is to be held tight
against the column face during welding. Welding should be done in down
hand position. Start welding at diagonal ends of liner and weld towards
the centre. Refer Enclosure 2 for other welding details. No paint or
grease should be applied on the friction liner.
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This gauge (Fig. 18) determines the amount of wear on the outside and the
inside of side-frame columns. Mark the centre line on the friction plate of
steel casting and place the gauge so that the centre line of the gauge falls
in line with the centre line of the side frame column. If a 6mm shim can be
inserted between the casting and gauge at each side at any point, the
surfaces should be welded with suitable thick liners of silicomanganese
steel as per the procedure under Enclosure 2 after dressing the area to
weld. After the repair, the gauge should answer all the relevant locations.
This gauge determines the wear on the anti rotation lug. With the gauge in
position centrally placed, if a 4 mm shim can be inserted between the
casting and the gauge at each rotation stop at any point the surface should
be welded with suitable thick liners of Mn steel as per the welding
The gauge is designed to use with friction liners of the side frame column. If
anti rotation lugs are gauged without friction liners two 10mm thick spacers
(one on each side) should be positioned within the column to simulate the
condition for using the gauge.
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Fig. 17: Friction Plate Detail & Procedure for Application to Side Frame
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Determine the amount of wear on the side frame pedestal Crown roof by using
the relevant gauge shown in Fig. 20 & 21 as the case may be.
With the gauge in position, as shown in Fig. 20/21, if a shim of 6 mm thickness
can be inserted between the casting and the gauge at any point, the surfaces
should be repaired by welding with a suitable thick liners of Si-Mn Steel as per
procedure mentioned in Enclosure 2.
The repaired crown roof should be checked with the gauge for flatness excessive
material is to be removed by grinding.
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Note: Before using the gauge the centre line of the pedestal
crown sides is to be marked taking the UNWORN surface as
datum. The gauge centre line should be kept to fall in the same
line of the centre of the pedestal crown sides. Two 5 mm thick
shims are required to be used simultaneously. The should be
moved for the full length of worn surface to measure wear.
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Fig.22: Pedestal Sides & Crown Side Gauge for LCC 20(C)
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Fig: 23: Pedestal Sides & Crown Side Gauge for LWLH 25
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Sideframe key with key-bolt, spring washer nut, split pin &
retainer bolt has been provided as per RDSO’s drawing No.
CONTR-9404-S/4 (latest).
Note: Before using the gauge the centre line of the jaw
opening (i.e. distance between outer and inner jaws) is to be
marked taking the un-worn surface of the jaws as datum. The
gauge centre line should be kept to fall in the same line of the
centre line of the jaw opening. Two 5 mm thick shims are
required to be used simultaneously.
Pre-heat is not necessary.
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Note: Before using the gauge the centre line of the jaw
opening (i.e. distance between outer and inner jaws) is to be
marked taking the un-worn surface of the jaws as datum. The
gauge centre line should be kept to fall in the centre line of the
jaw opening for Pedestal Jaw Long and Short. Two 5 mm thick
shims are required to be used simultaneously.
Pre-heat is not necessary.
Sideframe key with key-bolt, spring washer nut and split pin
has been provided as per RDSO’s drawing No. WD-13012-S-
04 (latest).
2.5.9 The repaired sideframe should be checked for its wheel base (distance
between centre lines of the jaw openings) and ensure whether the
correct button marking is left on the repaired sideframe. While pairing the
sideframe for a bogie, it shall be ensured that there should not be any
difference between the numbers of buttons on the two sideframes.
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3.1 Drawings of wheel and an axle are shown in Fig. 27 with the
various parts identified.
LCCF 20 (C) & LWLH 25 bogie are fitted with Cartridge Tapered
Roller Bearings (CTRB). LCCF 20(C) bogie fitted with wheelsets
to drawing no. CONTR-9404/S-13 (Fig.28) whereas LWLH 25
bogie fitted with wheelsets to drawing no. WD-15020/S-01 (Fig.
