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o Nombre de la Asignatura : Inglés Básico II
o Plan de estudio : Administración de Empresas
o Código Unidad Didáctica : CC2A
o Semestre Académico :
o Ciclo : II
o Área de Competencia : Empleabilidad
o Créditos Teóricos : 01
o Créditos Prácticos : 01
The Didactic Unit is of a theoretical - practical nature, of specific training whose purpose
is that the student knows the basic structures of the English language to express himself
orally and in writing, using the communicative functions corresponding to the Simple
Past, Expressing skills and abilities with the Can use also the vocabulary that corresponds
to this course. The topics to work on in the course are: basic notions of the linguistics of
English speech, abbreviations and vocabulary used in this course, which allow us to learn

how to use the necessary elements to work on the different basic grammatical tenses.
The student elaborates and designs sentences referring to the grammatical structures of
the Simple Past, in the affirmative, interrogative, and negative to adapt to communicative
situations in their environment, and also knows relevant information about the abilities of
human beings. It also analyzes and organizes the information on the use of the simple
past for the use of these grammatical points and to recreate situations of oral expression
and comprehension of texts that will rule as support throughout their professional career.
 Uses basic notions of language to express activities that are
carried out daily.
 Express their feelings and emotions, using expressions that
UNIDAD 1 are very useful in communication.
IN CONVERSATIONS  Contrast lifestyles, people and places from the past with
 Discuss and ask questions about their skills and activities
they have done in the past
UNIDAD 2  Uses oral and written language to describe their locality and
I ALWAYS DO THE applies the structures learned to give instructions.
SAME  Informs and advises on everyday situations at home, work
and study.
 Understand personal information data relating them to
advice and warnings
The next Didactic Unit will use active learning methodology, making use of the learning
strategies called to inquire about previous knowledge and that promote comprehension
through the organization of information and other strategies that allow understanding.
The main role of the learning process is the student. It is used for learning techniques to
strengthen learning strategies declares.


The necessary equipment, Multimedia projector, Laptop, Blackboard, Support material of
the didactic unit (digital book), Research work, monographs and / or essays, which must
be resolved and exposed by the students, the same treatment will have the cases of audio
visuals in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge, readings based on the various
units, use of the internet and computer equipment.
 The grading scale is vicesimal and the minimum passing grade is thirteen (13), in all
cases the fraction 0.46 or more is considered as a unit in favor of the student.
 The student who, in the evaluation of the didactic unit, obtains a disapproval grade
between five (05) and twelve (12), has the right to participate in the recovery process.
 The student who, after completing the recovery process, obtained a grade lower than
thirteen (13), disapproves it, therefore, repeats the didactic unit.

 The student who will accumulate unexcused absences in a number equal to or greater
than 30% of the total hours scheduled in person, in the Didactic Unit (Subjects), will be
automatically disapproved, with no right to recovery.
The evaluation must be continuous and comprehensive. The teacher allows the recovery
of those disapproved or not given evaluations.
The evaluation instruments must measure the achievements made according to the
achievement indicators of each Didactic Unit. The different tests will be carried out
entirely by the teacher in charge of the Didactic Unit in the following stages:
 Partial Test and Final Exam, which leads to 50% of the grade. The assessment
instruments are at the discretion of the teachers, which can be written, oral test,
classroom interventions, etc.
 Research work (Monographs and / or Essays) which is 40% of the grade. The
evaluation of social responsibility (activities, punctuality, attitudes, etc.) which is
 Uses basic notions of language to express activities that are carried out daily.
 Express their feelings and emotions, using expressions that are very useful in communication.
Capacidad  Contrast lifestyles, people and places from the past with today.
 Discuss and ask questions about their past skills and activities
Criterio de  Individual and couple exposition, using basic expressions of communication.
evaluación  Take readings in English and identify the Verb to be with the use of the articles.
Estrategias Instrumentos de
Dimensiones Contenido Actividades de aprendizaje Tiempo
metodológicas evaluación
Tema 1 - TALKING OVER TIME  El método de  Practica de 1 Sem
 Present simple positive?  Interpret the content of the message heard. descubrimiento y comprobación de
 Spelling third person  Infer the meaning of written texts. Método conceptos
 Conversation Heurístico.
 Different times
 Interact
 Conversation  El método de  Elabora y expone
 Vocabulaty And Speaking descubrimiento y conceptos de
 Reading and Writing Método Heurístico administración
 Present simple negative  Trabajo en equipo  Ficha de
 Warm up: our collections  Prepare written texts with adequacy, cohesion observaciones
 Grammar and coherence. Rúbrica.
 Difrences don`t / doesn`t  Identify the intention of the Interlocutor.  Trabajo en equipo
 Pronunciation  Ficha de
 Conversation observaciones
 Ye/No and wh-question in simple Presente Rúbrica.