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Fig. 28: Wheel and axle assembly for LCCF 20(C) bogie
(Ref. Drg.No.CONTR-9404-S/12)
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Worn wheel profile to drawing no. WD-88021 has been used in wheels of
freight stock to reduce wheel wear and increase wheel life. The tread
profile/tyre for new wheel shall be as per drawing No. WD-88021 (Fig. 30).
However, as per requirement, during POH/ROH/Maintenance of wheel
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Wheel diameter for new wheel is 840 mm & Condemning wheel diameter is 780
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3.3 AXLE
Axle end holes shall be properly cleaned and lubricated before reuse.
Thread should be checked with standard thread gauge (See Fig. 33).
List of drawing for axle for LCCF20(C) bogie & LWLH25 bogie
Cap Screw tightening torque value for CTRB Class ‘E’ (6” X11”) and Class
‘K’ (6 ½” X 9”) are mentioned in table below:-
3.3.2 Welding on axles is not permitted and any axle showing welding or cutting
torch damage is scrap.
3.3.3 For re-disced wheels, the stamping shall be as per RDSO Drg No. WD-
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LCCF 20 (C) bogie is fitted with Wide jaw adapter Class ‘E’ (6” x 11”) while
LWLH25 bogie is fitted with Narrow jaw Adapter Class ‘K’ (6 ½” x 9”).
When bogies are dismantled for any purpose, adapters must be thoroughly
inspected for soundness and excess wear. The inspection for wear shall include
the application of gauges recommended for different locations. The following
conditions shall render the adapter to be scraped and replaced.
iii) Worn to the extent that ridges or grooves prevent the proper seating
of adapter on the bearing.
iv) When the wear at the thrust shoulder, adapter bore, crown lugs,
crown seat, side lugs reaches the condemning limits indicated in this
chapter (See Fig.34 & 35).
vi) Adapters which are worn in one side between lugs from brake
reactions but which are otherwise satisfactory for reuse should be
reversed when reused. When both sides exceed 3 mm wear do not
reuse adapter.
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The thrust shoulder of the used adapter may have groove due to contact
with the ends of the roller bearing outer ring. The depth of such groove shall
be gauged by using the gauge at Fig. 36.
If at any point on periphery of adapter, the gauge touches i.e the groove is
greater than 0.7 mm the adapter shall be scrapped.
Fig. 37: Worn adapter showing condemnable thrust shoulder wear as gauge
Tip does not contact shoulder indicating more than 0.7 mm allowable
Wear (this wear caused by thrust loading from end of CTRB Cup).
Check both shoulders at locations where wear is maximum.
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The gauge shown in Fig. 36 shall seat on the bearing seat without touching
the machined relief. If the gauge touches the machined relief the adapter
shall be scrapped. The adapter-bearing seat must be checked all over the
arc by this gauge (See Fig. 37).
Fig. : 38
To determine the wear the gauge is positioned (Fig 39 & 40) as per figure
matching the centre lines of crown seat and gauge and if a 5 mm thick shim
can be inserted between the worn lug and the gauge on either side at any
point the adapter shall be scrapped.
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When the twin gauges are applied as shown in Fig. 41/42 and if a 4.5 mm
shim can be inserted between the gauges 1 and 2 it indicates the condemning
limit and hence the adapter should be scrapped.
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With the gauge in position (Fig. 43/44), matching the centre lines of the
gauge and adapter side lug if a 4 mm thick shim can be inserted between
worn surface of the lug and the gauge at either sides at any point the adapter
shall be scrapped.
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With the gauge in position as shown in Fig. 45 & 46. A matching the centre
lines of the gauge and adapter sides if a feeler gauge of 3.5mm thickness can
be inserted on each end both sides at any point of the adapter and the gauge
then the adapter should be scrapped.
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(Drg. No. - WD-95005-S/1)
iv) When in free condition, the pad has taken a permanent set of the
order given below:-
The side bearer arrangement in these bogies are fitted either with spring
loaded side bearers to Drg no CONTR-9404/S-15 for LCCF 20(C) or with
RDSO approved side bearers to RDSO specification No. WD-62-Misc-17
(latest) for LWLH25 bogie (Fig. 47).
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Top Housing
Bottom Housing
Inner Spring
Outer spring
Fig. 47: Constant contact Side Bearer Fig. 47/I: Exploded view of Constant
contact Side Bearer
The bogies are fitted with two groups of long travel helical springs nests.
The spring groups for bogie for various axle load applications are shown
in Fig. 48 & 49.
The suspension is provided with load proportional friction damping
arrangement with the help of a Mn Steel cast Wedge supported on the
snubber springs. The details of the snubbing arrangement are shown in Fig.
48 & 49.
The springs per group for LCCF 20(C) bogie and LWLH25 bogie for
different axle load is mentioned in below table:-
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The springs are condemned on the basis of free height (Fig. 48 & 49).
Springs should not be used if minimum spring height is at or less than
shown below:
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Vertical surface
Slope surface
Fig. 50: All Cast metallic friction wedge Fig. 51: Metallic friction wedge with
composition liner
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8.1 The general arrangement of brake gear is shown in Drg. No. CONTR-9404-S/09
and bogie brake gear details are as per drawing CONTR-9404-S/10.
8.2 The brake gear consists mainly of brake beam with brake block, brake shoe key
and split pin, equalizing levers push road, end pull rod etc.
8.3 Location of pins and bushes used are as shown in Fig. drg. No. CONTR-9404-
S/09 (Fig. 53). The bushes provided are of steel to IS: 55179-C8 case hardened
and pins are made from steel to IS: 2062 Fe 410WA. The maximum permissible
wear on the pin dia and bush inside dia is limited to 1.5 mm. In service as the
tread dia of wheel decreases due to wear, pins located in end pull I rod with
underframe having equally pitched holes are to be relocated as shown in Fig.
8.4 The brake beam is a fabricated one. Brake beam strut and end piece casting
are of cast steel. Brake head is integral part of end piece casting.
8.5 The non metallic brake block is shown in drg. No. CONTR-9404-S/11. The wear
of this brake block is hardly 1.5mm to 2 mm per 2000 km run.
8.6 A cracked brake block is liable for rejection and requires replacement.
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8.7 A direct hit on the brake block by hammer may be avoided. The brake blocks
gets cracked or get chipped off due to this, leading to rejection of the brake
8.8 All the brake blocks may be replaced on condition basis during ROH/POH. For
maintenance in yard brake block thickness up to 10 mm is permitted. Whenever
brake block is changed it is preferable that equal thickness of brake block may be
fitted on both the ends of brake beam. More uneven wear on the brake block is
due to improper fitment of brake block on brake beam head with brake shoe key.
The key loses tension and the grip on brake block slackens causing uneven
wear. Thus this type of keys requires change and brake block worn uneven
should be changed.
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The proper brake shoe key with correct tension should be used to keep
brake block in parallel to the tread of wheel. Brake blocks should be
replaced when worn to 10 mm. No train should be allowed to run with
broken, cracked or missing and unevenly worn brake blocks (Refer para
8.9.2 Reclamation: Brake head is integrally cast with end piece casting which is
welded with structural steel brake beam channel and "truss flat' at ends as
shown in Fig. 55 & 57. Depending upon the extent of wear either it is
repaired by building up the profile by welding and grinding as per enclosure,
or the worn brake heads can be replaced by new brake head as follows.
i) Removal of worn-out. Brake Head' from end piece casting Gas cut
the head as shown cross hatched in Fig. 55 & 56 and grind the gas
cut surfaces to achieve contour as shown in Fig. 55.
iii) Welding of New Brake Head with this repaired brake beam be as per
Fig. 65 and Fig. 66. New brake head shall be welded with the above
repaired brake beam by keeping in a fixture so that both heads are
parallel and to the required inclination even after welding. The
welding procedure is as per Enclosure 2.
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Alternatively, the earthing can be done with aearthing wire/strip running parallel to
the track instead of earthing with the rails.
10.1 Generally there is no necessity for doing any major repairs at yard regarding bogie.
The following points may be noted for maintenance.
ii) Check the side bearer clearance of 8 mm between the top plate
and side bearer housing for any broken spring, for any broken
top plate, replace broken spring and top plate.
the side frame column opening top so that the springs are free.