Formativa Tema 3 -Speaking about simple present  El método de  Practica de 2 Sem

 Present simple negative?  Interact by showing interest in your interlocutor. descubrimiento y comprobación de
 Warm up: Clocks and watches  Discriminate relevant information. Método conceptos
 Conversation Heurístico.
 Different do /does
 adverbs of frequency
 Conversation
 Vocabulaty And Speaking
 Reading and Writing  El método de  Elabora y expone
Tema 4 - TALK AND PRONOUNCE  Strategically use various expressive resources. descubrimiento y conceptos de
 Present continuous  Clearly express ideas, feelings and facts. Método Heurístico administración
 Warm up: our collections
 Grammar  Trabajo en equipo  Ficha de
 Talking about people observaciones
 Grammar Point Rúbrica.
 Pronunciation  Trabajo en equipo
 Conversation  Ficha de
 Ye/No and wh-question in Presente observaciones
continuous Rúbrica.
 Means Of Transportation
Investigación The history of the English language
Responsabilidad How the English language can help our life
Unidad de Aprendizaje II : I ALWAYS DO THE SAME
Capacidad  Use oral and written language to describe their locality and apply the structures learned to give instructions.
 Inform and give advice in everyday situations at home, work and study.
 Understand personal information data relating it to tips and warnings
Criterio de  Apply the learned grammar points in sentences.
evaluación  Oral intervention with dialogues in English.
 Dramatization of dialogues in English.
Dimensiones Contenido Actividades de aprendizaje Estrategias metodológicas Instrumentos de evaluación Tiempo
TEMA 1 El método de Practica de comprobación de 3 Sem
CONVERSING, LISTENING AND Deduce the message from descubrimiento y Método conceptos
WRITING different oral texts. Heurístico.
Clothes and colors Understand the specific
Conversation information in an oral text
Listening and writing
Grammad: color and clothes
Periods of time
TEMA 2 Discriminate relevant Elabora y expone conceptos
ROOM FURNITURE information El método de de administración
Prepostisition of time Clearly expresses ideas, descubrimiento y Método
Warm Up: rooms and Furniture feelings, and facts. Heurístico
The use of in , on ,at Ficha de observaciones
Listening Rúbrica.
Practice: in our classrooom
Formativa Tema 3 Trabajo en equipo
TALKING about there is there are 4 Sem
Gramma: ther e is there are Interpret the content of the Elabora y expone conceptos
Warm up: parts of the house message heard. de administración
Conversation Strategically use various El método de
Different there is there are expressive resources. descubrimiento y Método
Interact Heurístico.
Reading and Writing
Tema 4 Ficha de observaciones
TALK AND PRONOUNCE El método de Rúbrica.
Grammar some any an an Use various grammatical and descubrimiento y Método
Warm up: countable uncountable nouns lexical structures in writing Heurístico
Grammar short texts.
Some / any Prepare written texts with
Pronunciation adequate cohesion and
Conversation coherence. Trabajo en equipo
Investigación Languages and their evolution
Responsabissocial How the English language can help our life
Bibliografía Básica

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