The free springs are lifted up and pushed aside by a lever.
v) All the parts of bogie are checked for crack or defects and
marked sick if found on major part like side frame, bolster spring
plank etc.
vi) For wheel defects as per wheel defect gauge the car should be
marked sick for placement in sick line if arrangements for wheel
changing are not provided in yard.
vii) Roller bearing defects observed through warm axle box, found
through axle box feeling on arrival be attended in sick line
i) Whenever any car is marked sick and placed in sick line the car
are required to be checked for any defect/deficiency.
ii) Apart from attending to the particular defect other areas are
also to be checked and attended to like; air brake, locks, buffing
and draw gear & underframe, apart from all bogie parts to avoid
frequent detachment of any car between ROH to ROH or POH.
11.2 Whenever cars is placed on sick line for a defect on one or more cars which
necessitates lifting, it is preferable that the adjacent cars are disconnected
by removing the yoke pin support and yoke pin. The following are the
reasons for attending to repair which necessitate lifting:
i) Wheel changing.
ii) Brake beam changing (which necessitates removal of
iii) The failure of centre pivot top for cracks.
iv) Centre pivot bottom liner changing.
v) Repair on parts of side bearer arrangement.
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i) Disconnect the bogie brake rigging with underframe brake gear SAB
pull rod and VTA hosepipe connection.
ii) Remove split pin, lock pin & shackle lock.
iii) Under frame is lifted at lifting pads on both ends by 25t
whiting jack.
iv) Run out the bogie and keep the underframe on the trestles.
v) Remove side-frame key and adapter retaining bolt.
vi) Lift the bogie by overhead crane/jib-crane.
vii) Attend to repairs like wheel changing, brake beam changing etc.
11.4 The modern procedure is to lift the car in yard and effect wheel changing
and other repairs in the yard itself.
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This illustrates the gap at the ends of the brake block and is considered a
poor fitment. Although the brake block will still function satisfactorily and
provide safe braking, cracks may develop in the block. These cracks may
develop across the face of the brake block but will not affect its
performance. In this situation it is recommended that the brake block be
replaced when 50% of the block is used. It is further recommended that the
brake block holder be replaced or modified so that fitment is as per figure.
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11.5.4 Wheel Condition, there are no real concerns when using brake blocks on
new wheels other than ensuring the correct wheels are fitted with a
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compatible taper to the one on the block. The wheel radius will be at its
maximum however this will not be a problem if the front radius of the block
was correctly specified.
When fitting brake blocks to old wheels, the condition of the tread surface
will impact on the wear life of the block in service. A rough surface will tend
to wear the brake block more rapidly in the initial stages until a consistent
wheel surface condition is achieved. The wheel radius will have also
changed relative to a new wheel so the bedding in time required may
increase a little when new blocks are fitted. Effective braking will still be
maintained despite the initial reduction is surface area contact.
11.6 Maintenance
The following are limits of cracking which apply to brake blocks. Brake blocks
found with cracks in excess of these limited are to be renewed
(Also refer to para 8.6).
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a) Check brake block carrier for defects, e.g. loose, missing, worn, or
damaged parts.
11.7.2 Precaution
Spare parts, which are considered important in the performance of bogie, are
to be procured from approved sources only. These items are also to be
compulsorily inspected by Executive Director Q.A (Mech.)/RDSO, or his
representative. List of such components is given below-
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Proper failure reporting and analysis is an important activity for ensuring proper
maintenance and quality check on components leading to improved performance.
Feedback is needed for making design improvement also.
All base depots should maintain performance statistics, which should cover defect
wise wagon detachments and repairs analysis, components life statistics & vendor
rating etc. These are general guidelines and may be modified to suit specific
1. Wagon No.
2. Date of failure
3. Station of failure
4. Station where failed component has been kept.
5. Location of failure with a sketch.
6. Year of manufacture of the component.
7. Name of manufacturer.
8. Metallurgical investigation report. This is necessary to know the cause of
failure and fix responsibility.
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i) Brake heads for brake beam of Cast Steel Bogies type LCCF 20(C)
ii) Center Pivots.
iii) Sideframe and Bolster
Low Hydrogen Electrodes approved by RDSO under both the class C2 & 01
shall be used. Electrodes shall be preheated in a drying oven at
temperature of 150 - 200° C or as per recommendations of manufacturers'
at least one hour before use. The size of electrode shall depend upon
extent of wear.
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Enclosure – 2
i) The liner shall be held in position by tack welding at mid points of the
length side.
ii) Welding shall be done in down hand position.
iii) Fillet size shall be maintained as stipulated in the drawing.
Same as recommended earlier for welding spring steel liners on Cast Steel
surfaces in general.
i The liner shall be held in position by tack welding on either side (side
AE & MR). Tack welding shall be done at the mid point of the length
side on either side i.e. top (AE) and bottom side (MR).
ii Welding shall be done in down hand position preferably as per the
sequence given in Fig. 66.
iii The length of the spring steel liner is about 150 mm. This length shall
be divided in to four equal sizes and marked as 1, 2, 3 & 4 on one
side and 5, 6, 7 & 8 on the opposite side.
iv Start welding at D and weld up to (E). Start again at and weld up to
v Then start at (B) and weld up to (X) covering the corner (A). Start at
(D) and weld up to (Y) covering the corner (E).
vi The opposite side (Side MR) shall be welded in the manner as per
sequence given in Fig. 66.
vii The width sides (Sides AM and ER) are not accessible for welding.
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i Start from one corner and then weld opposite corner and so on till all
four corners are completed in the same pass.
ii Sequence of welding Corner (A), (M), (L) and (N) :
iii Sequence of welding at each corner (e.g.) Corner (A).
iv Leg. (A), (C) & (8):- Start at (C) and weld outwards towards (A),
Start again at (C) and weld outwards towards (8).
v Leg. (A), (E) & (D):- Start at (E) and weld towards (A).
Start at (E) and weld towards (D).
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IS: 1030 Gr. 280 - 520 W.
i) The 'Brake head' shall be held in position with the help of suitable
clamps and then tack welded on either side.
ii) The weld area shall be cleaned properly to make it free from heavy
scale, rust, paint, oil, grease etc. before welding.
iii) Welding shall be carried out in down hand position with the help of
suitable clamps.
iv) Each run shall be de-slugged thoroughly before depositing
subsequent run.
v) Shortest possible arc and minimum weaving shall be maintained
while using 'Low Hydrogen Electrodes'. Stray arcing should be
vi) The crater end must be filled up properly by retracing back
vii) Visible defects such as cracks, porosity, voids and other deposition
faults shall be removed by gouging before depositing further weld
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1 CONTR-9404-S/1 Index
2 CONTR-9404-S/2 Bogie General arrangement
3 CONTR-9404-S/3 Cast steel side frame
4 CONTR-9404-S/4 Bogie Details
5 CONTR-9404-S/5 Cast steel Bolster
6 CONTR-9404-S/6 Wedge
7 CONTR-9404-S/7 Spring details
8 CONTR-9404-S/8 Centre Pivot & Side bearer Assembly &
9 CONTR-9404-S/9 Bogie brake gear arrangement
10 CONTR-9404-S/10 Bogie brake gear details
11 CONTR-9404-S/10 Composition brake block
12 CONTR-9404-S/11 Brake beam
13 CONTR-9404-S/12 Wheel & axle assembly
14 CONTR-9404-S/13 Wheel
15 CONTR-9404-S/14 Leading dimensions and tolerances
16 CONTR-9404-S/15 Spring loaded side bearer assembly & details
17 CONTR-9404-S/16 Marking scheme for Cast steel side frames &
18 CONTR-9404-S/17 Brake beam
19 WD-95005-S/1 Elastomeric Pad
20 SK-78527 Wide Jaw Adapter
21 CONTR-9404/S-04 Side frame key
22 CONTR-9404/S-04 Key bolt nut, Spring Washer & Spring Pin.
23 WD-95005-S/1 Elastomeric pad
24 CONTR-9404-S/8 Centre Pivot & Side bearer assembly details
25 WD-89006/S-1 BG, MG & NG Coil Spring Drawing Code
26 STR No. AB/RB-40- Standard AAR Class ‘E’ (6” X11”) Cartridge
2016 Tapered Roller Bearings
27 Specification No. Specification for LCCF-20(C) Cast Steel
CONTR-LCCF20(C)- Bogies
96 with friction damping arrangement for Broad
Gauge Wagons
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Technical Pamphlet No. G-112
1 WD-15021-S/01 Index
2 WD-15021-S/02 Bogie General Arrangement with ‘K’ Class
3 WD-15021-S/03 Cast Steel Side Frame
(with ‘K’ Class Narrow pedestal jaw)
4 WD-13012-S/04 Bogie Details
5 WD-13012-S/05 Cast steel Bolster
(with integrated 14” center pivot bottom)
6 WD-13012-S/06 Cast Steel Wedge (for nested spring)
7 WD-98014-S/03 Outer & Inner spring details
8 CONTR-9404-S/09 Bogie brake gear arrangement
9 CONTR-9404-S/10 Bogie brake gear details
10 CONTR-9404-S/11 Composition Brake Block
11 WD-15020-S/01 Wheel & axle assembly
(For 25t axle load bogie with ‘K’ Class CTRB)
12 WD-15021-S/04 Leading dimensions and tolerances
13 WD-12008-S/01 Spring loaded side bearer assembly & details
14 WD-13012-S/09 Side bearer assembly height adjustment details
15 WD-13012-S/10 Marking scheme for Cast steel side frames &
16 WD-89006-S/01 BG, MG & NG Coil Spring Drawing Code
17 WD-95005-S/01 Elastomeric pad
18 WD-13012-S/11 Bogie assembly procedure
19 WD-15013-S/01 Center pivot top assembly & details
20 WD-15020-S/03 Adapter
(Narrow Jaw with lug Class ‘K’ (6 ½ ”X 9”)
21 WD-13012-S/04 Side Frame Key
22 WD-13012-S/04 Side frame Key bolt, nut with Spring Washer &
(item-04) Spring Pin
23 WD-16006-S/01 Brake Beam (suitable for ‘K’ type brake block)
24 Specification No. Specification for Light Weight Low Height 25t axle
WD-40-LWLH25 load Cast Steel Bogie (LWLH25) with AAR ‘K’-
Bogie (“K‟ Class)- Class CTRB for Broad Gauge Wagons
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(A) At a Glance:
S. Description New/ Renewed Worn Wear Relevant
No (Specified (mm) limit clause
dimension), (mm)
1. Bolster Liner 8 3 5
2. Bolster pocket 35º +1º - -
3. Bolster land surface 444 ±1.5 438 3
4. Bolster Rotation stop lug 518 512 3 2.4.3
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alt. alteration
AAR Association of American Railroads
BG Broad gauge (=1676 mm)
Fig. Figure
BPC Brake Power Certificate
º Degree
ºC Degree Centigrade
CASNUB Cast steel snubbing bogie
CCSB Constant contact side bearer
CTRB Cartridge Tapered Roller Bearing
CP Centre Pivot
Drg. Drawing
LCCF20(C) Low Container Carrier Freight Bogie.
LWLH25 Light Weight Low Height 25 t axle load bogie
Φ diameter
POH Periodic Overhauling
ROH Routine overhauling
t Tonne (=1000 Kg)
O Outer Spring
I Inner Spring
S Snubber Spring
SI Snubber Inner Spring
SO Snubber Outer Spring
IS Indian Standards
IRCA Indian Railway conference Association
IRS Indian Railway Standard
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Max. maximum
Min. minimum
mm millimeters
no. Number
OEM Original equipment manufacturer
RDSO Research Design and Standard Organisation
Ref. Reference
Rev. Revision
Spec Specification
STR Schedule of Technical Requirements
UST Ultrasonic testing
WD Wagon Design Directorate of RDSO
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